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JSGCL Account Opening

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ZS Global 2 lob capita Limited NATURE OF ACCOUNT CLIENT 10) ACCOUNT NO SINGLE vont CORPORATE DC ACCOUNT NO RESIDENT NON-RESIDENT MODE OF TRADING ONLINE OFFLINE AccoUNT HOLDER FOR INOIMDUALS ONLY ACCOUNT TLE / NAME DATE & PLACE OF BiRTH LNG ADDRESS NATIONALITY Ccountay oF sm” te FaKno, STATUS RESIDENT NON RESIDENT woaite GENDER MALE FEMALE EMAL FATHER'S/ HUSBAND'S NAME PERMANENT / REGISTERED ADDRESS ene} Noe? ‘occuParion JOINT ACCOUNT 1 FOR INDIVIDUALS ONLY ACCOUNT TITLE / NAME DATE & PLAGE OF BIRTH MAING ADDRESS arionatiry COUNTRY OF STAY re aKno, STATUS RESIDENT NON-RESIDENT osite GENDER MALE FEMALE EMAIL FATHER'S/HUSBAND'S NAME PERMANENT ADDRESS Meee) occuPATION JOINT ACCOUNT 2 FOR INDIVIDUALS ONLY ACCOUNT TITLE / NAME DATE & PLAGE OF BIRTH une ADORESS NaTONALITY Ccountay oF sm re FAK. STATUS RESIDENT NoN RESIDENT wosite GENDER MALE FEMALE EWA FATHER'S/MUSBAND'S NAME PERMANENT ADDRESS oe ‘occurarion ‘Account Holder(s) Broker JOINT ACCOUNT 3 FOR INDIVIDUALS ONLY ‘ACCOUNT TITLE / NAME DATERPLACEOF BIRTH MALINGADDRESS NATIONALITY Dt COUNTRYOF STAY Th FAKNO) STATUS RESIDENT NON-RESIDENT GENDER MALE FEMALE || FATHER'S/HUSBAND'S NAME PERMANENTADDRESS eee Tio i OCCUPATION, FOR COMPANIES/ FIRMS/ OTHERS REGISTRATION NO. ft COUNTRYOFINCORPORATION = STATUS RESIDENT NON-RESIDENT DECLARATION OF SOLVENCY ‘The Account Holder(s) hereby declare(s) that: 2) lhelshelthey hasihave not applied to be adjudicated as an insolvent(s) and that ithe/shefthey has/nave not suspended payment and that IWhe/ shelthey has/have not compounded with is/his/her/thei creditors. b) lhelshelthey isfare not un-discharged insolvent(s); and )Ithe/she/they has/have not been declared defaulter(s) in repayment of loans) of Bank(s)Financial Insitutions). 4) luhe'shetthey hasihave not filed to caryout ary of its/is/hertheir commitments in relation to Secutiies wth another Broker of Stock Exchange NAME(S) OF AUTHORIZED PERSONS TO OPERATE THE ACCOUNT THE ACCOUNT SHALL BE OPERATED BY THE FOLLOWING: NAME(S) ‘SPECIMEN SIGNATURE SINGLYIJOINTLY a) @) c) (0) THE AUTHORITY OF THE PERSON(S) AUTHORIZED TO OPERATE THE ACCOUNT WILL BE CLEARLY SPELT OUT IN THE LETTER (OF AUTHORIZATION FROM THE ACCOUNT HOLDER(S), RISK DISCLOUSURE ‘THIS PROVISION SHOULD BE READ CAREFULLY BY THE PROSPECTIVE ACCOUNT HOLDER(S) BEFORE SIGNING THIS FORM (CONTRACT?) AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE RULES AND REGULATIONS RELATING TO SECURITIES, ESPECIALLY THOSE OF THE KARACHI ‘STOCK EXCHNAGE AND OTHER REGULATORY AUTHORITIES, “This bit etatorent Joos ot csctose all of he risks and other sgncant aspects of investing andlor adng in secure. In gt ofthe ik tho Account Holders) ‘shoul undertake such transactions ony heshefbthey understands the nature of sks and exposures associated with such inestmentrading and the extent ofthe exposutes fo risks. Rsk of loss In Wading n lock market can be suslatia. The Account Holder(s) shoud cetefuly consider whether the Yading i ‘2pproprite for himmerthemit night of hisherthelrits experience, abecve, nancial resources and other relevent Grcumstances. Trading thus requires not only the necessary nancial resources but alsa the financial and emotional temperament as well as tho abt te bear losses. casa of any consequences oF lose racing, ne Account Helgers)ehall be solely rseponsibl or such loss ans nether he Braker, nor he counter pat er the Exchange shall be response forthe same and it wil pat be open forthe Account Holder(s) to fake the plaa that no adequate disclosure was mado: that Relsha was not explained the ful tisk involve by the Brokor. The Account Holdr() wil be solely rosponsble forthe consequences and no contract can bo rescinded on that account In particular, online trading i exposed tothe cyber fraud and hacking of neslemalsiiratructur, sever down tine, outages, oe. and ll such risks shall bo deemed tobe assumes by the Account Holders) By signing this Form, the Account Holes) shal be doomed tobe aware of al sks and exposures and shal be deemed 10 have absolved and released the Broker fom all consequences and abies, MARGIN DEPOSIT ‘The Account Holder(s) hereby undertake(s) to deposit and maintain % margin against his/herftheirfts outstanding trades/exposure for the purpose of trading in his/her theirits account, The Broker shail nolfy the Account Holder(s) about any change Inthe above