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FN Five-seveN Pistol
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User manual for the FN Herstal Five-seveN 5.7x28mm pistol.
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User manual for the FN Herstal Five-seveN 5.7x28mm pistol.
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FN Five-seveN Pistol
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User manual for the FN Herstal Five-seveN 5.7x28mm pistol.
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a ee ce ee ey TENEW GUN OWNER’S RECORD Model : Serial number {*) : Date of purchase ° Purchased from . Purchase price : Caution ; This manual has been written exclusively for the FN HERSTAL Fiva-seveN® JOM pistal ye Warnings and insiructons are different for each type of pistol “ws U your FN HERSTAL pistol has on a inscription other than “cai 5,7x28” on Inscriptions 1s aghi ade or on the rear right end of the barrel (visible through the ejection opening) or if Jhe externa! appearance of the pistal daes no} corespond to the Mlustranons of this monual, you mus! contoct your dealer / depacimentol ormarer or wide us immediately to obtain the free owner’s manual thot hes been written specilically for your pistol. Serial number FINH USA Inc PO Box 697 Meleor, VA 2210) (") The sena! number of your pistol has been engroved ia the aght side af the tame, (ust above the Picatinny rout Foreword We ore pleased that you have chosen a FN HERSTAL Five-seveN® IOM gutoloading, single-action pistol which stands for the highest level of reliability, consistent performance and functional design and which provides the operating precision and safety expected from a personal defence weapon. _oceccean ese srsmmennncancseemnaneaeesancersenmnereerwtee! The pistol, which complies , =" | with the latest technicol | evolutions in weapon design for military, Jaw entorcement and sporting use, has been conceived bosed on the experience of a whole teany of experls in every field related Jo semi-automatic pistols. Simple in design and compact, the pistol is very easy to maintain : with a reasonable amount of care, your FN HERSTAL Five-seveN® IOM should give you many years of dependable, enjoyable service. In order to take maximum advantage of the many features of your FN HERSTAL Five-seveN® IOM, regulorly review this owner’s manual which should be kept in the slot especially provided in the storage box of the pistol. Please feel free to write us if you have any observalion or question regarding the performance or the operation of your pistol. Thank youSofety and warrenty notes Like off fireorms, the Five-~seveN* JOM, if handled in a careless or reckless manner, con be vary dangerous For that reason, the pistol has been sold under the express understanding thal FN HERSTAL declines any responsibilty and involdates ony guorantec and tinbiidy claims for incidental or consequential damages (injuries, loss of use of property, commercial loss, loss of earnings and profits, .J resulting i whole or partly from . & a discharge with criminal intent or thraugh negligence improper or carefess handling yaouthonzed servicing the modification or the alterotion of the basic pistol design the use of non-ouginal pans the olleration of the sofery devices tha use of mearrect “arms & ammunition” combinations the use of defective, damaged, unsofe, . ammunition the use of reicaded ommunmion on ingdequote care of the pistol (e g. corrosion, domoge) a disregard of malfunchons a resale in canteodichon to legislation other cireumstonces beyond our direct and immediate cantral Try erp trey FN HERSTAL reserves the night to refuse servicing 9 pistol which has been madilied (removal of metal from the barrel, modifications of the finng mechanism and/or other paris, .J and wiil, ia such 9 case, abways reeommend to restore the pistol to its originol specifications Parts and lobor required for such o restorotion are payable by ihe owner of the pistol. The descriptions and illustrations m this Owner's Manual may differ shghtly from the present configuration of the product This would! effect the constant evolution of the produe! during its industrod Ide. Dole in this monual 1s Jechnicol only and of no consractual value 4 SUMMARY 1, 2. % 10. ut. Safety information Technical information 2.1. Nomenclature 2.2. Functioning 2.3. Magazines and ammunition Contents of the storage box Using the pistol 4.1. Safety checks 42 Setling the rear sight 43. Loading the magazine 4.4, Loading ihe pistol 45 Decocking the cocked hammer 4.6. Firing 4,7, Reloading during shooting 4.8. Unloading the pistol Field stripping 5.1. Disassembling and reassembling the pistol 5.2, Disassembling and reassembling the magazine Reversing the magazine catch Cleaning and lubrication 7.1 Cleaning and lubrication before firing 72° Cleaning and lubrication after firing 7 3. Cleaning and lubrication of the magazine Taking care of the pistol Troubleshooting Others Technical specifications 14 14 1s 18 21 22 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 3) 34 34 37 39 40 4) 42 43 44 45 46 471. SAFETY INFORMATION AS a gun owner, you accept a set of demanding responsibilities. How seriously you take these responsibililies can mean the difference between life and death. There is no excuse for careless or abusive handling of any firearm At oll times, handle your Five-seveN® IOM and any oiher fireorm with intense respect for ifs power and potential danger. Read and understand the cautions and preper handling procedures outlined in this booklet before using your new firearm. “Always keep the muzzle of your pistol pointed in a safe direction. Never pornt ony firearm at anything you de not intend to shoot. Be extremely alert and aware of all persons and propery