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Quiz 5 Requirements Determination and Engineering

A. Dennis - Ch 7 Requirements Determination

Multiple Choice
1. Which of the following are used to create objects?
a. concrete objects
b. abstract objects
c. concrete classes
d. abstract classes
e. concrete instances
2. An _____ of an analysis class represents a piece of information that is relevant to
the description of the class.
a. instance
b. object
c. attribute
d. operation
e. relationship
3. Which of the following would most likely not be an example of an attribute?
a. employee name
b. customer address
c. stock number
d. ISBN number
e. cancel appointment
4. Which of the following types of attributes is not proper in an analysis class?
a. integers
b. strings
c. doubles
d. compound
e. date
5. A(n) _____ of an analysis class is where the behavior of the class is defined.
a. operation
b. attribute
c. class
d. object
e. abstract class
6. Which of the following will be converted to methods in later phases of the SDLC?
a. attributes
b. operations
c. classes

d. objects
e. abstract classes
7. Service is another name for _____.
a. attribute
b. class
c. abstract class
d. operation
e. object

A-kind-of relationships represent _____ relationships.

a. generalization
b. association
c. aggregation
d. subsetting
e. vague


A-part-of or has-parts relationships represent _____ relationships.

a. generalization
b. association
c. aggregation
d. subsetting
e. vague

10. If a student signs up for a class, which type of relationship would you use to
model the relationship between the two?
a. generalization
b. association
c. aggregation
d. subsetting
e. vague
11. CRC cards are used to document the responsibilities and collaborations of a(n)
a. class
b. relationship
c. object
d. attribute
e. operation
12. A(n) _____ formalizes the interactions between a client and server object.
a. relationship
b. contract
c. abstract object
d. concrete object
e. abstraction

13. A collaboration consists of _____.

a. two instances of a class talking with each other
b. two instances of a class knowing the value of each others attributes
c. a set of classes that share common operations
d. a set of classes that are all related to one another
e. a set of classes involved in a use case
14. A _____ object is an instance of a class that sends a request to an instance of
another class for an operation to be executed.
a. client
b. server
c. contract
d. requester
e. CRC
15. A _____ object is the instance of a class that receives a request from another
a. client
b. server
c. contract
d. provider
e. CRC
16. A mechanism for developing CRC cards is for the user or analyst to role-play as if
they are an instance of the class. This process is called _____.
a. acting
b. anthropomorphism
c. interviewing
d. anamorphous
e. observation
17. Which of the following is part of a CRC card?
a. class name
b. type
c. description
d. responsibilities
e. all of the above
18. Which of the following would not be an appropriate class name?
a. student
b. patient
c. John
d. customer
e. doctor

Ans: c
Response: See page 216
19. A class diagram is a(n) _____ model.
a. static
b. dynamic
c. evolving
d. obsolete
e. none of the above
20. A public attribute is shown in a class diagram with the symbol _____ before the
b. #
c. *
d. +
e. /
1. A structural model is a formal way of representing the business activities in a
business system.
2. Abstract classes are used to create objects.
3. Aggregation relationships can be useful for both aggregation and decomposition.
4. Association relationships are used for the relationship between instances of two
classes when the relationship is not specific enough to be considered a
generalization or an aggregation relationship.
5. CRC cards are used to capture all of the relevant information associated with a
6. The responsibilities of a class can be divided into knowing and doing types.
7. A contract formalizes the interactions between one client object and other client
8. Role-playing an instance of a class is a good way to develop CRC cards.
9. A class diagram is a dynamic model that shows how the classes and relationships
change over time.
10. The symbol for a class in a class diagram contains the name of the class, a list of

the attributes, and a list of operations.

11. It is possible for the multiplicity of a relationship to be zero or more.
12. Views are often used to provide the user a complete picture of the class diagram.
13. Object diagram is just another name for class diagram; they both show the same
14. A common object list is a list of objects that are common to business domains.
15. Patterns can be reused in the development of object-oriented systems.
16. Textual analysis is the review of corporate documents to identify potential objects,
attributes, operations, and relationships.
17. Patterns are useful for identifying classes, attributes, operations, and relationships
in certain business domains.
18. Part of the process of creating CRC cards is role-playing them, where individuals
perform the operations for the class on the card.
19. Books have been written that list useful patterns for a wide variety of business
20. The main building blocks of a class diagram are the relationships between entities
21. In the symbol for a class, the name goes in the bottom compartment.
22. A class symbol has the attributes listed in the top compartment.
23. Operations of a class are listed in the bottom compartment of the class symbol.
24. Age is an example of a derived attribute in a class since it can be computed from
the date-of-birth attribute and the current date.
25. A derived attribute that is stored is shown on a class diagram with the symbol #
before the name.
26. The symbol - before the name of an attribute on a class diagram represents a
private attribute.
27. The default visibility for an attribute in a class diagram is public.
28. The default visibility of an operation in a class diagram is public.

29. A constructor operation creates a new instance of a class?

30. The update operation makes information about the state of an object available to
other objects without altering the object.
31. The query operation will change the value of one or more of an objects attributes.
32. The multiplicity one-or-more on a relationship is signified by the notation 1..M.
33. The multiplicity zero or more is signified by the notation 0..*.
34. *..1 is a valid multiplicity on a relationship in a class diagram.
35. When classes share a many-to-many relationship, it is common to create a(n)
associattion class that has its own attributes and methods.
36. A diamond at the end of a relationship in a class diagram represents the many side
of the relationship.
37. A view is used to simplify a class diagram by subsetting the information available
on the diagram for viewing.
38. A(n) object diagram may be created to make a class diagram easier to read by
grouping classes together.
39. The symbol below represents an aggregation on a class diagram.

40. The symbol below represents a generalization relationship on a class diagram.

41. In the textual analysis of a use case, the use case name suggests possible classes
while the verbs suggest possible operations.
42. In textual analysis of a use case, a doing verb implies an operation.
43. A pattern is a group of collaborating classes that solve a recurring problem.
44. Common object lists technique identifies candidate objects for a structural model
by analyzing the text in the use-case descriptions.
45. Common object lists technique identifies candidate objects for a structural model
by analyzing a list of objects that are common to the business domain.

Short Answer ( not on the quizzes but good exam questions)

1. Define what a structural model is. Why should a systems analyst create one? Why
is the creation of a structural model iterative?
2. Define the following terms: class, attribute, and operation. Give examples of each.
3. An analyst has discovered two classes where one appears to be a superclass and
the other a subclass. What type of relationship is used to model this association on
a structural model? What is the notation that is used? Draw an example of how
this would be illustrated on a class diagram.
4. What is a CRC card and why should an analyst create them? What are the
essential elements of a CRC card?
5. What are the three parts of the notation for a class on a class diagram? Define
each part.
6. What is a relationship? What are the types of relationships that you may have on a
class diagram? Define each of these.
7. Describe how views and packages help simplify class diagrams.
8. Describe the textual analysis method for identifying candidate objects for a
structural model.
9. Describe the common object list technique for identifying candidate objects for a
structural model.
10. Describe the patterns method for identifying candidate objects for a structural
11. Describe how the concept of patterns in architecture relate to the development of
object-oriented systems. In what way do patterns promote reuse?
12. List and briefly describe the seven steps for object identification and structural
13. Explain the concept of object diagrams. How do they differ from class diagrams?
14. Describe different types of multiplicity that may be found on relationships in a
class diagram.

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