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Getting A Handle On Advanced Cubic Equations of State: Measurement & Control

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Measurement & Control

Getting a Handle on Advanced

Cubic Equations of State
Chorng H. Twu,
Wayne D. Sim
and Vince Tassone,
Aspen Technology, Inc.

Understanding the strengths and limitations of a

cubic equation of state (CEOS) is key to selecting
the right one for your flowsheet simulation.

ngineers must often perform complex phaseequilibria calculations to model systems typically found in the refining and chemical industries. Cubic equations of state (CEOS) are currently the equations of state considered most applicable
for such calculations. This article focuses on the enhancements made to the CEOS that are considered industry-wide standards and points out the strengths and
limitations of these CEOS and their mixing rules.
The Soave modification of the Redlich-Kwong (SRK)
equation (1) has been very successful in extending the applicability of CEOS to systems that contain non-polar and
slightly polar components. However, Soave-type CEOS that
use the van der Waals mixing rules have difficulty handling
the phase behavior of polar systems. Numerous efforts have
been made to develop mixing rules and EOS models for
associating fluids. The modern approach of combining
CEOS with excess Helmholtz or Gibbs energy models is
one example. With so many EOS and mixing rules available, it is no wonder that chemical engineers have difficulty
selecting an appropriate thermodynamic method for the
simulation of their flowsheets. This article addresses questions frequently asked at the inception of flowsheet simulation, namely, Which equation of state do I use? and,
What mixing rules should be selected for my system?

Twu-Sim-Tassone CEOS
A general two-parameter CEOS can be represented by the
P =

(v + ub)(v + wb)
There are two parameters, a and b. Generally, there are two
ways to evaluate them. One is to fit the parameters to experimental data, usually the vapor pressure and liquid density.
The other is to derive the parameters from the critical con-



November 2002


straints by setting the first and second derivatives of the pressure, with respect to volume, equal to zero at the critical point.
Since cubic equations of state do not represent PVT behavior
well, particularly near the critical region, the use of a CEOS
to predict liquid densities results in large errors. This is one of
the inherent limitations of any CEOS. Using regression to
force-fit the EOS to liquid density by regression not only fails
to satisfy the critical constraints, but also sacrifices the ability
of the EOS to predict K-values, and also leads to an over estimation of critical temperature and critical pressure.
However, the critical constraints induce a constant value
of the critical compressibility factor, Zc, for all components.
The Zc for real fluids is known from experiment to be generally smaller than that predicted from the CEOS. Thus, predicted liquid densities differ considerably from their experimental values. SRK, Peng-Robinson (PR), and TST equations of state (2, 3) predict a constant Zc, equal to 0.3333,
0.3074 and 0.2962 for all substances, respectively. The value
of Zc obtained from TST is closest to the real value of Zc for
most substances.
The constants u and w are EOS-dependent. Twu et. al. (2,
3) propose a methodology to find a CEOS that predicts liquid
densities for heavy hydrocarbons and polar components better than the SRK or PR equations. For the TST equation, u =
0.5 and w = 3.0. For the SRK equation, u = 0, w = 1. For
the PR equation, u = 0.4142 and w = 2.4141. SRK is the
equation of choice for predicting the liquid density for
methane and PR is best for n-pentane up to n-heptane; and
TST is superior for n-octane and higher carbon numbers, as
well as for polar components. Another special feature of the
CEOS is that while it typically under-predicts liquid density,
this shortcoming may be corrected by volume translation
without affecting the K-value calculation (4).
Although the ability to accurately predict liquid-density
varies from one CEOS to the next, no single equation has an
advantage over another in terms of its modeling accuracy as

long as the same alpha function (for pure-component vapor
pressure correlation) and the same mixing rules (for mixtureproperty correlation) are used (5). Since the ability of any
CEOS to predict phase equilibria of mixtures depends on the
alpha function and the mixing rule, these two elements will be
the focus of the remainder of this article.

