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308 Chinneye the sane dimensions. An approximate natural frequency can be determined from Eg, (10) byasing for wy the weight of the shell plu lining, aluided by the thikmess ofthe plate R ‘The weielt and thickness should be taken a about one-fourth the height above the base ‘i Base flexibility may need to be considered in determining frequency. For example, when stack are supported on 4 roof structure ofa steal frame, the translational end ole: i: tional spring constants ofthe support must be taken into account, n STEEL STACKS. cs ‘There are many types of steel stacks, including self-xapported, guyed, and braced. The Choice ofa particular type should be based on the evalvaton of ts comparative cots snd z the site conditions. The three proble types commonly used are shown in Fig. 5. Short y Stacks, loss than [00 Thigh, may be straight cylinders. For tller stacks «bell base may * eused to reduce plate thickness and anchor-bolt size, The bell heights usually between i ‘one-fourth and one-third of the total stack height, The diameter of the fared bare Dy ic 4 tually about Te to Di tines the evlinder diameter ‘Most steel stacks are bal fom plate conforming to ASTM AS6. In some cases, A242, a ASSB.AI31B or CS, A285C, oF other grades of steel have beon uscd as dictated by indi f ‘ial experience and specie requirements stiffeners sre normally AS6. Steel fr tacks x Incold climates should have a low transition temperature (See, 4) © “The Hee! stack and its anchorage should he designed forthe lows discussed in preced: ing articles. When subjected to wind and/or earthquake loads, the stack may be treated is fava beam column and analyzed by the conventional beam theory. Except in guyed and braced stacks, nonuniform temperature differentials wall not Induce bending mements, Partcfar anton regired athe design of reinforcing tthe cove-to-eybader june tion and atthe breoching epening. : "To reduce heat ls, insuation of the exterior surface of wlind steel stack, including the projecting Hanges of al attachments, is recommended. This is common practice in 1 England to reduce soot fallout, Proper ning should be applied tothe interior surface of the shel to protect the bare steel from high temperature, abrasion, and corrosion from the fue gases, The weight of insulation and ling should be taken into account in the 7 frequenc) ealcultion for resonance under the lined condition. Unless an Integral shot {rete or brick Unng fs used, no eredt should be given to th lining in calculating stack ‘fifa. 'ASTM STS-1" provides the requirements and guidelines for desig, fabrication, ere tion and maintenance of steel stacks and thelr appurtenances 9, Algnable Svesses The allowable longitudinal compressive stresses due to vertical load and bending moment cxn be determined by” F-XY as) where / 0.062550/R X=) 05IF,— hie, — A) lose, (i, ooseyny im (Se oar, ) p eae y=|__s1,600 I L eo for => 60 and F, 50 ksi £, = yield strength at mean shall temperature, ksi E. = proportions! limi a mean shell temperature, ksi: may be taken as 0.7, 1B fmodulus of elasticity at mean shell temperatire, ksCircumtorntialStitenere 30-8 {= shellplate thickness, in at the seetton under consideration A= radius of shel, i L = length of stack between points of lateral support, For a self-supporting stack, E should be taken as the effctive length, e., = 2% stack height, + = radius of gyration = 0.707R, in ‘The factor Yin Eq, (14) i intended to account fora possible interaction of cylindrical shell bueling. which depends on ¢/R, and coluina buekling, which depends on L/r "The allowable strss given by Eq, (1d) s based on a factor of safety of and ie suggested {or load combinations which inelude either mind or earthquake forces Because of possible corrosion the computed roquired thickness should be increased, The allowance may vary from M to X 1a, depending oa the properties of fue gases, the {types af insulation and lining provided, and the operating gas temperature. Including the corrosion allowance, it is recommended that the shell thickness be not less than %e in for “alined stacks and n for lined stacks. Outstanding elements of rlled shapes and bil ‘up members should have & minimum thickest of in “0, Cone-t-Cylner Junction A stifening rag is required at the junction of the cone apd the straight cylinder sections of stacks Tes normally designed to resist the creum ferential compression that results from the vertial los and bending maments atthe junction, Where external pressure dao to stack drafts significant, the resulting additional ‘reumferential forces should also be considered. "The matimem vertial force N, per unit length of elrcumference in the eylinder a the junction is wow Nee a3) there W = avi od at juneion M12 sind or ler momenta junction The total secure compton Qa he Fng i Qe RIN, tan 0 + 0 TRRAVAR + sec VERB) «8 there # = sate angle between cone wall and linder 1, utr! peste porunt aes f= snes of endo wall fo 1. Uieknes of cone walkin The cequet aren and momento inertia ofthe an as) ‘The allowable ring compression Fin Ba. (17) usually limited to 8000 psito minimize the secondary vertical bonding stresses, For stacks of lameters greater than 13, oF whore higher values of F, are used. it would be advisable to evaluate the secondary Stresses. In addition, bending stresses due to tho circumferential variation in wind pres: sure should be checked by Eas. (7). In determining the section properties of the stifening ring the area ofa partion of the shell Fig. 6} can be inchuded, but the area wo included should not exceed the area ofthe fing itselfra ensure a nominalsizestifener. The maximum permisible longitudinal com pressive stresses in the eono may be determined by Eq, (14) with the horizontal radius Feplaced by the cone rads Fsec 41. Grcomtarenta Stlenars_In addition tothe stiffener atthe cone-cylindor junction a stfener ls required at the top of the stack, Intermediate ring stiffeners may also be Tested, The purpose of such stilfening sto prevent excessive deformations of the stack ‘hell under wind pressure and to provide alee steactoral resistance to negative draft Tntormedite sfener spacing £, can be determined by [ee L= 10 \/m a9) V BP
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