The Essential Elements of The Islamic Disposition (Nafsiyyah)
The Essential Elements of The Islamic Disposition (Nafsiyyah)
The Essential Elements of The Islamic Disposition (Nafsiyyah)
First Edition
1425 AH – 2004 CE
SP 135190
Beirut – Lebanon
*Please note – this copy is still a draft copy. If you spot any errors in the book please email so we can correct the errors before the final copy.
Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
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“Successful indeed are the believers. Those who offer their Salat (prayers) with all solemnity and full submissiveness.
And those who turn away from Al-Laghw (dirty, false, evil vain talk, falsehood, and all that Allah has forbidden).
And those who pay the Zakat . And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts). Except
from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, for then, they are free from blame; but whoever
seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors. Those who are faithfully true to their Amanat (all the duties which
Allah has ordained, honesty, moral responsibility and trusts etc.), and to their covenants. And those who strictly guard
their (five compulsory congregational) Salawat (prayers) (at their fixed stated hours). These are indeed the inheritors.
Who shall inherit the Firdaus (Paradise). They shall dwell therein forever.” [TMQ Al-Mu`minoon:1-11]
Book Contents
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Hastening to adhere to the Sharee’ah.............................................................................................. 7
2. Maintain the recitation of the Qur’an............................................................................................ 15
3. Love of Allah and His Messenger ................................................................................................. 21
4. Love and Hate for Allah’s Sake..................................................................................................... 30
5. Fear of Allah openly and secretly .................................................................................................. 48
6. Weeping from the fear of Allah and upon His remembrance ........................................................ 58
7. Hope in Allah and not giving up on His Mercy............................................................................. 63
8. Patience in the face of adversity and being content with the Divine Decree.................................. 68
9. Supplication, Remembrance and seeking of Forgiveness............................................................... 79
10. Reliance on Allah and the Sincerity to Him (swt) ........................................................................ 87
11. Steadfastness and constancy upon the Truth............................................................................... 93
12. Humbleness towards the believers and stern towards the disbeliveers....................................... 107
13. Yearning for Jannah and competing in good deeds ................................................................... 116
14. The best of you in morals ......................................................................................................... 146
15. The Etiquettes of Discussion.................................................................................................... 232
16. Blessings be upon the Ghurabaa (strangers) who reform that which the people have corrupted. 249
The personality (shakhsiyyah) of every human being is composed of the mentality (‘aqliyyah) and
disposition (nafsiyyah). His physical characteristics and all other aspects have no bearing on his
personality - these are only superficialities. It would be pointless for anyone to think that such aspects
have any relevance or bearing upon the composition of the human personality.
The mentality (‘aqliyyah) is the tool used for understanding things; meaning it is the mode for passing
judgement on reality according to a specific standard which man believes in and trusts. If his
understanding of things in terms of passing judgement upon them is based on the ‘Islamic ‘Aqeedah,
then he has an Islamic mentality, if not he has a mentality other than the Islamic mentality.
The behavioural disposition (nafsiyyah) is the method for satisfying man’s instincts and organic needs
i.e. the manner in which they are satisfied according to a standard which man believes in and trusts.
When the satisfaction is based on the Islamic ‘Aqeedah then he has an Islamic disposition, if not he has
a disposition other than the Islamic behavioural disposition.
If a person has one standard for the mentality and behavioural disposition, then his personality
becomes distinctive and regulated. If the Islamic ‘Aqeedah was the basis of his mentality and
behavioural disposition, his personality would be Islamic. If not, then his personality would be
something else.
Therefore, it is not enough that only his mentality is Islamic where he is able to judge things and
actions correctly according to the rules of the Sharee’ah, where he can deduce rules, know the Halaal
and Haraam and have maturity in thinking and awareness. So he is able to speak and in a strong and
influential manner and give sound analysis of events. This on its own is not enough, for he must also
have an Islamic disposition where he satisfies his instincts and organic needs on the basis of Islam. He
prays, fasts, purifies himself and makes Hajj, engages in the Halaal and avoids the Haraam. He
endeavours to be, as Allah wants him to be, drawing closer to Him (swt) through the obligations He
has imposed and is eager to do the Nawaafil (supererogatory acts of devotion) so as to draw even
closer to Him (swt). He adopts true and sincere stances towards events, where he enjoins the good
and forbids the evil, he loves for Allah’s sake and hates for Allah’s sake and deals with people with a
good and upright character.
Similarly, it is not enough just to have an Islamic disposition, without having as well an Islamic
mentality. Worshipping Allah in ignorance can cause man to deviate from the straight path. So he
might fast on a day in which it is prohibited to fast, pray when it is Makrooh. He might say ‘Laa Hawla
Walaa Quwwata illa billah’ when he sees someone committing a Munkar instead of accounting him and
forbidding him from engaging in such an evil action. He might deal with usury but then give it in
charity claiming he is drawing close to Allah while being swamped in his sins. In other words, he is
doing a bad action while he thinks he is doing something good. So he would satisfy his instincts and
organic needs contrary to the way Allah and His Messenger ordered.
The personality will not be complete unless the mentality is Islamic; so he will have knowledge of the
rules that are binding upon him and will aim to increase his knowledge of the Sharee’ah disciplines as
much as he can. At the same time he should have an Islamic behavioural disposition where he adheres
to the rules of the Sharee’ah and not just knows them. He must apply these rules in all issues whether
it is in respect to his Creator, himself or others, and in the manner in which Allah loves and approves.
When he is able to control his mentality and disposition according to Islam, then one can say he has
an Islamic personality that drives its way amongst the throng towards the goodness fearing none but
However, this does not mean that there will not be any lapses. Such lapses will not affect the
personality as long as they are the exception and not the norm. This is because man is not an angel; he
makes mistakes, seeks forgiveness, repents and he also does what is correct and praises Allah for His
Grace, Mercy and Guidance.
The more a Muslim increases in his Islamic culture to develop his mentality, and the more he
increases the performance of the recommended actions to strengthen his disposition the more he will
proceed towards the sublime ascent. Not only will he become firm on this ascent but also he will
continue to be elevated even higher and higher. This is when he controls his life in the proper manner
and attains the Akhirah by striving for it as a believer. He will be allied to the Mihraab (recess
indicating the direction for salah) of the mosque whilst at the same time he is a hero of Jihad
characterised by the best of attributes; a servant of Allah the Almighty, the Creator and Originator.
In this book we would like to present to the Muslims generally, but more specifically to the Da’wah
carriers, the essential elements of the Islamic personality so that the Da’wah carrier, while he is
working to establish Khilafah, his tongue is moist with the remembrance of Allah, that his heart is
filled with fear of Allah and his limbs hasten towards the good deeds. He recites the Qur’an, acts
upon it, loves Allah and His Messenger, loves for Allah’s sake and hates for Allah’s sake, hopes for
the mercy of Allah and fears His punishment, he is patient, expecting the reward in the Hereafter,
sincere and reliant upon Allah. He is firm on the truth like the towering mountain, he is soft, gentle
and compassionate towards the believers but firm and strong against the disbelievers, fearing none for
Allah’s sake. He possesses a good character, he is sweet in speech but strong in proof, enjoins the
good and forbids the evil, he lives and works in this life but his eyes always look towards the Jannah,
whose width is that of the heavens and the earth prepared for the believers.
We should not miss the opportunity of reminding the Da’wah carriers, especially those who are
working to resume the Islamic way of life by establishing the Righteous Khilafah state, of the reality in
which they work. They are surrounded by the clashing waves of the enemies of Allah. If they are not
with Allah by day and by night, how then can they drive their way in the different walks of life? How
can they reach their desired aim? How can they elevate higher and higher? How? How?
Finally, the Da’wah carriers need to reflect on two enlightening hadiths, which will light up their path so
that they achieve their objectives and quicken their steps:
#—ÃJƒªA XB»ƒø ”ºß “Ø›a eîM ¡Q ...—ÃJƒªA XB»ƒø ”ºß “Ø›a ¡Q “õiÀ —ÃJ√ ¡∏ƒÕe æÀC$
“The beginning of your Deen was Prophethood and mercy and then it was Khilafah on the
way of the Prophethood…then the Khilafah will return on the way of the Prophethood.” This
hadith contains the good news of the return of the Khilafah by Allah’s leave. But it will return like the
very first Khilafah; the Khilafah of the righteous ones, the companions of the Messenger of Allah (saw).
Whosoever is eager to see its return and yearns to see it then let him work for it as a believer so that
he strives to become like the companions of the Messenger of Allah (saw).
« ’AeDI ‹G –fƒß Bø ∫ifM ≈ª ¬eE ≈IA ,—ÀAf®ªA ü œ√kiBI f¥Ø BıŒªÀ œª ∆B«C ≈ø :æB≥ …√BZJm A ∆G
,…I Ω¥®Õ –hªA …Jº≥ ∆Ã∑DØ ,…JYC ”NY ΩØAêBI œªG Lj¥NÕ –fJß æAlÕ ‹À ,πŒºß …Ny ØA Bø
AgGÀ ,…NŒÒßC ªDm AgGÀ ,…NJUC œ√Bße AgHØ ,…I jvJÕ –hªA jvIÀ ,…I µÒƒÕ –hªA …√BnªÀ
“ZŒvƒªA œªG –fJß —eBJß KYCÀ ,…Mjv√ œ√jvƒNmA»
“Indeed, Allah (swt) said: The one who humiliates my waly (pious servant) he has
displayed hostility towards me. O son of Adam! You will not obtain that which I have save
by performing the duties I ordained upon you. My servant will continue to draw closer to
me though the nawaafil (supererogatory acts of worship) until I love him. I will then be
the heart with which he thinks, the tongue with which he speaks, the sight by which he
sees. So, when he calls me I will answer him, when he asks me for something I shall give
it to him, and when he asks for my help I shall help him and the most beloved of my
servants worship is the sincere advice (naseeha).”
This hadith clarifies the path to the victory of Allah, His support and help by drawing close to Him
and seeking His Help. He is the All-Strong and All-Powerful; whosoever He helps will never be
humiliated and whosoever He humiliates will never be helped. He is close to His servants when his
servant calls out to Him, He responds to him when he obeys Him; He is the Irresistible, above His
slaves, the Most Kind and All-Acquainted with all things.
So rush oh brothers to the Good Pleasure of Allah, to His forgiveness, Paradise, victory and success
in both of the abodes:
∆‰ ÃÂnØÍ B‰ƒN‰Â¿ªÙA o
¯ ØÚ B‰ƒN‰Œ‰ºÙ ØÚ π
Ú ªÍg‰ œÍØÀ‰
‘And for this let all those strive who want to strive.’ [TMQ Al-Mutaffifeen:26]
1. Hastening to adhere to the Sharee’ah
He (swt) said:
‰ ¥Í NÏ¿ºÙ ªÍ P
Ê fÏ ßÍ CÛ Â~iÊ fiÚ A‰À ÂPA‰ÀB‰¿n
Ï ªA B‰»y
 jÊ ß‰ “Î ƒÏU‰ À‰ ¡Ê ∏Û I‰i ≈Ê øÍ —Î j‰ ∞Í ¨Ê ø‰ ”ÚªḠ AÃÂßīB‰mÀ‰
“And march forth in the way (which leads to) forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as are the heavens
and the earth, prepared for Al-Muttaqeen (the pious).” [TMQ Aali ‘Imraan: 133]
He (swt) said:
Ú ◊ͪÚÀÊ CÛÀ‰ B‰ƒ®Ê Ú CÚÀ‰ B‰ƒ®Ê ¿Í m‰ AÃÛªÃÛ¥Õ‰ ∆Ê CÚ ¡Ê »Â ƒ‰ŒÊ I‰ ‰¡∏Û Z
Ê Œ‰ªÍ …Í ªÍÃÂmi‰ À‰ …Í º̇ªA ”ÚªḠ AÃÂße A‰gḠ î
‰ ƒÍøÍ ¤Ê ¿Â ªÙA ‰æÃÊ ≥Ú ∆‰ BÚ∑ B‰¿√ÏḠ
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Ú ◊ͪÚÀÊ DÛØÚ …Í ¥Ù NÏÕÀ …‰ º̇ªA s
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Ê Õ‰À‰ … ªÚÃÂmi‰ À‰ …‰ º̇ªA ©Ê ÒÍ ÂÕ ≈Ê ø‰ É √‰ÃÂZºÍ ∞Ù ¿Â ªÙA ¡Ê «
“The only saying of the faithful believers, when they are called to Allah (His Words, the Qur'an) and His Messenger
(SAW), to judge between them, is that they say: "We hear and we obey." And such are the prosperous ones (who will
live forever in Paradise). And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger (SAW), fears Allah, and keeps his duty (to
Him), such are the successful ones.” [TMQ An-Noor: 51-52]
He (swt) said:
¯ ®Ê Õ‰ ≈Ê ø‰ À‰ ¡Ê «Í j̄ÊøCÚ ≈Ê øÍ —Û j‰ Œ‰b
Í ªÙA ¡Ê »Â ªÚ ∆‰ ÃÛ∏Õ‰ ∆Ê CÚ AÁjøÊ CÚ … ªÛÃÂmi‰ À‰ … º̇ªA ”‰z≥Ú A‰gḠ “Î ƒ‰øÍ ¤Ê ø ‹Ú À‰ ≈˘ øÍ ¤Ê ¿Â ªÍ ∆‰ BÚ∑ Bø‰ À‰
.BÁƒŒÍJø ‹ı ›
Úy‰ ΩÏ y
‰ fÊ ¥Ú ØÚ … ªÚÃÂmi‰ À‰ …‰ º̇ªA
“It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have
any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed in a plain error.”
[TMQ Al-Ahzaab: 36]
He (swt) said:
‰ ŒÊ z
‰ ≥Ú BÏ¿øÍ BÁUj‰ Y‰ ¡Ê »¯ n
Í Õ‰ ‹Ú ¡Ï ÂQ ¡Ê »Â ƒ‰ŒÊ I‰ j‰ V
‰ q‰ B‰¿ŒÍØ ∫Ú Ã¿∏˛ Z
‰ Õ ”ÏNY‰ ∆‰ ÃøÍ ¤Ê Õ ‹Ú π
Ú I‰iÀ‰ ›
Ê M‰ Aÿº˛ n
‰ ÕÂÀ‰
“But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make you (O Muhammad SAW) judge in all disputes
between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept (them) with full submission.”
[TMQ An-Nisaa: 65]
He (swt) said:
‹Ú ËeA‰fqÍ £̂Ú›´Í “ˆ ∏Ú ÷Í›
Ú ø‰ B‰»ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ —Û i‰ B‰VZ
Í ªÙA‰À p
 BσªA B‰«ÂeÃÛ≥À‰ AÁiB‰√ ¡Ê ∏Û ŒÍº«Ê CÚÀ‰ ¡Ê ∏Û n
‰ ∞Û √ÚC AÃÛ≥ AÃø‰ E ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A B‰»ÕÌCÚ B‰Õ
“O you who believe! Ward off from yourselves and your families a Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, over which
are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who disobey not, (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but
do that which they are commanded.” [TMQ At-Tahreem: 6]
He (swt) said:
Ê Õ‰ ‹Ú À‰ ΩÌ z
Í Õ‰ ›
Ú ØÚ –
‰ A‰f« ©‰ J‰MÏA ≈Ê ¿‰ ØÚ ‘Áf« œƒÍø ¡Ê Û∏ƒÏŒ‰MÍDÙ Õ‰ BÏøH̄ÚØ
”‰¿ßÊ CÚ “Í ø‰ B‰Œ¥Í ªÙA ¬‰ ÃÊ Õ‰  j r
ÂZÊ √‰À‰ Bı∏ƒ‰y “ı r
‰ ŒÍ®ø‰ … ªÚ ∆Ï H̄ÚØ –j̄Ù∑gÍ ≈Ê ß‰ ~
‰ j‰ ßÊ CÚ ≈Ê ø‰ À‰
AÁ v
Í I‰ O
 ƒÛ∑ fÊ ≥Ú À‰ ”‰¿ßÊ CÚ œÍƒM‰jÊ r
‰ Y‰ ¡‰ ªÍ L‰i æ‰ BÚ≥
”‰nƒÂM ¬‰ ÃÊ Œ‰ªÙA π
Ú ªÍh‰ ∑Ú À‰ B‰»N‰ŒÍnƒ‰ØÚ B‰ƒMÂB‰ÕE π
Ú ªÍh‰ ∑Ú æ‰ BÚ≥
“Then if there comes to you guidance from Me, then whoever follows My Guidance shall neither go astray, nor fall into
distress and misery. But whosoever turns away from My Reminder (i.e. neither believes in this Qur'an nor acts on its
orders, etc.) verily, for him is a life of hardship, and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Resurrection. He will
say:"O my Lord! Why have you raised me up blind, while I had sight (before)." (Allah) will say: "Like this, our came
unto you, but you disregarded them (i.e. you left them, did not think deeply in them, and you turned away from them),
and so this Day, you will be neglected (in the Hell-fire, away from Allah's Mercy)." [TMQ Taha: 123-126]
\JvÕÀ Bıƒø¤ø œnôÀ ,ıAjØB∑ œnôÀ Bıƒø¤ø ΩUjªA \JvÕ ¡º§ùA ΩŒºªA ©Ò¥∑ BıƒNØ æB¿ßfiBI AÀieBI$
#BŒ√fªA ≈ø ~j®I …ƒÕe ©ŒJÕ AıjØB∑
“Be prompt in doing good deeds (before you are overtaken) by turbulence which would be
like a part of the dark night. During (that stormy period) a man would be a Muslim in the
morning and turn an unbeliever in the evening or he would be a believer in the evening and
turn an unbeliever in the morning, and would sell his Deen for worldly goods” [Sahih Muslim:
Kitab ul-Iman, 213]
Those who used to rush to the forgiveness and Jannah of Allah and the good deeds existed in the time
of the Messenger of Allah (saw) as well as in subsequent eras. The Ummah still produces the likes of
those people who answered the Call of their Lord and sold themselves seeking the Good Pleasure of
Allah (swt).
ΩMB≥ ¡Q fÕ ü PAjó ”¥ªDØ “ƒÜA ü :æB≥ ?B√C ≈ÕDØ OºN≥ ∆G OÕCiC :fYC ¬ÃÕ ƒºª ΩUi æB≥$
.#ΩN≥ ”NY
A man asked the Prophet (saw) on the day of Uhud: “Where would I be if I were to be
killed?” He (saw) said: “In Jannah. So the man threw the dates from his hand and plunged
himself into the fighting until he was killed.” (Agreed upon)
: A æÃmi æB¥Ø ,∆Ã∑jrùA ’BUÀ ifI ïG î∑jrùA AÃ¥Jm ”NY …IBZuCÀ A æÃmi µºÒ√BØ$
A æÃmi BÕ :–iBv√fiA ¬B¿áA ≈I ¿ß æÃ¥Õ æB≥ ,~ifiAÀ PAÀB¿nªA B»yjß “ƒU ïG AÃøÃ≥
cI æÃ≥ ”ºß πº¿ê Bø : A æÃmi æB¥Ø ,cI cI æB≥ ,¡®√ :æB≥ ?~ifiAÀ PAÀB¿nªA B»yjß “ƒU
PAjó XjaDØ ,B»º«C ≈ø π√HØ æB≥ ,B»º«C ≈ø ∆Ã∑C ∆C —’BUi ‹G A æÃmi BÕ AÀ ‹ :æB≥ ?cI
:æB≥ ,“ºÕà —BŒá B»√G h« œMAjó Ω∑E ”NY OŒŒY B√C ≈◊ª :æB≥ ¡Q ,≈»ƒø Ω∑DÕ Ω®VØ ,…√j≥ ≈ø
.#ΩN≥ ”NY ¡»ºMB≥ ¡Q ,j¿NªA ≈ø …®ø ∆B∑ Bñ ”øjØ
“The Messenger of Allah (saw) and his companions reached Badr before the Mushriks. When
the Mushriks came Allah’s Messenger said to his companions: Let us go to a Jannah whose
breadth is that of the heavens and the earth. ‘Umayr b. al-Hummam al-Ansaari exclaimed: O
Allah’s Messenger, a Jannah whose breadth is that of the heavens and the earth? He said:
Yes. So Umayr responded: How amazing! So Allah’s Messenger asked him: what made you
say that? He said: O Allah’s Messenger, by Allah I did not say this except for the hope that I
will be from its inhabitants. Then he (saw) said: Indeed you are from its inhabitants. ‘Umayr
took out some dates from his quiver and began to eat them. He then said to himself: If I live
to finish eating these dates then indeed this would be long life. So he threw the rest of the
dates in his hand and began to fight the disbelievers until he was killed.”
• It came in the hadith agreed upon and narrated by Anas (ra) that:
,î∑jrùA OºMB≥ æBN≥ æÀC ≈ß OJ´ A æÃmi BÕ æB¥Ø ,ifI æBN≥ ≈ß jzƒªA ≈I o√C œ¿ß LB´$
:æB≥ ,∆ÿºnùA ±r∏√AÀ ,fYC ¬ÃÕ ∆B∑ B¿ºØ ,©ƒuC Bø A ≈Õ ª ,î∑jrùA æBN≥ œ√f»qC A ≈◊ª
¡Q ,î∑jrùA ®Õ ’‹¤« ©ƒu Bû πŒªG CjICÀ ,“IBZvªA ®Õ ’‹¤« ©ƒu Bû πŒªG ihNßC œ√G ¡»ºªA
∆Àe ≈ø B»êi fUC œ√G jzƒªA LiÀ “ƒÜA gB®ø ≈I f®m BÕ :æB¥Ø ,gB®ø ≈I f®m …ºJ¥NmBØ ¬f¥M
“Ijy î√B À Bı®zI …I B√fUÃØ :o√C æB≥ ,©ƒu Bø A æÃmi BÕ O
 ®ÒNmA B¿Ø f®m æB≥ ,fYC
‹G fYC …Øjß B¿Ø ,∆Ã∑jrùA …I ΩRø f≥À ,ΩN≥ f≥ B√fUÀÀ ,¡»nI “Œøi ÀC \øjI “ƒ® ÀC ±ŒnªBI
.#…√BƒJI …NaC
“My paternal uncle Anas b. an-Nadr was absent from the battle of Badr. He said: “O
Messenger of Allah (saw), I was absent from the first battle which you fought the
Mushriks. If Allah allows me to witness a battle with the Mushriks then Allah will see how
bravely I will fight.” On the day of Uhud when the Muslims turned their backs and fled,
he said: “O Allah I seek pardon from You for what these people have done (meaning the
Sahabah) and I denounce what these people have done (meaning the Mushriks).” As he
advanced towards Uhud he was met by Sa’d b. Mu’az. He said: “O Sa’d b. Mu’az, The
Jannah! By the Lord of an-Nadr I can smell its fragrance from the direction of Uhud.”
Later Sa’d said: “O Messenger of Allah! I could not do what he Anas has done. We found
more than eighty wounds caused by swords, spears and arrows on his body. We found
him dead. His body had been so badly mutilated by the Mushriks that none except his
sister could recognise him by his fingers.” Anas said: “we used to think that the following
verse was revealed concerning him and his like; ‘Among the believers are men who have
been true to their covenant with Allah.’ [TMQ Al-Ahzaab: 23].”
jVY |®I ïG pBƒªA LB≥i ”ÒbNØ ,ıBßjnø ¬B≥ ¡Q ,¡ºnØ jv®ªA “ƒÕfùBI ƒªA ’AiÀ OŒºu$
Bı◊Œq Pj∑g :æB¥Ø …Nßjm ≈ø AÃJVß f≥ ¡»√C ‘CjØ ,¡»Œºß XjbØ ,…Nßjm ≈ø pBƒªA ™l∞Ø ,…÷Bn√
.#…N¿n¥I PjøDØ , nJê ∆C O«j∏Ø ,B√fƒß M ≈ø
“I offered the 'Asr prayer behind the Prophet at Medina. When he had finished the prayer
with Taslim, he got up hurriedly and went out by walking between the necks of the people to
one of the dwellings of his wives. The people got scared at his speed. The Prophet came back
and found the people surprised at his haste and said to them, “I remembered a piece of gold
lying in my house and I did not want it to divert my attention from Allah's worship, so I have
ordered it to be distributed (in charity).”
indicates how Muslims should rush to implement that which Allah obligated upon them.
“Ú ®‰ JÊ m‰ ÀÊ CÚ j‰ r
‰ ߉ “Ú NÏmÍ p
¯ fÍ ¥Ù ¿‰ ªÙA O
Ê √‰ ”º̇‰u “Ú _‰ƒÕÍf¿‰ ªÙA ¡‰ º̇_‰mÀ‰ …Í ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ … º̇ªA ”º̇‰u …Í º̇ªA ÂæÃÂmi‰ ¬‰ fÍ ≥Ú BÏ¿ªÚ$
’Í B‰¿n
Ï ªA œÍØ π
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‰ ߉
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“Í J‰®Ê ∏Ú ªÙA ”ÚªḠ …‰ UÂÀ fÊ ≥Ú Â…√ÏCÚÀ‰ ¡‰ º̇‰mÀ‰ …Í ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ … º̇ªA ”º̇‰u œÍJƒÏªA ©‰ ø‰ ”º̇‰u Â…√ÏCÚ f »‰ r
Ê Õ‰ É « æ‰ B_Ú¥ØÚ īB_v√ÚfiA
.#j̄Êv®‰ ªÙA —Í ›‰u œÍØ Ë™ÃÛ∑i ¡Ê «À‰ AÃÛØj‰ Z
“When the Messenger of Allah saw) came to Madinah he faced the direction of Bayt al-
Maqdis for about sixteen or seventeen months. He wanted to face the Ka’bah so Allah (swt)
revealed the ayah:
.B«ByjM “ı ºÚ J≥ π
Ú ƒÏŒ‰ª˛Ã‰ ƒºÚ ØÚ ’Í B‰¿n
Ï ªA œÍØ π
Ú »¯ UÊ À‰ K
‰ º̊Ú¥M‰ ‘‰j√‰ fÊ ≥Ú
‘Verily We have seen the turning of your (Muhammad [saw]) face towards the heaven. Surely
we shall turn you to a Qiblah (direction) that shall please you.’ [TMQ Al-Baqarah:144] So
when he was made to face the Ka’bah a man was praying ‘Asr with him. Then he went out
and passed by some people from the Ansar. He says he bears witness that he prayed with the
Prophet (saw) and that he was made to turn towards the Ka’bah and all turned while they
were in rukoo’ (bowing position) in the Salatul ‘Asr.”
• Al-Bukhari reported on the authority of Ibn Abi Awfa (may Allah be pleased with them both)
who said:
Í ºÚ ´Ú BÏ¿ºÚ ØÚ B‰«B‰√jÊ Z
‰ N‰√ÊBÚØ “Í ŒÏºÍ «Ê fiÚ A j̄¿ÂZªÙA œÍØ B‰ƒ®Ê ≥Ú À‰ j‰ J‰ŒÊ a‰ ¬ÃÊ Õ‰ ∆‰ BÚ∑ BÏ¿ºÚ ØÚ j‰ J‰ŒÊ a‰ œ‰ ªÍB‰ŒªÚ “ˆ ߉ B‰Vø‰ B‰ƒNÊ I‰B‰uCÚ$
 ªÙA ¬¯ ÃÂZªÛ ≈Ê øÍ Aÿ®‰ ÒÙ M‰ ›ÚØ i‰ ÀÂfÛ¥ªÙA AÃÂ◊∞Í ∑Ù CÚ ¡‰ º̇‰mÀ‰ …Í ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ … º̇ªA ”º̇‰u …Í º̇ªA ǣÃÂmi‰ –ÍeB‰ƒø ‘‰eB‰√ i ÀÂf¥Û ªÙA
∆‰ ÀÂja‰ E æ‰ BÚ≥À‰ æ‰ BÚ≥ o
Ê ¿Ï b
‰ ÂM ¡Ê ªÚ B»Ï√fi ¡‰ º̇‰mÀ‰ …Í ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ Â…º̇ªA ”º̇‰u œÌ J̓ϪA ”‰»√‰ B‰¿√ÏḠ B‰ƒºÙ ¥Û ØÚ …Í º̇ªA f JÊ ß‰ æ‰ BÚ≥ BÁ◊ŒÊ q‰
.#“Ú NÏJ‰ªÙCÚ B‰»ø‰ jÏ Y‰ æ‰ BÚ¥ØÚ j̆ÊŒJ‰U ≈‰ IÊ f‰ ŒÍ®m‰ O
 ªÙDÚm‰ À‰ “Ú NÏJ‰ÙªCÚ B‰»ø‰ jÏ Y‰
“We were struck by extreme hunger on the nights of Khaybar. On the day of Khaybar we
found some domestic Asses so we slaughtered them. When the pots began to boil the caller of
the Messenger of Allah (saw) called out to us and said: overturn your pots and do not eat
anything of the meat of donkeys. ‘Abd Allah said: we said that the Prophet (saw) forbade
them because the Khumus (i.e. a fifth of the spoils) had not been taken out of it. He said
others said that he has prohibited them completely. I asked Sa’eed b. Jubayr who said, he has
prohibited them completely.”
Ëj¿Ê M‰ É «À‰ c
˘ ŒÍzØÚ ≈Ê øÍ BÁIA‰jq‰ K
Î ®Ê ∑Ú ≈‰ IÊ œÏ I‰ÛCÀ‰ `
¯ AÏjV
‰ ªÙA ≈‰ IÊ —Ú f‰ ŒÊ J‰ß B‰ICÚÀ‰ –
Ï īB‰v√ÊfiA “Ú Z
‰ ºÙ Ú B‰ICÚ œÍ¥mÊ ÚC O
 ƒÊ ∑Û $
æ‰ BÚ≥ B‰«jÊ n
Í ∑Ù BÚØ īA‰jV
Í ªÙA Í hÍ «‰ ”ÚªḠ ¡Ê ≥Û Âo√‰CÚ B‰Õ “Ú Z
Ê ø‰ jÂY fÊ ≥Ú j‰ ¿Ê b
‰ ªÙA ∆Ï Ḡ æ‰ BÚ¥ØÚ P
Î E ¡Ê «Â ’‰ B‰VØÚ
Ê j‰ n
‰ ∏Ú √ÊA ”ÏNY‰ …Í ºÍ ∞Ú mÊ DÚIÍ B‰»ÂNIÊj‰ z
‰ ØÚ B‰ƒªÚ p
˘ A‰j»Ê øÍ ”ÚªḠ O
 ¿Ê ¥Û ØÚ Ëo√‰CÚ
“I was serving drinks to Abu Talha al-Ansari, ‘Ubaidah b. al-Jarrrah and Ubayy b. Ka'b
prepared from unripe dates and fresh dates when a visitor came and he said: Verily liquor has
been prohibited. Thereupon, Abu Talha said: O Anas! Stand up and break this pitcher. I
stood up and (took hold) of a pointed stone and struck the pitcher with its lower part until it
broke into pieces.”
• Al-Bukhari reported on the authority of ‘Ayisha (may Allah be pleased with her) who said:
• Abu Dawud reported on the authority of Safiyyah bint Shaybah who reported on the authority of
‘Ayisha (may Allah be pleased her) that:
∆‰ fÊ ¿Í ߉ iêA —iÃm Oªl√ B_ù̃ :OªB≥À ,ıBØÀj®ø ≈ OªB≥À ≈»Œºß OƒQDØ iBv√fiA ’Bn√ Pj∑g B»√C$
.#Aıj¿a …√hÖBØ ≈»ƒ¥¥rØ ĭÃVY ïG
She (‘Ayisha) mentioned the women of Ansar, praised them and said good words about them. She
then said: “When Surat an-Nur came down, they took the curtains, tore them and made head covers of
î√B ü ¬f≥ …√C –j«lªA QfZØ .—fʃ∑Í fØÀ ü oŒ≥ ≈I S®qfiA *** A æÃmi ”ºß ¬‰ fÍ ≥ÚÀ ... :
pCjªA j®q œ«À “Ï¿U ©ö) ¡»‰¿¿‰ U AúÏUi f≥ , ‰fVnø *** A æÃmi ”ºß AúafØ ,—fƒ∑ ≈ø BıJ∑Ai
:¡ æB≥ *** A æÃmi ”ºß Aúae B¿ºØ .jÕjáBI B«Ã∞˙∞∑ f≥ —‰jJ‰á Í A ÂKJ‰ÂU ¡»Œºß ,AúÏZ∏MÀ (±ŒR∏ªA
. ÊÃ¥Ú ªDØ B»ƒø Ã¥̊_‰rØ :æB≥ #?¡∏≥BƒßC ü jÕjáA Ah« æBI B¿Ø$ :æB≥ .”ºI :AêB≥ # ?AÿºnM C$
“…Al-Ash’ath b. Qays came to the Messenger of Allah as part of the Kindah delegation. Az-
Zuhri informed to me that he came with eighty riders from Kindah. They entered the mosque
of the Messenger of Allah (saw). They had long hair and put kohl (in their eyes). They wore
Jubbahs with silk hems. When they entered the presence of Allah’s Messenger he said to
them: did not you embrace Islam ? They said: Yes. He (saw) asked: ‘then what is this silk put
around your necks? So they tore the silk and threw it away.”
• Ibn Jareer reported on the authority of Abu Buraydah who narrated from his father that:
Lj_r√ ≈çÀ Bƒª “Œ BI B√fƒßÀ ,“®IiC ÀC “Q›Q ≈çÀ “ºøi ”ºß ≈çÀ Bƒª LAjq ”ºß eî≥ ≈ç BƒŒI)
≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A B‰»ÕÌCÚ B‰Õ j¿àA ¡ÕjÑ æl_√ gG …Œºß ¡ºmDØ **** A æ‰ Ãmi œME ”NY O_¿_≥ gG › ¸ _ÍY j_¿_àA
B»MCj¥Ø œIB_Z_uC ïG O_◊_VØ . ∆‰ ûN‰ƒÂø ¡Ê ÂN√ÊCÚ ΩÊ »‰ ØÚ îNÕ‡A jaE ïG j n
Í ŒÊ ¿‰ ªÙA‰À j ¿Ê b
‰ ªÙA B‰¿√ÏḠ AÃø‰ E
|®I œ¥IÀ B»z®I Ljq f≥ fÕ ü …NIjq ¬Ã¥ªA |®IÀ :æB≥ . ∆‰ ûN‰ƒÂø ¡Ê ÂN√ÊCÚ ΩÊ »‰ ØÚ …ªÃ≥ ïG ¡»Œºß
BƒŒ»N√A :AêB¥Ø ¡»NŒ BI ü Bø AÃÈJu ¡Q ,¬BÈVáA Ω®∞Õ B¿∑ ,BŒº®ªA …N∞q OÑ ’B√‚BI æB¥Ø ,’B√‚A ü
“While we were sitting down on sand and we were three or four (people), having a jug before us,
where we were drinking khamr halal. Then I went to the Messenger of Allah (saw) to greet him. At
that point Quran was revealed prohibiting the khamr (intoxicants) (O you who believe! Khamr and games of
chance) upto the end of the two verses (Will you have then desisted?) Some of the people had his drink in
his hand, where he drank a part of it while the rest is still in the cup. He would raise his cup to the
bottom of his upper lip like the cupper does. Then they flooded off what was there in their jug and
said: We desisted O our Lord.)
Hanzalah b. Abi ‘Aamir (may Allah be pleased with him) who was bathed by the angels heard the call
to the battle of Uhud. He hurriedly responded to the call. He was martyred on the day of Uhud. Ibn
Ishaq said: The Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
• Imam Ahmed reported on the authority of Rafi’ b. Khadeej (ra) who said:
¬¯ B‰®Ò̇ªA‰À ©¯ IÂjÌ ªA‰À SÍ ÛºR̪BÍI B‰»Õj̄Ù∏ƒÂØÚ ¡‰ º̇‰mÀ‰ …Í ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ … º̇ªA ”º̇‰u …Í º̇ªA ǣÃÂmi‰ fÍ »Ê ߉ ”ں߉ ~ ¯ iÊ fiÚ BÍI Ω ≥Í B‰ZÂ√ Bσ∑Û $
j̆ÊøCÚ ≈Ê ß‰ ¡‰ º̇‰mÀ‰ …Í ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ … º̇ªA ”º̇‰u …Í º̇ªA ÂæÃÂmi‰ B‰√B‰»√‰ æ‰ BÚ¥ØÚ œÍNø‰ ÿߠ≈Ê øÍ ËΩU i‰ ¬˘ ÃÊ Õ‰ P ‰ Ag‰ B‰√’‰ B‰VØÚ ”Ï¿n ‰ ¿Â ªÙA
©¯ IÂjÌ ªA‰À S
Í ºÛ R̪A ”ں߉ B‰»Õ‰j̄Ù∏ƒÂØÚ ~ ¯ iÊ DÚªÙBÍI Ω‰ ≥Í B‰Z√ Ê∆CÚ B‰√B‰»√‰ B‰ƒªÚ ©∞Ú √ÊCÚ …Í ªÍÃÂmi‰ À‰ …Í º̇ªA ۓ߉ BÚ À‰ ,BÁ®ØÍ B‰√ B‰ƒªÚ ∆‰ BÚ∑
.#π Ú ªÍg‰ ‘‰ÃmÍ B‰øÀ‰ B‰«’‰ A‰j∑Í ‰ j̄Ú∑À‰ B‰»ß‰ īÊlÂÕ ÀÊ CÚ B‰»ß‰ i‰ lÊ Õ‰ ∆Ê CÚ ~ ¯ iÊ DÚªÙA L
Ï i‰ j‰ ø‰ CÚÀ‰ ”Ï¿n ‰ ¿Â ªÙA ¬¯ B‰®Ò̇ªA‰À
We used to cultivate land in the time of the Messenger of Allah. We used to lease it for a third,
fourth or a specified amount of food. One day a man from my paternal relatives came and
said: The Messenger of Allah (saw) forbade us from something which was beneficial for us
but the obedience of Allah and His Messenger is more beneficial for us. He forbade us from
cultivating the land by leasing it for a third, fourth or a certain amount of food, he ordered the
landowner either to cultivate it himself or give it to others to cultivate it for their own and he
disliked that it be leased or the like.’
2. Maintain the recitation of the Qur’an
The noble Qur’an is the speech of Allah which He revealed to His Messenger Muhammad (saw) via
the revelation through Jibreel (may Allah be pleased with him) in word and meaning, whose recitation
is an act of worship and it is a miracle transmitted to us via the concurrent (mutawatir) narration:
From it the souls find life and the hearts find tranquility. It is the Book, which takes the people out
from the darkness into the Light by the permission of Allah, the All-Mighty, the Owner of Allah
Praise. The one who speaks according to it has spoken the truth and the one who acted upon it is the
successful one, the one who judged by it has practiced justice and the one who calls to it is guided to
the Straight Path.
It is the provision of the believer and how excellent a provision it is. It is more important and
necessary for the Da’wah carrier; with which his heart is filled, and in which he finds strength. The one
who carries this Qur’an becomes like the towering mountains, where for whom the whole world is
considered little for the sake of Allah. He says the truth and for Allah’s sake he fears none. The one
who used to be moved by the wind due to the lightness of his weight becomes heavier in the sight of
Allah than the mount of Uhud because he is a reciter of the Qur’an, whose tongue is moistened by it
and whose fingers testify to it. This is how the companions of the Messenger of Allah (saw) were in
this world, as if they were walking Qur’ans, reflecting upon its verses and reading it as it should be
read, putting it into practice and calling to it. They were shaken by the ayat mentioning the
punishment but rejoicing by the ayat mentioning mercy, their eyes filled with tears in submission to
His Power and Greatness, submitting to His rules and wisdom, which they received from the
Messenger of Allah (saw). His verses become settled in the depths of their hearts. For this reason they
were strong and became the leaders, they were granted happiness and success. When Allah’s
Messenger departed from this world to the highest position in the Heavens, they continued to
observe the Qur’an as advised to do so by the trusted Messenger (may the peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him, his family and all his companions). Thus, those who memorised the Qur’an were
the foremost people in enjoining the good and forbidding the evil. The carrier of the Qur’an was at
the forefront of doing every good action bearing the hardships in the path of Allah (swt).
For the Muslims generally and the Da’wah carriers specifically the Qur’an deserves to be the joy of
their hearts, which keeps them on their path and leads to all that is good and raises them from one
height to another. They recite the Qur’an day and night, reciting, memorising, and practicing what
they have learnt such that they become truly the best descendants for the best ancestors.
These noble verses are followed by the sacred hadith regarding the revelation of the Qur’an, its
memorisation, the guidance, virtue of its recitation and the abundant goodness that lies within it:
He (swt) said:
 øÍ fiÚ A `
 ÀÌjªA …Í IÍ æ‰ l‰ √‰
≈‰ ÕīÍhƒÂ¿ªÙA ≈Ê øÍ ∆‰ ÃÛ∏N‰ªÍ π
Ú Jͺ٠≥Ú ”ں߉
“Which the trustworthy Ruh [Jibreel] has brought down; upon your heart (O Muhammad SAW) that you may be
(one) of the warners.” [TMQ Ash-Shu’araa: 193]
He (swt) said:
He (swt) said:
He (swt) said:
Í B‰ZªÍBÏvªA ∆‰ ÃÛº¿‰ ®Ê Õ‰ ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A î
‰ ƒÍøÍ ¤Ê ¿Â ªÙA j r‰JÕÂÀ‰ ¬Â É ≥Ù CÚ œ‰ «Í œÍNº̇ͪ –Íf»Ê Õ‰ ∆‰ EÊjÛ¥ªÙA A‰h«‰ ∆Ï Ḡ
”Verily, this Qur'an guides to that which is most just and right and gives glad tidings to the believer, who work deeds of
righteousness, that they shall have a great reward (Paradise).” [TMQ Al-Israa: 9]
He (swt) said:
ËîJÍø ËLB‰N∑Í À‰ ËiÃÂ√ …Í º̇ªA ≈Ê øÍ ¡Ê ∑Û ’‰ B‰U
He (swt) said:
‰ ªÙA l̄Õl̄‰®ªÙA ¢
Í A‰ju
Í ”ÚªḠ ¡Ê »¯ I‰i ∆¯ gÊ H̄ÍI īÃ̃ªA ”ÚªḠ P
Í B‰¿ºÛ §˚ ªA ≈Ê øÍ p
‰ BσªA X
‰ j̄ÊbNÂªÍ π
Ú ŒÊ ªÚḠ  B‰ƒªÙl‰ √ÚC ËLB‰N∑Í jªA
“(This is) a Book which We have revealed unto you (O Muhammad SAW) in order that you might lead mankind out
of darkness (of disbelief and polytheism) into light by their Lord's Leave to the Path of the All-Mighty, the Owner of
all Praise.” [TMQ Ibraheem: 1]
He (swt) said:
 ÃÛº¥Û ªÙA ≈Ì ◊Í¿‰ ÒÙ M‰ …Í º̇ªA j̄Ù∑hÍ IÍ ‹Ú CÚ …Í º̇ªA j̄Ù∑hÍ IÍ ¡Ê »Â IÂÃÛºÛ≥ ≈Ì Í◊¿‰ ÒÙ M‰À‰ AÃø‰ E ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A
“Who have believed and whose hearts find tranquility in the remembrance of Allah. Verily, in the remembrance of
Allah do hearts find rest.” [TMQ Ar-Ra’d: 28]
He (swt) said:
Ú NÍaÊ A …Í ŒÍØ AÀÂfU‰ É ªÚ …Í º̇ªA j̄ÊŒ´Ú fÍ ƒÊ ßÍ ≈Ê øÍ ∆‰ BÚ∑ ÃÊ ªÚÀ‰ ∆‰ EÊjÛ¥ªÙA ∆‰ ÀÂjIÏf‰ N‰Õ‰ ›
“Do they not then consider the Qur’an carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found
therein much contradictions.” [TMQ An-Nisaa:82]
He (saw) said:
He (saw) said:
±ªC ≈∏ªÀ ,≤jY C æÃ≥C ‹ B BRøC jr®I “ƒnáAÀ “ƒnY …I …ºØ A LBN∑ ≈ø BıØjY Cj≥ ≈ø$
.#≤jY ¡ŒøÀ ,≤jY ¬‹À ,≤jY
“Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah, he will have a reward. And that reward will be
multiplied by ten. I am not saying that “Alif, Laam, Meem” is a letter, rather I am saying that
“Alif” is a letter, “laam” is a letter and “meem” is a letter.” Reported by at-Tirmizi on the
authority of ‘Abd Allah b. Mas’ud and it is a sound hadith.
He (saw) said:
…ª ∂Bq …Œºß ëÀ …ŒØ ©N®NÕ Ã«À ∆Ej¥ªA Cj¥Õ –hªAÀ ,—i ªA ¬Aj∏ªA —j∞nªA ©ø ∆Ej¥ªBI j«BùA$
“Verily the one who recites the Qur’an beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, he will be in the
company of the noble and obedient angels. And as for the one who recites with difficulty,
stammering or stumbling through its verses, then his reward will be multiplied twice.”
Reported by Muslim on the authority of ‘Ayisha, the mother of the believers (may Allah be pleased
with her).
He (saw) said:
“The one in whom there is no Qur’an is like the barren house.” Reported by at-Tirmizi who
declared it to be sound.