within the range of your ommunihion ¥ Abvays consider the pistol as readyto-fire when the cartridge indicater is protruding and the manual safety is at the flower) ‘fire’ position, even with the hammer not cacked As the hommer of the Five-seveN® (OM pistol 1s nat visible (so thot its condition cannot be determined at o glance), ALWAYS consider the pistol as ready-to-fire when the cartridge indicator is pratruding and the manual sofety is of the (lower) ‘lire’ position | Always consider the hammer of the Five-seveN” JOM pistol os cocked, even if you are certain Jt is not cocked ! v Never rely totally on your firearm’s mechanical “sefety” devices. Alwoys assume that your pistol can be fired of any time, even with all safety mechanisms engaged. The Five-seveN* JOM pistol! has been provided with Iwo external sofety devices a manual safety and a cartridge indicator (also refer to § 2.2). On the other hand, the Frve-seveN? JOM bas also several passive safely mechanisms thot enhance safety. As with other pistols, you must always freat your Frve-seveN® JOM as ready-to-fire, and only Joad o round when shooting is imminent, like any mechanical device, a “safety” can sometunes fail; it can be larred or inadvertently manipulated into an unsafe condifion, Mechanical “sofeties” merely aid sofe gun hondling ond are no excuse for pointing your gun's muzzle in an unsafe direction. While it is 0 good idea to “test!” your prstal’s mechanical “safeties” periodically for proper function, never test them while your pistol is looded or pointed in an unsafe direction. Sofe gun handling does not stap with your gun’s mechanical “satety® devices - it starts there. Alwoys treat this pistol with the respect due to a loaded, ready-to-fire pistol, “Avoid corrying your Five-seveN® IOM with @ round in the chamber. For good safety practice, it is recommended thet a round is not chombered untd immediately before you will fire the pistol. If it is nevertheless necessary to carry the Five-seveN® [OM with o round in the chamber, we recommend to set the manual sofety al the (raised) ‘sofe’ position, For Jaw enlorcement and miltory personnel, refer to the procedures of your department on carrying a Joaded pistol with o round in the chamber,vi When carrying your Five-seveN® OM, it is recommended thet the (net visible) hemmer is in the decocked condition. For more information obaut the condition of the hommer, refer to § 2.2 In order to decack the hommer, proceed as described in § 4.5 For law enforcement and military personnel, refer to the procedures of your department on carrying your pistol. ¥ Whenever you handle your Five-seveN® |OM, or hand it to someone, moke sure ii is completely unloaded. To fully unlood your Five-seveN® OM, proceed os described in § 4.8. Vis vifal thal, when unloeding, you remove the magozine from your pistol so thot a raund rs nol automatically chambered when you close the slide “ De not transport your pistol loaded. Keep if unloaded, whether stored in o holster, gun case, or other container, For law enforcement and military personnel, refer to the procedures of your department on carrying a loaded pistol in your holster v Bewore of barrel obstructions. Wher preparing to shoot your pistol, check for o borrel obstruction os follows . first tully uoload the pisfol os described in § 4.8. Be certain no live round is in the chamber ! Then glance down the barrel to be sure it is clear of ony obstruction. It takes only a small obstruction to dangerously increase pressures Before the first firing, cleon the bore with o cleanmg cad ond rog, and wipe oway any anti-cust compounds in the chamber and oround ihe slide. “ Be alert to the signs ef ammunition malfunction. If you detect an off saund or light recoil when a round is fired, do not load another round into the chamber Fully unload the pistol as described in § 4.8. With the slide open, glance down the borrel to make sure thot an obstruction does not remain in the barrel. H there is on obstruction, completely clear the barrel before loading and firing agein. Failure to follow these instructions con couse extensive damage to your pistol and possible serious injury to yourself ond others, “ Be certain your pistol is completely unloaded before cleaning. Because so many gun accidents occur when a firearm is being cleaned, special and extreme core should be taken to be sure your gun is unlooded betore disassembly, cleaning and reassembly. Keep ommunition away from the cleaning location. Never fest the mechanical function of ony firearm with live ammunition. ¥ Always completely unload your pistol when not in use Your responsibilities do not end when your firearm is unattended. Store your pistol and ammunition separately and well beyond the reach of children. Toke al! safeguards to ensure that your pistol does not become available to untrained, mexperienced or unwelcome honds. At all times, comply with the local and state Jaws. For law enforcement and military personnel, refer to the procedures of your department on sforing your pistol.