Fg 1: Vrs fsa a
0 1 aos oy foe,
RCM Fuselage Ji
‘The majority of Rts who build
hee allies iy cde buling
‘nd Bhing method that wil enable
‘ern to. complete an alan ie 2
sorter tine. Using conventional basa
methods, and atembling the Tage
Ses ad Tomes "in
rubber bans, ps, dagen braces
nd appropiate ings, it ai
eae if no imposible to obtain =
propery aligned fsa, Thi wept
ring ig provide he means to
aight centeine, no wt,
all former t 90 dees 10
the cantertine of he fle
igue No. I ie 4 polo of the
completed jig, The. ost is ery
‘oma, A thee i fou ta pce
of Bas 12" AB" warp pine ot
plywood, 16 five ich tong 1/4
aes bolls, washers ad wing te,
Sr sme 1/8" hardboard and 1/4
Plywood slotted jg blocks, The
12 aR” bie ha centerline the
length af te br wth ten pre
ties on [sping on ethers
Sf the ceaterioe Crone on
‘pacing are marked of ght anges
{othe centerline, ths is slicent
umber of guidelies, dough soe
bulders may dese” fo add) tore
ues) oF setualy ue 3 graph
paper gat tothe boned A carage
Bol Tecate every 6", starting on
the first ernie from the end ofthe
base board The Dll ate loated 4”
‘ut fromthe entering for the st
lve pair of bol wie the last thee
Paice Tocted "3" oul fom the
tern. The halts ar inserted from
the underside of the board in 1
holes die tough the bowed. This
pacing sou allow scent open.
Ingand closing ofthe sate jocks
FIC planes ithe ar toda. "The
aries seve pide pis fo
tho 38° x4 doted i bleks Figure
No.2 isa raving ofthe base bout
showing the agnment gid and the
‘eee balt guides,
“The slotted jg blocks aw made
og hardboard with 1/2" wide
spacer of 1/4" plywood ued and
ald at each end te spe. The
Pywood spacer penis se smooth
Fit of the ji block oer the carmage
ot gder The 2X” depth allows
soifcent threads of the ease boligo
Fa View fags, fermen, ad RM ung.
Fir 6: ues on
owe the jg block for water and
‘nga Figure No.3 shows daving
ff the dotted jg bose. It billy
Fecommended dat you Bnd fend
‘with a good table an of ad ut
S10 Ut the hatdbeud se or the
Jig block to insre that they have 90
oe se sth fre may een
Aearee comer. Ate hej blocks te
sssembled,sulomobile weather sp
ing can be ied tthe end ofthe i
ook that contact the fselage ee
“The ie very easy to. we In
bulding »fseloge, expeealy the type
‘hatha & sagt top orton. The
sides ar prepared in the wus
wth all ube, motor
‘mounts, and edge spe ved n place
fe! formerToetons ated othe
Inside ofthese. The formers ould
‘ves erica centeine matked on
From Pape
the performance of the EK LRB pro
Porton system. For lew thn
5150.00 you can have arcing vehicle
‘whlch can peafoc with the best of
them and ‘proiie mary ‘hows of
challenging racing. excitement.
Serobee, does in fat, pt you “ut the
dies Sear” with thet new Como
‘oniguations The tuto natal
Ppoviled wi the Conundo icon
‘ete with explict Instuetions and
Aetaied dewengs 0 that even
youngster could operate ths ears.
testy. We would have to rate this
far a5 oustanding nal spect from
sgn aod engieeing throug It
‘quay cafumansip and uly phe
‘omenal performance. The sine
tue of the EK Lie Red. rick
proportional system which maitaine
{he gully for whish EK Produc, In.
has "become laternationally re:
Knowned o
From ine
thom, Figure No. 4 shows the sides,
Formers and buling iy Te slotted
sig blocks are mowed ut a sufcent
‘dance fom the board ceaeine snd
the file ses are placed aglest
{he jg beds on ther respective set
of he board eentertine, The formers
fe put in place andthe fseoge et
se laced gat the formes eds by
‘moving the Jit blocks in towards the
ering. The fig blocks ase 20
juste that the fuehge ser and
Tormors are symmeteie with the
board centerine andthe forme re
paral withthe board erosline The
Fsclage des and formers ae now
ready to be lied together. Figure No
5 shows the fuselage placed in the fi
‘The jig blocks, on one se only, se
loosened ead ssoved away foe the
Faslnge sie so tht the formes may
be removed a sion in gue No 6
‘Your favorite gels then apple to
‘he former edges andthe formers are
levrtod between the fuego ses.
‘The previously loosened i locks ae
{Men repositioned against the fusage
‘Mie and the formers sligoed withthe
‘roses. By loosening tej blaks
‘om only one sd, the fuselage wil be
‘ck nthe allgiment determined
flor to apping plus to the Formers
{he end rel wl bea fseage thats
straight wih 2 is. a
ig i the only way to describe te
ee Kt Com Tea Modes Unlined,
1623.'Dunss. Dr, Anita, Text
79107. The Bi Daddy 88 spouts +
wing spn 88 sed atta wing aes
{Taq The lbp ng welght
‘of this shoulder wing dei
ronal 11h. ees for
Epes om -60 up. The hit caer
Ai'isrdware, wel, engine moun
‘with Ki parted nd machine eat
Complete easy 10. follow assenbly
Instron are dude An iat
design by. ‘Texas Moves Unlisted,
Brice $80.0 forthe Bi, Dad, Ki
‘he new HPAOER (ont ote) and
‘he HPGLER engines ne now alle
from Nelson, Model Product, 6529
West S0uh Stet, Chicago, inns
60638, These to engines the only
fnpnes cauipped wiser at
Standard equipment, OF spell nate
the fet hat the HG engines were
td by 25 ofthe ents a the 171
‘Wot Championhin t Doylestown,
Pennsylvania The HPGIR. engine
hve bees redesigned with all new
intemal puts and = completly new
‘se va indvetionaytem, A narae
‘essen I ls aa The HPAOPR
Isaulte§ power hose it apable of
foaming on 11-7 propel equal to
Some’ oF the 60 eins andi can be
‘edt power any of the ger
‘wept 60 se aera. Tht perfor
ance an dependailiy Issgh at
‘tie well sulted for competion perfor
‘mange inthe pattem event The
TMPAORR has created quite contro
vers in the racing evens 1 sams
{hat astock out of the box HPAORR
equaling the sistomn ball tuned
Fatng 40's now nae: Needles 07
"he MPAORRC is going 0 be wed by
‘many' of the racing experts next
season, Many people fave ake what
Sthediterence between he 1971 and
the 1972 HP engine. The flowing
Hens are now uted in th 97
FHPGIER engine: Sleeve now ade
from nth
Clips cometing rod drop fo
flair end modiied; pst mod
Sed; canker re-designed with di
ferent back pate ever: fon hosing
manufactured ferent; andthe
‘linder ead Is snodied bie. For
Feather information contact Nelon
Model Products in Chico not
{A numer of modelers have writen
Baer etre in previo Engine
Ginie Carn by Cenc ee, sing
Where they cold be obane. Ar
hoods ‘thes ace normally arable
through deers they canbe odeed
Act fom Morphy. Mute, In
S312 Feely, Los Ange,
Gaon 90082. Tine sees of
‘null ae vale ih wil tal
nines cusenty in production All
{a wecesary isan apr S195
fact for your puter typeof
fngine A compete ist of adapters
‘salable om Murphy Mates These
imal hive Ben Tested, Apoved
nd Recormenied by REM
A ew product avalible from
Pee Hobby Supply, 6328 Parkview
Way, Citas Heights, Calfomia 98610,