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Cluster 2: Materials and Structures: Grade 3

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Grade 3

Cluster 2: Materials and Structures

Students learn about the nature of materials not just by
observing them but, more importantly, by using them. In this
cluster, students experience the design process as they
manipulate and test materials, build structures, and select and
use materials suitable to the task at hand. Students find that
the strength and stability of structures in their community, as
well as those they build themselves, are linked to the properties
of the materials used and to the particular way the materials
are configured and joined. This cluster further develops the
concept of materials introduced in Kindergarten, Cluster 3:
Paper and built upon in Grade 1, Cluster 3: Characteristics of
Objects and Materials.

Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation



Students will...
3-2-01 Use appropriate vocabulary
related to their investigations of
materials and structures.

Introduce, explain, use, and reinforce the vocabulary throughout

the cluster.

Include: strength, balance, stability,

structure, frame structure, natural
structure, human-built structure, force.
GLO: C6, D3
3-2-02 Conduct experiments to
compare the strength of common
Examples: wooden toothpicks, plastic
straws, paper, cardboard, polystyrene
GLO: A1, A2, C2, D3
3-2-03 Explore to determine ways to
strengthen a material used for
Include: changing shape, bulk, and
number of layers.
GLO: B1, C2, D3
3-0-1b. Make predictions based on observed
patterns, collected data, or data provided from
other sources. (ELA 1.1.1; Math SP-IV.2.3) GLO:
A1, C2
3-0-3a. Brainstorm, with the class, one or more
methods of finding the answer to a given
question and reach consensus on which method
to implement. GLO: C2, C7
3-0-3b. Identify, with the class, variables that
have an impact on an investigation. GLO: A1,
A2, C2, C7
3-0-3c. Create, with the class, a plan to answer
a given question. (ELA 3.1.4) GLO: C2, C7
3-0-4a. Carry out a plan, and describe the steps
followed. (Math SP-V.2.3) GLO: C2
3-0-5a. Make observations that are relevant to a
specific question. GLO: A1, A2, C2
3-0-6c. Place materials and objects in a
sequence or in groups using two or more
attributes, and describe the system used. (Math
PR-I.1.3) GLO: C2, C3, C5
3-0-7a. Draw a simple conclusion based on their
observations. GLO: A1, A2, C2


3. 18

Gaining Student Interest

Ask students the following questions:
Why are certain materials selected or rejected for building
How can the strength of some materials be increased?
Sorting Objects by Strength
Provide a variety of materials for students to sort according to
strength. Include toothpicks, spaghetti, popsicle sticks, straws,
and an assortment of paper and polystyrene foam. Have students
predict material strength by listing materials in order of strength
from weakest to strongest.
Investigating Materials for Strength
Brainstorm, with the class, several methods for comparing the
strength of various materials. Have students identify variables that
will affect the investigations. For example: use similar amounts of
the various materials in the test. As a class, create a plan for each
method of investigation. In small groups, have students: carry out
the investigations, record the steps they followed, and record their
observations and the conclusions based on their results. Example
of a sample method: Use various materials to make bridges and
test each with various weights or objects.

Testing the Strength of Bridge Materials


Grade 3, Cluster 2: Materials and Structures


Have students use Blackline Master 2:

Scientific Inquiry Recording Sheet:

Grades 3 and 4.
Students must begin to recognize that
factors or variables must be kept the
same in order to be able to draw
reasonable conclusions. Students
should be encouraged to focus on one
aspect or variable at a time, and try to
control all the other variables. This
way, any differences observed can be
more accurately attributed to the
variable being studied.


