1) The first Russian film from 1908 was the starting point for the rich Russian film industry. It was an 8-minute silent film called "Stenka Razin" based on popular folk songs.
2) The Soviet film industry period was characterized by anti-czarist propaganda, censorship and bureaucratic control. Directors like Sergei Eisenstein introduced new film techniques.
3) In the 1990s, censorship was lifted and the "New Russian Cinema" era began, opening new themes and helping Russian film gain international success and awards like the Oscar. Directors from this new era include Nikita Mikhalkov, Pavel Chukhrai, and Aleksandr Sokurov.
1) The first Russian film from 1908 was the starting point for the rich Russian film industry. It was an 8-minute silent film called "Stenka Razin" based on popular folk songs.
2) The Soviet film industry period was characterized by anti-czarist propaganda, censorship and bureaucratic control. Directors like Sergei Eisenstein introduced new film techniques.
3) In the 1990s, censorship was lifted and the "New Russian Cinema" era began, opening new themes and helping Russian film gain international success and awards like the Oscar. Directors from this new era include Nikita Mikhalkov, Pavel Chukhrai, and Aleksandr Sokurov.
1) The first Russian film from 1908 was the starting point for the rich Russian film industry. It was an 8-minute silent film called "Stenka Razin" based on popular folk songs.
2) The Soviet film industry period was characterized by anti-czarist propaganda, censorship and bureaucratic control. Directors like Sergei Eisenstein introduced new film techniques.
3) In the 1990s, censorship was lifted and the "New Russian Cinema" era began, opening new themes and helping Russian film gain international success and awards like the Oscar. Directors from this new era include Nikita Mikhalkov, Pavel Chukhrai, and Aleksandr Sokurov.
1) The first Russian film from 1908 was the starting point for the rich Russian film industry. It was an 8-minute silent film called "Stenka Razin" based on popular folk songs.
2) The Soviet film industry period was characterized by anti-czarist propaganda, censorship and bureaucratic control. Directors like Sergei Eisenstein introduced new film techniques.
3) In the 1990s, censorship was lifted and the "New Russian Cinema" era began, opening new themes and helping Russian film gain international success and awards like the Oscar. Directors from this new era include Nikita Mikhalkov, Pavel Chukhrai, and Aleksandr Sokurov.
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Istorijat : Prvi ruski film, koji je
postao temelj bogate ruske
kinematografije, snimljen je davne 1908. godine. Bio je to osmominutni nemi film Stenjka Razin, baziran na popularnim narodnim pesamama. Usledile su adaptacije klasinih dela ruske knjievnosti, a meu najznaajnijim rediteljima ovog perioda, tvz. ere "ruske carske kinematografije" istakli su se Jakov Protazanov, Pjotr ardinjin, Jevgenij Bauer i Vjeeslav Viskovski. Drugi period razvoja ruske kinematografije oznaen je kao "sovjetska kinematografija". Njega karakterie anti-carska propaganda, cenzura i birokratska kontrola. Najvaniji reditelji ovog razdoblja bili su Sergej Ejzentejn
(koji je u svet filma uveo nove
filmske tehnike), kao i Vsevolod Pudovkin, Dziga Vertov, Ivan Prijev, Grigorije uhraj, Andrej Tarkovski, Vladimir Motil i dr. Ovaj period trajao je sve do 90-ih godina, kada je usledila era tzv. "nove ruske kinematografije". Ukidanjem cenzure otvorile su se nove mogunosti i teme i ruski film utabao je put do Oskara. Nikita Mihalkov, Pavel uhraj, Valerij Todorovski, Dmitrij Meshijev, Andrej Zvjagincev, Aleksandar Sokurov, Boris Akunjin i Pavel Lungin, samo su neka od imena iz ove ere koje vredi pomenuti. ______________________________
Poznati filmovi: Bronenosets Potyomkin, Chelovek s
kino-apparatom, Aleksandr Nevskiy, Ivan Groznyy, Ballada o soldate, Letyat zhuravli, Solyaris, Beloe solntse pustyni, Utomlyonnye solntsem, Vor, Vozvrashchenie, Russkiy kovcheg, Nochnoy dozor, Kak
ya provel etim letom, Ovsyanki, 12, Stalker, Tikhiy Don,