Foreign Direct Investment and Gross Domestic Product: An Application On ECO Region (1995-2011)
Foreign Direct Investment and Gross Domestic Product: An Application On ECO Region (1995-2011)
Foreign Direct Investment and Gross Domestic Product: An Application On ECO Region (1995-2011)
Theoretical studies reveal that Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) have a positive impact on the growth in GDP of
the host-country. This study puts forward whether the relationship between FDI inflow and GDP in the region of
Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) is coherent with the theoretical expectations. In this framework, the
causal relationship between FDI inflow to the ECO region and GDP will be analyzed. The data of 1995-2011
periods is used in causality analysis covering ten ECO member countries. Granger Causality Test based on error
correction model and Holtz-Eakin, Newey and Rosen Panel Causality Test are applied in analysis. According to
the results of the causality tests, a strong positive causality from FDI to GDP and a slightly less positive causality
from GDP to FDI in ECO region have been detected. Obtained results of the study comply with the theoretical
The importance of FDIs has increased almost in all countries with the globalization process intensified with 1980s
due to their positive impact on economic growth. Therefore, its entrance has been promoted. Especially with mid1990s, FDI has been seen as a means for compensating absence of enough domestic capital. By this way, while
the total amount of FDI in 1990 was 207 billion dollar; it reached to 1,524 trillion dollar in 2011 (UNCTAD,
2012: 24).
The relationship between FDI and GDP within the region of Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO) will be
analysed in this study by means of panel causality method. The study composes of four parts except the
introduction part. In this scope, the relation between FDI and GDP will be examined within its theoretical
framework firstly; in the succeeding part, a summary of the studies related to the issue will be provided. The
fourth part will present some basic information regarding the ECO area. Data set, method of study, analysis, and
results will be stated in the fifth part. The last part composes of a conclusion and discussion.
Accordingly, FDI increases economic growth of host country through the effects of technology transfer and
diffusion (nsel and Sungur, 2003:4; Nair-Reichert and Weinhold, 2000:3). In contrast to conventional economic
growth theories, new economic growth literature pays more attention on technological developments. In this
scope, economic growth depends heavily on prevailing technological conditions in the country. It is also argued
that economic growth in developing countries is stated in terms of grasping technological developments. Besides,
a strong complementary relationship between FDI and human capital has been found; therefore, it is thought that
FDIs in relation with the increases in human capital will increase economic growth in a greater ratio (Boresztein
et. al, 1998: 118).
The most important impact of FDIs is their net contribution to host country income. FDIs influence over host
countrys economy can be analyzed by two channels. The first is the contribution of FDIs to the sector of
intermediate goods which is also defined as growth effect and the increasing specialization of input producers by
this way. The second is the externality effect stemming from R&D activities. Thus, domestic firms can benefit
from advanced knowledge of foreign enterprises (Berthelemy and Demurger, 2000:141). FDIs can be evaluated
by treating them as a special kind of capital transfer. Accordingly they have two characteristics: Firstly, FDIs may
enhance competitiveness of host country by bringing specialization and know-how. Secondly, FDIs directed
to industrial sectors may be seen as a transfer of capital between capital sectors of two countries (Karluk,
2009:688). Briefly, positive influences of FDIs on production factors in industrial sectors make a direct impact on
economic growth. According to the studies performed, FDIs make contribution to capital accumulation in host
country, ensure training and hence specialization of labour force, increase entrepreneurship skills and enable
better use of natural sources. What is more, one of the features that differentiate FDIs from other investments is
the fact that FDIs have a control power on the management policy and decisions of the business (Moosa, 2002:2).
3. Review of Literature
The relation between FDI and economic growth is frequently studied both theoretically and empirically. There are
ongoing studies especially on the economic effects of FDI in developing countries. A consensus has not been
developed yet regarding the results of analyses. Summary of some selected studies will be provided below.
Borenszteinet. al (1998), the study aims to measure the effect of FDI on economic growth in 69 developing
countries in the period of 1970-79 and by using regression bound to panel data. According to the results, it has
been seen that FDIs is a means of technology transfer contributing a lot to the economic growth. However, FDIs
have positive effect on economic growth, when advanced technology is accompanied by capital and human
capital at a certain level.
Nair-Reichert et. al (2000), they tested the causality between FDI and economic growth in 24 developing
countries within the period of 1971-1995 by using fixed effects and random effects panel data estimation method.
In consequence of econometric analysis, they founded that the effect of FDI on economic growth varies across
developing countries. Despite the differences among countries, the results show that the effect of FDI on
economic growth is higher in open economies.