Observation Checklist: Investigating Materials

The student
o makes predictions based on data gathered from other sources
o brainstorms to develop a method to answer the question
o identifies variables
o contributes to the development of a plan
o carries out the plan
o describes the steps followed
o makes relevant observations
o records observations
o orders the materials according to strength
o draws a conclusion based on observations
o works cooperatively

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation



Students will...
3-0-7b. Explain why conclusions related to
classroom experiments should be based on
multiple trials or classroom data rather than on
an individual result. GLO: A1, A2, C2
3-0-8a. Recognize that valid experiments
normally have reproducible results, which may
vary slightly. GLO: A1, A2, C2

Investigating Ways to Increase Strength

Brainstorm with the class possible ways to strengthen paper.
Have students explore ways to fold and combine paper to make
it stronger. (Students may fold paper into an accordion, make
rolls and glue them together, combine layers of flat sheets, or
make sandwich layers with folded and rolled paper. Use a
plasticine weight, graduated weights, bricks, wooden blocks, or
books as weights to test the strength of each paper configuration.
Students should describe each paper configuration they used and
record the weight it supported by using a chart. Ask students the
following reflection questions to guide classroom discussions:
What did you do to get your paper to support a greater load?
How do we use this information in our everyday lives? (e.g.,
corrugated cardboard)
Science Learning Logs
Have students reflect on their learning and record their
understandings in their science journals. (See ELA, Strategies, p.

3-2-04 Explore to determine an

appropriate method for joining two
materials for a specific use.
GLO: C2, D3
3-0-4f. Assume roles and share responsibilities
as group members. (ELA 5.2.1) GLO: C7
3-0-4h. Follow given safety procedures and rules,
and explain why they are needed. GLO: C1
3-0-5c. Estimate and measure mass/weight,
length, volume, and temperature using standard
units. (Math SS-IV.1.3, SS-I.1.3, SS-III.1.3, SSVIII.4.3) GLO: C2, C3, C5
3-0-6a. Display data using more than one way to
represent the same data. (Math SP-III.2.3) GLO:
C2, C6
3-0-6b. Discuss data and generate new
questions from displayed data. (Math SP-IV.1.2)
GLO: A1, A2, C2, C5

Investigation of Fasteners
Have students work in small groups to determine the most
appropriate method for joining materials. Challenge each group
to construct four towers of a specific height using a given
number of plastic straws. Each tower should use a different type
of material or object for fastening. The amount of material or
number of objects provided should be the same for each group.
Example: 30 cm of masking tape or 12 paper clips per group.
Samples of fasteners for straws:
paper clips, tape, pipe cleaners, twist ties, glue,
plasticine/modelling clay, marshmallows
for wood (popsicle sticks):
glue, nails, tape
for paper:
glue, tape, paper clips, staples


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Grade 3, Cluster 2: Materials and Structures



Science Journal Entry: Increasing Strength

Provide students with the following scenario:
Your group has been chosen to represent your school at a Science
Olympics Competition. Your groups first task is to construct a
paper tower that will support a 500 g weight. The other group
members are not sure how to make the paper strong enough to
support the required weight. What would you suggest to them?
Explain your thinking.
Look for ideas such as the following:
o folding the paper so that it has pleats (accordion-like)
o layering the paper
o rolling the paper

This investigation builds on student

understanding of methods for joining
materials begun in Grade 1, Cluster 3:
Characteristics of Objects and
Materials (1-3-09).

Self-Assessment: Investigation of Fasteners

Answer Yes or No.
1. I knew my job in the group. ___________________________
2. I shared responsibilities with the group. __________________
3. I worked cooperatively. _______________________________
4. I used the tools and materials appropriately and safely. ______
5. I measured accurately. ________________________________
6. I recorded my observations and measurements carefully. ____
Complete the following phrases:
In this investigation I learned ____________________________
I still would like to know more about ______________________

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation



Students will...