Alpha functions for cubic equations of state

The accurate prediction of K-values from any CEOS requires an equally accurate prediction of pure-component
vapor pressures, which depends on the development of an appropriate alpha function (T). The first CEOS to be successfully applied to the calculation of thermodynamic properties
for the vapor phase was the modified form of the van der
Waals equation by Redlich and Kwong (6), who incorporated
temperature dependence into the a term:
P =

a T 0.5

v( v + b )


The success of the Redlich-Kwong (RK) equation stimulated

numerous researchers to propose various correlations for improving the prediction of vapor pressure. Wilson (7) first introduced a general form of temperature dependence of the a
parameter in the RK equation in 1964:
a(T) = (T)ac


where ac is the value of a at the critical point. In 1966, Wilson

(8) expressed (T) as a function of the reduced temperature,
Tr = T/Tc, and the acentric factor as follows:

(T) = Tr + (1.57 + 1.62)(1 Tr)


However, since the error of predicted vapor pressure from Eq.

4 is quite large, Wilsons function did not find widespread
use. The (T) function that did find its way into the mainstream was proposed by Soave in 1972. He developed a linear
equation for as a function of temperature by plotting 0.5
against Tr0.5 at a constant :

(T) = (1 + m(1 Tr0.5))2


The m parameter is obtained by forcing the equation to reproduce vapor pressures for light hydrocarbons corresponding to
C1 through C10 at Tr = 0.7, and is correlated as a function of :
m = 0.480 + 1.57 0.1762


Soaves development of Eqs. 5 and 6 represented a great step

forward in the practical application of CEOS. The Soave (T),
(or Eq. 5) defined as a function of both Tr and , is good for
predicting the vapor pressures of hydrocarbons at temperatures
above their normal boiling points, but not at conditions above
the critical point, since the function does not decrease mono-

a, b
= CEOS parameters
a*, b* = reduced parameters of a and b
= Helmholtz energy
c1, c2, c3 = constants in (T) function (Eq. 14, 15)
= constant at infinite pressure
= constant at zero pressure
= function at zero pressure
= Gibbs energy
k ,k
= binary interaction parameter
ij ij
= binary interaction parameter
= parameter in Soaves equation for (T), Eq. 5
= parameter in Soaves expanded equation for (T), Eq. 7
L, M, N = parameters in the Twu function
= pressure
= ideal gas constant
= constant reduced liquid volume at zero-pressure
= temperature
u, w
= CEOS constants
= molar volume
= reduced liquid volume at zero pressure
= total volume
= mole fraction of component i in liquid phase
= compressibility facto
Greek letters

= CEOS alpha function

= parameter used to define

= acentric factor

= parameter used in TST excess Gibbs energy model


i, j ,k
ij, ji
ik, ki

zero pressure
infinite pressure
critical property
property of component i, j, k
interaction property between components i and j
interaction property between components i and k
reduced property
van der Waals

= reduced property
= excess property
(0) and (1) = denotes value of when = 0 and = 1

consistent set of units is acceptable.

tonically with increasing temperature.

Another shortcoming of Soaves (T) function is that the
calculated vapor pressures tend to diverge from the experimental ones at low temperatures. Therefore, Soave proposed a
new (T) function to improve vapor-pressure prediction by
expanding Eq. 5 as follows (9):

(T) = 1 + m(1 Tr) + n(1 Tr0.5)2


where m and n are obtained by correlating vapor-pressure values generated by the Lee-Kesler EOS:
m = 0.484 + 1.515 0.442
n = 2.756m 0.700


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Measurement & Control

Table 1.

Tr 1

Unfortunately, the accuracy of predicting vapor pressure from Soaves new (T)
was no better than the original one, and
consequently, was never accepted for application. Numerous investigators have
tried to improve Soaves alpha function
by either altering the parameters or
adding extra terms. But as long as the
same or a similar form of the alpha function is used, and the same approach as
Soave is applied (i.e., plotting 0.5 vs.
Tr0.5), the functions inherent weaknesswill not be overcome.

