Unit 2 Lab Flame Test CP
Unit 2 Lab Flame Test CP
Unit 2 Lab Flame Test CP
The normal electron configuration of atoms or ions of an element is known as
the ground state. In this most stable energy state, all electrons are in the lowest
energy levels available. When atoms or ions in the ground state are heated to
high temperatures, some electrons may absorb enough energy to allow them to
jump to higher energy levels. The element is then said to be in the excited
state. This excited configuration is unstable, and the electrons fall back to their
normal positions of lower energy (ground state). As the electrons return to their
normal levels, the energy that was absorbed is emitted in the form of
electromagnetic energy. Some of this energy may be in the form of visible light.
The color of this light can be used as a means of identifying the elements involved.
Such analysis is known as a flame test.
To do a flame test on a metallic element, the metal is first dissolved in a
solution and the solution is then held in the hot, blue flame of a Bunsen burner. This
test works well for metal ions, and was perfected by Robert Bunsen (1811 1899).
Many metallic ions exhibit characteristic colors when vaporized in the burner flame.
The purpose is to observe the characteristic colors produced by certain
metallic ions when vaporized in a flame and then to identify an unknown metallic
ion by means of its flame test.
Set of metal chloride solutions (NaCl, CuCl 2, KCl, CaCl2, SrCl2, LiCl,
BaCl2), Bunsen burner, wooden splints, Unknown solution (record the number of the
unknown you used)
Be sure to wear goggles. Wash your hands when you are done
with the lab.
1. Light the Bunsen burner and adjust it so that it has a hot blue flame.
2. Place 2-3 drops of the solution to be tested in the well plate. Using a wooden
splint that has soaked up the solution and then hold the wooden splint in the
hottest part of the burner flame (2-3 seconds max). Observe the color of the
flame. Do not to catch the wooden splint on fire. Carefully record your
observations in the data table. Be accurate here - your description of the
color must be accurate enough to distinguish this metal ion from the other
ions tested.
3. Repeat for each of the other solutions; check the color of their flame tests.
Record your observations for each solution.
4. When you have tested all the known solutions and can distinguish the color of
each metal ion, obtain unknown solutions and determine which metal ions
are present by performing a flame test and comparing this data to your
previous data.
Data table:
Metal ion
Color of Flame
Unknown # ____
Unknown # ____
State at least three problems that may be involved when using flame tests
for identification purposes.
6. What metals cause the red, green, orange and lavender/pink colors that we
see in fireworks? (Be Specific)
Write the orbital diagrams for the following ions: O 2-, ClO2-:
What is the maximum number of electrons that the first four energy levels
can hold?
What elements are isoelectronic with the following ions: Na +, Ca2+, O2-, ClNa+