¥ AO Use the proper ammunition, The barrel and the slide of this prstol have been made with substantial safely margins over the pressures developed by the 5 7 x 28 mm ammunition espectally conceived by FN HERSTAL. However, FN HERSTAL assumes no liability for accidents which occur Shrough the use of rounds of different caliber or not fabricoted according 16 the FN HERSTAL standards. FN HERSTAL cannct ossume any respansibility for the use of unsofe or improper arms and ommunition combinations. It is your responsebility to read ond heed alf warnings tn this owner’s manual and on ommuniton boxes. Examine every round you put in your Five-seveN® IOM pistol Your Five-seveN* OM pistol is designed and chambered for 5.7 x 28 mm rounds. The chambering for your pistol is printed clearly on its right side, Failure to use correct ammunition may result in serious injury to yourself or others. Make sure of adequate ventilation in the area that you discharge a firearm. Wash hands thoroughly after exposure to ammunition or cleaning a firearm lead expasure con be obtained from discharging firearms in poorly ventilated areas, cleaning firearms or handling ammunition. Lead a substance that has been known to couse birth defects, reproductive harm ond other serous injury. Before dry-firing, visually and physically check if the charnber is empty. Treot every pistol with the respect due io q loaded gun, even though you are certain the gun is unloaded | Keep your fingers away from the trigger while unloading, leading and removing the magazine. Only touch the trigger when you are ready to shoot ar when decocking the hammer os desccibed in § 45 Be sure of your farget and backstop. Toke additional core during Jow light periods. Know the range of your ommunition. Never shoot at wafer or hard objects. Dropping your Five-seveN® IOM when loaded can couse on accidental discharge. Be extremely coreful while hunting or during any shooting activity, to avaid dropping any firearm. Always completely unload your pistol’s chamber before crossing o fence, climbing a tree, jumping a ditch or negotiating other obstacles: Never place your pistol on a car or on ony unstable object. For law enforcement and military personnel, refer to the procedures of your department Hf your Five-seveN® IOM fails to fire, keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Hold this position for 0 minimum of 30 seconds. Remove the magazine. Coretully open the slide and remove the round if the prmer is indented, the round should be dispased of in o way thot it connot cause horm. If the primer is not indented, completely unload the pistol, Your firearm should be examined by o qualified gunsmith / your departmental armorer ond the couse of the moifunction should be corrected before further use¥ Wear eye ond ear protection when shooting. Unprotected, repeoted exposure to guntire can cause hearing damage Wear ear protectors (shooting earplugs or muffs) to guard agornst such damage. Wear shooting glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles. Always keep o safe distance between the muzzle of your firearm and any persons nearby, as muzzle blast, debris and ejecting shells could inflic! serious injury. Also, waar eye protection when disassembling and cleaning your pistol to prevent the possibility of springs, spring-tenstoned parts, solvents or other agents from contacting your eyes. Be defensive and on guerd against unsafe gun handling around you and others. Don't be timid when it comes to gun sofety. H you observe other shooters violohing any of these sofaty precautions, politely suggest safer hondling practices, Supervise and teach firearms safety to all members of your family. This 68 especially impartant when children and non-shooters ore involved, Closely supervise newcomers to the shooting sports Encourage enrollment in hunting/shoaling sofety courses, Never drink alcoholic beverages or take any type of drugs before or during shooting Your vision and judgment could be dangerously impaired, making your pistol handling unsafe to you or to others ‘ Perigdi¢ maintenance : avoid unauthorized servicing. Your Five-seveN® JOM is a mechanical device which will not Jas} forever, ond as such, is subject fo weor and requires perradic inspection, odjustment and service. Like all FN HERSTAL firearms, your pistal should be serviced by a FN HERSTAL Recommended Service Center FN HERSTAL cannot assume ony responsibility for injuries suffered or caused by unauthorized servicing, olterations or modifications of FN HERSTAL firearms. ~ FN HERSTAL reserves the right to refuse service on firearms that hove heen altered, odded to or substantially changed. Removal of metal from the barrel or modhfications of the firing mechanism and/or operating ports may lead to FN HERSTALs refusal of service on such firearms FN HERSTAL wil charge the owner for parts and fabor to return the firearm to original FN HERSTAL specifications. ammunition boxes and with all accessories that you install on Read and heed all warnings in this owner’s manual, on your firearm. It is your responsibility to secure the most up-to-date information on the safe handling procedures for your FN HERSTAL pistol. FN HERSTAL assumes no liability for incidents which occur when unsafe or improper pistol accessories or ammunition combinotions are used. It can be very dangerous to alter firing mechanism parts of this or any firearm. BE CAREFUL ! 132. TECHNICAL INFORMATION 2.1, Nomenclature Manual sofety lection opening Muzzle Frame Picatinny rail Trigger ] | | | | | | “| | | | | | | | Right view of the pistol ee Corhidoe Front sight sa indicator Reor sight Manvol solety 7 = Stripping lever | | | Magarzine cotch Slide | release | Magazine keer | | Left View of the pistol L Jp conventional gun terminology, ihe position and movement of pistol parts ore described os jhey occur with the pislal honzoatol ond in normol ficing posdion the mutzle is forward or front, the pistol grip 1s reerward o¢ rear, the tagger is downward or underneoth, the sights ore upward or on top 14 2.2. Functioning The Five-seveN® |OM pistol is o modern 5.7 x 28 mmm single-action, recoil-operated, semi-automatic pistol. With the chamber and the magazine loaded (os described in § 4.3 ond § 4.4) ond the manual sofety at the (lower) ‘fire’ position, the pistol will fire © single shot with each successive pull of the trigger until the mogozme and the chomber are empty. The slide of this pistol is designed ta stay open after the last