STEPP Lesson Plan Form: Content Standard(s) Addressed by This Lesson
STEPP Lesson Plan Form: Content Standard(s) Addressed by This Lesson
STEPP Lesson Plan Form: Content Standard(s) Addressed by This Lesson
Date: 3/5/2015
Grade Level: Spanish II
Title: Reciprocals
Content Area:
ACTFL Standards
Interpersonal Communication- students engage in a conversation using reciprocals
Interpretive- students read a passage, analyze it, and answer questions
Comparing how reciprocal verbs in Spanish are different from English. Syntax difference
Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of instruction, select applicable
questions from standard)
How do we formulate a sentence using se and nos to create a reciprocal sentence? Why are these sentences useful
in talking about our childhood?
Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets)
Colorado State University College of Applied Human Sciences
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List of Assessments: (Write the number of the learning target associated with each assessment)
Students will be able to speak to each other using reciprocal verbs in the present and imperfect tense. I will be
listening to see if students use the correct pronoun and the right word ending.
Students will be able to write about their childhood using reciprocal verbs in the present and imperfect tense. I will
be looking to see if students can create a very simple reciprocal sentences using the correct pronoun, subject, word
ending, and the two different tenses of imperfect and indicative.
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Bell ring (8:00)- I go to the front of the class and get the students
attention. I will explain the BOP and tell students to get their textbooks
and their hojas de BOP
8:10- ask students to share their answers with the classroom
QUESTION: How are reciprocal sentences different than the
previous sentences that we have used?
8:15- transition into teaching reciprocals. I will go to the board and
explain what they are, how to create them, and what they are used for.
We do some examples together
8:25- Students then work with their partner to translate the English
sentence into Spanish
8:27- We go over the answers together with student volunteers
8:30- Reciprocal game . I will pass out a sheet with different reciprocal
sentences. Students need to find a partner with the same color shirt
on. Then I will show images on the board and students need to touch
with their finger the corresponding sentence on their paper. The first
person to touch the correct sentence wins.
8:37- Writing Activity. I will tell students to take out a piece of paper.
Then I will tell them that they have 8 minutes to write a paragraph
about what they used to do as a kid. They need to use 3 reciprocal
verbs.. I will write some examples of these verbs on the board.
QUESTION: Think about the two different tenses we are using
for this lesson. When might you use the past tense of this
sentence in a family/childhood context?
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One minute before the bell rings I will get the students attention and
tell them thanks for their time and I cant wait to see them next week
On their way out students will pass me their paragraph
How will you know if students met the
learning targets? Write a description of
what you were looking for in each
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