Nbme Q 17
Nbme Q 17
Nbme Q 17
* Step 1 *
* NBME 12 Block 1 q1-50 Discussion
ae0704 - 09/15/13 13:42
Hello everyone, some people use the offlines NBME as a tool for their tr
aining while studying,
since Maryam2009 discussion of this NBME is not longer available, i will begin t
o post the answers and explanations of each question, following the one posted o
n scribd.
Any help is welcome as long as they contribute to the explanation and help clari
fy doubts.
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Answer: B
Vinblastine: MoA: Alkaloid that binds to tubulin in M phase and block Polymeriza
tion= Assembly of microtubules so that mitotic spindle cannot form.
Uses: Hodgkin L, Wilms tumor, Choriocarcinoma, ALL.
Tox: Bone marrow suppression.
Source: FA, Hemato.
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* Re:NBME 12 Block 1 q1-50 Discussion
ae0704 - 09/15/13 16:49
Q: 12 : "Insulin Slope in myocytes"
Insulin-responsive: GLUT-4, required for Adipose, skeletal muscle in order to up
take glucose.
The Y axis is the rate in which glucose is uptake by myocyte,
Since the stem depict that the solid line correspond the absence of insulin, non
e of the glucose is going to be uptake reason why we see the flat slope on the x
axis, describing that there wasn't an uptake.
and in the presence of insulin (dashed lines) the rate of uptake increases showi
ng that when there's increases in insulin, GLUT-4 in those tissues, began to upt
ake glucose inside in bigger rate.
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* Re:NBME 12 Block 1 q1-50 Discussion
ae0704 - 09/15/13 16:59
Q: 13
Answer: A.
Asperger Disorder: Milder form of Autism, Characterized by All-Absorbing interes
ts, repetitive behavior and problems with social relationships.
Childrens are of normal intelligence and lack verbal or cognitive deficits. No l
anguage impairment.
Source: FA pysch.
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* Re:NBME 12 Block 1 q1-50 Discussion
ae0704 - 09/15/13 17:05
Answer: F
Number Needed to treat (NNT)---->NNT=1/ARR
Assuming Trace elements as Control or Exposed:2.3% or 0.023
Unexposed: 1.3% or 0.013
(2)NNT=1/0.01= 100.
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* Re:NBME 12 Block 1 q1-50 Discussion
ae0704 - 09/15/13 17:10
Answer: E
Herpes labialis:
HSV-1: dss-DNA enveloped icosahedral.
Causes gingivostomatitis, keratoconjuctivits, temporal lobe encephalitis, Herpes
labialis. transmitted by respiratory secretions.
Hides in the NEURONS of Trigeminal ganglia.
Source: FA micro.
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* Re:NBME 12 Block 1 q1-50 Discussion
ae0704 - 09/15/13 17:29
Answer: B
in Anemia theres a Decrease in Hb, Hct or RBC concetration.
SaO2 (oxygen saturation) and PaO2 are Normal.
Decrease Oxygen Content (O2content).
Please, clarify, not sure about the reason this is the answer, it was a lucky gu
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* Re:NBME 12 Block 1 q1-50 Discussion
ae0704 - 09/15/13 17:41
Answer: A
Hepatitis B recombinant Vaccine: When the 2nd dose is given, sensitized cells fr
om previous exposure (first dose) got stimulated and now secrete IgG. So there w
ill be an increase of IgG:IgM ratio since immune system already recognize the an
tigen. The IgG peak will occur earlier because of memory cells.
An excellent example given by: @zen786
"an animal was injected with Antigen A at day 0. Antigen A invokes a primary res
ponse beginning about day 4, as indicated by a rise in the specific antibody tit
er (titer = measure of the amount of antibody in the animal's serum per unit vol
ume). Initially, this antibody is mostly IgM (and some IgG). After a peak titer
between days 7 and 10, the response decreases rapidly. If the animal is then rei
njected with Antigen A at day 28, the production of antibody begins almost immed
iately and reaches a level 1000-fold greater that that seen in the primary respo
nse. This is known as the secondary response and the principal antibody produced
is IgG. If a second antigen (Antigen B) is also injected at the same time as th
e reinjection of Antigen A, however, only a primary response to Antigen B is obs
erved. These results demonstrate that:
The immune response is specific and that the immune response has memory.