Have students compare the capability of each tower to support a

given mass/weight. Use standard weights or equal-sized plasticine
balls to test the strength of each tower. Students should record their
results on a chart such as the one below.
Strength of Straw Towers with Fasteners

Mass/Weight It Supported



masking tape




paper clips


Provide time for students to reflect on and discuss their findings

using the following questions to guide discussion:
Which tower supported the most mass/weight?
Which tower was the most difficult to build?
Which tower was the most stable?
Which tower looked the best?
3-2-05 Recognize that balance
affects the stability of a structure.
Examples: a domino tower that leans
to one side is more likely to tip over
than one that stands straight...
3-0-4b. Construct an object or device to solve a
problem or meet a need. GLO: C3
3-0-8b. Recognize that scientists develop
explanations from observations and what they
already know about the world, and that good
explanations are based on evidence. GLO: A1,
A2, C2


3. 22

Investigating Balance
Have students build a tower with dominoes. Ask students the
following questions:
How high can you make the tower?
What did you notice just before the tower collapsed?
Have students build the tallest tower they can out of cards. Ask
them what they notice just before the tower collapses.


Grade 3, Cluster 2: Materials and Structures



Science Journal Entry: Investigating Balance

Have students answer the following question in their journals:
Why is it important to build a balanced structure? Use both words
and labelled diagrams in your answer.
The student
q draws a balanced tower (doesnt lean to one side)
q explains that the tower must be balanced or it will tip over

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation



Students will...
3-2-06 Explore to determine ways to
improve the strength and stability of
a frame structure.
Examples: use of triangulation or a
cross member...
GLO: C2, D4, E2
3-2-07 Identify shapes that are part
of natural and human-built structures
from various cultures and describe
how these shapes help to provide
strength and stability.
Examples: cylinders, triangles,
hexagons in outdoor play structure,
hexagons in a honeycomb...
GLO: A4, D4, E2
3-0-1a. Ask questions that lead to investigations
of living things, objects, and events in the local
environment. (ELA 1.2.4) GLO: A1, C2, C5
3-0-5a. Make observations that are relevant to a
specific question. GLO: A1, A2, C2
3-0-5b. Use tools to observe, measure, and
construct. Include: ruler, metre stick, pan
balance, magnifying glass, bathroom scale,
thermometer, magnet. (Math SS-I.1.3, SS-III.1.3,
SS-IV.1.3, SS-VII.4.3) GLO: C2, C3, C5
3-0-5c. Estimate and measure mass/weight,
length, volume, and temperature using standard
units. (Math SS-IV.1.3, SS-I.1.3, SS-III.1.3, SSVIII.4.3) GLO: C2, C3, C5
3-0-5d. Estimate and measure the passage of
time using standard units. Include: seconds,
minutes, hours. (Math SS-VI.1.3) GLO: C2, C3,
3-0-5e. Record observations in a variety of
ways. Examples: point-form notes, sentences,
simple diagrams, charts... (ELA 3.2.1, 3.3.2,
4.1.3; Math SP-II.2.1, SP-V.2.3) GLO: C2, C6
3-0-9c. Take the time to repeat a measurement
or observation for greater precision or detail.

Identifying Frame Structures

Have students sort pictures of a variety of structures as frame
and other structures. Include pictures of bridges, towers,
playground equipment, and commercial and residential
buildings. Discuss to ensure students understand the concept of
frame structures.
Investigating Strength of Frame Shapes
Part 1 Construction
Ask students: What shape makes the strongest and most stable
frame structure? Have students use straws joined with twist-ties to
construct a variety of shapes, e.g., triangular prism, square prism,
pentagonal prism, etc. Have students test their frame structures to
see which structure supports the most weight and is the most
stable. Tests should involve loads of increasing mass/weight or
time to see how long the structure remains standing.
Note: Part 2 Improving Design will be completed following
Observing the Environment.
Observing the Environment
1. Natural Structures
Have students look at examples of structure/shapes occurring in
nature. Examples: bees/wasps nests, sea shells, ant/termite
hills, birds nests, etc.
2. Structures from Many Cultures
Have students view and discuss illustrations of a variety of
structures from different cultures, e.g., arches, columns, piers,
teepees, earthlodges, quinzhees, etc.
3. Local Structures
Take a walk through the schoolyard and around the immediate
neighbourhood to observe natural and human-built structures.
Encourage students to make scientific notes about the shapes
they see and what has been done to ensure the stability of each
Pose the following reflection questions to help students
determine what they know about structures:
What types of shapes are most common in our environment?
Who or what makes structures in our environment?
What types of shapes are common in other parts of the
How are structures made strong and stable?