margin requirements forthe already executed trades atleast 3 (three) days prior tothe implementation ofthe revised margin requirements. TRADING INSTRUCTIONS VERBAL WRITTEN EMAIL ADDRESS: CLIENT BANK DETAILS (OPTIONAL) NAME OF THE BANK SAVINGS) CURRENT A/C NO, BRANCH ADDRESS ACCOUNT(S) WITH OTHER BROKER(S) (OPTIONAL) NAME OF THE BROKER(S) ‘TRE CERTIFICATE HOLDER EXCHANGE CLIENT ID/ ACCOUNT MODE OF COMMUNICATION OFFICE ADDRESS VIA SURFACE MAIL, RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS VIA SURFACE MAIL FAX NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS: BY HAND. NOMINATION (fr in " (In the event of death of the sole Account Holder, his/her nominee shall be entitled to receive Securities/cash available in the account of the Account Holder after set-off against lossesiabilties in the account, In case of a Joint Account, the survivor shall be entitled to receive Securiiesicash available in the account of the Account Holder(s) after set off/adjustments against lossestlibilties in the account), NAME OF NOMINEE SURNAME chic NicoPY OE PASSPORT NO, TEL EMAIL POSTAL ADDRESS RELATIONSHIP WITH THE ACCOUNT HOLDER(S) Account Holder(s) Broker ‘Te ccout ti sal ute notes he tapas oe oe! Te Aco Hy) hae gay vet eatin Te Bae shal pov wit crtmatin of ry ‘rely nar peter Pe Be ee Acer ee weenie tah cel ere nce eat den ops oe wt tt er he Aco er) acral matsany fap soar oe hae aes The rn’ al meaty spe en a ae a ah ec Pee sh cays Pas hohe ca vt fan chrm Honoer cnn remtaren weet core cay rh ooo ees 300 the Br a Eta er ea ne hte yh ee rato ere oe Echnpe boinc mn Pu mean peasy Be cane {Te TRE ora Harsha mak a tw pac Re. 25008-an sbov,aheoedcameban ah pasr y a omad akeg mrsoig pt ame ener an aconrt Capes roe soprect nner Snes yn ers ae rk tre vances shal nest wma eed ae Ye 10 The ecoregion are estrella Doe he urease an aFecoctaee neal my decency Ine tae sntnert be acute) sa chs era aon oy occ thee sane cere ch aca 17m Aacat Ho hl pte he sc nd cin sent Nineteenth im Nese es) ms cA 13 te tan nw aes Atomic ees pew lb eg oon oe 12 Fa Jot ee Ho ry (ie tegerom hae sat pene seca seve and astern ved tery seve be er ot amon een ape ta ed emo (urd scot val nea ony bya be em ah at prs ering eo acca ay ay one aig we 1 fe cor sna be torte Epon oth autores agers re Sega ampere cn ss wih ne Acru Hoe) wh sce eprom an 8 ee fom Aco ‘peng ns dwt pen Ace er) Sy shnge Pw hab rand gh Ae Hac wr mi we ‘Te Boe stat uate ce le Acer eer) ae ene cape of ay ea! CE canaeon Whe HoNAag cE ene, Wal ea eae Pe wage Shem onto 15 Te tert eh oman lh emcee ny ad py trons eof een res nme cha Creme ‘Neca ay be souies a foam ea Seta be dpe oss he stare asa ase rtm ea oer ears ‘Since ole conve hom a naan Wetrta rsa notrgt tus at ve vne Aer acorn Gown er abot Ua rman facies here apuES by He Eat 17 cpa roe encanta Aca ne) an Be sha gy wt srr fea ty Ma we nero Te c.f ow athe ‘onan borer ye ecm ta oe san ong he eral Connon osm sara mae hgh et sl haw os 18mm coneh ashen ATS shi ay ergo dee ore py rn thot ft ty od ‘came chang ae conn monet a ty coc pty a iy toe pty tages ig ‘220. Accu Hebe cede rent acc apne fm ne ae yma n pasa Re opt othe amnesia Ve. Be ec Hse rae at ie Nave ‘Sot athe mom wan ar tanane i apron ane ne muse mee 21 fe we ecu Hossseoans ate aes wan ae ken Eon He gece on Be may rn er We ECs Mm) a et ld 21H we fect Mer tates arto Bal a efamale gan apa tah cane an hey aera Beha ly ay eaten med she ‘Account Holder(s) Broker ANNEXURE'A" Board Resolution “RESOLVED that an application be made on behalf of {name of entity) to, {Broker for opening an ‘Account and forthe afore-said purpose the Account Opening Form indluding Terms and Conditions as set out herein be executed on behalf of rare ot entity). FURTHER RESOLVED that Mr/Ms.. ‘and MMs. be and are hereby authorized and ‘empowered, ether singlyjointy for and on behalf of (name of enfity) to sign and execute and deliver this Account Open- ing Form end Terms & Conditions and other documents in connedtion therewith, and to do any other act, deed or thing for and on behalf of {name of enity) in respect of company's application for opening an Account. FURTHER RESOLVED that Mr/Ms. land Mrs. tbe and are hereby authorized and ‘empowered, ether singlyoint to represent to the Broker on all matters pertaining to the maintenance and operation of the Account, to deal, {aise and correspond with Broker and give instructions to full all the responsibilities and obligations to broker under the Law, Rules