Restoring The True Biblical Chronology
Restoring The True Biblical Chronology
Restoring The True Biblical Chronology
Restoring the True
Part One
During my birthday weekend in 1997, I
was watching a program called Mysteries
of the Bible, on the A&E network.
On that program, which was about Yshua,
they were talking about the best
possible research into the life and
death of the Messiah.
And by the time it was over, I was both
angry and disappointed, and the course of
my very life was altered.
The first thing that annoyed me was the
stubborn refusal of the scholars to give a
precise time for Messiahs birth.
Instead they clung to a three year range
from 7-4 BCE, and then seemed to think it
was plausible for a later scenario of 3-1
BCE as well. A 7 year range for his
birth? Unacceptable! Was that really
the best you could do?
But it was what they said about his death
time that REALLY got me mad! And what
they said wasnothing at all.
What I mean is this: Most scholars, myself
included, believe Yshua died in the spring
of 30 CE. However, a vocal minority insist
the death is closer to 33 CE.
But when the program simply refused to
even weigh in on the matter, I became
furious and left the living room.
To my wifes astonishment, I retreated into
my study and began typing on my
computer as fast as I can.
What are you doing? she asked me.
Writing a letter to A&E, I answered.
Why are you doing that? She asked.
Because, their experts should know
better, I said back. And Im going to
prove it!
8 hours later, that letter was 50 pages
4 years later, that same letter became
my first book, Signs of the Cross. My
career, if thats what it can be called,
began because the alternative was
throwing my shoe through the glass of
my TV! That also marked my entry into
the world of Biblical chronology, and now
its time to release my findings!
But before I can begin to lay this case out,
its important to review some of what has
gone on before in this field of Biblical
There have been many such attempts
to put hard historical dates to
Scripture, but I am going to focus on
just two of them: The Rabbinic calendar
and the chronology of Bishop Ussher.
In terms of the Rabbinic calendar,
much of this tradition tries to claim a
much more ancient origin than the real
history allows.
The claims about Oral Law going back to
Sinai and certain calendar traditions going
back to Adam must be regarded with a
high degree of skepticism. The truth is,
there was no need to do a chronology
while the Temple was standing.
The reason for this fact is that as long
as the Temple, priesthood and
Sanhedrin was intact, so were the court
records that showed all this history.
It was only after those records were
destroyed by the Romans, first in 70 CE
when the Temple burned and later when
the Bar Kochba Revolt claimed what little
remained, that the rabbis felt the need to
write the tradition down.
As a result, it is not surprising that the
earliest attempt to codify the Jewish
chronology in writing is within a
generation of the Bar Kochba Revolt, in
around 162 CE.
The work was called Seder Olam Rabba
or the Great Order of the World, and it
was composed by a man named Yose ben
Halafta. It consisted of dates from Adam to
the time of Alexander the Great.
Today, the work survives in fragmentary
form along with some supplemental
quotations from it that are in the Talmud.
It is also very likely that Yoses hand
was not the last one to touch its
pagesit was revised for many
centuries after his day.
Regardless of the ultimate origins and final
form of this work, all versions of it have
significant problems
For example, the Jewish website refers to this huge
problem in the Rabbinic counting
According to the usual chronology, this
refers to the death of Ay in 2444 (1317
BCE), when Horemheb (1317-1290 BCE.)
came into power (see The Torah Anthology
4:240). The Pharaoh of the Exodus would
then have been Horemheb, and the
cataclysm of the Exodus would have 12
brought about the end of the 18th Dynasty.
If we accept the 163 year discrepancy,
then this would indicate the death of
Thutmose II in 1490 BCE (2434), and the
powerful Thutmose III (1490-1436 BCE)
would have been the Pharaoh of the
Exodus. The Exodus and ensuing events
may then have given rise to the apparent
monotheism of Ikhnaton, a century later.
Incidentally, the 163 year discrepancy is
evident from the fact that Pharaoh Necho
who, in usual chronologies reigned from
609 to 495 BCE., defeated King Josiah in
3316 or 443 BCE. (2 Kings 23:29; Seder
The reality is actually much worse than is letting on. Here is just a
small list of the conflicts between the
Rabbinic count and history (BCE time)
1) Adam created3761 vs. 3901 {140 off}
2) Exodus1313 vs. 1447 {134 off}
3) 1st Temple burned432 vs. 586 {154 off}
4) 2nd Temple stood (in years)420 vs. 584
{164 off}
And this is just scratching the
surfacethese errors cannot in anyway
be reconciled with history, as we will
soon see in vast detail.
