Esther Y. Kim: Student Teacher in A Cross-Categorical Setting
Esther Y. Kim: Student Teacher in A Cross-Categorical Setting
Esther Y. Kim: Student Teacher in A Cross-Categorical Setting
Esther Y. Kim
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
June 2012 Present
Champaign, IL
Champaign, IL
Designed and implemented a social skills program for a student with autism.
Designed and implemented lessons targeting writing, literacy, and math skills throughout
Designed lesson plans for a math course, a reading course, and a w riting course for sixth and
seventh graders with IEPs.
Led whole group instruction for all three courses throughout the semester.
Designed mathematical instructional programs for a student with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Designed lessons for an English course taken by sophomore students with IEPs and an Algebra 2
course taken by sophomores and juniors.
Implemented the Wilson Reading System, a direct instruction program, to target reading skills .
Provided social, recreational, independent living, and vocational skills training in the
community, at home, or on-site to children and adults with developmental disabilities.
Provided documentation.
Language: Fluent in Korean