He (saw) said:
He (saw) said:
ïG …≥Bm …∞ºa …º®U ≈øÀ “ƒÜA ïG eB≥ …øBøC …º®U ≈ø ,∂fvø ΩYBøÀ ,©∞rø ©ØBq ∆Ej¥ªA$
“The Qur’an is an intercessor and entitled for intercession, and it is a strong challenger (in
argument) and rightfully entrusted. Whoever puts it in front of him, it will lead him to
Paradise; whoever puts it behind him, it will steer him to the Hellfire.” Reported by Ibn Hibban
in his Sahih on the authority of Jabir b. ‘Abdullah (ra). It has also been reported by al-Bayhaqi in his
Shu’ab al-Imaan on the authority of Jabir and Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with them both) and it
is a sound hadith.
He (saw) said:
“Verily Allah raises some people by this Book and lowers others by it.” Reported by Muslim.
Reported by Abu Dawud and at-Tirmizi in the sound hadith that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“ÕE jaE fƒß πNªl_ƒø ∆HØ ,BŒ√fªA ü ΩMjM Oƒ∑ B¿∑ ΩMiÀ µMiAÀ Cj≥G ∆Ej¥ªA KYBvª æB¥Õ$
“It will be said to the companion of the Qur’an: Read and elevate (through the levels of the
Paradise) and beautify your voice as you used to do when you were in the dunyaa! For verily,
your position in the Paradise will be at the last verse you recite!”
He (saw) said:
.#…I AÀjR∏NnM ‹À Aú∑DM ‹À …ŒØ Aú¨M ‹À …ƒß AÃ∞É ‹À …I Aú¿ßAÀ ∆Ej¥ªA AÀCj≥G$
“Read the Qur'an, put it into practice, do not abandon it, do not cheat in it, and do not eat
and gain wealth through it.” Reported by Ahmad, at-Tabaraani and others on the authority of ‘Abd
ar-Rahman b. Shabal (ra) and it is a sound hadith.
He (saw) said:
Cj¥Õ ‹ –hªA ≈ø¤ùA ΩRøÀ ,KŒ B»êiÀ KŒ B»¿® “ÈUjMfiA ΩRø ∆Ej¥ªA Cj¥Õ –hªA ≈ø¤ùA ΩRø$
B»êi “√BêjªA ΩRø ∆Ej¥ªA Cj¥Õ –hªA µØBƒùA ΩRøÀ ,B \Õi ‹À KŒ B»¿® —j¿NªA ΩRø ∆Ej¥ªA
#B \Õi ‹À jø B»¿® “º§ƒáA ΩR¿∑ ∆Ej¥ªA Cj¥Õ ‹ –hªA µØBƒùA ΩRøÀ ,jø B»¿® À KŒ
“The metaphor of a believer who recites the Qur'an is that of a citron - its scent is fragrant
and its taste is good. The metaphor of a believer who does not recite the Qur'an is that of a
date - it has no scent but its taste is sweet. The metaphor of a hypocrite who recites the
Qur'an is that of basil - its scent is fragrant but its taste is bitter. The metaphor of a hypocrite
who does not recite the Qur'an is that of colocynth - it has no scent and its taste is bitter.”
Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of Abu Musa al-Ash’ari (ra).
He (saw) said:
.#B»º¥ß ü ΩI‚A ≈ø BıNº∞M fqC à fŒI f¿ä o∞√ –hªAÃØ ∆Ej¥ªA AÀf«B®M$
“Keep up the recitation of the Qur'an. For verily, by He in Whose Hand Muhammad's soul is
in, it (the Qur'an) is stronger in escaping (the memory) than a camel from its rein.” Reported
by al-Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of Abu Musa al-Ash’ari (ra).
The above noble ayahs and sacred hadiths indicate the great position of the noble Qur’an. They also
indicate the great position of the conveyer of the great Qur’an, which he conveys for purpose of
reflection and practice. He recites it always such that it forms an enormous energy in the paths of
goodness and not put it on the shelf collecting dust or adorns it and keeps it locked in the safe and
forgotten. May Allah save us from being from the losers. Recite the Qur’an, O brothers. Rush to its
recitation and read it, as it should be recited. Reflect upon it as it should be reflected upon and
practice and adhere to it as it should be practiced and adhered to it so that you become of pleasing
flavour and good fragrance (good and pure). Then you shall be from the foremost ranks of the
Da’wah carriers in this world. Likewise you will be at the foremost ranks in the Jannah when it is said
to you: read and arise. If you do this you will be deserving of the great victory and success and the
Good Pleasure is the greatest:
‰ ƒÍøÍ ¤Ê ¿ªÙA jÊ r‰IÀ‰
“And give glad tidings (O Muhammad SAW) to the believers.” [TMQ As-Saff:13]
3. Love of Allah and His Messenger
Al-Azhari said: “A servant’s love for Allah and His Messenger means obeying them and following
their command.” Al-Baydaawi said: “Love is the will to obey.” Ibn ‘Arafah said: “Love in the language
of Arabs means willing a thing uprightly.” Az-Zajjaaj said: “Man’s love for Allah and His Messenger is
to obey them and to accept what Allah (swt) has commanded and the Messenger of Allah (saw) has
Allah’s love for His servant means forgiveness, acceptance and reward. Al-Baydaawi said: “He loves
you and that he will forgive you means, He will be pleased with you.” Al-Azhari said: “Love of Allah,
for His servant, is His blessing of his servant with forgiveness.” He (swt) said:
≈‰ Õj̄ÍØBÚ∏ªÙA K
Í ÂÕ ‹Ú …‰ º̇ªA ∆Ï H̄ÚØ
“Allah does not love the disbelievers.” [TMQ Aali ‘Imraan: 32] i.e. He will not forgive them. Sufyan b.
‘Unaynah said: “He loves you means, He will be close to you. Love is closeness. Allah does not love
the Kafireen means He will not bring the Kafireen close (to Him).” Al-Baghawi said: “Love of Allah
for the believers means His commendation, reward and forgiveness for them.” Az-Zajjaaj said: “Love
of Allah for His Creation means His forgiveness for them and His blessings, mercy, forgiveness and
good commendation of them.”
However what concerns us here is the servant’s love for Allah and His Messenger. This love in the
above meaning is obligatory. Since love is an inclination (mayl) which shapes the behavioural
disposition (nafsiyyah) of man. These inclinations can either be instinctive (ghareezi) having no
relationship to a concept, such as man’s inclination towards ownership, love for survival, justice,
family and children etc. They might also be motives linked to concepts, which then define the type of
inclination. The American Indians did not like the immigrants who came from Europe whilst the
Ansar loved those who migrated to them. The love of Allah and His Messenger is the type Allah (swt)
has linked to a Sharee’ah concept thereby making it obligatory. The evidence for this is the Book of
- He (swt) said:
…Í º̇ͪ BÓJÂY fÌ q‰ CÚ AÃø‰ E ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇AÀ‰ …Í º̇ªA KÂZ∑Ú ¡Ê »Â √‰ÃÌJÍZÕ AÁeA‰f√ÚC …Í º̇ªA ∆¯ ÀÂe ≈Ê øÍ h b
Í NÏÕ‰ ≈Ê ø‰ p
¯ BσªA ≈Ê øÍ À‰
“And of mankind are some who take (for worship) others besides Allah as rivals (to Allah). They love them as they
love Allah. But those who believe, love Allah more (than anything else).” [TMQ Al-Baqarah: 165]
It means the believers’ love of Allah is more than Mushriks’ love to the rivals of Allah.
- He (swt) said:
”ÏNY‰ AÃÂvIÏj‰ N‰ØÚ …Í ºÍ ŒÍJm‰ œÍØ eÎ B‰»UÍ À‰ …Í ªÍÃÂmi‰ À‰ …Í º̇ªA ≈Ê øÍ ¡Ê ∏Û ŒÊ ªÚḠ K
Ï Y‰ CÚ B‰»√‰ÃÊ y
‰ jÊ M‰ ≈ ∑Í B‰nø‰ À‰ B‰«e‰ B‰n∑Ú ∆‰ ÊÃr
‰bÊ M‰
‰ ¥Í mÍ BÚ∞ªÙA ¬‰ ÃÊ ¥Ú ªÙA –Íf»Ê Õ‰ ‹Ú Â…º̇ªA‰À Í j̄ÊøDÚIÍ … º̇ªA œ‰ MÍDÙ Õ‰
“Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce
in which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you have delight in are dearer to you than Allah and His
Messenger, and striving hard and fighting in His Cause, then wait until Allah brings about His Decision (torment).
And Allah guides not the people who are Al-Fasiqun (the rebellious, disobedient to Allah).” [TMQ At-Tawbah:
As for the evidences from the Sunnah they are the following:
,’œq ‹ :æB≥ ?B PefßC AgBøÀ :æB≥ ?“ßBnªA ”Nø :æB¥Ø ,“ßBnªA ≈ß **** ƒªA æDm ›
ı Ui ∆C$
ƒªA æÃ¥I BƒYjØ ’œrI BƒYjØ B¿Ø o√C æB≥ .OJJYC ≈ø ©ø O√C æB¥Ø ,…ªÃmiÀ A KYC œ√C ‹G
Å ¡»®ø ∆Ã∑C ∆C ÃUiCÀ j¿ßÀ j∏I BICÀ *** ƒªA KYC B√DØ o√C æB≥ .OJJYC ≈ø ©ø O√C ***
.#¡ B¿ßC ΩRñ Ω¿ßC ∆GÀ ,¡«BÕG
“That a man asked the Prophet (saw) about the final Hour. He asked: when is the final hour?
He said: What have you prepared for it? He said: nothing, but I love Allah and His
Messenger. He said: you will be with the one you love. Anas said: nothing made us so
overjoyed more than when we heard the Prophet saying you will be with the one you love.
Anas said: I love the Prophet, Abu Bakr and ‘Umar and I wish to join them because of my
love for them even though I have not done as many good deeds as them.” (Agreed upon).
Kê ∆CÀ ,B¿«AÃm Bû …ŒªG KYC …ªÃmiÀ A ∆B∑ ≈ø :∆Bô‚A —À›Y fUÀ ,…ŒØ ≈∑ ≈ø T›Q$
.#iBƒªA ü ≤h¥Õ ∆C j∏Õ B¿∑ j∞∏ªA ü eÃ®Õ ∆C j∏Õ ∆CÀ , ‹G …Jê ‹ ’jùA
"There are three things whoever obtains them he will experience the sweetness of belief - that
Allah and His Messenger are more beloved to him than anything else; that he loves a man
only for the sake of Allah; and that he dislikes the thought of reverting to disbelief as much as
he would dislike being cast into the Fire." (Agreed upon).
.#î®öC pBƒªAÀ …ªBøÀ …º«C ≈ø …ŒªG KYC ∆Ã∑C ”NY fJß ≈ø¤Õ ‹$
“None of you would be considered a believer until I become more beloved to him than his
family, wealth and all the people.” (Agreed upon).
The companions of the Messenger of Allah (saw) were very much concerned about the application of
this duty. They used to compete in attaining this honour hoping that they would be the ones that
Allah and His Messenger love. Anas (ra) narrated that on the day of the battle of Uhud:
,…ª “∞VÅ …Œºß …I LÈÃâ ƒªA –fÕ îI “Zº ÃICÀ , ƒªA ≈ß pBƒªA ¬l»√A ,fYC ¬ÃÕ ∆B∑ Bù$
“J®ÜA …®ø ,jô ΩUjªA ∆B∑À ,ıBQ›Q ÀC îmÃ≥ h◊øÃÕ jn∏Õ ,Èf¥Í ªA fÕfq BıŒøAi ›
ı Ui “Zº ÃIC ∆B∑À
A √ BÕ :“Zº ÃIC æÃ¥ŒØ ,¬Ã¥ªA ïG j§ƒÕ ƒªA ≤jqDØ .“Zº œIfi B«jr√A æÃ¥ŒØ ,ΩJƒªA ≈ø
.# ... ∫jç ∆Àe –jç ,¬Ã¥ªA ¬B»m ≈ø ¡»m πJŒvÕ ≤jrM ‹ ,œøCÀ O√C œIDI
That the people ran away, leaving the Prophet (saw), but Abu- Talha was shielding the
Prophet with his shield in front of him. Abu Talha was a strong, experienced archer who used
to keep his arrow bow strong and well stretched. On that day he broke two or three arrow
bows. If any man passed by carrying a quiver full of arrows, the Prophet would say to him,
"Empty it in front of Abu Talha." When the Prophet started looking at the enemy by raising
his head, Abu Talha said, "O Allah's Prophet! Let my parents be sacrificed for your sake!
Please don't raise your head and make it visible, lest an arrow of the enemy should hit you.
Let my neck and chest be wounded instead of yours." (Agreed upon).
“I saw Talha's hand paralysed, the one which he had protected the Prophet (from an arrow).”
In a long hadith narrated by Ka’b b. Malik about the three who stayed behind from the expedition of
Tabuk Ka’b he says:
ëÀ ,—eBN≥ œIC °÷BY iAfU PiÃnM ”NY OŒrø ,pBƒªA —Ã∞U ≈ø πªg œºß æB AgG ”NY ...$
∫fr√C ,—eBN≥ BIC BÕ :Oº¥Ø ,¬›nªA œºß ei Bø AÃØ ,…Œºß O¿ºnØ ,œªG pBƒªA KYCÀ ,œ¿ß ≈IA
:æB¥Ø ,…MfrƒØ …ª Pf®Ø ,O∏nØ ,…MfrƒØ …ª Pf®Ø O∏nØ ?…ªÃmiÀ A KYC ¿º®M Ω« , BI
.#iAfÜA PiÃnM ”NY OŒªÃMÀ ,–BƒŒß OyB∞Ø ,¡ºßC …ªÃmiÀ A
“When this period of estrangement lengthened, I set out to walk until I climbed upon the
wall of Abu Qatadah's garden. He was my cousin and amongst the most beloved of people to
me. I conveyed the greeting upon him, and by Allah -he did not reciprocate the greeting upon
me. Hence, I said: "O Abu Qatadah: I implore you by Allah, are you aware that I love Allah
and His Messenger?" He remained silent. I appealed to him by Allah a second time, however
he remained silent. I appealed to him a third time. Then he responded: "Allah and His
Messenger (SAWS) know better ." Thereupon tears flowed from my eyes, I turned away and
climbed over the wall.” (Agreed upon).
• Sahl b. Sa’d narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said on the day of Khaybar:
œyi f®m ≈I Ω»m œ√ aC æB≥ ¬kBY œIC ≈ß ≈õjªA fJß ≈I LÃ¥®Õ BƒQÈfY fŒ®m ≈I “JŒN≥ BƒQÈfY
… º̇ªA Â\N‰∞Ù Õ‰ ›
ı U i‰ AÁf´Ú “Ú Õ‰AjÏ ªA Í hÍ «‰ ≈Ï Œ‰ÒÍ ßÊ fiÛ Œa ¬ÃÕ æB≥ ¡º̃mÀ …Œºß A ”º̃u A æÃmi È∆C …ƒß A
BÏ¿ºÚ ØÚ B‰«BÚÒ®Ê Õ ¡Ê »Â ÕÌCÚ ¡Ê »Â N‰ºÚ ŒÊ ªÚ ∆‰ ÃÛ∑ÀÂfÕ‰ p
 BσªA P
‰ B‰JØÚ æ‰ BÚ≥ Â…ÛªÃÂmi‰ À‰ Â…º̇ªA Â…JÌZ
Í ÂÕÀ‰ … ªÚÃÂmi‰ À‰ …‰ º̇ªA K
Í Õ …Í ÕÊf‰ Õ‰ ”ں߉
≈ IÊ œÌ ºÍ ߉ ≈‰ ÕÊCÚ æ‰ BÚ¥ØÚ B‰«BÚÒ®Ê ÂÕ ∆Ê CÚ ÃÂUjÊ Õ‰ ¡Ê »º̊Û∑ ¡‰ º̇‰mÀ‰ …Í ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ … º̇ªA ”º̇‰u …Í º̇ªA ǣÃÂmi‰ ”ں߉ AÊÀf‰ ´Ú ÂpBσªA \
‰ J‰u
”º̇‰u …Í º̇ªA ÂæÃÂmi‰ µ‰ v
‰ J‰ØÚ …Í IÍ œ‰ MÍÛDØÚ …Í ŒÊ ªÚḠ AÃÛºm‰ iÊ ÚDØÚ æ‰ BÚ≥ …Í ŒÊ ƒ‰ŒÊ ߉ œÍ∏N‰r
Ê Õ‰ …Í º̇ªA æ‰ ÃÂmi‰ B‰Õ É « Ω‰ ŒÍ¥ØÚ K
æ‰ ÃÂmi‰ B‰Õ œÔ ºÍ ߉ æ‰ BÚ¥ØÚ “Ú Õ‰AÏjªA  BÚÒßÊ DÚØÚ Ë©U‰ À‰ …Í IÍ Ê≈∏Û Õ‰ ¡Ê ªÚ ∆Ê DÚ∑Ú ”ÏNY‰ CÚj‰ J‰ØÚ … ªÚ B‰ße‰ À‰ …Í ŒÊ ƒ‰ŒÊ ߉ œÍØ ¡‰ º̇‰mÀ‰ …Í ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ … º̇ªA
¬¯ ›Êm‚A ”ÚªḠ ¡Ê »Â ß eÊ A ¡Ï Q ¡Ê »¯ NÍY‰ B‰nIÍ æ‰ l̄ʃM‰ ”ÏNY‰ π
Ú ºÍ mÊ ī ”ں߉ hÊ ∞Û √ÊA æ‰ BÚ¥ØÚ B‰ƒºÚ RÊ øÍ AÃÂ√ÃÛ∏Õ‰ ”ÏNY‰ ¡Ê »Â ºÛ MÍBÚ≥CÛ …Í º̇ªA
∆Ê CÚ ≈Ê øÍ π
Ú ªÚ ËjŒÊ a‰ AÁfYÍ A‰À ›
ı ÂUi‰ π
Ú IÍ Â…º̇ªA –
‰ fÍ »Ê Õ‰ ∆Ê fi …Í º̇ªA‰ÃØÚ …Í ŒÍØ …Í º̇ªA µ‰Y ≈Ê øÍ ¡Ê »¯ ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ K
Í Õ‰ B‰¿IÍ ¡Ê «jÊ JÍaÊ CÚÀ‰
.#¡¯ ®‰ ƒÏªA j ¿Ê Y π
Ú ªÚ ∆‰ ÃÛ∏Õ‰
“Qutaybah bin Said informed us, Ya’qoob bin “abder-Rahman informed us from Aby
Haazim, he said Sahlu bin Sa’d (r.a) told me that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said on the
day of Khayber: I shall give this banner to a man who loves Allah and His Messenger and
they (Allah and His Messenger) love him.” All the Muslims came forward in the following
morning hoping to be granted the honour of carrying the banner. The Prophet (saw) called
for ‘Ali bin Abi Talib. He was told, O Messenger of Allah (saw), his eyes hurt. He said, call
for him. He was brought to him, and the Messenger of Allah (saw) spat in his eyes and made
du’aa’ for him, so he was cured as if he had no pain before. Then he handed the banner to
him. ‘Ali, on his part, pledged he would fight the enemies until they embraced Islam. The
Prophet (saw) answered him saying: “Take things easy and invite them to accept Islam and
brief them on their duties towards Allah. I swear by Allah that if only one person should be
guided at your hands, that would surely outweigh the best of our camels.” (Agreed upon)
• Ibn Hibban reported in his Sahih:
ïG PfØÀÀ ,∫úùA ïG PfØÀ f¥ª AÀ ,¬Ã≥ –C :æB¥Ø ,…IBZuC ïG eînø ≈I —Àjß ©UjØ ...)
,ıAf¿ä f¿ä LBZuC ¡§®Õ Bø ,…IBZuC …¿§®Õ °≥ Bı∏ºø OÕCi Bø AÀ ,œqBVƒªAÀ jvŒ≥À ‘jn∑
AÀifNIA ¡«jøC AgGÀ , fºUÀ …»UÀ B»I πªfØ ,¡»ƒø ΩUi ±∑ ü O®≥À ‹G “øBé ¡bƒNÕ ∆G , AÀÀ
Bı¿Œ§®M j§ƒªA …ŒªG ∆Àfê BøÀ , fƒß ¡»MAÃuC AÃz∞a ¡º∏M AgGÀ ,…÷ÃyÀ ”ºß AúNN≥A DyÃM AgGÀ , jøC
.(... …ª
“…When Urwah went back to the Quraysh, he said, I have been to the courts of the kings
and have seen the splendor of the Caesar and the Chosroes and the Negus. But never have I
seen any king being so revered as Muhammad (saw) by his companions. By Allah, had he
spat out mucus and it just fell on the hands of one of his companions he would have rubbed
it on his face and skin. When he ordered them with something they rushed to carry it out and
if he made ablution they would fight for the used water. When he spoke they lowered their
voices and they did not look sharp at him, as sign of reverence to him …”
πªg ≠ºJØ æB≥ ,B¿»ƒß A œyi j∏I œIC ”ºß j¿ß AúzØ ¡»√D∏Ø , j¿ß f»ß ”ºß æBUi j∑AhM
Xja f¥ª ,j¿ß æE ≈ø a j∏I œIC ≈ø “ºŒºª AÀ :æB¥Ø ,(…ƒß A œyi) LBÒàA ≈I j¿ß
”NY ,…∞ºa “ßBmÀ ,…ÕfÕ îI “ßBm œrô Ω®VØ ,j∏I ÃIC …®øÀ ,iB¨ªA ïG µºÒƒŒª *** A æÃmi
BÕ :æB¥Ø :œ∞ºa “ßBmÀ –fÕ îI “ßBm œró πªBø j∏I BIC BÕ :æB¥Ø , *** A æÃmi …ª ≈ÒØ
∆B∑ ê j∏I BIC BÕ :æB¥Ø ,πÕfÕ îI œrøDØ fujªA j∑gC ¡Q ,π∞ºa œrøDØ KºÒªA j∑gC A æÃmi
‹G “¿ºø ≈ø ∆Ã∏Nª O√B∑ Bø ,µáBI πR®I –hªAÀ ,¡®√ :æB≥ ?œ√Àe πI ∆Ã∏Õ ∆C O
‰ JJYC ’œq
Ÿ NmA ”NY , A æÃmi BÕ π√B∏ø :j∏I ÃIC æB≥ ,iB¨ªA ïG BŒ»N√A B¿ºØ ,π√Àe œI ∆Ã∏M ∆C O
BÕ π√B∏ø :æB¥Ø ,jZÜA Ÿ NnÕ …√C j∑g , ›ßC ü ∆B∑ AgG ”NY , C NmAÀ ΩafØ ,iB¨ªA πª
:j¿ß æB¥Ø ,æl_ƒØ , A æÃmi BÕ æl√A :æB≥ ¡Q , C NmAÀ ΩafØ ,jZÜA Ÿ NmA ”NY , A æÃmi
.j¿ß æE ≈ø a “ºŒºªA πºNª , fŒI œn∞√ –hªAÀ
“People were reminiscing in the time of Umar (ra) as if they preferred Umar over Abu Bakr.
When this news reached Umar b. al-Khattab (ra) he said: By Allah, a night with Abu Bakr is
better than the family of ‘Umar. The Prophet went out with Abu Bakr towards the Cave of
Thawr, Abu Bakr sometimes would go ahead of the Prophet and sometimes behind him. The
Prophet saw his uneasiness. He asked Abu Bakr, “O Abu Bakr, What is the matter?
Sometimes you are walking behind me and then sometimes you go ahead of me.” He replied,
“O Messenger of Allah, when I think of the enemies that they might be pursuing you, I walk
behind you, but when I think of some ambush I go in front of you.” So he said: O Abu Bakr!
Do you wish that something happened to you rather than to me? He said, yes, by Him Who
sent you with truth, I wish no hardship but occur to me rather than to you. It is also reported
that when the two arrived at the cave of Thawr, Abu Bakr requested the Prophet to wait until
he had searched and cleaned up the cave. He went in and searched it and came out after
cleaning it up. Then he remembered that he had not properly searched one hole. He again
requested the Prophet to wait a bit and went in to see it for the second time. After he was fully
satisfied that the place was safe and had no harmful insects or reptiles he said: enter o
Messenger of Allah. ‘Umar said: By the one in whose hands is my soul! That night was better
than the family of ‘Umar.” (Reported by al-Hakim in his al-Mustadrak. He said the isnad is sound
according to the condition of the two shaykhs ie. Al-Bukhari and Muslim, even though it is mursal. This
mursal is of a type, which is accepted.
≈ø :æB≥ Ã¥«i B¿ºØ ,sÕj≥ ≈ø îºUiÀ ,iBv√fiA ≈ø “®Jm ü fYC ¬ÃÕ ejØC *** A æÃmi ∆C$
Ã¥«i ¡Q ,ΩN≥ ”NY ΩMB¥Ø ,iBv√fiA ≈ø ΩUi ¬f¥NØ ,“ƒÜA ü œ¥ŒØi ë ÀC ,“ƒÜA …ªÀ Bƒß ¡«ejÕ
”NY ΩMB¥Ø ,iBv√fiA ≈ø ΩUi ¬f¥NØ ,“ƒÜA ü œ¥ŒØi ë ÀC ,“ƒÜA …ªÀ Bƒß ¡«ejÕ ≈ø :æB¥Ø ,ıBzÕC
.#BƒIBZuC Bƒ∞v√C Bø :…ŒJYBvª *** A æÃmi æB¥Ø ,“®JnªA ΩN≥ ”NY πªh∑ ælÕ ¡ºØ ,ΩN≥
(When the enemy got the upper hand) on the day of the Battle of Uhud, the Messenger of
Allah (saw) was left with only seven men from the Ansar and two men from the Quraysh.
When the enemy advanced towards him and overwhelmed him, he said: Whoso turns them
away from us will attain Paradise or will be my Companion in Paradise. A man from the
Ansar came forward and fought (the enemy) until he was killed. The enemy advanced and
overwhelmed him again and he repeated the words: Whoso turns them away, from us will
attain Paradise or will be my Companion in Paradise. A man from the Ansar came forward
and fought until he was killed. This state continued until the seven Ansar were killed (one
after the other). Now, the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said to his two
Companions: We have not done justice to our Companions.’ (Muslim)
œªG KYC O√fi A æÃmi BÕ :j¿ß …ª æB¥Ø ,LBÒàA ≈I j¿ß fŒI haE ëÀ , *** ƒªA ©ø Bƒ∑$
≈ø πŒªG KYC ∆Ã∑C ”NY , fŒI œn∞√ –hªAÀ ,‹ : *** ƒªA æB¥Ø ,œn∞√ ≈ø ‹G ’œq Ω∑ ≈ø
.#j¿ß BÕ ∆‡A : *** ƒªA æB¥Ø ,œn∞√ ≈ø œªG KYC O√fi AÀ ,∆‡A …√HØ :j¿ß …ª æB¥Ø ,πn∞√
We were with the Prophet (saw) when he took the hand of ‘Umar. Umar said: "I love you
more than anything except my soul which is between my two sides." The Prophet replied,
"None of you will believe until I am dearer to him than his own soul." 'Umar said, "By the
One who sent down the Book on you, I love you now more than my soul which is between my
two sides.” The Prophet said, “’Umar, now you have it!” (al-Bukhari)
• An-Nawawi reported in his commentary (Sharh) of Sahih Muslim the meaning of loving the
Messenger (saw) on the authority of Sulayman al-Khattabi which states:
.π∑›« …ŒØ ∆B∑ ∆GÀ ,∫Aë ”ºß –Byi jQ¤MÀ ,πn∞√ ßB ü ∞M ”NY Y ü ∂ÂfvM ‹ ...
“You will not be true in your love for me until you exhaust yourself in my obedience, until you prefer
my pleasure over your whims even if it may lead to your death.”
–fƒß ∆Ã∏M ∆fi :æB¥Ø ,o√C Ω«C ΩJ≥ ≈ø ÀC o√C ΩJ≥ ≈ø BƒJuC , ƒªA j®q ≈ø B√fƒß$
.#B»ŒØ BøÀ BŒ√fªA ≈ø œªG KYC …ƒø —j®q
We have some hair of the Prophet (saw), which we came to acquire through Anas or the
family of Anas (ra). He said: that I should have a strand of hair of the Prophet (saw) is
dearer to me than the world and what it contains.’ (al-Bukhari).
• ‘Aiysha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: Hind bint ‘Utbah came and said:
∆C ïG KYC ’BJa Ω«C ≈ø ~ifiA j»£ ”ºß ∆B∑ Bø A æÃmi BÕ :OªB≥ “JNß OƒI fƒ« P’BU$
Ω«C ≈ø AÀl®Õ ∆C œªG KYC ’BJa Ω«C ~ifiA j»£ ”ºß ¬ÃŒªA \JuC Bø ¡Q ,π÷BJa Ω«C ≈ø AêhÕ
“O Messenger of Allah (saw), there was no family on the surface of the earth, I wish to have
degraded more than I did your family. But today there is no family whom I wish to have been
honoured more than yours." (Agreed upon)
ëÀ ƒªA ”MC ,…I æfß Bû œªG KYC …JYBu ∆Ã∑C ∆fi ,ıAf»rø eÃmfiA ≈I eAf¥ùA ©ø Pf»q $
Bƒ∏ªÀ , (›MB¥Ø πIiÀ O√A K«gA ):”mÃø ¬Ã≥ æB≥ B¿∑ æÃ¥√ ‹ :æB¥Ø ,î∑jrùA ”ºß ÃßfÕ
.#…ªÃ≥ ®Õ , jmÀ …»UÀ ∂jqC ƒªA OÕCjØ ,π∞ºaÀ ,πÕfÕ îIÀ ,πªB ≈ßÀ ,πƒŒô ≈ß ΩMB¥√
“I witnessed Al-Miqdad b. Al-Aswad in an event, which would have been dearer to me than
anything had I been the hero of that scene. He (i.e. Al-Miqdad) came to the Prophet while
the Prophet was imploring Allah’s anger against the pagans. Al-Miqdad said, "We will not
say as the People of Moses said: Go you and your Lord and fight you two.” [TMQ Al-
Maa`idah:27]. But we shall fight on your right and on your left and in front of you and behind
you." I saw the face of the Prophet getting bright with happiness, for that saying delighted
him.” (al-Bukhari)
** πªÃmi AÃIh∑ ¬Ã≥ ≈ø ,πŒØ ¡«f«BUC ∆C œªG KYC fYC oŒª …√C ¡º®M π√G ¡»ºªA$
.#... ÃUjaCÀ
“O Allah! You know that there is nothing more beloved to me than to fight in Your Cause
against those who disbelieved Your Messenger and turned him out of (Makkah)”. (Agreed
ÃUêA KYC π»UÀ \JuC f¥Ø ,π»UÀ ≈ø œªG |¨IC …UÀ ~ifiA ”ºß ∆B∑ Bø , AÀ ,f¿ä BÕ$
≈ø ∆B∑ Bø , AÀ ,œªG ≈ÕfªA KYC πƒÕe \JuDØ ,πƒÕe ≈ø œªG |¨IC ≈Õe ≈ø ∆B∑ Bø , AÀ .œªG
.#... œªG e›JªA KYC ∫fºI \JuDØ ,∫fºI ≈ø œªG |¨IC fºI
“O Muhammad. By Allah There was not a face more hated to me than your face but your face
has become the most beloved. By Allah! There was no Deen more hated to me than your
Deen but your Deen has become the most beloved to me. By Allah! There was no country
more hated to me than your country but your country has become the most beloved to me…”
(Agreed upon).
4. Love and Hate for Allah’s Sake
Love for the sake of Allah means that you love the servant for the sake of Allah (swt), ie due to his
Imaan and obedience to Allah. Hate means that you should hate the servant due to his Kufr or
disobedience to Allah. This is because the preposition (fee) [Hubb fillah] here means the reason. This
like when Allah (swt) said:
Ê ØÚ CÚ B‰ø œÍØ ¡Ê ∏Û n
Ï ¿‰ ªÚ
“A great torment would have touched you because of that whereof you had spoken.” [TMQ an-Noor:14] Also as in
the hadith of the Messenger (saw):
B»JJnI –C #—j« ü iBƒªA —CjøA Oºae$
‘A woman entered the Fire on account of her (mistreatment) of a cat.’ It means because of it.
The love of the believers who are obedient brings a great reward and the evidences for this are the
following hadiths:
• The hadith of Abu Hurayrah which states that the Prophet (saw) said:
,ΩUÀ lß A —eBJß ü Dr√ LBqÀ ,æeBß ¬BøG :…º£ ‹G Ω£ ‹ ¬ÃÕ ,…º£ ü A ¡»º§Õ “®Jm$
—CjøA …Nße ΩUiÀ ,…Œºß B≥j∞MÀ ,…Œºß B®¿NUA , A ü BIBÑ ∆›UiÀ ,fUBnùBI µº®ø …Jº≥ ΩUiÀ
Bø …ªB ¡º®M ‹ ”NY ,B«B∞aDØ “≥fvI ∂ÈfvM ΩUiÀ , A ≤BaC œ√G æB¥Ø ,æBöÀ Kvƒø PAg
.# BƒŒß OyB∞Ø ,ıBŒªBa A j∑g ΩUiÀ ,…ƒŒô µ∞ƒM
“Seven types of people Allah will shade them by His Shade on the Day of Resurrection when
there will be no shade except His Shade. They will be, a just ruler, a young man who has
been brought up in the worship of Allah, a man whose heart is attached to mosques, two
people who love each other for only Allah's Sake, where they associated together because of
Him and dissociated from each other because of Him, a man who is called by a charming
lady of noble birth to commit illegal sexual intercourse with her, and he said, 'I am afraid of
Allah, a man who gives in charity secretly such that his left hand does not know what his
right hand has given and a man who remembers Allah in seclusion and his eyes are then
flooded with tears.”
• A Hadith of Abu Hurayrah (ra) reported by Muslim that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
‹G Ω£ ‹ ¬ÃÕ œº£ ü ¡»º£C ¬ÃŒªA œª›Ä ∆ÃIBZNùA ≈ÕC :“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ æÃ¥Õ ïB®M A ∆G$
“Allah (swt) says on the Day of Judgment: Where are those who loved one another for My
glory? Today I will shade them in My shade on the Day when there is no shade but Mine.”
• The hadith of Abu Hurayrah as reported by Muslim which states that the Messenger of Allah (saw)
’œq ”ºß ¡∏ªeC ‹ÀC ,AÃIBÑ ”NY AÃø¤M ‹À ,AÃø¤M ”NY “ƒÜA AúafM ‹ , fŒI œn∞√ –hªAÀ$
.#¡∏ƒŒI ¬›nªA AÃrØC ,¡NJIBÑ Ã¿Nº®Ø AgG
“By the one in whose hands is my soul! None of you can enter Jannah until you believe and
none of you can believe until you love each other for Allah’s sake. Shall I not direct you to
something, which if you do it will bring love between you? Do spread the salutations among
you.” The angle of deduction is the Prophet’s saying:
• The hadith of Anas (ra) reported by al-Bukhari states that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“None of you will taste the sweetness of Imaan until a man does not love a person except for
Allah’s sake.”
• The hadith of Mu’az reported by at-Tirmizi who said the hadith is hasan sahih. Mu’az said: I heard
the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
.#’Af»rªAÀ ∆ÃŒJƒªA ¡»ÒJ¨Õ ,iÃ√ ≈ø jIBƒø ¡ ,œª›U ü ∆ÃIBZNùA :ΩUÀ lß A æB≥$
“Allah (swt) said: `Those who love one another for My glory will have minbars of light, and
the Prophets and martyrs will recognise their high rank.” The ghibtah (wish) of the Prophets and
martyrs is an indication (kinayah) of their good state i.e. they are happy with their state, and not
because they are hoping for this, since the Prophets and martyrs are in the highest rank and state.
• A Hadith of Anas (ra) reported by Ahmad with a sound isnad which states that:
æB¥Ø ,…º¿®∑ Ω¿®Õ ∆C ©ŒÒNnÕ ‹À ,ΩUjªA Kê ΩUjªA A æÃmi BÕ æB¥Ø , ƒªA ïG ΩUi ’BU$
∆C ‹G ,°≥ ’œrI AÃYjØ A æÃmi LBZuC OÕCi B¿Ø o√C æB¥Ø .KYC ≈ø ©ø ’jùA : A æÃmi
©ŒÒNn√ ‹À A æÃmi Kç ≈ZƒØ :o√C æB¥Ø , A æÃmi æÃ≥ ≈ø Ah»I AÃYjØ Bø ,¬›m‚A ∆Ã∏Õ
.#BƒJnZØ …®ø Bƒ∑ AgHØ ,…º¿®I Ω¿®√ ∆C
“A man came to the Prophet (saw) and said: “O Messenger of Allah; a man loves another
man for Allah’s sake but he is not able to match his good deeds.” Allah’s Messenger (saw)
said: “A man will be with the man he loves.” Anas (ra) said: “I did not see the companions of
the Messenger of Allah more overjoyed with anything than Islam except this saying of the
Messenger of Allah (saw).” Anas said: “We love the Messenger of Allah (saw) but we cannot
match his good deeds. If we are going to be with him that would be enough for us.”
• In the hadith of Abu Zarr (ra) reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawud and Ibn Hibban Mu’az says:
≈ø ©ø ig BIC BÕ O√C :æB≥ ,¡ B¿ßDI Ω¿®Õ ∆C ©ŒÒNnÕ ‹ ¬Ã¥ªA Kê ΩUjªA , A æÃmi BÕ Oº≥$
.#îMjø ÀC —jø B«fŒ®Õ …ªÃmiÀ A KYC œ√HØ Oº≥ :æB≥ .OJJYC
I said; “O Messenger of Allah, a man loves a people for Allah’s sake but he cannot match
their good deeds.’ He said: O Abu Zarr, you will be with the one you love. He said: “I love
Allah and His Messenger’ and he repeated this once or twice.”
µZºÕ À BıøÃ≥ KYC ΩUi ü æÃ¥M ±Œ∑ A æÃmi BÕ :æB¥Ø, *** A æÃmi ïG ΩUi ’BU$
.#"KYC ≈ø ©ø ’jùA" : *** A æÃmi æB¥Ø ?¡»I
A man came to the Messenger of Allah (saw) and said: “O Messenger of Allah! What do
you say about a man who loves a people but cannot reach their level? Allah’s Messenger
replied: A man will be with the one he loves.” (Agreed upon).
• A Hadith of ‘Abdullah b. Mas’ud (ra) reported by al-Hakim in his al-Mustadrak who said the isnad is
sound though al-Bukhari and Muslim did not report it. ‘Abdullah b. Mas’ud said:
Ω« :æB≥ ,iAjø T›Q : A æÃmi BÕ πŒJª :Oº¥Ø ,eînø ≈I A fJß BÕ$ : *** ƒªA œª æB≥
KáBI , A ü “ՋêA ∆Bô‚A µQÀC :æB≥ ,¡ºßC …ªÃmiÀ A :Oº≥ ?µQÀC ∆Bô‚A ‘jß –C –ifM
#... …ŒØ |¨JªAÀ ,…ŒØ
The Prophet (saw) said to me: O ‘Abdallah b. Mas’ud! I said three times: “Here I am O
Messenger of Allah.” He said: “Do you know which bond of Imaan is the strongest?” I said:
“Allah and His Messenger know best.” He said: “The strongest Imaan is the loyalty for
Allah’s sake, by loving and hating for Allah’s sake…”
• A Hadith of ‘Umar b. al-Khattab (ra) quoted by Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr in his at-Tamheed which states
that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“Allah has servants who are neither Prophets nor martyrs and who the Prophets and martyrs
are pleased to see what they have, due to their place of nearness to Allah." The companions
asked: "O Messenger of Allah! Who are they? What are their actions so that we may love
them.’ He said: They are people who love one another for Allah's sake, without having family
connections among themselves or money that they give to each other. By Allah, their faces
will be of light and they will sit on minbars of light. People will fear but they will not fear. And
people will grieve but they will not grieve. Then he (saw) read the verse:
“No doubt! Verily, the Auliya' of Allah [i.e. those who believe in the Oneness of Allah and fear Allah much, and
abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which He has forbidden, and love Allah much and perform all kinds of
good deeds which He has ordained)], no fear shall come upon them nor shall they grieve.” [TMQ Yunus: 62]
• A Hadith of Mu’az b. Anas al-Juhani (ra) which states that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#…√BôG Ω¿∏NmA f¥Ø , \∏√CÀ , |¨ICÀ , KYCÀ , ©ƒøÀ , ”ÒßC ≈ø$
‘Whosoever gave gifts for the sake of Allah, forbade something for the sake of Allah, loved for
the sake of Allah, hated for the sake of Allah or gave in marriage for the sake of Allah he has
completed his Imaan.’ Abu ‘Isa said this hadith is hasan. It has also been reported by al-Hakim in
his al-Mustadrak who said “the isnad is sound though al-Bukhari and Muslim did not report it.” It has
been reported by Abu Dawud from the hadith of Abu Umaamah but he did not mention the part
“…who gave in marriage for the sake of Allah.”
It is sunnah for the one who loves someone for Allah’s sake that he informs him he loves him due to
the hadith reported by Abu Dawud and at-Tirmizi. At-Tirmizi said the hadith is hasan as narrated by
al-Miqdad b. Ma‘di Karib, from the Prophet (saw), who said:
"If a man loves his brother, let him tell him that he loves him.’ There is another narration by
Abu Dawud which he narrated on the authority of Anas (ra) with a sound isnad that:
*** ƒªA …ª æB¥Ø ,Ah« KYfi œ√G A æÃmi BÕ :æB¥Ø ΩUi …I j¿Ø , *** ƒªA fƒß ∆B∑ ›
ı Ui ∆C$
.#…ª NJJYC –hªA πJYC :æB¥Ø , A ü πJYC œ√G :æB¥Ø ,…¥ZºØ ,…¿ºßC æB≥ ,‹ :æB≥ ?…N¿ºßC
A man was with the Prophet (saw), when another man passed by. The first man said, “O
Messenger of Allah (swt), indeed I truly love this man.” The Prophet (saw) asked him, “Have
you let him know that?” He said, “No.” The Prophet (saw) said, “Tell him.” He caught up
with him and told him, “Truly I love you for the sake of Allah (swt),” and the man said, “May
Allah (swt), for whose sake you love me, love you. ”
Al-Bazzar narrated also with hasan isnad from Abdullah b. Amr, he said: The Messenger of Allah (saw)
The better of two companions who love each other for Allah’s sake is the one who loves his brother
most. This is due to what has been reported by Ibn Abd al-Barr in his at-Tamheed, al-Hakim in his al-
Mustadrak, Ibn Hibban in his Sahih on the authority of Anas (ra) who said that the Messenger of Allah
(saw) said:
“No two men love one another, but the better of them is the one who is of greater love for his
It is sunnah also upon a Muslim to make du’a for his brother in his absence due to what Muslim
narrated from Umm Dardaa who said: My master (i.e. Abu Dardaa, a reference of respect for her
husband) reported that he heard Allah's Messenger (May peace be upon him) as say:
.#ΩRñ πªÀ ,îøE :…I Ω∑ÃùA πºùA æB≥ ,KŒ¨ªA j»§I …Œafi Bße ≈ø$
“He who supplicates for his brother in his absence , the Angel commissioned (for carrying
supplication to his Lord) says: Ameen, and the same is for you also.” It has also been reported
by Ahmad and Muslim with a sound isnad on the authority of Umm Dardaa. The text of Muslim is as
Safwan (and he was Ibn ‘Abdullah b. Safwan, and he had been married to Umm Darda’) reported: “I
visited Abu Darda’s house in Syria. I did not find him there but Umm Darda’ (was present at the
house).” She said: “Do you intend to perform Hajj during this year?” I said: “Yes.” She said: “Do
supplicate Allah for blessings upon us, for Allah’s Messenger (saw) used to say:
, Ç …Œafi Bße B¿º∑ ,Ω∑Ãø πºø …mCi fƒß ,“IBVNnø KŒ¨ªA j»§I …Œafi ¡ºnùA ’jùA —Ãße$
.#ΩRñ πªÀ ,îøE :…I Ω∑ÃùA πºùA æB≥
“The supplication of a Muslim for his brother in his absence is accepted and the
commissioned Angel says: Amen, and says: The same is for you too,” He said: I went to the
bazar and met Abu Dardaa' and he narrated like this from Allah's Messenger (saw).