and Regula- tions and the Terms and Conditions in relation to the Account from time to time, and to deal wth other incidental and ancitary acts, things and deeds". ‘Signatures of the Directors a 4. ‘Date of Resolution: ADDENDUM TO THE ACCOUNT OPENING FORM ‘ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS {ntstonto re Specal Ter and Constons carte in he Account Opening Foe clowng doa! Terr and Conon re appa ae bring upon the Account Holi and he Baler | Alter of oowring le aecour. bw Act Hon) pont aun alee ardor ins wc fear a cotati the Bota a per has ‘etengoey Inna ae Pe secyrestzon bare ibe ervared repute Scher Sal hoe hemi al rhe ee ome | eae re Account eters are asters by he Boker unsere erie Fadnp the Boke sa ao be auPerzed © 2c yoo he refers fhe AcouN Hs wre Y. incase of non-payment byte Aacourt Hors) wen ime stated Cause i) ot he Spal Tes ar Cardone. te Broke shat ave he ght o sure of he deal nd any os Suess ror sabe bos by fe Account Halse) The Sher ral have en andor fs chrge en he Acct Melo secures ard epee edo aco fe ASOT esr tor vesouery osu oes Ye fay wc ncn toyed) tie yh ro a hae be i el scion tik cos a acu of Aco lr) woe ed wa tre ‘trata goed ty Aeeoont Hole) mean the cetue gue ty he Account Hole} Ceunee,v handing carge oR |.000 00 witb recovered fom ha Accoum HoMe) ‘The'ecovry af thew cage sha at paso Brot ght ata amy cap acne ghia cc et Vo. prope oe Boks is coined Causes V and VA sve case te Acura oak he payer ny te, te. an kar ams te amr in ‘statonposeedigs,wter ate ye Bakr ry Se Accour Mle ca tele prooes bata bei y te ho te Acourt Here] # cca am ‘Retake shat nace he igo crm by ay fuga Saragenn! wy stret eraly) Gun mech XIGOR. pus 4 on Pea culnang amar om he eo he wan ‘Mearizaon proceeding ee ac any oe tpl rocuaras ane an yb, raat yay made by Accu Hae by eftcame te wel vad ‘dco cu he cer be cove Bch inte an. Yi ts mausy ges between ne Broke an Account Moe) a ay fee crea bareesn Aout Hose) acount weber mareanes faite Aceunt Hacer) tenon vest ‘ich amour Preuph e Broe H's wer caly agree ad undertone nde ro crcuneincer watson wie Boke ow ry cede cabs Vi For Sate conta olin pal scpe the Acasa) dele scutes tke at mat (2) Saye ttre the ted cae of deer The sched te ley ‘lne marae he cat sso) he be re ol cone ete sl der Hie Sava he rece by he and ate te tel peaton he Pe A ‘elders wi be sated uncer mathe Account ara an evan lasted. Fay due a squib poston wl be chalga be Acou ols) Sacre reat) ilo acest fr oeshg eve res Bark arf dee wheats iy eed by fe ccocared cms ang wi aig! secu ctet(s) we ‘Seite fhe kar coe seer cess) aida ha covszenng Warf Seal) anata Be SacBee et ound bn tee re! wh hare he ee fie oe ‘he sare n ach eve De Acs Holes) srl men repaceehe’ stele ote od scree confcamt]o2t e onal Sees ard te Searees COMA) TUNE (Groesay set ry te IIy o eAero NOON) The ecco fhe sects sido scour cf he Aco Hel) sal tected ante bunreae dayton stent da The Be sh ot be able cee the Sarre mate NCEP. rt Ecaneoe TRE Cates eer th tags ough ee ates ee ty a kr ncn te Ace Sethe case ay 1% incase pachac ona. eben wb acts the Acoso) on staan les menbarad th Cvfrmaton ol pachase: route, rowwrs tha ach pay 'SYeeoved by re role at wa! are day ete Pe start cate Paymert eros of Re 2 00 wl be accatea any by a veogrizas bang werurarvarie vor ‘mocha ox epted bark acest oe Be’ he poy el eco befor the seen dae # he Payer reer puter. he roe sabe Fe to nse Be ‘carte comer sears ernest Sc orm and cantons wow wre ache Dunes ote noth remedt ans ecornes Fuca bunt be ‘Sciedtr ey eatedeansacon ‘AecountHolders) Broker A _The Bone ae conminan han eA a lhe a red bye Boke We Ao eraser es one ls ie ecto charge yeaa cen vee “Nowe ry can nae crt alt ep eae oh sm Pe ec Na Tel recede ae ua wl eee ara ee 1. me evr ott os te svn spa ay purse cree 2 ary IEC hate MCP aug wom or may a Puasa cin eso ep em) gn! 2 oe connctoy ey TREC hole 0 NOGPL weg fon he re ay faves he sues, Ye She sa et elas ay Gamage Cn of ea eens chee yee sae S'S be ete Rae ut gus mln ont or Ppt 12. inp evo czar laa ant ryan re Ear ogee oy Pcie Cena ot ay ec vey at ny Se Cena, eA Heo ‘oe Sorranehe ra a ans ad Snaps, cy ean oa eel con ae Bens ay na Ss aca Al ec Mee ny The onc ha ale abo aya fg mace tal mae 2h pat fay canto TREC Pa ExhargaCCPL a wepcie Acne ae and ‘Scart ab errs over wa Bw sc et cc ee Wt nce spt oF Bk 20 cave ot ng of an eaten te ay ae syle Mar tag eBay Sa eb ha ry NATH! {nce oman tan ag te A ang a he Sa lee Beco CO ntact visatre cans on mre Aun acy