For now though let me just focus on the
easiest examples. No scholar believes
that Nebuchadnezzar could have been
alive in 432 BCE, when he is said to
have destroyed the Temple by the
That one error will completely throw off
most of the rest of Jewish history.
In addition to their account of how long the
2nd Temple stood being wrong, the dates
of people like Daniel, Esther, Ezra and
Nehemiah must also be thrown into
error to accommodate the Rabbinic dates.
It will not be until the Maccabean Revolt
more than 300 years later that their count
will begin to catch up to reality!
Of equal importance was the work of
Bishop James Ussher in the 17th century.
Ussher did a much better job than the
Rabbis, removing many of their errors by
confirming the First Temple was destroyed
in 586 BCE, Alexander the Great dies in
323 BCE, and so on. The strength of his
work was on relying on hard historical
dates and counting backwards or
forwards in Hebrew time.
For example, Ussher noticed that
Nebuchadnezzars deathwhich is a
known date fixed to 562 BCEwas also
fixed to the 37th year of King Yehoichins
exile (2 Kings 25:27), and made some
decent educated guesses about the reign
of certain kings based on that data.
But two major areas in Biblical history
vexed his work greatly
First, the overall chronology of the
Kings of Israel and Judah proved an
almost insurmountable situation for
Ussher to resolve properly.
This is because it would take another
three centuries for scholars to realize that
the kingdoms in Judah and Israel counted
time differently, which we will deal with
later. Without this understanding Kings
and Chronicles made no sense!
The second problematic area
concerned the time-frame between
Exodus and Solomons 4th year,
encompassing the entire period of the
1 Kings 6:1 and 2 Chronicles 3:1 told us
this time period was 480 years long.
However adding up the years between
Exodus and 1 Kings 6 straight
yielded at least 100 too many years!
Again, this is a topic for later discussion,
but for now the bottom line is Ussher
did not resolve the contradiction, based
in part on a failure to see that certain
events in Judges and 1 Samuel were
happening at the same time!
On the other hand, what Ussher, the
Rabbis and later Biblical scholars did get
right was using Hebrew, rather than
Greek, for the ages of the patriarchs.
However, there was no unified
agreement on when Year Zero was,
when to count Adams creation FROM,
even though almost all agreed on Hebrew
intervals, such as Adam was 130 when he
gave birth to Seth, and so on.
At the end of the day, Usshers
attempts remain the most accurate,
with others largely confirming his
general choices.
but that doesnt mean there arent
places where Ussher (and all the
others) arent way off in their estimates
by centuries.
What we are going to do here then is in
effect start over. We will begin by
expanding the strengths of Ussher by
finding other Biblical dates that will be
provable and certain, and we begin with
the most important date of them all 24
Capturing Exodus
As we just saw, 1 Kings 6:1 and 2
Chronicles 3:1 tell us Solomons 4th year,
when he began building the Temple, was
480 years after Exodus.
1 Kings 14:25 tells us that the Egyptian
Pharaoh Shishak invaded Jerusalem
(did not enter the city itself and took a
bribe instead) in the 5th year of
Rehoboam, 5 years after Solomon died.
Capturing Exodus
Egyptian records give us a certain date for
the invasion: 926 BCE.
926 BCE then is 41 years after Solomon
began building the Temple, because he
started it in his 4th year and died in his 40th
year (36 years), plus the 5 years of his
successor brings us to that total.
Therefore, 926 + 41 = 967 BCE for
Solomons 4th year and 1447 BCE for
Capturing Exodus
This timing is confirmed in the most widely
accepted Biblical chronology, The
Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings,
by E.R. Thiele, and the subsequent
validation and tweaking of Thieles work
done by scholar Leslie McFall.
They put Davids death at 971 BCE, and
so Solomons 4th year is again 967 BCE
and Exodus 1447 BCE.
Capturing Exodus
From Exodus then it is 92 years to the
first Jubilee, 42 from Exodus to the
Jericho campaign and 50 more from
Jericho to Jubilee, bringing us to 1356
BCE for Jubilee 1.
As we count in 50 year intervals on
forwards, this means in BCE time, any
year ending in -56 or -06 MUST be a
Jubilee, and so it is with 6 BCE as a
Capturing Exodus
This timing is so precise that the very
beginning and end dates of those 480
years have been completely recovered.
