A Study of Bullying and Way To Pevent Bullying
A Study of Bullying and Way To Pevent Bullying
A Study of Bullying and Way To Pevent Bullying
Delani Strub
English 111 W9
Mr. Nicholson
19 November 2013
Bulling: A Study of Bulling and Ways to Prevent Bullying
Bullying is seen everywhere but yet the most widely used type of abuse done by
bullies is the one that is never directly seen nor resolved. This type of bullying is most
used by young, teenage girls and yet some still believe that what they are doing is not
bulling. Most administrators at schools still believe that the only type of bulling is
physical. The longest lasting type of bulling is mental which consists of name calling,
insulting, and the spreading of false rumors.
According to the to a study by national nonprofit Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, one
out of six middle school and high school students are victims of bullying every year.
That number is way too high and as a nation, Americans need to learn to stop bullying
before it starts. Bullying is not a behavior that goes away with time, it just changes forms
over the bullys lifetime.
When grade school girls bullying, its usual physical like pushing, shoving, and/ or
tripping. When teenage girls bully, it is more of a mental compulsion. Teenage girls bully
their peers when they feel that a completion has started, like when another less
attractive girl starts to date a boy that the bully had a crash on. Girls have petty ideas of
what a friend should act like.
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Every girl in America has at one point in their life has bullied another girl because
she had something the other girl wanted. Most girls in schools, nowadays, watch reality
television where mean girl get rewarded for doing something that is considered bullying
by most of todays society. Mean girl on television seem to have everything they want
and/or need, but type of behavior is not accepted by real life friend, family, and future
The after-effect of bullying are not usual visual, they are more than likely mental.
Kids who are bullied are more likely to experience depression and anxiety, increased
feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of
interest in activities they used to enjoy ("Antibullying.com" ). Depression, one effect of
bullying, can lead to many unhealthy thoughts which may include thoughts of potential
suicide. Most of the after-effects of being bullied can persist into adulthood.
The children whom have bullied are more likely to become involved in risky and
sometimes risky behavior through to adulthood. As these children grow into adults, they
might be introduced to drugs and alcohol at an earlier age the children that dont bully
and become abusers of these intoxicants. These children might be abusive toward their
future spouses and children because being a bully gets to be addictive and the bully
cant learn to want to stop that behavior.
In the workplace, there are still people who can be considered bullies. These
people were usual bullies as children and over their lifetime, they have not learned to
stop the behavior. In their job, they try to exclude people who make them look like they
are doing a bad job with whatever it is that the do. These people almost always have
children that they expect the best out of school, sports, and their social lives. The
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children of these bullies are being formed into people that will be bullied because if a
person is bullied at home by parent and/or sibling than at school they probably surround
themselves with bullies.
If people learn to ignore their bully, then they are more than likely to become
great role models for the future. These people are the ones that become whatever they
put their heart into. They are usual more important in society than the bully because
bullies bully to compensate for something lacking in their life. A person like this is
someone that can be themselves and become and individual.
An abundance of the people that are considered the best of society were bullied
as children and teens. In 2003, Miss America 2003 was crowd and she as taunted as a
teen and yet she won (Dutton 2003). People overcome being bullied and learn to
become an individual which make them do whatever they can to prove their haters
Boys bully in a way that is easily detected through physical means like fighting,
destroying property, and stealing. Boys are more visual in the way they bully they want
everyone to know that they are the culprit. Boys are expected to be this way while girls
are supposed to be good and innocent, yet girl can be the most brutal
During interviews, grown women broke down crying as they recounted unkind
actions that made their lives unbearable decades ago (Dutton 2003). These women
were brutally bullied be what Rachel Simmons calls alpha girls in her book 'Odd Girl
Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girls. Her conclusion is that girl bullies are a
force to be reckoned with. Girls bully through mostly emotional and mental means.
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Girls have very close friendship, they tell each other almost everything. When a
friendship dissolves, each friend can tell everyone at school the others secret. That
friend can use the others secrets to become the others bully. Girls arent evil but things
they do can be considered evil.
There are many way to stop bullying and one is to educate the youth about what
happens after bullying occurs. People believe that telling children bullying is bad will
stop bullying but children need to know the long-term consequences of bullying to both
the bully and the bullied. Teachers and parents need to be advised and taught how to
reinforce the no bullying rules in school and outside of the school environment.
To stop bullying, parents need to set an example to their child that people are
different and differences should be embraced. Parents need to take an active role in
anti-bullying initiatives (Temkin, 2012). Parents need to know their states bullying laws
and know how to report the incident and that if the school does nothing, that the can go
to the school board. Kids that witness bullying can be affected as well as the bullied
person and parents need to teach their child that bullying is to be report no matter what.
Teachers need to need to create a safe and supported environment
(Brenchley, 2012). If people stop bullying the moment they see it, then the bullies are
more likely to stop from doing the act more often because they know the consequences.
Teachers are at schools to help student grow and learn, yet they cant do that if students
who do not feel safe struggle to learn. The one thing that a teacher should never do is
talk about a child when there are other children around because if that teacher says
anything negative about that student then the other students can use that as a point to
bully that student.
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Educators need to understand the bullying problem and educate the faculty and
student on what is considered bullying and how it is punished. When bullying is
punished, the bully and the bullied should never be separated when they are being
talked to about the act. When getting the facts, the educator should listen to the children
without insinuating blame. The educator needs to support everyone involve be it the
bully, the person being bullied, or the person that reports bulling. If bulling is stopped in
the school, then children will feel safe and if children feel safe, they can focus on
In conclusion, bullying can be stopped but the only way to do that is to have
parents, teachers, and school Educators work together. If bullying is stop at a young
age, then in the future can have a nation that no one is looked down and every citizen
can reach their full potential and the world will be a better place. Bullying is the building
block to many of the worlds problems.