cartridge has been fired. Cartridge indicator If the cartridge indicator, located at the left side on top of the pistol, is protruding, this means that there is o cartridge in the chamber. As the hammer of the Five-seveN® IOM pistol is not visible (so that its condition cannot be determined at a glance), ALWAYS consider the pistol as ready-to-fire when the cartridge indicator is protruding and the manual safety is at the (lower) ‘fire’ position !Manual safety The Five-seveN® IOM pistol has on ambidextrous manual sotety : a manual safety lever is on both the right and left sides of the frame for the convenience of both right- and left-handed shooters. The manuol safety can be set at one of the following 2 positions : + The (raised) ‘safe’ position Monvol sofety (NO red marks visible) | When the manual solety is of its roised position, it is impossible to operate the trigger The ‘safe’ position should be selected in one of the following cases - - When the Five-seveN® /OM pistol is nof operational (carrying, cleaning, stored, ...) - When preparing the Five-seveN® JOM pistol for {wing * The (lower) ‘fire’ position aba safely (red marks visible) When in this mode, the trigger con be maved and, on the condition that a cortridge has been loaded in | the chamber as described in § 4.4, o shot will be fued when the trigger is pulled. Operation of the hammer The single-action Five-seveN® (OM pistol has a hidden (not visible] hammer with decocked and cocked positions. Decocked hammer Cecked hammer fig removed the slide ossembly from the pistol + Decocked position The recommended position when shooting is nol imminent. At this posiion, the hammer is fully fallen and resting agains} the inertia firing pin which is not in contact with the primer of the cartridge. This is occerding to the basic function of the inertia tiring pin . the firing pin must be struck forcefully by the hommer in order to achieve enough momentum to contact and indent the primer, causing the ignition of the cartridge * Cocked position The hommer is all the way fo the rear. In the cocked position, with the manuel sofety at the (lower) ‘fire’ position ond wilh o cartridge i the chamber, the pistol is ready to fire by pulling the trigger. Also refer to the remark given at the end of the subparagraph ‘Cartridge indicator’ of this § 2.2. 172.3. Magazines and ammunition Magazines The magazines supplied with the [ pistol have o fotal magazine capacity | of 20 cartridges. | With an additional cartridge in the i chomber, the pistof has o tolol copacity of 21 cartridges. However, as we recommend thot, unless shooting is imminent, no cartridge should be loaded in the chomber of the pistol, the recommended maximum carrying capacity is 20 cartridges mn the magazine with the chamber empty, The magazme type is unique for the pistol ype and should not be used in other ones No other magozine type should be used in your prstal. is specialized, advanced design makes the mogozine highly rebable ond results 1 © very easy maintenance and cleoning. The left side of the magazine hos been provided with four openings which ollow you to estimate the number of cartridges left. HH the bose of a cartridge is visible in Ihe hole ‘20’, the magazine is fully looded while the other holes simply offer you the posstbilily to estimate the number of cartridges still in the mogazine. In this monual, if is assumed thot the ammunition visyalisohion holes of the magazine are oF the “left” and the round feeding opening Js of the “top” 18 The magozine pops out when pressing the magazine catch, standardly provided on the left side of the pistol. It 1s recommended to use the thumb | of the shooting hand (be careful to catch the magazine when it pops out} The magozine catch is reversible and | can be provided ot the other side (for more information, refer to chapter 6 of this Owner's Manual), Please note that the Five-seveN® IOM pistol has been provided with a special magazine disconnect which makes it impossible to fire the pistol if it does not contain a magazine. 19Ammunition The Five-seveN® IOM pistol should only be used with 5.7 x 28 mm $$ 192 ammunition. The colibre is indicated by an inscription engraved in the right side of the pistol. The barrel and the slide have been made with substantial safety margins in order to be able to cape with the pressures developed by the 5.7 x 28 mm ammunition especially conceived by FN HERSTAL. Nevertheless, FN HERSTAL cannot assume any responsibility for incidents which result from the use of cartridges of different caliber or not fabricated according to the FN HERSTAL standards. EXAMINE EACH ROUND BEFORE YOU PUT IT IN YOUR’ PISTOL? 20 3. CONTENTS OF THE STORAGE BOX The pistol ond its accessories are supplied in a practical storage box. | Contents of the storage box ; » A pistol wilh 20-round magazine ~ Asafety lock + 2 keys | > Two 20-round magazines | = Arear sight adjusting toot | ™ A magazine catch reversing tool | = An empty coriridge case fired by | the pistol | = An ownes’s manual inc ae = Acylindrical box (used os a Use the salely lock to safely store and hondgrip) with the cleaning tronsport the pistol (always keep the keys tools (see photo below} at a different place) [eames Swab holder | if nono Sel, pamens/eHinatitie | Hondgnip Brass cleaning brush (for bore of barrel), = SHAT Nylon cleaning brush (for chamber of barrel} 2)4, USING THE PISTOL Before any intervention on the Five-seveN® OM pistol, ensure to be familiar with the safety information given in chapter 1 of this Owner’s Monual, 4.1, Safety checks Corry out the following procedure in order to ensure that Ihe pistol can be manipulated, stored and/or transported without any risk : & If not already done, and using its right/left lever, set the manual sofety at the (raised} ‘safe’ position. “ Manual sofety _/¥ When the manual sofety is of the (raised) ‘sofe’ position, the red marks are NOT visible Press the magazine catch in arder to eject ihe magazine. If the magozme does not pop out, pull on its boftom plate. *» Pull the slide completely rearwards ond hold it in thot position. Ejection opening Chamber } Through the ejection opening, look into the chamber of the pistol in order to ensure that Ihere is no cortridge in the chamber. If there is a cortridge in the chamber, unload the pistol os described in § 4.8. 