weed zur Mal Yom wre a cae yoy en ary 2 apr a aaah Brn sal oe ign ome he ceo alot beat ry norm tees scone 1. Fer Boch Seren bc ry cts, moor Ana Ter a Cots sa (a Fr pcany sees msn ws Cera Cacao Caroany of Pane Lint eres wb etc spre Coa Oeeoxon AC RT at Cra Cmsxmy Carey of Pact {nt Rest a opm Babe epsom pear bse es (o) Ta spoa win ns erst ees COC eu asta eben fre acd Act Hoge ea apy a aac aang bor ey te 2 Fer One Tang: Fa Ontn Teg be tung hate Tare sn Conde up ramrrmt cre iy rart ew Pn emt ebony waa tnt em ore PasncrsP ayo area 2p ary nem Peso i ser ast a shal nonce ta Pers ys a ‘ey toca pars eee aso ase yy see ‘Paseo The An eta neh oY ty Sage reat oer her ene Wh Anat en Fo (cat cenmecns anima wh never Trg wl be asame yb ec Her Neer te Brora of eC 3! ces NEU bape a ny ane {Sse sarapes ha ay bests yt Acne san etoieg on tea onan evenness Pas PN ecg es aap are oe ne Shmcten prey oe eset Ma mara waa an rene acs ‘TheAoun tgs sutecn eam one ee anc oe seo ostomy (0) The Boer ay cn Stree set eae oth Alas ak crates har mee ae aiby re Acc wha eg ane arg Financing (UY age Tring) Sar Lenn an Berm (SL ‘Fu tag Frc Tay Sens Lani Bong soon shi Tm red Codon hey 4 Marge teenng Magn Taceg Sects Lende orc epg Soares er occ te Aza Ke al be greed he Scuoenveges et st Pac ee {Bye ay areranena noo sass eet yr sen once! moar Fo re Te Rau Naa) nee oC he tes met ‘econ brent. rove cies SECPRSE-NCCAL (Bee am at te mae rg raereMnp Tag Cara see ne a oer ent ye SE ‘emo tre cheb eB ay a ee (a. Te meena easy sanceten amour nat Bhat ccc each MEMTSLE Comat sa ot be owe Mane et rescs by He Rabon Ceang Coroany of Patina |Nequbnon 100) egdeosen amares anaes fom inesne Howeve rhea screener regen oe ey puncebao hs aol bpreetee he Rep (6 nmmec TANS. eecins. te Acar ie a ny othe rater mate rang compet 8 ei on roe pi tc mat a wh np "Set tucnd toon snmp stot he Bea athe eh ab Aca ea sata fa stan ha ana yO ate Iyer ena om he oer wea ys (om pra of ete sat be car ot bm Aer Hose om ip MTU Egle Seema a oezes by 74 Boke fom Ye WW The Aso Hose HRS ‘Drona al era ane bern ot be mre SATE Eg Scar wh tay ato tae Res aes) anh a Mae an tb cn tone egtie Seman ton'he Sw wi he Suche sonny change te MTMFILR apne Sern sb cad wards ty a Bae een oe Be THESES (0) catty crate ste a evn ec 8 ia ecumenical ei ned ‘he Kou Nace oanaie oe MT marron more emanates eases eg ny (@ fm any een Axum Nese Mah Naa OT tte MTS. ona ch Cea be bey oat He wh on ns ay, ‘na Dea ny stan yh Ac Has na crit pote bsg ono es bo ta rant meson ”, oyna amy eran in ha snouts exes ‘Tamtotmnasn be sara Bases ne mp scant be fa fea pa se a (To csc i many ma nace crn yb mag aes te ay ea gdh Ra 4 eames Suen narceseoe = mem _pomeanang extn cna tte oe re Congr ete ae rl ri epg ea epee yard ‘teu roa, Banca sal ting oapane ip oe tgsios be aac ie aca aang) al sie scan cencbe seare a pe eta ‘Tires reveceromra neve pene som emia oer cress abe ee sagen ote moron rey Roe Wane) he ‘Bote’ ncaee cary ourtat he Aco Hoa) tab lao py etme Pe Sa ht own cate eae evans a Cte V aor oped oh eS) te “Stnsng emo caw fsa emanate ‘AccountHolder(s) Broke Wy Tae tone aactes and ne ez loaned ale paracen anan) omargneeampmarpn maha etre wn cnenterly be Acre) ‘Tigtanan me cme toce mapas saree era non Sd cco fake comma sn tae a Soon romps Yon owenrn ln) Tha Accut Haase Pathe ag onde yeh ae rua a fn ee cara owed By emt pr 2 Taig a Fu Conte ‘aang nFuneCenachebe tptthe Runs Ragu jong ube crac scans sry my cas, tom Crass, me deere Gang Ban he Easy exit ares ong trae ad Conor eke (o Toe rge celts tid ec Hay rae 10 Bernese aaa ssi y be Aaa awe ane y he Bran waa ee cH) le eset sed om ta ow Cantar et) he Sra or Mesenteric econ es) “00 Temntonnpamen: ‘na Cone aya term y tt ay ty by por want iy dg th ch ject tire aur gland guy buen keg a a a Rae agua by Pe RSE SEP Suh FOR NCCPL.COL tw Arsene tnt el er seat meine gee “Te Bow senna ner nace be arg acy te Acout HOe) 6 eon weanonn! However Rak keg an atan#MwEME He De! ate he ASEH ‘ivorn nartngatmes mer yp ‘he sore Asanra ers ane Conor wu sgplonat Spel ers manors mo socgeen heel cat ta conctbetean aya Pam Aiton! ar ane Cano and Sone ‘esa Centos Spd Tor ae Comore mE ‘SIGNATURE OF THE ACCOUNT HOLDER ‘SIGNATURES OF JOINT ACCOUNT HOLDERS Name: ‘Signature: Date: Name: ‘Signature, Date: Name: ‘Signature: Date: FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Introducer Particulars ‘Name: nice. ‘Signature: ‘Account Details ‘Account Type: ‘Secunty; Trading Lim Exposure: ‘Account Holders) Baie