Steel Casting
Steel Casting
Steel Casting
Section siz effects on oil quenched and tempered ‘wrought AISI 8650 steel, In sizes over 1 in, 28 mim), the ‘properties reported are those midway between surface and center (Conversion: 1 ksi = 6.8948 MPa, 1 ft Tb = 1.356 }) 28). i Fig.38 Keel block coupon (ASTM A370—Mechanical testing of steel products). me] x soos « Hf (cee ys 3 f eae cm | OesGN FOR ATTACHED CoURON SIDE VIEW KEEL BLOCK COUPONmental reason for this situation. Several specifications provide for the mass effect by permitting the testing of coupons which are larger than the basic keel block in Figure 38, and whose cooling rate is therefore more representative of that experienced by the part being pr duced. Among these specifications are ASTM specifi- cations E208, A356, and A757. Alloy and Heat Treatment Influence on Section Size Effects. The tensile properties of normalized and tempered cast carbon steel with 0.3% C (cast 1030) and Ni-Cr-Mo low alloy steel (cast 8635) in Figures 39a and 39b reveal the largest effect of section size to be on reduction of area. The higher strength of the low alloy steels relatively uniform in the 1.25 and 3-in. (32 and 76 mm) sections. For the 6-in. (152 mm) section a distinet drop in yield and tensile strength is evident. These sec- tion size effects on tensile properties are more pro- nounced upon quenching and tempering to higher strength values as evident from data illustrated in Figure 40 for Ni-Cr-Mo low alloy cast 8635 steel. Toughness, because of its sensitivity to the changes in ‘metallurgical structure, i.e. heat treatment, may reveal ‘major effects of section size. Figure 41 shows the differ- ences in Charpy V-notch impact energy due to section size as well as the variation of impact energy with loca- tion in a given section. These data shown only minor effects for the normalized and tempered steels. Compar- able and uniform properties are also shown for the 2 ae aT co & Bo [ousnigeew “O Saiien > gator] ee 2 $ wo foun atts” garage] 700 B00 Leno Lng Bibio gob aod oo Eco i : oe peg | 39% : tata Pon ee 4 200 8 2 ‘co E aR oF = pemer B Pn pple ao] # i | x0 5 é & Fig. 398 Distribution of tensile properties of cast 1030 stel. [Normalized from 1600°F (871°C) and tempered at 1200°F (64°C) a9). 19 higher strength, quenched and tempered cast 8630 steel up toa 3-in, (76 mm) section thickness, For the 6-in. (152 mm) thick 8630 steel a significant loss in toughness ‘occurs due to insufficient hardenability ofthe steel, Lack of hardenabilty of this steel prevents the 6-in, (152mm) section from through hardening and forminga sufficient amount of martensite at distances of 1 in, (25 mm) or more below the surface of the 6-in, (152 mm) thick section. Fatigue strength values are affected by the mass effect in a manner similar to tensile strength, When the endu- ance limit is “normalized” for tensile strength by divid- ing the endurance limit by the tensile strength, the result- ing endurance ratio reveals only minor effects of section size as illustrated in Figure 42. Early studies of the section size effect (19, 29, 30) evaluated mechanical properties extensively as a func- tion of location ina given casting to determine the rate of change with distance from the surface to the center of the casting. Figure 43 illustrates one example of these studies and demonstrates the tendency of properties to