22 23«+ Ifthe chamber is empty, release the slide. & Decock the cocked hammer as described in § 4.5. % Ensure thot the magazine is empty. if the mogazine is not empty, unlacd it as described in § 4.8. Hf necessary, also unload the spare magazines. Initial cleaning Never fire the pistol upon purchase or after it has been siored for more than 10 days wilhout cleaning it first. For low enforcement and military personnel, refer to the procedures of your department. % Carry out the cleaning procedure of § 7.1 ‘Cleaning ond lubricotion before firing’ in order to remove the preservation lubricant instead of the maintenance lubricant. If the pistol contains hardened grease or other substances that you cannot remove, have the weapon checked by your dealer / deportmeniol armorer. Keep your fingers away from the trigger while unloading, loading and remaving the magazine. Only touch the trigger when you are ready to shoot or when decocking the hammer as described in § 4.5. 24 4.2. Setting the rear sight | Rear sight The following settings con be carried out by a normal user + Fy Rear sight A adjusting tool f } A. Lateral setting of the rear sight The point of rmpact can be moved towards the right (left) side by moving the rear sight towards the right (left) side by turning ts screw ‘o' in the (counter)clockwise direction by using the rear sight adjusting tool supplied in the storage box of the pistol. B. Vertical setting of the rear sight The point of impact can be moved down (up) by moving the rear sight down (up) by turning its screw ‘b’ tn the (counter|elockwise direction by using the rear sight adjusting tool. 254.3. Loading the magazine As explained in § 2.3, the magazines supplied with the pistol have a capacity of 20 cortridges. @ If the magazine to be loaded is still in the pistol, first set the manual sofety at the (raised) ‘safe’ position and then press on the magazine catch in order to eject the magazine. % Load the cartridges, one by one, info the magazine. Ploce the coriridge on top of the lips of the mogazme and with its rear part aligned with the rear of the magazine With the thumb, push down on the cartridge (against the force of the spring) unt it Jacks into position under the lias of the magazine. | | | The side openings in the magazine body allow you to estimate the number of cartridges present in the magazine. {tis recommended only to load the number of cartridges you intend to shoat. Do not insert the magazine bac! }o the pistol nor load a cartridge into the chamber unloss shooting is imminent. Never keep 0 lewded magazine next to the pistol. 1 For law enforcement and military personnel, refer to the procedures of your department on carrying a loaded pistol with o cartridge in the chamber. 26 4.4, Loading the pistol It is assumed that the chamber of the pistol is empty, that 0 magazine has been inserted, tho} the shde is at its forward position ond that the manual safety is at the (raised} ‘sote’ position % Insert a loaded magazine into the handgrip and push it fully home until it locks into position. | | ae + Being extremely careful not to touch the trigger, hold the pistol in your firing hand, point in a sofe direction, pull the slide completely rearwards with the other hand and then release the slide which returns under spring force. This causes the first cartridge to be Joaded into the chamber ond the hommer fo be cocked (the coriridge indicator protrudes in order to indicate the presence of 0 cartridge in the chamber). In order 40 ensure a correct chambering of the cartridge, let the slide “slam” forwards under the force of the spring, do not eose it forwards. Be coreful } If the manual safety is now set of the (lower) ‘fire’ position, the pistol can be fired by simply pulling the trigger ! If shooting is not imminent, it is recommended to decock the cocked hammer as described in § 4.5. 274.5. Decacking the cocked hammer Before proceeding, read and understand § 2.2 which shortly describes the functioning of your pistol, and especially of its (hidden) hommer. This procedure should be carned out to decock the cacked hammers, especially if you do not intend to shoot immediately after hoving cocked the pistol The procedure starts with unlooding the pistol (also refer to § 4.8) . never decock the cocked hammer of a loaded pistol 1 For low enforcement and military personnel, refer to the procedures of your deportment on decocking a cocked hammer, % Mf not already done, set the manuol safety at the (raised) ‘safe’ position, > Press the magazine catch in order to eject the magazine. & ~ Pull the slide completely rearwards in order to eject ihe remaining cartridge from the chamber and hold it in that position. Do not forget to pick-up, clean and store the eyected round * Looking through the ejection opening, ensure thal there is no cartridge in the chamber of the pistol. If the chamber is emply, release the slide. % Doublecheck if the chamber of the pistol is really empty. Insert an empty mogazine into the handgrip. Please nofe thot a soecio! mogazine disconnect mokes df impossible to pull the trigger if the pistol does not contain o magazine. “ Set fhe manuol safety at the (lower) ‘fire’ position. @ Pointing the pistol in a safe direction, pull the trigger 10 decock the hammer. “ Set the manual safety at the (roised) ‘safe’ position, 4.6. Firing H 1s ossumed that the rear sight has been set correctly (also refer to § 4.2) Ensure that § 7.1. “Cleaning and Jubsication before fiang” has been carned out % If not already done, ioad the pistol as described in § 4.4. % Pointing the pistol in a safe direction, ond using its right/left lever, set the manual sofety at the (lower) ‘fire’ position. When firing, the slide will move aporax. 