Foggy Figure
Foggy Figure
Foggy Figure
Standards/Quality Indicators/Skills
Missouri and national standards, quality indicators, and skills addressed by this lesson
Write the standards and their corresponding numbers:
Missouri Grade Level Expectations:
Reading. 1. Develop and apply skills and strategies to the reading process. D Fluency. * Read
grade-level instructional text with fluency, accuracy and expression and adjusting reading rate
to difficulty and type of text
Reading. 1. Develop and apply skills and strategies to the reading process. H Post readingApply post-reading skills to demonstrate comprehension of text: answer basic comprehension
questions, identify and explain the relationship between the main idea and supporting details,
make predictions, question to clarify, reflect, draw conclusions, analyze, paraphrase, and
Common Core State Standards:
RL.4.4. Reading: Literature. Craft and Structure.4. Determine the meaning of words and
phrases as they are used in a text, including those that allude to significant characters found in
RL.4.1. Reading: Literature. Key Ideas and Details. 1. Refer to details and examples in a text
when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
RF.4.4. Reading: Foundational Skills. Fluency. 4. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to
support comprehension.
SL.4.1. Speaking and Listening. Comprehension and Collaboration. 1. Engage effectively in a
range of collaborative discussions (one on one, in groups, and teacher led) with diverse
partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly.
SL.4.3. Speaking and Listening. Comprehension and Collaboration. 3. Identify the reasons and
evidence a speaker provides to support particular points.
Learning Objectives/Goals
The lessons objectives and learning outcomes appropriate for meeting curricular and student
THINK: It must be measurable and appropriate for the students. For ideas on writing objectives
go here:
The students will be able to read passage with fluency and accuracy. The student will engage
in discussion to support comprehension of the passage. The student will determine words and
their meanings that are used in the passage
across it in your readings and how you could add foreshadowing to your writing to make your
readers more engaged.
Instructional Strategies
Teacher approach to helping students achieve the learning objectives and meet their needs.
THINK: Marzano, Hattie, Kagan, Gardner, Flexible Grouping, Conferencing, etc. other best
Marzanos Instructional Strategies: (Describe the instructional strategies used in this lesson
and explain how each one is used) Questions, Cues, and Advanced Organizers- Teacher will guide questions during post
Cooperative Learning- Students will take part in small group discussion.
Gardners Multiple Intelligences: (Describe the multiple intelligences used in this lesson and
explain how each one is used) Linguistic- Students will unscramble words using their word skills.
Interpersonal- Students will have to think for themselves when answering questions
and unscrambling words.
Intrapersonal- Students will take part in small group discussions.
Learning Modalities: (Describe the learning modalities used in this lesson and explain how
each one is used) Visual- learners will have their own copy of story to read and follow along while their
classmates are reading.
Auditory- learners will listen to classmates read parts of the story and listen to
Learning Activities
Opportunities provided for students to develop knowledge and skills of the learning objectives
THINK: What will the students do? Could be independent or guided practice, group work,
research, read aloud, read to self, etc.
The students will read with fluency and accuracy, answer comprehension questions, and take
part in small group discussion.
Resources and Materials
List of materials used in the planning of and during the instruction of the lesson.
THINK: What do I need for the lesson? Make sure you include teacher and student resources
and materials.
Foggy Figure story
Foggy Figure unscramble worksheet
Instructional and/or assistive technology incorporated into the lesson to enhance instruction
and student learning
THINK: Web2.0 tools, Interactive Whiteboard tools, Productivity tools, etc.
Differentiation/Accommodations/Modifications/Increase in Rigor
To help meet the needs of all learners, learning differences, cultural and language differences,
THINK: SIOP for ELLs, SPED, Gifted, small group/whole group, Blooms Taxonomy, Depth of
Knowledge, etc.
Small groups will be chose depending on skill level
Different story will be chosen depending on group and skill level
Thick and thin questions will be asked from Blooms Taxonomy
Struggling learners may use dictionary for vocabulary worksheet
Gifted learners will write out short answer (summary) on worksheet and then discuss
Classroom Management
Strategies consistent with the learning needs of the lesson that also meet student behavior
needs to help keep students on task and actively engaged
THINK: transitions, clear concise directions, task specific feedback, organized delivery,
procedures, engagement, developmentally appropriate and proper level of difficulty
Teacher will make sure students are on task and following along as other classmates
Teacher will make sure questions are clear and understandable.
Teacher will make introduction of the book engaging and enjoyable to students.
Activities for early finishers that extend students understanding of and thinking about the
learning objectives by applying their new knowledge in a different way
THINK: Blooms taxonomy, project based, inquiry based, small group, investigations, webquest,
long-term projects, menu of choices, etc.
Students who finish early will write a book review about the Foggy Figure. Students will give
the story a rating and explain why they rated it the way they did. Their review should persuade
the audience to read the story or not read the story based upon their opinion.
Follow-up to Todays Lesson
Quick activity for review or building on todays learning that will deepen student understanding
and interconnect concepts (may be incorporated tomorrow or throughout the unit)
THINK: How can my students link this to prior learning, make it relevant for them, AND use it in
the future?
Students will use the concept of foreshadowing in future writing assignments to engage their
readers like the author in this story did.
Additional Information
Any area or lesson component that may not have been covered by this format that you think is
vital to include in this lesson
o THINK: Reflective practice. Next time what will I do the same, differently?
What did I learn from this lesson that will help my students grow? What did I
learn from this lesson that will help me grow as an educator?
I learned from this lesson that even though questions are thought up to ask the students before
and after the reading, more questions come about with the way the discussion leads. This is
why it is important to leave extra time for conversation. Next time I will look up better ways to
describe the vocabulary words instead of using my own descriptions. All and all students really
enjoyed this story and the lesson.
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