Leadership Characteristics and Leadership Profile
Leadership Characteristics and Leadership Profile
Leadership Characteristics and Leadership Profile
I have selected my Leader, Jenny Smith, due to her effective leadership and
teaching in the Penbank Early Learning Centre. She has been in the Early
Childhood Profession for thirty years, so I thought it would be interesting to
get a perspective and insight from someone so experienced. Jenny
optimistically influences and affects the children, families and staff. She is an
encouraging and inspiring mentor and role model to all staff members at the
centre. The children in Jennys class are joyful, buoyant, and learn to the
greatest of their ability whilst building upon their skills and knowledge for the
future. The staff under Jennys direction and supervision appear relaxed and
assertive in their positions and work as part of an efficient team. The families
of Jennys class are greeted every morning and afternoon and are an
Leadership styles:
There are many diverse styles of leadership in Early Childhood settings and it
is argued that educators are developing their own models and leadership
practices based on the need for communication and the concept of leadership
as a team (Rodd, 2006). During the interview with Jenny, it was clear that her
strong beliefs and determination to have reciprocal relationships with the Early
Childhood community, especially the staff within the centre, was of high
significance. When the question was raised about the hierarchy of staff at the
centre, she explained and emphasised the idea of leadership as being an
empowering and inclusive process, whereby leaders are looking to rearrange,
model and motivate others rather than asserting authority over others for
personal profit. In this sense, Jenny displays Shared Leadership. This
connects closely with relevant literature, as it is evident that genuine leaders
are motivating, empowering and understanding and that they do not
necessarily have to have the highest status (Rodd, 2013).
Instructional Leadership is another style that Jenny exhibits. Instructional
Leadership is perceived as leading others in order to empower them to
assume a role within leadership and encouraging them to exercise leadership
characteristics (MacNeil & Cavanagh, 2008). Jenny runs regular meetings
and leads professional discussion, encouraging staff members to participate
in similar leadership and role-models how discussions are lead. Instructional
practices are highly important in Early Childhood, not only for staff, but also
for children (Nuppon, 2006). Children require guidance and instruction so they
can prosper and develop eventually into independent individuals. This is why
educators like Jenny feel it is important to have someone navigate curriculum
and prioritise staff (Nuppon, 2006).
Additionally, Jenny in the Penbank Early Learning Centre displays
Pedagogical Leadership. This style of leadership aims to alter the philosophy
and beliefs of others in regard to learning and teaching (MacNeil & Cavanagh,
2008). She aims to positively influence others in the centre to better the
quality of teaching and learning.
Approach to Leadership:
Jenny approaches challenging situations whereby her role isnt directing but
she always considers everyones opinions. Shared leadership an important
thing for her. She is a confident educator and has many responsibilities of
At times, Jenny sees herself as being at time slightly impatient in regards to
administrative work and acknowledges slightly poor time management with it.
When discussing this point further, I realised that mainly her impatience arises
when there are issues with staff in the centre. Jenny likes things to be dealt
with hastily, and at times things are slowed due to administrative work. She
also claims that she has to take a lot of work home with her as she does not
seem to allow enough time in the day to get it done.
Early Childhood leadership is an essential part of the Early Childhood
Education field. There are many perspectives connecting the assets that Early
Childhood leaders require, as well as their capabilities, influence and vision
(Rodd, 2006). Leaders perform in multiple ways to keep the excellence of
their programs high and guarantee that children reach their potential. They
work in personal, advocacy, instructional, administrative, community and
pedagogical leadership positions. Leadership instruction and recognition is
critical for creating effective outcomes for young children. It is the foundation
for successful progression into the future.
It was evident throughout the interview with Jenny that she is an activist and
advocate of worthy leadership practice. She clearly expressed the ways in
which she enacts diverse styles of leadership. She established positive and
motivating approaches and perspectives in relation to leadership and Early
Childhood. Jenny embodies fantastic characteristics of a quality leader.