level off at distances of approximately 1/4 thickness, 1/4 T, from the surface, Newer studies, therefore, tend to be limited to the 1/4 T location, Data of this type in Table 9 illustrate the trends for property changes asa function of section size, These data do not reflect minimum values to be expected for the grades listed. Table 10 shows the compositions of the grades listed in Table 9. ze at RE v0 g Fico bo iasmisennt USnltenn e¢at52nn) | 1000 © a . : 900 B 120 yy foi 200 8 wof 4 00 i i 600 80 800 © z Ob WeL0 STRENTH os z me Be Pena, Ct = | $00 g E oo 00 5 °° ae i Bin tom) 0 8 2 a oe ae ° i iin 2mm) Bintre ma) | in. 152r SecTion SE ig.390 _Disiuton of tensile properties of cst 8635 sea. Normalized from 160°F (871°C) and tempered at 1200°F (649°C) a9)190 3 TraceneaT 008 8S TRSASonT ETN yong BETTE 5g 2 eo foi2saisennd osnitonmsecon o6assonn| 100 2058 Sian Poo PMS Bnoben eee | co “(ine 1 ve | 00 : i eof ofa ap at aco! 10 \ 4 100 f 700 : \ © 3 vo Joz™ revo i 100 € i roms T Hoenn 3 “fre oe 30h og > Bao woh : mot ‘J [Vie 7 a = seat 600 i 2 REDUCTION OF AREA B = Ee vo & : soy ie ay 4 2 5 Bot A . a ta js__ aot é | = 0 + Tosaon w Ba Biwky 2 H 4 5° | i | : Ld 20 2 z alae aot. 2 ot eee cet = Baczem | Bin caom) ae [rem (sae sin ttszeey "1 section SHE Seiwa Fig. 41. Distribution of Charpy V-notch impact properties a Fig. 40 Distribution of tense properis of cas 8635 see. Sie 23°) fer vans section ss of east els 9) ‘Water quenched from 1500°F (616%C) and tempered at 1100°F 62°09. Elz 2% Fo asm cemmlsconon To se sree SIE oss[-a Sa tremmisecrion™ Nomis 2/2 Gin (ISZmm) | aeeaee 5]6 oso wl oa 3 3/4 10 B12 ow GIF cao $ os = 070 e635 STEEL ; wos! lovencyea 0 TONPERED _ jor | Bowl i ee gos =P & 030 Winczam in (Teme in. Sd. Section Se Fig. 42 Distribution of endurance ratio for various section sizes of cast steals (19. 20 7 J] 200 sof 9 pees sone 3 + 2000 1» ‘ § i 3 B 260 vw00 v700 ° # 20 5 Bob oo Kecowcaion ost sae) este 39) DISTANCE FROM COUPON SURFACE-in(mm) a ise APPROXIMATE. SOLIDIFICATION TIME -MINUTES Fig. 43 Effect of mss on tensile properes in $n. 203-mm) ‘coupon of cast Ni-Cr-Mo, 4330 steel in the quenched and tempered condition 29).TABLE rite Hardenable Cast Steole® sree onde met’ am) ts) ts) a MWA eT 1 ah am a “a ah ys 36) 8 BD Be wm Se 3) ee fae ele sein) wa oor ia oe B 8 oo 2B x Sm 2 om oy ‘mS wee ra Bm ol t09t 2 eettom| 36) om nee ele 7 so MBM ee ee ee) Bae a) ey 3 ee ee 363 5 amy 3 Gy) Se 500 6 ay & % to on Lo ec fore ites ex co oe io} mo 36) Fos ey tart wa ete © 36n & 6e) nto 3 S03 ow oS de s tat tah a Be sh sa C8) 360} om 16 Cu ait Co, 500k am, Sle Oe «Cm wn tar gram oh 8 we CH ewe 36) tw pan, & os Ce “to 50) S00 wm om Sos Ce “eB to tt a Son Ce a9 Ca) Jon he “i iy Tins (cits aa GQ ay ies) o aes 3 6p 65 es >t oe 508 e9 BLS ca co aera es) eet cn os rr} om SG, (So mo Nort a fo e ne 508 eS co nq aNat3 oh Sie Go Ges 30, “en B 8 fe Gn ce exe gta) 0, Cie nase Chay a eB 36) in aie Tis its) he Cin Shae Ct, $e) pm woe Cy Chee Sto Soto, TS Rains are of Pes ewig cen fe SS Memain 92 Gee ATs Temp TABLE 10 Composition of Selected Ferrite Hardenable Cast Steele” asin not Composition —& Specificaion Grade _—‘Treaiment" == MaS}_ PS COWNT Mo 216 Wea NT 24 LSS = wes NT 2M 012 03ST wee NT 2 ute os 10g 3 Lc worse 7538S ice wot oe oe rer Nor. ee ae cl ome ee rea Nar. ta ae le ise | ose aie) on | aie to NQTA yo et re wor i ee) cig NOTA’ «9 0106S cig ANQT