0 Fiinnaalll
0 Fiinnaalll
0 Fiinnaalll
Year Level:
Learning Area:
Unit Outline/ Intentions for the unit
5 weeks 10 Lessons
This two-part unit seeks to educate students with a focus on Australian endangered flora and fauna. This
component of the unit is the first of the two parts and primarily focuses on Fauna.
The unit runs for a duration of five weeks and within that time students are allowed the opportunity to
investigate connections between animals, vegetation and the environment. Students collect, record and represent
data, communicate findings in a large range of forms and problem solve to draw appropriate conclusions
surrounding geographical data. Students are able to reflect on their learning and the ways in which the impacts
on environment can be reduced.
The unit addresses Geography strands; geographical knowledge and understanding, geographical inquiry and
skills and also communicating. Sustainability is a cross-curriculum priority and is addressed and explained
throughout the unit. Students are able to develop an understanding of sustainability and the ways in which it can
be achieved. Other general capabilities throughout the unit include Literacy, Numeracy, Information and
Communication Technology competence and Critical and creative thinking.
The lesson sequence follows the Integrating Socially Model of Inquiry and the lessons reflect this. This model
creates opportunities for students to tune in, prepare to find out, find out, sort out, make connections and finally
take action. Lesson development ensures various teaching and learning strategies are considered and
Lessons have been designed to cater for all learners with differentiation of learning considered and each lesson
seeking to meet the needs of the entire cohort. Lessons have both individual and group components to ensure all
students and the ways in which they learn have been considered. Each lesson utilizes various resources,
including the use of ICT resources such as videos, information websites and blogs as well as use of the
interactive whiteboard. Students will have access to Laptops and iPads to facilitate ICT competency. Other
resources include student writing and recording materials and art materials, such a butchers paper and colouringin pencils.
All elements of assessment have been considered focusing on for, as and of learning. The creation of a
thing-link caters to for learning, an online blog, for as learning and finally a digital media campaign for of
learning. Task sheets, rubrics and peer review sheets have been designed to aid in the monitoring and
assessment of each individual student.
Unit Objectives
By the end of this unit, students will have had the opportunity to demonstrate an ability to:
Understand the important connection between animals, vegetation and the environment.
Collect, record and represent geographical data
Communicate findings in a range of forms by using appropriate terminology.
Problem-solve to draw appropriate conclusions surrounding geographical data.
Reflect on their learning and ways to reduce their impact on the environment.
Represent data
by constructing
tables and graphs
ICT competence
Critical and creative thinking
Ethical behaviour
Personal and social competence
Intercultural understanding
Comprehending texts through listening, reading
and viewing,
o Comprehending Text
o Navigate, read and view learning
area texts
o Interpret and analyse learning area
Word Knowledge
o Understand learning area
Using spatial reasoning
Interpret maps and diagrams
Cross-Curricula Priorities
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
ASIA Asia and Australias engagement with Asia
SUST Sustainability
Lesson Integration
OI.2. All life forms including human life are
connected through ecosystems on which they
depend for their wellbeing and survival
OI.7. Actions for a more sustainable future
reflect values of care, respect and
responsibilities and require us to explore and
understand environments
Lesson Integration
Sustainability is integrated throughout the whole unit through the
investigation of Endangered Species
in Australia. Students will focus on
the animals, their location, their
population, threats and how they can
be protected through protection
By the end of Year 4, students describe and compare the characteristics of places in different locations at the
national scale. They identify and describe the interconnections between people and the environment. They
describe the location of selected countries in relative terms and identify simple patterns in the distribution of
features of places. Students recognise the importance of the environment and identify different views on how to
respond to a geographical challenge.
Students develop geographical questions to investigate and collect and record information and data from
different sources to answer these questions. They represent data and the location of places and their
characteristics in simple graphic forms, including large-scale maps that use the cartographic conventions of
scale, legend, title and north point. They describe the location of places and their features using simple grid
references, compass direction and distance. Students interpret data to identify spatial distributions and simple
patterns and draw conclusions. They present findings using geographical terminology in a range of texts. They
propose individual action in response to a local geographical challenge and identify the expected effects of their
proposed action.
60 mins
Teaching Approach:
Integrating Socially Model of
Tune in/Prepare to find out
This lesson intends to introduce and tune students in to the unit topic of endangered protection. It aims to
develop students awareness and understanding of endangered animals. Students will prepare to find out
through engaging in activities, where they are exploring topics, researching new understandings using ICT and
reporting their findings back to their peers. Students will be developing empathy, concern and awareness
about endangered animals, and formulate understandings for how these animals came to be endangered.
