Online Classes and Traditional Classes
Online Classes and Traditional Classes
Online Classes and Traditional Classes
I. Introduction:
Currently, it is reported that online learning has been increasing exponentially,
resulting from technology advances whereas traditional classes still retain the dominant
role. Although both learning methods require the positive attitudes of learners, enrich
their intellectuality and evaluate their potential, they are obviously dissimilar in various
aspects of expense, convenience and interaction.
students in traditional classes are stronger and bring greater learning efficiency.
A. Students can grasp quickly lectures when they have the opportunity to
communicate directly with their teachers.
B. Teachers can assess the levels of their students easily and exactly to use
interceded methods properly.
C. Learners can coordinate and support each other in their studying through
practicing together and sharing feedbacks frequently.
VI. Conclusion:
In conclusion, these two kinds of learning are disparate irrefutably but both are
very popular and useful tools of education. Each type is suitable for a particular purpose
and object. In my opinion, traditional classes are indispensable and irreplaceable in spite
of the encroachment of online learning.
As can be seen, these two hobbies are different but both are very vital in our life
since they can make us relaxed and more cognizant. When deciding what we do in the
spare time, we can consider relying on these contrasts and it all depends on what we are
looking for. Personally, I prefer reading because I can mull over what the author is telling
to perceive the message and then connect to my personal experiences.