Better vapor pressure prediction

Twu et. al. (10, 11) developed a new
methodology to improve the accuracy of the
vapor-pressure prediction from a CEOS.
They found that the alpha function is a linear function of the acentric factor at a constant reduced temperature.
= (0) + ((1) (0))


= Tr

(1) = Tr












(1 T

(1 T





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Tr > 1





The L, M and N databank of the generalized alpha function for Eqs. 11 and 12 with the
Peng-Robinson EOS for subcritical and supercritical conditions.

Table 3.

Tr 1



Tr > 1





The L, M and N databank of the generalized alpha function for Eqs. 11 and 12 with the
Twu-Sim-Tassone EOS for subcritical and supercritical conditions.





where m and n are empirical constants that are fitted to the

vapor pressure of the component of interest, and are not related to previously mentioned m and n constants. Eq. 13 fits
vapor pressure quite well, but the function can become nega-



Tr 1

The superscripts (0) and (1) in Eqs. 10, 11 and 12 are consistent with the definition of the acentric factor at = 0 and
=1, respectively. In other words, these two alpha functions are
forced to pass through the saturated vapor pressure at Tr = 0.7
for = 0 and = 1, respectively.
Twu et. al. used the latest data from the DIPPR (12) databank to generate the values of (0) and (1) for SRK, PR and
TST cubic equations of state. Tables 13 show the L, M, and N
values used with Eqs. 11 and 12 for SRK, PR and TST CEOS,
respectively. The advantage of having a linear acentric factor is
that one can reliably extrapolate its value for heavy hydrocarbons. The new generalized (T) function for SRK, PR and
TST, in Eqs. 1012, allows the accurate prediction of vaporpressure data from the triple point to the critical point for light
or heavy hydrocarbons using any of these EOS.
Although the Twu alpha function mentioned above works
very well for non-polar components, it is generally not suitable for polar components. In an attenpt to resolve this difficulty, Soave (13) presents a two-parameter alpha function:



Table 2.


(T) = 1 + (1 Tr)(m + n/Tr)



The L, M and N databank of the generalized alpha function for Eqs. 11 and 12 with the
Soave-Redlich-Kwong EOS for subcritical and supercritical conditions.


Tr > 1




tive at high temperatures. Since the alpha function represents

the attractive forces, it is physically incorrect for it to be negative. Mathias (14) and Mathias and Copeman (15) proposed
(T) functions similar to Soaves (Eq. 5). Mathias (T) function is expressed as:

(T) = (1 + c1(1 Tr0.5) + c2(1 Tr) (0.7 Tr0.5))2


while Mathias and Copemans () function takes the form:

(T) = (1 + c1(1 Tr0.5) + c2(1 Tr0.5)2 + c3 (1 Tr0.5)3)2 (15)

Both functions increase with increasing temperature at the supercritical region. To overcome this difficulty, a second correlation for the (T) function at temperatures higher than the Tc
is often required. However, using a second correlation creates
a discontinuity in these alpha functions at the critical point
and produces deviations in the predicted enthalpies.
Melhem et. al. (16) proposed a similar, but logarithmic
form of (T):

(T) = exp[1 + c1(1 Tr0.5) + c2(1 Tr0.5)]2


The accuracy of vapor pressure regressed from this model is

not as good as that for the other functions mentioned above.
Twu (17) derived (T) from a probability distribution:
N ( M 1)

L ( 1 Tr


(T ) = Tr
Eq. 17 has three parameters, L, M and N, which, unlike those
in Tables 13, are unique for each component and are determined from the regression of pure-component vapor-pressure
data. The authors have set up databanks for L, M and N for a