3/4” post the rear end of the frome never hold your hand in a position where if could be hif by the slide ond never hald the pistol close te the eyes when arming I * While aiming the pistol, j ~ : ps pull the trigger to fire the first round, The Five-seveN” OM pistol is o single-action pistol so | that 0 rother light and short | trigger pull is required, After a shot, release the Srigger so the? if returns Jowards ifs forward position. | Keep the pistol pointed a? the target and fire further rounds as required. At each shot, the pistol will cock the hommer, eject the used cartridge case ond feed a cartridge from the magazina snto the chomber, If the pistol is fired untd the magazine is emply, the slide will remain open when the last round hos been Fired (refer fo the folowing § 4 7). if the shooting is interrupted, even shertly, place the monual safaty at the (raised) ‘safe’ position. After the shooting, remove the magazine and unload the pistol, 294.7. Reloading during shooting After having fired the {ast round, the slide remains in the open position. (n such a case, the empty maggzine can quickly be replaced by a loaded one, by proceeding as follows : 4 Press on the magozine catch in order to eject the empty magazine. 4 Insert a loaded magazine into the handgrip and push it fully home until it locks into position. 4 Press the slide release | Slide releose lever downwards : the : a lever slide will return to its forward position and the first cartridge will be loaded into the chamber. During this operehon, be careful not to touch the trigger. Please nate that the hommer is still of the cocked position ; the pistol will be ready to hire. The cartridge indicator protrudes in order to indicate the presence of o cartridge in the chamber. «> Resume firing. If the shooting is intecrupted, even shortly, place the manual safety at the {ralsed) ‘safe’ position. After the shooting, remove the magazine ond unload the pistol, 30 4.8. Unloading the pistol % if not olready done, and using its right/left lever, set the manual safety at the (raised) ’sofe’ position. Monval safety When the monuol sofety is af the (raised) ‘safe’ position, the red marks are NOT wsible. @ Press the magazine catch in order to eject the magazine. If the magazine does not pop oul, pull on its bottom plate. 31Pull the slide completely reorwards and then release it in order to eject the remaining cartridge from the chamber. ff the slide is already automatically locked into the rearward position ofter having fired the last round (also refer to § 4.7), thrs step rs not necessory ; just press the slide release lever dawnwords in order fo let the slide return to its forward position. Do not forget to pick-up, clean and store the ejected round © Pull the slide completely rearwards and hold it in a Ejection opening that position. Chomber 0 fe a Through the ejection opening, look into the chamber of the pistol in order to ensure that there is no cactridge in the chamber, Hf there 1s 6 cartridge in the chamber, release the slide and then try to exiroct and eject the remaining cartridge by pulling the slide completely rearwards and then releasing it, {f the chamber is empty, release the slide. Doublecheck if the chamber of the pistol is really empty. Unload the magazine by removing the cartridges one by one. Slightly push down on the top cartridge ond then corefully push it forwords out and release it from the lips of the magazine. Repeat this procedure until the magazine is completely empty. Do not forget Jo unlood the spare magorines as well. Insert an empty mogazine into the handgrip. Please note that a speciol magazine disconnect mokes it impossible to pull the trigger if the pistol does not contom o magazine, Set the manual safety at the (lower) ‘fire’ position. Pointing the pistol in a safe direction, pull the trigger to decack the hammer. Set the manual safety at the (raised) ’safe” position. 335. FIELD STRIPPING 5.1, Disassembling and reassembling the pistol I} is very smportant to become fomilior with the disassembly procedure of the pistol as disassembly is required during the cleoning and lubricotion procedure which ensures reliable operation of the pistol. & Carry out the safety checks (refer to § 4.1). After hoving carried out the safety checks, don’t insert 0 magazine into the pistol. * Remove the slide assembly from the frame of the pisiol by proceeding as follows : * Hold the pistol in the right hand. + With the palm of the left hand, pull the slide approx. 