ENCLOSURES (FOR INDIVIDUALS) Attested copies of Computerized National Identity Card of the applicant. Attesied copies of Computerized National Identity Card ofthe Joint Holders and or Nominee(s) (if applicable) ‘Attested copies of passports & CNICINICOP of the applicant, Joint Hollers and or Nominee(s) (in case of non-residents) ‘Copy ofthe letter of authorization from the Account Holders) in favor ofthe person authorized to trade in Account Holder(s) account (i other than the acount holder). A list of Transaction fee, Commission to be charged by the Broker and other CDC charges o be levied. ENCLOSURES (FOR CORPORATE ENTITIES) Certified true copy of Board Resolution (specimen provided as per Annexure ' Certified true copies of Memorandum & Articles of Association or constitutive document of the Account Holder. List of authorized signatories. List of nominated persons allowed to place orders. ‘Account Holder(s) Broker. GJS Global [itso Fae Rab Shopping Caer Ace Bal Hosp, act EET ‘Applicaton Form Ne: (cs Peicipant ub Account No Trading Account Haeaasroent No: Pewee imees htaccess Nature of Account Single Joint (Pes se 8.000 LETTER team) hereby aly fr opening of mycu Sub Account under he Aecount Farilyof JS Glebe Capital Ltd (herent eed to a5 "Parcpan) marae inthe Cental Depsty System CDS" ofthe Crit Deposiny Company of Pats Lind COC"), Myfour arcu ere given as unde. CESS Non eK a 1. Full name of Applicant (As par CNIC NCOP /Passcon) MR. / MRS. / MS. 2. Father's / Husband's Name 3. Contact Details of Main Applicant (a) Permanent Address (hates sol den tor Peps buen ates) (b) Mailing Address. (©) Contact No (*) {Land Line No, (@) Fax (optional) Local Mobile No. 4, Computerized National Identity Card No (Forresiont Patan) 5. Expiry date of CNIC 6. NICOP No (FornonsesdortPakiten) 7. Expiry date of NICOP 8. Passport deta (or foreigner ora Pakistan orn) Place of Issue Passport Number Date of Issue (e) Email (+) Date of Expiry 9. Details of Contact Person: [Note. Contact Person shail not be the person other than the Main Applicant, any one of the Joint Applicant fF their Attorney. Where Contact Person is the Main Applicant or any of the Joint Applicant, please only provide the name below, In case of Attorney, please provide details in (8) to (h) below (a) Name: MR. /MRS. / MS. (b) Relationship! association of the Attorey with the Main Applicant (o)Address. (@) CNIC No (e) Expiry date of CNIC (A Contact No(*) Land Line No. Local Mobile No (a) Fax (optional) (6) Email (*) 10. Share holder's Category: INDIVIDUAL 11. (a) Occupation AGRICULTURIST BUSINESS: HOUSEWIFE HOUSEHOLD (Plavetck te appropri FOH) RETIRED PERSON STUDENT BUSINESS EXEC. INDUSTRIALIST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE OTHERS (specity) (0) Name of Employer! Business: (©) Job Title / Designation: (6) Address of Employer / Busines: *Aileat one fled must be mandatory ile Main Applicant Joint Applicant 4 Joint Applicant 2 Joint Applicant 3 Participant B. REGISTRATION (AND OTHER) DETAILS OF THE JOINT APPLICANT| PERSONAL INFORMATION - JOINT APPLICANT NO. 1 4. Full name of Applicant (i pr CNC/ NCOP /Pssepat) MR / MRS. 1 MS. 2. Father's | Husband's Name 3. Permanent Address: (hearse shou be deer rom Partaants usps ade) 4 (2) Contact No (b) Fax optional) (6) Email (optional) 5 Computerized Nationa mt Card No 65. Expiry date of CNIC 7. NICOP No. 8. Expiry date of NIGOP (ornament Pt) 9, Passport details Passport Number Place of Issue (fara regnar ora Pabstan aren) Date of Issue Date of Expiry 10. (@) Occupation: (Poses eappopsate tx) ———AGRICULTURIST susiness HOUSEWIFE HOUSEHOLD RETIRED PERSON ‘STUDENT BUSINESS EXEC, INDUSTRIALIST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ‘OTHERS (specty) (©) Name of Employer / Business: (6) Job Tite / Designation (8) Address of Employer / Business: PERSONAL INFORMATION - JOINT APPLICANT NO. 2 1. Full namo of Applicant (as pe CNIC/NICOP /Peespat) MR. / MRS. / MS. 2. Father / Husband's Name 3, Permanent Address. ineareos eeu be erent rom Prarie tunes adress) 4 (a) Contact No (6) Fax optional) (6) Emai (optional) 5. Computerized National identity Card No 6. Expiry date of CNIC (Fetecet anton) 7..NICOP No. 8. Expiry dato of NICOP (Gorm ressont Pasian) 9. Passport details Passport Number Place of Issue (fare Dregne ore Pot cg) Date of Issue Date of Expiry 410, (a) Occupation: (Pave tck tesppropiae tox) —_-AGRICULTURIST Business HouseWre HouseHoLD RETIRED PERSON ‘STUDENT BUSINESS