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Classroom Management Model

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that classroom management deals with student behavior, organization, and guiding students in effective learning. The goal is to foster student engagement and cooperation so that teaching and learning can occur. An important aspect of classroom management is ensuring a controlled and predictable environment where students feel safe and comfortable.

Some strategies discussed for promoting positive behavior include using a color chart to monitor behavior, giving rewards like homework passes or putting items in a reward jar for good behavior, and praising students who are following directions by name.

Strategies discussed for creating a caring climate include making the school environment feel fun and caring through posters and student work, developing relationships between teachers and students, and setting clear expectations and procedures.


Classroom Management Model

Jordan Spitler
November 28, 2013
EDU 370 Hawk

Classroom management is a concept that deals with student behavior,
organization, and teachers guiding students in effective learning. Its goal is to, foster
student engagement and securing cooperation so that teaching an learning can occur
(Everston and Emmer, 2013,pg 1). Classroom management is a key piece in teaching
effectively and having control over the classroom to which the students feel comfortable
and you can the facilitator not the dictator. The main concept is to ensure that learning is
always occurring in a way that students are learning and the classroom is set up in a
manner in which the students feel comfortable.
The purpose of behavior management in schools is to have a controlled
environment and climate. There are many aspects to management that deal with the
students, parents, teacher, and the school community. It is important to teach behavior to
children and enforcing the correct behavior in the classroom will show them what it is
supposed to look like. The relationship between learning and positive behavior is to
maintain efficient learning styles and to promote behavior by examples. For example,
setting expectations in the classroom and promoting that behavior by calling out students
name that are performing the correct behavior will show the others what they are
supposed to be doing. As a teacher, it is important to have control over the classrooms
where you are in the role of the teacher and the class does not rule you. If you do not
enforce control in a positive manner, the class will be chaos and you will not be able to
maintain control over them. As a teacher, there needs to be established rules and
expectations that the students need to follow and respect you as a teacher. One of the
most important gifts we can give our students is to be consistent and predictable (Wong,
2012). This is because many of our students come from homes where chaos and

unpredictability are the norm (Wong, 2012). Research shows that when we provide a
place for our students that are safe, predictable, consistent, and nurturing, we will see
increased student achievement (Wong, 2012). Students need to feel that stability in the
classroom to ensure learning is occurring and that is what I wish to strive for in my
classroom. Not only should the classroom be well managed, but also the school, itself
should be challenging, exciting, engrossing, and thought provoking to ensure success
(Charles, 2012). The purpose of behavior management is control and to show students
that behavior is important.
My beliefs about the bases of classroom management consist of the roles in
family, the teacher, and the schools. The role of the school community is to provide a
place where the students feel like school is a fun, caring place with the hallways full of
posters and student work, to make the student feel that they are wanted. It is also
important for the teachers and principal to be involved and greet the student to make
them feel welcome each day. Every child deserves the best education no matter what
circumstances they may live within. Everyday, as each child walks into the classroom,
they are dealing with struggles both inside and outside the home. For example, we do not
know what happened to them that morning, whether they got abused before school, did
not get to eat breakfast, or had their parent yelling at them because they missed the school
bus, or many other obstacles that may have occurred. School becomes a place of escape
for some students or a place to excel and have extra support. The family/parent role is to
promote the success of their childs education and learning. Many parents are involved
with their childs schoolwork and care about helping them grow in learning, but there are
other parents that do not care as much. Parents need to interact and be involved with

their child in the school community and classroom. It can be as simple as helping them
with homework, reading to them at night, or having incentives around the house to
continue the learning at all times. I feel that if parents will take the time to help their
child with homework in the lower elementary grades, they will feel more secure and
confident that someone cares about what they are learning. The parents also need to
support the teacher in the way they are running the classroom and help them in way
needed to give the best for your child.
The role of the teacher is to always be positive and give support. As a teacher, I
want my students to be inspired by my teaching and want to learn from my creative ways
of learning. Another role of the teacher is to be organized, which has many components.
First, you must organize your classroom and materials by, keeping high-traffic ways
clear, making sure all students can see the teacher, keeping supplies readily available
(Everston, Emmer, 2013, pg 13). Creativity is something that many teachers strive for
in their classrooms and I want to be creative as possible to keep my students engaged and
constantly wanting to try new things. I feel that if there is no creativity in the classroom,
the students get bored as well as the teacher. The qualities of an effective teacher include
having a discipline plan, making good eye contact, and having self-confidence and faith
in his or her capabilities (Meek, 2007). Teachers also need to manage student work,
integrate cooperative learning, maintaining appropriate behavior, and communication.
My goal is to play the role as the supporter and a person that cares to ensure that my
students know I am always here for them no matter what. Teachers have many roles in
which they need to maintain in order to be a successful teacher. The role of the student is
to do their work and participate in the learning. Students need to respect their teachers

