National Education Day (HARDIKNAS)
The speaker begins by thanking Allah and giving salutations to the prophet Muhammad. He then states that he is honored to give a speech about education on National Education Day. He asks what has happened to Indonesia's education system based on its poor international ranking of 69th out of 129 countries according to UNESCO, lower than in 2010. Although the government has implemented policies to improve standards, the rankings have not changed. The speaker concludes that Indonesia's education ranking ultimately depends on its students - if students work hard to study, innovate and improve, they can change perceptions of the education system.
National Education Day (HARDIKNAS)
The speaker begins by thanking Allah and giving salutations to the prophet Muhammad. He then states that he is honored to give a speech about education on National Education Day. He asks what has happened to Indonesia's education system based on its poor international ranking of 69th out of 129 countries according to UNESCO, lower than in 2010. Although the government has implemented policies to improve standards, the rankings have not changed. The speaker concludes that Indonesia's education ranking ultimately depends on its students - if students work hard to study, innovate and improve, they can change perceptions of the education system.
National Education Day (HARDIKNAS)
The speaker begins by thanking Allah and giving salutations to the prophet Muhammad. He then states that he is honored to give a speech about education on National Education Day. He asks what has happened to Indonesia's education system based on its poor international ranking of 69th out of 129 countries according to UNESCO, lower than in 2010. Although the government has implemented policies to improve standards, the rankings have not changed. The speaker concludes that Indonesia's education ranking ultimately depends on its students - if students work hard to study, innovate and improve, they can change perceptions of the education system.
National Education Day (HARDIKNAS)
The speaker begins by thanking Allah and giving salutations to the prophet Muhammad. He then states that he is honored to give a speech about education on National Education Day. He asks what has happened to Indonesia's education system based on its poor international ranking of 69th out of 129 countries according to UNESCO, lower than in 2010. Although the government has implemented policies to improve standards, the rankings have not changed. The speaker concludes that Indonesia's education ranking ultimately depends on its students - if students work hard to study, innovate and improve, they can change perceptions of the education system.
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National Education Day (HARDIKNAS)
Asslamualaikum wr. wb.
Before I begin to give a speech, I would like to invite you to thank to Allah the Almighty, Who has given us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in this blessing place. And also I don't forget to deliver sholawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW, Who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness, so we are always in the right way. Ladies and gentlemen It be a great honor for me, to stand right here in front of you all to give a speech about education under the title "What happen with our education?" in this National Education Day or HARDIKNAS. To begin this speech, I would ask you two things about our education. What happen with our education? Is our education well enough or bad enough if we compere with other country? If you have ever heard about the news last year about our international education rank, you would be surprised. As quoted form Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report 2011 which is published by UNESCO and launched in New York on Sunday, 1/3/2011, our international education rank is at 69th place from 129 surveyed countries all over the world. This rank is lower than in 2010. It opens a question that runs in my head, what happen with our education? Indonesia is a great country with many talented young generations. It was undoubted again that there are so many Indonesian students who win the international education Olympiads such as mathematics, chemical, physics and other. But why our international education rank is still low. So what happen with with our education? Our government had made some policies which relate to the improvement of our educational standard by improving the national examination (UN) standard which rise year by year. Our government also made an effort to improve our educational standard by improving the teachers' quality with a program which well known as "Sertifikasi". But why our education rank never change. So what happen with our with education? Ladies and gentlemen So what happen with our education? But sooner I realize one thing. Our education rank actually depends on one thing, only one thing. Our education rank depends on us. Good or bad the education of the countries depend on their students. If we want to change our bad educational paradigm, lets begin with change our perspective with the terms of education itself by keep trying, keep studying, keep innovating, keep inventing for sake of our education. Not much that I can say to day, just a few of words above that I can deliver to you at this moment, thank a lot for your attention and I also ask forgiveness for my mistakes, and the last I say: Wasalamualaikum wr. wb.
Terjemahan Pidato Bahasa Inggris : National Education Day (HARDIKNAS)
Asslamualaikum wr. wb. Sebelum saya menyampaikan sebuah pidato, saya ingin mengjaka kalian untuk bersyukur kehadiarat Allah yang maha kuasa, yang telah memberi kita rahmat dan hidayah, sehingga kita bisa bertemu bersama di tempat yang di berkati ini. Dan juga saya tidak lupa untuk menyampaikan sholawat dan salam kepada nabi kita Muhammad SAW, yang telah membawa kita dari kegelapan ke ke jaman terang benerang, sehingga kita selalu berada di jalan yang benar. Hadirin yang terhormat Menjadi kehormatan tersendiri bagi saya, untuk berdiri di sini di depan anda sekalian untuk memberikan sebuah pidato tentang pendidikan berjudul "Ada apa dengan pendidikan kita?" di hari pendidikan nasional atau HARDIKNAS ini. Untuk memulai pidato ini, saya akan bertanya pada kalian dua hal tentang pendidikan kita. Ada apa dengan pendidikan kita? Apakah pendidikan kita cukup baik atau cukup buruk jika kita bandingkan dengan negara lain? Jika anda sekalian pernah mendengar tentang berita tahun lalu tentang peringkat internasional pendidikan kita, anda akan terkejut. Seperti di kutip dari Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report 2011 yang di keluarkan oleh UNESCO dan di luncurkan di New York pada hari Senin, 1/3/2011, peringkat pendidikan internasional kita berada pada tempat ke 69 dari 129 negara yang di survey di seluruh dunia. Peringkat ini lebih rendah dari pada di tahun 2010. Ini membuka sebuah pertanyaan yang berlarian di kepala saya, ada apa dengan pendidikan kita? Indonesia adalah negara hebat dengan banyak generasi muda bertalenta. Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa terdapat banyak siswa Indonesia yang memenangkan olimpiade-olimpiade pendidikan internasional seperti matematik, kima, fisika dan lainnya. Tetapi mengapa peringkat internasional pendidikan kita masih rendah. Jadi ada apa dengan pendidikan kita? Pemerintah kita telah membuat beberapa kebijakan yang berhubungan dengan peningkatan standar pendidikan kita dengan meningkatkan patokan ujian nasional (UN) yang meningkat tahun demi tahunnya. Pemerintah kita juga membuat sebuah usaha untuk meningkatkan standar pendidikan kita dengan meningkatkan kualitas guru-guru dengan sebuah program yang dikenal dengan "Sertifikasi". Tetapi mengapa peringkat pendidikan kita tidak pernah berubah. Jadi ada apa dengan pendidikan kita? Hadirin yang terhormat Jadi ada apa dengan pendidikan kita? Tetapi segera saya menyadari satu hal. Peringkat pendidikan kita sebenarnya bergantung pada satu hal, hanya satu hal. Peringkat pendidikan kita tergantung pada kita. Baik atau buruknya pendidikan suatu negara tergantung siswa-siswanya. Jika kita ingin merubah paradigma buruk pendidikan kita, mari kita mulai dengan merubah pandangan kita dengan istilah pendidikan itu sendiri dengan tetap mencoba, tetap belajar, tetap berinovasi, tetap menemukan untuk kebaikan pendidikan kita. Tidak banyak yang saya bisa katakan hari ini, hanya beberapa bait kata di atas yang dapat saya sampaikan kepada kalian pada kesempatan kali ini, terima kasih banyak atas perhatiannya dan saya minta maaf atas kesalahan-kesalahan saya dan akhir kata saya ucapkan: Wasalamualaikum wr. wb.