wide range of components, which can be obtained by contacting the authors directly. Twus (T) function has been found
to be more accurate than other (T) functions found in literature for predicting vapor pressures for polar and non-polar
components at temperatures ranging from the triple point to
the critical point. Using the component-dependent parameters, the accuracy of reproducing the vapor pressure from Eq.
17 is within experimental error given in DIPPR.
Twus (T) function has some unique features. Fluids such
as hydrogen exhibit a maximum alpha at low temperatures
(about 19 K). Twus (T) function accurately describes this
behavior and is the only function so far that shows this maximum at low temperature. In addition, it is continuous at the
critical point for all components and extrapolates very well to
supercritical conditions without exhibiting abnormal characteristics, such as increasing with increasing temperature.
Due to the accuracy and wide temperature range of application of the advanced Twu (T) functions (Eqs. 10, 11, 12 and
17) for predicting vapor pressures when used in the SRK, PR
and TST equations of state, these equations have been selected
for use in the SRK, PR and TST models as follows. For
petroleum fractions and components that do not have vaporpressure data available, Eqs. 10, 11 and 12 should be used. For
all components that do have vapor-pressure data available, Eq.
17 can be used.

van der Waals mixing rules

In addition to using an appropriate (T) function for the
accurate prediction of vapor pressure, the ability of a CEOS to
correlate and predict phase equilibria of mixtures depends
strongly upon the mixing rule applied. The most commonly
used method to extend equations of state to a non-polar mixture is to use the van der Waals one-fluid mixing rules:

a = xi x j ai a j 1 kij


b = xi x j bi + b j

i j
where kij is the binary interaction parameter that is obtained
from the regression of vapor-liquid equilibrium data. The van
der Waals mixing rules are capable of accurately representing
vapor-liquid equilibria using only one binary-interaction parameter for non-polar or slightly polar systems. However,
many mixtures of interest in the chemical industry contain
strongly polar or associating components. One way to modify
the van der Waals mixing rules so that they can better describe
polar systems is to use the asymmetric kij for the a parameter,
as developed by Twu et. al. (17):
a = xi x j ai a j

xi x j ai a j

( ) (

(1 k ) +

k ji kij

1/ 3


Eq. 20 has two adjustable parameters, kij and kji. Generally,

they are not equal. The use of an asymmetric definition of kij
in the van der Waals mixing rule of Eq. 20 is similar to the
asymmetric parameters Aij and Aij used in the excess Gibbs
energy (GE) mixing rule of the NRTL model. If kij = kij, Eq. 20
reduces to the van der Waals mixing rule (Eq. 18).
The modified van der Waals mixing rule (Eq. 20) provides
accurate correlation of complex mixtures, including highly
non-ideal systems that previously could only be correlated by
activity-coefficient models. However, Eq. 20 no longer satisfies the second virial coefficient.

Huron-Vidal infinite-pressure mixing rules

Since the van der Waals mixing rules are applicable only
to mixtures whose excess Gibbs energy can be approximated
by the regular solution theory, quite a few new mixing rules
have been recently developed based on appropriate excess
energy models. Huron and Vidal (18) successfully formulated a new EOS parameter a by assuming that the excess
Gibbs energy at infinite pressure, GE, which is derived from
a CEOS, is equal to GE derived from a liquid-activity-coefficient model. They also assumed that the liquid volume at infinite pressure equals the EOS co-volume, b. The HuronVidal derivation led to the following equation for a*:

1 G
a* = b * xi i* +

i bi
The parameters a* and b* in Eq. 21 are defined as:
a* = Pa/R2T2 and b* = Pb/RT

(21a, b)

The Huron-Vidal approach uses the conventional linear

mixing rule for the b parameter:
b = xi x j (bi + bj )
i j

The C1 in Eq. 21 is a constant, and is defined as:


1+ w

1+ u
( w u)
where u and w are EOS-dependent constants used to represent
a particular two-parameter CEOS. For example, u = 0.5 and
w = 3.0 for the TST CEOS.
Although Huron and Vidal presented their model more than
two decades ago, their mixing rule is not widely used due to lack
of parameters available in literature for the excess Gibbs energy
at infinite pressure and the inability to accurately describe nonpolar hydrocarbon mixtures and to satisfy the quadratic composition dependence of the second virial coefficient.