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Grade 3, Cluster 2: Materials and Structures



A structure can refer to any type of

object, be it natural or human-made. It
must support its own weight and
whatever load is placed upon it.
Structures can be grouped into the
following three broad categories:
Solid Structures are made from a solid
piece of material, having little or no
space inside, e.g., solid rubber ball,
hockey puck, stone monument, etc.
Frame Structures are made from parts
joined together in a framework, e.g.,
construction crane, skeleton, suspension
bridges, etc.
Shell Structures are held together by
an outer skin, e.g., drink can, egg
carton, etc.
Many objects are a combination of a
frame and shell structure, such as the
human body or a tent. In this cluster, the
focus is on frame structures.

Joining Straws with Twist-Ties

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation



Students will...

Investigating Strength of Frame Shapes

Part 2 Improving Design
Have students use understandings about structures from
Exploring the Environment to modify one of the frame
structures they constructed to make it stronger or more stable.
Have students test their structures again.
Pose the following questions to enable students to reflect on
what they have learned:
Which shape was the strongest?
How did you get your shape to become stronger and more stable?
What natural or human-made structure gave you ideas for
improving your frame structure?

3-2-08 Identify characteristics of

materials that need to be considered
when choosing materials for
building structures.
Examples: strength, flexibility,
durability, surface texture...
3-0-4e. Respond respectfully to the ideas and
actions of others, and recognize their ideas and
contributions. (ELA 1.1.2, 5.2.2) GLO: C5, C7

Activate Prior Knowledge

Set the purpose for building structures using the following
questions to stimulate thinking and generate discussion:
What materials are best suited for specific structures when
building the frame?
What materials are best suited for specific structures when
constructing the surface?
What conditions determine the materials used?
If, Then . . .
Have students work in small groups to reflect on and discuss
responses to If then... scenarios such as the following:
If we needed to build a boat launch for a steep riverbank, then
what materials would we use for the frame? For the surface?
If we needed to build a bridge over a river with many rapids,
then what materials would we use for a frame? For the
surface? Why?
If we needed a fire tower built in the forest, then what
materials would we use for the frame? For the surface? Why?
Have students make a list of the materials they would use to
construct the particular structure for each scenario and justify
their choices (terms such as strong, smooth/rough, durable
should emerge). (Note: you may wish to provide students with
illustrations of some structures to aid them with this task.)
Have students summarize the characteristics they considered
when deciding what material to use.

3. 26

Grade 3, Cluster 2: Materials and Structures



Encourage students to use cross-bracing

or triangulation to increase the stability
of structures. The triangle is a very
strong shape and it is often used to
stabilize structures. Structures made
from many triangles put together are
very strong. Cross-braces are additional
beams or pieces that can be added on to
a structure to stabilize or strengthen it.

Paper and Pencil Task: Frame Shapes and Structures

Have students answer True or False.
1. The triangle is a very strong shape.
2. There are many examples of structures/shapes in nature.
3. Many cultures use the same shapes in their structures.
4. Balance does not affect the stability of a structure.
5. Many of the shapes found in nature can be found in structures
around the school.
Provide students with a picture of a playground structure or another
human-made structure.
Have students observe the picture and then answer the following
1. What shapes do you see in the picture?
2. How do these shapes help to provide strength and stability to
the structure?

Discuss with students what they should

do if they see an unsafe structure.