0.5 em (0.25”) rearwards and hold it in that position, At the same time, and using the left thumb, push the stripping lever completely rearwards and hold it in that position. « Release the slide so that it moves back forwards. Siripping lever assembly 34 + With the right ihumb, push forwards on the rear end of the slide in order to disengage the complete slide assembly from the frame. * Lift the slide assembly up and off the frame. @ With the slide assembly held upside down, disengage the rear end of the barrel. | Borre) | : “& Take the barrel out of the slide. This level of disossembly is sufficient to perform thorough cleaning : further disassembly should only be carried out by an authorized armorer or by FN HERSTAL Slide | | Pa Mogorine i Barrel \ 4 Frame assembly 35To reassemble the pistol, proceed as follows : & Ensure that oll the components of the pistol ore perfectly clean. @ Insert the muzzte of the [- forwards against the force of the return spring and | then fit the rear end of the — | borrel into position inthe slide. borrel into the barrel | See) | opening atthe froni side | | of the slide. | | mn c | ®& Push the barrel slightly & | | | | Before carrying out the next step, ensure that the stripping lever is af the most reorward position, that the frame does not contain a@ magazine and that the hammer is cocked. & Reinstall the slide assembly onto the frame of the pistol by proceeding as follows : * While holding the slide | assembly parallel above the frome, align the reor end of the slide assembly with the front end of the rear guide rails of the frome. i assembly Se Stide ossemily Rear guide | coils 36 Ensure that the stripping lever is at the most rearward position. * Lower the slide assembly onto the frame ond then move it slightly rearwards just enough to fit the front and reor guide rails of the frame into the grooves of the slide assembly. Ensure thot the slide assembly has correctly engoged the frame. * Move the slide assembly completely rearwards. * Check if the slide can smoothly be moved back and forth. 5.2. Disassembling and reassembling the magazine Disossembling the magazine for cleaning and fubrication is only necessary in cose of apparent sorling of the magazine. % If not already done, press the magazine catch in order to eject the magazine from the pistol and completely unload the magazine. + While holding the rear end of the magazine bottom plate against a hord surface (e.g. 0 toble), press down on the } magazine in order to disengage the bottom plate. 37’ Magazine Magazine body follower assembly | Magenine J body Mogazine follower spring —_ bottom ve { I | | fw, } } % Taking into account that the magazine bottom plaie is subjected to the force of the magazine follower spring, slide the bottom plate off the magazine body and then corefully release the pressure on the follower spring. % Take Ihe magazine follower ossembly out of the mogozine body. This level of disassembly is sufficient to perform thorough cleaning ;: further disassembly should only be carried out by an authorized armorer or by FN HERSTAL To reassemble the mogozine, follow the above steps in reverse order, taking into account the following points : fe & Ensure that the carmponents of the magazine are perfectly clean. & Ensure that the mogazine follower assembly is correctly oriented. & The magazine boltom plate can only be slid back into position when the magazine follower spring is compressed and held flush with the edge of the magazine body. “ Ensure that the magazine bottom plate correctly locks into position. 38 6. REVERSING THE MAGAZINE CATCH If the magazine coich should be provided at the other side of the pistol (also refer to § 2.3), proceed as follows « & > Remove the slide assembly as described in § 5.1 and then set the manual safety at the (lower) ‘fire’ position in order to be able to pull the trigger when asked during the following procedure. t + Use the hook on the norrow end of the magazine catch reversing tool to pull the magazine catch spring out of its housing inside the frame assembly and then remove the magazine catch. “@ Fit the magazine catch, with its grooved end facing outwards, inio its housing at the other side of the pistol. @ Fit the magazine catch spring into the special housing of the magazine catch reversing tool and then, while pulling the trigger, reinstall the spring into its housing inside the frame ossembly. Fit the (longer) bended end of the spring correctly between the rear Jugs of the magazine catch ond Push the spring g fully home by using the tool —_ Magazine catch | Magazine catch I Q reversing too! Mogazine catch Sp) 397. CLEANING AND LUBRICATION The frequency at which the pistol should be cleaned and lubricated depends on the ammunition used, the weather and shooting conditions and other external factors. A good rule is to clean and lubricate the pistol after every use or, in case of intensive shooting, offer each 500 rounds : correct maintenance will enhance the longevity ond the performance of your pistol. Excessively ditty ammunition may require more frequent cleaning ond tco much did con atfect the functioning of even the finest firearm. It is important to keep your pistol clean and correctly lubricated ! Do not use too much lubricant as this could couse the build-up of dirt, grit or powder residue which could atfeet the functioning of the pistol. For more information about the recommended lubricants, refer to ‘Lubricants’ in § 10. Never use hydrocarbons, trichlorethylene nor ammonia : they could cause damage to your pistel ! Before cleaning the pistol, ALWAYS ensure that it is unloaded {also refer to § 4.8). Keep the ammunition away from the cleaning site and never test the mechanical function of your pistol with live ammunition. 