C1 =

Wong-Sandler infinite-pressure mixing rules

The Huron-Vidal approach requires the excess volume, VE,
to be zero and EOS parameter b to be calculated via a linear
mixing rule. To allow the use of a different mixing rule for parameter b, Wong and Sandler (19) developed a model equating


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Measurement & Control

the excess Helmholtz energy at infinite pressure from a CEOS

to excess Helmholtz energy calculated from an activity coefficient model, and they constrained the EOS parameters a and b
to satisfy the second-virial-coefficient condition:

1 A
a * = b * xi i* +

i bi
n n

xi x j bij ij

b= i
1 *
The Wong-Sandler model introduced a binary interaction parameter, kij, to correct the assumption that the excess
Helmholtz free energy at infinite pressure can be approximated by the excess Gibbs free energy at low pressure:

bij ij = bi i + b j
1 kij
RT 2

Wong and Sandler demonstrated that parameters in the activity coefficient models correlated at low temperatures can be
used to extrapolate to higher temperatures. Michelsen and
Heidemann (20) suggest that this success is fortuitous.
In an effort to reduce the Wong-Sandler mixing rules to the
conventional van der Waals mixing rules, Orbey and Sandler
(21) modify the GE model of NRTL differently. Consequently,
the mixing rules used in their model cannot employ the NRTL
parameters reported in the DECHEMA Chemistry Data

Twu-Coon infinite-pressure mixing rules

Twu and Coon (22) used a van der Waals mixture as a reference to derive the mixing rules for their EOS. These mixing
rules re-define a and b as:
A vdw
1 A
a* = b * vdw


bvdw C1 RT
b* =
1 A
A vdw
1 * +

bvdw C1 RT
C1 in Eqs. 27 and 28 is defined in Eq. 23. The asymmetric van
der Waals mixing rule is applied to the avdw parameter, and the
linear mixing rule is used for the bvdw parameter:

avdw = xi x j ai a j 1 kij +

xi x j ai a j

( ) (k
1/ 6



1/ 3


bvdw = xi x j b + b j
i j


Subscript vdw in AE vdw in Eqs. 27 and 28 denotes that the properties are evaluated from the CEOS using the van der Waals mixing



November 2002


rule for its a and b parameters as given by Eqs. 29 and 30.

The Twu-Coon mixing rules reduce to the van der Waals
mixing rules if AE = AE vdw. It is extremely desirable that the
composition-dependent mixing rules reduce to the classical
mixing rules because the latter work very well for non-polar
systems. The use of asymmetric parameters, kij and kij, improves the accuracy of the reproduction of the liquid-activity
coefficients. Although it may be more accurate to simply refit
the GE parameters in the mixing rules instead of introducing
two new parameters, kij and kij, to match the results of the activity coefficient model, doing so would sacrifice the extrapolation ability of the infinite-pressure approach. Furthermore,
the original idea of using directly published parameters for activity coefficient models in the equation of state will be lost.

Twu-Sim-Tassone infinite-pressure mixing rules

It is a challenge to find a general expression for AE that
can be simplified to AE vdw in the Twu-Coon infinite-pressure
mixing rules (Eqs. 27 and 28). As mentioned previously,
Orbey and Sandler modified the GE model of NRTL to a different form to reduce the Wong-Sandler mixing rules to the
conventional van der Waals mixing rules. Twu et. al. (23) developed a new excess Gibbs energy function, which reduces
to the van der Waals one-fluid mixing rule (Eqs. 18 and 19).
The incorporation of this new excess Gibbs function into a
CEOS allows the Twu-Coon infinite-pressure mixing rules to
smoothly transition to the conventional van der Waals onefluid mixing rules. A general multi-component equation for a
liquid activity coefficient model is proposed by Twu et. al.
(23) for incorporation in the infinite-pressure mixing rules:

x j ji G ji

= xi n
x k Gki


Eq. 31 appears to be similar to the NRTL equation, but there

is a fundamental difference between them. NRTL assumes Aij,
Aij, and ij are the parameters of the model, but the TST excess Gibbs energy model assumes ij and Gij are the binary-interaction parameters. More importantly, any appropriate temperature-dependent function can be applied to ij and Gij. For
example, to obtain the NRTL model, ij and Gij are calculated
as usual from the NRTL parameters Aij, Aij and ij:

ij = Aij/T


Gij = exp[ijij]