The Exodus hit on Friday night (15 Abib),
March 23rd 1447 BCE and the day that
Solomon began building the Temple (2
Iyar) was Wednesday, April 16th, 967 BCE,
both in our current Gregorian calendar. It
is Exodus that gives the perfect date to
count forwards and backwards from! 29
Coming up in Part 2
Backwards to Adam!
Backwards to Adam
On two points almost all Biblical
chronologists are in agreement on
First, that Hebrew intervals of time are
superior to the Greek ones and those from
other traditions.
Ussher and many othersalong with of
course the Rabbis themselves
conducted exhaustive studies and found
the Hebrew dates held special codes and
better agreed with wider history.
Backwards to Adam
For example, in Hebrew time only
Abraham is born 1,948 years after
Adam is created, and in 1948 Israel
became a state, giving rise to the belief
that the Hebrew chronology was prophetic.
There are many more instances of these
types of codes which are exclusive to
Hebrew reckoningwhereas the Greek
will add almost 1500 years and be too
inaccurate to be of real use.
Backwards to Adam
The second area of agreement has to do
with this reference
And the sojourning of the children of
Israel, while they sojourned in the land of
Egypt and the land of Canaan, was 430
years. And it came to pass after the 430
years, all the forces of the Lord came forth
out of the land of Egypt by night.
(Exodus 12:40-41 LXX/Brenton)
Backwards to Adam
The traditional (Masoretic) Hebrew text
and the Dead Sea Scrolls and Onkelos
Targum all read 430 years in Egypt.
The Septuagint, or Greek OT translation,
along with the ancient Samaritan Hebrew
version, clearly read in Egypt and in
Canaan for the same 430 year period.
The manuscript record is effectively
split down the middlecan both be
Backwards to Adam
In order to answer this question, we need to
look at another ancient authority and
witnessone who saw the original Hebrew
text as it existed 2,000 years ago
Now this I say, Torah, that came 430
years later, does not annul a covenant
previously confirmed by Elohim in
Messiah, so as to do away with the
promise. For if the inheritance is by Torah, it
Backwards to Adam
is no longer by promise, but Elohim gave it
to Abraham through a promise.
(Galatians 3:17-18-AENT)
The Apostle Paul was one of the greatest
Jewish scholars of his age, having studied
under Rabbi Gamaliel, the grandson of
Hillel the Elder. (Acts 22:1-3)
Furthermore, Paul was not educated
according to Hellenistic Judaism, but from
Jerusalem (also Acts 22:1-3).
Backwards to Adam
Therefore, Pauls analysis of Biblical
chronology came from the original
Hebrew Torah documents that he saw
with his own eyes.
If that original Hebrew was identical to the
modern version of Exodus 12:40, then
Paul is giving us the prevailing
interpretation of that text as referring to
Egypt and Canaan, when it only actually
says Egypt.
Backwards to Adam
The alternative theory though would be
that the old Hebrew actually read in Egypt
and in Canaan, which was in turn
translated into the Greek Septuagint, and
to my mind this seems more likely.
Either way, this shows that Paul clearly
supported a total chronology from
Abrahams 75th year to Exodus of 430
years, whereas some Masoretic scholars
would make it 645 years.
Backwards to Adam
So 215 years hang in the balance. Its
either 215 years in Canaan and the
another 215 in Egypt, equaling 430 years
in all, or its 215 in Canaan plus 430 in
Egypt, or 645 in all. Which is right?
My answer is, in a way, everyone is right.
To my mind, the problem isnt that the later
Hebrew reads, 430 years in Egypt; the
problem is that Hebrew text has not
been interpreted correctly! Heres why41
Backwards to Adam
Then Yahweh said to Abram, 'Know this for
certain, that your descendants will be
exiles in a land not their own, and be
enslaved and oppressed for 400 years.
But I shall bring judgement on the nation
that enslaves them and after this they will
leave, with many possessions. For your part,
you will join your ancestors in peace; you
will be buried at a happy old age. In the
Backwards to Adam
fourth generation they will come back here,
for until then the iniquity of the Amorites
will not have reached its full extent.
(Genesis 15:13-16 NJB)
Before moving on, let me deal with the
alleged contradiction of 400 years
mentioned here and 430 years given in
Exodus 12:40. We see here that the
prophecy is not about Abraham himself,
but about his descendants
Backwards to Adam
So Abram went as Yahweh told him, and
Lot went with him. Abram was 75 years old
when he left Haran.