It is also sunnah to ask a brother to make du’a due to what Abu Dawud and at-Tirmizi narrated with a
sound isnad from ‘Umar b. al-Khattab. I sought leave from the Prophet (saw) to go to ‘Umrah. The
Prophet gave me permission and said to me:
.#π÷Bße ü œaC BÕ Bƒ∑jqC$
It is also sunnah that he should visit his brother, sit with him, maintain links with him, and spend on
each other for Allah’s sake after having loved him for Allah’s sake. Muslim reported on the authority
of Abu Hurayrah (ra) about the Prophet (saw) that:
æB≥ ?fÕjM ≈ÕC :æB≥ …Œºß œMC B¿ºØ ,ıB∏ºø …ª ïB®M A fuiDØ ,‘jaC “Õj≥ ü …ª BıaC iAk ›
ı Ui ∆C$
A ü …NJJYC œ√C ´ ,‹ :æB≥ ?…Œºß B»ÈIjM “¿®√ ≈ø …Œºß πª Ω« æB≥ ,“Õj¥ªA h« ü œª BıaC fÕiC
≈nY eBƒmHI fõC XjaCÀ .#…ŒØ …NJJYC B¿∑ πJYC f≥ A ∆DI ,πŒªG A æÃmi œ√HØ :æB≥ ,ïB®M
O¥Y$ :æB≥ ΩUÀ lß LjªA ïG …®ØjÕ , ** ƒªA ≈ß OøBvªA ≈I —eBJß ≈ß …ZZuÀ ,¡∑BáAÀ
Jä O¥YÀ ,Èü îªgBJN¿ºª Jä O¥YÀ ,Èü ≈ÕiÀAlN¿ºª Jä O¥YÀ ,Èü îIBZN¿ºª Jä
È îºuAÃN¿ºª
“A man went to visit a brother of his in another village. Allah (swt) sent an angel to wait for
him on the road. When the man came along, the angel asked him, 'Where do you intend to
go?' He said, 'I am going to visit a brother of mine who lives in this village.' The angel asked,
'Have you done him any favour (for which you are now seeking repayment)?' He said, 'No. I
just love him for the sake of Allah (swt).' The angel told him, I am a messenger to you from
Allah (swt), sent to tell you that He loves you as you love your brother for His sake.” Ahmad
reported a hadith on the authority of ‘Ubaadah b. Saamit with a hasan chain of transmitters and al-
Hakim declared it sound that the Prophet (saw) said His Lord said:
Jä O¥YÀ ,Èü îªgBJN¿ºª Jä O¥YÀ ,Èü ≈ÕiÀAlN¿ºª Jä O¥YÀ ,Èü îIBZN¿ºª Jä O¥Y$
È îºuAÃN¿ºª
'My love is due to those who love one another for My sake, who visit one another for My sake,
and who spend on one another for My sake, and who maintain links for My sake.’ Malik
reported in his al-Muwatta` with a sound isnad on the authority of Mu’az who said: I heard the
Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
È îªgBJNùAÀ ,Èü ≈ÕiÀAlNùAÀ ,Èü înªBVNùAÀ ,Èü îIBZN¿ºª Jä OJUÀ :ïB®M A æB≥$
Allah Almighty said: 'My love is due to those who love one another for My sake, who visit one
another for My sake, and who spend on one another for My sake.’
Al-Bukhari reported on the authority of ‘Ayisha who said: “Since I reached the age when I could
remember things, I have seen my parents worshipping according to the right faith of Islam, and not a
single day passed but Allah’s Messenger (saw) visited us both in the morning and in the evening...”
The Messenger (saw) showed us the great reward of the believer who loves for his brother that which
he loves for himself. He wishes good for his brother in this world and the hereafter as much as he
can. Thus, we find the hadith of Anas (ra) which states that the Prophet (saw) said:
‘None of you can be a true believer until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.’
Also we have the hadith of ‘Abdullah b. ‘Amr reported by Ibn Khuzaymah in his Sahih, by Ibn
Hibban in his Sahih and al-Hakim in al-Mustadrak. Al-Hakim said the hadith is sound according to the
condition of the two Shaykhs. The hadith states that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
XjØ ≈øÀ ,…NUBY ü A ∆B∑ …ŒaC “UBY ü ∆B∑ ≈ø ,…¿ºnÕ ‹À …¿º§Õ ‹ ¡ºnùA ÃaC ¡ºnùA$
¬ÃÕ A m Bı¿ºnø m ≈øÀ ,“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ Lj∑ ≈ø “Ij∑ B»I …ƒß A XjØ “Ij∑ ¡ºnø ≈ß
“A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim. He neither oppresses him nor deserts him. Whoever
helps to remove the hardship of his brother, will have his difficulties removed by Allah in this
world and in the Hereafter. One who covers the shortcomings of another Muslim, will have
his faults covered up in this world and the next by Allah.”
Also at-Tabaraani reported with a trustworthy chain of transmitters which is classed as hasan a hadith
on the authority of Zayd b. Thabit that the Messenger of Allah (saw):
It is recommended (mandoob) to meet another brother by that which makes him happy due to the
hadith reported by at-Tabaraani, which is hasan, that Anas said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ ΩUÀ lß A jm ,πªhI jnŒª Kê Bñ ¡ºnùA BaC œ¥ª ≈ø$
“The one who meets his brother with something his brother loves in order to make him
happy then Allah ‘azza wa jalla will make him happy on the day of judgment.”
Also it is recommended to meet his brother with a smiling face due to the hadith reported by Muslim
on the authority of Abu Zarr who said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“Do not belittle even the smallest act of kindness, even if it were no more than meeting your
brother with a smiling and cheerful face.” It is also due to the hadith reported by Ahmad and at-
Tirmizi who said the hadith is hasan sahih, on the authority of Jabir b. ‘Abdullah who said that the
Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
’B√G ü ∫êe ≈ø Æj∞M ∆CÀ ,µº …UÃI ∫BaC ”¥ºM ∆C ≤Àj®ùA ≈ø ∆GÀ ,“≥fu ≤Àj®ø Ω∑$
“Every act of kindness is charity. Smiling in the face of your brother is charity and pouring
out from your bucket into your brother's bucket is charity.” It is also due to the narration of
Ahmad, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmizi and an-Nasa`i reported with a hasan chain. The same hadith has also
been narrated by Ibn Hibban in his Sahih and his narration has the following wording:
∫BaC ¡º∏M ∆C êÀ ,œ¥nNnùA ’B√G ü ∫êe ≈ø Æj∞M ∆C êÀ ,ıB◊Œq ≤Àj®ùA ≈ø ∆j¥Ñ ‹$
Bñ π¿Nq ⁄jøA ∆GÀ , A B»Jê ‹À ,“ºŒbùA ≈ø …√HØ iAk‚A æBJmGÀ ∫BÕGÀ ,°nJƒø …ŒªG π»UÀÀ
.#…ªB≥ ≈ø ”ºß …ªBIÀÀ πª jUC ∆HØ ,…ŒØ ¡º®M Bñ …¿NrM ›Ø πŒØ …¿º®Õ
“Do not look down upon any good work, to pour out from your bucket into the container of
he who seeks water, and when you speak to your brother then be cheerful to him by your face,
and that is from goodness. Beware of letting the izaar hang down, for it is from pride, and
Allah does not like pride. And if a man abuses and shames you for something which he finds
in you, then do not shame him for something which you find in him; you shall have the
reward and he will bear the evil consequences for it.”
It is recommended for a Muslim to give presents to his brother. This is due to the hadith of Abu
Hurayrah (ra), which was reported by al-Bukhari in al-Adab al-Mufrad and by Abu Ya'la in his Musnad.
It has also been reported by an-Nasa`i in al-Kunna and by Ibn 'Abd al-Barr in his at-Tamheed. Al-Iraqi
said the chain is accepted. Ibn Hajar said in at-Talkhees al-Hubayr that its chain is hasan. Abu Hurayrah
says that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“If you exchanged gifts you would love each other.” It is also recommended for the Muslim to
accept his brother’s gifts and give gifts in return due to the hadith of 'Ayisha reported by al-Bukhari:
¡∏ŒªG ”MC ≈øÀ , À UDØ BI iBVNmA ≈øÀ , ÃÒßDØ BI ¡∏ªDm ≈øÀ , ÀhŒßDØ BI gB®NmA ≈ø$
.# ÃóDØB∑ f≥ ∆C Aÿº®M ”NY …ª AÃßeBØ ,AÀfÉ ∆HØ , Ã◊ØB∏Ø BıØÀj®ø
"If anyone seeks refuge by Allah's Name, give him refuge; If anyone makes a request in
Allah's Name, give it to him. If anyone seeks protection in Allah’s Name give him protection.
And if anyone does you a kindness, recompense him; but if you do not have the means to do
so, pray for him until you feel that you have compensated him." This is only between brothers
and has no relationship to gifts given to rulers, for such gifts are like bribery and are forbidden. Part
of recompensing for a kindness is to say: jazaakallahu khayran (may Allah reward you). At-Tirmizi
reported on the authority of Usamah b. Zayd (ra) and said that the hadith is hasan sahih. He stated that
the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#’BƒRªA ü ≠ºIC f¥Ø Aı a A ∫AlU …ºßB∞ª æB¥Ø ≤Àj®ø …ŒªG ©ƒu ≈ø$
“To whom a good deed is done and so he said to its doer: 'May Allah reward you with
goodness,' then he has conveyed the thanks (thanaa).” Ath-thanaa means thanks i.e. to
recompense especially if he is not able to do anything else. It also been reported by Ibn Hibban in his
Sahih on the authority of Jabir that the Prophet (saw) said:
Ω BJI ”º̃Ñ ≈øÀ , j∞∑ f¥Ø …¿N∑ ≈øÀ , j∏q f¥Ø ,’BƒRªA ‹G Aı a …ª fè ¡ºØ BıØÀj®ø œ‰ ªÀC ≈ø$
.#iÀk œIÃQ oI›∑ ûØ
“Whosoever is done a good deed and has nothing to give in return other than praise he has
thanked him, and the one who remains silent he has been ungrateful. And the one who falsely
claims ownership of anything is like a person who has worn two garments of lies (i.e. he has
covered himself in lies from head to foot).” at-Tirmizi reported with a hasan chain on the authority
of Jabir that the Prophet (saw) said:
,j∞∑ f¥Ø ¡N∑ ≈øÀ ,j∏q f¥Ø ”ƒQC ≈ø ∆HØ ,¯≈RŒºØ fè ∆HØ ,…I lVŒºØ fUÃØ ’BÒß œÒßC ≈ø$
.#iÀk œIÃQ oI›∑ ∆B∑ ,°®Õ Bñ ”ºÑ ≈øÀ
“Whosoever is done a good deed and has something to give back let him give it; and if he did
not find a thing to give then let him praise him. The one who has praised him has thanked
him. The one who remains silent he has been ungrateful. And the one who falsely claims
something he has not been given is like a person who has worn two garments of lies.” Also
Abu Dawud and an-Nasa`i reported with a sound chain on the authority of Anas (ra) who said:
‹À , R∏ª ‹ı hI ≈nYC BıøÃ≥ BƒÕCi Bø ,…º∑ jUfiBI iBv√fiA K«g , A æÃmi BÕ ∆ÀjUB»ùA æB≥$
AêB≥ ?¡ ∆ÃßfMÀ …I ¡»Œºß ∆ÃRM oŒªC :æB≥ ,“√À¤ùA B√Ã∞∑ f¥ªÀ ,¡»ƒø ΩŒº≥ ü —BmAÃø ≈nYC
.#∫AhI ∫AhØ :æB≥ ,”ºI
The Muhajireen said: “O Messenger of Allah, the Ansar have taken all the reward. We have
not seen any people better than them in spending so much and in sharing their little worldly
goods. They also saved us the trouble of the provision. He said: Do you not pray to Allah for
them and praise them? They said: Yes. He said then this is recompense for that.” One should
give thanks for the small things as one would for the big things. One should thank those who do a
good due to what ‘Abdullah b. Ahmad reported in his Zawaa`id with a hasan chain on the authority of
an-Nu'man b. Basheer who said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
j∏q A “¿®ƒI TfZNªAÀ , A j∏rÕ pBƒªA j∏rÕ ≈øÀ , R∏ªA j∏rÕ ΩŒº¥ªA j∏rÕ ≈ø$
.#LAhß “≥j∞ªAÀ “õi “ßB¿ÜAÀ ,j∞∑ B»∑jMÀ
“The one who does not give thanks for the small things he would not give thanks for the big
things. The one who does not thank the people would have not thanked Allah. Talking about
the blessing (ni’mah) of Allah is equivalent to giving thanks, while abstaining from doing
that is equivalent to ungratefulness. Unity is mercy and disunity is punishment.”
It also from the sunnah that a Muslim intercedes for his brother for the sake of rendering a charity or
removing a hardship due to what al-Bukhari reported on the authority of Abu Musa who said the
Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
Prophet (saw) said:
¢AjvªA —kBUG ”ºß îßÛC nß nŒM ÀC jÈ I “®∞ƒù ∆BÒºm –g ïG ¡ºnùA …Œafi “ı ºuÀ ∆B∑ ≈ø$
.#¬Af≥fiA |Ye ¬ÃÕ
‘The one who was a connection for his Muslim brother to one in authority for rendering a
charity or removing a hardship he will be helped in crossing the path (siraat) the Day the feet
will be blocked.’
It is also recommended for the Muslim to defend the honour of his brother in his absence, due to
what at-Tirmizi reported. He said this hadith is hasan on the authority of Abu Dardaa` (ra) who said
that the Prophets (saw) said:
This hadith of Abu Dardaa` has been reported by Ahmad who said the chain is hasan. Al-Haythami
also said the hadith has a hasan chain of transmitters. It has been reported by Ishaq b. Rahaaway from
Asmaa` bint Yazeed who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#iBƒªA ≈ø …¥N®Õ ∆C A ”ºß Bı¥Y ∆B∑ KŒ¨ªA j»§I …ŒaC ~jß ≈ß Lg ≈ø$
“Whoever defends his brother's honour in his absence, will be entitled to Allah's protection
from the Fire.”
Al-Qadda'i reported in the Musnad of ash-Shihab on the authority of Anas (ra) that the Messenger of
Allah (saw) said:
It has also been reported by al-Qaddaa'i on the authority of 'Imraan b. Husayn with the additional
“And He is able to help him.”
It has been reported by Abu Dawud and al-Bukhari in al-Adab al-Mufrad. Az-Zein al-Iraqi said the
chain is hasan and narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger for Allah (saw) said:
.#…÷AiÀ ≈ø … ÃêÀ …N®Œy …ƒß ±∏Õ ,…Œ¥ª SŒY ≈ø ,≈ø¤ùA ÃaC ≈ø¤ùAÀ ,≈ø¤ùA —Ejø ≈ø¤ùA$
“A believer is the mirror of his brother and a believer is the brother of another believer, when
they met. He holds back from him his loss and defends him in his absence.”
Also Allah (swt) obliged that a Muslim accepts the apology of his brother, keeps his secret and advises
Acceptance of apology: this is due to what Ibn Maajah reported with two sound isnads as stated by
al-Munziri on the authority of Jawdaan who said the Messenger of Allah (saw):
.#o∏ø KYBu “◊ŒÒa ΩRø …Œºß ∆B∑ ,B»ºJ¥Õ ¡ºØ —ih®ñ …ŒaC ïG ihNßA ≈ø$
“The one who apologises to his brother and he does not accept it then he will have the same
sin as the one who takes customs tax (maks).”
Keeping his secret: this is due to what has been reported by Abu Dawud and at-Tirmizi with a hasan
chain on the authority of Jabir who said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“If a man speaks to another and looks around to see if anyone can hear them then this is a
trust.” It is obligatory to protect the trust (Amaanah). Breaking the trust is betrayal. The hadith
indicates the obligation of keeping the secret of his brother even if he does not explicitly request this.
But his body language indicates that that he is informing his brother of something while looking
around in case anyone hears him. It is clear that by greater reason it applies to the person who asks
him explicitly to keep his secret. This is the case if the information does not contain anything, which
is a general harm to the rights of Allah. The one who is told this information should advise him and
forbid the evil and he should give testimony before he is asked to do so as mentioned in the hadith:
Giving him advice: this is due to the hadith of Jabir b. 'Abdellah who said:
.#¡ºnø Ω∏ª \vƒªAÀ —B∑lªA ’BNÕGÀ —›vªA ¬B≥G ”ºß ** A æÃmi O®ÕBI$
“I gave a pledge to the Messenger of Allah (saw) that I would establish the prayer, give
Zakah and advise every Muslim.” (Agreed upon). And the hadith of Tameem b. Aws ad-Daari
reported by Muslim which states that the Prophet (saw) said:
.#¡»NøBßÀ nùA “¿÷fiÀ …ªÃmjªÀ …IBN∏ªÀ æB≥ ?≈ù Bƒº≥ “ZŒvƒªA ≈ÕfªA$
“The Prophet (saw) said, (three times), "The Religion is naseeha (sincere advice)." We said,
"To whom?" He said, "To Allah, His Book, His Messenger, and to the leaders of the
Muslims and the common people.” Al-Khattabi said: “The meaning of the hadith is that the pillar
of the Deen and its support is an-Naseeha (the sincere advice) such as the Prophet's saying:
.“Øjß WáA
“The Hajj is 'Arafah,” i.e. it is its pillar and the major part of Hajj.
The Messenger of Allah (saw) clarified the right of the Muslim over another Muslim and the great
reward entailed in this action. Muslim reported on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that Allah's
Messengers (saw) said:
∫Bße AgGÀ ,…Œºß ¡ºnØ …NŒ¥ª AgG :æB≥ ? A æÃmi BÕ ≈« Bø :ΩŒ≥ ,Om ¡ºnùA ”ºß ¡ºnùA µY$
PBø AgGÀ , f®Ø ~jø AgGÀ ,…N¿rØ A f¿ZØ oÒß AgGÀ ,…ª \v√BØ πZvƒNmA AgGÀ ,…JUDØ
“A Muslim owes six obligations towards another Muslim: when you meet him, salute him
saying 'Assalamu Alaikum; when he invites you, accept his invitation; when he (or she)
solicits your advice, advise him (or her) sincerely; when he (or she) sneezes and praises Allah,
respond with the supplication Yarhamuka Allah (Allah have mercy on you); when he falls
sick, visit him; on his death, join his funeral.”
As for hating for Allah's sake, Allah (swt) has forbidden us from showing any love for the Kuffar,
hypocrites and open transgressors (fussaq) due to the saying of Allah (swt):
“O you who believe! Take not My enemies and your enemies (i.e. disbelievers and polytheists, etc.) as friends, showing
affection towards them, while they have rejected what has come to you of the truth, and have driven out the Messenger
(Muhammad SAW) and yourselves (from your homeland) because you believe in Allah your Lord, if you have come
forth to strive in My Cause and to seek My Good Pleasure. You show friendship to them in secret, while I am All
Aware of what you conceal and what you reveal. And whosoever of you does that, then indeed he has gone (far) astray,
(away) from the Straight Path.” [TMQ Al-Mumtahinah:1]
≈Ê øÍ Â’B‰z¨Ê J‰ªÙA P
Ê f‰ I‰ fÊ ≥Ú ¡Ê ÑÍ߉ B‰ø AÀÌeÀ‰ ‹ı B‰Ja‰ ¡Ê Û∏√‰ÃÛªDÙ Õ‰ ‹Ú ¡Ê ∏Û √ÍÀÂe ≈Ê øÍ “ı √‰BÚÒIÍ AÀÂhb
Í NÏM‰ ‹Ú AÃø‰ E ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A B‰»ÕÌCÚ B‰Õ
‰.∆ÃÛº¥Í ®Ê M‰ ¡Ê NÂƒÊ ∑Û ∆Ê Ḡ P
Í BÕ‡A ¡Ê Û∏ªÚ BσŒÏI‰ fÊ ≥Ú ÂjJ‰∑Ù CÚ ¡Ê «Â i ÀÂfu
Ê M B‰øÀ‰ ¡Ê »¯ «Í A‰ÃØÙ CÚ
At-Tabaraani reported with a good chain of narrators on the authority of Ali (ra) that the Messenger
of Allah (saw) said:
…ŒªÃŒØ ËfJß Ú A ïÃNÕ ‹À ,…ª ¡»m ‹ ≈¿∑ ¬›m‚A ü ¡»m …ª ≈ø A Ω®è ‹ :µY ≈« T›Q$
.#¡»®ø jrY ‹G BıøÃ≥ ΩUi Kê ‹À , ´
“Three matters are true: Allah would not consider the one who has a share in Islam like the
one who has not any share. No servant takes Allah as a waly (protector) and then Allah leaves
him for other than Him. And no person loves a people except he is resurrected with them”.
This contains the decisive prohibiting of showing love for the people of inequity for fear that one
might be raised with them on the Day of Judgment.
At-Tirmizi reported a hadith and stated this is a hasan hadith narrated by Mu'az b. Anas al-Juhani that
the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#…√BôG Ω¿∏NmA f¥Ø \∏√CÀ , |¨ICÀ , K
È YCÀ , ©ƒøÀ , ”ÒßC ≈ø$
“The one who gives for Allah’s sake, withholds for Allah’s sake, loves for Allah’s sake, hates
for Allah’s sake and gives someone in marriage for Allah’s sake he has completed his Imaan.”
Also, Muslim reported on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
–eBƒÕ ¡Q ΩÕ U …z¨JŒØ æB≥ ,…z¨IDØ Bı√›Ø |¨IC œ√G æÃ¥ŒØ ΩÕ U Bße AıfJß A |¨IC AgGÀ ...$
# ... ~ifiA ü ’Bz¨JªA …ª ©yÃM ¡Q …√Ãz¨JŒØ æB≥ , Ãz¨IDØ Bı√›Ø |¨JÕ A ∆G ’B¿nªA Ω«C ü
“And when Allah hates a servant He calls Jibreel and says: "Indeed I hate so and so person,
therefore hate him". So Jibreel hates him. Then Jibreel calls the inhabitants of the Heaven:
"Indeed Allah hates so and so person, therefore so hate him". He said: They would then hate
him, and the hatred of him is then placed on the earth.”
His (saw) saying: “The hatred of him is then placed on the earth” is an expression that indicates a
request by the required meaning (dalalat al-Iqidaa`) since there are many Kuffar, hypocrites and open
transgressors (fussaq) who are loved and not hated. Thus, the truthfulness of the speaker necessitates
that the intent be that the report is one of inshaa` i.e. a request (talab). It is as if he is saying: O people
of the earth: hate the one whom Allah hates. Consequently, the hadith indicates the obligation of
hating those whom Allah hates. Under this comes the hatred for the Aladd al-Khasm that has been
mentioned in the hadith of 'Ayisha that the Prophet (saw) said:
…z¨IC ¡»z¨IC ≈øÀ , A …JYC ¡»JYC ≈¿Ø ,µØBƒø ‹G ¡»z¨JÕ ‹À ,≈ø¤ø ‹G ¡»Jê ‹ iBv√fiA$
.# A
“Only a believer loves the Ansar and only a hypocrite hates them. Whoever loves them, Allah
loves him. Whoever hates him, Allah hates him.” (Agreed upon). Also to hate the one who speaks
the truth but does not mean it, ie does not practice it, due to the hadith of 'Ali (ra) reported by Muslim
which states that the Messenger for Allah (saw) said:
Ah« kÃè ‹ ,¡»NƒnªDI µáA ∆ÃªÃ¥Õ -’‹¤« ü ¡»N∞u ≤jßfi œ√G- BımB√ ±uÀ A æÃmi ∆G$
.#…ŒªG A µºa |¨IC ≈ø ,…¥ºY ïG iBqCÀ ,¡»ƒø
“The Messenger of Allah described some people – I recognise their character in these people.
They say the truth by their mouths, but it does no go beyond this in them, pointing to his
throat. Such people are of the most hated Allah’s creatures to him”.
His statement: laa yajooz means does not cross the bounds (laa yata'adda). Also the obligation to hate
the one who used foul language as mentioned in the hadith of Abu Dardaa` by at-Tirmizi who said
this hadith is hasan sahih which states that the Prophet (saw) said:
.#’–hJªA sYB∞ªA |¨JŒª A ∆GÀ ...$
“Truly Allah detests the wicked and foul-tongued."
Also there are reports about the Sahaba's hatred for the Kuffar. For example; the hadith reported by
Muslim on the authority of Salamah b. Akwa' (ra) who said:
,B»∑Ãq OZn∏Ø ,—jVq OŒMC ,|®JI Bƒz®I °ºNaAÀ ,“∏ø Ω«CÀ ≈ç BƒZºÒuA B¿ºØ ...$
A æÃmi ü ∆î¥Õ Aú®VØ ,“∏ø Ω«C ≈ø ,î∑jrùA ≈ø “®IiC œ√BMDØ :æB≥ ,B»ºuC ü O®VÒyBØ
#... ‘jaC —jVq ïG OªÃZNØ ,¡»Nz¨IDØ , **
“When we and the people of Makkah had concluded a peace treaty and the people of one side
began to mix with those of the other, I came to a tree, swept away its thorns and laid down
(for rest) at its base. (While I was laying there), four of the polytheists from the Makkans
came to me and began to talk ill of the Messenger of Allah (saw). I got enraged with them
and moved to another tree.”
Also the hadith of Jabir b. 'Abdullah (ra) as reported by Ahmad that 'Abdullah b. Rawaahah said to the
Jews of Khaybar:
º¿ê oŒªÀ , A ”ºß ¡NIh∑À ,ΩUÀ lß A ’BŒJ√C ¡NºN≥ ,œªG µºàA |¨IC ¡N√C ,eûŒªA jr®ø BÕ$
.#... ¡∏Œºß ±ŒYC ∆C ”ºß ¡∑BÕG œz¨I
“O you Jews, you are the most hated creation in my eyes. You killed the Prophets of Allah
‘azza wa jalla and fabricated lies on Allah, but my hatred for you will not make me deal
unjustly with you.”
Also there are narrations regarding the hatred for those who showed enmity for the Muslims. Ahmad,
'Abd ar-Razzaq and Abu Yu'la reported with a good chain of narrators, also al-Haakim in his al-
Mustadrak who said the hadith is sound according to the condition of Muslim on the authority of Abu
Farras who said: 'Umar b. al-Khattab gave a speech in which he said:
.#…Œºß Bƒz¨ICÀ ,ıAjq …I Bƒƒ£ Aıjq ¡∏ƒø j»£C ≈øÀ ...$
“Whosoever amongst you revealed evil then we will think of him as bad and hate him
because of it.”
Thus, love and hate for Allah's sake is one of the greatest things a Muslim, who looks for the Good
Pleasure of Allah, His Mercy, Victory and Jannah, is characterised with.
5. Fear of Allah openly and secretly
Fear of Allah is obligatory and the evidences for that are the Kitab and Sunnah. As for the Kitab He
(swt) says:
. ∆¯ ÃÛ¥MÏBÚØ –
“Fear Me Alone.” [TMQ Al-Baqarah: 41]
. ∆¯ ÃÂJ«‰ iÊ BÚØ –
“And fear none but Me.” [TMQ Al-Baqarah: 40]
‰ ƒÍøÍ ¤Ê Âø ¡Ê NÂƒÊ ∑Û ∆Ê Ḡ ∆¯ ÃÛØB‰aÀ‰ ¡Ê «ÃÛØB‰bM‰ ›
Ú ØÚ Â ’‰ B‰ŒªÍÀÊ CÚ ≤
Ï ªA ¡Ê Û∏ªÍg‰ B‰¿√ÏḠ
“It is only Shaitan (Satan) that suggests to you the fear of his Auliya' [supporters and friends (polytheists, disbelievers
in the Oneness of Allah and in His Messenger, Muhammad SAW)], so fear them not, but fear Me, if you are (true)
believers.” [TMQ Aali’Imraan: 175]
‰ ∞Ù √‰ … º̇ªA ¡Ê Û∑Âih‰ZÂÕÀ‰
“Allah warns you against Himself (His Punishment).” [TMQ Aali’Imraan: 28]
. ∆¯ ÃÊ r
‰ aÊ A‰À ¡Ê «Â ÃÊ r
Ê M‰ ›
“So fear them not, but fear Me.” [TMQ Al-Maa`idah: 3]
.¡∏ÏIi AÃÛ¥MÏA p
“O mankind! Fear your Lord.” [TMQ A-Nisaa: 1]
.¡Ê »ÂIÃÛº≥Û O
Ê ºÚ UÍ À‰ … º̇ªA j‰ ∑Í Âg A‰gḠ ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A ∆‰ ÃøÍ ¤Ê ¿Â ªÙ A B‰¿√ÏḠ
“The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, feel a fear in their hearts.” [TMQ Al-Anfal: 2]
Ê ø‰ ˬÃÊ Õ‰ π
Ú ªÍg‰ À‰ p
 BσªA … ªÚ ˙ÿV
Ê ø‰ ˬÃÊ Õ‰ π
Ú ªÍg‰ Í—j‰ aÍ ‡A L
‰ A‰h߉ ≤
‰ B‰a ≈Ê ¿‰ ªÍ “ı Õ‰FÚª π
Ú ªÍg‰ œÍØ ∆Ï Ḡ
Í ªÙA ’‰ ÃÂm ∆‰ ÃÛØB‰bÕ‰À‰ ¡Ê »Â IÏi‰ ∆‰ ÃÊ r
‰bÊ Õ‰À‰ Ω‰ u
‰ ÃÂÕ ∆Ê CÚ …Í IÍ Â…º̇ªA j‰ ø‰ CÚ B‰ø ∆‰ ÃÛºv
Í Õ‰ ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇AÀ‰
“Those who join that which Allah has commanded to be joined (i.e. they are good to their relatives and do not sever the
bond of kinship), fear their Lord, and dread the terrible reckoning.” [TMQ Ar-Ra’d: 21]
Í fÍ ŒßÀ ≤
.. ‰ B‰aÀ‰ œÍøBÚ¥ø‰ ≤
‰ B‰a ≈Ê ¿‰ ªÍ π
Ú ªÍg‰
“This is for him who fears standing before Me (on the Day of Resurrection or fears My Punishment) and also fears My
Threat." [TMQ Ibraheem: 14]
B‰øÀ‰ ‘‰iBÚ∏m p
‰ BσªA ‘‰jM‰À‰ B‰»ºÚ ¿Ê Y‰ Ω̆Ê¿Y‰ P
Í A‰g ΩÌ ∑Û ©Â ‰zM‰À‰ O
Ê ®‰ y
‰ iÊ CÚ BϿ߉ “Î ®‰ y
Í jÊ ø ΩÌ Û∑ Ω «‰ hÊ M‰ B‰»√‰ÀÊ j‰ M‰ ¬‰ ÊÃÕ‰
Ë.fÕÍfq‰ …Í º̇ªA L
‰ A‰h߉ ≈Ï ∏Í ªÚÀ‰ ‘‰iBÚ∏n
 IÍ ¡Ê «
“O mankind! Fear your Lord and be dutiful to Him! Verily, the earthquake of the Hour (of Judgement) is a terrible
thing. The Day you shall see it, every nursing mother will forget her nursling, and every pregnant one will drop her load,
and you shall see mankind as in a drunken state, yet they will not be drunken, but severe will be the Torment of
Allah.” [TMQ Al-Hajj: 1-2]
“The one who fears the standing before his Lord, there will be two Gardens (i.e. in Paradise).” [TMQ Ar-Rahman:
.AÁiBÚ≥À‰ …Í º̇ͪ ∆‰ ÃÂUjÊ M‰ ‹Ú ¡Ê ∏Û ªÚ B‰ø
“What is the matter with you, [ that you fear not Allah (His punishment), and] you hope not for reward (from Allah
or you believe not in His Oneness).” [TMQ Nuh: 13] The meaning is what is wrong with you that you do
not fear the greatness of Allah (swt).
As for the Sunnah; some of the hadiths indicate the obligation to fear Allah from their wording
(mantooq) whilst others indicate this by their implicit meaning (mafhoom):
• Narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (ra) who said that I heard the Messenger of Allah
(saw) said:
,ΩUÀ lß A —eBJß ü Dr√ LBqÀ ,æeBß ¬BøG :…º£ ‹G Ω£ ‹ ¬ÃÕ ,…º£ ü A ¡»º§Õ “®Jm$
—CjøA …Nße ΩUiÀ ,…Œºß B≥j∞MÀ …Œºß B®¿NUA A ü BIBÑ ∆›UiÀ ,fUBnùBI µº®ø …Jº≥ ΩUiÀ
Bø …ªB ¡º®M ‹ ”NY B«B∞aDØ “≥fvI ∂fvM ΩUiÀ , A ≤BaC œ√G æB¥Ø ,æBöÀ Kvƒø PAg
." BƒŒß OyB∞Ø BıŒªBa A j∑g ΩUiÀ ,…ƒŒô µ∞ƒM
“Seven types of people Allah will shade them by His Shade on the Day of Resurrection when
there will be no shade except His Shade. They will be, a just ruler, a young man who has
been brought up in the worship of Allah, a man whose heart is attached to mosques, two
people who love each other for only Allah's Sake, where they associated together because of
Him and dissociated from each other because of Him, a man who is called by a charming
lady of noble birth to commit illegal sexual intercourse with her, and he said, 'I am afraid of
Allah, a man who gives in charity secretly such that his left hand does not know what his
right hand has given and a man who remembers Allah in seclusion and his eyes are then
flooded with tears.”
.#Aı R∑ ¡NŒ∏JªÀ ›
ı Œº≥ ¡N∏Zzª ¡ºßC Bø ∆ÿº®M ê$
“Had you known what I know you would have laughed less and cried more.” (Agreed upon).
• It has been narrated on the authority of ‘Iddi b. Hatim (ra) who said that the Messenger of Allah
(saw) said:
,¬f≥ Bø ‹G ‘jÕ ›Ø …ƒø ≈ôC j§ƒŒØ ,∆BöjM …ƒŒIÀ …ƒŒI oŒª , A …¿º∏Œm ‹G fYC ≈ø ¡∏ƒø Bø$
iBƒªA AÃ¥MBØ …»UÀ ’B¥ºM iBƒªA ‹G ‘jÕ ›Ø …ÕfÕ îI j§ƒÕÀ ,¬f≥ Bø ‹G ‘jÕ ›Ø …ƒø ¬DqC j§ƒÕÀ
.#—jó µrI êÀ
“(On the Day of Judgment) none of you will have an interpreter between him and Allah, He
will look to his right and he will see nothing but that which he earned, and then he will look
to his left and will see nothing but that which he earned. Then he will look to the front and he
will see nothing but the Fire in front of him. And so each one of you should save himself from
the Fire even by giving half of a date-fruit (in charity).” (Agreed upon).
• Narrated by ‘Ayisha (ra) who said that she heard the Messenger of Allah (saw):
j§ƒÕ Bı®Œö ’BnƒªAÀ æBUjªA A æÃmi BÕ Oº≥ ,‹j´ —Ajß —B∞Y “øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ pBƒªA jrê$
.#πªg ¡»¿»Õ ∆C ≈ø fqC jøfiA “r÷Bß BÕ æB≥ ?|®I ïG ¡»z®I
“The people will be gathered barefooted, naked, and uncircumcised.” ‘Ayisha said, “O
Allah’s Messenger! Will the men and the women look at each other?” He said, “The situation
will be too hard for them to pay attention to that.” (Agreed upon).
• Narrated by an-Nu’man b. al-Basheer (ra) who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
.#…´Bøe B¿»ƒø œº¨Õ ∆BMjö …Œøf≥ wúC ü ©yÃM ËΩUjÚª “øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ BıIAhß iBƒªA Ω«C ∆ëC ∆G$
“Verily the least person who will be suffering from amongst the people of Hellfire on the Day
of Resurrection, will be a man under whose soles would be placed two smouldering embers
from which his brain will boil.”
• Narrated by Ibn ‘Umar (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#…Œ√gC ≤Bv√C ïG …Zqi ü ¡«fYC KŒ¨Õ ”NY ,îùB®ªA Ljª pBƒªA ¬Ã¥Õ$
“All mankind will stand before the Lord of the Worlds until they are drowned in their sweat
up to the middle of their ears.” (Agreed upon).
≠ºJÕ ”NY ¡»¿VºÕÀ BıßAig î®Jm ~ifiA ü ¡»≥jß K«hÕ ”NY “øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ pBƒªA ∂j®Õ$
“The people will sweat so profusely on the Day of Resurrection that their sweat will sink
seventy cubits deep into the earth, and it will restrain then till it reaches their ears.” (Agreed
B«ÃJN∑BØ B»º¿ß ∆HØ ,B»º¿®Õ ”NY …Œºß B«ÃJN∏M ›Ø “◊Œm Ω¿®Õ ∆C –fJß eAiC AgG A æÃ¥Õ$
B«ÃJN∑BØ B»º®∞Õ ¡ºØ “ƒnY Ω¿®Õ ∆C eAiC AgGÀ ,“ƒnY …ª B«ÃJN∑BØ œºUC ≈ø B»∑jM ∆GÀ ,B»ºRñ
.#±®y …÷Bø ©Jm ïG B BRøC jr®I …ª B«ÃJN∑BØ B»º¿ß ∆HØ ,“ƒnY …ª
Allah says (addressing the angels), "If My slave intends to do a bad deed, do not write it
down unless he does it. If he does it, then write it down as it is. But if he refrains from doing
it for My sake, then write it as a good deed. If he intends to do a good deed but does not do it,
write it as a good deed (in his account), and if he does it, then write it for him as ten good
deeds up to seven hundred times.” (Agreed upon)
≈ø A fƒß Bø jØB∏ªA ¡º®Õ êÀ ,fYC …NƒÄ ©¿ Bø “IÃ¥®ªA ≈ø A fƒß Bø ≈ø¤ùA ¡º®Õ ê$
.#fYC …Nõi ≈ø °ƒ≥ Bø “õjªA
“Had the believer known of all the punishment which is present with Allah, no one (of them)
would long for paradise. And had the non-believer known of all the Mercy which is in the
Hands of Allah, no one (of them) would lose hope of entering Paradise.” Reported by Muslim.
• Narrated by Ibn ‘Umar (ra): I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
∆C ”ºß AıiBƒÕe îNm B«BÒßDØ —CjøA …NMDØ ,…º¿ß K√g ≈ø ™iÃNÕ ‹ ΩŒ÷AjmG I ≈ø Ω∞∏ªA ∆B∑$
…Nº¿ß Bø Ω¿ß Ah« ∆fi :OªB≥ ?πŒ∏JÕ Bø æB¥Ø ,O∏IÀ Pf®MiA B»n∞√ ≈ß B«eAiC B¿ºØ B«DÒÕ
Bø πºØ «gA ,‘jYC B√DØ ! A “ØBã ≈ø Ah« O√C ∞M :æB¥Ø ,“UBáA ‹G …Œºß ºõ BøÀ ,°≥
f≥ A ∆G :…IBI ”ºß LÃN∏ø \JuDØ ,…NºŒª ≈ø PB¿Ø ,ıAfIC B«f®I …ŒvßC Bø AÀÀ ,πNŒÒßC
.#πªg ≈ø pBƒªA KV®Ø Ω∞∏ºª j∞´
The kifl from Bani Israel did not fear the sins of his bad deeds. One day a woman came and
he gave her 60 dinars to have sex with her. When he approached her she began to tremble
and cry. He said: what makes you cry? She said: this is something I have never done before.
It is only the need that compels me to it. He said: You are like this because you fear Allah!
Then I should fear Allah more. Go; take the money, by Allah I will never disobey Allah again.
That night he died and it was found written on his door: ‘Indeed Allah has forgiven the kifl’ to
which the people were very surprised.” at-Tirmizi reported this hadith and graded it hasan. Al-
Haakim graded at as sahih and az-Zahabi agreed. The hadith has also been reported by Ibn Hibban in
his Sahih and al-Bayhaqi in his Shu’ab.
• It has been reported on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (ra) that the Prophet (saw) said that his
Lord said:
ü ƒøC AgGÀ “øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ …NƒøC BŒ√fªA ü ØBa AgG îƒøCÀ îØÃa –fJß ”ºß ©öC ‹ œMlßÀ$
."“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ …N∞aC BŒ√fªA
“By My Glory, I will not bring for my servant two times of fear and two times of protection; if
he fears Me in this world I will protect him on the Day of Resurrection but if he felt safe from
me in the world I will cause him to fear in the Hereafter.” [TMQ Reported by Ibn Hibban in his
companions asked: Is this for him from amongst us O Messenger of Allah? The Prophet
(saw) said: Have you not heard the saying of Allah (swt): “This is for him who fears standing
before Me (on the Day of Resurrection or fears My Punishment) and also fears My Threat."
[TMQ Ibraheem: 14]” It is narrated by Al-Haakim and he verified it, Adh-Dhahabi agreed with him.
• It has been narrated that ‘Ayisha said: I said O Messenger of Allah, the saying of Allah ‘azza wa
.‰∆îUÍ A‰i ¡Ê »¯ I‰i ”ÚªḠ ¡Ê »Â √ÏCÚ “ˆ ºÚ UÍ À‰ ¡Ê »Â IÂÃÛºÛ≥À‰ AÉME B‰ø ∆‰ ÃÂM¤Ê Õ ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇AÀ‰
“And those who give that (their charity) which they give (and also do other good deeds) with their hearts full of fear
(whether their alms and charities, etc., have been accepted or not), because they are sure to return to their Lord (for
reckoning).” [TMQ 23:60] She added:
LjrÕÀ ∂jnÕÀ œ√lÕ –hªA ΩUjªA ëC -µIBm ≈IA “ÕAÀi üÀ– j¿àA LjrÕÀ œ√lÕ –hªA ëC
OƒI ÀC j∏I œIC OƒI BÕ ‹ ©Œ∑À “ÕAÀi üÀ ,‹ æB≥ ?ΩUÀ lß A ≤Bë πªg ©ø ëÀ ,j¿àA
.…ƒø ΩJ¥Õ ‹ ∆C ≤Bë ëÀ ∂fvNÕÀ œºvÕÀ ¬ÃvÕ ΩUjªA …ƒ∏ªÀ ,µÕfvªA
“Are these who drink wine and steal, (etc.)?” –and in the Ibn Ishaq’s version – is he the one
who fornicates, steals and drinks wine but despite this he fears Allah azza wa jalla? Allah’s
Messenger replied: No! And in the version of Wakee’: No O daughter of As-Siddeeq, but they
are those who fast, pray, and practice charity, etc., and they are afraid that (their deeds) may
not be accepted (by Allah) from them.”
Al-Bayhaqi reported it in his Shu’ab al-Imaan, al-Hakim in his al-Mustadrak declared it sound and
az-Zahabi agreed.
’Á BJ« A B»º®VŒØ ,ıBzŒI “øB»M æBJU æBRøC PBƒnÅ “øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ ∆ÃMDÕ øC ≈ø BıøAÃ≥C ≈¿ºßfi$
¡»√G BøC :æB≥ ,¡º®√ ‹ ≈çÀ ¡»ƒø ∆Ã∏√ ‹C Bƒª ¡»º̃Y ,Bƒª ¡»∞u A æÃmi BÕ :Oº¥Ø ,ıAiÃRƒø
¬iBZñ Aúa AgG ¬AÃ≥C ¡»ƒ∏ªÀ ,∆ÀhaDM B¿∑ ΩŒºªA ≈ø ∆ÀhaDÕÀ ,¡∏MfºU ≈ø ,¡∏√AÃaG ≈ø
.#B«Ã∏»N√A A
“I indeed know that some people from my Ummah will come on the Day of Judgment
with good deeds like the white mountains of Tihama, but Allah will make them scattered
dust. “Thawban said, 'O Messenger of Allah, describe them to us, so that we may not be
one of them without knowing it!' He said, "They will be your brothers, and from your
people, and they will take from the night as you do (meaning prayers, etc.), but they are a
people who, when they were alone with the prohibitions of Allah, violated them.”
(Ibn Maajah) al-Kanaani, the author of Misbaah az-Zujaajah, said this hadith is sound and its
narrators are trustworthy.
• ‘Abdullah b. Mas’ud has narrated to us two hadiths; one attributed to the Prophet (saw) and the
other to himself. The text is as follows:
LBIh∑ …IÃ√g ‘jÕ jUB∞ªA ∆GÀ ,…Œºß ©¥Õ ∆C ≤Bë ΩJU OÑ fßB≥ …√D∑ …IÃ√g ‘jÕ ≈ø¤ùA ∆G$
# ... …∞√C ∂ÃØ fŒI LB»q ÃIC æB≥ Ah∏« …I æB¥Ø …∞√C ”ºß jø
“The believer sees his sin as a mountain beneath which he is sitting and which he fears it
may fall down upon him. The rebellious person sees his sin as a fly which passes in front of
his nose and he swats it away…” Reported by al-Bukhari.
∂Àfu AêB≥ ,∆BnºªA ∂Àfu Kº¥ªA ¬Ã¿ã Ω∑ :æB≥ ?ΩzØC pBƒªA –C A æÃmjª ΩŒ≥$
.#fnY ‹À Ω´ ‹À œ¨I ‹À …ŒØ ¡QG ‹ œ¥ƒªA œ¥NªA ë æB≥ ?Kº¥ªA ¬Ã¿ã B¿Ø …Øj®√ ∆BnºªA
“The Messenger of Allah (saw) was asked; which people are the best? He said: every
makhmum al-Qalb and honest tongue. They said: We know what is an honest tongue but
what is makhmum alqalb? He said: Every God-fearing and pure heart which harbors no sin,
injustice, hatred or envy.”
Al-Kanaani said this isnad is sound and it has been reported by al-Bayhaqi in his Sunan in this manner.
ü …ßB CÀ ,…Ii —eBJß ≈nYC ,—›vªA ≈ø •Y Àg gBáA ±Œ∞a ≈ø¤ù –fƒß œ÷BŒªÀC °J´C ∆G$
¡Q ,πªg ”ºß vØ BıØB∞∑ …≥ki ∆B∑À ,©IBufiBI …ŒªG iBrÕ ‹ pBƒªA ü BızøB´ ∆B∑À ,jnªA
."…QAjM Ω≥ …Œ∑AÃI Oº̃≥ …NŒƒø OºVß æB¥Ø fŒI |∞√
“The most envied person in my sight among my friends (awliyaa’) is that believer who has
little wealth, a good share (concentration) in Salah, worships Allah nicely and obeys him in
secret,and he is not popular among people and fingers are not pointed towards him (people
do not refer to him), and his sustenance is sufficient and he is patient (content) on that. Then
Allah’s Messenger (saw) flipped his finger and said, ‘(the above referred person) passed away
quickly (went in his life quickly), there are few to mourn his death and he left little wealth
behind.” Reported by at-Tirmizi who declared it hasan.