In this way, the NRTL parameters reported in the DECHEMA

Chemistry Data Series can be used in Eqs. 32 and 33, and both
the NRTL model and the TST model (Eq. 31) are equally accurate for use in phase equilibrium calculations.
Eq. 31 reduces to the conventional van der Waals mixing
rules when the following expressions are used for ij and Gij:

ij = (ijbi)/2


Gji = bj/bi


ai a j
+ 2 kij

bi b j

Eqs. 34 and 35 are expressed in terms of the CEOS parameters ai and bi and the binary interaction parameter kij. Substituting Eqs. 34 and 35 into Eq. 31, the excess Gibbs free
energy of the van der Waals fluid is obtained. Subsequently, Eqs. 27 and 28 reduce to the classical van der Waals
one-fluid mixing rules (Eqs. 18 and 19). The discussion
above demonstrates that Eq. 31 is more generic than
NRTL. Both the NRTL and van der Waals fluid models are
special cases of the excess Gibbs free energy function expressed in Eq. 31.
The TST infinite-pressure mixing rules are represented by Eqs.
2736 and can be used to model van der Waals fluids and highly
non-ideal mixtures. One can choose the appropriate expressions
for ij and Gij from Eqs. 34 and 35 for binary pairs that are best described by the van der Waals one-fluid mixing rules, while Eqs. 32
and 33 can be used for pairs that behave non-ideally.

ij = 1

Twu(v) zero-pressure mixing rules

There are generally three approaches for developing excess
Helmholtz energy mixing rules for CEOS: the infinite-pressure mixing-rule approach (18, 19, 22, 29); the zero-pressure
approach (3, 2429); and the no-reference-pressure approach
(30), which will not be discussed here. There is a fundamental
difference behind these approaches: The infinite-pressure approach assumes the excess Helmholtz energy to be independent of pressure, whereas the zero-pressure and the no-reference-pressure approaches assume that the reduced liquid volume is either constant or the same as that calculated from a
CEOS using the van der Waals mixing rule for its a and b parameters.
As mentioned, the infinite-pressure approach introduces
binary interaction parameters to correct the assumption of the
constant excess Helmholtz energy, but it is still unable to accurately reproduce the incorporated liquid activity coefficients. To correct this shortcoming, Twu et. al. (28) developed
the following zero-pressure mixing rules:
1 A
A vdw
a * = b * vdw

bvdw Cv RT


b* =


A vdw
1 A

1 * +


bvdw Cv RT

Eqs. 37 and 38 are labeled as Twu(v) mixing rules. The parenthetic v parameter signifies that the mixing rule is volume-de-

pendent. Also, the EOS a and b parameters, denoted as avdw

and bvdw, are evaluated from the van der Waals mixing rules
without using binary interaction parameters:
avdw = xi x j ai a j


= xi x j 1 (bi

+ b j

( 40)

Cv0 is a function of reduced liquid volume at zero pressure, or

Cv =

v * +w
ln 0 *

( w u) v0 +u vdw

( 41)

The zero-pressure liquid volume v0*vdw is calculated from the

TST CEOS using the van der Waals mixing rule for a and b,
setting pressure equal to zero and selecting the smallest root.
v0* vdw =

1 a*
u w

2 b *


u + w * 4 uw + *
( 42)

Eq. 42 has a root as long as the following condition is met:

