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Social Studies 10

Issue #1 Globalization and Identity

The Unexamined Life Do I Understand Who I am

Globalization and Personal Identity
You have probably been asked to do an assignment about your personal identity at
least once before during your journey through Social Studies courses.
Why do we ask you to take a moment to think about the important parts of what
make you who you are at the beginning of the course in Social 10?
One of the key understandings that we will be working on learning this course is
how (if at all) does Globalization influence who we are as individuals. It is difficult to
think about how something like Globalization might influence who we are, unless we
stop to think about the most important parts of our identity.

Part One make a list or draw a word web. /10
Individually identify features and characteristics that form part of your identity. List as
many features and characteristics as possible (minimum 20) from the following

Traditions - (Family? Cultural?)

Role modeling - (who do you look up to? Who are your heroes?)
Languages - (How many do you speak? Are there any you might like to learn?)
Religion/spirituality (do you have any beliefs about a higher power? Life after
The arts - (Do you sing? Dance? Paint? Write? Do you enjoy going to see a play?
Do you enjoy taking photographs?)
Attire - (What do you typically choose to wear and why?)
Relationship to land - (Farmer? Rancher? Environmentalist? Hunter? Like to fish?)
Beliefs/values - (What are some of the most important values you have like honesty,
helping the less fortunate? Hard work? Freedom of expression?)
Ethnicity (What ethnicities do you have in your background? Dutch? German? First
Nations? British? French etc )
Experiences (Do you have some life experiences that have really impacted you?)
Location/Geography (How does living in Canada, Alberta, or the Spruce Grove
area impact who you are?)
Personality (What are your strongest personality characteristics?)
Family (Describe your family.)
Economic status - (In your opinion is your family wealthy? Middle class?
Disadvantaged? Does this impact your identity at all?)
Physical features (Do you have any defining physical characteristics like being
super tall? Short? Have the most amazing smile?)

Social Studies 10
Issue #1 Globalization and Identity

Part Two: Symbolic Representation of the Key Features of my Identity

Today and Explanation /10

5 most important or

From your list or word web of 20, now choose the

influential parts of your identity today.


A brief explanation of what your 5 symbols are, why you chose them, how
they represent the critical pieces of your identity, and are they individual or
collective aspects of identity.

- (Draw, paint, Photoshop, etc.) a symbolic representation of the

five most important elements of your identity. This is a symbolic nonlinguistic representation which means without words. Consider this to be a
tattoo or other symbol representing the most important elements of who you
are. 8x10 sheet of paper use full page

Note: Individual identity the group of characteristics and values people use to
define themselves as individuals. Collective identity the common
characteristics and values used to define a group.
Total Assignment Mark
Part one:
1. Create a list/word web of 20 aspects of your identity (see list on other side) -

Part two:
1. Choose the 5 most important aspects that play a large role in defining your
2. Create a symbolic representation (drawing) using those 5 aspects

Part three:
1. Explanations on back side of symbol Why these 5 aspects were chosen, how do
they represent you?
2. Individual vs. collective identity classification.

Social Studies 10
Issue #1 Globalization and Identity


Total: _______


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