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation



Students will...
3-2-09 Use the design process to
build a structure that meets given
criteria related to strength, stability,
and function.
GLO: A3, C3
3-0-1c. Identify practical problems to solve in the
local environment. GLO: C3
3-0-3d. Brainstorm, in small groups, possible
solutions to a practical problem, and reach
consensus on which solution to implement.
GLO: C3, C7
3-0-3e. Create, in small groups, a written plan to
solve a problem or meet a need. Include:
identify steps to follow, prepare a simple
diagram. (ELA 1.2.3) GLO: C3, C7
3-0-4b. Construct an object or device to solve a
problem or meet a need. GLO: C3
3-0-4c. Test an object or device with respect to
pre-determined criteria. GLO: C3, C5
3-0-4d. Identify and make improvements to an
object or device, and explain the rationale for the
changes. GLO: C3
3-0-4f. Assume roles and share responsibilities
as group members. (ELA 5.2.1) GLO: C7
3-0-7c. Identify new problems that arise. GLO: C3
3-0-8c. Recognize that designing a solution to a
simple problem may have considerations, such
as cost, materials, time, and space. GLO: B2, C3

3-2-10 Describe the effects of

various forces on different structures.
Examples: bookshelf sagging under
the mass/weight of books, tent
blowing over in a storm...
GLO: D4, E2
3-2-11 Evaluate simple structures to
determine if they are safe and
appropriate to the user.
Examples: classroom furniture...
GLO: C1, C3, C4, D4
3-0-2a. Access information using a variety of
sources. Examples: children's magazines, local
farmers, CD-ROMs, Internet... (ELA 1.1.2,
3.2.2; Math SP-I.1.2.3; TFS 2.1.1) GLO: C6
3-0-2b. Review information to determine its
usefulness to research needs. (ELA 3.2.3,
3.3.3) GLO: C6, C8

3. 28

Design Project
Have students work in small groups to solve a given problem
using the skills and knowledge already learned in this cluster.
Establish specific criteria regarding size, strength, and amount of
materials needed. Problems can emerge from literature or other
subject areas such as social studies or physical education.
Sample Project: The Incredible Marble Game
Construct a table game for younger children. The game must be
a linked collection of free-standing structures along which a
marble will roll. Provide students with a selection of materials to
use and assign each a dollar value. Give students a budget to
which they must adhere during the construction phase. Criteria
for evaluating the finished design include the following
fits on a student desk
contains at least two identifiable structures modelled on natural
or human-made structures observed in this cluster
uses at least two different fastening or joining methods
includes a path for the marble
utilizes materials provided
is within budget
is safe for young children

Houses Fall Down

Read or retell the story of The Three Little Pigs. Ask students
the following questions:
What caused the stick house to blow down?
Do you think it was a strong structure? Why or why not?
Why didnt the brick house fall down?
Can any forces knock down brick houses?
Withstanding Forces
Have students read or view informational resources about the
way structures are designed to withstand forces. Have students
identify some of the forces that may affect structures, such as
wind, water, earthquakes, and tornadoes. Discuss and record
interesting facts they discover.


Grade 3, Cluster 2: Materials and Structures


Have students use Blackline Master 4

Design Process Recording Sheet:
Grades 3 and 4.
In Grade 3, students will begin
planning steps to follow and
identifying evaluation criteria in small
groups, rather than with the whole
class. It is important for the teacher to
ensure strong group-work skills are in
place and to provide support to
groups as needed.


Design Process Checklist

The student
o understands the problem
o actively participates in small-group brainstorming
o includes written list of steps to follow
o includes simple diagram
o contributes to the development of design criteria
o constructs the structure
o tests the structure based on given criteria
o identifies improvements to be made
o makes improvements
o works cooperatively
o shares group responsibilities
Student/Group Assessment of the Process and Structure
As a group, we
o planned our structure before building
o estimated the cost
o reflected on our plan before the construction
o cooperated and shared ideas as we were building
o tested our structure and made changes
o reflected on what we did well and what we would change the
next time

The concept of forces acting on

different structures is a link to Grade
3, Cluster 3: Forces that Attract or
Repel. Recognition of gravity as a
force is addressed in that cluster.