(2 + u + w ) + 2 (u + 1)( w + 1)
( 43)
In Eqs. 37 and 38, AE0 and AE0 vdw are the excess Helmholtz
energies at zero pressure. As stated, subscript vdw in AE0 vdw
denotes that the properties are evaluated from the CEOS using
the van der Waals mixing rule (Eq. 3940) for its a and b parameters.
There are numerous useful features present in the Twu(v)
mixing rules, such as their ability to reduce to the van der
Waals mixing rule when AE0 = AE0 vdw. The mixing rules also
satisfy the quadratic composition dependence of the second
virial coefficient boundary condition. But most importantly,
the Twu(v) mixing rules are density dependent in an explicit
form, which allows them to reproduce, almost exactly, the
incorporated GE model (Eq. 31). The mixing rules provide
excellent agreement between experimental data and VLE
predictions over a wide range of temperatures and pressures
using the information contained only in this GE model.
The mixing rule for parameter b defined in Eq. 38 satisfies the quadratic composition dependence of the second
virial coefficient. Alternatively, the conventional linear mixing rule (Eq. 19) could be chosen to solve for b, in which
case the quadratic composition dependence of the second
virial coefficient would be ignored. The mixing rule either with or without the second virial coefficient constraint
has little effect on the phase equilibrium prediction (28).

Twu(r) zero-pressure mixing rules

The Twu(v) mixing rules (Eqs. 37 and 38) are density-de-


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Measurement & Control

pendent through the function Cv0. Cv0, as defined by Eq. 41, is

calculated from v0*vdw, which is defined in Eq. 42. Solving for
Cv0 via Eq. 42 can cause problems when Eq. 42 has no real
root. This may occur when the inequality in Eq. 43 is not satisfied. In such cases, one must extrapolate to find v0*. However, by eliminating the need to calculate v0* from the EOS, one
can assume that the zero-pressure liquid volume of the van
der Waals fluid, v0*vdw, is a constant, defined here as r:
v0*vdw = r


Substituting Eq. 44 into Eq. 41 yields:

Cv =

( w u) r + u

( 45)

The symbol Cr is used to replace Cv0 to signify that Cr is a

constant i.e., no longer a density-dependent function. Eqs.

37 and 38 then become:
1 A
A vdw

a * = b * vdw

ln vdw

bvdw Cr RT

b* =

1 A
A vdw

1 vdw

ln vdw


( 46)

( 47)

Eqs. 46 and 47 are called the volume-independent Twu mixing rules, expressed as Twu(r) to differentiate them from the
volume-dependent mixing rules, Twu(v). The parameter (r)
signifies that the Twu(r) model is not a function of liquid density v0*. Rather, it depends on the selected value of r.

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November 2002


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AE0 vdw in Eqs. 46 and 47 can be derived from the EOS by

assuming a fixed reduced liquid volume r for a van der Waals
fluid at zero pressure:
A0E vdw
xi i*
= xi ln i + Cr vdw
bvdw i

( 48)

Since v0*vdw depends on the composition and mixture temperature, the assumption of constant v0*vdw sacrifices, to some extent, the quality of the match between the EOS and the GE
model. Nevertheless, this kind of simplification has major
benefits. As previously mentioned, the rigorous zero-pressure
mixing rules require the value of zero-pressure liquid volume
at system temperature. However, high temperatures can result
in low values of a*/b*, thereby violating Eq. 43 and making it
impossible to find a liquid-volume root of the EOS at zero
pressure. The simplification of the zero-pressure mixing rules
obviates the need to calculate liquid volume at zero pressure
and is one way to extend the range of the method.
The simplified Twu(r) mixing rules given by Eqs. 46 and 47
are no longer a function of liquid density v0*. Rather, they depend only on the selected value of r. Therefore, the selection of
an appropriate value of r in the mixing rule is the key factor for
improving the accuracy of VLE calculations. A universal value
of r = 1.18, determined from the information of the incorporated GE model for SRK, has been recommended by Twu et. al.
(29) for use in the phase equilibrium prediction for all systems.