Carcovic and Levine (2002), they examined the relation between FDI and economic growth in 72 countries within
the period of 1960-1995 by using new statistical techniques and two new databases. Firstly, they formed a panel
data set linked to World Bank data set and basing on the averages of seven five-year periods between 1960 and
1995. Besides, the results were verified by using the FDI data received from IMF database. Methodologically,
Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) was used. According to the results of empirical applications, it has been
seen that FDI do not have an effect on economic growth solely.
Chowdhury and Mavrotas (2003), they used an innovative econometric method in order to defined the direction of
the causality between FDI and economic growth in Chile, Malaysia and Thailand. They applied Augmented
Dickey Fuller (ADF) unit root test and Toda-Yamamoto causality test to the time-series data belonging to 19692000 period. According to results of empirical analyses, while the GDP is the cause of FDI in Chile, there is twoway causality between FDI and GDP in Malaysia and Thailand.
Lyroudiet. al (2004), they examined the effect of FDIs on economic growth of transition economies. To this aim,
they focus on Eastern European and Balkan countries in the period of 1995-1998. According to the results of the
study, FDIs do not have any significant effect on the economic growth of transition economies.
Roy and Berg (2006), they considered whether FDI inflow have a contribution on the growth of the U.S. economy
in their study covering the period of 1970-2001. In order to define two-way relation between FDI and economic
growth, they used time-series data and simultaneous equation model. As a result, they saw that FDIs have a
positive and significant effect on the growth of the U.S. economy.
Deer and Emsen (2006), they examined the relationship between FDI and economic growth in 27 transition
economies in the period of 1990-2002 by making a distinction of Central Eastern Europe and Central Western
Asian country through panel data regression analyses. According to results estimated, they observed that FDIs
have positive effects on transition economies.
Erakar and Ylgr (2008), they analyzed the long-term relation between FDI and economic growth in 19 selected
countries by using the data of 1980-2005 period through panel unit root test and panel co-integration test. While
the results of panel unit root test show that FDI and GDP do not have a unit root, the results of panel cointegration test verify a long-term relation between FDI and GDP.
Ylmazer (2010), he analysed the effect of FDI on economic growth in Turkey within the period of 1991:1-2007:3
in terms of quarterly data by means of Granger causality test. GDP, export and import data was used in relation to
economic growth. At the end of analysis, a strong causality between FDI and economic growth was not detected.
Besides, it has been found that FDIs pursue import and export weakly.
Ekinci (2011), he looked at whether a long-term relation between FDIs and economic growth in Turkey in the
period of 1980-2010 exists or not by applying Granger causality test. As a consequence, a two way relationship
between FDIs and economic growth was found, but it has not been observed any relation between FDIs and
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Total GDP
(Billion Dolar)
Total FDI
(Billion Dolar)
2,82 3,17 4,31 4,01 3,58 3,12 8,15 9,98 10,75 15,64 20,00 33,46 38,33 44,02 33,19 31,93 41,11
S hare in World
Cumulative FDI
Graph 1 shows the graphics of FDI and GDP values in ECO region in the period of 1995-2011. It can be
concluded from the graph that time-way of variables show a similar nature in many panels.
Graph 1: Graph of GDP and FDI in ECO Region
- 95
- 03
- 11
- 02
- 10
- 01
- 09
- 00
- 08
- 99
- 07
- 98
- 06
- 97
- 05
- 96
- 04
- 95
- 03
- 11
- 02
- 10
- 95
- 03
- 11
- 02
- 10
- 01
- 09
- 00
- 08
- 99
- 07
- 98
- 06
- 97
- 05
- 96
- 04
- 95
- 03
- 11
- 02
- 10
5. Econometric Analysis
The study analyzes the relationship between GDP and FDI in ECO region. The effect of FDI on economic growth
will be estimated in the analysis by using the model below.
= +
The data of 1995-2011 period will be used in the empirical analysis. Gross national product symbolizing
economic growth and direct foreign investment will be defined in terms of the variables of GDP and as FDI
respectively. While the GDP values are received from IMF World Economic Outlook Database (2012); FDI
values are reached from UNCTADstat (2012) in terms of USA dollars.
