Guidance Tools and Techniques
Guidance Tools and Techniques
Guidance Tools and Techniques
Ignoring when misbehavior is of a less serious nature - for
instance, when a child whines constantly - it may be best to
ignore it. This kind of behavior, although might be annoying,
is not harmful. To use this technique successfully, the adult
chooses not to respond to the child in any way and may even
become occupied elsewhere while the behavior persist this
method is based on the learning theory that negative
reinforcement eventually causes the child to stop the
undesirable behavior.
Active Listening
Parents and teachers can learn the art of active
listening to respond to a child's feelings as well
as words. The adults listen carefully trying to
understand what the child is saying beyond the
words being used. Then they can reflect back
into their own words what it is they think the
child has said. The child has the opportunity to
correct any misinterpretations.
Behavior modification is based on the premise that behavior
is learned through experiences and can be changed by
reinforcement. Reinforcement of the process in which a
behavior is followed by a consequence that is likely to make
the behavior repeated. A positive consequence is often
called a reward, and unpleasant consequences are often
called punishment, but the impact is in the consequences.
Positive reinforcement is used to teach new and different
behaviors to a child and to help the child maintain a change.
Intentionally, the reinforcement must be swift and
consistently applied, as often as the behavior occurs.
Offer Choices
Giving choices is a time-honored and popular
method for helping children who are being
resistant. Choices can help children practice
self-reliance, self-direction, and self-discipline.
You must give a choice only when you mean
for children to make the choice and be
prepared to accept the answer. Suggest two
choices when there is the possibility of
resistance. Children should be aware of the
consequences of the choices they are making.
Helping children make reasonable choices
gives the them a foundation for decisionmaking throughout their life.
Natural Consequences
Natural consequences enhanced children's ability
to take responsibility for themselves. As applied,
this approach the children experience the natural
consequences of their actions. It emphasizes the
opportunity children have to learn from the way
their environment functions.
Logical Consequences
Logical consequences, are a function of what
adults impose. For the adult, this means a
commitment to follow through; consequences,
once stated, must be enforced. It is important to
give children an opportunity to choose their own
course of action once they have some
understanding of what is likely to happen. Nelson
suggests three criteria for using logical
consequences: it must be related to the child's
behavior, it must be respectful and it must be
I Messages
I Messages are honest, non-judgmental
statements that place no blame on the
child but that state an observation of the
behavior and its results.