Department of Education, Science and Training (2003). National Quality
Jenny Smith
Penbank Early Learning Centre.
Conducted by Madalyn McKirdy & Charlotte Wearne
1. Tell me a little bit about yourself? (Years in the profession,
qualifications, past teaching positions, how did you come about
the role?)
I have been in the Early Childhood Education profession for 30 years.
Throughout this time I have taught children aged between 0 and 4 years old. I
have been part of the Penbank Early Learning Centre, (ELC), a kindergarten
located on the Mornington Peninsula, for 21 years. Ive got a Bachelor of Early
Childhood Education and have engaged in multiple types of different teaching
roles including relief teaching, assistant teaching, as well as having had
various executive and director teaching positions. Im currently the Second In
Charge (2IC) of the Penbank ELC and I absolutely love working here and I
always embrace each day as a new day. Before this centre, I had previously
worked at two other Early Childhood centres. One Id worked at for five years,
and the other six.
2. What is your role within the centre?
I am currently the 2IC here. My major roles and responsibilities involve;
classroom teaching, mentoring and training new staff members and teachers,
supervising unqualified teachers and managing classroom administration.
Being a leader is definitely one of my roles as well.
3. Can you describe your centre? Perhaps some of the things you
focus on? Or a typical day here?
There are two Early Learning Groups here with a total of 50 children. One is a
group of 3 year old and the other 4. Our program is structured to meet the
needs of each individual child. We try to plan experiences that are both
exciting and challenging.
The program focuses on the social and emotional needs of children,
enhancing their skills in language, creativity and sense of belonging.
M&C: Can you describe further the way in which you approach
communicating to colleagues, any tips you could provide me?
Much the same as parents at times, its all about building a relationships. Its
very important to communicate with parents in a way they understand and
have time for you know not everybody is the same. This is the same with
colleagues you know we all have different strengths and are at different
stages of our learning career. We need to communicate in a way that benefits
all of us. Help one another out.
9. How do you deal with conflict? Give an example of a time you
have dealt with conflict what happened? How was it over come?
Through raising issues at meetings with the team, speaking to the person
where the problem lies, speaking individually to work through an issue and
being open to criticism and feedback.
An example of a conflict that has occurred is when staff members have not
been willingly documents childrens learning stories and not making it a
priority to document childrens work. We overcame this through a professional
learning meeting. A meeting was set up and the issues were raised. A new
process was then developed suiting all involved. This process was then put
into place to ensure each staff member was aware of and completing
adequate document
10. If you were to draw a leadership/management hierarchy map what
would it look like?
In reference to a hierarchy as such this is perhaps what it might look like:
( Principle of
Penbank Early
Learning centre &
Primary School)
(Room Leader)
(Room Leader)
However, I dont really like to think of us as a team being positioned under one
another. I may have some greater responsibilities and tasks to fulfil. I like to
think we all offer ideas, skills and knowledge that can be used in our daily
practice. We value each other equally.
11. In your current position how do you address guidance of staff,
children and families?
For staff, I run regular meetings, send out emails relating to particular topics,
have on-going professional discussions, daily face-to-face communication is
consistent. I also run daily reflections post sessions and discuss if any
modifications need to be made.
For the children, keeping up to date with best practice by attending regular
professional development seminars, giving my colleagues and me appropriate
guidance, and also through program planning.
In regards to families, I find that daily face-to-face communication works really
well as well as newsletters and e-mails.
Meeting with colleagues and talking through issues is something we as staff
do frequently. This encourages us to support one another with ideas.
13. How do you address new ideas, taking on change, and thinking
outside the box?
Predominantly through consistent reflection and discussion with staff. The
staff provide research through journals, Personal Developments and visiting
other centres. Being aware of what is happening in the local community,
regionally and even worldwide is something we put a focus on. Self-evaluation
is one strategy we use consistently as it allows for personal growth and
development. Being creative in my own planning is something I really strive
and what I could do to make things better next time. This is something you
can do all the time.