Panel data method will be used in analyses. Panel data can be defined as the combination of observations made in
a certain time on the cross-section of economic units such as country, firms and household. Values belonging to
any year lie in section; values of economic variables varying in time composes time dimension of panel (Baltagi,
yit = +Xit + uit
i = 1, , N t = 1, . , T
Main equation used in panel data analysis is as the equation numbered 2. In this equation, i=1,...N, shows the data
belonging N number of countries, firms or household lie in the cross-section of the model. The analysis covers
horizontal-sequence data of ten different countries. t=1,..T, symbolizes time and it is used for defining time series
part of the model. Time series examined covers the period of 1995-2011. is the error term which is independent
for all times and units. It is assumed that the error term is diffused in the form of (0, 2 ). However,
whether the variables include unit-root or not will be tested as in the test of time series analysis in panel data
analysis. Hence, regression estimations derived from series including unit-root series are not reliable and may lead
to false or misleading estimations. The panel unit tests have been used in literature frequently are the tests
deriving from the studies of Levin, Lin & Chu (2002) and Im, Pesaran& Shin (2003). Stationary of data will be
analyzed with the help of the equation below.
= 1 +
1 + +
Unit-root test results belonging to GDP and FDI variable are presented in Table 2 and Table 3. Table 2 shows the
results of two different root-tests (LLC Unit Root Test and IPS Unit Root Test). According to results, GDP
variable includes unit root at level; when the first difference is taken, it is understood that it becomes stationary at
1 % confidence level. A similar situation is also applicable for FDI variable. FDI variable include unit root at
level. When the first difference is taken, it is tested that it becomes stationary at 1 % confidence level. Both series
are integrated at the level of I(1).
Constant & No Trend
9,119 [1]
-4,617 [3] *
I (1)
-0,918 [3]
-6,659 [2] *
I (1)
-3,801 [2] *
I (1)
9,743 [1]
-3,097 [3] *
I (1)
2,363 [3]
-4,384 [2] *
I (1)
First Difference
Note: (*) symbol shows that coefficients are statistically significant at % 1 level. Lags for
tests are selected automatically by based on Schwarz information criterion.
Constant & No Trend
3,292 [3]
-4,819 [3] *
I (1)
3,679 [3]
-2,461 [2] *
I (1)
0,298 [3]
-8,264 [3] *
I (1)
3,974 [3]
-4,220 [3] *
I (1)
2,673 [3]
-3,907 [2] *
I (1)
First Difference
Note: (*) symbol shows that coefficients are statistically significant at % 1 level. Lags for
tests are selected automatically by based on Schwarz information criterion.
The long-term relationship between the variables stationary at the same level is analyzed with co-integration tests.
Co-integration test is a process in which long-term balance relation among series is examined. Engle and Granger
(1987) state that linear combination of two or more unstationary variables may be stationary. The existence of cointegration is tested by applying Engle-Granger and Johansen-Jeselius maximum likelihood methods to variables
in time series analysis. Co-integration test developed by Pedroni (1999, 2004), which is the one that is used most
frequently in the literature, will be used in co-integration test of panel data series. In Pedroni co-integration test,
the existence of the long-term relation between and variables in equation numbered 4 will be tested by looking
at stationary of the residual in the equation. Co-integration test results performed are presented in Table 4 and
Table 5.
= + + 1 2 + 2 2 + + +
GDP and FDI variables used in analysis are exposed to Pedroni co-integration test separately as independent
variables and in-group and among-groups statistics are calculated. Meaningful statistical estimations derived from
Panel v (Variance ratio), Panel (PhillipsPerron Type ), Panel PP (PhillipsPerron Type t) and Panel ADF
(DickeyFuller Type t) are used for in-group statistics; and Group - (PhillipsPerron Type ), Group PP (PhillipsPerron Type t) and Group ADF (DickeyFuller Type t) are used in among-group statistics verify the cointegration relation between the mentioned variables. In other words, it is concluded that there is a long-term
relationship between GDP and FDI in ECO region.
In-group Statistics
Pedroni Panel
S tatistics
Panel v
2,275 ***
Panel PP
-14,391*** -10,816***
Panel ADF
-11,882*** -11,257***
Grup PP
Grup ADF
Note: Lag lenghts are determined according to Schwarz Information Criterion. (*), (**) and (***) symbols show
that coefficients are statistically significant at %1, %5 and %10 levels respectively ..
Two different methods are used in the analysis in order to estimate causality relationship between variables. One
of these methods is generalised Granger Causality Test formed by adding an error correction term (ECT) into
Granger Causality Test; the other method is the Panel Causality Test developed by Holtz-Eakin, Newey and
Rosen. Granger Causality Test added ECT is estimated through the equation below.