• Bahz b. Hakeem narrated that: we were led in prayer by Zuraarah b. Abi Awfa (ra) in the mosque
of Banu Qushayr. He read surah al-Muddaththir until he reached the verse:
• Ibn ‘Abbas narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said on the day of Badr:
B√’BIE ΩN¥√C :“JNß ≈I “∞ÕhY ÃIC æB¥Ø ,B«j∏Nnø Xja …√HØ ,…ƒß ±∞∏ŒºØ pBJ®ªA ¡∏ƒø œ¥ª ≈ø$
≈I j¿®ª æB¥Ø A æÃmi O¨ºJØ ,±ŒnªBI …ƒIjyfi AÀ pBJ®ªA ™f√À ,B√j÷BrßÀ Bƒ√AÃaGÀ
A æÃmi ¡ß …UÀ LjzÕ -w∞Y œIDI …ŒØ œ√Bȃ∑ ¬ÃÕ æÀfi …√G j¿ß æB≥-w∞Y BIC BÕ :LBÒàA
≈ø ≈øFI B√C Bø :æÃ¥Õ “∞ÕhY ÃIC ∆B∑À ,µØB√ f≥ …√HØ …¥ƒß LjyflØ ße :j¿ß æB¥Ø ±ŒnªBI
“øB¿ŒªA ¬ÃÕ ΩN¥Ø :æB≥ .—eB»rªBI ß A B«j∞∏Õ ”NY Bı∞÷Ba æAkC ‹À ,Oº≥ ªA “¿º∏ªA πºM
“If any one of you meet al-‘Abbaas do not kill him, for he has been made to come out
against his will. Abu Hudhayfa b. ‘Utabah said: Are you to kill our fathers and our sons
and our tribesmen and leave al-‘Abbaas? By Allah, if I meet him I will hit him with the
sword. This saying reached the ears of the Messenger of Allah, so he said to ‘Umar b. al-
Khattaab: O Abu Hafs – and ‘Umar said that was the first time the Prophet had called by
that title – ought the face of the uncle of the Messenger of Allah to be marked with the
sword? ‘Umar replied: Let me cut off his head, for he showed hypocrisy. Abu Hudhayfah
used to say: I never felt safe after my words that day. I was always afraid unless
martyrdom atoned for them. He was killed as a martyr in the battle of al-Yamaama”.
Reported by al-Haakim in his al-Mustadrak who said the hadith is sound according to the condition
of Muslim.
6. Weeping from the fear of Allah and upon His remembrance
Weeping from the fear of Allah almighty is recommended (mandoob) and the evidence for this is the
Kitab and Sunnah:
‰ ®Ê M‰ S
‰ ªÙA A‰h«‰ ≈Ê ¿Í ØÚ CÚ
.‰∆ÃÛ∏JÊ M‰ ‹Ú À‰ ∆‰ ÃÛ∏Z
‰zÊ M‰À‰
“Do you then wonder at this recital (the Qur'an)? And you laugh at it and weep not.” [TMQ an-Najm:59-60]
« ≈ø …® C ∆C KYC œ√G æB≥ ?æl√C πŒºßÀ πŒºß Cj≥C A æÃmi BÕ Oº≥ ,∆Ej¥ªA œºß Cj≥A
PCj¥Ø ,– ´
”ں߉ π
Ú IÍ B‰ƒ◊ÊUÍ À‰ fÎ Œ¯»r ‰ ŒÊ∏Ú ØÚ ) “Õ‡A h« ïG O◊U ”NY ’BnƒªA —iÃm …Œºß
‰ IÍ “Î øÏ CÛ ΩÛ∑ ≈Ê øÍ B‰ƒ◊ÊUÍ A‰gḠ ±
.#∆BØihM BƒŒß AgHØ …ŒªG O∞NªBØ .∆‡A πJnY æB≥ (AÁfŒ¯»q‰ ’Í ‹Ú ¤Â «‰
“Recite the Qur’an to me.” He said to the Prophet, 'Should I recite the Quran before you
whereas it has been revealed unto you?' At this the Prophet said, 'I love it more to hear the
Quran from someone else.' Then ‘Abdullah b. Masud recited the chapter of 'An-Nisa'. When
he recited the verse,
'How will it be them, when We shall bring out of each community, a witness, and We shall
bring thee against these as witnesses..' (4:41), the Prophet said, 'This is enough.' When Ibn
Masud saw the face of the Prophet, he saw tears rolling down both his eyes." (Agreed upon).
• Anas (ra) narrated: the Messenger of Allah (saw) addressed us such that I have not heard the like
¡ À ¡»«ÃUÀ A æÃmi LBZuC ”Ò¨Ø ,ıA R∑ ¡NŒ∏JªÀ ›
ı Œº≥ ¡N∏Zzª ¡ºßC Bø ∆ÿº®M ê$
“If you knew what I know you would have laughed less and cried more. So the companions
covered their faces as they were crying and sniffling.”
(Agreed upon).
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.# BƒŒß OyB∞Ø BıŒªBa A j∑g ΩUiÀ ... …º£ ‹G Ω£ ‹ ¬ÃÕ …º£ ü A ¡»º§Õ “®Jm$
“Allah will give shade to seven, on the Day when there will be no shade but His… and a
person who remembers Allah in seclusion and his eyes become flooded with tears.”
(Agreed upon).
• Ibn ‘Umar (ra) narrated when the pain of the Messenger of Allah (saw) increased he was asked about
who would lead the prayer. He said:
# ... ’B∏JªA …Jº´ Cj≥ AgG µŒ≥i ΩUi j∏I BIC ∆G “r÷Bß OªB≥ ,pBƒªBI ΩvŒºØ j∏I BIC AÀjø$
“Tell Abu Bakr to lead the people in the prayer.” 'Ayisha said, “Abu Bakr is a soft-hearted
man and he would be over-powered by his weeping.”
This is the narration of al-Bukhari, in the narration of Muslim the text is:
#... …®øe πºô ‹ ∆Ej¥ªA Cj≥ AgG ,µŒ≥i ΩUi j∏I BIC ∆G A æÃmi BÕ Oº¥Ø OªB≥$
‘Ayisha said: “O Messenger of Allah, Abu Bakr is a soft hearted man and if he recites Qura’an
he will not be able to control his weeping…”
(Agreed upon).
• Anas (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said to Ubay b. Ka’b: “Allah ‘azza wajalla
commanded that I recite to you the ayah:
(Agreed upon)
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
A ΩŒJm ü iBJ´ ©¿Nè ‹À ,™jzªA ü íºªA eÃ®Õ ”NY A “Œra ≈ø ”∏I ΩUi iBƒªA WºÕ ‹$
.#¡ƒ»U ∆BaeÀ
“One who weeps out of fear of Allah, will not enter the Hell till milk returns back in the
udder; and the dust raised on account of fighting in the path of Allah and the smoke of Hell
will never exist together.”
An-Nawawi said: “This hadith has been reported by Abu Dawud, at-Tirmizi in ash-Shamaa`il with a
sound isnad.”
• Narrated by Ibrahim b. Abd ar-Rahman b. ‘Awf that some food was brought to ‘Abd ar-Rahman b.
‘Awf whilst he was fasting, so he said:
, ›Ui PfI …mCi œÒ´ ∆G ,—ejI ü ≈∞∑ , ø a ëÀ (…ƒß A œyi) ¿ß ≈I K®vø ΩN≥$
ÀC ,°nI Bø BŒ√fªA ≈ø Bƒª °nI ¡Q , ø a ëÀ —lõ ΩN≥À æB≥ AiCÀ ,…mCi AfI ›Ui œÒ´ ∆GÀ
∫jM ”NY œ∏JÕ Ω®U ¡Q ,Bƒª OºVß BƒMBƒnY ∆Ã∏M ∆C BƒŒra f≥À ,BƒŒÒßC Bø BŒ√fªA ≈ø BƒŒÒßC æB≥
“Mus’ab b. ‘Umayr has been killed. He was better than me. We did not find anything to
shroud him except if it covered his head his legs were left uncovered, and if it covered his legs
his head was left uncovered. Hamzah has been killed and he was better than me. Then Allah
endowed us with the (bounties of) world. I really fear that our reward has been bestowed on
us early (in this world).” He began to cry and sob and could not eat.
# ... ∆ÃŒ®ªA B»ƒø OØigÀ Lú¥ªA B»ƒø OºUÀ “§ßÃø A æÃmi Bƒ§ßÀ$
“The Messenger of Allah gave us a sermon by which our hearts were filled with fear and tears
came to our eyes….” Reported by Abu Dawud and at-Tirmizi. The latter said the hadith is hasan
.#“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ Lh®Õ ,…ßÃøe ≈ø ~ifiA KŒvÕ ”NY , A “Œra ≈ø BƒŒß OyB∞Ø A j∑g ≈ø$
“The one who remembers Allah and his tears flow from the fear of Allah, until his tears fall on
the ground he will not be punished on the Day of Judgment.” Reported by al-Haakim who
declared it sound and az-Zahabi agreed.
• Abu Rayhaana said: We went on an expedition with Allah’s Messenger (saw) and I heard him say:
OŒn√À A ΩŒJm ü Pj»m îß ”ºß iBƒªA OøjY , A “Œra ≈ø O®øe îß ”ºß iBƒªA OøjY$
.# A ¬iBä ≈ß Oz´ îß ”ºß iBƒªA OøjY æB≥ …√C f®I O® À “RªBRªA
“The fire is forbidden to the eye which weeps from the fear of Allah, stays awake in the path
of Allah (Jihad) and I forgot the third, but afterwards I heard that he said ‘the eye which
lowered it gaze from that which Allah has forbidden to see.”
Reported by Ahmad and al-Haakim. The latter declared the hadith as sound and az-Zahabi and an-
Nasaa`i agreed with him on this. The narration here is that of a-Nasaa`i).
• Narrated by Ibn Abu Mulaykah; we sat with ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Amr in Hijr who said:
”NY ”∏JªÀ , j»£ jn∏ƒÕ ”NY ¡∑fYC ”ºvª ¡º®ªA ∆ÿº®M ê ,AÃ∑BJNØ ’B∏I AÀfÉ ∆HØ AÃ∏IA$
.#…MÃu ©Ò¥ƒÕ
“Weep, and if you cannot weep, then pretend to weep (out of fear of Allah) I swear by Him in
whose hand my life is that if any of you really knew, you would plead until your voice went,
and pray until your back was broken.”
œºvÕ —jVq OÑ A æÃmi ‹G ¡÷B≥ BƒŒØ BøÀ BƒNÕCi f¥ªÀ ,eAf¥ùA ´ ifI ¬ÃÕ piBØ BƒŒØ ∆B∑ Bø$
.#\JuC ”NY œ∏JÕÀ
“None amongst us had a horse on the day of Badr except al-Miqdad and I saw no one
praying the night except the Messenger of Allah who prayed under the tree and wept until the
morning.” Reported by Ibn Khuzamyah in his Sahih.
7. Hope in Allah and not giving up on His Mercy
The meaning of hope is to think well of Allah (swt). Part of this is to hope for Allah’s mercy, help,
forgiveness and victory. Allah (saw) has praised the one who has hope in Him just as He praised those
who fear him and He obliged us to have hope in Him and think well of Him just as He (swt) obliged
us to fear Him. So the servant should fear and have hope in Allah (swt). We have already mentioned
the evidences regarding fearing Allah (swt), the following are evidences from the Kitaab and Sunnah
for having hope in Allah (swt):
He (swt) said:
‰ ƒÍn
ÍZÊ Â¿ªÙA ≈Ê øÍ ËKÕj̄Ú≥ …Í º̇ªA O
‰ ¿‰ YÊ i‰ ∆Ï Ḡ BÁ®¿‰ Ú À‰ BıØÃÊ a‰  ÃÂßeÊ A‰À
“And do not do mischief on the earth, after it has been set in order, and invoke Him with fear and hope; Surely,
Allah's Mercy is (ever) near unto those who do good.” [TMQ Al-‘Araaf:56]
Í BÚ¥®Í ªÙA f ÕÍfr
‰ ªÚ π
Ú IÏi‰ ∆Ï ḠÀ‰ ¡Ê »¯ ¿Í ºÙ £Û ”ں߉ p
¯ BσºÍª —Î j‰ ∞Í ¨Ê ø‰ ÀÂhªÚ π
Ú IÏi‰ ∆Ï ḠÀ‰
“But verily, your Lord is full of Forgiveness for mankind inspite of their wrong-doing. And verily, your Lord is (also)
Severe in punishment.” [TMQ Ar-Ra’d:6]
‰ ®Í qÍ B‰a B‰ƒªÚ AÃÂ√BÚ∑À‰ BÁJ«‰ i‰ À‰ BÁJ´Ú i‰ B‰ƒ√‰ÃÂßfÊ Õ‰À‰
“And they used to call on Us with hope and fear, and used to humble themselves before Us.” [TMQ Al-Anbiyaa:90]
≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A –Ã̄‰Nn
Ê Õ‰ ΩÊ «‰ ΩÊ ≥Û …Í I‰i “Ú ¿‰ YÊ i‰ ÃÂUjÊ Õ‰À‰ —Ú j‰ aÍ ‡A i h‰ Z
Ê Õ‰ BÁ¿÷ÍBÚ≥À‰ AÁfUÍ B‰m Ω̄ÊŒº̇ªA ’‰ B‰√E ËO√ÍBÚ≥ É «Â ≈Ê øÏ CÚ
Í B‰JªÙfiÚ A AÃÛªÀÊ CÛ Âj∑˙ h‰ N‰Õ‰ B‰¿√ÏḠ ∆‰ ÿºÚ ®Ê Õ‰ ‹Ú ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A‰À ∆‰ ÿºÚ ®Ê Õ‰
“Is one who is obedient to Allah, prostrating himself or standing (in prayer) during the hours of the night, fearing the
Hereafter and hoping for the Mercy of his Lord (like one who disbelieves)? Say: "Are those who know equal to those
who know not?" It is only men of understanding who will remember (i.e. get a lesson from Allah’s Signs and Verses).”
[TMQ Az-Zumar:9]
• It has been narrated that Wathilah b. al-Asqa’ (ra) said: ‘Give good news for I heard the
Messenger of Allah (saw) say that Allah ‘ajja wa jalla said:
.#…ºØ Aıjq ≈£ ∆GÀ ,…ºØ Aı a ≈£ ∆G ,œI –fJß ≈£ fƒß B√C ":›ßÀ ΩU A æB≥
“I am just as My slave believes me to be. If he thought well, of me, it will be his, and he
thought bad, of me, it would be his.
# ... œ√j∑hÕ îY …®ø B√CÀ ,œI –fJß ≈£ fƒß B√C :ΩUÀ lß A æÃ¥Õ$
“I am just as My slave thinks of me, and I am with him when He remembers Me.”
Agreed upon).
• Jabir (ra) narrated that he heard the Prophet (saw) say three days before his death:
• Anas (ra) narrated that the Prophet (saw) visited a youth while he was dying: He said:
« ü ∆B®¿Nè ‹ : A æÃmi æB¥Ø ,œIÃ√g ≤BaC œ√GÀ , A æÃmi BÕ A ÃUiC :æB≥ ?∫fÉ ±Œ∑
≤Bë Bû …ƒøEÀ ÃUjÕ Bø A BÒßC ‹G ≈ ÃùA Ah« ΩRø ü fJß Kº≥».
How are you finding yourself? He said: I have hope in Allah O Messenger of Allah but I
also fear for my sins. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “These two things (i.e. hope and
fear from one’s sins) cannot meet together in the heart of a servant except that Allah gives
him what he hoped for and saves him from what he feared.” Reported by at-Tirmizi and Ibn
Maajah. Hafiz al-Munziri said the isnad is hasan.
‹À πƒø ∆B∑ Bø ”ºß πª Pj∞´ MÃUiÀ MÃße Bø π√G ¬eE ≈IA BÕ :ïB®M A æB≥ :æÃ¥Õ$
NŒMC ê ¬eE ≈IA BÕ ,πª Pj∞´ Mj∞¨NmA ¡Q ’B¿nªA ∆Bƒß πIÃ√g O¨ºI ê ¬eE ≈IA BÕ ,œªBIC
.#—j∞¨ø B»IAj¥I πNŒMfi Bı◊Œq œI ∫jrM ‹ NŒ¥ª ¡Q BÕBÒa ~ifiA LAj¥I
“Allah Ta’ala says: O Son of Adam, as long as you supplicate to Me and have hope in me I
will pardon you in spite of what you have done, and I do not care. O Son of Adam, if your
sins were so numerous as to reach the lofty regions of the sky, then you asked My
forgiveness, I would forgive you, and I do not care. O Son of Adam, if you were to meet
Me with enough sins to fill the earth, then met Me, not associating anything with Me (in
worship), I shall greet you with its equivalent in forgiveness.” Reported by at-Tirmizi who
said the hadith is hasan.
As for hopelessness and despair they are synonymous. They are opposite of hope in Allah (swt).
Despairing of Allah’s mercy is Haraam. The evidence for this is the Kitab and Sunnah:
…Í º̇ªA `
¯ ÀÊ i‰ ≈Ê øÍ Âo◊‰ŒÊ Õ‰ ‹Ú Â…√ÏḠ …Í º̇ªA `
¯ ÀÊ i‰ ≈Ê øÍ AÃÂn‰◊ŒÊ M‰ ‹Ú À‰ …Í ŒÍaCÚÀ‰ ±
‰ m ÃÂÕ ≈Ê øÍ AÃÂnn
ÏZ‰ N‰ØÚ AÃÂJ«‰ gÊ A œÏ ƒÍI‰ B‰Õ
.∆‰ ÀÂjØÍ BÚ∏ªA ¬Â ÃÊ ¥Ú ªÙA ‹˙ Ḡ
“O my sons! Go you and enquire about Yusuf (Joseph) and his brother, and never give up hope of Allah's Mercy
(rawh). Certainly no one despairs of Allah's Mercy, except the people who disbelieve." [TMQ Yusuf:87] Rawh
of Allah means his deliverance and mercy.
‰ ÒÍ √ÍBÚ¥ªÙA ≈‰ øÍ ≈Ê ∏Û M‰ ›
Ú ØÚ µ‰ZªÙBÍI ∫Ú B‰√jÊ r
.∆‰ ê̊Bz
Ï ªA ‹˙ Ḡ …Í I‰i “Í ¿‰ YÊ i‰ ≈Ê øÍ °
Û ƒ‰¥Ù Õ‰ ≈Ê ø‰ À‰ æ‰ BÚ≥
[Ibrahim (Abraham)] said:“And who despairs of the Mercy of his Lord except those who are astray?” [TMQ
. Ë¡ŒÍªCÚ ËLA‰h߉ ¡Ê »Â ªÚ π
Ú ◊ͪÚÀÊ ÛCÀ‰ œÍN¿‰ YÊ i‰ ≈Ê øÍ AÃÂn◊ÍÕ‰ π
Ú ◊ͪÚÀÊ CÛ …Í ÷ÍBÚ¥ªÍÀ‰ …Í º̇ªA P
Í B‰ÕFÍI AÀÂj∞Ú ∑Ú ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇AÀ‰
“And those who disbelieve in the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allah and the
Meeting with Him, it is they who have no hope of My Mercy, and it is they who will (have) a painful torment.”
[TMQ Al-‘Ankaboot:23]
‰ ÃÂ√hÌ ªA Âj∞Í ¨Ê Õ‰ …‰ º̇ªA ∆Ï Ḡ …Í º̇ªA “Í ¿‰ YÊ i‰ ≈Ê øÍ AÃÛÒƒ‰¥Ù M‰ ‹Ú ¡Ê »¯ n
Í ∞Û √ÊCÚ ”ں߉ AÃÛØj‰ mÊ CÚ ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A –ÍeB‰JßÍ B‰Õ ΩÊ ≥Û
. ¡Â ŒÍYjÏ ªA i ÃÛ∞‰̈ÙªA É «Â … √ÏḠ
“Say: "O 'Ibadî (My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair
not of the Mercy of Allah, verily Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [TMQ az-
The Sunnah:
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
≈ø A fƒß Bø jØB∏ªA ¡º®Õ êÀ ,fYC …NƒÄ ©¿ Bø ,“IÃ¥®ªA ≈ø A fƒß Bø ≈ø¤ùA ¡º®Õ ê$
.#fYC …NƒU ≈ø °ƒ≥ Bø “õjªA
“Had the believer known of all the punishment which is present with Allah, he would
have not longed for His paradise, and had the non-believer known of all the Mercy which
is in the Hands of Allah, he would have not lost hope of entering Paradise.”
(Agreed upon).
• Fadaalah b. ‘Ubayd (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
ΩUiÀ ,—l®ªA iAkGÀ ’BÕ ∏ªA ’Aei ∆HØ ’Aei ΩUÀ lß A ™kB√ ΩUi :¡»ƒß æDnM ‹ “Q›QÀ$
.# A “õi ≈ø ¢Ãƒ¥ªAÀ , A jøC ü πq
“And three types of people do not ask about them (they are losers): A person who
contested with Allah ‘Azza wa jalla regarding His garment, for His garment (upper part)
is the pride (kibriyaa’) and His wrap (izaar) is the might (‘izzah), and a person who
doubted in (the existence of) Allah, and despaired from the mercy and forgiveness of
(Reported by Ahmad, at-Tabaraani and al-Bazzaar) al-Haythami said the transmitters are
trustworthy. Al-Bukhari reported it in al-Adab al-Mufrad and Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih.
• It has been narrated by Habbah and Sawaa`, the two sons of Khalid, who said:
∆HØ B¿∏mÀ⁄i Pkl»M Bø ∂kjªA ≈ø BmDŒM ‹ :æB¥Ø …Œºß BƒßDØ Bı◊Œq B®Õ ëÀ ƒªA ”ºß Bƒºae$
.#ΩUÀ lß A …≥kjÕ ¡Q ,jr≥ …Œºß oŒª jõC …øC fºM ∆Bn√‚A
“We entered at the Prophet while he was trying something so we helped him in doing it.
He said: Don’t despair of the provision (rizq) as long as your heads moved (ie you are
alive), for man was born red (ie with red skin) that has no shell (ie a cover), then Allah
‘azza wa jalla gave him provision”.
• Ibn Abbas (ra) narrated that a man said: O Messenger of Allah; what are the grave sins (kabaa`ir)?
He said;
Al-Haythami said: this hadith has been narrated by al-Bazzaar and at-Tabaraani. Its transmitters are
trustworthy. As-Sayuti and al-‘Iraaqi graded the hadith as hasan.
The Messengers (may the blessings of Allah be upon them) did not despair of Allah’s help and
victory. Rather they despaired for the Imaan of their people. Allah (swt) says:
8. Patience in the face of adversity and being content with the Divine
He (swt) said:
’Â AÏjz
Ï ªA‰À ’ B‰mDÙ J‰ªÙA ¡Ê »Â NÊ n
Ï ø‰ ¡Ê ∏Û ºÍ JÊ ≥Ú ≈Ê øÍ AÊÃºÚ a‰ ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A Ω R‰ø‰ ¡Ê ∏Û MÍDÙ Õ‰ B¿Ï ªÚÀ‰ “Ú ƒÏV
‰ ªÙA AÃÛºa fÊ M‰ ∆Ê CÚ ¡Ê NÂJÊ n
Í Y‰ ¬Ê CÚ
.ËKÕj̄Ú≥ …Í º̇ªA j‰ v
Ê √‰ ∆Ï Ḡ ‹Ú CÚ …Í º̇ªA Âjv
Ê √‰ ”‰Nø‰ … ®‰ ø‰ AÃø‰ E ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇AÀ‰ æ ÃÂmjÏ ªA æ‰ ÃÛ¥Õ‰ ”ÏNY‰ AÃÛªl̄Ùªk À‰
“Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They
were afflicted with severe poverty and ailments and were so shaken that even the Messenger and those who believed along
with him said, "When (will come) the Help of Allah?" Yes! Certainly, the Help of Allah is near!” [TMQ Al-
He (swt) said:
∆îUÍ A‰i …Í ŒÊ ªÚḠ BÏ√ḠÀ‰ …Í º̇ͪ BÏ√Ḡ AÃÛªBÚ≥ “ˆ J‰ŒÍvø ¡Ê »Â NÊ I‰B‰uCÚ A‰gḠ ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A
AÃÛ∑j‰ qÊ CÚ ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A ≈Ê øÍ À‰ ¡Ê ∏Û ºÍ JÊ ≥Ú ≈Ê øÍ L
‰ B‰N∏Í ªÙA AÃÂMÀÛC ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A ≈Ê øÍ ≈Ï ®Â ¿‰ n
Ê N‰ªÚÀ‰ ¡Ê ∏Û n
Í ∞Û √ÊCÚÀ‰ ¡Ê ∏Û ªÍA‰ÃøÊ CÚ œÍØ Ï∆àºÚ JÊ NªÚ
.īÃÂøfiÛ A ¬¯ lÊ ß‰ ≈Ê øÍ π
He (swt) said: “You shall certainly be tried and tested in your wealth and properties and in your personal selves,
and you shall certainly hear much that will grieve you from those who received the Scripture before you (Jews and
Christians) and from those who ascribe partners to Allah, but if you persevere patiently, and become Al-Muttaqun
(the pious) then verily, that will be a determining factor in all affairs, and that is from the great matters.” [TMQ
Aali: ‘Imraan:186]
He (swt) said:
Î B‰nYÍ j̄ÊŒ‰̈ÍI ¡Ê «Â j‰ UÊ CÚ ∆‰ ÀÂjIÍBÏvªA ”Ø̇‰ÃÂÕ B‰¿√ÏḠ
“Only those who are patient shall receive their rewards in full, without reckoning.” [TMQ az-Zumar:10]
He (swt) said:
He (swt) said:
Ê A AÃø‰ E ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A B‰»ÕÌCÚ B‰Õ
“O you who believe! Endure and be more patient (than your enemy).” [TMQ Aali ‘Imraan:200]
He (swt) said:
.īÃÂøfiÛ A ¬¯ lÊ ß‰ ≈Ê ¿Í ªÚ π
Ú ªÍg‰ ∆Ï Ḡ j‰ ∞Ú ´Ú À‰ j‰ J‰u
‰ ≈Ê ¿‰ ªÚÀ‰
“And verily, whosoever shows patience and forgives that would truly be from the things recommended by Allah.”
[TMQ Shura:43..]
He (swt) said:
.#™lÜA …ºØ ™lU ≈øÀ vªA …ºØ u ≈¿Ø ¡«›NIA BıøÃ≥ KYÚC AgG ΩUÀ lß A ∆Ï G$
‘When Allah ‘azza wajalla loves a people he tests them. The one who is patient will be
granted the patience. The one who shows anguish will be given anguish.’ Reported by Ahmad
via Mahmud b. Labeed.
Also Ahmad reported via Mus’ab b. Sa’d from his father who said: I said: O Messenger of Allah (saw):
which people are tested most? He said:
∆B∑ ∆HØ …ƒÕÍe KnY ”ºß Ω UjªA ”ºNJÂÕ pBƒªA ≈ø Ω RøfiBØ Ω RøfiA ¡Ï _Â_Q ∆ÃáBvªA ¡Ï _Â_Q ’ BŒJ√fiA$
œrô ”NY fJ®ªBI ’›JªA æAlÕ BøÀ …ƒß ±
‰ ∞˛ a “ˆ _˙≥ī …ƒÕe ü ∆B∑ ∆GÀ …÷›I ü f‰ Õk̄ “ˆ _‰_I›‰u …ƒÕe ü
.#“◊ŒÒa …Œºß oŒª ~ifiA j»£ ”ºß
“The Prophets come first, then the righteous, then the next best, then the next best of people.
A man will be tested on account of his adherence to the Deen. If he is strong in his
commitment, he will be more sorely tested, and if there is some weakness in his commitment
the test will be lightened for him. A man will continue to be tested until he walks upon the
face of the earth with no sin on him.”
• It has been narrated by Abu Malik al-Ash’ari (ra) who said the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
• Abu Sa’eed (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
• Abu Yahyah Suhayb b. Sanaan (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
KvM π√HØ , ß πŒªG OªB¥Ø ,– uAÀ A œ¥MA :æB¥Ø , ≥ fƒß œ∏JM —CjøBI ƒªA jø$
OªB¥Ø ,îIAÃI fƒß fÉ ¡ºØ ** ƒªA LBI OMDØ ƒªA …√G B ΩŒ¥Ø ,…Øj®M À , JŒvñ
."ïÀfiA “øfvªA fƒß vªA BòG :æB¥Ø ,πØjßC
The Prophet (saw) passed by a woman who was weeping beside a grave. He told her to fear
Allah and be patient. She said to him, “Go away, for you have not been afflicted with a
calamity like mine.” For she did not recognise him. Then she was informed that he was the
Prophet. So she went to the house of the Prophet and there she did not find any guard. Then
she said to him, “I did not recognise you.” He said, “Verily, the patience is at the first stroke
of a calamity.” (Agreed upon).
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
« ‹G …JnNYA ¡Q BŒ√fªA Ω«C ≈ø … ŒÈ_∞u OzJ≥ AgG ’AlU –fƒß ≈ø¤ùA –fJ®ª Bø :ïB®M A æÃ¥Õ
“Allah says, ‘I have nothing to give but Paradise as a reward to my believer servant, who,
if I cause his dear friend to die from this world, remains patient and hopes for Allah’s
Reported by Al-Bukhari.
• ‘Ayisha (ra) asked the Messenger of Allah (saw) about the plague and so he informed her:
ü ©¥Õ fJß ≈ø oŒºØ ,îƒø¤¿ºª “õi ïB®M A …º®VØ ,’BrÕ ≈ø ”ºß A …R®JÕ BıIAhß ∆B∑ …√C$
ΩRø …ª ∆B∑ ‹G ,…ª A KN∑ Bø ‹G …JŒvÕ ‹ …√C ¡º®Õ BıJnNä AıjIBu fºI ü S∏¿ŒØ ,∆ÃßBÒªA
.#fŒ»rªA jUC
“It is a punishment that Allah sends to whom He wills. Allah has made it a mercy for the
believers. There is not a servant who finds himself amidst a plague but he stays in that
land in patience hoping (for Allah’s reward) and knowing that nothing can harm him
except what Allah has written then this servant will be given a reward like that of a
martyr.” (Al-Bukhari)
.#“ƒÜA B¿»ƒø …NyÃß , vØ …ŒNJŒJÅ –fJß OŒºNIA AgG :æB≥ ΩUÀ lß A ∆G$
“Allah said, ‘If I deprive my slave of his two beloved things (i.e., his eyes) and he remains
patient, I will let him enter Paradise in compensation for them.’”
• 'Ata b. Abi Rabah reported: Ibn ‘Abbas said to me, ‘Shall I show a woman who is one of the
people of the Garden?’ ‘Please do,’ I answered. He said:
∆G :B æB¥Ø .œª A ™Â eBØ ,±r∏√C œ√GÀ ,™juC œ√G :OªB¥Ø *** ƒªA OMC ’AeÃnªA —CjùA h«))
 eBØ ±r∏√C œ√G :OªB¥Ø . uC :OªB¥Ø .πŒØB®Õ ∆C A PÃße O◊q ∆GÀ ,“ƒÜA πªÀ P u O◊q
.(( B BßfØ .±r∏√C ‹ ∆C œª A
“This black woman came to the Prophet, May Allah bless him and grant him peace, and said,
‘I have fits during which I expose myself. Pray to Allah for me.’ He said, ‘If you wish, you can
show fortitude and you will receive the Garden, and if you wish, I will pray to Allah to heal
you.’ She said, ‘I will show fortitude.’ She added, ‘I expose myself, so pray to Allah that I do
not expose myself' and so he made du’a for her.’”
« ,¡»ŒØ ¬B≥ o¿rªA OªBø AgG ”NY j§N√A ,Àf®ªA B»ŒØ œ¥ª ªA …øBÕC |®I ü , A æÃmi ∆C
AÿºßAÀ ,AÀ uBØ ¡«Ã¿NŒ¥ª AgHØ ,“ŒØB®ªA A AêDmAÀ ,Àf®ªA ’B¥ª AÿNM ‹ pBƒªA B»ÕC BÕ :æB¥Ø
¬kB«À LBZnªA –jâÀ ,LBN∏ªA æl_ƒÂø ,¡»ºªA :æB≥ ¡Q ,≤ÃŒnªA 曣 OÑ “ƒÜA ∆C
¡»Œºß B√jv√AÀ ¡»øl«A ,LAlYfiA».
The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, met the enemy, he waited
until the sun declined and then stood up to address the people and said, “O people! Do not
be too eager to meet the enemy and ask Allah for well-being. When you do meet them, be
steadfast. Know that the Garden lies under the shadow of the swords.” Then he said, “O
Allah, the One Who sent down the Book and Mover of the clouds and Vanquisher of the
confederates, defeat them and help us against them!”
• This is regarding having patience when hit by a misfortune. As for accepting the divine decree
(Qadaa); Ibn Abu ‘Asim and al-Bukhari reported a hadith in al-Adab al-Mufrad in relation to this, the
same hadith has also been reported by al-Haakim who declared it sahih and az-Zahabi agreed. The
text of the hadith is as follows:
æÃ¥Õ , BI ‹G —Ã≥ ‹À æÃY ‹ :“ƒÜA l_ƒ∑ ≈ø tj®ªA OÑ ≈ø “¿º∑ ”ºß πªeC ÀC π¿ºßC ‹C$
.#¡ºnNmAÀ –fJß ¡ºmC ΩUÀ lß A
“Shall I not tell you or show you a word under the ‘Arsh (throne of Allah) from the treasure of
Allah: there is no strength or power except Allah. Allah ‘azza wa jalla says: My servant has
embraced Islam and so he has submitted.” Reported by al-Haakim who said the isnad is sound, no
defect (‘illah) has been recorded about it and nor has it been recorded by the two shaykhs. Ibn Hajar
said: this hadith has been reported by al-Haakim with a strong isnad.
Discontent with the divine decree is haraam. Al-Qurafi mentioned in az-Zakheerah that an Ijma’
(consensus) exists on the issue. The consensus he is referring to here is the Ijma of the Mujtahideen. He
said: discontent with the divine decree is haraam by consensus.’ He distinguished between the divine
decree (qadaa) and the decreed matter. He said: If someone falls ill he will feel pain due to his human
nature. This is not rejection of the divine decree but rejection of the decreed matter. If he says what
‘have I done to be afflicted in this way’, ‘what was my sin’ or ‘I do not deserve this’; this is rejection of
the divine decree and not of the decreed matter.’ What indicated the prohibition of being discontent
with the divine decree is the hadith of Mahmud b. Labeed mentioned above that the Messenger of
Allah (saw) said:
.#°bnªA …ºØ °bm ≈øÀ ,”yjªA …ºØ œyi ≈¿Ø ,¡«›NIA BıøÃ≥ KYC AgG A ∆G$
“When Allah ‘azza wajalla loves a people he tests them. The one who is patient will be
granted the patience. The one who shows anguish will be given anguish.” Reported by Ahmad
and at-Tirmizi. Ibn Muflih said: The isnad is jayyid. Acceptance and discontent are from the actions of
man and therefore he will be rewarded for the acceptance and punished for the discontent. But the
divine decree itself is not from the actions of man. Hence man will not be asked about it because it is
not from his actions. He will be asked about the acceptance and discontent regarding the divine
decree since they are from his actions.
.#B»≥iÀ —jVrªA °Ñ B¿∑ …MB◊Œm B»I A j∞∑ ‹G B»≥ÃØ B¿Ø “∑Ãq ‘gC …JŒvÕ ¡ºnø ≈ø Bø ...$
“No Muslim is afflicted with any harm but that Allah will remove his sins as the leaves of a
tree fall down.”
(Agreed upon). Also we have the hadith of ‘Ayisha who said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
."“◊ŒÒa ≈ø B»I A w
È ≥ ‹G B»≥ÃØ B¿Ø “∑Ãq ≈ø¤ùA KŒvM ‹$
“No calamity befalls a Muslim but that Allah expiates some of his sins because of it, even
though it was the prick he receives from a thorn.”
Also the hadith of Abu Hurayrah and Abu Sa’eed that the Prophet (saw) said:
j˙∞∑ ‹G ,B»∑BrÕ “∑ÃrªA ”NY ,¡´ ‹À ∆lY ‹À ¡« ‹À KuÀ ‹À Kv√ ≈ø ≈ø¤ùA KŒvÕ Bø$
.# BÕBÒa ≈ø B»I A
“No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim,
even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for
(Agreed upon). Also in this subject we have the narrations from Sa’eed, Mu’awiyyah, Ibn ‘Abbas,
Jabir, Umm ‘Alaa, Abu Bakr, ‘Abd ar-Rahman Azhar, al-Hasan, Anas, Shaddaad and Abu ‘Ubaydah
(may Allah be pleased with them). These narrations are either hasan or sahih but all are attributed to
the Messenger of Allah (saw) stating that the affliction wipes out the mistakes.
.#“◊ŒÒa B»I …ƒß °YÀ ,“Uie B»I A …®Øi ‹G B»≥ÃØ B¿Ø “∑Ãq ∫BrÕ ¡ºnø ≈ø Bø$
“No calamity befalls a Muslim but that Allah expiates some of his sins because of it and
raises him a level even though it was the prick he receives from a thorn.”
’Ajy …NIBuC ∆GÀ ,…ª Aı a ∆B∏Ø j∏q ’Ajm …NIBuC ∆G , a …ª …º∑ jøC ∆G ≈ø¤ùA jøfi BıJVß$
.#≈ø¤¿ºª ‹G fYfi πªg oŒªÀ ,…ª Aı a ∆B∏Ø u
“Strange are the ways of a believer for there is good in every affair of his and this is not the
case with anyone else except in the case of a believer for if he has an occasion to feel delight,
he thanks (Allah), thus there is a good for him in it, and if he gets into trouble and shown
resignation (and endures it patiently), there is a good for him in it.”
Also the hadith reported by al-Haakim and declared as sahih and az-Zahabi agreed with him, that Abu
ad-Dardaa` said: I heard Abu Qasim say:
« ∆GÀ , A AÀfõ ∆ÃJê Bø ¡»IBuC ∆G ,“øC ∫f®I ≈ø SßBI œ√G ”nŒß BÕ :æB≥ ΩUÀ lß A ∆G
æB≥ ?Ah« ∆Ã∏Õ ±Œ∑ Li BÕ æB¥Ø ,¡ºß ‹À ¡ºY ‹À AÀ uÀ AÃJnNYA ∆ëj∏Õ Bø ¡»IBuC
œ¿ºßÀ œ¿ºY ≈ø ¡»ŒÒßC».
“Indeed Allah ‘azza wajalla said: O ‘Isa, I have raised after you an Ummah (nation) that if
they granted something they like, they praise Allah but if they are afflicted with something
they hate, they hope for the reward from Allah and become steadfast, without having
forbearance (hilm) or knowledge (‘ilm). He asked: O Lord, how can this be? Allah will say: I
will give them from My forbearance (hilm) and knowledge (‘ilm)”. Also we have report by at-
Tabaraani, with an acceptable isnad, on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbas who said: The Messenger of Allah
(saw) said:
.#…ª j∞¨Õ ∆C A ”ºß Bı¥Y ∆B∑ ,pBƒªA ïG B»∏rÕ À B»¿N∏Ø …n∞√ ü ÀC …ªBñ “JŒvñ KŒuC ≈ø$
“The one who was afflicted in his wealth or person and concealed the affliction and did not
complain to people, then it is a right upon Allah that He forgives Him.” And what al-Bukhari
reported from Anas (ra) who said I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
.#“ƒÜA B¿»ƒø …NyÃß vØ …ŒNJŒJÅ –fJß OŒºNIA AgG :æB≥ ΩUÀ lß A ∆G$
“Allah ‘azza wa jalla said, ‘If I deprive my servant of his two beloved things (i.e., his eyes)
and he remains patient, I will let him enter Paradise in compensation for them.’”
Also the narration of al-Bukhari in al-Adab al-Mufrad on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (ra) who said
the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ BÕBÒa ≈ø B»I ”z≥ ‹G B»JnNê BŒ√fªA ü “∑Ãq ∫BrÕ ¡ºnø ≈ø Bø$
“No calamity, no matter how small it is, that befalls a Muslim in this world and he hopes
patiently for the reward except that his sins will be wiped out in the Day of Judgment.”
Here we need to stop, pause and think about the subject of patience in order to remove the confusion
some Muslims have about its realty and meaning. Some people think they should cocoon themselves
and isolate themselves from the people and leave the evil (munkar), and leave those who commit it
and watch our sanctities being violated, the hudud of Allah suspended and Jihad abolished. They do
not take a stand on these things. They stay away from them and abandon the duty of forbidding the
evil and this is what some people think is patience. Yet others think patience means to keep away
from harm and avoid being exposed to it in case the enemies of Allah pursue them. They do not dare
to speak the truth or undertake the actions that are pleasing to Allah. Instead they remain silent,
crouching in a corner somewhere and saying to themselves that they are patient. This is not the
patience for which Allah promised the gardens of bliss:
Î B‰nYÍ j̄ÊŒ‰̈ÍI ¡Ê «Â j‰ UÊ CÚ ∆‰ ÀÂjIÍBÏvªA ”Ø̇‰ÃÂÕ B‰¿√ÏḠ
“Only those who are patient shall receive their rewards in full, without reckoning.” [TMQ Zumar:10] This is
nothing but weakness from which the Messenger of Allah (saw) used to seek refuge from in his du’a:
.#æBUjªA j»≥À ≈ÕfªA “Jº´À ∆láAÀ ¡ AÀ ΩbJªAÀ íÜAÀ Ωn∏ªAÀ lV®ªA ≈ø BI gÃßC$
“Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You from worry and grief, from helplessness and laziness, from
cowardice and stinginess, and from overpowering of debt and from oppression of men.”
Patience means you speak and act upon the truth and bear the hardship that results in the path of
Allah without deviation, weakness or giving in.
Indeed, patience is that which results from the Taqwa (fear of Allah) as in the following ayah:
‰ ƒÍn
ÍZÊ Â¿ªÙA j‰ UÊ CÚ ©Â ŒÍzÂÕ ‹Ú …‰ º̇ªA ∆Ï H̄ÚØ jÊ JÍv
Ê Õ‰À‰ µ̄ÏNÕ‰ ≈Ê ø‰ … √ÏḠ
“Verily, he who fears Allah with obedience to Him (by abstaining from sins and evil deeds, and by performing righteous
good deeds), and is patient, then surely, Allah makes not the reward of the Muhsinun (those who do good) to be lost."
[TMQ Yusuf:90]
Patience has been mentioned in connection to those who fight in Allah’s way:
It is the patience over affliction and the divine decree, which leads one to be steadfast and firm and
not be shaken. It leads a person to hold onto the Qur’an and not neglect it under the pretext of
patience. It brings the servant closer to his Lord and not distances him from Him:
‰ ¿Í ªÍB˙§ªA ≈Ê øÍ O
 ƒÛ∑ œ√Ḡ π
Ú √‰B‰ZJÊ Âm O
‰ √ÊCÚ ‹˙ Ḡ …‰ ªÚḠ ‹Ú ∆Ê CÚ P
Í B‰¿Ûº§˚ ªA œÍØ ‘‰eB‰ƒØÚ
“But he cried through the darkness (saying): La ilaha illa Anta [none has the right to be worshipped but You (O
Allah)], Glorified (and Exalted) are You [above all that (evil) they associate with You]. Truly, I have been of the
wrong-doers." [TMQ Al-Anbiyaa:87]
It is the kind of patience, which strengthens the resolve and brings the path to Jannah closer. It is the
patience of Bilal, Khabbab and the family of Yaasir:
“Have patience O family of Yaasir for indeed your abode is the Jannah.” It is the patience of
Khubayb and Zayd: “By Allah I would not want to be safe and secure among my family while even a
thorn hurts Muhammad.”
It is the patience of those who restrain the hand of the tyrant without fearing any for the sake of
≈IjzŒª ÀC Aıjv≥ µáA ”ºß …√jv¥NªÀ Aıj C µáA ”ºß …√j DNªÀ B§ªA fÕ ”ºß ∆haDNª AÀ ›∑$
.#ΩŒ÷AjmG I ≈®ª B¿∑ ¡∏ȃ®ºŒªÀ |®JI ¡∏z®I Lú≥ A
“Nay, by Allah, you have to enjoin the good and forbid the wrong, and restrain the hand of
the tyrant, and to force him on the truth and to confine him to the truth, otherwise Allah will
be about to strike the hearts of some of you against others, then He will curse you as He
cursed the Children of Israel”.
It is the patience of the distinguished companions of the Messenger of Allah (saw), the honest and
The patience of the people of the Saheefah and those boycotted in the Shi’b (of ‘Abd al-Muttalib), the
migrants to Abyssinia (Habasha) and those punished for other than reason than saying our Lord is
It is the patience of the Muhajireen and Ansaar in their struggle against the polytheists, Persians and the
It is the patience of those taken prisoners from the troops of ‘Abdullah b. Abu Huzaafah.
It is the patience of the one who enjoins the good and forbids the evil and does not become weak due
to the hardships in the path of Allah.
It is the patience, which says you should be a soldier in the Muslim army advancing to fight the enemy
of Allah.
9. Supplication, Remembrance and seeking of Forgiveness
1. The du’a (supplication) is not only worship but it is the brains of worship due to the saying of
Allah (swt):
.#—eBJ®ªA cø ’BßfªA$
“The du’a is the brains of worship.” Reported by at-Tirmizi via Nu’man b. Basheer. At-Tirmizi
said the hadith is hasan sahih.