(Genesis 12:4 NJB)
So here is our first clue. Abram, later
renamed Abraham, was 75 years old, both
here in Genesis 12 and when Abba YHWH
speaks with him again in Genesis 15. But
look at what happens when Isaac is
Backwards to Adam
Abraham was 100 years old when his son
Isaac was born to him.
(Genesis 21:5 NJB)
So 25 years pass from Abrahams vision
to Isaacs birth. If the prophecy is really
about what Isaac and his sons go through,
then this is the earliest time the prophecy
can begin to take effect. But if so what
about the 5 remaining years to get to
430? The answer is here
Backwards to Adam
The child grew and was weaned, and
Abraham gave a great banquet on the
day Isaac was weaned.
(Genesis 21:8 NJB)
Weaning refers to the time a child no
longer needs to rely on its mothers milk,
and it was important enough of an
occasion for Abraham to celebrate. It is
also the precise time the prophetic
clock starts ticking because
Backwards to Adam
Yahweh spoke to Moses and said: 'Speak
to the Israelites and say: "If anyone vows the
value of a person to Yahweh and wishes to
discharge the vow: a man between 20 and
60 years of age will be valued at 50 silver
shekels -- the sanctuary shekel; a woman
will be valued at 30 shekels; between 5 and
20 years, a boy will be valued at 20
shekels, a girl at 10 shekels; between 1
month and 5 years, a boy will be valued 47
Backwards to Adam
at 5 silver shekels, a girl at 3 silver shekels.
(Leviticus 27:1-6 NJB)
Heres the logic: The reason a man at
aged 20 has a higher shekel value than
a woman of that age is not because he
is superior to her but because only men
that age can go to war (Numbers 1:3).
Similarly, a little boy becomes more
valuable after he is weaned and not a
burden on his mother (1 Samuel 1:22-28)!48
Backwards to Adam
So here then is how the contradiction is
Abraham gets the Exodus prophecy at age
75, and this prophecy is a total of 430
years from that moment until Exodus.
However, the 400 year part of that
prophecy doesnt kick in until 30 years
have passed, 25 for Isaacs birth and 5
for the occasion of his weaning, so no
Backwards to Adam
But my main point is that the traditional
Hebrew text does point to 430 years in
Egypt and in Canaan, even though it
doesnt mention Canaan in Exodus
In order to understand why, we need to
look at the last line of the Genesis 15
prophecy, for the sin of the Amorites
is not yet complete. What does it mean
and when did it happen? Look here 50
Backwards to Adam
We laid them under the curse of
destruction as we had done Sihon king of
Heshbon, laying all these towns under the
curse of destruction: men, women and
children-but we seized the livestock and
spoils of the towns as booty for ourselves.
'Thus, by then we had taken the country
of the two Amorite kings beyond the
Jordan, stretching from the Wadi Arnon to
Mount Hermon (Deuteronomy 3:6-8 NJB) 51
Backwards to Adam
This part of Deuteronomy is a re-cap
section, where Moshe reviews all that has
happened over the last 40 years until the
present moment.
It is also very clear that by the time the
Amorites sins have filled up resulting in
their destruction, that we are actually in
that last 40th year, the same year Moshe
dies, or 1407 BCE (Deuteronomy 2:14).
Backwards to Adam
So any date after 1407 BCE is after the
time that the Amorites sins are completed.
Since Abrahams 75th year is also a fixed
date, 1877 BCE, the period from that year
to Exodus cannot be 645 years (215 +
430) but only 430 years (215 + 215).
Otherwise, the Exodus will happen way
too late, in 1234 BCE, which will violate
the Scripture chronology in 1 Kings 6:1
and 2 Chronicles 3:1.
Backwards to Adam
Therefore, we now see that really all
ancient sources are in agreement,
since the chronological details just
mentioned are in all versions.
Counting in solar timeand for more proof
that the Hebrews counted that way see
The Hebrew Solar Year teachingthis
means Abrahams prophecy was 430
years to the day earlier than Exodus
March 22-23 (5 Abib), 1877 BCE.
Backwards to Adam
From there it is probable this was
Abrahams date of birth, 75 years earlier,
in around 1953-1952 BCE.
And so, once we get to this point, there
are no remaining obstacles to counting
backwards to Adam and bringing us to a
certain date for his creation: Friday,
September 24th (Gregorian), 3901 BCE.