a a EIQ Nat eh ee EIQ ANOT 175) MOORS 290 a2 se ESN Nr os sts one.) 7 See Table 9 for tensile and low temperature toughness propertin, NT = Normalized and Tempered. WOT = Water Quenched and Tempered WOTSR = Water Quenched and Tempered and Stress Relieved NQTA = Normalized, Quenched, Tempered and Aged, aGENERAL ENGINEERING TYPES CLASSIFIED ACCORDIN. STRUCTURAL GRADES—CARBON STEELS Tene Srorath pa oo 70000 ‘0,000 25000 100,000 Spree, : ndeated ict most "| Euan wea, medio strength | High srengh carbon sol th goad - operon coors. Wor rete, Son ropes cours, | goad machinaiy ond hgh frecinaly, Toogmay ond enon’ | Yun | rode nciea | Sy ‘gv rns rosty wean va | waaay All values listed below are specication minimum values and opply only te the typical specification etd iene St em | sm 702 a Taide po cot 25000 300 12000 13000 Egon rr 2 2 a i ease hea 3% 3 25 = wo a = 6 ae a Velues tated drwy below ore the Tense srengh valves ‘general information sormaly espace in he pedeion of et ong fe the “hen The valoce oe en for ‘tan or pectessen inh vn Tok See om 7a a ame ‘elton asa00 25000 ‘aso | aro | ss 730 Bonet na ~ 7 ee | Reduction of Area. % & “a 45 40 o : 4 Biel ernes a iat “re v7 m Charpy oF a : 30 % «a Ieper Ftbe 0° 3 cy Te 2 Tedvene Uebel | 300 ae 00 aa0o—} in “Nae 19.000 mom | a a | ‘edn Bony a a ma = a | Mockinabitty Speed 55 | 160) 138 rasa Index" Corbide 400 230 400 Tip ote Tamed — ae * Summary of Stel Castings Specitesions avaiable om Sea Fount’ Society of Americ. 2 Thre eve commer cat els evallable ot tre srengh les grote thon 200.000 px, Properties mut be checked wth the produce. 3 SAE Mordor requiement. (Minin) 2OF CAST STEEL GRADES > TENSILE STRENGTHS ENGINEERING GRADES—LOW ALLOY STEELS’ 00 70000 ‘9000 90000 0se00 120000 | 150000 | 75000 | 200000" “Cvtin seh of hve coun hove exe high Dewy hardening xa waldo ‘emperors proper: and SeopRarerng prom | DOP Rioh vvenath | High srengh, wea sito, ‘engi wit high ougioen and | wri Nghreunce to fap excl ow ; igh ana wen sesionen, Tmochnabiny, hgh eo- | emperors reper fr arin er "doeg | Tost retione | Nh Sordnem, end gh fei aot ee SEESie" pone enc etnsen ot | Sl ‘Gow tet ame cease into cchatosas | cioutmes ion es I All values lated below ore specication minimum values end epply only te the typical specication led e000 70000 won Ex) 70506 | 120000 0000 75000 | = 35000 0000 000 2000 35000 3.0 | 125000 [148.000 = ae 20 2 20 7, “ 3 ‘ = 3 3% ~o |» ~ _2 2 = — toe ca Ea at Eg 7 = Velueelised ivety below ore thove normaly expaced inthe production f sel eating forthe “emit srengih valve giv ia the vpper portion f the chrt* The valve are only for ‘zenrel iternton end ee vette be weed te dein ev sprlteton ht valve 000 | 74000 86,000 95,000 10,000, 128,000 sec00 | 179,000 105,000, 380% —| eon — [san [aa waa | ven | — wom | 2 Fa ™ os ve rn fi 55 o “6 “ a Ey 25 a i [a ve ve 1a a a a “ “ Cs — 14 20 2 o a 2 s mom | smn ‘om | anon | yam [tan | en mo | mam 24m | aa0n | aso | sanon | son 0 20 ” 75 | a a. 1" = | == == z == ‘olan cbse in eccordorce wih ASTM tang procedorn (Relate large costings show lower dy vans) Machnbity peed iden fore standard 1841 highspeed sel fel bated an sig sped which ger enw hav tol Wie, For cavide (788) eoing ‘feed far ote our fal He boned QO Ssnch ectand {5 Goerch ond Yonper het reste may ao be employed fr ths cs 23REFERENCES 16. . 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