Du’a is worship and Allah loves the servant who supplicates to Him. Du’a is recommended and the
one who leaves it has lost much good. If he leaves making du’a due to pride then that person will
come under the saying of Allah:
2. Allah (swt) has clarified to us that whilst making du’a we should respond to His command, adhere
to the Sharee’ah and follow His Messenger (saw):
“He supplicates to Allah but his food and drink are of Haraam. So how can his du’a be
answered?” (Reported by Muslim).
The best times in which to make du’a are during the prostration (sujood), in the middle of the night, in
the obligatory prayers. Muslim narrates on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (ra) that the Messenger of
Allah (saw) said:
Also the du’a in the month of Ramadaan carries immense reward. At-Tirmizi reported a hadith, which
he said is hasan that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
¬¯ B‰¿‰̈ÙªA ∂
‰ ÃÊ ØÚ … º̇ªA B‰»®Â ØÚ jÊ Õ‰ ¬¯ ÃÛº§Ù ¿‰ ªÙA ۗÉ ßÊ e‰ À‰ ÂæeÍ B‰®ªÙA ¬Bø‚A‰À j‰ ÒÍ ∞Ù ÂÕ ”ÏNY‰ ¡Â ÷ÍBÏvªA ¡Ê »ÂMÉ ßÊ e‰ eÌ j‰ M ‹ “ˆ Q‰›‰Q$
˘ YÍ f‰ ®Ê I‰ ÃÊ ªÚÀ‰ π
Í √Ïj‰ v
 √Úfi œÍMlÏ ßÍ À‰ L
Ì jÏ ªA ÂæÃÛ¥Õ‰À‰ ’Í B‰¿n
Ï ªA L
‰ A‰ÃIÊCÚ B‰»ªÚ \
 N‰∞Ù Õ‰À‰
“The supplications of three people are not rejected: the supplication of a fasting person at the
time of breaking fast, of a just ruler, and of a person who is wronged. Allah causes their
supplications to rise above the clouds, and gates of heaven are opened for them, and Allah
says, ‘By My Majesty, I will help you, even if it is after a while.”
3. The fact that du’a is worship does not mean abandoning the means. The Seerah (biography) of the
Messenger of Allah (saw) shows us how he prepared in Badr, arranged the soldiers and placed
them in their respective positions. He prepared well for the battle and afterwards he entered the
hut beseeching Allah to give victory. He supplicated to the extent that Abu Bakr would say to
When the Messenger (saw) was given permission to make Hijrah from Makkah to Madinah he utilized
all the means at his disposal to succeed whilst making du’a to Allah to keep the Quraysh away from
him, to save him from their plots and allow him to reach Madinah safely.
So instead of going north towards Madinah he went south and hid in the cave of mount Thawr with
Abu Bakr. He used to receive news about Quraysh, about what they were planning through ‘Abd ar-
Rahman b. Abu Bakr. When he returned to Makkah he made Abu Bakr’s son follow behind him to
cover the tracks with his cattle in order to fool the Kuffar of Quraysh. He stayed there for three days
until the search died down and then he began his journey to Madinah Al-Munawwarah. The
Messenger of Allah (saw) did all this while confident that he will reach Madinah safely. Look at how
he replied to Abu Bakr when the latter feared Quraysh would find them when he saw them in front of
the cave. Abu Bakr said: “Messenger of Allah, they will see us if they just look down towards their
feet.” The Messenger (saw) replied:
∆Ï Ḡ ∆Ê l‰ Z
Ê M‰ ‹Ú …Í JÍYÍ B‰vªÍ æ ÃÛ¥Õ‰ gÊ Ḡ īB‰̈ÙªA œÍØ B‰¿«Â gÊ Ḡ ≈¯ ŒÊ ƒ‰QÊA ‰œ√ÍB‰Q AÀÂj∞Ú ∑Ú ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A Â…U‰ j‰ aÊ CÚ gÊ Ḡ Â…º̇ªA  j‰ v
‰ √‰ fÊ ¥Ú ØÚ
.B‰ƒ®‰ ø‰ …‰ º̇ªA
“For Allah did indeed help him when the disbelievers drove him out, the second of two, when they were in the cave, and
he (SAW) said to his companion (Abu Bakr radhiallahu'anhu): "Be not sad (or afraid), surely Allah is with us."
[TMQ at-Tawbah:40]
Also he (saw) said to Suraaqah who was on the verge of catching the Messenger (saw) and Abu Bakr
in their Hijrah so as to lead Quraysh to them and take the prize, the Messenger (saw) told him:
The Messenger of Allah (saw) used to act upon the means, so that we may emulate him, while at the
same time making du’a to Allah to save him from the Qur’aysh’s search and foil their plots. When he
left his house at night he found his house surrounded by the Kuffar so he threw some dust in their
He was confident that Allah would answer his du’a and save him from them. This is how they were
overtaken by sleep while the Messenger (saw) made his way out.
Making du’a does not mean we neglect the means but the du’a should be accompanied by the means.
The one who wants Khilafah to be established again should not be happy just to make du’a to achieve
it. He must work with those people who are working to establish the Khilafah and make du’a to Allah
for its speedy return. He should beseech Allah in supplication whilst acting according to the means.
This is how actions need to be undertaken. He act sincerely for Allah’s sake and remain honest to the
Messenger and supplicate, imploring Allah in his du’a Indeed Allah is the One Who Hears and
Responds to the call.
4. Allah Answers the Du’aa of the one who calls Him. He answers the distressed servant when he
calls out to Him. He (swt) said:
Ê.¡Û∏ªÚ K
Í N‰mÊ CÚ œÍ√ÃÂßeÊ A ¡Ê ∏Û IÌi‰ æ‰ BÚ≥À‰
““And your Lord said: "Invoke Me, (and ask Me for anything) I will respond to your (invocation). “ [TMQ
He (swt) said:
He (swt) said:
Answering the du’a has a Sharee’ah meaning as clarified by the Messenger of Allah (saw):
‘fYG B»I A BÒßC ‹G ¡Yi “®ŒÒ≥ ‹À ¡QG B»ŒØ oŒª —ÃßfI -ΩÈ UÀ lÈ ß- A ÃßfÕ ¡ºnø ≈ø Bø$
≈ø …ƒß ≤jvÕ ∆C BÈøGÀ ,—ja‡A ü …ª B«jafÕ ∆C BÈøGÀ ,…MÃße …ª A ΩV®Õ ∆C BÈøG :æBva T›Q
.#jR∑C A :æB≥ .jR∏√ ∆gG :AêB≥ .B»ºRø ’ÃnªA
“Any Muslim who makes a supplication containing nothing that is sinful and nothing that
involves breaking ties of blood relationships, will be given for it by Allah one of these three
things: He may accept his request, or save its reward for him in the next world, or turn away
from him an equivalent amount of evil.” Those who heard it said, “We would, then, make
many supplications.” The Prophet (saw) replied, “Allah is more than ready to answer what
you ask”
He (saw) said:
BøÀ , A æÃmi BÕ :ΩŒ≥ .ΩV®NnÕ Bø ¡Yi “®ŒÒ≥ ÀC ¡QHI ™
 fÕ Bø fJ®ºª LBVNnÕ æAlÕ ‹$
™fÕÀ πªg ≈ß jnZNŒØ œª LBVNnÕ i‰ C ¡ºØ PÃße f≥À PÃße f≥ æÃ¥Õ :æB≥ ?æBV®Nm‹A
“The du’a of the servant will be answered if he does not ask for the cutting of blood ties and
is not impatient, It was asked: O Messenger of Allah, what is impatience? He said:
impatience is when the servant says, 'I supplicated but my du’a was not heard' and so he
becomes distressed and leave making supplication.”
Reported by Muslim.
We should make du’a to Allah. If we are honest, sincere and obedient then we can be confident of an
answer in the manner shown by the Messenger of Allah (saw).
Also, Allah (swt) has ordered us to make Zikr (i.e. remember Allah).
He (swt) said:
He (swt) said:
He (swt) said:
He (swt) said:
ı ŒÍuCÚÀ‰ —ı j‰ ∏Ù I  ÃÂZJ‰mÀ‰
“O you who believe! Remember Allah with much remembrance, And glorify His Praises morning and afternoon [the
early morning (Fajr) and 'Asr prayers].” [TMQ Al-Ahzaab:41-42]
And in the hadith of Abu Hurayrah (ra) who narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
∆GÀ ,œn∞√ ü …Mj∑g …n∞√ ü œ√j∑g ∆HØ ,œ√j∑g AgG …®ø B√CÀ œI –fJß ≈£ fƒß B√C A æÃ¥Õ$
œªG Lj¥M ∆GÀ ,ıBßAig …ŒªG OIj¥M Aı q œªG Lj¥M ∆GÀ ,¡»ƒø a flø ü …Mj∑g flø ü œ√j∑g
.#“ªÀj« …NŒMC œrô œ√BMC ∆GÀ ,ıBßBI …ŒªG OIj¥M BıßAig
“Allah says; 'I am just as My servant believes me to be and I am with him when He
remembers Me. So if he remembers Me within himself, I too remember him within Myself. If
he remembers Me in a group of people then I remember him in a group that is better than
them. If he comes one span nearer to Me then I go one cubit nearer to him; if he comes one
cubit nearer to Me then I go a distance of two outstretched arms nearer to him; and if he
comes to Me walking then I go to him running.”
Also Muslim reported on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (ra) who said:
µJm ∆Afö Ah« ,AÀ m :æB¥Ø ,∆Afö …ª æB¥Õ ΩJU ”ºß j¿Ø ,“∏ø µÕj ü nÕ A æÃmi ∆B∑
.#Aı R∑ A ∆Àj∑AhªA :æB≥ A æÃmi BÕ ∆Àej∞ùA BøÀ AêB≥ ,∆Àej∞ùA
The Messenger of Allah (saw) was journeying along the way to Makkah when he (saw) came
upon a mountain, which was called Jumdan. He (saw) said that do journey of this Jumdan.
The Mufarridoon (people who are alone) have excelled. The Sahabah (ra) asked: O
Messenger of Allah (saw) Who are the Mufarridoon? Said: Those men and women who
remember Allah very much (all of the time)
Al-Quraafi said in his az-Zakheerah: al-Hasan said: zikr (remembrance) is of two types; the zikr of the
tongue which is good, but what is better is the zikr (remembrance) of Allah when He commands you
and forbids you. The subject of reported Zikr is a big topic and so one can refer to the relevant places
for more on this.
As for seeking forgiveness it is recommended as well due to the saying of Allah (swt):
“And those who pray and beg Allah's Pardon in the last hours of the night.” [TMQ Aali ‘Imraan:17]
He (swt) said:
He (swt) said:
He (swt) said:
‹˙ Ḡ L
‰ ÃÂ√hÌ ªA Âj∞Í ¨Ê Õ‰ ≈Ê ø‰ À‰ ¡Ê »¯ IÍÃÂ√h ªÍ AÀÂj∞Ú ¨Ê N‰mÊ BÚØ ‰…º̇ªA AÀÂj∑Ú g‰ ¡Ê »Â n
‰ ∞Û √ÊCÚ AÿºÚ £Ú ÀÊ CÚ “ı r
‰ YÍ BÚØ AÃÛº®‰ ØÚ A‰gḠ ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇AÀ‰
.∆‰ ÿºÚ ®Ê Õ‰ ¡Ê «Â À‰ AÃÛº®‰ ØÚ B‰ø ”ں߉ AÀÌjv
Í Õ ¡Ê ªÚÀ‰ … º̇ªA
“And those who, when they have committed Fahishah (illegal sexual intercourse etc.) or wronged themselves with evil,
remember Allah and ask forgiveness for their sins; - and none can forgive sins but Allah - And do not persist in what
(wrong) they have done, while they know.” [TMQ Aali ‘Imraan:135]
Also Muslim reported on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (ra) who said the Messenger (saw) said:
,ïB®M A ∆Àj∞¨NnŒØ ,∆ÃJ√hÕ ¬Ã¥I ’BÜÀ ,¡∏I ïB®M A K«hª ,AÃJ√hM ê , fŒI œn∞√ –hªAÀ$
.#¡ j∞¨ŒØ
“By the one in whose hand my soul is, if you did not do wrong, Allah Almighty would remove
you and bring a people who do wrong and then ask Allah Almighty for forgiveness and He
would forgive them.”
At-Tirmizi reported with a hasan isnad on the authority of Anas (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw)
≈IA BÕ ,œªBIC ‹À πƒø ∆B∑ Bø ”ºß πª Pj∞´ MÃUiÀ MÃße Bø π√G ¬eE ≈IA BÕ :ïB®M A æB≥$
NŒMC ê π√G ¬eE ≈IA BÕ ,œªBIC ‹À πª Pj∞´ Mj∞¨NmA ¡Q ’B¿nªA ∆Bƒß πIÃ√g O¨ºI ê ,¬eE
.#—j∞¨ø B»IAj¥I πNŒMfi Bı◊Œq œI ∫jrM ‹ NŒ¥ª ¡Q BÕBÒa ~ifiA LAj¥I
“O Son of Adam, as long as you supplicate to Me and have hope in me I will pardon you in
spite of what you have done, and I do not care. O Son of Adam, if your sins were so numerous
as to reach the lofty regions of the sky, then you asked My forgiveness, I would forgive you,
and I do not care. O Son of Adam, if you were to meet Me with enough sins to fill the earth,
then you met Me, not associating anything with Me (in worship), I shall greet you with its
equivalent in forgiveness.’”
Ahmad and al-Haakim reported a hadith by Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri, which the latter graded as sahih and
with which az-Zahabi agreed. The hadith of Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri states that the Prophet (saw) said:
œMlßÀ :æB¥Ø ,¡«eBnUC ü ¡»YAÀiC OøAe Bø ∫eBJß –ôC `jIC ‹ ,πMlßÀ :oŒºIG æB≥$
.#œ√Àj∞¨NmA Bø ¡ j∞´C æAkC ‹ œª›UÀ
Iblees said: “By your Honour I will continue to deceive your servants as long as their souls
remain within their bodies. He (swt) will say: By My Glory and My Majesty, I will continue to
forgive them as long as they seek my forgiveness.” Ibn Maajah reported with a sound isnad on the
authority of ‘Abd Allah b. Bisr: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
.#... ¡∏ª j∞´C œ√Àj∞¨NmBØ ,ıB®Œö LÃ√hªA j∞´C B√CÀ ,iB»ƒªAÀ ΩŒºªBI ∆Ã◊ÒÖ ¡∏√G –eBJß BÕ ...$
“O my servants. You make mistakes by day and night and I will forgive them all. So seek
forgiveness from Me and I will forgive you.”
10. Reliance on Allah and the Sincerity to Him (swt)
Tawakkul or reliance on Allah (swt) relates to a number of issues:
First: it relates to the ‘Aqeedah, which is that there is a Creator, Allah, upon whom the Muslim puts his
trust in attaining the good and repelling the evil. The one who rejects this is a disbeliever (kaafir).
Second: The servant must rely on Allah in everything. This matter is one of the actions of the heart.
If the servant states it without conviction in the heart then it is of no consequence.
Third: If the servant rejects the definite evidences of tawakkul he will become a disbeliever (kaafir).
Fourth: Tawakkul is different to acting according to the means. They are two different issues with
different evidences. The Messenger of Allah (saw) used to make tawakkul and act according to the
means he uses and to instruct his companions to do the same either by ayah or hadith. He (saw) used
to prepare all what he could of power, such as emptying the wells of Badr, digging the trench
(khandaq), borrowing armor from Safwaan, baths springs, cutting off the water supply in Khaybar,
concealing information from the Quraysh when he wanted to open Makkah, and he entered Makkah
supported by two plates of armour. He (saw) used to employ a guard before the following ayah was
¯ BσªA ≈Ê øÍ π
Ú ¿Â v
Í ®Ê Õ‰ … º̇ªA‰À
“Allah will protect you from mankind.” [TMQ Al-Maa`idah:67] These are just some of the examples we
see in Madinah after the establishment of the state. As for Makkah, he permitted his companions to
make Hijrah to Habashah, and before the protection of his uncle Abu Talib he stayed in the shi’b
throughout the period of the boycott. On the night of the Hijrah he ordered ‘Ali to sleep in his bed.
He slept in the cave for three nights and hired a man from Bani Du’l as an experienced guide. All of
these are examples of utilising the means. They do not negate tawakkul or have anything to do with
the subject. Mixing both topics leads to tawakkul to become only in form without any effect.
He (swt) said:
He (swt) said:
.ÂPÿՉ ‹Ú –Íhª̇A œ‰ZªÙA ”ں߉ ΩÊ ∑˙ É M‰À‰
“And put your trust (O Muhammad SAW) in the Ever Living One Who dies not.” [TMQ Al-Furqan:58]
He (swt) said:
He (swt) said:
He (swt) said:
Ê Y‰ É »Â ØÚ …Í º̇ªA ”ں߉ ΩÊ ∑˙ É N‰Õ‰ ≈Ê ø‰ À‰
“And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him.” [TMQ Talaq: 3]
He (swt) said:
He (swt) said:
He (swt) said:
• Ibn ‘Abbas narrated in the hadith where the Prophet (saw) mentioned seventy thousand people who
will enter Paradise without reckoning, he (saw) said regarding their characteristics:
“… They are those who do not ask for ruqyah (incantation), are not pessimistic (or perceive
evil-omens), or use cauterisation; they rely (totally) on their Lord”
• Ibn ‘Abbas (ra) narrated that when the Messenger of Allah (saw) stood to pray tahajjud he said:
• It has been narrated that Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq said: I saw the feet of the Mushriks while we were in the
cave and they (the Kuffar) were above our heads. I said: “Messenger of Allah, they will see us if they
just look down towards their feet.’ He (saw) said:
• Umm Salamah (ra) narrated that when the Prophet (saw) used to leave his house he would say:
Reported by at-Tirmizi. He said this hadith is hasan sahih. An-Nawawi said in Riyaadh as- Saliheen that
this is a sound hadith.
:…ª æB¥Õ , BI ‹G —Ã≥ ‹À æÃY ‹ A ”ºß Oº∑ÃM A ¡nI :æB¥Ø ,…NŒI ≈ø ΩUjªA Xja AgG$
f≥ ΩUjI πª ±Œ∑ :…ª æÃ¥ŒØ ,jaE Bı√BÒŒq ∆BÒŒrªA ”¥ºŒØ ,OŒ≥ÀÀ ,OÕf«À ,OŒ∞∑ f≥ ,πJnY
.#–f«À œ≥ÀÀ œ∞∑
The Prophet (saw) said: When a man goes out of his house and says: “In the name of Allah, I
trust in Allah; there is no might and no power but in Allah,” the following will be said to him
at that time: “It is enough for you, for you have been sufficed, guided, and protected.” The
devil would meet another devil and say to him: How can you deal with a man who has been
sufficed, protected and guided?
Reported by Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih. Al-Maqdisi said in al-Mukhtaarah: This hadith has been reported
by Abu Dawud and an-Nasaa`I with a sound isnad.
• ‘Umar b. al-Khattab (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#B√BÒI `ÀjMÀ BıuBú AÀf¨M , ÒªA ∂kjÕ B¿∑ ¡∏≥kjª ,…º∑ÃM µY A ”ºß ¡Nº∑ÃM ¡∏√C ê$
“If you really and truly placed all your trust in Allah totally He would sustain you as He
sustains the birds. They start the day with their bellies empty, and return back with their
bellies full.”
Reported by al-Haakim who said the isand is sound. Ibn Hibbaan reported it in his Sahih and al-
Maqdisi in al-Mukhtaarah declared it as sahih.
As for sincerity in the recommended acts, it means to leaveing riyaa` (performing acts of worship to
impress people). It is from the actions of the heart, which no one knows except the servant and his
Creator. Perhaps the matter becomes obscure to the servant till he begins to scrutinise, account
himself, reflect and ask himself why he is doing a particular recommended act or why he is confused
about it? If he finds that he undertook the action only for the sake of Allah then he is sincere. But if
he finds he is doing it for any other reason then he is showing off. This type of behavoural disposition
(nafsiyyah) requires treatment and this may take a long time. When the servant reaches the level where
he loves to hide his good deeds then this is a sign of sincerity. Al-Qurtubi said: al-Hasan was asked
about sincerity and showing off, he said: a sign of sincerity is that you love to hide your good deeds
and you do not love to hide your bad deeds.’ Abu Yusuf in his Kitab al-Kharaaj said: I have been
informed by Mis’ar who narrated from Sa’d b. Ibraheem who said: ‘On the day of al-Qadisiyyah they
passed by a man whose hands and feet had been cut off and he was reciting the ayah:
.Bı¥ŒÍØi‰ π
Ú ◊ͪÚÀÊ CÛ ≈‰ ÂnY‰ À‰ î
‰ZÍ ªÍBÏvªA‰À ’Í A‰f»‰ r
Ì ªA‰À î
‰ ¥Í ÕfvªA‰À î
‰ ŒÍJƒÏªA ≈Ê øÍ ¡Ê »¯ ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ Â…º̇ªA ¡‰ ®‰ √ÊCÚ ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A ©‰ ‰ø
“Then they will be in the company of those on whom Allah has bestowed His Grace, of the Prophets, the Siddiqun
(those followers of the Prophets who were first and foremost to believe in them, like Abu Bakr As-Siddiq ), the martyrs,
and the righteous. And how excellent these companions are!.” [TMQ an-Nisaa:69] a man asked him: who are
you O servant of Allah? He replied: I am a man from the Ansar and he did not mention his name.
Ikhlas is obligatory and the evidences for this are numerous in the Kitab and Sunnah:
“Verily, We have sent down the Book to you (O Muhammad SAW) in truth: So worship Allah (Alone) by doing
religious deeds sincerely for Allah's sake only, (and not to show-off, and not to set up rivals with Him in worship).
Surely, the religion (i.e. the worship and the obedience) is for Allah only” [TMQ Al-Zumar:2-3] “] it is
known that the address to the Messenger (saw) is an address to his Ummah.
• ’Abd Allah b. Mas’ud narrated, as reported by at-Tirmizi and ash-Shafi’i in ar-Risalah, that the Prophet
(saw) said:
‹ T›Q .…ƒø …¥ØC ë ≈ø ïG …¥Ø ΩøBY LjØ ,B»¨ºIÀ B»§∞YÀ B«BßÃØ ªB¥ø © Aı’jøA A jz√$
—ÃßfªA ∆HØ ,¡»NßBö ¬ÀlªÀ ,nùA “¿÷C “ZuBƒøÀ , Ω¿®ªA x›aG ¡ºnø Kº≥ ≈»Œºß Ω¨Õ
.#¡»÷AiÀ ≈ø °ŒÑ
“May Allah brighten [the face of] a person who hears my words, preserves them and then
conveys them to those who have not heard them. At times the one carrying fiqh has no fiqh,
himself, and at times the one carrying fiqh conveys it to one who has more fiqh than himself.
The heart of a Muslim shall never harbour vindictive feelings against three: sincerity in
working for Allah; faithfulness to Muslims; and conformity to the community of believers-
their call shall protect the believers and guard them from (Shaytan’s) delusion.”
In the same subject we have the narrations of Zayd b. Thabit (ra) as reported by Ibn Maajah and Ibn
Hibbaan in his Sahih. The hadith has also been narrated by Jubayr b. Mut’im, as reported by Ibn
Maajah and al-Haakim. The latter graded the hadith as sahih according to the requirements of the two
Shaykhs. It has also been narrated by Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (ra), as reported by Ibn Hibbaan in his
Sahih and al-Bazzaar with a hasan isnad. The hadith ahs also been mentioned by as-Sayuti in his al-
Azhaar al-Mutanaathirah fi al-Ahadeeth al-Mutawaatirah.
• Ubay b. Ka’b narrated, as reported by Ahmad and declared hasan by al-Maqdisi in al-Mukhtaarah that
the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
BŒ√fºª —ja‡A Ω¿ß ¡»ƒø Ω¿ß ≈¿Ø ,~ifiA ü î∏¿NªAÀ jvƒªAÀ “®ØjªAÀ BƒnªBI “øfiA h« jrI$
.#KŒv√ —ja‡A ü …ª ≈∏Õ
“Let this Ummah have the glad tiding of prosperity, glory, religiosity and authority in the
land. Whoever therefore, does an act for the Hereafter for worldly benefit, he has no portion
in the Hereafter.”
• Anas (ra) narrated, as reported by Ibn Maajah and al-Haakim who said the hadith is sahih according to
the condition of the two Shaykhs, that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
AÀ B»≥iBØ ,—B∑lªA ”MEÀ ,—›vªA ¬B≥CÀ ,…ª πÕjq ‹ fYÀ x›a‚A ”ºß BŒ√fªA ∂iBØ ≈ø$
.#~Ai …ƒß
“The one who leaves the world upon sincerity to Allah only without associating partners with
Him, establishes the salah, gives Zakah, then he will have left the world while Allah is
pleased with him.”
• Abu Umaamah al-Baahili narrated, as reported by an-Nasaa`i and Abu Dawud, that the Messenger of
Allah (saw) said:
“Allah will not accept the action unless it was done sincerely for His sake, seeking His good
pleasure.” Al-Munziri said: The isnad is jayyid.
11. Steadfastness and constancy upon the Truth
The Da’wah carrier is either in dar al-Kufr working to change it to Dar al-Islam, as is the case today at
the end of the first quarter of the 15th century AH. The Khilafah has been destroyed for about 80 years
and the earth came to be ruled by the leadership of the incompetent and Islam became absent from
the lives of Muslims.
Or the Da’wah carrier is in Dar al-Islam busy accounting the rulers and enjoining the good and
forbidding the evil. What is intended is the first situation since the Muslims generally and the Da’wah
carriers specifically live in such a situation. Those who carry the Da’wah to bring about change live in
a situation similar to the situation of the Muslims in Makkah. In addition to this the Da’wah carriers
are addressed by the rules revealed after the Hijrah. The discussion however should be restricted to
the time before the Hijrah due to the similarity of the two situations. The Kuffar in Makkah used to
order the Muslims to disbelieve, recant from Islam and leave the carrying of the Da’wah to others and
not undertake their worship publicly in front of the masses. Such demands have been made by the
tyrant rulers including the demand that the Da’wah carriers either become spies or intellectual agents
promoting the ideas, which serve the leadership of the incompetent rulers and prolong their existence
by keeping the Kuffar influence in the Muslim lands. Due to this, there is an army of spies, intellectual
agents and muftis acting according to this demand. I do not believe that even Quraysh made such
demands. To realise the above demands the Kuffar of Makkah used various means at their disposal,
such as killing, torture, causing harm and injury, confinement, keeping in shackles, blocking Muslims
emigration, seizing of property, mocking, hitting livelihood, boycotting and ruining people’s
reputations by spreading false propaganda. The tyrant rulers of today used these means and added
new ones and became experts in torture. They used modern discoveries like electricity to torture
people instead of using it to bring the industrial revolution. The Messenger of Allah (saw) and his
companions adopted stances, which we need to emulate and follow. This general overview requires
some detailed discussion of the demands, styles and stances adopted by the Kuffar of Makkah. They
are as follows:
Beating: al-Haakim reported, in al-Mustadrak and said the isnad is sound according to the condition of
Muslim to which the author of at-Talkhees agreed, that Anas (ra) said: “They beat Allah’s Messenger
until he fainted. Abu Bakr came and started to shout and say: woe to you! Do you kill a man
just because he says my Lord is Allah? They said: who is this? They replied: This is the son of
Abu Quhaafah, the madman.” Muslim reported on the authority of Abu Zarr the story of his
conversion to Islam: “I came to Makkah and I selected an insignificant person from amongst
them and said to him: Where is he whom you call a Sabi? He pointed towards me, saying: He
is Sabi. Thereupon the people of the valley attacked me with sods and bows until I fell down
unconscious. I stood up after regaining consciousness and I found that I resembled a red
Tying up: al-Bukhari reported on the authority of Said b. Zayd b. ‘Amr b. Nufayl who, while sitting
in the Kufa Masjid said: “By Allah, I have seen myself tied and forced by 'Umar to leave Islam
before 'Umar himself embraced Islam. Moreover, if the mountain of Uhud could move from
its place for the evil which you people have done to 'Uthman, then it would have the right to
move from its place.”
Al-Haakim said the hadith is sahih according to the condition of the two Shaykhs and agreed by az-
Pressure imposed by mothers: Ibn Hibbaan reported in his sahih on the authority of Mus’ab b. Sad
from his father:...Um Sa’d said: “Did not Allah order kindness to parents? Then by Allah I will
not eat or drink until either I die or you disbelieve (in Muhammad). He said: when they
wanted to feed her they used to open her mouth by force, so the following ayah was revealed:
Ê Y …Í ÕÊf‰ ªÍA‰ÃIÍ ∆‰ B‰n√¯‚A B‰ƒŒÊ u
Ï À‰ À‰
“And We have enjoined on man to be good and dutiful to his parents.” [TMQ Al-Ankaboot:8]
Left under the burning sun: ‘Abdullah reported: “The first ones to show they have embraced Islam
were seven; the Messenger of Allah (saw) whom Allah protected via the Prophet’s uncle Abu Talib,
Abu Bakr who Allah protected via his people. As for the rest they were taken by the Mushriks and
made to wear metal armour and stand in the sun. Everyone of these gave the Mushriks what they
wanted except Bilal, he sacrificed himself for the sake of Allah azza wa jalla, and his people abandoned
him. They gave him to the children who went around Makkah drawing him, while he said: “Ahad!
Ahad! (One, One)”. This is narrated by al-hakim in al-Mustadrak, and said it is sahih in its isnad, but
did not report it, and adh-Dhahabi agreed with him in at-Tareekh. Ibn Hibban mentioned that in his
saheeh, and mentioned the names of the seven people, and he said: “every one of them conceded to
them regarding what they wanted”, meaning he promised them to do what they wanted of him. There
might be some modification in this, for in origin they agreed with them, because the Mushriks would
not be satisfied with a promise from them.
Media blackout and banning the address of the masses: al-Bukhari reported a long hadith from
‘Ayisha who said: “So the people of Quraish could not refuse Ibn Ad-Daghinna’s protection, and they
said to Ibn Ad-Daghinna, "Let Abu Bakr worship his Lord in his house. He can pray and recite there
whatever he likes, but he should not hurt us with it, and should not do it publicly, because we are
afraid that he may affect our women and children.” Ibn Ad-Daghinna told Abu Bakr of all that. Abu
Bakr stayed in that state, worshipping his Lord in his house. He did not pray publicly, nor did he
recite Qur'an outside his house. Then a thought occurred to Abu Bakr to build a mosque in front of
his house, and there he used to pray and recite the Qur'an. The women and children of the pagans
began to gather around him in great number. They used to wonder at him and look at him. Abu Bakr
was a man who used to weep too much, and he could not help weeping on reciting the Qur'an. That
situation scared the nobles of the pagans of Quraish, so they sent for Ibn Ad-Daghinna. When he
came to them, they said, "We accepted your protection of Abu Bakr on condition that he should
worship his Lord in his house, but he has violated the conditions and he has built a mosque in front
of his house where he prays and recites the Qur'an publicly. We are now afraid that he may affect our
women and children unfavourably. So, prevent him from that. If he likes to confine the worship of
his Lord to his house, he may do so, but if he insists on doing that openly, ask him to release you
from your obligation to protect him, for we dislike to break our pact with you, but we deny Abu Bakr
the right to announce his act publicly.”.
Pelted with stones: Ibn Hibbaan and Ibn Khuzaymah reported in their Sahih on the authority of
Taariq al-Muhaaribi who said: ‘I saw the Messenger of Allah (saw) pass a market of Zil Majaaz
wearing a red garment and say to the people there:
“O people, say there is no god but Allah and you shall be successful.” A man who had been
following him began to pelt him stones causing his ankles and hamstring to bleed. He told the people:
O people do not listen to him for he is a lair. I said: who is this? They said: son of the tribe of ‘Abd al-
Muttalib. I said: who is this man who was following him? They said: he is ‘Abd al-‘Uzza, Abu Lahab.
Throwing camels intestines on the path: al-Bukhari reported on the authority of ‘Abdullah b.
Mu’ait: While the Prophet was prostrating, surrounded by some of Quraish, 'Uqba bin Abi Mu'ait
brought the intestines (i.e. abdominal contents) of a camel and put them over the back of the Prophet.
The Prophet did not raise his head, (till) Fatima, came and took it off his back and cursed the one
who had done the harm. The Prophet said, "O Allah! Destroy the chiefs of Quraish, Abu Jahl bin
Hisham, 'Utba bin Rabi'al, Shaba bin Rabi'a, Umayya bin Khalaf or Ubai bin Khalaf." (The
sub-narrator Shu’ba is not sure of the last name.) I saw these people killed on the day of Badr battle
and thrown in the well except Umayya or Ubai whose body parts were mutilated but he was not
thrown in the well. Ibn Sa’d reported in his at-Tabaqaat on the authority of ‘Ayisha (ra) who said that
the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “I was between two bad neighbours; Abu Lahab and ‘Uqbah b.
Abu Mu’ait. They used to bring camels intestines and throw it on my door. They even used to bring
the dirt they had discarded and throw it on my door.” The Messenger (saw) used to come out and say:
“O Abd Manaf, what kind of neighbours are you?!”
Attempt to trample the neck and besmear the face in dust: Muslim reported on the authority of
Abu Hurayrah (ra): Abu Jahl asked (people) whether Muhammad (saw) placed his face (on the
ground) in his presence. It was said to him: Yes. He said: By Lat and Uzza, if I were to see him do
that, I should trample his neck, or I should besmear his face with dust. He came to Allah's Messenger
(peace be upon him) as he was engaged in prayer and thought of trampling his neck. (The people say)
that he came near him but turned upon his heels and tried to repulse something with his hands. It was
said to him: What is the matter with you? He said: There is between him and me a ditch of fire and
terror and wings. Thereupon Allah's Messenger (saw) said: If he had come near me the angels
would have torn him to pieces.
General torture without mentioning the types: this has been reported by az-Zahabi in at-Tareekh,
al-Bayhaqi in Shu’ab, Ibn Hishaam in his Seerah and by Ahmad in Fadaa`il as-sahaabah on the authority
of ‘Urwah who said: Waraqa bin Nawfal once passed by Bilal (ra) during his bondage while he was
being tortured. When Waraqa saw the bitter torture dispensed to Bilal, he became alarmed, and he
went to Umayya bin Khalaf, Bilal’s master then, and addressed him, saying: “I swear by Almighty
Allah, should he die because of your torture, I will make his case a reason for my relentless wrath
upon you all. One day, Abu Bakr al-Siddïq (ra) passed by Umayya bin Khalaf and his band as they
were torturing Bilal to force him to renege his faith. With every blow he received, Bilal, gasped for air
as he cried loud from his harrowing pain: “Ahadun Ahad! Ahadun Ahad!” (There is only one God,
and only He is Allah!) When Abu Bakr saw that, he addressed Umayya bin Khalaf, saying: “Why
wouldn’t you try to be smarter and guard yourself against the wrath of Almighty Allah? For how long
will you keep subjecting this poor man to such unbearable torture, don’t you fear Allah Almighty?”
Umayya replied angrily: “You are the cause that turned this slave rotten, and now, redeem him if you
can afford it!” Abu Bakr replied: “I will. Listen, I have a slave who is stronger and wieldier than he,
and he follows your religion as well. If you want, I will trade him for this man.” Umayya instantly
answered: “I accept.” Hence, Abu Bakr traded his slave for Bilal, and he freed Bilal from bondage. It
is also narrated that prior to his migration from Makkah to Medinah, Abu Bakr also bought additional
six slaves who had secretly embraced Islam, and he freed them from bondage, and Bilal was their
seventh. ’Aamir b. Fuhayrah witnessed Badr and Uhud and was killed on the day of Bi`r Ma’unah as a
martyre and also Umm ‘Ubays and Zunayrah…” al-Haakim reported in al-Mustadrak and said the
narration is sound according to the condition of Muslim and az-Zahabi agreed with him on this in at-
Talkhees. The report is narrated on the authority of Jabir (ra) who said that the Prophet (saw) passed
by ‘Ammar and his family while they were being tortured. He said:
Ahmad reported with a sound chain of transmitters on the authority of Uthman who said: I advanced
with the Messenger of Allah who was holding my hands, we walked towards open land until he came
to his father, mother where they were being tortured. Ammar’s father said: ‘Is this our destiny O
Messenger of Allah? The Prophet (saw) said:
Hunger: Ibn Hibbaan reported in his Sahih on the authority of Anas (ra) who said that the Messenger
of Allah saw) said:
≈ø T›Q œºß OMC f¥ªÀ ,fYC ≤Bë BøÀ A ü O∞aC f¥ªÀ ,fYC ‘g¤Õ BøÀ A ü OÕgÀC f¥ª$
.#æ›I °IG AiAÀ Bø ‹G ¬B® œª BøÀ “ºŒªÀ ¬ÃÕ îI
“I have been frightened so much on account of Allah that no one else will have been
threatened like me and I have been made to suffer so much on account of Allah that no one
else will have been made to suffer equally; and there have come on me three days and nights
to which I had food that could have be hidden under the armpit of Bilal.” Ibn Hibbaan also
reported a narration in his Sahih and al-Haakim in his al-Mustadrak and said it is sound according to
the condition of Muslim and az-Zahabi agreed in at-Talkhees. The narration is on the authority of
Khalid b. ‘Umayr al-‘Adawi who said: 'Utba b. Ghazwan delivered us a sermon and he praised Allah
and lauded Him. Then said : …and a day would come when it would be fully packed and you must be
knowing that I was the seventh amongst seven who had been with Allah's Messenger (may peace be
upon him) and we had nothing to eat but the leaves of the trees until the corners of the mouths were
injured. We found a sheet which we tore in two and divided between myself and Sa'd b. Malik, the
knight of Islam. I made the lower garment with half of it and so did Sa'd make the lower garment with
half of it. Today there is none amongst us who has not become the governor of a city from amongst
the cities and I seek refuge with Allah that I should consider myself great whereas I am insignificant in
the eyes of Allah…”
Boycott: Ibn Sa’d reported in his at-Tabaqaat from al-Waaqidi….on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbas, Abu
Bakr b. ‘Abd ar-Rahman . al-Harith b. Hisham and ‘Uthman b. Abu Sulayman b. Jubayr b. Mut’im
and both their narrations overlap somewhat:…’Quraysh hung this notice regarding Bani Hashim that
no inhabitant of Makkah is allowed to marry, transact or mix with them. They cut from them the
supply of goods and provisions. One season passed another until life became very difficult. They
heard the cries of their children behind the valley. From Quraysh some deemed it good and some
bad…they stayed in the valley for three years…az-Zahabi mentioned in at-Tareekh the report about
the boycott via Musa b. ‘Uqabah from az-Zuhri.
Mockery and slander: Ibn Hisham reported in the Seerah that Ibn Ishaaq said: I was informed by
Yazeed b. Ziyaad who narrated from Muhammad b. Ka’b al-Qurazi who said: When the Messenger of
Allah (saw) arrived at Taa`if, he went to meet some people from Thaqeef. They were the leaders and
noblemen of Thaqeef and they were three brothers…The Messenger of Allah (saw) sat with them and
invited them to Allah, he spoke to them about his proposal that they support Islam and help him
against those who are opposing him from his people. One of them said to him: “I would attest to
having stolen the cover of Ka'ba rather than attesting to your Prophethood.” The other one said:
“Wasn't there anyone else that Allah would make you a Prophet?” Not only did they not accept his
guidance, moreover, they encouraged a group of children and the wicked of the society to chase the
Prophet (saw) out of the city…Ibn Hibbaan reported in his Sahih on the authority of ‘Abdullah b.
‘Amru, he said: I attended them where their nobles met around the hijr (the uncovered portion of
the Ka'ba), and they were speaking about the Messenger of Allah (saw): They said: We have never
known anything like the trouble we had endured from this fellow. He had declared our mode of life
foolish, insulted our forefathers, reviled our religion, divided our community and cursed our gods.
What we have had to bare is past all baring, or words to that effect. While they were discussing him,
the Messenger of Allah (saw) came towards them and kissed the black stone, and then he passed them
as he walked round the Baitallah. As he passed they said some injurious things about him. This I could
see from his expression. He went on and as he passed them the second time they attacked him
similarly. This I could see from his expression. Then he passed the third time, and they did the same.
He stopped and said:
.# ... \IhªBI ¡∏N◊U f¥ª fŒI f¿ä o∞√ –hªAÀ BøC sÕj≥ jr®ø BÕ ∆î¿nMC$
“Will you listen to me O Quraysh? By Him who holds my life in His hand. I bring you
Attack on the relationship between the leadership and the followers: Muslim reported on the
authority of Sa’d who said: Six of us were with the Prophet (saw) when the infidels said to him:
"Drive these ones away, lest they should begin to venture against us". The six were, myself, Ibn
Mas`ud, a man of the Hudhail tribe, Bilal and two other men whose names I don't know. Messenger
of Allah (saw) thought what Allah wished him to think, and Allah revealed:
B‰øÀ‰ ’Î œÊ q‰ ≈Ê øÍ ¡Ê »¯ IÍB‰nYÍ ≈Ê øÍ π
Ú ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ B‰ø … »‰ UÊ À‰ ∆‰ ÀÂfÕj̄ÂÕ œÍr®‰ ªÙA‰À —Í A‰f‰̈ÙªBÍI ¡Ê »Â IÏi‰ ∆‰ ÃÂßfÊ Õ‰ ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A eÊ j ÒÙ M‰ ‹Ú À‰
‰ ¿Í ªÍB˙§ªA ≈Ê øÍ ∆‰ ÃÛ∏N‰ØÚ ¡Ê «Â e‰ j ÒÙ N‰ØÚ ’Î œÊ q‰ ≈Ê øÍ ¡Ê »¯ ŒÊ ºÚ ‰ß π
“And turn not away those who invoke their Lord, morning and afternoon seeking His Face. You are accountable for
them in nothing, and they are accountable for you in nothing, that you may turn them away, and thus become of the
Zalimun (unjust).” [TMQ : Al-An’am:52]
Buying up the ideology by offering leadership, money and women: Abu Yu’la reported in al-
Musnad and Ibn Ma’een in his Tareekh with a reliable chain of transmitters, which does not contain al-
Ajlah. It has been authentically reported from Jabir b. ‘Abdullah who said: Abu Jahl and the chiefs of
Quraysh said; Muhammad’s Deen has spread. If you find someone knowledgeable in magic,
fortunetelling or poetry, speak to him. Then one such person came to us to clarify the matter. ‘Utbah
said: I have heard the speech of magic, fortunetelling or poetry and I have knowledge in these matters
and he cannot hide it from me if what he says is magic, fortunetelling or poetry. When Muhammad
came ‘Utbah said: O Muhammad, are you or Hashim the best? Is ‘Abd al-Muttalib or you better? Is
‘Abd Allah or you better? The Prophet did not answer him. Why do you vilify our gods and criticise
our forefathers? If you want leadership then we will ties our flag for you and you shall become our
leader, if you have sexual potency then we shall give 10 women in marriage which you can choose
from any daughters of Quraysh. If you want wealth then we will join together to give you greater
riches than any Quraishite has possessed. The Messenger of Allah (saw) remained silent and did not
speak. When Utbah finished the Messenger recited:
¡ŒÍYjÏ ªA ≈¯ ¿‰ YÊ jÏ ªA ≈‰ øÍ ËΩÕl̄ƒ‰M
narrated to him the story. He said: He answered me with something which by Allah is not neither
magic, fortunetelling or poetry and he read:
¡ŒÍYjÏ ªA ≈¯ ¿‰ YÊ jÏ ªA ≈‰ øÍ ËΩÕl̄ƒ‰M
“HaMîm. A revelation from Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. A Book whereof the Verses are explained
in detail; A Qur'an in Arabic for people who know.” [TMQ Fussilat: 1-3] until he reached the ayah:
e‰ ÿQ‰À‰ eÎ B‰ß “Í ¥Ú ßÍ B‰u Ω‰ RÊ øÍ “ı ¥Ú ßÍ B‰u ¡Ê ∏Û MÂiÊ h‰ √ÚC ΩÊ ¥Û ØÚ AÃÂyj‰ ßÊ CÚ ∆Ê H̄ÚØ
“But if they turn away, then say (O Muhammad SAW): "I have warned you of a Sa'iqah (a destructive awful cry,
torment, hit, a thunderbolt) like the Sa'iqah which overtook 'Ad and Thamud (people)." [TMQ Fussilat:13] So I
put my hand on the Prophet's mouth beseeched him to stop reciting. You know that when
Muhammad speaks he does not lie. I feared that the punishment would descend on you.
This is the narration of Ibn Ma’een and not that of Ibn Ishaaq who narrated via Muhammd b. Ka’b
al-Qurazi, which contains an unknown transmitter (majhool) quoted in the Seerah of Ibn Hisham.