EXEC. INDUSTRIALIST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ‘OTHERS (speciy) (b) Name of Employer! Business: (€) Job Title / Designation (4) Address of Employer / Business: PERSONAL INFORMATION - JOINT APPLICANT NO. 2 1. Full namo of Applicant (as pe cNIC/NICOP /Passpew) MR. / MRS. / MS. 2 Fathers / Husband's Name 43. Permanent Address iAearess shea be ferent rom Partante usece sas) 4 (2) Contact No (6) Fex eptional) (6) Email(optional) 5. Computwrind National ent Card No 6. Expiry date of CNIC 7. NICOP No 8. Expiry date of NICOP (Gorman estore Pitan) 8, Passport detalls Passport Number Place of Issue (Fara bregnar ort Pakistan orem) Date of lesus Date of Expiry 410, (a) Occupation: (Pose eappopte bx) —_AGRICULTURIST susiness HOUSEWIFE HOUSEHOLD RETIRED PEREON ‘STUDENT BUSINESS EXEC INDUSTRIALIST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ‘OTHERS (opecty) (©) Name of Employer Business (@) Adress of Employer / Busine: () Job Title / Designation: Main Applicant Joint Applicant 4 Joint Applicant 2 Joint Applicant 3 Participant GEN 1, Dividend Mandate — (Please tick the appropriate box ~“) Yes No ‘yes, please provide following details (a)Account Title. (o) Account No (c) Name of Bank (d) Branch Pees Toney 4. Resident! tas rae tte eee EN er TT Pakistani Pakistani Origin Foran Nato 5, If you are maintaining any Special Convertible Rupee Account ("SCRA"), please provide details in (a) to (c): {a) SCRAAccount No (b) Bank Name {(c) Branch Details 6. Zakat Status (Pease tick he spproprie box ¥) (it according to the Figh of the Applcant(s), Zakat deduction is not applicable, then relevant Declaraton on prescribed format, shat be eubmited withthe concemed Issuer and the Participant) Muslim Zakat payable Muslim Zakat non-payable Non-Mustim Not Applicable 7. Particulars of nominee (Optional but if desired, nomination should only be made in case of sole individual and not joint account) [tn case of death of Sub-Account Holder: Nomination may be made in terms of requirements of Section 80 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984, which Inter ata requites thet person nominated as aforesaid shail not be a person other than the folowing telatves ofthe Sub-Accaunt Holder, namely. a ‘spouse, Tater, mother, bother, sister ané gon or daughter. including a step oF adopted child] (@) Name of Nominee (b) Father's/Husband's Name (€) Relationship with Main Applicant Spouse Father Mother Brother Sister. Sont’—_Daughter* * Including step or adopted child (a) Address. (@) CNICNo (1) Expiry date of CNIC (incase of rescen Pakstan) (@) NICOP No (b) Expiry date of NICOP (incase ofa nonresident Pakistan) ()) Passport details (incase o foreigner ora Pakistan origin) Passport Number Place of Issue Date of Issue Date of Expiry @ Contact No (&) Fax (optional) (1) E-mail (optional) PRP ae CDC provides FREE OF COST services under CDC access whereby sub-account hoklers can have real ime access to their account related information 1 SiS eles a mardaor cance whore ale are crt wbnmer coral acts tke place ina sb acnut oSttmntisa suerte whee your secur aoe stoment ‘ile electarcalyYararite! your oral assess Peas subse eter SS AleeStatevet sonics a andar regener jou canals subst both he soca. For SMS Servic, please provide local mobile number ofthe Contact Person) For efler eStalement Servic, please provide EmallAddres of he Contact Person (+) 1) youha abcd fo Enema lane pect he Frequency of eSiaement + doomsatananaspoenanPatkecPatt Fm atc abs 2. Do youwish to subscribe to free of cost IVR Service? (Pease ick he appropri bx ¥/) Yes No 3, Do you wish o subscribe to free of cost Web Service? (Peace texthe sopropise box) Yes No 4. Ifyou are subscribing to IVR and/or Web Service, please provide following details of your Contact Person. (a) Date of Birth (0D / MM YYYY) (b) Mother's Maiden Name (c) Email Address Main Applicant Joint Applicant 4 Joint Applicant 2 Joint Applicant 3 Participant REE eee Na a 41. Signatory(ies} to give instruction to the Participant pertaining to the operations of the Sub-Account. {Please speciy sub-account operating istuctions in the relevant column along with nares and specimen signatures of authorised signatoies) Names of Signatory(ies) Specimen Signatures (a) } ©) (@) 2. Sub-Account Operating Instructions, (Please ke appropiate box 7) Either (Singly) oF Survivor Atiomey Jointly fany] Any other Please specty Ea Eee ‘The following information is required to be verified by the Bank Manager