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Tictac Toe Novel Study

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Tic-Tac-Toe-Novel Study

Type of Activity: A story study lesson tiered by multiple intelligences with

learning contract; resented in a tic- tac toe framework
Duration of Activity: 1-2 weeks depending on readiness
Students write in a variety of genres
Students write in response to literature
Identifies elements of story
Makes personal connections between elements and personal experiences
This activity model was developed as means to differentiate learning in the
Language Arts curriculum-specifically students responses to and processing of
novels they have read in class. I have chosen a slightly different approach and
tiered the activities based on the Multiple Intelligences. To further enhance the
differentiation, I have elected to allow students choice in determining which
activities they may complete. The activities will be carried out under modified
learning contract whereby students commit to completing a certain number and
type of activities in the given time period. Any chances made to the contract must
be done in consultation with and approved by the teacher.
Assessment will be done using a rubric developed specifically for each of the
activities. Students will be required to have at least two peers review of each
assignment before it is submitted. Students meet with the teachin in an individual
assessment conference to discuss their novel study success complete a goal for
new learning.

Tic-Tac-Toe Story Study Contract

Chose from the activities on the next page to

show what you have learned about your story.
First, you must complete your story map as you
read. You must draw a picture and write a
summary for each chapter.
Next, you must complete the tic tac toe activities
about your story. When you have completed the
number of activities you have contracted, you may
decide to keep going and complete more activities
or you may choose to begin a new book.

Contract: I choose activities, # , # , # , # ,#


Date due:


Create a timeline of the
events in the story. Be sure
to include all the main events
as well as any dates, or times
given in the text.

Graphic Artist (Visual)

Design a new book cover for
the story. Include an
interesting picture that tells
about the story. Write a
paragraph explaining why you
chos e the images you did.
Include title, author, illustrator
Use CAPITALS LETTERS for titles!

Letter to (Interpersonal)
Write a letter to the author
or main character. Ask
questions about the book.
Why did they act the way
they did? Why did the author
include a certain event? Tell
what likes and what would you
have done differently.

Setting Booklet (Visual)

Choose five scenes that are
memorable from your story.
Draw them and identify the
characters. Include a caption
at the bottom on each drawing
that captures what is
happening in the pictures.

Character Connections
Pick a cha racter from the
story and compare yourself to
the character. Give at least
five ways you are the similar
or different from your

Make a rhyme or song about

the story (Musical)
Write it down and revise your
poem. Practice reading or
singing it with at least two
other people. You will present
it to the class.

Story Word Puzzles

(Verbal Linguistic)
Using the characters names
and important vocabulary
from the story, hide them in a
word search or scrambled
word puzzle. Have a friend
complete the puzzle.

New Ending
(Verbal Linguistic)
You are the author. Write a
new ending to the story. What
would happen differently if
you wrote the story?
Write a paragraph that
explains why you made the
changes you did.

Proofread your story and have a

friend check it, too.

Dramatic Retell
Design a short skit that
captures your favorite part of
the story. Practice by acting
out with classmates. Be sure
to write and introduction to
the event you have chosen to



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