= 0 +
2 + 3 1 +
2 + 3 1 +
1 +
= 0 +
1 +
In these equations; I, L, M and N stand for optimal lag length; t and t show error terms without any serial
correlation. and symbolizes the first lagged value of error terms which were derived from long-termed cointegration relation and which were showing the dimension of previous unbalancedness. Hereby, it is possible to
reach long-term and short-term causality between and values. While 1 , 2 , 1 and 2 co-efficient in the
equations numbered 5 and 6 define the short-term causality relation between variables in the model,3 ve3 show
the long-term causality. For the stability of the model,3 ve 3 co-efficient (co-efficient of error correction terms)
should be negative. Thus, the system will incline to balance in the long-run after an outward shock (imek and
Kadlar, 2010:133).
Panel data causality results are estimated separately for panel OLS, fixed effects and random effects models, and
presented in Table 5 and Table 6. Accordingly, the existence of long-run and short-run causality is realized the
causality from FDI to GDP in the first analysis testing. According to estimations made in all of the models (panel
OLS, fixed effects and random effects) in the short-run, FDI is the cause of GDP at 10 %, 5% and 5% confidence
level respectively. In the long-run, according to fixed effects and random effects models, a strong meaningful
causality is observed at the levels of 10% and 1% respectively.
Causality from GDP to FDI is tested in the second analysis; the analysis puts forth the existence of causality in the
short and long terms in contrast to fixed effects model. While the causality test is meaningful at the level of 1 % in
the short-run, it is meaningful at the level of 5 % in the long-run. It is estimated that there is short-run causality at
the level of 1 % in other models.
Fixed Effects
Random Effects
DW:2,177 Prob:0,00
DW:2,275 Prob:0,000
Note: ECT; Error Correction Term (*), (**) and (***) symbols show
that coefficients are statistically significant at %1, %5 and %10 levels
Fixed Effects
Random Effects
DW:2,259 Prob:0,00
DW:2,178 Prob:0,000
Note: ECT; Error Correction Term (*), (**) and (***) symbols show that
coefficients are statistically significant at %1, %5 and %10 levels
One of causality method used in this analysis is Holtz-Eakin, Neweyve Rosen panel causality test developed in
1988. Holtz-Eakin, Newey and Rosen adjusted causality test in the meaning of Granger by taking the difference
of variables in order to purge them from fixed effects. They also suggested the use of instrumental variable set
including difference and levels of variables (ztrk et. al, 2011:63-64). For dual dynamic panel model,
= 0 +
+ +
the relation between the variables of and is tested in the equation numbered (7). Hereby, defines fixed
effects; defines the lag length;it defines random error terms. The aim is to identify causality and its direction by
testing whether or not ve variables are equal to zero as a group. The differenced model can be shown as
1 =
( 1 ) +
( 1 ) + ( 1 )
The results reached from the equation numbered (8) are presented in Table 7. Accordingly, the argument putting
forth that FDI is not a cause of GDP has been rejected at 1 % confidence level. In other words, FDI is a cause of
GDP in ECO region. Similarly, the argument putting forth that GDP is not a cause of FDI has been rejected at 1
% confidence level. In that case, according to the results of Holtz-Eakin, Newey and Rosen panel causality test,
there is a bi-directional causality relationship between GDP and FDI.
Lag Lenght
F Test
6. Conclusion
The results reached at the end of this study aiming to analyse the effect of FDI inflow on GDP growth in ECO
region show that FDI inflow has an utmost importance for the region. The data for 1995-2011 were used in the
study. Granger Causality Test based on error correction model and Holtz-Eakin, Newey and Rosen Panel
Causality Test are applied to variables. The results of the two causality tests notify a strong positive relation from
FDI inflow to GDP. Any strong causality relation from GDP to FDI inflow is not observed. The results of the
study coincide with the results of the previous similar studies (Deer and Emsen, 2006; Tandrcolu and zen,
The effect of FDI inflow on the economic growth achieved in process cannot be denied in the countries gained
their independence after 1990s (primarily Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). Especially the
amount of FDI entering to energy sector has played a significant role in overcoming insufficiency of sources and
in increasing employment. Besides, the problems stemming from the absence of a legal framework regulating FDI
inflow has been overcome in due course. With the formulation of legal framework related to FDI inflow, the
amount of FDI entering to these countries has increased. One of the positive influences of FDI inflow to ECO
region is the acceleration of the transition of these countries into open market economies. That is, entrance of FDI
or multi-national corporations has facilitated integration of ECO region countries into international system and
enhanced their competitiveness at the global level.
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