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Seekur JR

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stem Description ust SHHOIOO- Sechur ir Base. Includes gyroscope, joystick bumpers (4 ont and Area one battery, and HO/220V.— 33,595 ‘arg. Can holdup to three batteries. ‘#0200 _Sechur Ir Premium Package. Includes AKROIOO plus on-board PC, WF, outdoor manipulator arm, 149,000 ‘leper, PT2camera, and two extra batteries hve total). ‘ACAOOO LCD Display Displays robot als but with no control. 1,205 |COMPUTER AND OPERATING SYSTEMS ‘ACIOZI2 On-Board Computer Hl. MAMBA,225GH2/Dul Cove/2GB RAW Sold Stateharddrve/ ethernet switch 4295 [ACTO213. OnBoard Computer #2. MAMBA, 226GH/DulCore/2GB RAMYSolld State hard dive 4208 SOF0004 Linux 0S. Ubuntu Linux OS stale, tested & configured with software no sk provided) 295 S0F0032 Windows 05. Windows XP Embedded OS installed, ested, configured with software no disk 595 provided) ‘ACTUSZ0 Outdoor Westheized PTZ Camara Sytem. 7495, SOTOOIS,- Laser Mapping & Nevgavon software (ARNL). Alows or mapareauon &eding, aynaMenaugaton, 2395 localization & cbstable avoidance. Includes development ibary documentation, and sofware lense. (Software only) [ACTOA&O Outdoor Laser Navigation System. includes SICK LMS laser laser navigation software (ARN. 3.995, Raques o-board computer EE ‘AGTOORO Novatel 12 channel DGPSysem receve instal on robot and stationary GPS baeestationtrensmiter, 24994 <20 em acuracy 70% of ime wth ferential, Adept Mebileobots Outdoor Guidance Software (MOGS) [ACTOO7S. Novate 12 channe DGPS system, GPS recever installed on robot and stationary GPS base-statlon 19.995 ‘wansrter, <60.0n aceuray (RMS) with lifer, Adept MabieRebots Outdoor Gudance Software (oss) ‘ACTOO79 Novatel GPS receiver with WAAS corection (North America Oly) Installed, <60.on accuracy with 1998

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