stem Description ust
SHHOIOO- Sechur ir Base. Includes gyroscope, joystick bumpers (4 ont and Area one battery, and HO/220V.— 33,595
‘arg. Can holdup to three batteries.
‘#0200 _Sechur Ir Premium Package. Includes AKROIOO plus on-board PC, WF, outdoor manipulator arm, 149,000
‘leper, PT2camera, and two extra batteries hve total).
‘ACAOOO LCD Display Displays robot als but with no control. 1,205
‘ACIOZI2 On-Board Computer Hl. MAMBA,225GH2/Dul Cove/2GB RAW Sold Stateharddrve/ ethernet switch 4295
[ACTO213. OnBoard Computer #2. MAMBA, 226GH/DulCore/2GB RAMYSolld State hard dive 4208
SOF0004 Linux 0S. Ubuntu Linux OS stale, tested & configured with software no sk provided) 295
S0F0032 Windows 05. Windows XP Embedded OS installed, ested, configured with software no disk 595
‘ACTUSZ0 Outdoor Westheized PTZ Camara Sytem. 7495,
SOTOOIS,- Laser Mapping & Nevgavon software (ARNL). Alows or mapareauon &eding, aynaMenaugaton, 2395
localization & cbstable avoidance. Includes development ibary documentation, and sofware lense.
(Software only)
[ACTOA&O Outdoor Laser Navigation System. includes SICK LMS laser laser navigation software (ARN. 3.995,
Raques o-board computer
‘AGTOORO Novatel 12 channel DGPSysem receve instal on robot and stationary GPS baeestationtrensmiter, 24994
<20 em acuracy 70% of ime wth ferential, Adept Mebileobots Outdoor Guidance Software (MOGS)
[ACTOO7S. Novate 12 channe DGPS system, GPS recever installed on robot and stationary GPS base-statlon 19.995
‘wansrter, <60.0n aceuray (RMS) with lifer, Adept MabieRebots Outdoor Gudance Software
‘ACTOO79 Novatel GPS receiver with WAAS corection (North America Oly) Installed, <60.on accuracy with 1998