only where the Main Applicant is maintaining bank account: Particulars of Main Applicant Bank Account Tite CNIC No. Bank Account No. ‘Address of Applicant Signature of Aplicant We do hereby verty the above particulars and Signature of our above account holder Particulars of Bank Manager / Authorized Officer Name Contact No(s) E-mail Signature & Rubber Stamp Uae REP me ins omer Sagi eal eg UNDERLYING TRADES INCLUDING PLEDGE AND RECOVERY OF CHARGES AND LOSSES We the undersigned, hereby give mylour express authority to the Participant under Section 12 and Section 24 of the Central Depositories Act, 41987 to handle Book-entry Securiies beneficially owned by me/us and entered in my/our Sub-Account maintained with the Participant for ‘secures transactions that are exclusively meant forthe following purposes: ‘2. Forthe settlement of any underlying market transactions (trades) including off market transactions made by me/us from time to time For pledge secures transactions with any Stock Exchange or a Clearing Company relating to any of my/our underlying market transactions (trades) tobe settled through the Clearing Company from time to time; For the recovery of payment against any underlying market purchase transactions made by me/us fram time to time; Movement by me/us from time to time of my/our Book-entry Securities from mylour Sub-Account under the Main Account under the ‘control of the Participant to my/our Sub-Account under another Main Account under the control of the Participant or to my/our Sub ‘Account under any Main Account which is under the control of anather Participant orto my/our Investor Account, Securities transactions which has been made by way of a gif of Secunties by me/us to mylour Family Members or other persons in ‘accordance with the CDC Regulations from time to time; f. Securities transactions pertaining to any lending or borrowing of Securities made by melus from time to time in accordance with the CDC Regulations; 4g. For the recovery of any charges or losses against any or allo the above transactions carried out by me/ us or services availed; andior hh. Delivery ‘Transaction made by melus for any other purposes as prescribed by the Commission ffom time to time. ri ‘Specific authority on each ocoasion shal be given by meus tothe Participant for handling of Book-entry Seourities beneficially owned by me/us for all other purgoses as permitted under the applicable laws and regulations. Note: Please note that above shall serve as a one-lime fied authorization to the Participant for handing of Book-enry Secures owned by the undersigned ‘Sub-Account Holders) and entered in hishertheir Sub-Account maintained wit the Paricpant. Handing of Book entry Securities forall other purposes should however require epecteauthorty in wring fram the undersigned Sub-Aceount Holser(e) i favour of he Partepant. For handing of ook entry Secures worth Rs. 500,000 and above, the above mentioned speci authority shal be obtained on nonjucicial stamp paper Main Applicant Joint Applicant 4 Joint Applicant 2 Joint Applicant 3 Participant ‘MPORTANT ‘Planes road snd understand the Terms and Conditions batore signing and execitng thie form “TERMS AND CONOMONS: ‘The Tas end Condon st herein talon shal govern th Sub-Aazount oie art ch Aacourt Fay othe COS Pertepant Accaurtl he Parcpet which shalt dng on he Sub Ac counter os woo Papen 1, Provisions ofthe Cental Depostoes At, 157 Che Ac’ andthe Cal Oaponiiry Company ol Pasa Led Regine (he Regions) as amanda rom tee tne and {he CDC Operating MarwalOperaing instruc Gevelope and asec purr ert em re ote a oy other Dy laws, ieee the Secon od Exchange Common (of Pakistan ved tom inet ie, eal power he open. atnance and cperatons ofthe Sab Aeceut Each page aftr shot ely grea by Bw Apccart ad fo ppacaris Fay) an the Papa ot any atrize prs of Patipant. ‘The Paniceart tal ereure provson of copes ofl the eevarlaws tes and feguste le fice acces oe Sub Account olde aureg work Nurs ‘Th Patcpart shal pode ala ffs adhrzed apetteaders ad deagiaied eoioyers who can deal wit he Sus-Aezoun Hale) fort ime bre Ary chagets) een shal form an be brated i ing he Sub Account oes) ‘The RegataonOstale an sch oer rfomation speed by the Alarm far fo opening fhe Sub Account spe in the Sb court abe eased byte Paria in ones 6 », 2 vequrmert 22. The Paicart al rere tha ay Slain wn sed copy a haem arg whe cenouadgemen! one rove oe Sub Account ole [DECLARATION & UNDERTAKING We, ne undersigned rey