Paper Kordaki PDF
Paper Kordaki PDF
Paper Kordaki PDF
George Strimpakos*
Prospective Computer Engineer
Zisis Charalampidis*
Prospective Computer Engineer
Thanasis Daradoumis**
Associate professor
Department of Computer Sciences, Open University of Catalonia, Rambla Poblenou 156, 08018 Barcelona, Spain
This paper presents the design of educational software for beginners learning of basic concepts of Operating Systems
(OS). The design of the proposed educational software is based on modern social and constructivist learning theories as
well as on the essential role of metaphors and of computer tools in student learning. In particular, the architecture of the
proposed software consists of two main parts: a) the information space where students are provided with opportunities to
access appropriate information about OS and to study scheduling, using a simple and fundamental algorithm; the Priority
Round-Robin (PRR) algorithm, and b) the experimentation space where learners can take control of their learning by
forming their own set of tasks, assigning them priorities and durations and also scheduling them using the PRR
algorithm. Finally, the proposed system has been designed so that to provide pupils with feedback so that they may make
self corrections.
Educational software, Operating Systems, Secondary Education.
Understanding and advocating of Computer Science (CS) as an essential component of a well-rounded
education is a key factor in ensuring that young students have the skills needed, not just to survive, but to
thrive in this increasingly technological and global society. To this end, a four-level model curriculum of CS
for K-12 has been proposed (ACM, 2003). For the achievement of the goals of this curriculum, the
introduction of young students to the concept of an OS is critical. At this point, it is worth noting that, various
studies have reported the significance of the use of metaphors in the learning of concepts within the complex
domain of CS (Carrol & Tomas, 1982; Carrol and Mack, 1999; Hsu, 2006; Borgman, 1999; Cameron, 2002).
A metaphor is a kind of linguistic figure with the form X is Y consisting of two major parts (Carrol and
Mack, 1999). These major parts include novel concepts (X = target domain), previously acquired knowledge
(Y = base domain), and the relationship between the two (Wozny, 1989). The significant role of metaphors is
based on the fact that - when they are used - the critical role of students prior knowledge in acquiring new
knowledge is acknowledged as well as the essential role of engaging learners in real life problems (Lakoff &
Johnson, 1980; Ortony, 1979). In the context of metaphors, learners can also form more comprehensive
mental models, which results in better performance when they carry out complex tasks (Hsu, 2006).
Appropriately designed computer-based learning environments can play a crucial role in student learning
(Noss and Hoyles, 1996; Jonassen, 1999). In fact, computers are an ideal medium for providing unique
opportunities for the design of learning situations within the framework of modern social and constructivist
theories of learning (Jonassen, 1999). To this end, students could become actively engaged in their learning
and also receive appropriate feedback (Hummel, 2006). In addition, computers can provide wide
opportunities for the construction of appropriately designed metaphors for the learning of complex concepts.
Here, it is worth noting that, the importance of using educational software in teaching OS courses is clearly
depicted in surveys conducted by (Davoli & Goldweber, 2003; Anderson & Nguyen, 2005). Several attempts
have also been made to build general-purpose computer system simulators that allow undergraduate students
to undergo an innovative and pedagogically different experience of learning OS (Morsiani & Davoli, 1999;
Goldweber, et. al, 2005; Holland, et. al., 2002; Hovemeyer, et. al., 2004). More recent work has contributed
in creating instructional simulators with a high degree of performance realism and simplicity (DeRosa, et. al.,
2006; Dobrilovic & Stojanov, 2006; Liu, et. al., 2007; Laverell, et. al., 2008). Despite the above, educational
software for the learning of basic aspects of OS by secondary level education students through the use of
metaphors has not yet been reported. In the following sections of this paper, the design and the features of the
proposed software are described. Finally, conclusions and proposals for future research are drawn.
IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2008)
Purgathofer, 2000) in order for students to understand how scheduling works. The PRR algorithm was
chosen because of its simplicity but it was preferred to the classic RR algorithm because the latter was too
3.1 Information
The information space has been designed to provide three type of information: a) general information - in the
form of text - about basic aspects related to OS, such as task management, scheduling and the notion of time
quantum as well as a simple description of the PRR algorithm, b) appropriate URLs for further study, and c)
metaphoric ready examples of task scheduling using a specific time quantum and the PRR algorithm. The
metaphor examples used have to be selected in order to be simple and familiar to the students. To this end,
the set of tasks to be scheduled have to stem from students everyday life; thus, they will have the
opportunity to easily grasp the concept of task scheduling using priorities. In addition, students will have the
opportunity to give meaning to the concept of time quantum, as it will be far greater than those actually used
by a real OS. By exploring these metaphor examples, students also will have the chance to estimate
similarities and dissimilarities between these metaphoric examples and real OS. In this way, students can
acquire a deeper understanding of the basic concepts of OS and of PRR algorithm.
reflect and make clarifications and abstractions about basic aspects of OS and the PRR algorithm. To verify
our expectations, the implementation of the proposed software well as the performance of field studies to
assess its impact on the learning of real students are in our future plans.
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