Matrika Nyasa
Matrika Nyasa
Matrika Nyasa
(note: first goes part of body then add Om *akshara* namah, ie: forehead: Om am namah, mouth: Om
m namah, etc, go a bit slow)
First I will tell you a part of your body, then the corresponding letter, and you should try to feel the sound
vibration of each letter being established in particular parts of your body. Lets start.
(am) forehead,
(m) mouth,
(im) right eye,
(m) left eye,
(um) right ear,
(m) left ear,
(m) right nostril,
(m) left nostril,
(rm) right cheek,
(m) left cheek,
(em) upper lip,
(aim) lower lip,
(om) upper teeth
(aum), lower teeth
(a) crown of the head
(a) tip of the tongue
(kam), right shoulder
(kham), right elbow
(gam), right wrist
(gham), base of right fingers
(am), right arm fingers tips
(cam), left shoulder
(cham), left elbow
(jam), left wrist
(jham), base of left fingers
(am), left arm fingers tips
(am), right hip
(ham), right knee
(am), right ankle
(ham), base of right toes
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in the middle: