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d CLOSED BooK TEST ve: off i oath TEST scone ee COMPANY NAME iden START Tae. —__ DATE compLerED: Finish tae: —_— ee refaceg toting test is “closed book”. this test eo areas of knowledge the eeee egPEOUeStS shat you will monitor tor ence in the Northern Area pee test is worth 100 points, with the un Weighted value of each question pigh-Lighted at the end of each questson (weignt factor = 100 / 99 6 Song ee yag YOU BUST PASS this test with a mnie Stade of 70. Te you HAVE QUESTIONS, PLEASE ASK THE TEST MENTOR Tage) TE “Technical Detinition” of a “stag inclusion”? 0 py 2+ CONCERNING FINAL OPERATIONS, why should you not install a gate valve Tipe) fF Stem Below the horizontal in o11 services what specific areas do the following standards cover? (spt a) ASME IX: MeddersancWetding Procedure Quali fication S) ANSI 831.4: Refinery / BYaneopipsag ©) RWS D1.1: seemétiiean waxetng’ a) ASNT te-1A, Fa can ae ba tar aOR vs Testing and Inspection *) ASME VIII: (eBaswazenvesser A) lst at least three (3) separate aspects of a Pexmanent identification Ctaceabi tity io gegutted to appear ona radiograph ag oe fer to assure traceability ? (3pt) 9) -B.L./3.0. of deseription of the equipment/piping b) Weld Number ) Penetrameter Date Femage —pyadli ster a Penetrameter) sensitivity and what BRE etemaine the quality of the senCSTAPhic techniques used and therefore, will helitus ia Meowing a3 to what decree of Vistect can be detectad. + “ She Light image of the letces eppears on y There is backscatter '9P who is Using the have located a “nea teaneee MORAESFING an DT inspection at a Vendor penetic Particle, dry pauses eres, od. The: feeration patter”. where aoois on Abeet them to next place the saci? Sbtain a stronger indices Pattern? (Please draw the oa Ton Bagtonehip to the 1 locatiae Denote the of the defect for both prod pie nts} (Spe) (A) ,Rhat aze the basic ditterences Better « £-6010, £7010, and an 7018 electrode? their “hermatically sealed” = Bow 2988 should each be dried after remova tain f4pey “) E6010, £-7010 electrodes are jo," Mtrogen electrodes, waite x 7018 is @ low hytrogen elactoous *) E6010 & 27010 do not Femize drying aster removal trom sonag OS Rot require eying after removal from hermatically SSRed container; however, ie vest Ga fanoved from the sales fon Fee £08 more than 4 hours then Shere should be dried or baker for 2 hours qualification’, wos Felationship — (épr) 12) Please following acronyms: a) SAW- submerged Are Welding ‘Ad ~ Flux Cored Are Welding GMAW - Gas Metal Are Welding 4) SHAW - Shielded Metal arc welding + 13) Pease draw the completed weld detailed in the Follows: symbols and explain each element tepty 15) (a) What is meant by the term “fitm densic measured? (apts) 16) What is PUHT and why is it required for some weldments? 17) Ta it possible to locate defects sy magn: Bape) ee Se AAAELON wRLch can moe be cond ey OSS Exp. 20) what is che basic difterence betueen a Drh and a: (pt) U0 Af ¢ Wire penetraneter vhile an ASME penet 4s a penny type (a block consisting of holes) 1S to use preheat? (2 *) Fe reduce the cooling rate during welding 2) Te prevent entrapment of hydvogen gas ©) To prevent formation of hardenable microstructures that will resulé 23. 37 ae. 33 a 45, RISE Somat on the ractograph that are not pare discontinuity of the materiat 2. Water Marks 2. Crixps 3. Scratches on the film 4. Disbondment of film emulsion does the term “Holiday This is a test performed Protective coating. What is the purpose o. Sabsatsly GPened position so that any cavicy on the valve body can be Subjected to the test pressure ‘ony 3 THE Wltamace purpose of the backseat test tor a (pt) WR ensure that there is no leakage through the bonnet and stem Packing. Please see the a © this question Is the pack: J gland to be tight during the backseat Shae should be checked ducing the dimensional faised face welding neck flange? {cpt > No. of bolt holes > Thickness of hub and all bend > Soundness of bevel 2 Pheecnal SE itiSed face meets che requived roughness per standard - Internal diameter to be pa Ife valve body Sed, when should shell hydrostatic testing be performed? (1pt} Before painting. $5 38 66. 37 cry 98 9% PLEASE FILL IN THE BLAMES Film Thickness » and is TT OCi") egUS1S Approximately Dupng patating and coating, what does che Seem “profile depth” mean, and (b) how it is cbtained and neasuses Gee 2) Phis is obtained by @ protiie gauge or a comparator gauge Whar 18 the “suedish standards tastatusion* normally associated with? [2pts) Degrees of surface preparation of metal before Painting sa 2h Mhy must alternate paint coats be tinted? (2pes) missgstmine the number of coats applied and find areas you may have missed or lightly coated. Which of the following is true? (2pts): a) All discontinuities are defects P) Befects that effect the products usefulness are called discontinuities S) Rigsontinuicies thee effect the product's Usefulness are defects GI All discontinuities ace unacceptable called What do the letters “pstR” mean ? (2 pts): *) Bressure referred to National Institute of Standards and Technology's absolute pressure, b) Pascals per squace inch absolute, G Eegssure standard in absolute units, A Pounds per square inch abestate Draw the differences between; - (epes) (3) “Double-v-groove weld bute joine” {P) “Double-bevel-groove weld butt joint”; {c) “Single-bevel-geaave weld bute joint Pumps Exam Questionnaire 1. Enumerate at least 3 types of pumps 2. What tests have to be done as per APL 9107 3. Enumerate at least 4 parts of a pump 4. What does NPSH stand for? 5 How can the NPSH test be carried out & What information is shown in the performance curve? 2. What is the differential pressure in Positive Displacement Pumps? 8. What is the maximum vibration value peak to Peak in a centritiwwal punip as per API 610? 9. What records does the Manufacturer have to Keep up to tive years after construction ofa pump? 10. Should welds in pressure parts be full penetration? 11. Ifa mechanical test has to top due to a part failure before the specified duration, Can the mechanical test re-start and complete the remaining time? or Do you request for a new test? 12. Ifthe casing paint shows damage after the hydrotest, Can the hydrotest be accepted? 13: What is the pressure value for the casing hydrotest? 14 How long is the holding time for @ casing hydrotest? 13: What is the applicable standard to qualify welders and WPS as per API610? 16 Why does the test fluid chloride content have to be Controlled for the Hydrotest of Austenitic Steel Components? 12. What is the purpose of the diaphragm in a Positive Displacement Pump? 18. Which is not a centrifugal pump. + Sinie stage + Double stage + Propeller * Turbine 8. What are the API requirement for impellers? 20. What is the dij ference between static and dynamic balanci: 21: Is it required to balance the rotating arrangement despite ea Then rings, shaft, etc) has been balanced already” 22. Determine the Hardness values for Casing and Impeller wear ring: 3 What kind of materials can be used in coupling guards ifthe motor is explosion proof? 24. What is cavitation” Fe Wrst isthe difference between witnessed and observed as per APL 6107 26: What documentation does the supplier is requested Keep available for at least five years as per API 610” ch one of its parts (impeller, SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION DEPARMENT NORTHERN AREA PROJECTS INSPE=Troy SLOSED Book rest NAME, TEST score. Se ee COMPANY NAME START TIME a a DATE comPLeTED: FINISH Tre. ee The folicwing te related == YOU HAVE, Ae thee Le the “ren dpe Sigs Soniag of valve stam below horizontal ig not preferred to prevent Sipesition of debris on the bonnet sheet will prevent closure of the valve. Corrosion is also a ress Ghar pacific areas do the fol)3, NU OMIST @31.3: Retinery / plant Piping W012: Structural welding — Stal CUMNE TO-iA! Feaining/and Ceti¢ication for Non-Destructive Testing and Inspection Pressure Vessel 41 OF descsiption of the equipment/piping | Weld Number Penetrameter Date fify, Date of er choressemas the quality of the radiographic techniques used and Sherefore, vill help us in knowing as to ont degree of defect can be detected. HO, and an ee 10) iA) What are the basic differenses hecus removal from 7018 electrode? (2) How len their “hermatically sealed” diciedaze 9) E6010, E-7010 electrodes aze non-low hydrogen electrodes, while Z- 7018 is a low hydvogen electrode *) Br6010 & £-7010 do not xequire atying after removal from hematically sealed container. E-7018 does not sealed containe: Sontginer for moze than ¢ hours then thoce for 2 hours. following qalificarien” and 2) This is a test unde, P) WPS is a welding procedure ©) POR ~ This is the i tests conducted on the test piece welded to a given nee "All these are closely related because they refer to testing and qualification Flux Cored Are Welding Gas Metal Are Welding Shielded Metal Are Welding ja) What ts the cerm “film El How is it measured? #49 the degree of blackness on the radiograph 2) This is measured by using a deneitonster on comparison with a density strip. 16) Waat is PHT and why is particle ellography? Sxplaing L71 Is it possibte Fenetrant evant (2ety rarated (Rot cas EESy SEGUE EAE ft + reg Mine > wires | ») 70 seduce the cooling rate duving welding 2») To prevent entrapment of hydrogen gas ©) , ag Prevent formation of hardenable microsteuctures that will result 4 #6 brittleness 37 38 45. 1. Water Marks 2. ceimps 3. Sexatches on the film 4. Disbondment of £ilm emlsion What aces the teu seoectiya (ttt Perfomed to locate a break or cas. Protective coating. What is the pur: what position is the gate + (pt unjallly oPemed position so that any cavity on the valve body can be subjected to the test pressure What is the ultima (2pr) is the packing gland to be + Pooh backsant of a gate valve? (pr No Hams (af least € areas that should be chesreg furing the dimers Pnpection cf a saiowd fase welcling neck tlaracs ute - Rating > No. of holt holes > Thickness of hub and all bend - Soundness of bevel if a valve body is to he pains be performed? line, Before painting. oy ™ 98 0 Mele if the Seasuranent of the depth 2€ peaks and valleys on the substrate material P) TMS 4s obtained by 9 profile gauge or 4 conpazatae gauge the “suedish tally azeossated with? alternate paint coats ba tinted: missed amine the mmber of coats applied and find areas you may have missed or lightly coated, + Which of the following is true? i2pts) scontinuities ae< So that affese 3) ALL diy discontinuities, i Discontinuities defects A) ALL discontanuitues O) NepauEe feferced to Wational Inseitute sf $+ ans Technology's absclute pressuca, fascals per square inch absaluce, Eressure standard in absolute units, a) Pounds pex square inch absolute. Draw the differen, (a) “Double-V-groove » 3) 4 sy 8 ” mco Vender Inspection Examination Pressure vessels. For test pressure equal to 5000 psi which of the following would be the Most appropriate cauige” a) S000psi by 15000psi ©) 10000psi 4) 20000psi {hats the difbetwcon hydrotesting stainless ste! vessels 8 compared to carbon steel? The maximum chloride content for the hvdrotesting water in contact with the SS shall be limited to S0me/lit Can weld repair be carried out on a vessel after heat treatment with the Approval of the approved inspector”? Welding not permitted affcr PWHT of the vessel What are the regulations of the ASME VIII Div Al pressure vessels shall be designed in accondance with the rules of the boiler and pressure vessel code ASME VIll Dat] What are the recommendations of the ASME ViIL-Dix » {jl pressure vessels shall be manufactured shall be as Specified in the data sheet What are the material checking equirements of the NACE MRO1759 ender shall comply with the fabrication heat treatment requizement on there in for all wetted parts ‘part for hardness testing what test require for NACE MROITS? Hardness test only complies with all NACE 0175 8) After cutting back cladding w hat prscaution must be taken before welding Support titting integrally to vessel To be ultrasonically tested, O) When cladding plates cut for integral fitting ofthe vessel what test must be done or plats prior to fitting’ The plate to be UT - tested before fitting 10) Im ASME VIII is vessel hydrostatic test onls? ssel shall be hydro tested accordance to applicable code and spec, Pneumatic testing in licu of hydro test requires approxal 11) In structural stel vessel hy drotest what precaution or check ‘must be done Prior to test? Chlorine contain in the test medium shal! be max 50mg oF 30 PPM allowed 12) What is NACE MR 0175 Sulfide stress cracking resistance metallic materials for oil ficld equipment. 1S) What is hardness requirement for sour service According to Nace mr 0175? Hardness testing shall be accordance with the standard drawing maximum allowable hardness is Vt Only Vickers method in accordance with ASTM- £02 14) What isthe other main requirement (beside the hardness level) Require PWHT due to servies 15) Coulda pressure vessel be hydrotested after tntemal/estemal painting? Pressure vessel should be hydro tested before painting 16) The term inspector refers to a) National board registered inspector 5) Manufacturer inspector ©) Chent inspector 4} Asme inspector 17) What is mean letter number ‘RTT on the ameplate” Radiographic categor. of the vessel “RTI 18) If authorized inspcetor accept a deviation from the code is there any action Foquired from third party? 1%) Should all pressure vessels be hy drotested or Pneumatic tested according to ASME VIITy Yes 20) How is the test pressure calculated? ASME VIN Dis 1 1 5 times of desian Pressure (maop) ASME VII Div 2 12S tmes of the design pressureimaop) 20) Is pisht performed after h dro test? + kes 21) Name to items ‘tributes which are macked (on the plate for pressure Vessel 1) applicable code and requirements, 2) if vessel is internally coated name plate shall show . painting system, "pe of coating. brand name and date 3) Radiography level of vessel 22) When fitting up a lange pore nozele ame at least 8 point sou usually Inspect’monitoricheck. 1) quantities 2 Size 5) Ratingstasme pressure classes) 4) facings 3) Elevation (1 Orientation as specitied on the data shovt 7 Protection for nozztottspecitisd im data sheet) 8) location of ft-up as data sheet “) Other dimensional checks 75) When is preening allowed to ANSE BS 40 Procning is restricted on root and capping passes 24) What is stopple? Solder plus temporary pug to stop the flow 1m the pipe 25) What is mean by valve triny Mat For. stem, gate seat surface, seat Ting surface, stom hole guide 70) Which standard cover dimensions of valves? 27) What is GTAW? Gas tungsten arc welding 28) How is the pneumatic preseure caleulated in ANSUB3).3 TESt pressure shall be 110% of the design pressure 78) What do.sou use to measure the profile of the raised face on a flange? Profile wa ‘comparator g ge 30) Name the most common American Material specification for fitting? ASME Bio 5 O11 What are the 4 types on Metal Transfer for MIG? AD Spray. Dip, Globular Rackground Votjage Q2 What is UG? 2 42 Geomeric Unshapnesy Pemba Q3 When Shooting an Ellipse, where wil the penitrameter go? AZ Source side Qs What 4 parameters do we get rom Tensile Test? Ad Elongation; Ulimeue Sirese Peale Stress: Cross Section a a Q5 Which section of ASME VU are the Scatter, Distribution diagrams for radiography interpretation? AS Sections Q.6 In what Section of ASME VIII are the other defects? AG WU3s Q7 What properties have the 3 subeare fluxes? AP Inert: Chemneal Change deine alloving * Q8 Why do we maintain the ‘nferpass temperature when welding Stainless Steel? 48 To prevem Harding inthe heap fected zone through dendrite Srowth under bead cracking @.9 What material do we use when welding dissimilar material? A9 309. Inconel for greater ware resistance Q.10 Whatis Dwell Time? 410 The time for the pentrani 1 soak imo CNY surface opening cand the time for the developer to draw out an mulicannon € QI Whatis the difference between stress relies i ¢ and normalizing? ALT Normalizing temperate ts aber upper critical teniperarure, Stress Relieving ty below upper erupt femperaure. rermaleing, cool at a controlled rate or in titan @12_ What are the three types of hardness FAIZ Rockwell: Vickers Beunell Aramco Vender Ins; pection Examination Mechanical 1) Whatisa vps pqr. and wps? WPS. welding procedure specification This ia item procedure. which states essential and some non-essential variables on 4 specific job POR; this is the record of mechanical and other testing conducted on the test coupon toa given wps WPQ: this is the test under taken by the “elder to prove his ability to be certified To weld oma certain welding procedine 2) What is the defination of the essential and non-essential variables? Essential variables: changes beyond the limitation of the par are essential ‘ariables, shatt “equire the eequalification of procedure Non: Esscotial variables. changes with in the Imitation of par is not require ‘qualification of procedure 2) What isthe defination ofthe pre heating” The application ofthe heat to the base etal nimediatels betore the welding ys pre heating Why is inter pass temp control Satired when welding of austenitic stainfess steel? To prevent the hardening in the heat affected zones through the dendrite growth and Prevent under bead crackin 8) List five items that vou would “pect fo find in a material west certificate? a) Manufactures name D) Purchase order no © Specification ( mat er epeiclassy Mechanical test ©) Chemical test ) Heatno, ) Lot no. ®) What is carbon equisatent and what is 45 Important in regards to welding? CE=C+ (Mn +Si) + ¢Cr 6 5 Chemical analssis may be obtained from, 1 Mulltestcerificate > rpicat Production chemistry odes are to be maintamed m 7) Low Hy drogen a) + their reseated container 8) ~ Electrode holder with an open hid Q electrode oven 8} Ht the root gap have been found to small before welding a proper corrective action would be. A increase the welding heat 5 open a wider gap by gauging o grinding. C = non ofthe above 9) Circular welds should always be done bePore longitudinal ones? TRUEFALSE 10) What the acronis GTAWIFCAW/SMAW OM AW/SAW Stand for? GTAW. Gas tungsten are welding FCAW. Flay cored are welding SMAW: shielded metal are welding SAW: submerged arc welding GMAW: gas metal arc welding '1) Name the these basic steps to be checked before start welding? 1) Edge preparation and cleanness 2) Consumables 5) Welder qualification 4). Pre heat (if required 12) What is most important to check betors start welding of clad mazerial? Preheating, 13) What sould the most appropriate “welding provesses bo whcn welding fll pnctration Joint from one side” DFCAW DGTAW aysaw nowaw 14) Whats inter-pass temperature? 4 [ma mut pass wold the welding temperature ofthe weld arca between weld passes is Known as interpass temp 1S) Why is preheating important for welding alloy stele” 3) To reduce the cooling rate during the weldin 5). To prevent entrapment of hydrogen e: §} Te prevent formation of hardenable microstructures that ‘wall eosult in brittleness, 4) To chminate the under bead erackine 16) What is the purpose of the PWHT? Purpose of the PWHT is to relive the residual stress in the Nelding. PWHT of [ietdmtent is heating the welément graduatly to required cok temperature and holding for specific time and coo! down to required cooling rate is PWHT. 17) Whar extea attention is paid for tow hydroven electrodes’? Should be kept in the electrode oven. not to be exposed to open atmosphere. 20) Why the erack appears? 2) Because of heating while welding b) Because of cooling after welding. 21) How welding stress is relieved? a) Heating and quenching the weld “By Heating at a designed temperature and controlled cooling ©) Dritinga hole in weld scams 72) What is the diff Between DCRS and DCES” 25) Which are the 3 main attibute mentioned an a tensile test report? 1) clongation 2) ultimate stress 3). vield stress 4). gross section area 24) RT is the most suitable NOT method for detecting the edae wall lack of fusion? SE, To increase the joint efficiency and to limunate the wel defects nbination on bevel ed, 24) Which is the most appropriate method for detect RT 2) PT 3) BOTH 4) NONE 27) Name three methods for the transfer of fllor material for Our NGLOBULAR 2)SPRAY 3) DROPLET 28) Describe the position “3G DIP 5 Cis the position groove weld on the plate in ‘tical drvetion, the are is started at the root ofthe joint at lowest side of the groote and earniad upwards 28) When a welder is qualified for position 3G in which position can he weld? 16.26. & 5G, 30) Name four types of joints 1) Buttjoint 2)T-joint 3)lap-joine 4) comer joint. 31) For PT fluorescent, MT fluorescent and leak test is used ulteay folet tight? TRUE / FALSE 42) Which are the most three suitable grooves ge cometric for SAW welding. single v- groove weld, 2single beret groove 3Mouble \ groove \ 7 . fled PE Wav § Vice potion, oH \ Lakin . Ly oe eas pent vac g unt the Saga etd Warts 1 a \uo ~ : 7 Y Sue 64 Pir cee Su Bees Pre Nop ae titlied * Si Heb oak Meet wna 2 Pencdotinn J bevel Aye Gace soepl ods £ Ud . os heppo 4 pep A(seus tote ) cod WPL neabiony . siapi cation > Lime Uf Ide dew 7 wt . vary tote al ere, 4 daiibow Ne sere) oh a > . Q wiht p yo gictata AeisbeG for pore ey Pesyend WETS Cay aged. ay , Pea pecteak e a 0 P ad ts ote 4 By Ponty netleg (Pron rttingy howe te eH othr seein UC Gach Yor Hee SU Coe iitedic me gee WES pteldiy procey # Avebi goto © paelating Ca AS SC ON PS DES Cevccke bhetree! Coemenesl C Amper ele Alen pes Cop es pe wap, nes Sacbion port al+ OAK AL ete i pete OMA 6) 3) 10) al What is [Or (penetr r) sensitivity and what does it determine? (pt) OI determine the quality of the radiographic techniques used and therefore, will help us in knowing as to what degree of defect can be detected What has occurred if the light image of the letter “B” appears on your radiograph? (2pt} There is backscatter You are monitoring an NOT inspection at a Vendor shop who is using the Magnetic Particle, dry powder prod method. They have located a “weak mation pattern”. Where would you expect them to next place the prods to obtain a stronger indication pattern? ease draw the 2” iocation of the prods in relationship to the 1* location. Denote the direction of the defect for both prod placements) (2pt} basic differences between a £-6010, £-7010, and an E- fow long should each be dried after removal from container? (ape (A) What are th 7018 electrode? (8) their “hermatically sealed” a) B-6010, E-7010 electrodes are non-low hydzogen electrodes, while E- 7018 is a low hydrogen electrode b) E-6010 & £-7010 do not require drying after removal from hermatically sealed container E-7018 does not require drying after removal from hermatically sealed container; however, if this is removed fram the sealed container for more than 4 hours then there should be dried or baked for 2 hours. Define the following terms “Welder performance qualification”, wes qualification” and “eQa”. Explain their inter-relationship (pt) a) This is a test undertaken by a welder to prove his ability or be certified to weld on a certain welding process and procedure 4) WPS is a welding procedure specification. This is a written Procedure to weld which states the essential and some non-essential variables. Qualification is performing the welding based on the Wes and performing of the mechanical tests +o qualify the procedure ©) POR - this is the record of the mechanical tests conducted on the test piece welded to a given HPS + All these are closely relates because they refer to testing and qualification r 12) Please denote the following acronyms: (apt a) SAW- Submerged Are Welding b) FCAW - Flux Cored Are Welding ) GMAW ~ Gas Metal are Welding d) SMAW - Shielded Metal Are Welding 13) Please draw the completed weld detailed in the following ANS D1.1 WELD symbols and explain each element (ept) 15) la) what is meant by the term “film density’, and (b) How is it measured? (2pts) a) Is the degree of blackness on the radiograph 2) This is measured by using a densitometer or comparison with a density strip. 16) What is PWHT and why is it required for some weldnents? (2pt) PWHT is bringing up the temperature of a welded material at a regulated heating rate up to its required soak temperature and held at 2 required holding time after which cooled down at the required cooling rate This is required to remove any residual stress after velding Ml is it possible to locate defects by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examination which can not be fond by radiography? Explain; (pe): Yes, there are near surface oz surface that may be perpendicular with the rays of radiation such as internal lamination and cold laps penetrameters? 20) What is the basic difference between a DIN and an ASM (2pt) 2) DIN is a wire penetrameter while an ASME penet is a penny type (a block consisting of holes) ») 22) Denote the three (3) main reasons to use preheat? (pz) 4) To reduce the cooling rate during welding ») To prevent entrapment of hydrogen gas ©) To prevent formation of hardenable microstructures that will result to brittleness 23 24 37 3e 38 What are radiographic film ARTIFACTS. Give 4 examples ?(3pt) Film Artifacts are defects formed on the radiograph that are not part of the defect or discontinuity of the material to be tested 1. Water Marks 2. crimps 3. Scratches on the film 4. Disbondment of film emlsion “Moliday Det What does the te mean? (2pt) This is a test performed to locate a break or discontinuity on a protective coating What is the purpose of a Qc Plan vs. the QA/QC Manual? (3pt) Qc Plan is a list of a quality control activities to be performed in accordance with the approved QA/0C manual on a certain project What position is the gate to be in during a ‘shell’ test? Explain why (2pt) Partially opened position so that any cavity on the valve body can be subjected to the test pressure. What is the ultimate purpose of the backseat test for a gate valve? (apt) To ensure that there is no leakage through the bonnet and stem packing. Please see the attached drawing to complete this question Is the packing gland to be tight during the backseat test of a gate valve? (2pt} No Name at least 6 areas that should be checked during the dimensional inspection of @ raised face welding neck flange? (2pt) ~ Rating - No. of bolt holes Thickness of hub and all bend = Soundness of bevel - Ensure that raised face meets the required roughness per standard. ~ Internal diameter If a valve body is to be painted, when should shell hydro: e performed? (1pt) Before painting, 54 35. 39 66. 37 oy 98 98. PLEASE FILL IN THE BLANKS DET, is an acronym for Dry Film thickness , and is normally specified in microneters. One mil (.05!”) equals approximately 25 micrometers. (zpt}) During painting and coating, what does the term “profile depth” mean, and (b) how it is obtained and measured Gpey 4) Profile is the measurement of the depth of peaks and valleys on the substrate material ) This is obtained by a profile gauge or a comparator gauge What is the “Swedish Standards Institution” normally associated with? (2pts) Degrees of surface preparation of metal before painting SA 2%: why mast alternate paint coats be tinted? —(2pts) To determine the nusher of coats applied and find areas you my have missed or lightly coated. Which of the following is true? (2pts): a) All discontinuities are defects ») Defects that effect the products usefulness are called discontinuities c) Discontinuities that effect the product’s usefulness are called defects 4) All discontinuities are unacceptable. What do the letters “esta” mean ? (2 pts) 4) Pressure referred to National Institute of Standards and Technology’ absolute pressure, b) Pascals per square inch absolute, ©) Pressure standard in absolute units, @) Pounds per square inch absolute Draw the differences between: .. (pts) (a) “Double-v-groove weld butt joine {b) “Double-bevel-groove weld butt joint”; (ch “Single-bevel-groove weld butt joint”; » 6) 7 Aramco Vender Inspection Examination. Pressure vessels. For test pressure cqual to 5000 psi which of the following would be the ‘most appropriate gauve" a) S000psi by 15000psi ©) 10000psi 4) 20000psi What is the diff between hydrotesting stainless stcel vessels as compared to carbon stect”? ‘The maximum chloride content for the hyrotesting water in contact with the $$ shall be limited to Some/tit ‘Can weld repair be carried out on a vessel after heat treatment with the approval of the approved inspector? Welding not permitted after PWHT of the vesscl What are the regulations of the ASME VIM Div-1” All pressure vessels shall be designed in accordance with the rules of the boiler and pressure vessel code ASME VIN Div-1 ‘What are the recommendations of the ASME VIII-Div 2 All pressure vessels shall be manufactured shall be as specified in the data sheet. What are the material ch king requirements of the NACE MROI75 Vendor shall comply with the fabrication heat treatment requizement on there in for all wetted parts Apart for hardness testing what test require for NACE MROITS? Hardness test only complies with all NACE 0175 8) After cutting back cladding what precaution must be taken before welding Suppor fiting integrally to vessel To be ultrasonically tested 9) When cladding plates cut for integral fitting of the vessel what rest must be done or plats prior to fitting” The plate to be UT ~ tested before fitting 10) In ASME VIII is vessel hydrostatic test only? ‘Vessel shall be hydro tested accordance to applicable code and spec, Pheumatic testing in licu of hydro test requires approval 11) In structural steel vessel hydrotest what precauition or check must be done Prior to test? Chlorine contain in the test medium shall be ma PPM allowed. 12) What is NACE MR 01757 Sulfide stress cracking resistance metallic materials for oil field equipment. 3) What is hardness requirement for sour service according to Nace mr 0175? Hardness testing shall be accordance with the standard drawing mavinnum allowable hardness is VHN 250. Only Vickers method in accordance with ASTM- B92 14) What is the other main requirement (beside the hardness lovel) Require PWHT due to service 15) Could a pressure vessel be hydrotested after intemal/estemal ps Pressure vessel should be hydro tested before painting 16) The tern inspector refers to, @) National board registered inspector b) Manufacturer inspector c) Client inspector 4) Asme inspector 17) What is mean letcr/number “RTI on the nameplate” Radiographic category of the vessel “RTT 18) IFauthorized inspector accept a deviation from the code is there any action required from third party? 9) Should all pressure vessels be hydrotested or pneumatic tested according to ASME VIII? Yes 20) How is the test pressure calculated? ASME VIII Div 15 times of design pressure (maop) ASME VIII Div 2 ~-- 1.25 times of the design pressure{maop) 20) Is puht performed after hydro test? = yes 21) Name two items attributes which are marked on the plat for pressure Vessel” 1) applicable code and requirements 2). if vessel is intemally coated name plate shall show painting system. {pe of coating. brand name and date 3). Radiography level of vessel 22) When fitting up a large pore nozzle. name at least & point you usually Inspeetimonitoricheck. ? 1) quantities 2). Size 5) Ratings(asme pressure classes) 4). facings 5). Elevation ©) Orientation as specified on the data shoct 7) Projection for nozzle(if specified in data sheet) 8) location of fit-up as data sheet 9% Other dimensional checks 25) When is preening allowed to ANSI 31.3? Preening is restricted on root and capping passes 24) What is stoppic? Solder plug/temporary plug to stop the flow in the ipe 25) What is mean by valve trim? Mot. For stem, gate seat surface, seat rng surface, stem hole suid, 26) Which standard cover dimensions of valves? 27) What is GTAW? Gas tungsten are welding. 24) How isthe pneumatic pressure calculated in ANSI BaL3 ‘Test pressure shall be 110% ofthe design pressuse 29) What do you use to measure the profile ofthe raised face on a flange’? Profile gauge/comparator gauge 30) Name the mest common American material specification for fitting? ASME BIG.s Q.1 What ate the 4 types on Metal Transfer for MIG? Al Spray, Dip, Globular, Background Foliage Q2 What is UG? A2 Geometric Unshapness Penumbra Q3 When Shooting an Ellipse, where will the penitrameter go? A3 Source side Q4 What 4 parameters do we get from Tensile Test? AF Hlongavion: Uhimate Sess: Yeald Sess: Cross Section Area Q5 Which section of ASME VIII are the Scatter/Distribution diagrams for radiography interpretation? AS Section 4 Q.6 In what Section of ASME VIII are the other defects? AG WU3S Q.7 What properties have the 3 sub-are fluxes? A7 Inert: Chemical Change Active: alloving Steel? S To prevent Harding in the heat affected sone through dendritic growth under bead cracking Q8 Why do we maintain the interpass temperature. when welding Stainless A @.9 What material do we use when welding dissimilar material? A9 309+ Inconel for greaier ware resistance 10 What is Dwell Time? 410° The time for the penitran w soak inw ane surface opening and the time for the developer to draw out an indication @.11 What is the difference between stress relieving and normalizing? ALM Normalizing temperane is above upper eritcal temperature, Stress Relieving is below upper eriical temperature normalizing, cool ata controlled rate or in sull ans @ 12° What are the three types of hardness AI2 Rockwell: Vickers: Brunell Arameo Vender In: spection Examination. Mechanical 1) What is a wps. pqr. and wps? WPS. welding procedure specification, This is a written Procedure. which states essential and some non-essential variables on a specific job POR: this is the record of mechanical and other ‘esting conducted on the test coupon to a given wps WPO: this isthe test under taken by the welder to. Prove his ability to be certified To weld on a certain welding procedure 2) What is the defination of the essential and hon-essential variables? Essential variables: changes bev nd the limitation of the par are essential variables. shall Fequire the requalification of procedure Non- Essential variables: changes with in the lnitation Of paris not require requalification of procedure 3) What isthe defination ofthe pre heating” is application of the heat to the base metal immediately before the welding is pre heating, ‘Why is inter pass temp control required when weld of austenitic stainless steel? To prevent the hardening inthe heat affected zones through the dendrite growth and prevent under bead crack Lstfive items that you would expect to find in materia est ceomtficate? a) Manufactures name. b) Purchase order no ©) Specification ( mat er. typevetass) 4) Mechanical test ©) Chemical test Heat no. 2) Lotno, 9) What is carbon equivalent and what is its important in regards to welding? CE=C+ (Mn 4Si) + (Cre Mot) + (Ni + Cw) 6 I Chemical analysis may be obtained from |, Milltest certificate 2 tspical production chemistr 7) Low Hydrogen electrodes are to be maintained in a) = their rescaled contamner b) ~ Electrode holder with an open lid ©) electrode oven 8) HF the root gap have been found to small before weldine a Proper corrective action would be, A= inercase the welding heat. B- open a wider gap by gauging or grinding. C ~non of the above 9) Circular welds should always be done before longitudinal ones” TRUE/FALSE 10) What the acronyms GTAW/FCAW/SMAW/GMAW/SAW. Stand for? GTAW. Gas tungsten are welding FCAW: Flux cored are weldi SMAW: shielded metal are welding SAW: submerged are welding GMAW: gas metal are welding "1 Name the three basie steps to be checked before start welding? 1) Bdge preparation and cleanness 2) Consumables 3) Welder qualification 4). Pre heat (if required) 12) What is mest important to check before start welding of clad material? Proheating 15) What would the most appropriate welding processes be when welding fll penetration joint from one side” DFCAW QGTAW 3)SAW GMAW 14) What is inter-pass temperature? Ina malti pass weld. the welding temperature of the weld area between weld passes is known as interpass temp 15) Why is pre heating important for welding alloy stocls? a) To reduce the cooling rate during the wel 6) To provent entrapment of hydrogen gas $). Te prevent formation of hardenable microstructures that will result in brittleness. 4) To eliminate the under bead cracking 16) What is the purpose of the PWHT? Purpose of the PWHTT isto relieve the residual stress in the welding, PWHT of Jeldment is heating the weldment gradually to required soak temperature and holding for specific time and cool down to required cooling rate is PWHT. 17) What extra attention is paid for low hydrogen electrodes? Should be kept in the electrode oven, not to be exposed to open atmosphere 20) Why the crack appears? a) Because of heating while welding b) Because of cooling after welding, 21) How welding stress is relieved? a) Heating and quenching the weld b) Heating ata designed temperature and controlled cooling. ©) Drilling a hole in weld scams 22) What is the diff. Between DCRS and DCES” 25) Which are the 3 main atribute mentioned on a tensile test report? 1) clongation 2) ultimate stress 3). vield stress 4) gross section area 4) RT isthe most suitable NDT method for dtseting the edge wall lack of fusion? TRUE /FALSE, 25) Why are the bevel edges controlled before welding” Toi fease the joint efficiency and to climinate the weld defects 26) Which isthe most appropriate method for detecting lamination on bevel edge” 1) RT 2) PT 3) BOTH 4) NONE, 27) Name three methods for the transfer of filler material for GMAW’ NGLOBULAR 2) SPRAY 3) DROPLET 4) DIP. 28) Describe the position “3G” 3 Gis the position groove weld on the plate in vertical direction: the arc is startod at the root of the joint at lowest side of the groove and carried upwards. 28) When a welder is qualified for position 5G in which position can he weld? 1G, 26. & 5G 30) Name four types of joints” 1) Butr-joim 2)T-joint 3)tap-joint 4) comer joint. 31) For PT fluorescent. MT fluorescent and leak test is used ultraviolet light? TRUE / FALSE 32) Which are the most three suitable grootes geometric for SAW weld single v- groove weld, 2)single bevel groove S}double v groove SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION DEPARTMENT NORTHERN AREA PROJECTS INSPECTION CLOSED Book TEST NAME: TEST score: COMPANY NAME: START TIME: Se ee DATE COMPLETED: FINISH TIME: Telated eng hase te, “slesed book”. This tert covers areas of knowledge Tee eng To Prevects that you will monitor for WAETS in the Hosthene meee The, Best is worth 100 points, with the un-welsheed value of cach question Righ-lighted at the end of ‘each question ‘orishr se 0 7 90 = Alii). You must pass this test with a mninun arade or TF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, PLEASE ASK THE TEST MENTO! A. What is the “Technical pefinivion” of a 2 (1 pe seeping TS Material trapped in a moltea metal during welding or forging. CONCERNING FIL orEnar: a gate valve with its stem below the apt) eA eiOMnT oF valve stex below horizontal is not prefenzed to prevent Gpesition of debris on the bonnet which will prevent closuse ce tne valve, Corrosion is also a reason. 3, What specific areas do the fellaving stand a) AME Welder and Welding Procedure Qualification b) ANSI 231.3: Refinery / Plant Piping ©) AWS O11: stemeturat Helaing — Sty/ d} ASNT te-1A: Training/and Certification for Non-Destructive Testing and Inspection =) ASME VIII: Pressure Vessel 4) List at least three 13) £ 8 permanene identification system that is require PSEaPh An cece to assure traceabilicy ? (3p) SI -BI./J.0. or description of the equipment/piping &) Weld rember c) Penetrameter pate Dyth, date of er 5) penetrameteri sensitivi JQI determine the quality of the radiographic techniques used and therefore, will help us in knowing as to what degree of defect can be detected Light ima ars on your 6) What hes occurred if radiograph? (2pt. There is backscatter ‘ler shop who is using the hey ated a “weak te them to next place the prods to obtain nger indication pattern? (Please draw the 2° location of the prods in relationship te sation. Lenete the direction cf the defect Zor both prod placements) ‘apts 8) You are monitering an HUT inspection a Magnetic Particle, dey powder prod formation pattern”. “Where would you e: ot 10) (A) what the basic differences between a E-€210, £-7910, and an 7018 electrode? (B) How long shovid each be dried after removal from their “hermetically sealed” container? [4ps) #) £6010, E-7010 electzodes are non-low hydrogen electrodes, while E- 7018 is a low hydrogen electrode b) E-6010 & £7010 do require drying after removal from Br7018 does not xequize drying after removal from hemmatically sealed container; however, if this is xemoved from the sealey container for moze than 4 hours then there should be dried oz baked for 2 hours qualification", wes cl) s “Welder performance plain their inter-relationship 11) Define the follewing qualification’ and “egpr 3) This is a test undeztaken by a welder to prove his ability or be certified to weld on a certain welding process and procedure. *) WPS is a welding procedure specification. This is a written Procedure to weld which states the essential and some non-essential variables, Qualification is performing the welding based on the wes and performing ef the mechanical tests to qualify, the procedure ©) POR - This is the zecord of the mechanical tests conducted on the test piece welded to a given HPS. * All these are closely related because they xefer to testing and qualification 12) Please denote the following are 4) SAW~ Submerged Axe Welding b) ECAW ~ Flue Cozed Are Welding ©) GMAW - Gas Metal Arc Welding d) SMAW - Shielded Metal Arc Welding dstai aus D1.1 WELD . 13) Please draw the completed weld symbols and explain each eler 1S) (a) What is meant by the term “film measured? (2pts): 2) Is the degree of blackness on the radiograph 2) This is measured by using a densitometer or comparison with a density strip. 16) What is PWHT and why ds it required for PWT is bringing up the temperature of a welded material at a regulated heating rate up to its requized soak temperature and held at a requized holding time after which cooled down at the required cooling rate This is requized to remove any residual stress after velding. Ai Is it poscible to locate defects by magnetic particle ex liquid fant evaminatien which can not be fond by radiography? Explain? vacadel Yes, theze are near surface or surface that may be perpendicular with the rays of radiation such as inteznal lamination and cold laps. 20) What is the basic difference between a DIH and an ASME peneteameters? i2pe) a) DIN is a wize penetrometer while an ASME penet is a penny type (a block consisting of holes) free DID > bude ) Ame > wines ») 22) Denote the three 131 main reasons ta use preheat? a) To reduce the cooling rate during welding b) To prevent entrapment of hydrogen gas ©) fo prevent formation of hardenable microstructures that will result ty #6 brittleness 23. 20 37. 38 40. 45. What are radiographic film ARTI Film Artifacts are defects formed on the radiograph that are not part of the defect or discontinuity of the material to be tested. 1. Water Marks 2. Ceimps 3. Scratches on the film 4, Disbondment of film eaulsion What does the term “Holiday fetection” This is a test performed to locate a break or discontinuity on a protective coating What fs the purpose of 4 OC Plan vs. the GA/OC Manual? (apt) g¢ Plan is a list of a quality control activities to be perfozmed in accordance with the approved A/QC manual on a certain project What position is the gate te be in during a ‘she: Explain why (2pt) Partially opened position so that any cavity on the valve body can be subjected to the test pressure What is the ultimac for a gate valve? (pt) purpose of the hackseat te: To ensure that there is no leakage through the bonnet and stem packing Please see the attach the bast Is the packing gland te he ti valve? (2pt! est of a gate NO Name at least € areas that should be ne dimensional inspection of a raised face welding n ~ Rating - No. of bolt holes > Thickness of hub and all bend - Soundness of bevel > Ensure that raised face meets the required roughness per standard. - Internal diameter Tf a valve body is to he painted, when should shell hydrostatic testing be pertformea? fipt) Before painting. 84. PLEASE FILL I THE BLAN; DET, is an acronym for Day Film Thickness ) and is normally specified in micrometers. one ml 7-551") ately _25 micrometers. (2pt) + During painting and coating, what d and (b) how it is obtained and measured: 4) Profile is the measurement of the depth of peaks and valleys on the substrate material. B) This is obtained by a profile gauge ox a comparator gauge 59. 4 associated with? Degrees of surface preparation of metal before painting SA 24. 66. Why must alternate paint tinted? (apes) Zo determine the muber of coats applied and find areas you may have missed or lightly coated. 27. Which of ‘the following is true? (2pes ab Al discontinuities are defects b) Defects chat the produce discontinuities T cl Discentinuit defects F od) All discontinusties are my are called ness are called 98. What do the pest; 8) Pressure referred to National Institute of Technology’s absolute pressure, bh Pascals per square inch absolute, ) Pressure standard in absolute units, @ Pounds per squaze inch absolute. Draw the dir (a) “Double-V-groove weld butt joine”: rences betusen; t (b) “Double-bevel ya weld pure (c) "Single-beve! Ad bute jeune’; Pump’s Exam Questionnaire 1. Enumerate at least 3 types of pumps 2. What tests have to be done as per API 610? 3. Enumerate at least 4 parts of a pump 4. What does NPSH stand for? 5. How can the NPSH test be carried out” 6. What information is shown in the performance curve? 7. What is the differential pressure in Positive Displacement Pumps? & What is the maximum vibration value peak to peak in a centrifugal pump as per API 610? 9. What records does the Manufacturer have to keep up to five years after construction of a pump? 10, Should welds in pressure parts be fill penetration? 11, Ifa mechanical test has to stop due to a part failure before the specified duration, Can the mechanical test re-start and complete the remaining time? or Do you request for a new test? 12. If the casing paint shows damage after the hydrotest, Can the hydrotest be accepted? 13, What is the pressure value for the casing hydrotest? 14. How long is the holding time for a casing hydrotest? 15, What is the applicable standard to qualify welders and WPS as per API 610? 16. Why does the test fluid chloride content have to be controlled for the Hydrotest of Austenitic Steel Components? 17. What is the purpose of the diaphragm in a Positive Displacement Pump? 18. Which is not a centrifiugal pump * Sinle stage = Double sta * Propeller + Turbine 19. What are the API requirement for impellers? 20. What is the difference between static and dynamic balancing 21. Is it required to balance the rotating arrangement despite each one ofits parts (impeller, ‘wear rings, shaft, ete) has been balanced already” 22. Determine the Hardness values for Casing and Impeller wear rings 3}: What kind of materials can be used in coupling guards ifthe motor is explosion proof? 24. What is cavitation? 25. What is the difference between witnessed and observed as per API 610? 26, What documentation does the supplier is requested to keep available for at least five years as per API 610? Mte— ARAMCO VENDOR INSPECTION EXAMINATION 1) What is NACE MR 0175 ? Answer: A NACE standard which refers to resistance of metallic materials to SSC in sour environments. Nota: NACE -National Association of Corrosion Engineers (US, A) Denumirea standardului. Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) Resistant Materials for Oilfield Equipment. Sour environment: este definit (si) prin factorii care infl. SSC (fetoes fle tnciay $50 ) -compoz. ch., rezist., tat. termic, microstructura, -concentr. in ioni de hidrogen (pH) a mediului ~cone. si pres. totala a H2S (Hydrogen Sulfide): ~Starea de tensiuni (total tensile stress ~actual and remanent), -temp. time SSC ~brittle failure by cracking under combined action of tensile stress -cotrosion in presence of water + H2S 2) What is hardness requirement for sour service ace. to NACE MR 01789 A: 22 HRC (this is the main req) 3) What is the other main req. of NACE MR.O1759 ACHIC Test (determinarea rezistemti fa coroziunea H2: HIC Ivdrogen Induced Crackingy 4) Could a vessel be hydrotested after internal/exter nal painting ? Nok A: Yes, but the purchaser must be awarred that paint can mash the leakage {she | Arnance Specs bo oj (ecam pe dos, dar ani gasit asta in ASME) allow tay J The term Inspector refer to: a) National Board Registered Inspector, b) Manufacturer’s inspector; c) Client's inspector; d) ASME Inspector A: di (ace. to ASME Code) . Ineaus : (Nota in specificatiile Aramco, “Inspector” ingeamina Aramco Inspector. In ASME, National Board Reg, Inspector este numit “Authorized Inspector” ) What means letters/numbers “RT 1” on the nameplate? A: Fully radiographied (100% of weld seams) 5) I Authorized Inspector (Al) accepts a deviation fom the Code, is there any action required from third party inspector (TP1)? A’ (I presume the following: TPL must evaluate and can acceptireiect the deviation, in the name of Client), (Note: “ALIS employed by Manufacture. for equipment requiting ASME U Stamp “TPL is employed by Client/Cumparator) ©) Should all pressure vessels be hydrotested acc To ASME VIll, Div | > A: No. (some are pneumatically tested) 7). Should all pressure vessels be hydrotested or pneumatic tested ace To ASME VU, Div 1? AL Yes 8) How is test pressure calculated ? A138 MAWP. corrected by ratio of Sat test temperature by § at design temp (conf ASME 2001; MAWP-max allowable working press, MAWP se inlocuigste cu Design Pressure, daca nu se cere calculares lui MAWP). WO Nplecer HAW? caleulebon uv Keb Mepiared 9) Is PWHT performed after hydrotest ? AS No 10)Name two items/atiributes which are marked on a plate for pressure vessel A: Material (Grade, type), Heat No. 11) When fitting up a large bore nozzle, name at least 8 points you usually inspect/check/monitor. A’ nozzle size ( pipe/neck OD x thk.) and material arade: flange (type. size, rating, grade), if lange already welded to pipe. -fit up geometry (root face, root uap, devel angle); -fit up cleaning: ~hozzle projection (distance from flange face to vessel axis’shell) (tal shrinkage during welding), rnozzle straightness or angle (flange face missaliznement} “orientation of the nozzle neck longitudinal weld seam ~if not pipe; ~freinforcing pad required, it will be possible to be installed after neck welding into account the predicted 14) When a contractor, other than the vessel Manufacturer, supplies a part of vessel, what is required, A’ Partial Manufacturer Data Report (Partial MDR) 12) What is a WPS, PQR. WPQ? A: see ASME IX, QW-200, 300 (and QW-492 —Definitions) 13) What extra attention is paied for Low Hydrogen electrodes ? A: Storage/handling conditions to avoid humidity contamination (rrebuie evitata absorbtia de Hs (H;0) in invelisul electrozilor ~heated portable ovensiquivers) 14) What the acronyms GTAW. SMAW. GMAW, SAW. FCAW stands for ? Explain the basic process. ‘A: see ASME IX, QW-416, 492 (GTAW=TIG, SMAW=sudura manuala; GMAW=MIG, SAW=sub strat de lux, FCAW=...fluxul in interiorul sirmei tubulare) 15) What is Interpass Temperature ? A: Temp intre straturile successive de sudura temp stratului depuss, cind vine urmatorul strat 16) Why is pre-heating important for welding alloy steels” A... avoid grain/components transformation 17) What is the purpose of PWHT ? A: Stress releaving 18) Which is P-No, for SA 516 Gr. 70, ace to ASME IX? ArP 1 (see QW/QB-422). A/SA 516 este un otel carbon obisnuit (OL) 19) What is thermal expansion: a). __.b) increasing of volume due to heating input; ¢).......: 4) Alb 20) Why the cracks appear: a) because the heating while welding. b) because of cooling after welding; c). A 21)How welding stresses are relieved: a) heating and quenching the welds; b) heating at a designed temperature and controlled cooling; c) drilling holes in weld seam: d) A 22)Which are the main three attributes mentioned on a Tensile Test Report ? A’ Yield Strength, Tensile Strength, Elongation wall lack of fitsion 23)RT is the most suitable NDT method for detecting the ed: A: TRUE/FALSE, 24) Which is the most appropriate method for detecting laminations on bevel edge ? a) RT: b) PT; c) both; d) none, A: PT (de fapt specificatiile cer MT, dar si PT e bun) 25)Name three methods for the transfer of filler material for GMAW. A’ Short-cireuiting transfer method, globular (droplet) transfer spray transfer 26) Describe the position “3G” A’ Vertical butt weld (cap la cap, verticala), see IX, QW-461 27) When a welder is qualified for position A . in which positions can he weld ? 28) What is joint efficiency ? A Joint coefficient. determined by joint type and extend of weld control (100% RT. spot randomly, ete.) (Coeficient de sudura). 29) Which are the most 3 suitable yroove geometries for SAW? AVUS. 30)For PT fluorescent, MT fluorescent and Leak Test is used ultraviolet light. A TRUE 31) For inspection of stainless steel strip lining is used: a) RT, b) MT; c) both; d) none. A: d, (it is PT -Liquid Penetrant) AND FITTIN 12) What is the required position of a yate during the shell test 7 A 13) Which standard indicates the allowable leakage for Control Valves? A 14) Which standard deals with Relief Valves ? A 15) Why the closure test is performed for both sides of wedge ° A 16) Name three types of wedges AD APT boo* E cae 17) The backseat test is performed for Gate Valves, Butterfly Valves and Check Valves A: TRUE/FALSE. 18) What you check for dimensional inspection on a Valve? A 19) Name three types of flanges A 20) What is marked on a butt-end fitting (name 2 items) A 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9 lo) ib 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) ARAMCO VENDOR INSPECTION EXAMINATION PRESSURE VESSELS What is the difference between a Certificate of jopfogmi and a CTR? Ceakified Hocteniag dn Contermity he remy a inde! at pes est : Is there any specific NDT requirement for vessels mad of stainless steel, wall thickess over 2 In a vessel where one of its two heads have been provided by a second manufacturer what document should accompany the second he For a test pressure equal to 5000 psi, which of the following would be the most appropriate gauge? b~ 15000 psi c= 10000 psi d~ 20000 psi What is the difference between hydrotesting stainless steel vessels as compared to carbon steel Can weld repair be cartied out on a vessel after heat treatment with the approval of the approved inspector? ‘What are the regulations of ASME VIII, Div. 1? What are the recommendations of ASME VIII, Div. 2? What are the materials checking requisitions of NACE MROI75? Apart for Hardness Testing. what other test required for NACE MROI7S? Affer cutting back cladding what precaution must be taken before welding support fitin integrally to vessel What is denoted by “F” & “D” in vessel head When cladding plates cut for integral fitting of vessel, what rest must be done on plates Prior to fitting? In ASME VUT is vessel hydrostatic tested only? In Structural Steel vessel hydrotest, what precaution or check must be done prior to test (may be to do with test medium). (50 mg or 50 ppm chlorides max allowed). What is NACE MRO175 What is the hardness requirement for sour service according to NACE MROI75? What is the other main requirement (besides harness level) Could a pressure vessel be hydrotested after internal‘external painting? ‘The term Inspector refers to: a) National Board Rexistered Inspector, b) Manufacturer's Inspector; c) Cliemt’s inspector: d) ASME inspector What means letters/numbers “RTI” on the nameplate? Wauthorized inspector accepts a deviation from the code, is there any action required from third party inspector? Should all pressure vessels be hydrotested or pneumatic tested according to ASME VIII, DI? How is test pressure calculated? Is PWHT performed after hydrotest” Name two (2) items/attributes which are marked on plate for pressure vessels When fitting up a large bore nozzle, name at least 8 points you usually inspect/monitoricheck. 4) 6) ARAMCO VENDOR INSPECTION E: AMINATION PIPING How is the pneumatic test pressure calculated in ANSI B 31 3? What depth ofa defect in a fitting is considered harmful? According to ANSI B313 Name of the most common American Materials Specifications for fittings? ‘What is category D and M according to ANSI B31.3? What do you use to measure the profile of the raised face on a flange? When is Peening allowed to ANSI B31.3? 4) 5) 6) 7) 7 oy 18) 19) 20) ‘ARAMCO VENDOR INSPECTION EXAMINATION VALVE} FITTINGS Which American standard specifies the dimensional requirements for face to face and end to end? Answer ANSIBI6.10 API600 ~ General Valve Design (and wall thick) Which material should be used for high temperature valve Which additional destructive testing is required for low temperature valves? Answer: Impact Testing for Metallic Material What is the required position ofa yate during the backseat test? What is the meaning of valve “trim”? Answer: Materials for: a) Stem: b) Gate Seat Surface: c) Seat Ring Surface What is a hot-tap? What is a stopple fitting? What isthe sequence for hydrotesting internally coated valves? The illowable leak rate for a check valve is greater than for a gate valve TRUE/FALSE What leak tests are required according to API og? Answer: Valve Inspection and Testin: ‘What are the advantages of a flexible wedae? ‘What is the required position of a gate during the Shell Test? Which standard indicates the allowable leakaye for Control Valves? Which standard deals with Relief Valves? Why the closure testis performed for both sides of Wed Name three (3) types of Wedges? The backseat test is performed for Gate Valves, Butterfly Valves and Check Valves/ What you check for dimensional inspection on a Valve? Name three (3) types of Flanges ‘What is marked on a butt-end fitting (neue 2 items) BO BO ®O RO RO RO NS aa GO LE Cf SF * ao be RO 6 Q10 Ald Qi All Q12 Al2 Qu3 Al3 no SS When is Peening allowed to ANSI B31.3 What is a Stoppel? Selder plug temporary plug to stop flow in a pipe What is meant by Value Trim? What are the essential variables of WPS? What is a WPS? Which standard covers dimensions of valves? ase yb What is GTAW? Why do we maintain interpass temperature in Austinetic Stainless Steel? List (5) five things on a steel! material certificate What are the advantages of a flexible wedge What precaution do we need to take when welding a ciad vessel? pte Can weld repair be carried out on a vessel after heat treatment with the approval of the approved inspector? Is the gate open when doing a seat test? When a contractor supplies a part of a vessel what is required patel rah zo What are the 4 types on Metal Transfer for MIG? Spray, Dip, Globular, Background Vohage What is UG? Geometric Unshapness Penumbra When Shooting an Ellipse. where will the penitrameter wo? Source side What 4 parameters do we get from Tensile Test? Elongation: Ultimate Stress; Yeald Stress; Cross Section Area Which section of ASME Vill are the Scatter/Distribution diagrams for radiography interpretation? Section 4 In what Section of ASME VIII are the other defects? WU3S What properties have the 3 sub-are fluxes? Inert; Chemical Change Active; alloving Why do we maintain the interpass temperature when welding Stainless Steel? To prevent Harding in the heat affected zone through dendrite growth under bead cracking What material do we use when welding dissimilar material? 309 Inconel for greater ware resistance What is Dwell Time? The time for the penitrani to soak ino any: surface apening ant the time for the developer to draw: ont an indication What is the difference between stress relieving and normalizing? Normatizing temperature is above upper critical temperature, Stress Relieving is helow upper critical temperature, normalizing. cool at a comrolled rate or in still air What are the three types of hardness Rockwell: Vickers; Brunell 6) 1) 8) lo) i) 12) ARAMCO VENDOR INSPECTION EXAMINATION MECHANICAL What is a WPS. POR. WPQ? What are the definitions of essentials and non-essentials variables? What is the definition of pre-heating? Why iis inter-pass temperature control required when welding of austenitic stainless steel? List five items that you would expect to find in a Materials Test Repon? Answers a) Purchase Order Number by Lot ©) Heat Number d) Chemical Analysis ) Mechanical Test Results £) Specification (mat., grade. type/class) gs) Manufacturer's Name What is Carbon Equivalent and what is its importance in regards to welding? Low Hydrogen electrodes are to be maintained in a~ their re-sealed containers b~ electrode holders with an open lid c- electrode oven If the root gap have been found too small before welding, a proper corrective action would be ‘a ~ increase the welding heat, b. open a wider gap by gouging or grinding = none of the above Circular welds should always be done before longitudinal ones TRUE / FALSE What the acronyms GTAW/FCAW/SMAW/GMAW/SAW stands for? Explain the basic process Name the three basic steps to be checked prior to welding What is the most important to be checked before start welding of clad materials? 13) 14) 1s) 16) 28) 29) 30) What would be the most appropriate welding process be when welding full penetration joints from only one side” a-FCAW b-GTAW c- SAW d-GMAW What is “Interpass Temperature Why is pre-heating important for welding alloy steels? ‘What is the purpose of PWHT? What extra attention is payed for Low Hydrogen Electrodes? What is “P-No” for SA 516 Gr. 70, according to ASME IX” What is Thermal Expansion” Why the cracks appear: a) Because of Heating while welding. b) because of cooling after welding, c) .. How welding stresses are relieved: a) Heating and quenching the welds; b) Heating at a designed temperature and controlled cooling, c) Drilling holes in weld seam: d) What is difference between DCRS and DCES Which are the three main attribute mentioned on a Tensile Test Repon? RT is the most suitable NDT method for detecting the edge wall lack of fusion TRUE/FALSE Why are the bevel edges controlled before welding? Which is the most appropriate method for detecting b) PT; c) both: d) NONE Name three (3) methods for the transfer of filler material for GMAW Describe the position “3G” When a welder is qualified for position 5G. in which position can he weld? What is Joint Efficiency? Name four (4) types of joints Which are the most three (3) suitable groove geometries for SAW? For PT fluorescent, MT fluorescent and Leak Test is used ultraviolet light TRUE/FALSE For inspection of stainless steels strip lining is used: a) RT; b) MT; ¢) both; d) None laminations on bevel edge? a) RT: 0g 102" SUN 14:46 FAX 00 420 enis par 2) av 5) \2 593167 MADERA-EUROWELD ‘esaes7a768 | 0546378766 Ravouco “ar Paley ABIATa& w MABASA RIRE FABRICATION BARRETT ALAN Aina ever 88 Pgs fst ts the €ifference between @ consunable insert and a backing cingjin gard toipipe Inbrication? ~ Acondunable insert, after welding, becores en int weld, ia backing ring goss no Way are vgnt holes put in reinforcement pads? | ~f padedde wanting facing welding ad haat treating specattons and ve Fouled Teshige in the ole Toad AR TSE Mteating cpocettone a pipe. | Sess ANSE 31.3 parit pening on both the roct and cover gasses? ~ Feening is not pemritted on the root or cover pasnes What are done ways of visually ‘Aentifying piping rater floor? t - Color ieode, stamping. i Waat ie one of the corlous faults with the use of MG ox Pipe joints particularly in out of position welding? P’ How would lyou ensure radiograph have been taken on spec, réentileication uhtch har been entered c: S and scretines On welds requiring J00% radlograph uhst Le the miniman nurker of required on 3° disreter pipe? ~ 8 PLPSPEQL/O8. 12, 67 | ei part of Ube SS welding + Foot oop, bore alignment, Rave Flessonn/& Cuisa Pane bert welag? eranings shotg Bos ey 3 ~ nis par 3) 10) a) 12) esaeyvaves BARRETT ALAN Radet s6-er-aa xeies vg: da | 0538372765 | ° Arye | : Ly AVG Ro ! ssomon 1 | ' PAGE 2) | NOS Should dimensions cnecis tn made on fanisestas epost plese? + aoe scents, ymeris a Tovel pasielon i ot are she of the aeocauticre vAton should me moteriete BE alloy rateria! euch oP ips or oth n when selding piping chrona, ete, ? ~ Reghesk, {ntexpese vomperatuce and postuatd heat treatment | Fequirpments ars to be compiied wth i Moat inforhation should be contained in a radiosrerh of @ pipe wala? - Ponetrémeter, i Joint unter, welder s srBel, £69 nuntne | { ants wot ts a By Soutle wall radioccapty te " Sourcelis offect approxinately 5 - 25 decreen tron prpoianar | paepeniing cn Gianete=) wath Him located on 0D ae far wall - us On Srali Bore and larger kore with no acceso to uneeae | What type of system chould the Inspector use sping if | assigned 11) tine to chop ? | r perked 1508 showing location of pate records should be mainteine2 of or. number lof strays, t j : i eos. In additsba, Perfommence shoul pg FIPEFAQL/08. 12, 87 weabsraree 545574788 Wawlo Aa Sagenn EEC O AAT NAPE Doane, 27 oSouce . Ye bee SECTION K PAGE 1 1 2) OF shat dons pipe inspection at the mild consist? © LGR SRESLEGIE®: Eoacdastevctice costs, dastmuctive vente, surtsco wisual/ Anspecticn, Ginenstona: inspecticn, wtmot! E. thre 7) What 48 inbluted in a dimensional inspectios ef & length cf piper ~ Uaninty atanctes, salt Oscinase, ens 2) Bras a slob nla) tytcostatscnity tere cach lenge of pipe ox axa Sich CEL Meirteaty tes v = taen agsath se gostea {) be ne acm Standards requis p50 20 be volghea? _ 5) Wat is thé purpose of » Alattentng cure / > The fist step of a flattening test is a test for ductility. me Second letop to a test for seuminess $1 Fow is @ flattening teat perfommad on piper ~ “ Rgerple piece of pipe not less then 2 1/2) (62.5 ma) ig length is Flattenad cold botween raraliel pleces 8 Lodkes tho fimut step of 3 "GRRE ho etucks o= breaks cceus in the sample price to a & cific SIReReteR Ping veachod between the parallel plates ° Syl surject | Ginensicn ia astarnined accomting toa stantacd female 8) OF what doas the second step of a flattontng test consigtr i “ie Fastening is conténueg until tha cample sreak or the opposite! wall of the tubs mest, PIPEQK/O8, 12, 87 wakkeet ALAN Pans 16/03/81 18:09 pg: ae 1 © £0802 SUN 14:40 FAX 00 470 632 593167 __MADERA-EURONELD Ge x Enis par: 3 20) ny 12) 18) FIPEQK/08, 12. 87 8546374766, DARRETT ALAN find weer 18:09 Pg: ay - 956374786 we EEt Ampertections in the carpio Would cause the flattening tast to be reyecteas fat co pe teertng Lost ons welded tute a Sause the test to bs rejectasy 7 ~ R Bestion of tubing is pple Jonsitudinaliy $0 degrees on exch eide of Ent geld 805 the sarple Sone! a fiottenes with the wld at che | Ponstegeiamen band. Thoze chal] mo ne evidence ef cracks, isch of Penetration or overlaps Fesulting from flash remova) En the wela, | | > Asection of tube chatt Stand boing flared wt a tos faving a 60 | Sf3eee included angle until the fube at the mouth of the Siace noel Fits fo 8 epoctssaa percentage See Cracking or show ny Slews. ; sore ok flags ios Mf & Berge tort ont wat sues ase megemey gS 2 Pescribe a'flocing tost end its requirements 7 RSENS RL Se cmt of mauing a Stange canal on, 8 SES BS So Sie hea of Sh ate atest SETae Sa ‘ape. what anti fation should be atanped cn a buttimia Hitting? > Manufacturer 5 thickndes, 5. re tops eRe Schedule nunber ox nominal © and type of materia? Ae whaw dezth doco an imperfection Bneonm injusicus cos pureesta Bicthage ~ BPO Se fe tn exoats of 12 1/2 percent oe the n Se Wher St crescaches on the mintinm wala creer Brat ron-destavctive exantnation wuld you expect to have been on 8 36" Sieneter welded clnes Radiography of the wale, | acGnts par: beaasterce” 2° BARRETT alan Ptond saver ro:e9 ax én 1 ! 0546975766 a Wine : SECTION K PRE 3 *6) Wat aimoheiens should bo checked vhen i Peck Slengo? ~ Outsiée dtemetars; hetant of wotsca Bolt hele Stanaten 17) Bnet te tho purpose of sper > Enturd a proper senting i f 18) Now ehould a cocker und Gianse be set up fos > So aa lto maintain Spprednately a 1/16" pipe and the ¢aner it 19) Can a seal weld bo Co >, GxsT 32,3), 20) ZF throadda Jointe are seal wold covared by the mlay ~ 100% Gast a1, 3), | 2) 78 you wore inspecting service, and OD. of pipe, FLFEQK/06, 12, 87, 02 SUN 14:46 FAX 00 420 632 $a3167 inaido atenet ~ Beitled hole (approximately 1/8") to veng epece between tp, MADERA-EUROWELD a sated toe = Lah lh SMeioese; Sense utexnbes; Rength through the hub: Salt aizcle Sok I; OF Back facing on flange bolt holes? Surface for the washer ox nut, welding toe piper g8P botweon the race of the Poof the flangs aus? $1.5). Soraidered as B28ing a strenzth to a thevaded Joins x | * WSRt percentage of the theeads nude be ov 0 be used in hydroden on flanges which we. clip What special “fakricatton technaue me you expost to check? I of flange Go , 20 032 599167 _NADERA-cUROWEED LB? , . 0546374765 | aS a hig Sy . trys SBIAES ° SECTION PF PAGE 3 of 19) can 8 coltd wedge gata bs fehl, 20) 21) Ts dt pormesinio to upply gato tho packing gland? | Bo (holes only), i I VALWESOS/25, 11,87 Abed by welding? ne satan / fete plutet poe valves With elots rather then holes fo nae awe eg a ~ 0546374758 : . 1 Alana 4AT Palanan 4 oo AwATaww® 4 OZone Wise 5 @ : : Pee of | Zep eitswton ely tosh ctciatin, stoecton ming 3 ay of vali APT 952, Valve Inepaction and tect 399, Seoul Mug valves 251 600, Stout Gata Valves Ret 604, Dustile Tron Geta Valves S255 (Wisual Zrepnction oF satiny) ABE ED, Pipeline Valves, i 5 a i 2) Whion ABE smct#ication governs valve hydraicatie test presgures? _/ - ABE 55a, 3) Wwe pressure tents are rosulsed on gate valves ~ Shel! or body, low proseure coat toot and bucks: closure test - only if spacifiad tn order) St test (high prfseure t tha low pressure seat tast whst test madiun fs used? V/ 4 F ~ Air ob inert gas, 5) Should ths! chatt cest ho dono after tho valve ¢@ painted? // i - Ro, 5) Wnet position is the sate in, ducing the shell testa / ~percthuiy eiecet 7) Waa position is the gate in, during tho backseat test? / > Fully open, Wi to be tight ducing the backseat tase? A) Is the packing gl =, the packing gland is to be loose peste hota Me 9) Fe leakage permitted on the Backseat test? / - t, VALWESQP/26.12. 67 196 02 SUN 14:45 FAX 00 420 632 595167 MADERA-EUROWELD x émis var t a5ana7a766 BARRETT alan hi>as veer se:e8 os4ea747es VAWWES: | sportea F i BASE 2 “ z 36) What 40 thd purpose oF the backseat taney” | valve fron servien, t fe Ye Ac actrees. : Wye de tece precy | 2) Boas fest fedluns cnn bo used fer tha shall, Peckseot and high pressure closure tests? "RELIG sae beratne oo ses (any gutce ct otecasty nol Higher thon water can be usad), | 12) AE what présoure ie the lov pressure test done? _/ ~ 62 te 100 psig (4.1 to 6.9 bury ; ob rod ie ec sity 29) asesine Gl prosatuse #0 « tev pacosuce seat tae oo he wedge gate 7 valve — ~ SENSSSERSNED be spplsed succeceively to each eida of the closed | TESESEDE the other sida cnon to ntncephore to shcos eat leakase gf i the dounstzoan side of the pont. 44) Te it pemtbsible for a vendor to Lubetcate valve eeata prior to testiqg? / ~ Fes, But only with a fin of off not heavier than kerosene, 35) Wnet does the term 0, S ond ¥ mean? - ~ Outsiée, sexe and voce ' | bE 9 valve make up the -trint? 7% Bape, 4 phen ares 28) Hae parte bt 9 f Tr. ‘ es o ~ | bbe, way Sok euctece, cote cout eu mocksast bushing, stem] hole whet flange finish ig stardent on steel cata valves?” | | | - Sesratet ahete’ I hes kaSgTERGABLS to wo a eeniing comourd for the dngtalistien of 4 threaded seat rings? | > Mo (Light lubricant only). | wevesee/20. 24. oh eSaea7a766 BARRETT ALaw hapa “vena1 18:89 Pg: 48 OS46 378788 mo Alawmco Aur ave SEEMCO AAS Doers 27 aac Se ET URonees "he ais par ie A. | i ELEE aw Elrrmse I 2) Of whet dots pipe inspection at the mild consist? 7 fiyttechatic teste, non-destructive tosts, geatructi fount tnezection, Gineneteni inepeceich, 7) What i6 inpluted dn a Ainensicnal tnspection ef a lensth of pipe? ~ Tepathy dlareter, wall thickness, end veld prep. °) Poss Pipe mill hydcontacieaity tase gach iength of Pipe or ae, hy@rostatié tests Gone on a random basis? - Bach 2erach is tested : ' 4) Do che AST standards mesure pipe to be wuigher? 7 5) What in thé purose of » flattentns casey / i second 'stop 18 3 test for courdness. | tering test perfered on piper ~ Avgemple piece of pipe not less than 2 1/2: Hettenad cold between raraliel pletes. n © ie lodued for Guning the fist step of a = > Thet no cracks or breaks scour @imonsien boing reached Metrwen t Simension ig duternined accents Tue subject etoniact foomia stp <7 GE what doas the secend step of a flattening test | seth ox the opposite! > the flattening is continued walls of the tube nest, PIPEQK/OB. 12,87 6 ERR 1 Tasabatdiee "Sanne ven etond séreiver 48:03 Pg: a - OE6S74766, . fag : Yhee ~ [ 9) What imperfections in the Sergio would cause the second step of the |” flattening test to be xotected? 2 - Beidente cf Laminate? or useound motecial ox incon: 19) al Feveru@ flstteniag test on a wo! fest to bs rejected? ~ ASS SE Sts 4s splat longitusinalty 50 decrees on each aide of *” pointing B23, the simple pened and Flattened wish une wala oe eee point Of maximum bend, There chall be ng evinces Renekeption of overlepe megulting from flash senoval in che seine 31) Desexibe a, Storing test and its seguizenants ~ LESS M of tute shat ctond boing siabed wit: a tool naving. 2 60 Soikee ielses angle until the tube at the routh of the Take £24 oad been expanded to a specified Persentege Without cracking or showing flaws, 32) Wost is a flange test and what reo: 8 exw pequced 7 f= tong veel. ito ~ Agpetion cf tube ghall be copable of having a flange cumed over * Fight cngie to the imly ef the tube without cos 32) Shae angomal A should be - Manufacturers name or thickndea, 34) cEcent of the nominat well PIPEQK/O8. 12. a7 ea Becene injuricus to a buttweld fitu ni ohne ce of cracks, lack of fog ng oF chosing fpee tage “Poe dno pars ‘eeaeszazee emery ata Rana --vaxex t0e9 pgs A i 0548274758 Sis PIER AND Exeaios @ “seomon x PAGE 3 76) Hnut Gimehodens should bo checked vhen inspecting a ralsed face waldihg - Ostaide Siemoters; i height of ratoed foc Bolt helo Stamnter. ianeter; wall thickness; flinge thtexr! tength through the hub; balt circle ance “MO purpose of spot or back facing on fiunge holt holes? ~ PHUre @ proper eoating surface for the washer or mut. 38) How should » cocket wala ee: 70 Be net Up for welding to = piper ~ SPS USO maintain spprodnately a 1/16 gap hatucen the face of the Pipe and the inner lip of the flange ansf $3.3), i 33) Can a seal wold bo considered as edaing a strength to a threaded joint? - fe. GRE : i pact Jotnte ore seal welded, what percentage of the threads mut be Y severed by the wala? 20) 1213), #1) 12 you were inspocting lip on flanges which were to be wed in bydrogen Service, stat cpectal fabrication technique sould vou exper a check? ~ Pep ied hole (npprestmately 1/2") to vent epace Metueen £0 of fi ange and 0.9. of pi FIEEQK/08, 12. 87, 135 Si par’: “Esdéard?e6” 3) 4) a) BARRETT ALAN Adoona server 18:89 Pg: 13 | - 0545374766, Adiouce AAT PaReas Aitouco AX OaQcods BATE w AMBALA Aye SoAinenS MERA NY ee, PLRE_ERBRTCATION sporron b ! PAGE 1 | Rat {6 the éifferonce between © consunhle insere and @ backing ringlin regard to pipe fabrication? 7 Accondumable insert, efter welding, beconan on integral’ part of te weld a backing ring dees not | Wey ere vant holes put in reinforcenent pads? ! ~ Tepe vonting ducing welding ard haut treating apations ead co Eavtal losiage in'eha tele Totican the SRE SeR"g spor Pipe. @ Does ANSE 31.3 pomiv poening en both the root end cover pases? 7 Feening ig rot pemdtead on the mst or cover passes Wyak_STe COME ways Of visually identi fying piping material on the shop floor? | - Colericode, stanping, Mat ie cna of tho cortows faults with the use of IIG ox 1a Pipe joints particularly in out of position weleing? > Proper weld bevel, root gap, bore allennent have been tekon on sr = pipe welad ne enoge 3 and someti ution which hue boon entesw 8 araninss. i fequizing 100% radiograph whet {2 tho cininum number of ehotd required cn 3" Aisneter pipe? BQL/08, 12, 87 a Bhalla 1 OF 8 cea Gnis par 0845374766 ® Hes should dimensional checks tn made on fabrtcstes epool plece? sends, V-bocks, & lovel position ! 30) roterials bf alloy material such os 1 1/42 Fetheat, intexpase temperature and post requizbrents ere to bo comiied with, i What inforhats, Fonetrémeter, joint nunber, welder What is m t by double wall radiccraphy te: ~ Source |is offset spproxinately 5 - 15 (Sepending on diameter) with film losat. on small bore and larger bore with no a what typa cf system shod unsigned £411 time to chop the Inspector us + Use TGS ~ maxked 1509 showing 2oewed sate ferords shoul he maintoinee Purber [of seraye, rapaiie, ote ' PIPEFBQL/O8. 12, 87 or other msthods ef o. on should tm contained ina raciosrarh of « pipe wld? | ynbol, inspection of fans! Rtn aeverver 19:09 pg: 4A Ay We ee SECTION L PAGE 2 sting spool pieces in lmge sre sbmo of che procautiens which should Se tanen when welding pibing hore, 5 chroma, ote. 7 weld heat treatment ISD nunbes chrdque? egress frun porpondicwar ed on OD, et tax wall - Usd eres to inside | e fer xucord keep! in edaitibn, mance showihg ete. BS Beas pa OSaaaraR ETT Ramee BLA toed aeiver 10:99 py: gS PS asugaparse | Ateneo 4av Pala, 4 | eek Ans. , AvATons L VFPower, BOA Gons ot Rehan 2 j ALES | ! SECTION F| nee ee to the fabrication, inspection and keting SY 888, Valve Tnepacticy and tees, ART AFD 289, Steel Flug Valous ARI 600, Steal Gate valves API 604, Ductile iren Gate valves. RES SP°85 (Visual Inopoction of caneing). AY €D, Pipeline Valvas. i ? sen hatin pnt sa rates J - APT 53a, i | | 3) What pressiire tents are required on gate valvasy v : ~ Shela! or“body, Low preseure cent. feat end backseat test (high pressure closure tast - only df specified in onde GQ i i For the low pressure seat tast what test medium is used? W/ i - AE ck inert oe ‘ f noe ~ i (SY Should the! shell tese ine dono after tha valve ds nainees? / - No, | 1 6 What position Ss the gate tn, during the shel) ceets W/ , | > Partibny close, | (TP Moae position is the cote tn, during the Eackeout cet? | - by ee | Pully epen, 8) Ie the packing gland - MS, tho packing Paeete S 'B) te Leakage pormitted en - fe, VALVESQF/26.92, 87 ape ye FRM dnio’ par e Ms Sadho TO De EE aa->o4 sevonren 18:09 pgs SE a“ osaes747es, | iy ag | “ers ALES | | seomton nl i PAGE 2 z 12) 3a) 15) 16) 28) ceva. ty What {9 the purpaco of the Bacheust vest v/ i . © EUSTELESSipptesenane of one econ shoidng ienout meneving the iva frm service, ne fepupe | Lv the shall, beckseat and high press i What test nediuns can be uned s closure tests? Ashi attsbemens er aptee ta sete wth 9 wecesey Rot on'eatet con's Sali | beso nth hep crt deh = £0 £0 100 peig (4,1 to 6 $ tery ' : otro ee oily | Describe the procedure for o low preasuze seat test on a solid weige gate / valve | = ' i > Eracsure shat) be applied successively to cach side of the clesed | TEDE TEDL he otmer elds anon to atnocphere to check for vosase gf tho downstrman aide of tho sent } Ta +t pemibsibie for a vendor to lubricate valve seats prick to testing? / heavier than kerose: > Yes, but only with a film of ofl not {1 | cad LY ; Nnet parte bf 9 valva rake up the "tein"? agen Hope Tae Le - : ~ | 886m, ody seek suctace, cote svat curt ‘plemoge de dign Cgc) eat bushing. stem ‘net flange finish. ts etandand on ¢: - Serrated) | Aa Ty it perincible to use a gealing threaded seat rings? - No Qight lubricant ently} i . uel Badan tbe” Bahwerr ACN fiona se-earon 18:09 pg: ay 1 ~ sevarares —_ A ME WW. i ‘ "s VALVES: ! SBCTION F : PAGE 3 zg 19) Can 4 colid wedge gate be fabricated By welding? 20) } #1) Ie te pamhisctnio to supply gat valves With elots cather than holes in // the packing slang? = thes ema) | | i | e WALVESGE/25.11.87 SRAMCO VENDOR INSPECTION EXAMINATION PRESSURE VESSE! PRESSURE VESSELS Answer A NACE standard which refers to resistance of ‘metallic materials to SSC in sour environments. Nota NACE -National Association of Corrosion Engineers (USA Denumirea standardului. Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) Resistant Materials for Oilfield Equipment Sour environment: este definit (S!) prin factorii care infl. SSC. (feotver wll evesng S60) scompoz. ch., rezist.. tat. termic, microstructura sconcenir. in ion de hidrogen (pH) a mediulut “Cone. si pres. totala a H2S (Hydrogen Sulfide) area de tensiuni (total tensile stress ~actual and remanent), temp. time SSC -britle failure by cracking under combined action of stensile stress “corrosion in presence of water + H2S 2) What is hardness requirement for sour service ace. to N ACE MR 01759 A: 22 HRC (this is the main req) 5) What is the other main req. of NACE MR 0175 A: HIC Test (determinarea rezistentei la coroziunea H2 HIC = Hydrogen Induced Cracking) 4) Coa 8 veel be hydrotested afer interal/eternl paint > Mle A’ Yes, but the purchaser must be awarred that paint can mask the leakage fare) wer Specs de vd (© cam pe dos, dar ami gasit asta in ASME) allow Uy / The term Inspector refer to: a) National Board Registered Inspector, b) Manufacturer's inspector: ©) Client’s inspector, d) ASME Inspector Ard: (ace. to ASME Code) . Meus (Nota: in specificatile Aramco, “Inspector” inne Aramco Inspector. In ASME, National Board Reg. Inspector este numit “Authorized Inspector” » What means letters/numbers “RT 1" on the nameplate? A. Fully radiographied (100% of weld seams) *) It Authorized Inspector (Al) accepts a deviation from the Code, is there any action required from third party inspector (TPI)? A’ (I presume the following. TPE must evaluate and can accepvteiect the deviation, in the name of Client), (Note: “At s employed ty Manufacturer, for equipment requir “TPLis employed by Client/Cumparatory MEU Stamp ©) Should all pressure vessels be hydrotested ace To ASME VII, Diy > A: No, (some are pneumatically tested) 7). Should all pressure vessels be hydrotested or pneumatic tested ace. To ASME VIII, Div 1? A: Yes 8) How is test pressure calculated A/13x MAWP, corrected by ratio of S at rest temperature by S ai design temp (conf ASME 200]; MAWP-max allowable working MAWP se inlocuigste cu Design Pressure, daca nu se cere calcularea lui Mawp) BNP bees 4 1§ HAWP calerlslon uf me °) Is PWHT performed after hydiotest ? AS No faved 10)Name two items/attributes which are marked on a plate or Pressure vessel A: Material (Grade, type), Heat No 11) When fitting up a large bore nozzle, name at least § Points you usually inspect/check/monitor, A: -nozzle size ( pipe/neck OD x thk.) and material grade: flange (type, size, rating, grade). if lane already welded to pipe, “fit up geometry (root face, root gap, bevel angle), -fit up cleaning: “Rozzle projection (distance from flange face to vessel avis’shell) (taking into account the predicted shrinkage during welding), nozzle straightness or angle (flange face missalignement) Trcntation of the nozzle neck longitudinal weld seam if not pipe; reinforcing pad required, it will he possible to he installed after neck welding? 14) When a contractor, other than the vessel Manufacturer, Supplies a part of a vessel, what is required. A: Partial Manufacturer Data Report (Partial MOR) HANICATL lv 12) What is a WPS, PQR, WPQ ? Av see ASME IX, QW-200, 300 (and QW-492 —Definitions) 13) What extra attention is paied for Low Hydrogen electrodes ? A’ Storage/handling conditions to avoid humidity contamination (rebuie evitata absorbtia de H; (H30) in invelisul electrozitor ~heated portable ovens {quivers) 1) What the acronyms GTAW, SMAW., GMAW. SAW. FCAW stands for? Explain the basic process, A: see ASME IX, QW-416, 492 (GTAW=TIG. SMAW=sudura manuala, GMAW=MIG; SAW=sub strat de flux; FCAWS...fluxul in interiorul sirmei tubulare) 15) What is Interpass Temperature ? A: Temp intre straturile successive de sudura -temp stratului depus, cind vine urmatorul strat 16) Why is preheating important for welding alloy steels? As..avoid grain/components transformation 17) What is the purpose of PWHT ? Az Stress releaving 18) Which is P-No. for SA 516 Gr. 70, ace to ASME IX? ASP 1 (see QW/QB-422). 4/SA 516 este un otel carbon obisnuit (OL) 19) What is thermal expansion: a)... b) increasing of volume due to heating input: c) a) Ab 20) Why the cracks appear: a) because the heating hile welding: b) because of cooling after welding; c)... A 21) How welding stresses are relieved. a) heating and quenching the welds, b) heating at a designed temperature and controlled cooling; c) drilling holes in weld seam. d) A ) Which are the main three attributes mentioned on a Tensile Test Report ? A: Yield Strength, Tensile Strength, Elongation wall Lack of fission 23)RT is the most suitable NDT method for detecting the e A: TRUE/FALSE 24) Which is the most appropriate method for detecting laminations on hevel edge ? a) RT: b) PT; c) both; d) none. A PT (de fapt specificatiile cer MT, dar si PT e bun) 25)Name three methods for the transfer of filler material for GMAW A Short-circuiting transfer method, globular (droplet) transfer. spray transfer 26) Describe the position “3G” A’ Vertical butt weld (cap la cap, verticala), see IX. QW-461 27) When a welder is qualified for position SG, in which positions can he weld ? A 28) What is joint efficiency ? A Joint coefficient, determined by joint type and extend of weld control (100% RTT, spot randomly, ete.) (Coeficient de sudura). 29)Which are the most 3 suitable yroove geometries for SAW > AV.US 30) For PT fluorescent, MT fluorescent and Leak Test is used ultraviolet light. A TRUE sis used a) RT, b) MT; c) both; d) none 31) For inspection of stainless steel strip lini Ad. (itis PT ~Liquid Penetrant) VALVES AND FITTINGS VALVES AND FITTINGS 12) What is the required position of a gate during the shell test ? A 13) Which standard indicates the allowable leakage for Control Valves ? A 14) Which standard deals with Relief Valves ? A 15) Why the closure testis performed for both sides of wedge > A 16)Name three types of wedges. L. AD APT boo E cae 17) The backseat testis performed for Gate Valves, Butterfly Valves and Check Valves A: TRUE/FALSE, 18) What you check for dimensional inspection on a Valve? A 19) Name three types of flanzes A 20) What is marked on a butt-end fitting (name 2 items) A

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