and have a controlled, positive behavior that is ready to learn at all times. Students need
to be sure that they are doing their best that they can and ask for help at any time. I feel
that students need to feel secure and willing to answer questions and not feel pressure or
uncomfortable. Students roles are to complete assignment and show their creativity and
how they grow throughout the school year.
My personal behavior management style is to have a successful, positive
environment where everyone feels wanted and fits in with others. As a teacher, I need a
classroom where there is an average amount of movement and activities occurring in a
controlled manner. I want my class to have a fun spirit, but can also be serious when
needed during lessons and learning. I am a creative person, so I would like a class that
participates in trying new things and like to be crafty in learning. For example, making
crafts, fun games, and stationed activities. I also want student that care and try on their
work and not give attitude because they think they do not have to do the work. The more
that students care the better it will make me feel about the work I am creating and making
the best I can do. My goal is to make an impression on students and have them look back
and say that I was an inspirational teacher that they will remember forever because the I
know that I have successful done my job to the best of my ability. I will also set goal and
expectation for the classroom, students, and also myself as a teacher. I feel that my
attributes consist of being creative, having organization and order, having a fun spirit and
positive attitude, showing my concern and caring about each student, and giving
The appropriate classroom guideline for my classroom are simple and to
the point. I will have a classroom meeting with upper elementary students to talk to them

about what rules they think are important and what they want to see happening in the
classroom so the teacher can use their idea plus the students ideas. No matter what grade
level I teach I will only have three to five rules set in place so that students are not
overwhelmed and I do not have to change a rule in the middle of the year. The main
three rules would be raise your hand when talking unless told otherwise (discussion, etc),
respect everyone, and have fun/do your best! I will also make sure that I have classroom
duties each day such as line leader, teacher helper, etc. to teach responsibility. Having a
game plan for procedures such as having a procedure chart to ensure that the students are
not up and walking around during instruction is important to use in the classroom (Cody,
2008). It is important for teachers to enforce the procedures once they are set and that
they stay consistent over time, which I will enforce in my classroom. Once the
procedures are set, being an effective teacher can include exploiting positive force for
student success, being a good classroom manager, and knowing how to design lesson for
student mastery (Wong, 1998). Teachers decide what routines and procedures will be
necessary for the intended activities that list the procedural steps that students must
follow including explaining, rehearsing, and reinforcing (Charles, 2012). According to
Wong, explain means to state and demonstrate the procedure, rehearse means to practice
under supervision, and reinforce means to practice until it becomes a habit or routine
(Meek, 2007). I will also use Mullets restorative discipline guidelines by going to the
victim first then the by standers, and then the one who did the crime. Also, by using the
goals of restorative discipline that consist of, understanding the harm and develop
empathy, listen and respond to the needs of the person harm and harmer, encourage
collaborative planning process, reintegrate the harmer into the community as a valuable

member, and create a caring climate to support a healthy community (Mullet, 2005, pg
10). Setting these procedures can set a tone that allows the students to understand what
is going on and what needs to be done to be successful.
My prevention and support strategies will be controlled and effective. The
first thing I will have is a color chart with each students name on a pocket of the chart
and have green, yellow, and red slip of paper they put in for their behavior. If they
misbehave, interrupt, or are not following directions and staying to task they will have to
flip their color accordingly. This will monitor behavior and make students want to
behave and not flip their color to promote positive behavior choices. Also, I will have the
conflict resolution mat where the students can figure out the problem and solve it on their
own. The Mullet continuum of punishment, consequences, solutions, and restoration will
be used in my classroom as well to focus in helping the students understand the harm
done by their misbehavior (Mullet, 2005, pg 21). To promote positive behavior, I will
give more student choices and input, giving homework passes, and other incentives to
give students reward of good behavior throughout time not daily. I will also either have
little pom-poms or pennies that they can put in a little jar that sits on their desk, and if
they are having good behavior or following directions they will get one in their jar. At
the end of the grading period, I will have a Fun Friday so the students can take what
they have earned and purchase things in my teacher store. Creating a caring climate by
repetition of actions and vocally will show positive behavior by sharing, being kind, and
taking turns. These strategies will help promote positive behavior and a caring climate in
the class. In spite of my best effort, I will respond to misbehavior by sending parent
letters if necessary, using the card chart, and giving incentives to student activities.

My classroom will be a monitored and ready to learn classroom full of fun
and creativity. I will strive to be the best teacher I can be and promote a positive climate
in my classroom. My goal is to make an impression on my students so that each day
when they leave the classroom I can say I made a difference in that childs life today. I
plan to incorporate all of the ideas I have displayed in this paper and plan to have positive
behavior, have organization, and be prepared at all times.

Charles, C. M., and Senter, G.W. (2012). Elementary classroom management. Pearson
Education, Inc. Boston, MA.
Cody, A. (2008). Get your game face on!. Kentucky English Bulletin, 57(2/3). 44-47

Evertson , C. M., & Emmer, E. T. (2012). Classroom management for elementary

teachers. Pearson, NJ 9 (Pg 1-13)
Meek (25 Sept 2007). Classroom Management. N. D. Retrieved. 06 Oct. 2013.

Mullet, J. (2005). Restorative discipline for schools. (pp. 1-82). PA: Good Books.

Wong, H., Wong, R., Rogers, K., & Brooks, A. (2012). Managing your classroom for
success. Science & Children, 49(9), 60-64

Wong, H. (1998). The first days of school: How to be an effective teacher. Mountain
View, CA: Harry Wong Publications. Professional Reference for Teachers


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