Vilification: al-Bukhari and Muslim reported on the authority of ‘Abd ar-Rahman b. ‘Awf who said:
“While I was fighting in the front file on the day (of the battle) of Badr, suddenly I looked behind and
saw on my right and left two young boys and did not feel safe by standing between them. Then one
of them asked me secretly so that his companion may not hear, “O Uncle! Show me Abu Jahl.” I said,
"O nephew! What will you do to him?” He said, “I have promised Allah that if I see him (i.e. Abu
Jahl), I will either kill him or be killed before I kill him.” Then the other said the same to me secretly
so that his companion should not hear…” al-Bukhari and Muslim also reported on the authority of
Ibn ‘Abbas (ra) regarding the explanation of the verse:
.B‰»IÍ O
Ê ØÍ B‰bM ‹Ú À‰ π
Úv‰ IÍ jÊ »‰ V
Ê M‰ ‹Ú À‰
“(O Muhammad!) Neither say your prayer aloud, nor say it in a low tone." [TMQ Al-Israa:110] This verse was
revealed while Allah’s Messenger was hiding himself at Makkah. At that time, when he led his
companions in prayer, he used to raise his voice while reciting the Qur'an; and if the pagans heard
him, they would abuse the Qur'an, its Revealer, and the one who brought it. So Allah said to His
Ê ØÍ B‰bM ‹Ú À‰ π
Úv‰ IÍ jÊ »‰ V
Ê M‰ ‹Ú À‰
"Neither say your prayer aloud. i.e., your recitation (of Qur'an) lest the pagans should hear (it) and abuse the Quran,"
nor say it in a low tone,
ı ŒÍJm‰ π
Ú ªÍg‰ ≈‰ ŒÊI‰ ≠¯ N‰IÊA‰À
"lest your voice should fail to reach your companions, "but follow a way between." [TMQ Al-Israa:110] Ahmad
reported in his Musnad with a trustworthy chain of narrators on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that
the Prophet (saw) said:
.#f¿ä B√CÀ ,ıBûhø ∆ÃJnÕ ,¡»¿NqÀ sÕj≥ ≈®ª ß A ≤jvÕ ±Œ∑ AÀjM C$
“Do you not see how Allah save me from the curse and abuse of Quraysh, they insult me as
mudhammaman (the blamed one) but I am Muhammad (the praised one).”
And also the hadith of Ibn ‘Abbas states: When the Verse:
َ ﻚ ا ْﻟَﺄ ْﻗ َﺮﺑِﻴ
َ ﻋﺸِﻴ َﺮ َﺗ
َ َوأَﻧ ِﺬ ْر
"And warn your tribe of near-kindred,"[TMQ Ash-Shu'ara:214] was revealed, the Prophet ascended the
Safa (mountain) and started calling, “O Bani Fihr! O Bani 'Adi!” addressing various tribes of Quraish
till they were assembled. Those who could not come, themselves, sent their messengers to see what
was there. Abu Lahab and other people from Quraish came and the Prophet then said, “Suppose I
told you that there is an (enemy) cavalry in the valley intending to attack you, would you believe me?”
They said, “Yes, for we have not found you telling anything other than the truth.” He then said, “I am
a Warner to you in face of a terrific punishment." Abu Lahab said (to the Prophet): “May your hands
perish all this day. Is it for this purpose you have gathered us?” Then it was revealed:
Ï M‰À‰ K
Î »‰ ªÚ œÍICÚ A‰fÕ‰ O
"Perish the hands of Abu Lahab (one of the Prophet's uncles), and perish he! " [TMQ Al-Masud:1] (Agreed
upon) At-Tabaraani reported from Munbit al-Azadi who said: I saw the Messenger of Allah (saw) in
Jahiliyyah and he used to say: O People: say there is no go but Allah and you shall be successful. Some
of them tafullu (spat?) in his face, some threw dust whilst others hurled abused till midday. A girl
brought him a large pot of water. He washed his face and hands and said: ‘O daughter, do not fear
any assassination or humiliation of your father.’ I said; because of this people said Zaynab is the
daughter of the Messenger of Allah (saw).’ Al-Haythami said: the isnad contains a Munbit b. Mudrik. I
do not know who he is but the rest of the transmitters are reliable.
Denial and accusation of lying: al-Bukhari and Muslim reported on the authority of Jabir b. ‘Abd
Allah (ra) that he heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
¡« aC O¥∞ÒØ ,pf¥ùA OŒI œª A ”º̃VØ (“ÕAÀi üÀ) ,›VØ jVáA ü O¿≥ sÕj≥ NIh∑ Bù$
.#…ŒªG j§√C B√CÀ ,…MBÕE ≈ß
“When the Quraish disbelieved me (concerning my night journey), I stood up in Al-Hijr (the
unroofed portion of the Ka'ba) and Allah displayed Bait-ul-Maqdis before me, and I started to
inform them (Quraish) about its signs while looking at it.”
Al-Bukhari reported on the authority of Abu Dardaa` (ra) who said that the Messenger of Allah (saw)
#... O≥fu j∏I ÃIC æB≥À OIh∑ ¡Nº¥Ø ¡∏ŒªG R®I A ∆G$
“Allah sent me (as a Prophet) to you (people) but you said (to me), ‘You are telling a lie,’
while Abu Bakr said, ‘You have said the truth.”
Contradictory propaganda: Ahmad and at-Tabaraani reported, with isnad about which al-Haythami
said its narrators are trustworthy, on the authority of Umm Salamah a long hadith in which she said:
When the two men ha left the Negus, Amr said to Abdullah, “Tomorrow I am going to tell him
something that will destroy them." Abdullah, the more pious one of them, replied, “Do not do that!
Even though they might have done something against us, they remain our tribesmen.” But Amr
insisted, saying, “I am going to tell him that they say that Jesus, the son of Mary, is only a human
being.” And indeed, the next morning Amr went to the Negus and said, “O King, Those people say
something terrible about Jesus. Do send for them and ask them about it.” The Negus did what they
suggested. Never before had anything like that happened to us. The emigrants assembled again and
discussed what to say about Jesus when they were asked. Then they decided, “Whatever happens, we
will say what Allah told us and revealed to His Prophet…” Muslim reported on the authority of Ibn
‘Abbas that Dimad came to Makkah. He belonged to the tribe of Azd Shanu'ah, and he used to
protect anyone who was under the influence of a charm. He heard the foolish people of Makkah say
that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was under the spell. Ibn Hibbaan reported in his Sahih on the
authority of Ibn ‘Abbas that when Ka’b b. al-Ashraf went to Makkah Quraysh went to meet him.
They said: “We manage the Hajj, look after the Ka’bah and water the pilgrims and you are the chief of
the people of Yathrib. Are we not better than this weak, helpless and childless man who is cut off
from his people? He claims he is better than us. He said: No you are better than him. It was due to
this Allah (swt) revealed the following ayah to His Messenger (saw):
Ú ◊‰√ÍB‰q ∆Ï Ḡ
“For he who makes you angry (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)), - he will be cut off (from every good thing in this
world and in the Hereafter) “ [TMQ Al-Kawthar:3] and
’‹Â¤«‰ AÙÀÂj∞Ú ∑Ú ≈‰ ÕÍhº̇ͪ ∆‰ ÃÛªÃÛ¥Õ‰À‰ P
Í ªÙBÍI ∆‰ ÃøÍ ¤Ê ÂÕ L
Í B‰N∏Í ªÙA ≈‰ ø BÁJŒÍv√‰ AÙÃÂMÀÛC ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A ”ÚªḠ j‰ M‰ ¡Ê ªÚCÚ
ı ŒÍJm‰ AÙÃø‰ E ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A ≈‰ øÍ ‘‰f«Ê CÚ
“Have you not seen those who were given a portion of the Scripture? They believe in Jibt and Taghut and say to the
disbelievers that they are better guided as regards the way than the believers (Muslims).” [TMQ an-Nisaa:51]
Prevented from emigrating: al-Haakim in al-Mustadrak reported a hadith whose chain he says is
sound and az-Zahabi has agreed with him on this. The hadith is narrated on the authority of Suhayb
who said: The Messenger of Allah (saw) said:« ﻓﺈﻣﺎ أن ﺗﻜﻮن،ر هﺠﺮﺗﻜﻢ ﺳﺒﺨﺔ ﺑﻴﻦ ﻇﻬﺮاﻧﻲ ﺣﺮة َ ﺖ دا
ُ ُأرِﻳ
أو ﺗﻜﻮن ﻳﺜﺮب،ً»هﺠﺮا.
“I have been shown the land of your emigration, it is a salt swamp within a desert. So it is
either Hajar or might be Yethrib”.
He said: The Messenger of Allah (saw) left for Madinah. With him was Abu Bakr (ra). I wanted to go
with him but I was stopped by some youth of the Quraysh. I spent that whole night on my feet
without sitting. They said: He was made busy with his stomach, but I did not complain of that. They
stood up, and some of them followed me and got me after I had walked for a distance of bareed
(distance between two post marks, made of some miles), and they wanted to return back to Makkah. I
said: Do you accept that I give you some ounces of gold but you let me go and fulfil your promise? So
I followed them to Makkah. I told them to dig under the doorsteps for the ounces of gold are under
them, and go to so and so woman and take from her the two pieces of jewellery. Then I left till I came
to the Messenger of Allah (saw) before he moved to Madinah from Qibaa’. When he saw me he said:
“O Aba Yahya! The trade has profited.” He said that three times. I said: No one reached you
before me, and it is only Jibreel (as) that told you. The Mushriks were so much concerned to prevent
the Messenger of Allah (saw) from emigration to the point that they announced a bounty to
whoever kills him and his companion or arrests them. Aal-Bukhari reported on the authority of al-
Barra who said Abu Bakr said: “..we traveled while people were searching for us…” He also
reported the hadith of Suraqah b. Ju'sham: “The messengers of the heathens of Quraish came to us
declaring that they had assigned for the persons why would kill or arrest Allah's Messenger…So I
said to him, “Your people have assigned a reward equal to the bloodmoney for your head.” but the
Prophet said,
“Stay where you are and do not allow anybody to reach us.” He said: “So, in the first part of
the day Suraqa was an enemy of Allah's Messenger and in the last part of it, he was a protector…”
Attempt to kill or threaten him: al-Bukhari reported on the authority of ‘Urwah b. az-Zubayr who
said: I asked 'Abdullah bin 'Amr, “What was the worst thing the pagans did to Allah's Messenger?”
He said, “I saw ‘Uqba bin Abi Mu'ait coming to the Prophet while he was praying.’ Uqba put his
sheet round the Prophet's neck and squeezed it very severely. Abu Bakr came and pulled ‘Uqba away
from the Prophet and said, “Do you intend to kill a man just because he says: ‘My Lord is Allah, and
he has brought forth to you the Evident Signs from your Lord?” Al-Bukhari also reported in the
chapter on ‘Umar b. al-Khattab’s conversion to Islam on the authority of ‘Abdullah b. ‘Umar who
said: While 'Umar was at home in a state of fear, there came Al-'As bin Wail As-Sahmi Abu 'Amr,
wearing an embroidered cloak and a shirt having silk hems. He was from the tribe of Bani Sahm who
were our allies during the pre-Islamic period of ignorance. Al-'As said to ‘Umar “What is wrong with
you?” He said, “Your people claim that they would kill me if I become a Muslim.” Al-'As said,
“Nobody will harm you after I have given protection to you.” So afterwards he said I believe.” The
Quraysh did not desist from trying to kill the Prophet (saw). Ibn Hajar mentioned in Fathul Baari: Ibn
Ishaaq, Musa b. ‘Uqbah and other scholars of Maghaazi (military expeditions) said: ‘When the
Quraysh saw the Sahabah had found a land in which they are safe, that ‘Umar had embraced Islam
and Islam had spread amongst the tribes they agreed to kill the Messenger of Allah (saw). When that
news reached Abu Talib he gathered Bani Hashim and Bani Muttalib and they admitted the
Messenger of Allah amongst their people and protected him from those who wanted to kill him…’
Ahmad reported a hadith on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbas, with an isnad whose transmitters are
trustworthy, except ‘Uthman al-Jazary who has been declared trustworthy by Ibn Hibbaan but
weakened by others, that the saying of Allah (swt):
j ŒÊ a‰ Â…º̇ªA‰À Â…º̇ªA ÂjÛ∏¿Ê Õ‰À‰ ∆‰ ÀÂjÛ∏¿Ê Õ‰À‰ ∫Ú ÃÂUj̄ÊbÂÕ ÀÊ CÚ ∫Ú ÃÛºÂN¥Ù Õ‰ ÀÊ CÚ ∫Ú ÃÂNJÍRÊ ŒÂªÍ AÀÂj∞Ú ∑Ú ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A π
Ú IÍ j ∏Û ¿Ê Õ‰ gÊ ḠÀ‰
.≈‰ Õj̄Í∑B‰¿ªÙA
“And (remember) when the disbelievers plotted against you (O Muhammad SAW) to imprison you, or to kill you, or
to get you out (from your home, i.e. Makkah); they were plotting and Allah too was planning, and Allah is the Best of
the planners.” [TMQ Al-Anfal:30] He said: ‘Quraysh held a consultation session one night in Makkah.
Some of them said: when he wakes up tie him up (ie the Prophet). Some said no he should be killed
while others said; he should be expelled …’
Ibn Hisham reported in his Seerah: Ibn Ishaaq said: ‘Quraysh were alarmed about the Messenger of
Allah going to his companions in Madinah…So the chiefs of Quraysh gathered in Daar an-Nadwah to
consult each as to what should be done about the issue of the Messenger of Allah (saw)….Some of
them said: chain him up…another said: lets expel him from amongst us. Abu Jahl said: I have an idea,
which you have not thought of yet. They said: what is that O Abu Jahl? He suggested that each clan
should provide a young, powerful, well born, aristocratic, warrior. Each of these should be provided
with a sharp sword. Then each of them should strike a blow at him and kill him. Thus they would
relieve of him. Some of the companions patiently bore the killing like Sumayyah mother of ‘Ammar
(ra), she was the first martyr of Islam.
There were situations in which the Messenger of Allah (saw) and some of his companions challenged
the Mushriks and those able even showed their steadfastness:
• al-Bukhari reports in at-Tareekh al-Kabeer on the authority of Musa b. ‘Uqbah who said: ‘Uqayl b.
Abi Talib informed me; Quraysh came to Abu Talib and said: Your nephew has harmed us in our
gatherings. He said: O ‘Uqayl bring me Muhammad. He went to him and brought him out of a
small house. He took him at midday, during the very hot period, and walked with him trying to
seek the shadow. When he reached them, Abu Talib said: These your cousins claimed you
offended them in their clubhouse and mosque, so abstain from doing so. The Messenger hovered
his sight in the sky and said:
."ﻗﺎل ﻣﺎ أﻧﺎ ﺑﺄﻗﺪر أن أرد ذﻟﻚ ﻣﻨﻜﻢ ﻋﻠﻰ أن ﺗﺸﻌﻠﻮا ﻣﻨﻬﺎ ﺵﻌﻠﺔ،"ﺗﺮون هﺬﻩ اﻟﺸﻤﺲ
Do you see this sun? I can’t stop that from you until you forment a blaze from it. Abu Talib
said: My nephew never said lies to us, so go back.
• Al-Bukhari reported on the authority of ‘Abdullah b. Mas’ud (ra) who said: Sa’d b. Mu’az came to
Makkah with the intention of performing 'Umra, and stayed at the house of Umayya bin Khalaf
Abi Safwan, for Umayya himself used to stay at Sa'd's house when he passed by Medina on his
way to Sham. Umayya said to Sa’d, “Will you wait till midday when the people are (at their
homes), and then you may go and perform the Tawaf round the Ka'ba?” So, while Sa’d was going
around the Ka'ba, Abu Jahl came and asked, “Who is that who is performing Tawaf?” Sa’d
replied, “I am Sa’d.” Abu Jahl said, “Are you circumambulating the Ka'ba safely although you
have given refuge to Muhammad and his companions?” Sa’d said, “Yes,” and they started
quarrelling. Umayya said to Sa’d, “Don't shout at Abi-l-Hakam (i.e. Abu Jahl), for he is chief of
the valley (of Makkah).” Sa’d then said (to Abu Jahl). 'By Allah, if you prevent me from
performing the Tawaf of the Ka'ba, I will spoil your trade with Sham.” Umaiya kept on saying to
Sa”d, “Don't raise your voice.” and kept on taking hold of him. Sad became furious and said, (to
Umayya), “Be away from me, for I have heard Muhammad saying that he will kill you.” Umayya
said, “Will he kill me?” Sa”d said, “Yes,.” Umayya said, “By Allah! When Muhammad says a thing,
he never tells a lie....”
• What the two shaykhs reported from Ibn ‘Abbas (ra) who said: When Abu Zarr heard about the
Prophet (saw)…he went searing until he entered the presence of the Prophet (saw), he listened to
him and embraced Islam there and then. The Prophet (saw) said to him: Go back to your people
and inform them (about Islam) until my command reaches you.” He said” “By Him in
whose hands is my soul, I shall not leave Makkah until I go to the Sacred Mosque and proclaim
the call of Truth in the midst of the Quraysh. He reached the mosque and said at the top of his
voice; “O people of Quraysh, I testify that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the
messenger of Allah.” They pounced on him and began to beat him mercilessly until he fell lying
on the ground. But al-Abbas (the uncle of the Prophet) recognised him He bent over and
protected him from them. He told them: “Woe to you! Would you kill a man from the Ghifar
tribe and your caravans must pass through their territory?” They then released him. Then the next
day he came and did the same thing, they unleashed their rage on him and beat him and al-Abbas
came and protected him.
• Ahmad b. Hanbal reported in Fadaa`il as-Sahaabah on the authority of ‘Urwah who said: the first
one to openly recite the Qur’an in Makkah after the Messenger of Allah (saw) was ‘Abd Allah b.
Mas’ud. He said: The companions of the Messenger of Allah gathered one day and said: “The
Quraysh have not yet heard the Qur’an being recited openly and loudly. Who is the man who
could recite it for them?’ “I shall recite it from them,” volunteered Abdullah ibn Masud . “We are
afraid for you,” they said. “We only want someone who has a clan who would protect him from
their evil.” “Let me,” Abdullah ibn Masud insisted, “Allah shall protect me and keep me away
from their evil.” He then went out to the mosque until he reached Maqam Ibrahim (a few meters
from the Kabah). It was dawn and the Quraysh were sitting around the Kabah. Abdullah stopped
at the Maqam and began to recite:
¡¯ ŒÍYjÏ ªA ≈¯ _‰¿YÊ jÏ ªA …Í º̃ªA ¡¯ n
≈ ¿‰ YÊ ÏjªA
∆‰ EÊj¥Û ªÙA ¡‰ º̇‰ß
∆‰ B‰n√H̄ÙªA µ‰ ºÚa‰
In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful. The Merciful God. He has taught the Quran. He has created
man....)” [TMQ Al-Rahman:1-3] He went on reciting. The Quraysh looked at him intently and some
of them asked: “What is Ibn Umm Abd saying?” “Damn realised. They went up to him and began
beating his face as he continued reciting. When he went back to his companions the blood was
flowing from his face. “This is what we feared for you,” they said. “By God,” replied ‘Abdullah, “the
enemies of God are not more comfortable than I at this moment. If you wish. I shall go out
tomorrow and do the same.” “You have done enough,” they said. “You have made them hear what
they dislike.”
• Al-Bukhari reported the hadith of ‘Ayisha (ra), the wife of the Prophet (saw) who said: I never
remembered my parents believing in any religion other than the true religion (i.e. Islam)… That
situation scared the nobles of the pagans of Quraish, so they sent for Ibn Ad-Daghinna. When he
came to them, they said, “We accepted your protection of Abu Bakr on condition that he should
worship his Lord in his house… we deny Abu Bakr the right to announce his act publicly… Ibn
Ad-Daghinna went to Abu- Bakr and said, ("O Abu Bakr!) You know well what contract I have
made on your behalf; now, you are either to abide by it, or else release me from my obligation of
protecting you, because I do not want the 'Arabs hear that my people have dishonoured a contract
I have made on behalf of another man.” Abu Bakr replied, “I release you from your pact to
protect me, and am pleased with the protection from Allah.”
Al-Haakim reported a hadith in his al-Mustadrak and said it is Sahih according to the condition of
Muslim and az-Zahabi agreed with him on this. Ibn Hibbaan reported in his Sahih on the
authority of ‘Abdullah b.‘Umar (ra); ‘Umar fought against the Mushriks inside the mosque of
Makkah. He continued to fight against them from the morning until the midday. He said then he
became tired and sat down. A noble and nice faced man came in wearing a red garment, so he
spread them away from him and said: What do you want from this man? They said: Nothing,
except that he turned away from his religion. He said: What a good man he is that he chose his
religion, so leave him with what he chose. Do you think Banu ‘Adiyy will accept that you kill
‘Umar? No, by Allah Banu ‘Adiyy will not accept that. He said: ‘Umar said that day: Had we
reached three hundred people, we would have thrown you, O enemies of Allah, from it (meaning
Makkah). I asked my father later on: Who was that man who turned them away from you, that
day? He sad: That was al-‘Ass b. Waa’il, the father of ‘Amru b. al-‘Ass. This narration is according
to the words of al-Haakim. This hadeeth does not contradict with the previous hadeeth of
‘Abdullah b. ‘Umar, narrated by al-Bukhari, which said that ‘Umar was in his house, afraid of
killing. This is because these might be in two different times.
• Al-Bayhaqi reported in ad-Dalaa`il and az-Zahabi reported in at-Tareekh on the authority of Musa
b. ‘Uqbah: ‘Uthman b. Maz’un and his companions were amongst those who returned back and
could not enter into Makkah without protection. So, al-waleed b. al-Mugheerah gave protection to
‘Uthman b. Maz’un. When ‘Uthman noticed the tribulations on his companions face, and the
torture with fire and lashes, while he is safe without anybody interfering with him, he wanted to
be tested. He said to al-Waleed: You have protected me, and I want you to take me to your clan
and dissociate yourself from me. He said: O my nephew is there anyone who harmed you or
abused you? He said: No, nobody abused me or interfered with me. When he insisted he should
dissociate himself from him, he took him to the mosque, while people of Quraysh sitting around
enjoying their time. The poet, Labeed b. Rabee’ah was reading poetry to them. Al-Waleed held
with the hand of ‘Uthman and said: This man compelled me to dissociate myself from his
protection, and I appoint you witnesses that I have nothing to do with him until he wanted that.
‘Uthman sad: He said the truth, and by Allah I compelled him on that, and he has nothing to do
with me. Then he sat amongst the people at first, but later on they attacked him.
Although the Sahabah (may Allah be pleased with them) were steadfast they did complain to the
Messenger of Allah (saw), they asked him to make du’a and ask Allah for help, his (saw) answer was
what al-Bukhari reported from Khabab b. al-Aratt who said:
‹C Bƒª jvƒNnM ‹C :…ª Bƒº≥ ,“J®∏ªA Ω£ ü …ª —ejI fmÃNø ëÀ , ** A æÃmi ïG B√Ã∏q$
”ºß ©yÃŒØ iBrƒùBI ’BVŒØ ,…ŒØ Ω®VŒØ ~ifiA ü …ª j∞ê ¡∏ºJ≥ ≈¿ŒØ ΩUjªA ∆B∑ :æB≥ ?Bƒª ÃßfM
ÀC ¡§ß ≈ø ,…¿á ∆Àe Bø fÕfáA ¢BrøDI °rôÀ ,…ƒÕe ≈ß πªg fvÕ BøÀ îNƒQBI µrŒØ …mCi
ïG ’B®ƒu ≈ø K∑AjªA nÕ ”NY ,jøfiA Ah« ≈¿NŒª AÀ ,…ƒÕe ≈ß πªg fvÕ BøÀ Kvß
.#∆úV®NnM ¡∏ƒ∏ªÀ ,…¿ƒ´ ”ºß K÷hªA ÀC A ‹G ≤Bë ‹ PÃøjzY
“We complained to the Messenger of Allah while he was resting in the shade of the Ka'ba,
and said to him: 'Will you not ask for victory for us? Will you not pray for us?' He replied:
'There was a time before you, where a hole would be dug, and a man would be placed in it
and a saw would be placed on his head and would be cut in two; he would be brushed with
brushes of steel, which would tear through his meat and bone, and not even this would make
him leave his Deen. By Allah, this matter will be completed so that a rider would ride from
San'a to Hadhramawt not fearing anything but Allah and a wolf from his sheep, but you are a
people who rush.”
12. Humbleness towards the believers and stern towards the
Humility towards the believers and being stern towards the disbelievers is obligatory due to the saying
of Allah (swt):
‰ ƒÍøÍ ¤Ê ¿Â ºÙ ªÍ π
Ú Y‰ B‰ƒU‰ |
Ê ∞Í aÊ A‰À
“And make yourself gentle for the believers.” [TMQ Al-Hijr:88] In another ayah He (swt) said:
‰ ƒÍøÍ ¤Ê ¿Â ªÙA ≈Ê øÍ π
Ú ®‰ J‰MÏA ≈Ê ¿‰ ªÍ π
Ú Y‰ B‰ƒU‰ |
Ê ∞Í aÊ A‰À
“And be kind and humble to the believers who follow you.” [TMQ ash-Shu’araa`:215] i.e. be lenient towards
them and show kindness. He (swt) forbade him to be harsh with them when He said:
“And by the Mercy of Allah, you dealt with them gently. And had you been severe and harshhearted, they would have
broken away from about you; so pass over (their faults), and ask (Allah's) Forgiveness for them; and consult them in
the affairs. Then when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah, certainly, Allah loves those who put their
trust (in Him).” [TMQ Aali ‘Imraan:159] while He (swt) orders His Messenger to be compassionate and
lenient and forbids him from being stern towards the believers at the same time He orders the
Messenger to be harsh towards the Kuffar and the hypocrites:
Í ¿‰ ªÙA o
‰ ◊Ê IÍÀ‰ ¡Â ƒÏ»‰ U‰ ¡Ê «A‰ÀDÙ ø‰ À‰ ¡Ê »¯ ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ •
Ù ºÛ ´Ù A‰À î
‰ ¥Í ØÍ B‰ƒ¿Â ªÙA‰À i‰ B˙∞∏Û ªÙA fÍ «Í B‰U œÌ J̓ϪA B‰»ÕÌCÚ B‰Õ
“O Prophet (Muhammad SAW)! Strive hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be harsh against them,
their abode is Hell, - and worst indeed is that destination.” [TMQ at-Tawbah:73] The address (khitaab) to the
Messenger (saw) is an address to his Ummah as long is there is no evidence of specification. The
believer is obliged to be compassionate, show mercy and leniency and and make himself gentle to the
believers and be stern, harsh, hostile and defeating to the Kuffar. He (swt) says:
The Sunnah has confirming this issue. Thus, in the hadith of an-Nu’man b. Basheer (ra) it is narrated
that the Messenger of Allah (saw) says:
j÷Bm …ª ”ßAfM Ãzß …ƒø ”∏NqA AgG ,fnÜA ΩRø ¡»∞ B®MÀ ¡»õAjMÀ ¡«eAÃM ü îƒø¤ùA ΩRø$
.#”¿áAÀ j»nªBI fnÜA
“The example of the believers in their mutual love, compassion and empathy is like that of a
body. If one part is hurt then the rest of the body calls out in sleeplessness and fever.” Muslim
reported on the authority of ‘Iyaad b. Himaar (ra) who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
”Ij≥ –g Ω∏ª Kº¥ªA µŒ≥i ¡ŒYi ΩUiÀ ,µØÃø ∂fvNø °n¥ø ∆BÒºm Àg :“Q›Q “ƒÜA Ω«C$
.#æBŒß Àg ±∞®Nø ±Œ∞ßÀ ,¡ºnøÀ
“The people of Jannah are three; a ruler who is just, gives alms and brings reconciliation, a
man who is soft hearted and compassionate to his relatives and all Muslims, and a man who
is chaste and virtuous having lot of children but with little means.” In the hadith of Jabir b. ‘Abd
Allah it is narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“The one who shows no compassion will not be shown any compassion.” Being deprived of
compassion i.e. the compassion of Allah is an indication that compassion towards the believers is
obligatory. Also indicating the obligation of mutual compassion is the hadith narrated by Ibn Hibbaan
in his Sahih on the authority of Abu Hurayrah who said: I heard Abul Qasim, the honest and
trustworthy, say:
¡»I µØjØ Bı◊Œq øC jøC ≈ø œªÀ ≈øÀ …Œºß µ¥qBØ ¡»Œºß µrØ Bı◊Œq øC jøC ≈ø œªÀ ≈ø ¡»ºªA$
.#…I µØiBØ
“O Allah whoever has been given authority over the affaires of my Ummah and was harsh
with them, then be harsh with him. And whoever has been given authority over the affaires of
my Ummah and was kind with them, then show him kindness.”
If someone claims that the request for mercy has come in the general form and it includes all people
whether they be Muslim, Kaafir, hypocrite, obedient or disobedient due to the hadith of Jabir b.
‘Abdullah reported by Muslim where the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
It is correct that the expression ‘people’ is general (‘aam) but it is a general expression from which the
specific is intended such as in His (swt) saying:
. ¡Ê ∏Û ªÚ A U‰ fÊ ≥Ú p
‰ BσªA ∆Ï Ḡ p
 BσªA ¡Ê »Â ªÚ æ‰ BÚ≥ ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A
“Those (i.e. believers) unto whom the people (hypocrites) said, "Verily, the people (pagans) have gathered against you (a
great army).” [TMQ 3:173]
Narrations about the Messenger’s mercy for the believers can be seen in what the two Shaykhs
reported on the authority of ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Umar who said:
ﻓﺄﺗﻰ رﺳﻮل اﷲ ﻱﻌﻮدﻩ ﻣﻊ ﻋﺒﺪ اﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ ﺑﻦ ﻋﻮف وﺳﻌﺪ ﺑﻦ أﺑﻲ وﻗﺎص وﻋﺒﺪ،اﺵﺘﻜﻰ ﺳﻌﺪ ﺑﻦ ﻋﺒﺎدة ﺵﻜﻮى ﻟﻪ
، *** »أﻗﺪ ﻗﻀﻰ؟« ﻗﺎﻟﻮا ﻻ ﻱﺎ رﺳﻮل ﻓﺒﻜﻰ رﺳﻮل اﷲ: ﻓﻘﺎل، ﻓﻠﻤﺎ دﺧﻞ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ وﺟﺪﻩ ﻓﻲ ﻏﺸﻴﺔ،اﷲ ﺑﻦ ﻣﺴﻌﻮد
وﻻ ﺑﺤﺰن، »أﻻ ﺗﺴﻤﻌﻮن؟ إن اﷲ ﻻ ﻳﻌﺬب ﺑﺪﻣﻊ اﻟﻌﻴﻦ: ﻓﻘﺎل،ﻓﻠﻤﺎ رأى اﻟﻘﻮم ﺑﻜﺎء رﺳﻮل اﷲ **** ﺑﻜﻮا
.« أو ﻳﺮﺣﻢ-وأﺷﺎر إﻟﻰ ﻟﺴﺎﻧﻪ- وﻟﻜﻦ ﻳﻌﺬب ﺑﻬﺬا،اﻟﻘﻠﺐ
Sa’d b. ‘Ubaadah became sick and the Prophet along with ‘Abd ar-Rahman b. ‘Awf, sa’d b.
Abi Waqqas and ‘Abdullah b. Mas’ud visited him to inquire about his health. When he came
to him, he found him surrounded by his household and he asked: “Has he died?” They said,
“No, O Allah’s Messenger.” The Prophet wept and when the people saw the weeping of
Allah’s Messenger they all wept. He said: “Will you not listen? Allah does not punish for
shedding tears, nor for the grief of the heart but he punishes or bestows His Mercy because of
this.” He pointed top his tongue.
Also the hadith reported by at-Tirmizi, which he said is hasan sahih, on the authority of ‘Ayisha
.#∆BØihM BƒŒß æB≥ ÀC ,œ∏JÕ Ã«À ,OŒø ëÀ ,∆î§ø ≈I ∆B¿Rß ΩÈJ≥ ƒªA ∆C$
“The Prophet (saw) kissed ‘Uthman b. Maz’un when he died. He wept (or the narrator said
his eyes were flowing with tears).” Muslim reported on the authority of Anas (ra):
ΩŒ¥Ø B»Œºß ΩafÕ ∆B∑ …√HØ ,¡Œºm ¬C ‹G …UAÀkC ”ºß ‹G ’BnƒªA ≈ø fYC ”ºß ΩafÕ ‹ ∆B∑ ƒªA ∆C$
.#œ®ø B«ÃaC ΩN≥ ,B»õiC œ√G :æB¥Ø πªg ü …ª
“The Prophet (saw) did not enter the presence of any women except his wives and except
Umm Saleem. He used to enter her presence, and when asked about it he said: ‘I have
compassion for her, her brother was killed with me (whilst in battle).”
An example of his leniency towards the believers is what al-Bukhari reported from ‘Abd Allah b.
‘Umar who said:
À Ω∞¥√ :∆ÿºnùA æB¥Ø , A ’Bq ∆G Aıf´ ∆úØB≥ B√G æB¥Ø ,B»ZN∞Õ ¡ºØ ±÷BÒªA Ω«C ƒªA juBY$
∆D∏Ø , A ’Bq ∆G Aıf´ ∆úØB≥ B√G ƒªA æB≥ PBYAjU ¡»NIBuDØ AÀf¨Ø ,æBN¥ªA ”ºß AÀf´BØ :æB≥ ?\N∞M
.# A æÃmi ¡nJNØ ¡»JVßC πªg
“The Prophet (saw) besieged the Taa`if but was not able to open it. The Prophet (saw) said:
“We are returning home tomorrow, if Allah wills. The Muslims said: ‘do we return? But we
have not opened Taa`if?” He said: Be ready in the morning to fight.’ They were ready to fight
the next morning but they sustained many injuries. The Prophet (saw) said: “We are
returning home tomorrow, if Allah wills.” This seemed to please the Sahabah, Allah’s
Messenger smiled.
An example of his kindness for the believers is what Muslim reported on the authority of Mu’awiyyah
b. al-Hakam as-Salami who said:
,¡«iBvIDI ¬Ã¥ªA œ√BøjØ , A πõjÕ Oº¥Ø ,¬Ã¥ªA ≈ø ΩUi oÒß gG , A æÃmi ©ø œºuC B√C BƒŒI$
¡»NÕCi B¿ºØ ,¡«gBbØC ”ºß ¡»ÕfÕDI ∆ÃIjzÕ Aú®VØ ?ÈœªG ∆Àj§ƒM ¡∏√Dq Bø ! BŒøC Ω∏QAÀ :Oº¥Ø
≈nYC f®IÀ …ºJ≥ Bı¿º®ø OÕCi Bø ,œøCÀ ë œIDJØ , A æÃmi ”ºu B¿ºØ ,O∏m ∏ª √ÃN¿vÕ
≈ø ’œq B»ŒØ \ºvÕ ‹ —›vªA h« ∆G :æB≥ , ¿Nq ‹À Ijy ‹À œ√j»∑ Bø AÃØ ,…ƒø Bı¿Œº®M
.#∆Ej¥ªA —’Aj≥À J∏NªAÀ \ŒJnNªA ë BòG ,pBƒªA ¬›∑
“I was praying behind the Messenger of Allah and someone in the congregation sneezed. I
said [to him]: ‘May Allah have mercy upon you.’ The people then stared at me, showing their
disapproval of my act. I said: ‘Woe to me, why do you stare at me so?’ They started to strike
their hands on their thighs and when I saw that they wanted me to become silent, I was
angered but said nothing. When the Messenger of Allah finished the prayer - and may my
father and mother be ransomed for him, I found no teacher better than him either before or
after him - he did not scold, beat, or revile me but he simply said: ‘Talking to others is not
seemly during the salah, for the salah is for glorifying Allah, extolling His Greatness, and
reciting the Qur'an.’”
Also the hadith reported by al-Bukhari on the authority of Anas (ra) who said:
OÕCi ”NY “IhU …IhVØ ,œIAjßC …∑ieDØ ,“ŒqBáA •Œº´ œ√Ajå ejI …ŒºßÀ A æÃmi ©ø œrøC Oƒ∑$
≈ø ÒßC f¿ä BÕ æB¥Ø ,…IhU —fq ≈ø e ªA “ŒqBY B»I PjQC f≥ A æÃmi µƒß “Z∞u ÀC \∞u
.#’BÒ®I …ª jøC ¡Q πZzØ …ŒªG O∞NªBØ ,∫fƒß –hªA A æBø
While I was walking with the Prophet who was wearing a Najrani outer garment with a
thick hem, a bedouin came upon the Prophet and pulled his garment so violently that I
could see the impression of the hem of the garment on his shoulder, caused by the violence
of his pull. Then the bedouin said, “Order for me something from Allah's fortune which you
have.” The Prophet turned to him and smiled, and ordered that a gift be given to him.
To give a picture of compassion of the Sahabah had for each other we have the hadith reported by
Muslim on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbas who said: ‘when ‘Umar was stabbed Suhayb entered and began
to cry. He kept saying: ‘Oh my brother, oh my companion.’ At-Tirmizi reported a hadith, which he
said is hasan sahih, on the authority of Waaqid b. ‘Amr b. Sa’d b. Mu’az who said: Anas b. Malik came
so I went to see him. He said: who are you? I said I am Waaqid b. Sa’d b. Mu’az. He began to cry. He
said: You look like Sa’d.
Muslim reported on the authority of Anas (ra) who said that after the death of Allah’s Messenger Abu
Bakr said to ‘Umar: come, let us visit Umm Ayman as the Messenger of Allah (saw) used to visit her.
When we reached her place she began to weep. They said: what makes you cry? What Allah has is
better for His Messenger. She said: I am not crying because I do not know that what Allah has is
better for His Messenger. I am crying because the revelation from the heavens has come to an end.
Her words moved them so much that both of them began to weep with her. Muslim reported a long
hadith on the authority of ‘Umar b. al-Khattab regarding the ransoming of the prisoners of Badr: the
next day I came while the Messenger of Allah (saw) and Abu Bakr were sitting and crying. I said: O
Messenger of Allah, tell me what is making you and your friend to weep. If I find a reason to cry then
I will cry and if I don’t find a reason then I will pretend to cry with you…’
æBN≥ ”ºß ∆B∑ OøBvªA ≈I —eBJß ∆C ,“ŒøC œIC ≈I —eBƒU ≈ß LB®ŒNm‹A ü , ªA fJß ≈IA ‘ÀiÀ
:æB¥Ø …ŒªG O®Ui ¡Q OJ«hØ ,—eBƒU BÕ pBƒªA ∫ieC æB¥Ø ,AúMB¥Ø æBN¥ªA ≈ø ¡»®ƒø ∆B∑À ,“Õifƒ∏m‹A
.BıŒuBß fË YC ¡»ƒø Ω‰N_Ù¥Õ ∆C f¿áA :æB¥Ø ,‹ Oº¥Ø ?fYC ΩNÛ≥C
Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr reported in al-Istee’aab on the authority of Janaadah b. Abi Umayyah that ‘Ubaadah b.
Saamit was in charge of fighting at Alexandria, and he had prevented them from fighting but they
fought. So he called upon me and said: O Junadah, reach the people. So I went there and returned
back to him. He asked: Has any body been killed? I said: No. He said: Praise is to Allah that not one
of them was killed while being disobedient.
Here we need to clarify the distinction between showing mercy, leniency and compassion amongst
Muslims and being firm and strong with them. What must be apparent is that there is no mercy,
compassion or leniency in the application of the Sharee’ah rule and matters of harm to the Muslims.
Here one must be strong and firm in applying the rules and preventing any harm to the Muslims.
The following is a clarification of that which relates to the application of the Sharee’ah rule:
• The above hadith of Abu Hurayrah as reported by Ahmad in which the Messenger of Allah (saw)
“Beat him,” and then afterwards he would say: “say may Allah have mercy on you.”
• In Hudaybiyyah he (saw) went against their opinion because the issues relates to a Sharee’ah rule.
The hadith in this regard is known. He did know show any compassion in order to avoid putting
them in difficulty i.e. under the pretext of having mercy, compassion and leniency like those who
go agent his command.
≈ø :AêB¥Ø , A æÃmi B»ŒØ ¡º∏Õ ≈ø AêB¥Ø ,O≥jm ªA “ŒøÀlbùA —CjùA ∆Dq ¡»¿«C BırÕj≥ ∆G$
eÀfY ≈ø fY ü ©∞rMC : A æÃmi æB¥Ø ,“øBmC …¿º∏Ø , A æÃmi KY “øBmC ‹G …Œºß Ÿ è
±ÕjrªA ¡»ŒØ ∂jm AgG AÃ√B∑ ¡»√C ¡∏ºJ≥ ≈ÕhªA 㧮 BòG pBƒªA B»ÕC :æB¥Ø KÒNaBØ ¬B≥ ¡Q A
O≥jm f¿ä OƒI “¿ BØ ∆C ê A ¡ÕCÀ fáA …Œºß AÃøB≥C ±Œ®zªA ¡»ŒØ ∂jm AgGÀ Ã∑jM
.#B«fÕ O®Ò¥ª
Quraysh were concerned about a woman from Banu Makhzoom who had stole something. They
said who will speak Allah’s Messenger about her. They said: “who can dare to do this except
Usaamah the one that Allah’s Messenger loves.” So Usaamah spoke to him. The Messenger of
Allah (saw) said to him: “are you interceding for a Hadd of Allah?” Then he stood and
addressed the people: “O people, those before you were destroyed because when the noble
amongst them stole they left him but when the poor amongst them stole they applied the
Hadd upon him. By Allah! Had Faatimah the daughter of Muhammad stole then I would
have cut her hand off.” He was not lenient to the Quraysh, he did not show compassion to the
woman from Banu Makhzum and he rejected the intercession of Usaamah. (Agreed upon)
• Had the Messenger of Allah (saw) been merciful to anyone regarding the application of the
Sharee’ah rule he would have done so with al-Hasan b. ‘Ali when he took a date allotted for
charity. Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that ‘al-Hasan b. Ali took date from the sadaqah and put it in
his mouth. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
• As for the Prophet’s (saw) resolve in repelling a harm this is clear from the Hadith of Mu’az
reported by Muslim in the expedition of Tabuk: The Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
B«’BU ≈¿Ø ,iB»ƒªA ”ZzÕ ”NY B«ÃMDM ≈ª ¡∏√GÀ ,∫ÃJM îß A ’Bq ∆G Aıf´ ∆ÃMDNm ¡∏√G $
∫AjrªA ΩRø ∆Ã∏NØ ,∆›Ui B»ŒªG Bƒ¥Jm f≥À B«Bƒ◊VØ ,œME ”NY Bı◊Œq B»÷Bø ≈ø o
È ô ›Ø ¡∏ƒø
ƒªA B¿»JnØ ¡®√ ‹B≥ ?ıB◊Œq B»÷Bø ≈ø B¿Nnnø Ω« : A æÃmi B¿ DnØ :æB≥ ,’Bø ≈ø ’œrI |JM
#... æÃ¥Õ ∆C A ’Bq Bø B¿ æB≥À ,
“Tomorrow you will come, insha' llah, to the spring of Tabuk. But you will not get there
until well into the morning. No one who arrives should touch any of its water until I come.’
We came to it and two men had got to it before us and the spring was dripping with a little
water. The Messenger of Allah (saw) asked them, ‘Have you touched any of its water?’ They
said, ‘Yes.’ The Messenger of Allah, May Allah bless him and grant him peace, reviled them
and said what Allah wished him to say.”
Ibn Ishaaq reported the hadith of Muhmmad b. Yahyah b. Hibbaan about the story of Bani
Mustalaq and what the hypocrites did:
,”ZzªA fNqA ”NY …øÃÕ ifuÀ ,AÃZJuC ”NY …NºŒªÀ ,AÃnøC ”NY pBƒªBI A æÃmi iBnØ ...$
#... SÕfáA ≈ø ∆B∑ B¿ß ¡»º¨rŒª pBƒªBI æl√ ¡Q
“Then the Messenger of Allah (saw) walked with the men all that day till nightfall, and
through the night until morning and during the following day until the sun distressed them.
Then he halted them to distract them from the subject”.
As for the resolve of the Sahabah the most prominent example is what Abu Bakr did in respect to
fighting the Murtaddeen, sending the army of Usaamah against the wishes of all the Muslims. They
acceded to his opinion, executed his command and then praised him.
If we excluded the application of the Sharee’ah which includes repelling the harm then one cay say:
those people who are shown compassion are those who have been hit by a misfortune such as death,
illness, loss of a loved one; as for the ignorant person he should be shown compassion and leniency
whilst teaching him and being patient. In applying the mubaah one should choose the easiest option,
prefer leniency to strictness as the Messenger (saw) did when he besieged Taa`if, as mentioned above
in the hadith of Ibn ‘Umar reported by al-Bukhari.
What remains now is to give a picture of the harshness of the Muslims for the Kuffar:
First: In battle:
A Hadith of Wahshi reported by al-Bukhari in which he said: “When the people set out (for the
battle of Uhud) in the year of 'Ainain ('Ainain is a mountain near the mountain of Uhud, and
between it and Uhud there is a valley) I went out with the people for the battle. When the army
aligned for the fight, Siba’ came out and said, ‘Is there any (Muslim) to accept my challenge to a
duel?’ Hamza bin 'Abdul Muttalib came out and said, ‘O Siba! O Ibn Um Anmar, the one who
circumcises other ladies! Do you challenge Allah and His Messenger?’ Then Hamza attacked and
killed him, causing him to be non-extant like the bygone yesterday…”
Stories of duels fought by Hamza, ‘Ali, al-Barraa, Khalid, ‘Amru b. Ma’di Karib , ‘Aamir, Juhayr b.
Rafi’ and others are present in the books of Seerah and Maghaazi. One can refer to them for more
about this because this book is not a book of Seera or stories and hence just alluding to the subject
fulfils the aim.
Second: in negotiations:
• The hadith of al-Miswar and Marwaan reported by al-Bukhari which states: Urwa kept on talking to
the Prophet and seizing the Prophet's beard as he was talking while Al-Mughira bin Shu'ba was
standing near the head of the Prophet, holding a sword and wearing a helmet. Whenever Urwa
stretched his hand towards the beard of the Prophet, Al-Mughira would hit his hand with the handle
of the sword and say (to Urwa), “Remove your hand from the beard of Allah's Messenger.”
• In the previous hadith of ‘Urwah said: “I do not see (with you) dignified people, but people from
various tribes who would run away leaving you alone.” Hearing that, Abu Bakr abused him and said,
“Do you say we would run and leave the Prophet alone?” The fact that the Messenger (saw) remained
silent over the action of al-Mughirah and the saying of Abu Bakr indicates approval of their action.
• Muhammad b. al-Hasan ash-Shaybaani mention in as-Siyar al-Kabeer said: Usaud b. Hudhayr came
while ‘Uyaynah was extending his feet in the attendance of the Messenger of Allah (saw). Usayd said:
O ‘Uyaynah, the evil, pull back your feet. Do you extend your feet in the presence of the Messenger
of Allah (saw). Had not been for the sake of the Messenger of Allah (saw), I would have punched
your two testicles with the spear. Since when did you desired this in us?
There are negotiations scattered within the pages of books undertaken by Thaabit b. Aqram b. al-‘Aas,
Mugheerah b. Shu’bah, Qutaybah, Muhammad b. Muslim, al-Ma`moon and others. All of these are
examples of honour and leadership for those engaged in the work.
He (swt) said:
“They are those with whom you made a covenant, but they break their covenant every time and they do not fear Allah.
So if you gain the mastery over them in war, punish them severely in order to disperse those who are behind them, so that
they may learn a lesson.” [TMQ Al-Anfaal:56-57]
• The hadith of Abu Hurayrah (ra) reported by Muslim regarding the conquest of Makkah after Quraysh
violated their treaty the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
¡«ÀfvÑ ∆C Aıf´ ¡«Ã¿NŒ¥ª AgG AÀj§√A æB≥ ,¡®√ AêB≥ ?sÕj≥ tBIÀC ∆ÀjM Ω« ,iBv√fiA jr®ø BÕ$
fYC ¡ h◊øÃÕ ≤jqC B¿Ø æB≥ ,B∞vªA ¡∑fßÃø æB≥À ,…ªB ”ºß …ƒŒô ©yÀÀ fŒI ”∞aCÀ ,ıAfvY
.#... ÃøB√C ‹G
“O Assembly of Ansar; You see the ruffians and the (lowly) followers of the Quraysh. And he
indicated by (striking) one of his hands over the other that they should be killed, and said:
Meet me at as-Safa'. Then we went on (and) if any one of us wanted a certain person to be
killed, he was killed..”
• A Hadith of Ibn ‘Umar (ra) which states: An-Nadir and Bani Quraiza fought (against the Prophet
violating their peace treaty), so the Prophet exiled Bani An-Nadir and allowed Bani Quraiza to remain
at their places (in Medina) taking nothing from them till they fought against the Prophet again. He
then killed their men and distributed their women, children and property among the Muslims, but
some of them came to the Prophet and he granted them safety, and they embraced Islam. He exiled
all the Jews from Medina. They were the Jews of Bani Qainuqa', the tribe of 'Abdullah bin Salam and
the Jews of Bani Haritha and all the other Jews of Medina.
13. Yearning for Jannah and competing in good deeds
Believing that the Jannah is true and that it has been prepared for the believers but forbidden for the
Kuffar forever is part of the belief in the Last Day as evidenced by His (saw) saying:
‰ ¥Í NÏ¿Â ºÙ ªÍ P
Ê fÏ ßÍ ÛC ~
 iÊ fiÚ A‰À P
Ï ªA B‰»y
 jÊ ß‰ “Î ƒÏU‰ ‰À ¡Ê Û∏I‰i ≈Ê øÍ —Î j‰ ∞Í ¨Ê ø‰ ”ÚªḠ AÃÂßīB‰mÀ‰
“And march forth in the way (which leads to) forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as are the heavens
and the earth, prepared for Al-Muttaqun (the pious).” [TMQ Aali ‘Imraan:133] His (swt) saying:
• The Prophets, Siddiqeen (the followers of the Prophets, martyrs and the righteous: He (swt)
’Í A‰f»‰ r
Ì ªA‰À î
‰ ¥Í ÕfvªA‰À î
‰ ŒÍJƒÏªA ≈Ê øÍ ¡Ê »¯ ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ … º̇ªA ¡‰ ®‰ √ÊCÚ ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A ©‰ ø‰ π
Ú ◊ͪÚÀÊ DÛØÚ æ‰ ÃÂmjÏ ªA‰À …‰ º̇ªA ©Ê ÒÍ Õ Ê≈ø‰ À‰
. Bı¥ŒÍØi‰ π
Ú ◊ͪÚÀÊ ÛC ≈‰ n
 Y‰ À‰ î
“And whoso obeys Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad SAW), then they will be in the company of those on whom
Allah has bestowed His Grace, of the Prophets, the Siddiqun (those followers of the Prophets who were first and
foremost to believe in them, like Abu Bakr As-Siddiq), the martyrs, and the righteous. And how excellent these
companions are!” [TMQ an-Nisaa:69]
“Verily, Al-Abrar (the pious who fear Allah and avoid evil) will be in delight (Paradise).” [TMQ Al-
Mutaffifeen:22] He (swt) said: “
Ê øÍ …Í JÂY ”ں߉ ¬‰ B‰®Ò̇ªA ∆‰ ÿ®Í ÒÙ ÕÂÀ‰ . AÁ ÒÍ N‰n
Ê Âø  jÌ q‰ ∆‰ BÚ∑ BÁøÃÊ Õ‰ ∆‰ ÃÛØB‰bÕ‰À‰ īÊhƒÏªBÍI ∆‰ ÃÛØÃÂÕ..AÁ V
Í ∞Ù M‰
BÁmÃÂJ߉ BÁøÃÊ Õ‰ B‰ƒI‰i ≈Ê øÍ Â≤B‰b√‰ BÏ√Ḡ..AÁiÃÛ∏Âq ‹Ú À‰ ’Á A‰lU‰ ¡Ê ∏Û ƒÊ øÍ f Õj̄Â√ ‹Ú …Í º̇ªA …Í UÊ Ã‰ ªÍ ¡Ê ∏Û ¿Â ®Í ÒÙ √ B‰¿√ÏḠ. .AÁ mÍ CÚÀ‰
.AÁjÕj̄‰YÀ‰ “ı ƒÏU‰ AÀÂjJ‰u
‰ B‰¿IÍ ¡Ê «Â A‰lU‰ À‰ . AÁiÀÂjm À‰ —ı j‰ z
Ê √‰ ¡Ê «Â B¥̇ÚªÀ‰ ¬¯ ÃÊ Œ‰ªÙA π
Ú ªÍg‰ jÏ q‰ Â…º̇ªA Ê¡«Â BÚ≥É ØÚ ..AÁjÕj̄ÚÒ¿Ê ≥Ú
Verily, the Abrar (pious, who fear Allah and avoid evil), shall drink a cup (of wine) mixed with water from a spring
in Paradise called KafurA spring wherefrom the slaves of Allah will drink, causing it to gush forth abundantly. They
(are those who) Fulfil (their) vows, and they fear a Day whose evil will be wide spreading. And they give food, inspite of
their love for it (or for the love of Him), to Miskin (poor), the orphan, and the captive, (Saying): "We feed you seeking
Allah's Countenance only. We wish for no reward, nor thanks from you. "Verily, We fear from our Lord a Day, hard
and distressful, that will make the faces look horrible (from extreme dislikeness to it)." So Allah saved them from the
evil of that Day, and gave them Nadratan (a light of beauty) and joy. And their recompense shall be Paradise, and
silken garments, because they were patient.” [TMQ Al-Insaan:5-12]
. ∆‰ ÃÛ¥IÍBÏnªA ∆‰ ÃÛ¥IÍBÏnªA‰À
. ∆‰ ÃÂIjÏ ¥Ú ¿ªÙA π
. ¡¯ ŒÍ®ƒÏªA P
Í BσU‰ œÍØ
“And those foremost will be foremost (in Paradise). These will be those nearest to Allah. In the Gardens of delight
(Paradise).” [TMQ Al-Waaqi’ah:10-12]
Á.’B‰r√Ḡ ≈Ï «Â B‰√DÙ r
‰ √ÚC BÏ√Ḡ .“Π߉ ÃÛØjÊ ø‰ t
˘ ÂjÛØÀ‰ .“Π߉ Ã¿Ê ø‰ ‹Ú À‰ “Π߉ ÃÛÒ¥Ù ø‰ ‹Ú Î.—‰ RÍ∑Ú “Î »‰ ∑Í BÚØÀ‰ .L
Î ÃÛ∏n
Ê ø‰
¯ ¿Í Œ‰ªÙA L
Í B‰Zu
Ê fiÚ .BÁIA‰jMÊCÚ BÁIj ß .AÁiBÚ∏IÊCÚ ≈Ï «Â B‰ƒºÙ ®‰ V
‰ ØÚ
And those on the Right Hand, Who will be those on the Right Hand? (They will be) among thornless lote-trees,
Among Talh (banana-trees) with fruits piled one above another, In shade long-extended, By water flowing constantly,
And fruit in plenty, Whose season is not limited, and their supply will not be cut off, And on couches or thrones, raised
high. Verily, We have created them (maidens) of special creation. And made them virgins. Loving (their husbands
only), equal in age. For those on the Right Hand.” [TMQ Al-Waaqi’ah:27-38]
B‰»ŒÍØ ¡Ê « “Í ƒÏV
‰ ªÙA L
Ê CÚ π
Ú ◊ͪÚÀÊ CÛ “ˆ ª̇gÍ ‹Ú À‰ ËjN‰≥Ú ¡Ê »«‰ ÃÂUÀ µ«‰ jÊ Õ‰ ‹Ú À‰ —ˆ e‰ B‰Õk̄‰À ”‰ƒn
 ªÙA AÃn
‰ YÊ CÚ ≈‰ ÕÍhº̇ͪ
:∆‰ ÀÂfªÍB‰a
“For those who have done good is the best (reward, i.e. Paradise) and even more (i.e. having the honour of glancing at the
Countenance of Allah swt) Neither darkness nor dust nor any humiliating disgrace shall cover their faces. They are the
dwellers of Paradise, they will abide therein forever.” [TMQ Yunus:26]
≈Ê øÍ ¡Ê »¯ ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ ∆‰ ÃÛºÂafÊ Õ‰ “Û ∏Ú ÷Í›
Ú ¿‰ ªÙA‰À ¡Ê »¯ MÍBÏÕiÂgÀ‰ ¡Ê »¯ UÍ A‰ÀkÊ CÚÀ‰ ¡Ê »¯ ÷ÍB‰IE ≈Ê øÍ \
‰ ºÚ u
‰ ≈Ê ø‰ À‰ B‰»√‰ÃÛºÂafÊ Õ‰ ∆˘ fÊ ß‰ P
. īAÏfªA ”‰J¥Ù Âß ¡‰ ®Ê ƒÍØÚ ¡Ê ÂMjÊ J‰u
‰ B‰¿IÍ ¡Ê ∏Û ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ ˬ›
Ú m‰
“'Adn (Eden) Paradise (everlasting Gardens), which they shall enter and (also) those who acted righteously from among
their fathers, and their wives, and their offspring. And angels shall enter unto them from every gate (saying): "Salamun
'Alaikum (peace be upon you) for that you persevered in patience! Excellent indeed is the final home!" [TMQ ar-
∆˘ ÃŒߠÀ‰ P
Î BσU‰ œÍØ î
‰ ¥Í NÏ¿ªÙA ∆Ï Ḡ
“Truly! The Muttaqun (pious and righteous persons) will be amidst Gardens and water-springs (Paradise).” [TMQ
Al-Hijr:45] He (swt) said:
∆˘ ÃŒߠÀ‰ P
Î BσU‰ œÍØÎ.îÍøCÚ ¬˘ BÚ¥ø‰ œÍØ î
‰ ¥Í NÏ¿ªÙA ∆Ï Ḡ
“Verily! The Muttaqun (pious), will be in place of Security (Paradise). Among Gardens and Springs.” [TMQ ad-
Dukhan:51-52] He (swt) said:
≈Ê øÍ ¡Ê »¯ ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ ∆‰ ÃÛºÂafÊ Õ‰ “Û ∏Ú ÷Í›
Ú ¿‰ ªÙA‰À ¡Ê »¯ MÍBÏÕiÂgÀ‰ ¡Ê »¯ UÍ A‰ÀkÊ CÚÀ‰ ¡Ê »¯ ÷ÍB‰IE ≈Ê øÍ \
‰ ºÚ u
‰ ≈Ê ø‰ À‰ B‰»√‰ÃÛºÂafÊ Õ‰ ∆˘ fÊ ß‰ P
īAÏfªA ”‰J¥Ù ß ¡‰ ®Ê ƒÍØÚ ¡Ê MÂjÊ J‰u
‰ B‰¿IÍ ¡Ê Û∏ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ ˬ›
Ú m‰
“Such is the Paradise which We shall give as an inheritance to those of Our slaves who have been Al-Muttaqun (pious
and righteous persons.” [TMQ Maryam:63] He (swt) said: “The description of the Paradise which the Muttaqun
have been promised! -Underneath it rivers flow, its provision is eternal and so is its shade, this is the end (final
destination) of the Muttaqun (pious), and the end (final destination) of the disbelievers is Fire.” [TMQ ar-Ra’d:35]
He (swt) said:
He (swt) said:
Î F‰ø Â≈n
Ê ÂYÀ‰ ¡Ê »Â ªÚ ”‰IÃÛ P
Í B‰ZªÍBÏvªA AÃÛº¿Í ߉ À‰ AÃø‰ E ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A
“Those who believe, and work righteousness, Tuba (it means all kinds of happiness or name of a tree in Paradise) is for
them and a beautiful place of (final) return.” [TMQ ar-Ra’d:29]
He (swt) said:
¡¯ ŒÍ®ƒÏªA P
Í BσU‰ œÍØ i B‰»√ÊfiÚ A ¡Â »¯ NÍZ
Ê M‰ ≈Ê øÍ –j̄ÊVM‰ ¡Ê »¯ √ÍB‰ôH̄ÍI ¡Ê »IÌi‰ ¡Ê »¯ ÕÍf»Ê Õ‰ P
Í B‰ZªÍBÏvªA AÃÛº¿Í ߉ À‰ AÃø‰ E ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A ∆Ï Ḡ
“Verily, those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness, their Lord will guide them through their Faith; under them
will flow rivers in the Gardens of delight (Paradise).” [TMQ Yunus:9] He (swt) said:
∆‰ ÀÂjJ‰Z
‰ ªÙA AÃÛºa eÊ A .î
‰ ¿Í ºÍ n
“(You) who believed in Our Ayat (proofs, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and were Muslims. Enter Paradise,
you and your wives, in happiness.” [TMQ az-Zukhruf:69-70] He (swt) said:
The delight of the Jannah is tangible and the evidences for this are the following:
• Clothing:
He (swt) said:
‰ ºÍ IÍBÚ¥N‰ø ∂
˘ j‰ JÊ N‰mÊ ḠÀ‰ p
˘ f ƒÂm ≈Ê øÍ ∆‰ ÃÂnJ‰ºÙ Õ‰
Dressed in fine silk and (also) in thick silk, facing each other.”[TMQ ad-Dukhan:53]
He (swt) said:
“Î z
Ï ØÍ ≈Ê øÍ i‰ À̄B‰mCÚ Aú̊ÂYÀ‰ Ë∂j‰ JÊ N‰mÊ ḠÀ‰ Ëjz
Ê Âa p
˘ f ƒÂm L
 B‰ŒQÍ ¡Ê »Â Œ‰ªÍB‰ß
“Their garments will be of fine green silk, and gold embroidery. They will be adorned with bracelets of silver.” [TMQ
• Food and drink: He (swt) said:
∆‰ ûN‰r
Ê Õ‰ BÏ¿øÍ j̆ÊŒÚ ¡¯ Z
Ê ªÚÀ‰ . ∆‰ ÀÂjŒÏb
‰ N‰Õ‰ BÏ¿øÍ “Î »‰ ∑Í BÚØÀ‰
“And fruit; that they may choose. And the flesh of fowls that they desire.” [TMQ Al-Waaqi’ah:20-21] He (swt)
said: “
¡˘ ŒÍƒn
Ê M‰ ≈Ê øÍ Â…ÂUA‰løÍ À‰ . ∆‰ ÃÂnØÍ B‰ƒN‰¿Â ªÙA o
¯ ØÚ B‰ƒN‰Œ‰ºÙ ØÚ π
Ú ªÍg‰ œÍØÀ‰ π
ˆ n
Ê øÍ Â…ø B‰NaÍ . ¬˘ ÃÂNb
Ê ø‰ µ̆ŒÍYi‰ ≈Ê øÍ ∆‰ ÃÊ ¥Ú n
They will be given to drink pure sealed wine. The last thereof (that wine) will be the smell of musk, and for this let (all)
those strive who want to strive (i.e. hasten earnestly to the obedience of Allah). It (that wine) will be mixed with
Tasnîm. A spring whereof drink those nearest to Allah.” [TMQ Al-Mutaffifeen:25-28] He (swt) said:
Í ∞Ù M‰ B‰»√‰ÀÂjVÚ∞Õ …Í º̇ªA ÂeB‰JßÍ B‰»IÍ ÂLj‰ r
Ê Õ‰ BÁƒŒÊ ߉
“Verily, the Abrar (pious, who fear Allah and avoid evil), shall drink a cup (of wine) mixed with water from a spring
in Paradise called Kafur. A spring wherefrom the slaves of Allah will drink, causing it to gush forth abundantly.”
[TMQ ad-Dahr:5-6] He (swt) said:
ı ŒÍJåÚ k‰ B‰»ÂUA‰løÍ ∆‰ BÚ∑ BÁmDÙ ∑Ú B‰»ŒÍØ ∆‰ ÃÊ ¥Ú n
ı ŒÍJn
‰ ºÙ m‰ ”Ï¿n
‰ M B‰»ŒÍØ BÁƒŒÊ ߉
“And they will be given to drink there a cup (of wine) mixed with Zanjabîl (ginger, etc.), A spring there, called
Salsabîl.” [TMQ ad-Dahr:17-18] He (swt) said:
“Therein for you will be fruits in plenty, of which you will eat (as you desire).” [TMQ az-Zukhruf:73] He (swt)
‰ ƒÍøÍ E “Î »‰ ∑Í BÚØ ΩÛ∏IÍ B‰»ŒÍØ ∆‰ ÃÂßfÊ Õ‰
“They will call therein for every kind of fruit in peace and security.” [TMQ ad-Dukhan:.55] He (swt) said:
∆‰ ûN‰r
Ê Õ‰ BÏ¿øÍ …‰ ∑Í A‰ÃØÚ À‰
“And fruits, such as they desire.” [TMQ Al-Mursalaat:42] He (swt) said:
∆‰ ûN‰r
Ê Õ‰ BÏ¿øÍ ¡˘ Z
Ê ªÚÀ‰ “Î »‰ ∑Í BÚ∞IÍ ¡Ê «Â B‰√eÊ f‰ øÊ CÚÀ‰
“And We shall provide them with fruit and meat, such as they desire.” [TMQ at-Tur:22] He (swt) said:
B‰¿Û∏I‰i ’Í ‹Ú E –ÚDJÍØÚ .:∆¯ B‰UÀÊ k‰ “Î »‰ ∑Í BÚØ ΩÛ∑ ≈Ê øÍ B‰¿»¯ ŒÍØ .∆¯ B‰IhÚ∏M B‰¿∏Û I‰i ’Í ‹Ú E –ÚDJÍØÚ .∆¯ B‰Õj̄ÊVM‰ ∆¯ B‰ƒŒÊ ߉ B‰¿»¯ ŒÍØ
.∆¯ B‰IhÚ∏MÂ
“In them (both) will be two springs flowing (free) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and
men) deny? In them (both) will be every kind of fruit in pairs. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both
(jinns and men) deny?” [TMQ ar-Rahman:50-53]
ٍ ﻦ دَا
ِ ﺠ ﱠﻨ َﺘ ْﻴ
َ ﺝﻨَﻰ ا ْﻟ
َ َو
“And the fruits of the two Gardens will be near at hand.” [TMQ ar-Rahman:54]
˘ ßÍ ĭÃÂZIÍ ¡Ê «Â B‰ƒUÊ ÀÏ k‰ À‰ π
Ú ªÍh‰ ∑Ú
“So (it will be), and We shall marry them to Houris (female fair ones) with wide, lovely eyes.” [TMQ ad-
Dukhan:54] He (swt) said:
∆¯ Ã∏Ù ¿‰ ªÙA ¤̄Ûª¤Ê º̊ªA ǣB‰RøÊ DÚ∑Ú
“And (there will be) Houris (fair females) with wide, lovely eyes (as wives for the pious), Like unto preserved pearls.”
[TMQ Al-Waaqi’ah:.22-23] He (swt) said:
’Á B‰r√Ḡ ≈Ï «Â B‰√DÙ r
‰ √ÚC BÏ√Ḡ
AÁiBÚ∏IÊCÚ ≈Ï «Â B‰ƒºÙ ®‰ V
‰ ØÚ
“Verily, We have created them (maidens) of special creation. And made them virgins. Loving (their husbands only),
equal in age.” [TMQ Al-Waaqi’ah:35-37] He (swt) said:
˘ ßÍ ĭÃÂZIÍ ¡Ê «Â B‰ƒUÊ ÀÏ k‰ À‰
“And We shall marry them to Houris (female, fair ones) with wide lovely eyes.” [TMQ at-Tur:20] He (swt) said:
“Wherein both will be those (maidens) restraining their glances upon their husbands, whom no man or jinn
yatmithhunna (has opened their hymens with sexual intercourse) before them. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord
will you both (jinns and men) deny? (In beauty) they are like rubies and coral.” [TMQ ar-Rahman:56-58]
∆‰ ÀÂfº̇‰bø Ë∆A‰fªÙÀ̄ ¡Ê »¯ ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ ≤
“They will be served by immortal boys.” [TMQ Al-Waaqi’ah:17] He (swt) said:
‰ ºÍ IÍBÚ¥N‰ø ĭÂjÂm ”ں߉ BÁ√A‰ÃaÊ Ḡ
“(So they will be like) brothers facing each other on thrones.” [TMQ Al-Hijr:47] He (swt) said:
Î «‰ g‰ ≈Ê øÍ ≤
Î B‰Zv
Í IÍ ¡Ê »¯ ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ ≤
“Trays of gold and cups will be passed round them.” [TMQ az-Zukhruf:.] He (swt) said:
∆‰ ÀÂj§Û ƒ‰Õ π
Í ÷ÍA‰ifiÚ A ”ں߉
“On thrones, looking (at all things).” [TMQ Al-Mutaffifeen:.23] He (swt) said:
˘ ®Í ø‰ ≈Ê øÍ p
˘ DÙ ∑Ú À‰ µ‰ ÕīB‰ICÚÀ‰ L
“With cups, and jugs, and a glass from the flowing wine.” [TMQ Al-Waaqi’ah:18] He (swt) said:
Í ÷ÍA‰ifiÚ A ”ں߉ B‰»ŒÍØ î
‰ ◊Í∏Í NÏÂø
“Reclining therein on raised thrones” [TMQ Al-Insaan:13] He (swt) said:
j‰ ÕīA‰Ã≥Ú O
Ê √‰BÚ∑ L
Î A‰Ã∑Ù CÚÀ‰ “Î z
Ï ØÍ ≈Ê øÍ “Î Œ‰√ÍFÍI ¡Ê »¯ ŒÊ ºÚ ‰ß ≤
“And amongst them will be passed round vessels of silver and cups of crystal.” [TMQ Al-Insaan:15] He (swt) said:
‰ ºÍ IÍBÚ¥N‰Âø B‰»ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ î
‰ ◊Í∏Í NÏøÂ
“(They will be) on thrones woven with gold and precious stones, Reclining thereon, face to face.” [TMQ Al-
Waaqi’ah:15-16] He (swt) said:
˘ j‰ JÊ N‰mÊ Ḡ ≈Ê øÍ B‰»ƒÂ÷ÍBÚÒI‰ t
˘ j ØÛ ”ں߉ î
‰ ◊Í∏Í NÏÂø
“Reclining upon the couches lined with silk brocade.” [TMQ ar-Rahman:54]
ı ŒÍªhÊ M‰ B‰»ØÛ ÃÛÒ≥Û O
Ê ºÚ ª˛g À‰ B‰»ªÛ›
Ú £Í ¡Ê »¯ ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ “ı Œ‰√ÍA‰e‰À
“they will see there neither the excessive heat of the sun, nor the excessive bitter cold. And the shade thereof is close upon
them and the clustered fruits thereof bow down.” [TMQ Al-Insaan:13-14]
∆‰ ûN‰r
Ê Õ‰ B‰ø ¡Ê »ªÚÀ‰
“And unto themselves what they desire.” [TMQ an-Nahl:57] He (swt) said:
¡Ê ∏Û n
 ∞Û √ÚC œ¯»N‰r
Ê M‰ B‰ø B‰»ŒÍØ ¡Ê ∏Û ªÚÀ‰
“you shall have (all) that your inner-selves desire.” [TMQ Fussilat:31] He (swt) said:
∆‰ ÀÂf®‰ JÊ ø B‰»ƒÊ ߉ π
Ú ◊ͪÚÀÊ CÛ ”‰ƒn
ÊZ ªÙA BσøÍ ¡Ê »Â ªÚ O
Ê ¥Ú J‰‰m ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A ∆Ï Ḡ
:∆‰ ÀÂfªÍB‰a ¡Ê »Â n
 ∞Û √ÚC O
Ê »‰ N‰qÊ A B‰ø œÍØ ¡Ê «Â À‰ B‰»n
‰ ŒÍnY‰ ∆‰  n
Ê Õ‰ ‹Ú
“Verily those for whom the good has preceded from Us, they will be removed far therefrom (Hell). They shall not hear
the slightest sound of it (Hell), while they abide in that which their ownselves desire.” [TMQ Al-Anbiya:101-102]
Those things from which Allah has protected the people of Jannah:
Ω̌Í´ ≈Ê øÍ ¡Ê «Í īÀÂfu
 œÍØ B‰ø B‰ƒßÊ l‰ √‰À‰
“And We shall remove from their breasts any sense of injury (that they may have).” [TMQ 15:47]
‰ UÍ j‰ b
Ê Â¿IÍ B‰»ƒÊ øÍ ¡Ê «Â B‰øÀ‰ ËKv
‰ √‰ B‰»ŒÍØ ¡Ê »n
Ì ¿‰ Õ‰ ‹Ú
“No sense of fatigue shall touch them, nor shall they (ever) be asked to leave it." [TMQ 15:48]
∆‰ ÃÂ√l‰ Z
Ê M‰ ¡Ê ÂN√ÊCÚ ‹Ú À‰ ¬‰ ÃÊ Œ‰ªÙA ¡Ê Û∏ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ Ë≤ÃÊ a‰ ‹Ú eÍ B‰JÍßB‰Õ
“My worshippers! No fear shall be on you this Day, nor shall you grieve.” [TMQ az-Zukhruf:68]
The delight of Jannah is constant and does not end and the people of Jannah will not be asked to leave
it, the evidences for this are:
• He (swt) said:
‰ UÍ j‰ b
Ê Â¿IÍ B‰»ƒÊ øÍ ¡Ê «Â B‰øÀ‰
“Nor shall they (ever) be asked to leave it." [TMQ 15:48]
• He (swt) said:
• He (swt) said:
‰ ªÙA L
‰ A‰h߉ ¡Ê «BÚ≥À‰ À‰ ”ÚªÀÛfiA “Ú M‰ÃÊ ¿‰ ªÙA ‹˙ Ḡ P
‰ ÃÊ ¿‰ ªÙA B‰»ŒÍØ ∆‰ ÃÛ≥ÀÂhÕ‰ ‹Ú
“They will never taste death therein except the first death (of this world), and He will save them from the torment of the
blazing Fire.” [TMQ ad-Dukhan:56]
• He (swt) said:
∆‰ ÀÂfªÍB‰a ¡Ê »Â n
 ∞Û √ÚC O
Ê »‰ N‰qÊ A B‰ø œÍØ ¡Ê «Â À‰
“While they abide in that which their ownselves desire.” [TMQ Al-Anbiya:102]
‰ ¥Í NÏ¿ºÙ ªÍ P
Ê fÏ ßÍ CÛ Â~iÊ fiÚ A‰À ÂPA‰ÀB‰¿n
Ï ªA B‰»y
 jÊ ß‰ “Î ƒÏU‰ À‰ ¡Ê ∏Û I‰i ≈Ê øÍ —Î j‰ ∞Í ¨Ê ø‰ ”ÚªḠ AÃÂßīB‰mÀ‰
“And march forth in the way (which leads to) forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as are the heavens
and the earth, prepared for Al-Muttaqun (the pious).” [TMQ Aali ‘Imraan:133] compete in good deeds:
’Í A‰f»‰ r
Ì ªA‰À î
‰ ¥Í ÕfvªA‰À î
‰ ŒÍJƒÏªA ≈Ê øÍ ¡Ê »¯ ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ … º̇ªA ¡‰ ®‰ √ÊCÚ ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A ©‰ ø‰ π
Ú ◊ͪÚÀÊ DÛØÚ æ‰ ÃÂmjÏ ªA‰À …‰ º̇ªA ©Ê ÒÍ Õ Ê≈ø‰ À‰
Bı¥ŒÍØi‰ π
Ú ◊ͪÚÀÊ CÛ ≈‰ ÂnY‰ À‰ î
“And whoso obeys Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad SAW), then they will be in the company of those on whom
Allah has bestowed His Grace, of the Prophets, the Siddiqun (those followers of the Prophets who were first and
foremost to believe in them, like Abu Bakr AsSiddiq radhiallahu'anhu), the martyrs, and the righteous. And how
excellent these companions are!” [TMQ an-Nisaa:69]
Who is more befitting than the Da’wah carriers to compete in the good deeds and rush to the
forgiveness, Jannah and the Good Pleasure of Allah is the greatest.
The good deeds, which Allah has ordered us to compete in and rush to are the following types:
• The individual obligations such as the five daily prayers, Zakah, fasting in the month of Ramadaan,
establishing the proof of Islam, knowing the Sharee’ah rules necessary for life, defensive Jihad, when
the Khaleefah calls the people out to Jihad, to be included within the bay’ah of obedience, the obligatory
maintenance, working to earn the maintenance, keeps relations with mahrams, staying with the Jamaa’ah
(i.e. not rebelling against the Khaleefah) and other such individual obligations.
• The collective obligations such as establishing a group to call to Islam, enjoin the good and forbid
the evil, offensive Jihad, the contractual bay’ah, seeking of knowledge, guarding the places from where
the enemy can attack and the like.
These obligations are the best way to draw closer to Allah (swt). The servant does not achieve the
Good Pleasure of Allah unless he fulfils these obligations. This is proven by the hadith of Abu
Umaamah, reported by at-Tabaraani in al-Kabeer, that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
Bø ’AeDI ‹G –fƒß Bø ∫ifM ≈ª ¬eE ≈IA ,—ÀAf®ªA ü œ√kiBI f¥Ø BıŒªÀ œª ∆B«C ≈ø :æB≥ ïB®M A ∆G$
.#...πŒºß …Ny ØA
“Indeed, Allah (swt) said: The one who humiliates my waly (pious servant) he has displayed
hostility towards me. O son of Adam! you will not draw near to Me with anything more loved
by Me than the religious obligations I have imposed on you…”
• The recommended actions (Mandubaat): when the servant has undertaken what Allah has made
obligatory on him, he should follow that up with the recommended actions and draw closer to Allah
through the supererogatory actions (nawaafil) and Allah will draw closer to him and love him. Thus in
the hadith of Abu Umaamah reported in al-Kabeer where the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
–hªA …√BnªÀ ,…I Ω¥®Õ –hªA …Jº≥ ∆Ã∑DØ ,…ÈJYC ”NY ΩØAêBI œªG Lj¥NÕ –fJß æAlÕ ‹À ...$
,…Mjv√ œ√jvƒNmA AgGÀ ,…NŒÒßC ªDm AgGÀ ,…NJUC œ√Bße AgHØ ,…I jvJÕ –hªA jvIÀ ,…I µÒƒÕ
.#“ZŒvƒªA œÈ ªG –fJß —eBJß K
“My servant will continue to draw closer to me though the nawaafil until I love him. I will
then be the heart with which he thinks, the tongue with which he speaks, the sight by which
he sees, when he calls me I will answer him, when he asks me for something I shall give it to
him, when he asks for my help I shall help him, and the most beloved of my servant’s worship
is the sincere advice (naseeha).”
Also al-Bukhari reported on the authority of Anas (ra) narrated that the Prophet (saw) related that his
Lord said:
œ√BMC AgGÀ ,ıBßBI …ƒø OIj¥M BıßAig œªG Lj¥M AgGÀ ,ıBßAig …ŒªG OIj¥M Aı q œªG fJ®ªA Lj¥M AgG$
.#“ªÀj« …NŒMC œrô
“And if My servant draws near to Me by a hand's span, I would draw near to him by an arm's
length and if he draws near to Me by an arm's length, I would draw near to him by a fathom's
length. And if My servant comes to me walking, I would go to him speeding.” examples of
such mandobaat and supererogatory acts of worship are:
Performing wudu for each Salah and using the Siwaak for each wudu: Ahmad reported with a
hasan isnad on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#∫AÃnI ’ÃyÀ Ω∑ ©øÀ ,’ÃyÃI —›u Ω∑ fƒß ¡»Mjøfi øC ”ºß µqC ∆C ‹Ãª$
“Had I not thought it difficult for my Ummah, I would have commanded that every salah be
prayed (with a fresh wudu) and use of the Siwaak with every wudu.”
Two rak’aat prayer after becoming pure: due to the hadith of Abu Hurayrah (ra) that the
Messenger (saw) said to Bilal (ra):
« Bø :æB≥ ?“ƒÜA ü –fÕ îI πŒº®√ ≤e O® œ√HØ ,¬›m‚A ü …Nº¿ß Ω¿ß ”UiDI QfY æ›I BÕ
πªhI OŒºu ‹G ,iB»√ ÀC ΩŒª ≈ø “ßBm ü ,ıAiû j»ÒMC œ√C ≈ø –fƒß ”UiC ›
ı ¿ß Oº¿ß
œºuC ∆C œª KN∑ Bø iûҪA».
“O Bilal, tell me about the deed for which you are most hopeful for reward in Islam, for, truly
I heard the sound of your sandals in Paradise.” He replied: “I did not do anything for which I
am more hopeful of reward except the fact that I never perform ablution in the day or night
without praying what I must pray after such ablution.” (Agreed upon)
The Azaan (call to prayer), praying in the first line and making the Takbeer for the Salah: due
to the hadith of the Messenger of Allah (saw):
êÀ ,Aÿ»Nm‹ …Œºß Aÿ»NnÕ ∆C ‹G AÀfè ¡Q ,æÀfiA ±vªAÀ ’AfƒªA ü Bø pBƒªA ¡º®Õ ê$
.#AÃJY êÀ B¿«ÃMfi \JvªAÀ “¿N®ªA ü Bø ∆ÿº®Õ êÀ ,…ŒªG AÃ¥JNm‹ V»NªA ü Bø ∆ÿº®Õ
“If the people knew the reward for pronouncing the azaan and for standing in the first row
(in congregational prayers) and found no other way to get that except by drawing lots they
would draw lots, and if they knew the reward of the Zuhr prayer (in the early moments of its
stated time) they would race for it (go early) and if they knew the reward of 'Isha and Fajr
(morning) prayers in congregation, they would come to offer them even if they had to crawl.”
(Agreed upon).
The hadith of al-Barraa` reported by Ahmad and an-Nasaa`I, with an isnad al-Munziri said is a reliable
hasan transmission that the Prophet (saw) said:
≈ø …® ≈ø …≥fuÀ ,…MÃu ‘fø …ª j∞¨Õ ∆g¤ùAÀ ,¬f¥ùA ±vªA ”ºß ∆úvÕ …N∏÷›øÀ A ∆G$
.#…®ø ”ºu ≈ø jUC …ªÀ ,oIBÕÀ K i
“Allah and the angels send blessings on the front row and the Mu`azzin is forgiven as far his
voice reaches, and whoever listened to him, whether living or non living creatures would
agree with him, and he has the reward of those who pray with him.”
Responding to the Mua`zzin: due to the hadith of Sa’eed al-Khudri who said that the Messenger of
Allah (saw) said:
B»I A ”ºu —›u œÈ ºß ”ºu ≈ø …√HØ ,Èœºß Aúu ¡Q ,æÃ¥Õ Bø ΩRø AÃªÃ¥Ø ∆g¤ùA ¡N® AgG$
∆C ÃUiCÀ , A eBJß ≈ø fJ®ª ‹G œ¨JƒM ‹ “ƒÜA ü “ªl_ƒø B»√HØ ,“ºŒmêA œª A Aúm ¡Q ,Ajrß
.#“ßB∞rªA …ª OºY “ºŒmêA œª æDm ≈¿Ø ,ë B√C ∆Ã∑C
“When you hear the mu`azzin, repeat his very words, and then send blessings on me, for
whoever sends me blessings once, Allah will bless him ten times in return. Then beseech
Allah to grant me wasilah, which is a place in Paradise only due to one of Allah’s servants. I
hope I will be that servant! Whoever asks wasilah for me, I shall intercede for him.” And in
the hadith of Jabir reported by al-Bukhari that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“ºŒmêA Aıf¿ä PE ,“¿÷B¥ªA —›vªAÀ ,“øBNªA —ÃßfªA h« Li ¡»ºªA ’AfƒªA ©¿nÕ îY æB≥ ≈ø$
.#“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ ßB∞q …ª OºY ,…MfßÀ –hªA Aıeÿä BıøB¥ø …R®IAÀ ,“ºŒz∞ªAÀ
“Whoever, after listening to the azaan (for the prayer) says, 'O Allah, the Lord of this
complete call and of this prayer, which is going to be established! Give Muhammad Al-
Wasila and Al-Fadila and raise him to Al-Maqam-al-Mahmud which You have promised
him,' will be granted my intercession for him on the Day of Resurrection.” After listening to
the azaan means once it has finished.
Supplication between the Azaan and Iqaamah (announcing the beginning of the obligatory
prayer): due to the hadith of Anas reported by Abu Dawud, at-Tirmizi, an-Nasaa`I, Ibn Khuzaymah
and Ibn Hibbaan in their Sahihs that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
(Agreed upon)
Walking to the mosque to pray: due to the hadith of Abu Hurayrah (ra) who said that the Messenger
of Allah (saw) said:
AgG …√C πªgÀ ,“Uie ≈ÕjrßÀ Bınú …≥Ãm üÀ …NŒI ü …M›u ±®zM “ßB¿ÜA ü ΩUjªA —›u$
B»I …ª O®Øi ‹G —ÃÒa °ë ,—›vªA ‹G …Ujë ‹ —›vªA ïG Xja ¡Q ,’ÃyêA ≈nYDØ DyÃM
Ωu ¡»ºªA : ›vø ü ¬Ae Bø …Œºß œºvM “∏÷›ùA ælM ,”ºu AgHØ ,“◊ŒÒa B»I …ƒß °YÀ “Uie
.#—›vªA j§N√A Bø —›u ü æAlÕ ‹À ,…õiA ¡»ºªA ,…Œºß
“The prayer of a man in congregation is twenty-five times more superior (in reward) to his
prayer in his house or market - and this is because he makes the wudu' and perfects it and
goes to the mosque with the sole purpose of performing the salah. He does not then take a
step without being raised a degree and having one of his sins erased. Once he prayed and as
long as he did not lose his wudu, the angels keep on praying [for him] ‘O Allah, bless him. O
Allah, have mercy on him.’ And he is considered in salah as long as he is waiting for the
(Agreed upon) The hadith of Abu Musa (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
B»ŒºvÕ ”NY —›vªA j§NƒÕ –hªAÀ ,¡«f®IDØ ”rû B»ŒªG ¡«f®IC —›vªA ü AıjUC pBƒªA ¡§ßC ∆G$
.#¬BƒÕ ¡Q B»ŒºvÕ –hªA ≈ø Aıj_UC ¡§ßC ,¬Bø‚A ©ø
“The person who will receive the highest reward for salah (prayer) is the one who comes to
perform it in the mosque from the farthest distance. And he who waits for salah to perform it
with the Imam (in congregation) will have a greater reward than the one who observes it
alone and then goes to sleep.”
(Agreed upon)
Praying the supererogatory prayers (naafilah) in the homes: due to the hadith of Ibn ‘Umar who
said the Prophet (saw) said:
.#“IÃN∏ùA ‹G …NŒI ü ’jùA —›u —›vªA ΩzØC ∆HØ ¡∏MÃŒI ü pBƒªA B»ÕC AúvØ ...$
“O people, pray in your homes for the best prayer is the person’s prayer in his house except
the obligatory prayers.” (Agreed upon)
.∆‰ îV
‰ »Ê Õ‰ B‰ø Ω̄ÊŒº̇ªA ≈Ê øÍ ›
“They used to sleep but little by night [invoking their Lord (Allah) and praying, with fear and hope]..” [TMQ az-
Zaariyaat:17] Also Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
ΩŒª πŒºß :—f¥ß Ω∑ ”ºß LjzÕ ,f¥ß T›Q ¬B√ ë AgG ¡∑fYC pCi “ŒØB≥ ”ºß ∆BÒŒrªA f¥®Õ$
OºçA ”ºu ∆HØ ,—f¥ß OºçA DyÃM AgHØ ,—f¥ß OºçA ïB®M A j∑hØ •¥ŒNmA AgHØ ,f≥iBØ ΩÕÃ
.#∆›n∑ o∞ƒªA SŒJa \JuC ‹GÀ ,o∞ƒªA KŒ BıÒŒr√ \JuDØ ,B»º∑ f¥ß
“Satan puts three knots at the back of the head of any of you if he is asleep. On every knot he
reads and exhales the following words: The night is long, so stay asleep. When one wakes up
and remembers Allah, one knot is undone; and when one performs ablution, the second knot
is undone, and when one prays the third knot is undone and one gets up energetic with a
good heart in the morning; otherwise one gets up in bad spirits and lazy.” (Agreed upon)
And the hadith of Ibn Mas’ud who said that he mentioned to the Prophet (saw) the example of a man
who slept all night until he woke up in the morning. The Prophet (saw) said:
.#…√gC ü æB≥ ÀC …Œ√gC ü ∆BÒŒrªA æBI ΩUi ∫Ag$
“That is a man in whose ears (or he might have said ear) the Shaytan has urinated.” (Agreed
upon). It is sunnah to make Witr the last prayer of the night due to the hadith of Ibn ‘Umar (ra) who
narrated that the Prophet (saw) said:
Having a bath on the day of Jumu’ah: due to the hadith of Ibn ‘Umar (ra) that the Messenger of
Allah (saw) said:
Reported by al-Bukhari.
Charity: Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
B»ŒIjÕ ¡Q …ƒŒ¿ŒI B»ºJ¥NÕ A ∆HØ -KŒÒªA ‹G A ΩJ¥Õ ‹À- KŒ Kn∑ ≈ø —jó æf®I ∂fvM ≈ø$
.#ΩJÜA ΩRø ∆Ã∏M ”NY ÃºØ ¡∑fYC œIjÕ B¿∑ ,B»JYBvª
“If one gives in charity what equals one date-fruit from the honestly-earned money and Allah
accepts only the honestly earned money Allah takes it in His right (hand) and then enlarges
its reward for that person (who has given it), as anyone of you brings up his baby horse, so
much that it becomes as big as a mountain.” (Agreed upon).
It is reported that ‘Iddi b.. Hatim (ra) said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
,¬f≥ Bø ‹G ‘jÕ ›Ø …ƒø ≈ôC j§ƒŒØ ,∆BöjM …ƒŒIÀ …ƒŒI oŒª A …¿º∏Œm ‹G fYC ≈ø ¡∏ƒø Bø$
êÀ iBƒªA AÃ¥MBØ ,…»UÀ ’B¥ºM iBƒªA ‹G ‘jÕ ›Ø …ÕfÕ îI j§ƒÕÀ ,¬f≥ Bø ‹G ‘jÕ ›Ø …ƒø ¬DqC j§ƒÕÀ
.#—jó µrI
“(On the Day of Judgment) none of you will have an interpreter between him and Allah, He
will look to his right and he will see nothing but that which he earned , and then he will look
to his left and will see nothing but Hell-fire. Then he will look to the front and he will see
nothing but the Fire in front of him. And so, any (each one) of you should save himself from
the fire even by giving half of a date-fruit (in charity).” The hadith of Jabir reported by Abu Yu’la
with a sound isnad and declared authentic by al-Haakim and az-Zahabi that the Messenger of Allah
(saw) said to Ka’b . ‘Ujrah:
iBƒªA ’BùA ÿ∞ÒÕ B¿∑ “◊ŒÒàA ÿ∞ÒM “≥fvªAÀ ,“ƒU ¬BŒvªAÀ ∆BIj≥ —›vªA ,—jVß ≈I K®∑ BÕ$
O Ka’b b.’Ujrah, the prayer is drawing closer to Allah, fasting is a shield and charity wipes out
sins as the water puts out the fire…’ The best charity is that which has been given in secret due to
the hadith of Abu Hurayrah (ra) regarding the seven who Allah will give His shade on the Last Day.
