Life of Pi Vocab Lesson Plan
Life of Pi Vocab Lesson Plan
Life of Pi Vocab Lesson Plan
College of Education
Lesson Plan Format
Unit Title: Life of Pi
Subject Area: English
Duration of Lesson: 2 days
Name: Amera Covert
Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the
text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
II. Assessment
Pre-assessment (before planning lesson)
Exit slip the day before explain how to use context clues to find the meaning of
a word you are unfamiliar with
III. Planning
Day 1- students begin reading and recording in their journals (50 mins)
Students complete the rest as homework
Day 2- students meet in pre-assigned groups to discuss the words they found.
(20 mins) Present their words (30 mins)
If students need more time, an extra day or two will be given for reading and
group collaboration.
VII. Collaboration
I will collaborate with the other 8th grade teachers (all content areas) to coordinate
calendars, planning, activities, and assessments and create a smooth-flowing, thematic,
grade-wide unit.
VIII. Reflection and efficacy (to be completed after teaching this lesson)