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Team Slo Plan

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Professional Growth System

Student Learning Objective (SLO)
Name: Amy Gleason
School: Chevy Chase Elementary
Grade/Subject/Course: 6th Grade Team (Sci, SS)

Initial Conference Date:

Final Conference Date:
Interval: 2013-

Identify SLO: Area of Growth, Student Selection, Target

Area of Growth
What is the academic goal or area of
growth for students?

By the end of the year, students will

demonstrate behaviors that maximize
their potential using an element of
the Growth Mindset: learning from
their mistakes.

Student Selection
Describe the student group(s) selected. Include
group or subgroup
number or percentage of students targeted
current grade level or performance levels of students

3 of 101 grade 6 students have been identified

based on prior classroom behaviors (focus,
participation, and effective effort) and grades.
These students have not demonstrated behaviors
that maximize their potential using an element of
the Growth Mindset: learning from their mistakes.
These students are: Abdul, Rebecca, Collin

Describe and explain the expectations for student growth for students included in this SLO.

Students are expected to demonstrate progress in maximizing their potential using

an element of the Growth Mindset: learning from their mistakes. The targeted
students will be expected to meet one or more of the following goals:
1. Complete homework 90% of the time
2. Participate in class at least three times a week
3. Ask for assistance when needed
4. Regularly use classroom resources (agenda book, Edline, graphic organizers,
notes, study guides, re-teaching opportunities, and readiness time).

Evidence of Need
Data & Baseline Evidence Review
What data supports your
What course standards/indicators, concepts
identification of this need as a
or skills are being addressed by this SLO?
priority to address? If you need to
collect baseline data, what will you The following Curriculum 2.0 standards for
Academic Success are being addressed by this
As a part of the SIP, the school is
- I challenge myself to accomplish
focusing on the Growth Mindset to
difficult tasks
establish positive academic
- I know how to accomplish my goals
- When things get difficult, I think of
The baseline data used was
additional ways to reach my goals
classroom performance, teacher
- I never give up. I ask for help when

observations, quarter one grades,

and learning skills.

learning is difficult for me

Intellectual Risk Taking
- I ask questions to help me understand
every day
- I share my ideas and answer questions,
even when I am unsure
- I challenge myself to rise to the next

Explain why this is a significant need to address and why you chose this student
The identified area of growth is connected to the CCES School Improvement Plan:
All staff to develop an understanding of and use of a Growth Mindset supporting
their social-emotional learning by seeking challenges, learn from mistakes, and
persevere in the face of failure.
All students are expected to regularly complete homework, participate in class,
ask for assistance when needed, and use the available classroom resources. This
student group was chosen because they demonstrated a need for improvement in
the Growth Mindset area of learning from their mistakes. The identified student
group is not meeting the academic behavior expectations, which is affecting their
grades and learning.

Plan Your Actions Instructional Focus, Resources, Evidence of Progress

Instructional Focus
Describe the key instructional strategies selected to support students in reaching this
growth target.

Provide explicit review of the following academic behaviors and expectations:

Available classroom resources
Edline (checking grades and homework, merge calendars, access uploading
materials, sending/receiving email)
Expectations for homework completion
Expectations for participation
Opportunities for receiving re-teaching and re-assessing
Methods for asking for help when needed
Additional strategies may include but are not limited to: set alarm as
homework reminder, face time with a friend, or participation cards
Provide students with structured opportunities to reflect on and analyze previous
academic mistakes in order to improve their overall performance and
understanding. This will be done by:
o Individual teacher/student conference about academic difficulties during the
first quarter focusing on previous mistakes that have impacted the
achievement and social/emotional growth in sixth grade and previous years.
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Students will create a goal based on the identified areas of need.

Teacher and student will create a plan to successfully meet the goal set by
the student
Teacher and student will meet on a consistent basis to monitor progress and
reflect on continued roadblocks (not studying, forgetting homework, not
using feedback)

Describe the professional development or support you will use to help reach this
growth target.

Need time with counselor/other staff members to generate additional

outside-of-the-box strategies for student success.
Team planning time to collaborate, look at data, and reflect on the process

Evidence of Progress
Describe how you will monitor progress and collect data. List any benchmark
assessments or other tools you will use to gather student evidence.

Initial conference with student including reflection, goal setting, and

individual student plan
Informal check-ins with students on an consistent basis
Formal conference with students at interim and end-of-quarter to reflect and
analyze progress, reflect on growth, and update student plan as needed.
Data collected will vary based on individual student needs. This data may
include but is not limited to: assessment grades, homework completion,
participation chart, use of resource chart, self-monitoring tools.

Analysis & Reflection

Analysis & Reflection
Analyze the student data you gathered throughout the SLO interval. Did you meet your
target? Explain what worked, what didnt, and what you would do differently in the future.
Include any complexity factors that may have impacted your results.
Overall, I feel that I met my goal. Students were expected to meet one of the following goals:
1. Complete homework 90% of the time
2. Participate in class at least three times a week
3. Ask for assistance when needed
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FINAL DRAFT 20132014 School Year

4. Regularly use classroom resources (agenda book, Edline, graphic organizers, notes,
study guides, re-teaching opportunities, and readiness time).
Of the three students, two students met at least 3 of the 4 goals set. One of the three
students showed improvement in quarter two and three in homework, and use of resource but
dropped in quarter four. The academic data shows that all three students improved from the
1st quarter to the 4th quarter. Two students improved from a C to a B and one student went
from a low B to a high B. The student who did not meet the four goals above, did show steady
academic progress throughout the year and was the only student of the three that improved
each of quarter throughout the year.
The data shows that the students became more active in participants in their learning. Two
students completed homework regularly, actively participated in class, and used the
resources that were made available so that they could be more successful.
I worked with the one student who did not meet their goal in MP3 club two days a week for
two sessions of the club. During fourth quarter however, he refused to come to MP3 and his
parents were fine with him no longer attending. When I called home and explained that his
homework completion was decreasing and he would benefit from returning to a structured
homework club, they felt that he needed to come home after school. In addition to no longer
coming after school for support, the student participated less in class, and used his resources
(especially Edline and agenda book) less. Behavior concerns also increased during fourth
During 1st quarter the data was collected by observation. In an effort to make the data more
accurate, I began using a tally chart to record the information for student goals. I found it
difficult to tally the times that students used their resources and asked for help. I found that I
would forget during class and then try to remember at the end of the class or the end of the
day. Were I to do this goal again, I would need to find a better way to collect data so that it
was accurate and timely.

Teacher: Printed Name

Principal: Printed Name



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FINAL DRAFT 20132014 School Year

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