dace tat arvere nt ror. (ie sve of seu min | i | | i coer Siocon Ie, berg the Appian hereby her con ata Fe ifrmaron conned ths fom ee and comet to the best f myour knowlege ws on the date of aking ne 2) Weer age ra ry fearing nomi by mais o mpm oy mat eam my Suni air non a Aon thetowe and 1%) WA row apf opening. mantanance and operon of Sut-Acront xing part he Account Fay of COS Paricpan Account a Parcpant DISCLAIMER FOR COC ACCESS Joint Applicant 2 Joint Applicant 3 Participant Name of Applicant Date Place Signature, ‘Name of Joint Applicant No. 1 Date Place Signature, ‘Name of Joint Applicant No. 2 Date Place Signature ‘Name of Joint Applicant No. 3 Date Place Signature, For and on behalf of —- (In case i signed by the Attomey on behalf ofthe Applicants) Wie hereby agree to admit the Applicani(s) as the Sub-Account Holder(s) in terms of the above Terms and Conditions as amended from time to time and shall abide by the same in respect of opening, maintenance and operation of such Sub-Account. [Nam of Participant: JS Global Capital Limited Date: Participants Seal & Signature: Witness Witness Signature Signature Name Name conics once Enclosures: 41. Altested copy of CNIC / NICOP / Passport of the Applicant(s)/ Joint Appicani(s)/ nominee(s) (as the case may be). 2 Duly notarised Power of Attomey* (if applicable). '3. Zakat Declaration of the Applicant and the Joint Applicant (if appicable) 4. Attested copy of NTN Cerificate (f applicable). * Wace ha Apeot a non sien oc rene, chiy canalraed copy of Powar of Ase by he Cont anal of Pitan hang atone the Apc) shod oe stret Naa SO Name: Courry of Residence: Courry ofBit: ‘Please confirm the following: Yes No ‘Ave youa US, Resident ‘Age you a US Cities ‘Do you hold a U.S, Permanent Resident Card (Green Card) ‘Are you a Resident / Citizen of any other country (Please specify) aeranseel Are you Dual National (Please spevify wat nationality do you hold) Are you a Resident of any county other than Pakistan (Pease speciy) eerie set camneecea Sasomes Ave you a U.S, Owned Entityany other country (Please specify) ss ‘Weer Jota infrmaion provide above is tr accurate and complete. We hereby provide mycur coset to JS Global Capital Limited o any ofits ascites incuding branches (collet “the Broker’) to dsl and firs and shar infomation pring omy! ou account to domestic or overseas reg ax auhriies where neces to exablih a bil in any urs, 'V We also aor the Broker to deduct witbldng ax from my our account when require to do so by domestic or overseas repltrs or tax ators or py ou, om my/our accu) such amouns as may be required according to applcebe avs, rules, regulations, greets wih replat or utborits and dress (bt land inno), ‘We tll inden and hold he Broker harks agin anya, damages, costs, expenses and thr diet andor indict consequence ofthe Broker dsclsng, fishing and sharingan infrmaton pertaining to myour tang accourt wth any domestic overseas regulators or tax uthoes. ‘We aie and ure to nly the Broke win iy (30) calendar days i thee is change in ny informatio nich we ave provid tothe Broker” Caste Sate P99 SIZ Head Office: 6th Floor, Faysal House, Shahra-e-Faisal Karachi 75530, Pakistan. UAN: +92-21 111 574 111 Fax: +92-21 3280 0167 Lahore Office: Plot # 4 Block-R M.M. Alam Road, Main Boulevard, Gulberg-Il, Lahore, Pakistan. UAN:+92 42 111 574 111 Fax: +92 42 3575 5633 Islamabad Office : Room No. 413, 4th Floor, ISE Towers, 55:B, Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad. Pakistan. UAN: +92 51 111 574 111 Fax: +92 51 289 4417 Hyderabad Office: Office No. M-7, Mezzanine Floor, Rabi Shopping Center, Adjacent Belair Hospital, Saddar Cantt, Hyderabad Tel: +92 22 272 001 Faisalabad Office: Office No. G-3, Ground Floor, Mezan Executive Tower, Plot No.4, Liaquat Road, Faisalabad. Tel: + 92 41 2541900 BS Global IS GlobalOnline Kindly fick (the appropriate box BASIC ACCOUNT Account Opening Balance Rs. 25,000/- or ‘Student Account Rs. 10,000, f.05% ofthe uated vane PREMIUM ACCOUNT (Trader Assisted) ‘Account Opening Balance Rs. 100,000 cash or 25,000/- cash & 100,000 3 paisa per share or 0.1% of the traded value, ‘whichever is higher Note: * JS-Globalreseries the right 1o amend the commission structure if require. * Any changes in the commission structure will be intimated to the client accordingly. * For any aocount related information, please contact cusiomercarefijs.com or call us ai 021-11 1687-114

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