The document is a crossword puzzle about weather and water terms with clues provided. It contains 21 terms related to weather and water concepts like clouds, air pressure, wind, evaporation, and instruments used to study weather. The terms are to be entered into the crossword grid with accompanying clues listed for across and down answers. The key is also provided with the correct answers filled into the puzzle.
The document is a crossword puzzle about weather and water terms with clues provided. It contains 21 terms related to weather and water concepts like clouds, air pressure, wind, evaporation, and instruments used to study weather. The terms are to be entered into the crossword grid with accompanying clues listed for across and down answers. The key is also provided with the correct answers filled into the puzzle.
The document is a crossword puzzle about weather and water terms with clues provided. It contains 21 terms related to weather and water concepts like clouds, air pressure, wind, evaporation, and instruments used to study weather. The terms are to be entered into the crossword grid with accompanying clues listed for across and down answers. The key is also provided with the correct answers filled into the puzzle.
The document is a crossword puzzle about weather and water terms with clues provided. It contains 21 terms related to weather and water concepts like clouds, air pressure, wind, evaporation, and instruments used to study weather. The terms are to be entered into the crossword grid with accompanying clues listed for across and down answers. The key is also provided with the correct answers filled into the puzzle.
3. Clouds that are heaped or piled up 5. Water changing from a liquid to a gas 8. Earth spinning on its axis 9. Lines that connect points with the same air pressure 11. Forms as warm moist air cools and condenses 14. Energy transfer by waves through space 16. Moves from areas of high pressure to low pressure 18. Layers of gasses surrounding the earth 21. Person who studies Earth's weather
2. Unit of measurement for air pressure
4. Prediction of weather 6. Layered clouds 7. Major source of energy that drives the weather on Earth 10. Instrument used to measure air pressure 12. Means mid level 13. Motion of the Earth around the sun 14. Package of instruments on a weather balloon 15. Instrument used to measure wind speed 17. Plants releasing water vapor into the air 19. Study of the movement of water 20. Amount of space and object takes up Provided By: Crossword Maker
Weather and Water Review KEY
Please complete the crossword puzzle below v
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b 1
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t e r Across:
1. Amount of matter in an object (mass)
3. Clouds that are heaped or piled up (cumulus) 5. Water changing from a liquid to a gas (evaporation) 8. Earth spinning on its axis (rotate) 9. Lines that connect points with the same air pressure (isobars) 11. Forms as warm moist air cools and condenses (dew) 14. Energy transfer by waves through space (radiation) 16. Moves from areas of high pressure to low pressure (wind) 18. Layers of gasses surrrounding the earth (atmosphere) 21. Person who studies Earth's weather (meteorologist)
2. Unit of measurement for air pressure (millibar)
4. Prediction of weather (forecast) 6. Layered clouds (stratus) 7. Major source of energy that drives the weather on Earth (sun) 10. Instrument used to measure air pressure (barometer) 12. Means mid level (alto) 13. Motion of the Earth around the sun (revolve) 14. Package of instruments on a weather balloon (radiosonde) 15. Instrument used to measure wind speed (anemometer) 17. Plants releasing water vapor into the air (transpiration) 19. Study of the movement of water (hydrology) 20. Amount of space and object takes up (volume)