Butchers paper and permanent markers
Introductory video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iu8bbntr80 Play for: 1 minute and 40
Notebook and pens Highlighters
Colouring-in pencils
Pictures of animals
I-pads on symbaloo research website http://www.symbaloo.com/mix/ausendangeredap
60 mins
Finding Out
This lesson intends to teach students about endangered animals and how they came to be threatened. Students
use discussions to find out about particular Australian animals and the problems causing their endangerment.
Students will also touch on if these issues could be reversed and if so, how would this impact on the
endangered animals survival.
60 mins
Introductory Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI7u_pcfAQE
iPad (1 per group)
Endangered animal species laminated card
Student writing materials
Sheets of lined paper
Foodweb Example - http://cdn.qldscienceteachers.com/junior-sci//food-web.png
Student Geography workbooks
Student writing materials incl. ruler
A4 Card (1 per student)
Whiteboard Marker
Domino Effect Extinction Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHY37Pb-xqI
60 mins
Research and Thing-Link
Finding Out/Sorting Out
This lesson intends to teach students the important connections between animals and their habitats. It aims to
develop students research skills through finding out and sorting out collected relevant information from a
range of different resources. Students will be researching an animal and its location, habitat, threats and what
we can do to help sustain it. They will use an app to demonstrate knowledge of their selected animal and to
share what they have discovered with their peers.
Books relevant to Australian endangered species
Computers/laptop (http://www.symbaloo.com/mix/ausendangeredap)
Student Ipads (with Thinglink app downloaded and a channel organised for students to upload to
60 mins
IPads with Thing-Link
60 mins
Protecting Endangered Animals
Finding Out/Going Further
This lesson intends to teach students the significance of organisations in the process of saving endangered
animals. Throughout this lesson students will use ICT to find out, research and explore relevant animal
organisations and going further to find key strategies for protecting endangered animals. Students will present
their information in a brochure style layout displaying their findings accompanied by illustrations.
Class set of i-pads
Endangered animal picture cards
Endangered clip- http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/animals/koala/
Symbaloo Research site: http://www.symbaloo.com/mix/ausendangeredap
Brochure template
Countdown timer- http://www.online-stopwatch.com/
75mins (45mins
Finding Out/Making
In this lesson, students will interact with a variety of endangered animals through Gecko Wildlifes School
Incursion Program. Students will find out more about endangered animals as they watch and interact with the
presentation and fill in a table worksheet throughout the show regarding particular animals. Students will then
use this information for their homework and for their final assessment. Students will demonstrate and make
connections with their new understanding by adding to the graffiti wall and extending the class word wall.
Geckos Wildlife School Incursion
Endangered Animal protection organisations (open on smartboard)
60 mins
Drafting Digital media Campaign
Going Further/Taking Action
In this lesson students will begin creating their Digital Media Campaign for Assessment of learning. Students
will individually go further as they create an organisation that aims to make others aware of a specific animal
and how we can help to save it. They will take action by using an online tool to put together their ideas on their
chosen animal, where it lives, its population, why its endangered and what we can do to save it. They will be
specifically organising and drafting their ideas in order to begin creating their campaign.
Drafting Sheet see in Appendix
Computers/laptop (open to http://wild.zoo.org.au/mashups/#/loveyourlocals/create)
Class set of i-pads to record on
Videos on USB of animals (Put the videos off the USB onto laptops ready for groups to use)
Fine Tuning Digital media Campaign
Taking Action
In this lesson students continue taking action by working on their Digital Media Campaign for Assessment of
learning. During this lesson students will individually aim to fine tune and complete their assessment, so that
they are ready to present next lesson. Students will be completing this assessment piece, ensuring that they
have included all aspects from the criteria.
Drafting Sheet see in Appendix
Computers/laptop (open to http://wild.zoo.org.au/mashups/#/loveyourlocals/create)
Class set of i-pads to record on
Videos on USB of animals (Put the videos off the USB onto laptops ready for groups to use)
Taking Action/Making
In this lesson students will be individually taking action through the presentation of their Digital Media
Campaign. Students will make connections as they present in the form of a thirty second oral presentation. As
an additional task students will be asked to complete a peer review for each of their classmates.
60 mins
Interactive Whiteboard
Laptop(1 per group)
Conservation Mashup Tool - http://wild.zoo.org.au/mashups/#/loveyourlocals/create
iPads (Only if students have recorded themselves for presentation)
Student peer review sheet (Appendix 1)
Student writing materials
Criteria sheet (Appendix 2)
Assessment of learning
Assessment for learning
Assessment as learning
Digital Media Campaign: Students will create a mini campaign on how to best
protect their selected endangered animal. (30-60 seconds)
Thinglink: Students will create a profile about their animal with a focus on the
threats posed to this animal
Online Blog: Students will respond to their individual learning by posting to the
blog after each lesson, in response to a posed question.