40 7.1, Cleaning and lubrication before firing The following procedure ossumes tha} the pistol has correctly been cleoned and lubricated the lost time it has been used (also refer to § 7 2). € Disassemble the pistol as described in § 5.1. Using the swab holder and clean rags (pieces of flannel) and working back \ and forth, remove the i / Se maintenance lubricant . a from the bore and the | pn joo! with chamber of the barrel until | swab hotder the last rag is clean. | Borrel Be coreful not to scratch or damage the muzzle as thes con affect occuracy . it is recommended fo cleon from the rear side. “¢ Ensure that the inside of the borrel is pertectly dry. + Reassemble the pistol. Before each shooting sequence, ALWAYS check the barrel for | obstructions and ensure that itis dry and clean, Completely unload the pistol, ensure tha! there is no cartridge in the chamber of the pistol and then glance down the barrel in order to | ensure Shot it is free of any obstruction. i | Toke into account that the smallest obstruction con dangerously Increase pressures.7.2. Cleaning and lubrication after firing e > od Disassemble the pistol os described in § 5.1. Using the cleaning brushes or o spray, apply solvent inside the barrel (bore end chamber) and tet the product work a few minutes. Using the swab holder and clean rags (pieces of flannel) and working back and forth, remove the i t solvent and the residues Barrel ~, Cleaning from the bore and the 1 wool with chomber of the barrel until | swob holder the last rog is clean. Be careful nat to scratch or damage the muzzle as this con affect occuracy : it is recommended to clean from the rear side. When the bore and the chamber of the barrel are clean, again use a piece of flannel, this time moistened wilh maintenance lubricant, to protect the inside of the barrel untit ihe next use. Please note that the inside of the barrel should be wiped dry before shooting (olso refer to § 7.3) Using the cleaning brushes and solvent, remove any carbon ond other deposits from the areas of the pistol alracting powder and primer residues : the slide, the extractor, the upper part of the frame, ... * Using a soft cloth or a rag [if necessary, dipped in solvent}, remove any dirl from the magazine housing of the frame. %@ Check the disassembled ports of the pistol for signs of wear and/or damage. In case of doubt obout the condition of o part, consult your dealer / department! ormorer + Thoroughly clean all the parts of the pistol in order to remove the dirt. & If it has not been done recently, apply one drop of functional lubricant to the return spring, the inside of the slide (especially the grooves for the guide rails), the metal moving parts as well os the guide rails of the frame. *} Reassemble the pistol. +e Clean the outside of the pistol in order to remove dirt, finger prints and excessive lubricant. 7.3. Cleaning and lubrication of the magazine Cleaning and lubrication of the magazine is only necessary in cose of apparent sotling of the magazine. %® Disassemble the mogazine. *} Thoroughly clean all the parts of the magazine [if necessary, use solvent). “ Using a piece of flannel moistened with magazine lubricant, lightly apply lubricant to the mogazine follower spring. Wipe of excess lubricant. Ensure that the inside of the magazine is dry. % Reassemble the magazine.8. TAKING CARE OF THE PISTOL RQ Alwoys keep the pistol in immaculate condition and good working order. UY Always clean and lubricate the pistol offer use. WV Regularly inspect the pistol, its parts and the accessories. If something seems abnormal, don’t hesitote to report to your dealer / deportmentol armorer. a Never modify or repair parts of your pistol (or any other one) by yourself, Your pistol is a mechanical device subject to wear and which will not last forever : it requires periodic inspection, adjustment and service. The pistol should be checked every 2000 rounds and/or once a year because damage, wear, corrosion, ... are not always visible from the outside. For that purpose, send the pistol to your dealer. Law enforcement and military personnel have a departmental armorer which will inspect the pistol an a yearly basis. FN HERSTAL cannot assume any responsibility for injuries caused by unauthorized servicing, alterations or modifications to its firearms. | 4A 9, TROUBLESHOOTING If 3 problem connot be sclved by the few directives given below, the pistol should be restricted for further use ond examined by your dealer / departmentol armorer. The cartridge is not chambered The mogazine has not been inserted correctly, 18 dirty or damaged Improper ammunition 1s used The mogazine has na} been loaded correctly The slide does not close properly Prstol is dirty or too heavily fubricated The empty cortridge jams in the chamber or at the ejection opening Josufficient reco)! due to the pistol being dirty The ommunition gives insufficient recoil force Hammer strikes but no discharge Defective cadridge Hard primers 4510. OTHERS Sight adjustment For a more accurate setting of the sights than the procedures described in § 4.2, ask your dealer / departmental armorer. Lubricants FN HERSTAL recommends using lubricant Nycolube 127 CLP or equivalent (reference US MIL - PRF63460 or NATO S-758). For the US Market, CLP 1s available under the following nomes ond trademarks + - CLP-NC by BREAK.FREE INC + SENT-CLP by SENTINEL CANADA . - ROYCO-634 by ROYAL LUBRICANTS Co, INC Be aware thot some solvents con be harmful to the surface finish of the pistol, so consult your dealer / departmental armover. Disposal Strictly observe the current national legislation concerning the disposal of handguns, return the pistol to your dealer / departmental armorer or, if itis not contrary to the curren? nationol legislation, send it back to FN HERSTAL. 46 11. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Coliber - 57x 28mm Type of fire : Semi-automatic Trigger pull Single-action : 4.4 to 6.6 Ib (2.0 to 3.0 kg} Weight » Without magozine : 1.3 Ib (590 g} Length 8.2” (208 mm) Height + 5.7" (145 mm) Width 1,4" (35 mm) Barrel length : 4.8" (122 mm} [bore and chamber} Rifled lengih 2 3.7" (93 mm) Number of grooves : 8 Twist ond direction: 9.1” (231 mm), right-hand Magazine capacity : 20 rounds Length of line of sight - 7.0” (178 mm) Muzzle velocity : 2050 fi/s (630 m/s) Effective ronge : 55 yd (50 m} Maximum range : 1650 yd (1500 m) All specifications subject ta changes without notice 47ust ee
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