Domino Addition
Domino Addition
Domino Addition
Thursday, 11/20/14
Time: 12:30
Domino Addition!
Lesson Topic: Students will explore, create, and extend patterns using domino addition.
Essential Question: Can the students describe the functions of dominos.
Standards: 1.MD.C.4- Represent and interpret data.
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP2- Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Learning Objectives and Assessments:
Learning Objectives
Materials: Math Journal, and dominos. The teacher will display various mathematical
literature books in the front of the room.
Prior Knowledge: The day prior to this lesson, the students were introduced the topic of
dominos. The students should be able to recall the functions of dominos.
Hook: The teacher will ask the students to remind her what they discussed in math class
the day prior. She will then review the components of dominos.
Instructional Plan:
1. The teacher will begin the lesson by having the students recall what they remember
about dominos from the lesson the day before.
2. The teacher will then review the dot patterns on one half of the dominos.
3. The teacher will review finding the total number of dots on dominos, by using the two
parts and the whole to come to an appropriate solution.
4. The teacher will also discuss estimating to find the parts and the whole.
5. The students will do multiple problems as a solid review.
6. The teacher will assign partners and allow the students to play the game high roller.
7. The teacher will be sure to remind the students about the partner rules, 1. Guide 2.
Check 3. Praise
8. The students will do a final wrap up worksheet, to guarantee the students can be
successful with dominos.
9. The teacher will ask students to take out their homework folder and record the
homework for the night.
Differentiation: For students who finish the high roller game early, they will discuss with
their partner sums of even and odd numbers. Partners will be picked by the teacher
strategically so that students who usually need assistance will be with a partner that can
help guide them. The teacher will also walk around the class and assist any pair that needs
additional support.
Questions: The teacher will ask students what the two parts of a domino are, and what the
whole is. She will ask students about odd and even numbers on dominos. Students will be
asked to estimate the sums of the dominos.
Classroom Management: The teacher will use the chime if necessary to gain all the
students attention. The teacher will ask students to look and see what their neighbor is
doing if they are not on track or topic. She will separate students into pairs for the pattern
making. If students are fooling around while creating patterns she will ask them to return to
their seats.
Transitions: Students will transition into this lesson upon returning from lunch/recess. The
teacher will allow a few minutes for the students to settle down before beginning. Upon
ending the lesson, students will write down the corresponding homework for the evening.
They will transition to the next subject by putting away all math materials and taking out
their social studies folder.
Closure: The teacher will take about five minutes to do a wrap up of dominos. She will
review everything they discussed today and asking the students probing questions. The
teacher will show the students the worksheet in their homelink book, that they will be doing
for homework. She will ask the students to pull their homework folders out and write the
assignment number on their calendar.