Paper and Pencil Task: Picturing Force

Student directions: Draw a picture to show the effect of a force on a
structure and explain what is happening through words and
The student
q clearly shows the effect of the force
q clearly explains what is happening using the term force

3. 29

Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation



Students will...
3-0-7d. Examine how new experiences, ideas,
and information connect to prior knowledge and
experiences, and record these connections.
(ELA 1.2.1, 2.1.2, 3.3.3) GLO: A2, C6
3-0-7e. Communicate results and conclusions in
a variety of ways. Examples: point-form lists,
sentences, simple diagrams, charts,
demonstrations... (ELA 2.3.5, 3.3.2, 4.1.3; Math
SP-III.2.3; TFS 2.1.4) GLO: C6

3-2-12 Investigate to identify hobbies

and jobs related to construction,
engineering, and architecture.
3-0-4g. Verbalize questions, ideas, and
intentions during classroom-learning
experiences. GLO: C6

3-2-13 Identify various materials

used in the construction of buildings
in their community and in
communities around the world.
GLO: A4, B1, D3, E1
3-0-1a. Ask questions that lead to investigations
of living things, objects, and events in the local
environment. (ELA 1.2.4) GLO: A1, C2, C5
3-0-2a. Access information using a variety of
sources. Examples: children's magazines, local
farmers, CD-ROMs, Internet... (ELA 1.1.2,
3.2.2; Math SP-I.1.2.3; TFS 2.1.1) GLO: C6
3-0-2b. Review information to determine its
usefulness to research needs. (ELA 3.2.3,
3.3.3) GLO: C6, C8
3-0-3a. Brainstorm, with the class, one or more
methods of finding the answer to a given
question and reach consensus on which method
to implement. GLO: C2, C7
3-0-7e. Communicate results and conclusions in
a variety of ways. Examples: point-form lists,
sentences, simple diagrams, charts,
demonstrations... (ELA 2.3.5, 3.3.2, 4.1.3; Math
SP-III.2.3; TFS 2.1.4) GLO: C6

3. 30

School Structures: Labelled Diagrams

Have students draw and label diagrams of structures in their
school environment. Students should include information to
explain structural designs and materials that make these objects
safe. Include items such as desks, bookshelves, computer tables,
AV carts, gym equipment, outdoor play structures, etc. Ask the
following questions to help students clarify what they learned:
What helped the structures to be safe?
What could cause them to become unsafe?
Identifying Jobs and Hobbies
As a class, brainstorm and list jobs and hobbies that involve
knowledge of structural design and materials.
Guest Speakers
Invite a guest speaker such as an engineer, architect, and/or
construction worker to discuss his/her career, job
responsibilities, and training with regard to forces and structures.
Inquiry Chart: Building Materials Here and Around the World
Have students work individually or in pairs to answer the
following inquiry questions:
What materials do we use most in Canada for building homes,
bridges, and towers?
What materials are used most in __________ (name of
country) for building homes, bridges, and towers? The country
could include a place students are currently studying in social
Have students describe the style and identify some of the
reasons for the design of: buildings in earthquake areas such as
California or Japan; thatched-roof dwellings in Africa; etc. Have
students carry out research through interviews, magazine
pictures, videotapes, CD-ROMs, the Internet, etc. Students could
present their findings using an Inquiry Chart (Hoffman, 1992
and 1997 and ELA, Strategies, pp. 83 - 88).

Grade 3, Cluster 2: Materials and Structures



Discuss with students what they should

do if they see an unsafe structure.

Learning Log: Building Materials Here and Around the World

Have students summarize what they learned about materials and
style used in buildings around the world by completing the
1. In Canada we use these materials: _______________________.
2. Other countries use materials such as: ____________________.
3. People in different places use different materials for building
homes because: (available materials, climatic conditions, other)


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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


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