This is the only date that agrees with all
the Biblical information.
Backwards to Adam
This key timing, Friday, September 24th,
3901 BCE, has the following aspects
attached to it
It is the daylight period after Fall Equinox,
or the Hebrew timing of the start of
It is also the timing of the New Moon of
what will later be called Tishri, even
though lunar reckoning is not in use this
early (long story).
Backwards to Adam
It is also the morning of the 6th day of the
week (Friday) just before Shabbat, for
Adams creation.
These last two aspects, that Adam was
created on Yom Teruah (Tishri 1; Rosh
Hashanna) that hit on a Friday, align
with some of the most ancient rabbinic
traditions known to existthe Rabbis
are nearly unanimous on these facts!
Backwards to Adam
But the Rabbis, while preserving these
details correctly, including the proper ages
of the patriarchs when they had their first
sons, were missing one thing.
As we saw before, the Torah did not
directly give them Year Zero, the time
to count forward from. Eventually they
settled on a guess, 3761 BCE, rather
than relying on Biblical data to give
them Exodus and adjust accordingly. 58
Backwards to Adam
Those decisions in turn led to a 140
year error from the Rabbinic date of
Adams creation and the Biblical one
the Rabbis were way too late in their
However, with a firm date for Adams
creation established, all the correct years
for the patriarchs can be completely
recovered to a certainty! Happy
birthday Adam!
Backwards to Adam
Friday, Sept. 24, 3901Creation of Adam
3771Birth of Seth
3666Birth of Enosh
3576Birth of Kenan
3506Birth of Mahalalel
3441Birth of Jared
3279Birth of Enoch
3214Birth of Methusaleh
Backwards to Adam
3027Birth of Lamech
2971Death of Adam
2914Enoch taken up to heaven.
2859Death of Seth
2845Birth of Noah
2761Death of Enosh
2666Death of Kenan
2611Death of Mahalalel
Backwards to Adam
2479Death of Jared
2365120 year prophecy for Flood begins
2347Shem is born
2250Death of Lamech
2245Noah turns 600; Methusaleh dies;
Flood ravages the earth
2243Arphacsad is born
2208Shelah is born
Backwards to Adam
2178Eber is born
2144Peleg is born
2114Reu is born
2082Serug is born
2052Nahor is born
2023Terah is born
1953-Abraham is born (still aged 75 in
1877 BCE, when he has Exodus prophecy)
Backwards to Adam
Special Note: The reason there is a small
wiggle room of a year for Abrahams birth
is due to a variety of factors. First, it is
possible that the old count was Fall to Fall
so the switching over at Exodus to Spring to
Spring added 6 months. Second, Abraham
could be 75 years and an uncertain number
of months old when he gets the vision, and
third is the prophecy is at the start of spring
early in 1877 BCE. Continuing
Backwards to Adam
1905Death of Peleg
1904Death of Nahor
1895Death of Noah
1875Death of Reu
1852Death of Serug
1853Isaac is born
1818Death of Terah
1805Death of Arphacsad
Backwards to Adam
1793Jacob and Esau are born
1778 Death of Abraham
1775Death of Shelah
1747Death of Shem
1714Death of Eber
1701Birth of Joseph
1673Death of Isaac
1646Death of Jacob
Backwards to Adam
1591Death of Joseph
1527Birth of Moses
1487Moses flees to Midian
1447 (March 22-23)Exodus
1406 (January 6th)Death of Moses
1405 (Spring)Joshua attacks Jericho
But now one of the most challenging
periods of Israelite history lays directly in
our path
Next in Part 3
Welcome to the Judges!
1036-996Eli is judge
996-976No one is judge (1 Samuel 7:1-2)
976-956Samuel judged Israel his whole
life (1 Samuel 7:15) = 20 year minimum
956-936Saul is king
17 years
16 years
41 years
6 mths
1 mth
10 years
2 years
17 years
3 years
41 years
2 years
18 years
5 years
8 years
1 year
7 years
40 years
29 years
25 years
27 years
16 years
16 years
29 years
55 years
2 years
31 years
3 mths
11 years
abr hdwt
Todah Rabbah
Restoring the True
Part Two
Next in Part 6:
From Daniel to Yshua and Beyond
Next in Part 7
Yshua and Revelation
Part 7:
Yshua and Revelation
Next in Part 8
What is Still to Come
abr hdwt
Todah Rabbah