TST zero-pressure mixing rules

Once again, a problem exists in finding a general equation for AE0 to reduce to AE0 vdw in the Twu(r) zero-pressure
mixing rules. Twu et. al. (23) have developed a new excess
Gibbs energy function, GE (Eq. 31) to allow the infinite-pressure mixing rules to transition smoothly to the van der Waals
mixing rules. Twu et. al. (3) recently proposed a methodology to reduce the zero-pressure mixing rules to the van der
Waals mixing rules. Since the excess Helmholtz energy is
less pressure-dependent than the excess Gibbs energy, Twu
et. al. assume that the excess Helmholtz energy of the van
der Waals fluid at zero pressure given by Eq. 48 can be approximated by the excess Helmholtz energy of the van der
Waals fluid at infinite pressure.
A0E vdw AE vdw
= C1 vdw
xi i*
bvdw i

( 49)

This approximation permits the use of the versatile liquid GE

model given by Eq. 31 in the zero-pressure mixing rule, to reduce Eq. 31 to the van der Waals mixing rule.
To correct the approximation that the excess Helmholtz energy of a van der Waals fluid at zero pressure equals the excess Helmholtz energy of the van der Waals fluid at infinite
pressure, the authors use the binary interaction parameter, kij
to the van der Waals mixing rule for its a parameter, avdw:

avdw = xi x j ai a j 1 kij


Alternatively, the binary interaction parameter, lij, can be introduced to the van der Waals mixing rule for its bvdw:


bvdw = xi x j bi + b j 1 lij
i j

The TST zero-pressure mixing rules are represented by Eqs.

31, 46, 47, 49, 50 and 51. The parameter kij or lij is derived
from reported parameters of the activity coefficient model instead of additional data or a correlation. Since kij or lij in Eq.
50 or 51 requires no additional data or regression, the TST
mixing rule essentially has the same number of parameters as
the incorporated liquid activity model.
In conclusion, incorporating an excess Helmholtz energy
mixing rule into any CEOS, such as the TST, PR or SRK
using the Twu alpha function will produce accurate results
during phase equilibrium calculations. Engineers can select
any one of these equations of state without having to worry
about discrepancies in the outcomes as long as the same AE
mixing rule and the same alpha function are used. The TST
equation of state is the preferred choice for polymer systems
because it provides a more-accurate liquid-density prediction,
which is quite important for polymer solutions.
If an EOS method is selected for calculations, one would
likely pick from TST, PR or SRK. Then, the user should choose
the most-appropriate Twu et. al. alpha function and the most advanced TST excess energy mixing rules for an accurate prediction of phase equilibrium for systems containing either nonpolar and/or polar components. The TST method allows the

CHORNG H. TWU is a Thermodynamic Fellow and corporate consultant working

with AspenTech management at Aspen Technology, Inc. (2811 Loganberry
Court, Fullerton, CA 92835; Phone: (403) 520-6000; Fax (403) 520-6060; Email: chorng.twu@aspentech.com). He has worked more than 20 years in the
petroleum and chemical industries to develop and propagate new
thermodynamic separation technology, and plays a key role in implementing
these principles and their applications in the major commercial simulators
used worldwide for process design and optimization. Twu received a PhD in
chemical engineering from the Univ. of Florida. conducted post-doctorate
work at Cornell Univ. (Ithaca, NY) and is an editorial advisory board member
of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.
WAYNE SIM is senior vice president at Aspen Technology, Inc. (707-8th Ave. SW,
Suite 800, Calgary, AB, Canada T2P 1H5; E-mail: wayne.sim@aspentech.com).
As a co-founder of Hyprotech Ltd., with 20 years of experience in software
development for the process industries, Sim has designed and written a wide
range of commercially successful applications. He has authored, designed, or
co-authored commercial applications that are acknowledged as the most
innovative and widely used process design systems available. He holds a BS
in chemical engineering from the Univ. of Calgary.
VINCE TASSONE is senior developer in the research and development
department of Aspen Technology, Inc. (707-8th Ave. SW, Suite 800, Calgary,
AB, Canada T2P 1H5; E-mail: vince.tassone@aspentech.com). For nearly a
decade, he has been involved in the development of Hyprotechs operatortraining simulators, project-services software and steady-state models of
refineries and gas plants. Tassone has published numerous articles on
simulation, modeling and optimization. He has a BASc and an MASc in
chemical engineering from the Univ. of Toronto.


November 2002 www.cepmagazine.org


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