Innoactivity 2
Innoactivity 2
Innoactivity 2
Advanced Tech
Advanced Tech
LeaderShip., Admin.Instructional
Advanced Tech
Advanced Tech
Online Learning ,
Capabilities of Educators
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 Total 18
Leadership and Vision
Instructional Support
Technical Support
Irving ISD is big on technology incorporation and has many opportunities for campuses, teachers and students to
showcase how technological use can go beyond the classroom and be a benefit to the community as well. One of
the programs is, iCreate: Next Generation Showcase. This event is designed to showcase the
meaning of visual literacy which is ways that advance thinking, decision making, communication, and learning."
What is being done at my campus to help move the school to the next level is having a great ITS and Media
Specialist which is what we have this year. They began Thanks a Latte, where they will come into your classroom
and help you incorporate technology into your lesson and each time you ask them for help and they come into your
classroom to help you with the technological lesson you get a free coffee the next morning. I have notice how that
has worked because one of the older teachers that never really used technology has begun to do so. She has had
the ITS or Media Specialist in her classroom 4 times since they started this last month.
I can see how this year we are working on getting Teaching and Learning and Educator Preparation and
Development better because that was the lowest one we had that had twos on. I am glad to see now that my
campus is offering online learning opportunities for students that are not comfortable or able to attend an original
class setting. They have begun this semester to offer online course to help students advance in their credits as well
as professional webinar for teachers.
Mr. Nwokolo is definitly an innovator. He says that technology is in his nature and that
he loves to use it personally and in the classroom. Two weeks ago he was in a LOTE
conference were he was training teachers on how to use technology in a foreign
language classroom. I believe he is at stage 4- appropriation of ACOT stages. Mr.
Nwokolo likes to give students the opportunity to use technology and create videos,
website, powerpoints and Prezis with concepts being taught. I belive that Mr.
Nwokolo uses technology as an individual commitment. Not only does he look for
resources online to enhance his lessons and be relevent for himself and students
but he uses technology per district guidelines and goes above and beyond whats
Communication Behavior
3) Personality Variables
a. Level of empathy- Mr. Nwokolo has high empathy.
b. Level of dogmatism- Mr. Nwokolo would not adapt nor compromise his religion,
would not be
open to change.
c. Ability to process abstract ideas rather than having to observe the innovation in
action.- Mr. Nwokolo is more tactile, he would need to grasp and interact.
d. Attitude towards change- Mr. Nwokolo is open to change. If something doesnt
work out new things need to be tried you cant remain there. Mr. Nwokolo believes
in trial and error. Thats his philosophy.
e. Ability to cope with uncertainty and risk- Mr. Nwokolo is positive, he does not
mind taking risk. There needs to be change if something is not working. Mr. Nwokolo
is not sure how to answer the question of coping, he wont cope if something is not
4) Teaching Practices
a. How do you conduct class? Mr. Nwokolo teaching methods vary, one lesson must
be direct to teach new information then he decides to continue or individual or
group work. About 38 percent involve cooperative or collaborative.
b. What technologies (hardware, software, and internet-based) does the teacher use
for teaching? Mr. Nwokolo is a language teacher and he uses Quizlet, memorize,
conjuguemos, teacher sites and for French to explain grammar, it is used
as a supplemental.
c. What is your vision of his or her students? Mr. Nwokolo vision for his students is
for all of them to be independent learners but since he is a language teacher his
says he sees his upper levels being independent learners and his lower level
dependent learners.
d. How do you see yourself in relationship to the curriculum? Mr. Nwokolo says
curriculum is The what to teach students. In order to master the concept is the
how is left up to the teacher to reach. Both tell what needs to be taught and there
is room for creativity to add or change what is being taught.
Instructional Support
a. How does the school support innovative teaching practices? -Mr. Nwokolo said a
lot. About 3-4 years ago there used to be more PLC for languages opportunities to
come together and collaborate. There has been a lot of change and there are some
areas that are lacking but there has been improvement.
b. What technologies (hardware, software, and internet-based) does the school
provide for teaching? All teachers have computers and the ITS have many PD
opportunities for teachers to learn Google Apps for Education. Also librarians help
with a lot of technology curriculum. It is very easy to access anyone in order to
receive technology resources. The district puts many blocks on websites in order to
save bandwidth but is reasonable in giving permission to use website if requested to
What technical support is available for instructional technology users? There
are appointed IT to the campus. The internet is never reliable but we have a support
staff readily available.
d. Does the school or district have a technology plan or vision? - Yes, they tell us
to incorporate LOTi levels of technology and iCreate to enforce students to use
technology in the class and community. Last year every teacher had to upload to a
district link al east 2 technology infused lessons in the classroom. These lessons
were called Techfusion. Technology is forced in the district but I do not mind using it,
I love using technology, its my nature.