One of the seven is;
Loan: due to the hadith of ‘Abd Allah b. Mas’ud reported by Ibn Maajah, Ibn Hibbaan and al-
Bayhaqi, that the Prophet (saw) said:
Giving respite and forgiving the poor among the debtors: Abu Mas’ud (ra) said I heard the
Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
…ª ΩŒ≥ ,¡ºßC Bø æB≥ ? a ≈ø Oº¿ß Ω« æB¥Ø ,…YÀi |J¥Œª πºùA BMC ¡∏ºJ≥ ∆B∑ ≈û ›
ı Ui ∆G$
jn®ùA ≈ß kÀBÉCÀ ,jmÃùA j§√DØ ,BŒ√fªA ü pBƒªA ©ÕBIC Oƒ∑ œ√C ´ Bı◊Œq ¡ºßC Bø æB≥ ,j§√A
.#“ƒÜA A …ºaeDØ
“From among the people preceding your generation, there was a man whom the angel of
death visited to capture his soul. (So his soul was captured) and he was asked if he had done
any good deed.' He replied, 'I don't remember any good deed.' He was asked to think it over.
He said, 'I do not remember, except that I used to trade with the people in the world and I
used to give a respite to the rich and forgive the poor (among my debtors). So Allah made
him to enter Paradise.”
Giving people food: due to the hadith of ‘Abd Allah b. ‘Amr who asked the Messenger of Allah:
which Islam is best? He said:
Giving water: to every thirsty being: due to the hadith of Abu Hurayrah (ra) who said that the
Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
Kº∑ AgHØ ,Xja ¡Q LjrØ B»ŒØ æl_ƒØ Aıj◊I fUÃØ ,jáA …Œºß fNqA µÕjÒI œrô ΩUi B¿ƒŒI$
, ø ∆B∑ –hªA ΩRø sÒ®ªA ≈ø Kº∏ªA Ah« ≠ºI f¥ª :ΩUjªA æB¥Ø ,sÒ®ªA ≈ø ‘jRªA Ω∑DÕ S»ºÕ
AêB≥ .…ª j∞¨Ø ,…ª A j∏rØ ,Kº∏ªA ”¥nØ ,œ≥i ”NY …Œ∞I …∏nøC ¡Q ,’Bø …∞a fl¿Ø j◊JªA æl_ƒØ
.#jUC “J i fJ∑ Ω∑ ü :æB¥Ø ?ıAjUC ¡÷B»JªA ü Bƒª ∆G : A æÃmi BÕ
“While a man was walking along a road, he became very thirsty and found a well. He lowered
himself into the well, drank, and came out. Then, suddenly there was a dog protruding its
tongue out and eating the soil out of thirst. The man said: ‘This dog has become exhausted
from thirst in the same way as I.’ He lowered himself into the well again and filled his shoe
with water. He gave the dog some water to drink. He thanked God, and [his sins were]
forgiven.’ The Prophet was then asked: 'Is there a reward for us in our animals?’ He said:
‘There is a reward in every living thing.’”
(Agreed upon)
œ√jø A æÃmi BÕ :Oº≥ ,…ª æfß ‹ …√HØ ¬ÃvªBI πŒºß æB≥ Ω¿®I œ√jø A æÃmi BÕ Oº≥$
¬ÃvªBI πŒºß :æB≥ ,Ω¿®I œ√jø A æÃmi BÕ :Oº≥ ,…ª æfß ‹ …√HØ ¬ÃvªBI πŒºß æB≥ ,Ω¿®I
.#…ª ΩRø ‹ …√HØ
“I came to the Messenger of Allah and said: ‘Order me to do a deed that will allow me to
enter Paradise.’ He said: ‘Stick to fasting, as there is no equivalent to it.’ Then I came to him
again and he said: ‘Stick to fasting.’”
Reported by an-Nasaa`i and Ibn Khuzaymah in his Sahih. Al-Haakim has graded it sahih and az-
Zahabi agreed. This is regarding the people generally. As for the fighters in the path of Allah
specifically Abu Sa’eed (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#Bı∞Õja î®Jm iBƒªA ≈ß …»UÀ ¬ÃŒªA πªhI A fßBI ‹G ,ïB®M A ΩŒJm ü BıøÃÕ ¬ÃvÕ fJß ≈ø Bø$
“No servant fasts on a day in the path of Allah except that Allah removes the hellfire seventy
years further away from his face.”
(Agreed upon).
It is also sunnah to fast on the six days of Shawwaal, the fast of ‘Arafah, fasting in the month of
Muharram (especially Ashurah), fasting three days every month and fasting on Mondays and Thursdays.
The night prayer (qiyaam) in Ramadaan, especially Laylat al-Qadr and the last ten days:
(Agreed upon) It is also narrated from Abu Hurayrah (ra) that the Prophet (saw) said:
.#il◊ùA fqÀ fUÀ ,…º«C •¥ÕCÀ ,ΩŒºªA BŒYC jr®ªA Ωae AgG A æÃmi ∆B∑$
When the month of Ramadaan enters its last ten days, the Messenger of Allah (saw) spends
his night praying and wakes up his family to join him, and he would tighten his belt."
(Agreed upon).
The hadith of Anas (ra) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
(Agreed upon)
Delaying the breaking of the fast: this is due to the hadith of Sahl b. Sa'd who aid the Messenger of
Allah (saw) said:
(Agreed upon)
It is recommended to break the fast with a date and if there are no dates then it should be with water.
This is due to the hadith of Salman b. 'Aamir ad-Dabi on whose authority Ibn Hibbaan and Ibn
Khuzaymah reported in their Sahihs. At-Tirmizi also reported this hadith and said it is hasan sahih. The
hadith states that the Prophet (saw) said:
.#iû …√HØ ’BùBØ Aıjó fè ∆HØ ,“∑jI …√HØ jó ”ºß jÒ∞ŒºØ ¡∑fYC jÒØC AgG$
“When one of you breaks his Sawm (fasting), let him break it on dates for it is a blessing; if
he does not have any, break his fast with water.”
The hadith of Anas (ra) reported by Haakim and Ibn Khuzaymah carries the same meaning.
Inviting a fasting person for Iftaar (ie the breaking of the fast: this is due to the hadith reported
by Ibn Hibbaan and Ibn Khuzaymah in their Sahih. At-Tirmizi reported it and said the hadith is hasan
sahih. The hadith is narrated on the authority of Zayd b. Khalid al-Juhani who said the Messenger of
Allah (saw) said:
.#’œq ¡÷BvªA jUC ≈ø w¥ƒÕ ‹ …√C ´ , jUC ΩRø …ª ∆B∑ Bı¿÷Bu jÒØ ≈ø$
“Anyone who invites others to break their fast at dusk will have his sins forgiven and be saved
from Hell. He will receive a reward equal to a fasting person without reducing his own
rewards at all.”
Performing 'Umrah: due to the hadith of Abu Hurayrah (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
The performance of 'Umrah in Ramadaan is equal to a Hajj. It is narrated in the hadith of Anas (ra) that
the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
(Agreed upon).
Good deeds in the 10 days of Zul Hijjah: This is due to the hadith of Ibn 'Abbas (ra) reported by
al-Bukhari that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
:AêB≥ -jr®ªA ¬BÕC ®Õ- ¬BÕfiA h« ≈ø ,ΩUÀ lß A ïG KYC B»ŒØ BvªA Ω¿®ªA ,¬BÕC ≈ø Bø$
¡Q …ªBøÀ …n∞ƒI Xja ΩUi ‹G , A ΩŒJm ü eB»ÜA ‹À :æB≥ , A ΩŒJm ü eB»ÜA ‹À A æÃmi BÕ
.#’œrI πªg ≈ø ©UjÕ
“There are no days in which good deeds are more beloved to Allah than in these ten days.”
The companions asked him, “Not even Jihad for the sake of Allah?” He replied, “Not even
Jihad for the sake Allah-except for a man who goes out with his self and wealth, and returns
with neither”
Asking for martyrdom: this is according to the hadith of Sahl b. Haneef (ra) reported by Muslim that
the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#…qAjØ ”ºß PBø ∆GÀ ’Af»rªA ækBƒø A …¨ºI ∂fvI —eB»rªA A æDm ≈ø$
“He who asks Allah for martyrdom, Allah will raise him to the high status of the martyrs,
even if he dies on his bed.”
Reciting Surah al-Kahf or ten ayahs from its beginning or its end: this is according to the hadith
of Abu Dardaa` (ra) reported by Muslim that the Prophet (saw) said:
And in another version:
So that the Muslim can protect himself from Dajjaal he should read surah al-Kahf completely on Friday
night and read it completely on Friday itself. Ash-Shafi`i preferred this as mentioned in his al-Umm
where he said: “This is due to what has been reported about this.”
Generosity in buying and selling, paying debts and demanding the payment of debts:
Al-Bukhari reported from Jabir (ra) who narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
KYBvª ∆HØ , Ãße : A æÃmi æB¥Ø ,…IBZuC …I ¡È »Ø ,…ª •º´DØ , ByB¥NÕ ƒªA ”MC ›
ı Ui ∆C$
, ÃÒßC :æB≥ ,…ƒm ≈ø ΩRøC ‹G få ‹ A æÃmi BÕ :AêB≥ ,…ƒm ΩRø Bıƒm ÃÒßC æB≥ ¡Q ,ı‹B¥ø µáA
.#’Bz≥ ¡∏ƒnYC ¡∑ a ∆HØ
A man came to the Prophet demanding his debts and behaved rudely. The companions of the
Prophet intended to harm him, but Allah's Messenger (saw) said (to them), “Leave him, for
the creditor (i.e. owner of a right) has the right to speak.” Allah's Messenger then said, “Give
him a camel of the same age as that of his.” The people said, “O Allah's Messenger! There is
only a camel that is older than his.” Allah's Messenger said, “Give (it to) him, for the best
amongst you is he who pays the rights of others handsomely.”
(Agreed upon)
Sending blessings upon the Messenger of Allah (saw): He (swt) said:
. BÁ¿ŒÍºn
Ê M‰ Aÿº˛ m‰ À‰ …Í ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ Aú̊‰u AÃø‰ E ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A B‰»ÕÌCÚ B‰Õ œÍJƒÏªA ”ں߉ ∆‰ ú̊‰vÕ … N‰∏Ú ÷Í›
Ú ø‰ À‰ …‰ º̇ªA ∆Ï Ḡ
“Allah sends His Salat (Graces, Honours, Blessings, Mercy, etc.) on the Prophet (Muhammad SAW) and also His
angels too (ask Allah to bless and forgive him). O you who believe! Send your Salutations (ask Allah to bless) upon
him (Muhammad SAW), and (you should) greet (salute) him with the Islamic way of greeting (salutation i.e. As-
Salamu 'Alaikum).” [TMQ 33:56] Also Muslim reported on the authority of 'Abd Allah b. 'Amr (ra)
who said he heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
Hiding the private lapses of the obedient Muslim: the Muslim who commits a sin does so either
secretly or publicly. One should hide the shortcomings of the former due to the hadith of Ibn 'Umar
(ra) that the Prophet (saw) said:
(Agreed upon). And the hadith reported by Muslim that Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
The hadith of 'Utbah b. 'Aamir reported by Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih. Al-Haakim graded it as sahih and
az-Zahabi agreed. 'Utbah (ra) says: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
As for the one who publicly commits sin there is no question of hiding it because he himself has
exposed it. The cover of Allah is removed from him. Such an action is haraam due to the hadith of
Hurayrah (ra) where he says: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
m f≥À \JvÕ ¡Q ›
ı ¿ß ΩŒºªBI ΩUjªA Ω¿®Õ ∆C —j«B A ≈ø ∆GÀ ,≈Õj«B A ‹G ”ØB®Õ øC Ω∑$
A m ±r∏Õ \JvÕÀ ,…Ii nÕ PBI f≥À ,Ah∑À Ah∑ “YiBJªA Oº¿ß ∆›Ø BÕ :æÃ¥ŒØ , A
“All the sins of my followers will be forgiven except those of the Mujahirin (those who
commit a sin openly or disclose their sins to the people). An example of such disclosure is
that a person commits a sin at night and though Allah screens it from the public, but he
comes in the morning, and says, ‘O so-and-so, I did such-and-such (evil) deed yesterday,’
though he spent his night screened by his Lord (none knowing about his sin) and in the
morning he removes Allah’s screen from himself.”
Despite this, the Muslim should restrain his tongue from talking about those who commit sins
publicly not in order to hide their defects but fear of spreading/publishing lewdness amongst the
believers, to protect the tongue from idle talk unless to warn against this open fasiq. All of the above
apply if the shortcoming is confined to the person himself and does not spread. However, harm
generally relates to the state entity, the community or the Ummah then it must be exposed and made
public. This is due to the hadith of Zayd b. Arqam (ra) who said:
≈ø AÃz∞ƒÕ ”NY A æÃmi fƒß ≈ø ”ºß AÃ¥∞ƒM ‹ :æÃ¥Õ œIC ≈I A fJß O®¿nØ —Al´ ü Oƒ∑$
ƒºª j∑hØ j¿®ª ÀC œ¿®ª πªg Pj∑hØ ,ægfiA B»ƒø lßfiA ≈UjbŒª “ƒÕfùA ïG Bƒ®Ui ≈◊ªÀ ,…ªÃY
.#SÕfáA ... …NQfZØ œ√BßfØ
While I was taking part in a Ghazwa. I heard 'Abd Allah b. Ubay (bin Abi Salul) saying.
“Don't spend on those who are with Allah's Messenger, that they may disperse and go away
from him. If we return (to Medina), surely, the more honourable will expel the most mean
amongst them.” I reported that (saying) to my uncle or to 'Umar who, in his turn, informed
the Prophet of it. The Prophet called me and I narrated to him the whole story…” (Agreed
This action of 'Abdullah b. Ubay and those close to the hypocrites, he used to hide due to the fact
that when the Messenger of Allah (saw) asked him he denied it, as it is understood from the hadeeth.
Thus the information carried by Zayd b. Arqam took the form of spying. If the prohibited matter was
allowed, it would become obligatory. Thus carrying information in this case is obligatory for the
expected harm is general/common.
Forgiveness, controlling ones anger and enduring the harm: He (swt) said:
‰ ƒÍn
Í ÂÕ … º̇ªA‰À p
¯ BσªA ≈Ê ß‰ î
‰ ØÍ B‰®ªÙA‰À •
Ú ŒÊ ‰̈ÙªA î
‰ ¿Í £Í BÚ∏ªÙA‰À
“Those who repress anger, and who pardon men; verily, Allah loves Al-Muhsinun (those who do good).” [TMQ Aali
.īÃÂøfiÛ A ¬¯ lÊ ß‰ ≈Ê ¿Í ªÚ π
Ú ªÍg‰ ∆Ï Ḡ j‰ ∞Ú ´Ú À‰ j‰ J‰u
‰ ≈Ê ¿‰ ªÚÀ‰
“And verily, whosoever shows patience and forgives that would truly be from the things recommended by Allah.” [TMQ
.Ω‰ ŒÍ¿V
‰ ªÙA \
‰ ∞Ù v
Ï ªA \
Ê ∞Ú u
“So overlook (O Muhammad SAW), their faults with gracious forgiveness.” [TMQ Al-Hijr:85]
‰ ºÍ «Í B‰VªÙA ≈Ê ß‰ ~
Ê j̄ÊßCÚÀ‰
“And turn away from the foolish (i.e. don't punish them).” [TMQ Al-A’raaf:191]
Muslim reported on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.# A …®Øi ‹G fYC ©yAÃM BøÀ ,Alß ‹G Ã∞®I AıfJß A eAk BøÀ ,æBø ≈ø “≥fu Ov¥√ Bø$
“Sadaqah does not decrease property, and Allah only increases a slave in worth for his
restraint, and no slave is humble but that Allah raises him.”
Ahmed reported with a jayyid isnad on the authority of 'Abd Allah b. 'Amr b. al-'Aas (ra) that the
Prophet (saw) said:
Also Ahmad reported with a chain of reliable transmitters on the authority of 'Ubaadah b. Saamit (ra)
who said:
«…I ∂fvM Bø ΩRø …ƒß ïB®MÀ ∫iBJM A j∞∑ ‹G ,B»I ∂fvNŒØ “YAjU fnU ü `jè ΩUi ≈ø Bø».
“Any person given a wound in his body and he then gives it as a sadaqah, Allah tabaraka wa
ta’ala would garnt him remission equal to that which he gave in sdaqah”.
Al-Bukhari reported on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#Kz¨ªA fƒß …n∞√ πºô –hªA fÕfrªA BòG ,“ßjvªBI fÕfrªA oŒª$
“He is not strong and powerful who throws people down, but he is strong who controls
himself from anger.”
¡ºYCÀ ,œªG ∆Ã◊ŒnÕÀ ¡»ŒªG ≈nYCÀ ,œ√îҥÕÀ ¡»ºuC “IAj≥ œª ∆G , A æÃmi BÕ æB≥ ›
ı Ui ∆C$
ïB®M A ≈ø π®ø æAlÕ ‹À ,ÈΩùA ¡»∞nM BòD∏Ø Oº≥ B¿∑ Oƒ∑ ≈◊ª :æB¥Ø ,œºß ∆ú»èÀ ¡»ƒß
.#πªg ”ºß Oøe Bø ¡»Œºß »£
“A man came to the Prophet and said, O Messenger of Allah, I have relatives with whom I
keep good relations, but they cut off relations with me, I forgive them, but they oppress me, I
do good to them, but they treat me badly, should I get even with them (treat them as bad as
they treat me)? The Prophet replied: "No, If you do so, all the relations will be cut off this
way. On the contrary, be generous and keep in touch with them, you will always have support
from Allah as long as you stay this way."
Al-Barjilaani reported with a sound isnad on the authority of Sufyan b. 'Uyaynah who said:’Umar said
to Ibn ‘Ayyash who caused him harm and pain. O you man, do not exceed in abusing us, and leave an
opportunity for peace, because we do not reward the one who disobeys Allah ‘azza wa jalla on our
side (by insulting us) more than we obey Allah regarding him.
.ÍpBσªA ≈‰ ŒÊ I‰ `
Î ÀÂj®Ê ø‰ ÀÊ CÚ “Î ≥Ú f‰ v
‰ IÍ j‰ ø‰ CÚ ≈Ê ø‰ ‹˙ Ḡ ¡Ê «Â A‰ÃV
Ê √‰ ≈Ê øÍ ˘ RÍ∑Ú œÍØ j‰ ŒÊ a‰ ‹Ú
“There is no good in most of their secret talks save (in) him who orders Sadaqah (charity in Allah's Cause), or Ma'ruf
(all the good and righteous deeds which Allah has ordained), or conciliation between mankind.” [TMQ an-
Nisaa:114] He (swt) said:
Ë.jÊŒa‰ \
 ºÙ v
Ì ªA‰À
“And making peace is better.” [TMQ an-Nisaa:128] He (swt) said:
. ¡Ê ∏Û ÕÊÉ a‰ CÚ ≈‰ ŒÊ I‰ AÃÂZºÍ u
Ê DÚØÚ —ˆ É aÊ Ḡ ∆‰ ÃøÍ ¤Ê ¿Â ªÙA B‰¿√ÏḠ
“The believers are nothing else than brothers. So make reconciliation between your brothers.” [TMQ Al-
Al-Bukhari and Muslim reported on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (ra) that the Messenger of Allah
(saw) said:
î®MÀ ,“≥fu îƒQ‹A îI æf®M o¿rªA …ŒØ ©ºÒM ¬ÃÕ Ω∑ ,“≥fu …Œºß pBƒªA ≈ø ”ø›m Ω∑$
—ÃÒa Ω∑À ,“≥fu “JŒÒªA “¿º∏ªAÀ ,“≥fu …ßBNø B»Œºß …ª ©ØjM ÀC B»Œºß …º¿Ñ …NIAe ü ΩUjªA
.#“≥fu µÕjÒªA ≈ß ‘gfiA °ŒóÀ ,“≥fu —›vªA ïG B»Œró
“Every person's every joint must perform a charity every day the sun comes up: to act justly
between two people is a charity; to help a man with his mount, lifting him onto it or hoisting
up his belongings onto it is a charity; a good word is a charity; every step you take to prayers
is a charity; and removing a harmful thing from the road is a charity.”
It has been narrated on the authority of Umm Kulthum daughter of Uqbah b. Abu Mu'eet that she
sad: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
(Agreed upon)
Also it has been narrated on the authority of Sahl b. Sa'd as-Saa'idi (ra) that:
XjbØ -’œq –iBbJªA “ÕAÀi üÀ– jq ¡»ƒŒI ∆B∑ ≤Ãß ≈I Àj¿ß I ∆C …¨ºI A æÃmi ∆C$
#... …®ø pB√C ü ¡»ƒŒI \ºvÕ A æÃmi
“There was some quarrel among the members of Banu `Amr bin `Auf. Messenger of Allah
(saw) went with some of his Companions to bring about peace between them.”
(Agreed upon). Also it has been narrated on the authority of Abu Dardaa` (ra) that the Messenger of
Allah (saw) said:
∆HØ ,îJªA PAg `›uG :æB≥ ,”ºI :AêB≥ ?“≥fvªAÀ —›vªAÀ ¬BŒvªA “Uie ≈ø ΩzØDI ¡∑ aC ‹C$
.#“¥ªBáA œ« îJªA PAg eBnØ
“Do you want me to tell you what is much better than making fasting and offering prayer and charity?
They said: Yes. He said: It is to remove discord that exists between people. This is because the enmity
between people is destroying”.
‘Reported by Ahmad and Ibn Hibbaan in their Sahihs. At-Tirmizi also reported it and graded it hasan
Visiting the graves: Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Prophet (saw) visited the grave of his
mother and he cried and thus made everyone else around him cry. He said:
B«ÀiÀlØ ,œª ∆gDØ B« ≥ iÀkC ∆C ü …N√gDNmAÀ ,œª ∆g¤Õ ¡ºØ B j∞¨NmA ∆C ü œIi O√gDNmA$
.#PÃùA j∑hM B»√HØ
“I asked permission from my Lord so that I can seek forgiveness for her (meaning his
mother) but He did not permit me. I asked for permission to visit her grave and he permitted.
So visit them for indeed they remind one of death.” (It means visit the graves).
Consistency in action: What is intended here is the recommended (mandoob) action and not the
obligatory actions which are binding and do not apply here. Anyone who chooses to undertake a
sunnah let him do it consistently, even if they were little.‘Ayisha narrated that the Prophet (saw)
,…ø :æB≥ B»M›u ≈ø j∑hM “√›Ø h« OªB≥ ? h« ≈ø :æB≥ ,—CjøA B«fƒßÀ B»Œºß Ωae ƒªA ∆C$
.#…JYBu …Œºß ¬ÀAe Bø …ŒªG ≈ÕfªA KYC ∆B∑À .Aúó ”NY A Ωô ‹ AÃØ ,∆Ã¥ŒÒM Bñ ¡∏Œºß
The Prophet (saw) came in when a woman was sitting beside me. He asked me, “Who is
she?” I said: “She is the one whose performance of Salah (prayer) has become the talk of the
town.” Addressing her, he (saw) said, “(What is this!) You are required to take upon
yourselves only what you can carry out easily. By Allah, Allah does not withhold His Mercy
and forgiveness of you until you neglect and give up (good works). Allah likes of the deeds
best those which a worshipper can carry out constantly.”
(Agreed upon) It has been narrated that ‘Abdullah b. ‘Amr (ra) said: The Messenger of Allah (saw)
.#ΩŒºªA ¬BŒ≥ ∫ Ø ,ΩŒºªA ¬Ã¥Õ ∆B∑ ,∆›Ø ΩRø ≈∏M ‹ A fJß BÕ$
“O Abdallah! Do not be like so-and-so. He used to pray at night and then left it.”
(Agreed upon).
14. The best of you in morals
Morals are the traits or characteristics and they need to be regulated according to the Sharee'ah. What
the Sharee'ah has said from these morals as pretty(hasan) is considered pretty and what the Sharee'ah has
said as ugly (qabeeh) is considered ugly. This is because morals are a part of Sharee'ah and part of
Allah’s orders and prohibitions. The Sharee'ah encourages exhibiting of good morals and forbade ones
that are bad. The Muslim, and especially the Da'wah carrier, must seek to be characterised with the
good morals in accordance with the relevant Sharee'ah rules. It is also worth mentioning and focusing
on the point that the morals need to be based on the basis of the Islamic 'Aqeedah and the Muslims
need to embrace them on the premise that they are orders and prohibitions of Allah (swt). So he is
honest because Allah (swt) has ordered that he be honest, he is trustworthy because Allah (swt) has
ordered the keeping of trusts (Amaanah). He does not engage in morals because of any material
benefit such that people buy from him or they elect him. This is what distinguishes the honesty of the
Muslim from the honesty of the Kaafir. The former is true honesty because Allah (swt) has ordered
him to be honest while the latter is honesty for the sake of a benefit, both are worlds apart.
• 'Abdullah b. 'Amr (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
• Nawas b. Sam'aan (ra) narrated: I asked the Messenger of Allah (saw) about piety and sin. He
.#pBƒªA …Œºß ©ºÒÕ ∆C O«j∑À πn∞√ ü ∫BY Bø ¡Q‚AÀ ,µºàA ≈nY È ªA$
“Righteousness is good morality, and wrongdoing is that which wavers in your soul and
which you dislike people finding out about.”
Reported by Muslim.
.#’–hJªA sYB∞ªA |¨JÕ A ∆GÀ ,≈nY µºa ≈ø “øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ ≈ø¤ùA ∆AlŒø ü Ω¥QC ’œq Bø$
“On the Day of Resurrection, nothing will weigh better in the scales for any of Allah's
servants than good character. Truly Allah detests the wicked and foul-tongued.”
Reported by Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih and at-Tirmizi who said the hadith is hasan sahih.
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated: The Messenger of Allah (saw) was asked about the thing most
that would admit people into Jannah, he said:
He was asked about the thing that would most that would take people to Hell-fire and he said:
.#Xj∞ªAÀ ¡∞ªA$
“The mouth and the private parts.”
At-Tirmizi said the hadith is hasan sahih. Ibn Hibbaan reported it in his Sahih. Al-Bukhari reported
it in al-Adab al-Mufrad. Ibn Maajah, Ahmad and al-Haakim have also reported it.
• Narrated by Abu Umaamah (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
∫jM ≈ù “ƒÜA °mÀ ü OŒJIÀ ,ıB¥ä ∆B∑ ∆GÀ ’AjùA ∫jM ≈ù “ƒÜA |Ii ü OŒJI ¡Œßk B√fi$
.#…¥ºa ≈nY ≈ù “ƒÜA ”ºßC ü OŒJIÀ ,ıBYkBø ∆B∑ ∆GÀ Lh∏ªA
“I guarantee a house in the surroundings of Paradise for a man who avoids quarrelling even if
he were in the right, a house in the middle of Paradise for a man who avoids lying even if he
were joking, and a house in the upper part of Paradise for a man whose character is good.”
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
Reported by at-Tirmizi who said the hadith is hasan sahih. Also reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawud
and Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih.
On the same subject hadiths has been narrated by 'Ayisha, Abu Zarr, Jabir, Anas, Usaamah b. Shurayk,
Mu'aaz and 'Umayr b. Qataadah and Abu Tha'labah al-Khushani and all these are graded as hasan.
a) Modesty (Hayaa`):
• Ibn 'Umar (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) passed by a man from Ansar.
.#∆Bô‚A ≈ø ’BŒáA ∆HØ …ße$
“Leave him alone, for modesty is part of Imaan.”
(Agreed upon)
• 'Imraan b. Husayn (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.# Ç ‹G œMDÕ ‹ ’BŒáA$
“Modesty brings nothing but goodness.”
(Agreed upon).
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“ BøG :B«B√eCÀ , A ‹G …ªG ‹ æÃ≥ :B»ºzØDØ ,“J®q -∆ÃNmÀ ©zI ÀC– ∆îJmÀ ©zI ∆Bô‚A$
.#∆Bô‚A ≈ø “J®q ’BŒáAÀ ,µÕjÒªA ≈ß ‘gfiA
“Imaan has more than seventy (According to some sixty) branches, of which the most
important is saying la ilaha illa Allah, and the least one is to remove some obstacle
(stone, wood, thorn, etc) from the way; and modesty also is a special requisite of Imaan.”
(Agreed upon)
• Ibn 'Abbas (ra) and Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri (ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said
to Ashajj 'Abd al-Qays:
Reported by Muslim.
Reported by Muslim.
Bø ”ºß œÒ®Õ ‹ BøÀ ,±ƒ®ªA ”ºß œÒ®Õ ‹ Bø µØjªA ”ºß œÒ®ÕÀ ,µØjªA Kê µŒØi A ∆G$
.# AÃm
“Allah is gentle and loves gentleness in all things. He grants on account of gentleness
what he does not grant for harshness or anything else.”
Reported by Muslim.
“Kindness is not to be found in anything but that it adds to its beauty and it is not
withdrawn from anything but it disfigures it .”
Reported by Muslim.
• Jabir b. 'Abdullah (ra) narrated: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
Reported by Muslim.
• 'Ayisha (ra) narrated: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say in my house:
µØjØ Bı◊Œq øC jøC ≈ø œªÀ ≈øÀ ,…Œºß µ¥qBØ ¡»Œºß µrØ Bı◊Œq øC jøC ≈ø œªÀ ≈ø ¡»ºªA$
.#…I µØiBØ ¡»I
“O Allah, whoever gains some kind of control over the affairs of my people and is hard
upon them, be hard upon him, and whoever gains some kind of control over the affairs of
my people and is kind to them, be kind to him.’”
Reported by Muslim.
c) Honesty:
• He (swt) says:
‰ ≥Í eÍ BÏvªA ©‰ ø‰ AÃÂ√ÃÛ∑À‰ …‰ º̇ªA AÃÛ¥MÏA AÃø‰ E ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A B‰»ÕÌCÚ B‰Õ
“O you who believe! Be afraid of Allah, and be with those who are true (in words and deeds.” [TMQ at-
ΩUjªA æAlÕ BøÀ ,“ƒÜA ïG –f»Õ ªA ∆GÀ , ªA ïG –f»Õ ∂fvªA ∆HØ ,∂fvªBI ¡∏Œºß$
#... Bı¥ÕÈfu A fƒß KN∏Õ ”NY ∂fvªA ‘jZNÕÀ ∂fvÕ
“You are enjoined to speak the truth for truthfulness leads to piety and piety leads to
Jannah. A man continues to speak the truth until he is recorded in the sight of Allah as a
truthful person…”
(Agreed upon).
OŒ¥I Bø Bı≥fu ‹G TfYC ‹ ∆C IÃM ≈ø ∆GÀ ,∂fvªBI A œ√BåC BòG A æÃmi BÕ Oº≥À$
“I said; O Messenger of Allah (saw), Allah, the Exalted, has delivered me only because I
adhered to the truth, and as part of my repentance I shall speak nothing but the truth for
the rest of my life.”
(Agreed upon)
• It has been narrated that al-Hasan b. 'Ali (ra) said: I memorised the saying of Allah's
Messenger (saw):
• 'Abd Allah b. 'Amr (ra) narrated:
∂Àfu :AêB≥ ,∆BnºªA ∂Àfu Kº¥ªA ¬Ã¿ã Ω∑ :æB≥ ?ΩzØC pBƒªA –C , A æÃmi BÕ :ΩŒ≥$
‹À ,Ω´ ‹À ,œ¨I ‹À ,…ŒØ ¡QG ‹ ,œ¥ƒªA œ¥NªA ë æB≥ ?Kº¥ªA ¬Ã¿ã B¿Ø …Øj®√ ∆BnºªA
The Messenger of Allah (saw) was asked; which people are the best? He said: every
makhmum al-qalb and honest tongue. They said: We know what is an honest tongue but
what is makhmum al-qalb? He said: Every God-fearing and pure heart which harbours no
sin, injustice, hatred or envy.”
• Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
Reported by Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih. Also, reported by at-Tabaraani on the authority of
Mu'aawiyah with an isnad graded as hasan by at-Munziri and al-Haythami.
• Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
• He (swt) said: “
. Ë¡ºÙ ßÍ …Í IÍ π
Ú ªÚ o
‰ ŒÊ ªÚ B‰ø ±
 ¥Ù M‰ ‹Ú À‰
And follow not (O man i.e., say not, or do not or witness not, etc.) that of which you have no knowledge.” [TMQ
Al-Israa: 36] And He (swt) said: “
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
(Reported by Muslim).
e) Good speech:
• 'Iddi b. Haatim (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
(Agreed upon).
(Agreed upon.
• 'Abd Allah b. 'Amr (ra) narrated that the Prophet (saw) said:
≈ù :–j®qfiA πªBø ÃIC æB¥Ø ,B«j«B£ ≈ø B»ƒ BIÀ ,B»ƒ BI ≈ø B«j«B£ ‘jÕ ,“Øj´ “ƒÜA ü ∆G$
.#¬BŒ√ pBƒªAÀ Bı¿÷B≥ PBIÀ ,¬B®ÒªA ¡® CÀ ,¬›∏ªA LB C ≈ù :æB≥ ? A æÃmi BÕ œ«
“In Paradise there are rooms whose inside can be seen from the outside and the outside
can be seen from the inside,” For whom will this be O Messenger of Allah? asked Abu
Musa al-Ash’ari. The Prophet (saw) replied: “The ones who are best in speech, who lays
out the best food and prays throughout the night while others are sleeping.”
Reported by at-Tabraani and graded hasan by al-Haythami and al-Munziri and declared sahih by al-
f) A Cheerful face:
• Abu Zarr (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#µŒº …UÃI ∫BaC ”¥ºM ∆C êÀ Bı◊Œq ≤Àj®ùA ≈ø ∆j¥Ñ ‹$
“Do not belittle any small act of kindness even if it is to talk to your brother with a
cheerful face”
Reported by Muslim.
• Jabir b. 'Abd Allah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
’B√G ü ∫êe ≈ø Æj∞M ∆CÀ ,µº …UÃI ∫BaC ”¥ºM ∆C ≤Àj®ùA ≈ø ∆GÀ ,“≥fu ≤Àj®ø Ω∑$
“Do not belittle any small act of kindness even if it is to talk to your brother with a
cheerful face or to pour water from your bucket into the vessel of the one who asks for it."
Reported by Ahmad and at-Tirmizi. The latter graded the hadith as hasan sahih.
• Abu Zarr (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
• Abu Jari al-Haythami (ra) narrated: I came to the Messenger of Allah (saw) and said:
:æB¥Ø ,…I A Bƒ®∞ƒÕ Bı◊Œq Bƒ¿º®Ø ,“ÕeBJªA Ω«C ≈ø ¬Ã≥ B√G , A æÃmi BÕ :Oº¥Ø A æÃmi OŒMC$
∫BaC ¡º∏M ∆C êÀ ,œ¥nNnùA ’B√G ü ∫êe ≈ø Æj∞M ∆C êÀ ,ıB◊Œq ≤Àj®ùA ≈ø ∆j¥Ñ ‹
#... °nJƒø …ŒªG π»UÀÀ
I came to the Messenger of Allah (saw) and said: O Messenger of Allah, we are Bedouins,
teach us something by which Allah will allow us to benefit from. He said: “Do not belittle
any good act, even if it is to pour water from your bucket into the bucket of your brother,
or to speak to your brother with a cheerful face.”
Reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawud and at-Timizi. The latter graded the hadith as hasan sahih. Also
Ibn Hibbaan reported it in his Sahih.
.#O¿vŒª ÀC Aı a Ω¥ŒºØ ja‡A ¬ÃŒªAÀ BI ≈ø¤Õ ∆B∑ ≈ø$
“Whosoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, then let him speak good or remain silent.”
(Agreed upon).
A Bedouin came to Allah’s Messenger (saw) and said: teach me an action which will earn me
admission into heaven.” The Prophet (saw) said: “You have certainly used a few words in
order to ask something very important. Set a slave free and release someone from bondage. If
you are not able to do this then feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, enjoin the good and
forbid the evil. If again you cannot do that, then restrain your tongue from saying anything
except what is good.”
Reported by Ahmad. Al-Haythami said the chain of transmitters is reliable. Ibn Hibbaan reported
the hadith in his Sahih and al-Bayhaqi in his Shu’ab al-Imaan.
• Bilal b. Harith al-Muzani (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw)said:
…ª ïB®M A KN∏Õ ,O¨ºI Bø ≠ºJM ∆C ≈§Õ ∆B∑ Bø , A ∆AÃyi ≈ø “¿º∏ªBI ¡º∏NŒª ΩUjªA ∆G$
Bø ≠ºJM ∆C ≈§Õ ∆B∑ Bø , A °bm ≈ø “¿º∏ªBI ¡º∏NŒª ΩUjªA ∆GÀ . B¥ºÕ ¬ÃÕ ïG …√AÃyi B»I
.# B¥ºÕ ¬ÃÕ ïG …Òbm B»I …ª A KN∏Õ ,O¨ºI
“A man speaks what is pleasing to Allah without thinking of the great degree it reaches, but
Allah will write for him His good pleasure for it until the day when he meets Him. And a man
speaks what excites the wrath of Allah without realising the degree (of Allah’s wrath) it
reaches, but Allah will write His wrath for him for it until the day when he meets Him.”
Reported by Malik and at-Tirmizi. The latter graded the hadith as hasan sahih. Also reported by an-
Nasaa`i, Ibn Maajah and Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih. Al-Haakim declared the hadith sound and az-
Zahabi agreed.
œ√ aC , A æÃmi BÕ :Oº¥Ø , n√ ≈çÀ …ƒø BıJÕj≥ BıøÃÕ OZJuDØ ,j∞m ü ƒªA ©ø Oƒ∑$
BÕ ”ºI Oº≥ ?…º∑ πªg ∫›ñ ∫ aC ‹C æB≥ ¡Q ... iBƒªA ≈ø œ√fßBJÕÀ “ƒÜA ºafÕ Ω¿®I
¡º∏N√ Bñ ∆ÀhaA¤ù B√GÀ A √ BÕ :Oº≥ ,…√Bnª ïG iBqCÀ ,Ah« πŒºß ±∑ :æB≥ , A æÃmi
‹G ,¡«jaBƒø ”ºß æB≥ ÀC ,¡»«ÃUÀ ”ºß iBƒªA ü pBƒªA K∏Õ Ω«À ,πøC πNº∏Q :æB≥ ?…I
.#¡»NƒnªC f÷BvY
“I was in company with the Prophet in a travel, and one day I was close to him while we were
travelling. So I said: O Messenger of Allah, tell me of an act which will take me into Paradise
and will keep me away from Hell fire…shall I not tell you of the foundation of all of that?” I
said: “Yes, O Messenger of Allah,” and he took hold of his tongue and said: "Restrain this.” I
said: “O Prophet of Allah, will what we say be held against us?” He said: “May your mother
be bereaved of you, Mu’az ! Is there anything that topples people on their faces - or he said on
their noses into Hell-fire other than the jests of their tongues?”
Reported by Ahmad and at-Tirmizi and declared hasan by the latter. Also reported by an-Nasaa`i
and Ibn Maajah.
h) Fulfiling of trusts:
He (swt) said:
• 'Ali b. Abi Talib (ra) narrated:
îI B»N¥¥rØ ,…»UÀ ü Kz¨ªA OÕCjØ ,B»ŒØ OUjbØ ,’A m “ºY A æÃmi œ√Bn∑$
The Prophet gave me a silk suit. I went out wearing it, but seeing the signs of anger on his
face, I tore it and distributed it among my wives.
(Agreed upon).
B¿Ø ,BƒI ΩŒÒÕ Bû ,∆›Ø ΩUC ≈ø ,\JvªA —›u ≈ß jaDMfi œ√G :æB¥Ø , ƒªA ïG ΩUi ’BU$
¡∏ƒø ∆G ,pBƒªA B»ÕC BÕ :æB¥Ø ,Îh◊øÃÕ Kz´ Bû fqC °≥ “§ßÃø ü Kz´ A æÃmi OÕCi
.#“UBáA AgÀ ±Œ®zªAÀ J∏ªA …÷AiÀ ≈ø ∆HØ ,lUÃŒºØ pBƒªA ¬È C ¡∏ÕDØ ,≈Õj∞ƒø
A man came to the Prophet and said: “I keep away from the morning prayer only because
such and such person prolongs the prayer when he leads us in it. The narrator added: I had
never seen Allah's Messenger more furious in giving advice than he was on that day. He said,
“O people! There are some people among you who make others dislike good deeds and cause
the others to have aversion (to congregational prayers). Beware! Whoever among you leads
the people in prayer should not prolong it, because among them there are the sick, the old,
and the needy.”
(Agreed upon).
∆úMÀ …∏N« A æÃmi Ei B¿ºØ ,ΩŒQBó …ŒØ ¬Aj¥I œª —ûm P m f≥À ,j∞m ≈ø A æÃmi ¬f≥$
.# A µºÇ ∆ëBzÕ ≈ÕhªA “øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ A fƒß BıIAhß pBƒªA fqC ,“r÷Bß BÕ :æB≥À …»UÀ
The Messenger of Allah came back from his travel. I had a shelf with a thin cloth curtain
hanging over it and on which there were portraits. No sooner did he see it, he tore it and the
colour of his face underwent a change and he said: “O ‘Ayisha, the most severely punished
among people (on the Day of Resurrection) will be those who try to create something similar
to what Allah has created.”
• He (swt) said:
. ËîJÍøÂ π
ˆ ØÙ Ḡ A‰h«‰ AÃÛªBÚ≥À‰ AÁjŒÊ a‰ ¡Ê »¯ n
 B‰ƒøÍ ¤Ê ¿ªÙA‰À ∆‰ ÃøÍ ¤Ê ¿Â ªÙA ≈Ï £Ú  Ã¿NÂ®Ê ¿Í m‰ gÊ Ḡ ‹Ú ÃÊ ªÚ
“Why then, did not the believers, men and women, when you heard it (the slander) think good of their own people.”
[TMQ an-Noor: 12]
• He (swt) said:
īB‰VªÙA‰À î
¯ ∑Í B‰n¿‰ ªÙA‰À ”‰øB‰NŒ‰ªÙA‰À ”‰IjÊ ¥Û ªÙA –ÍhIÍÀ‰ BÁ√B‰nYÊ Ḡ ≈¯ ÕÊf‰ ªÍA‰ÃªÙBÍIÀ‰ BÁ◊ŒÊ q‰ …Í IÍ AÃÛ∑j̄ÊrM ‹Ú À‰ …‰ º̇ªA AÀÂfJÂßÊ A‰À
. ¡Ê ∏Û √ÂB‰¿ÕÊCÚ O
Ê ∏Ú ºÚ ø‰ B‰øÀ‰ Ω̄ŒÍJn
Ï ªA ≈¯ IÊA‰À K
Í ƒÊ V
 ªÙA īB‰VªÙA‰À ”‰IjÊ ¥Û ªÙA –Íg
“Worship Allah and join none with Him in worship, and do good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, Al-Masakin (the
poor), the neighbour who is near of kin, the neighbour who is a stranger, the companion by your side, the wayfarer
(you meet), and those (slaves) whom your right hands possess.” [TMQ an-Nisaa: 36]
• Ibn 'Umar and 'Ayisha narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
(Agreed upon)
• Ibn Shurayh al-Khuzzaa'I (ra) narrated that the Prophet (saw) said:
# iBU ¬j∏ŒºØ$ –iBbJªA “ÕAÀi üÀ #... iBU ïG ≈nZŒºØ ja‡A ¬ÃŒªAÀ BI ≈ø¤Õ ∆B∑ ≈ø$
“Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him be good to his neighbours.” And in
the narration of al-Bukhari: “honour his neighbours.” (Agreed upon).
Reported by Muslim.
:Abdullah b. 'Amr (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said' •
.# iBÜ ¡« a A fƒß ∆A ÜA aÀ ,…JYBvª ¡« a A fƒß LBZufiA a$
“The best companion in the sight of Allah is one who is best to his companion and the
best neighbour in the sight of Allah is the one who is best to his neighbour.”
Reported by Ibn Khuzaymah and Ibn Hibbaan in their Sahih. Reported by al-Haakim declared as
sound according to the condition of Muslim, Ahmad and ad-Daarimi.
• Sa'd b. Abu Waqqas (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw):
#... ’ A K∑jùAÀ BvªA iBÜAÀ ©mAêA ≈∏nùAÀ ,“áBvªA —CjùA :—eB®nªA ≈ø ©IiC$
“Four things bring one joy: a righteous wife, a spacious house, a pious neighbour and a
comfortable riding animal.”
Reported by Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih and Ahmad according to a sound isnad.
• Naafi' b. al-Harith (ra) narrated that that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“From the things that bring joy to a man are a good neighbour, a comfortable riding
animal, and a spacious house.”
.Reported by Ahmad. Al-Munziri and al-Haythami said the chain of transmitters is sound
• Abu Zarr (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#π√A U f«B®MÀ ,B«’Bø jR∑DØ Bı≥jø ObJ AgG ,ig BIC BÕ$
“When you cook curry, increase its soup and send something to your neighbour.”
• Narrated by Abu Hurayrah (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#—Bq ≈mjØ ÃªÀ B»MiBÜ —iBU ∆j¥Ñ ‹ ,PB¿ºnùA ’Bn√ BÕ$
“O Muslim women, let no (female) neighbour despise (or look down on) her (female)
neighbour even if just the foot of a lamb.”
(Agreed upon).
• 'Ayisha (ra) narrated: I said: O Messenger of Allah, I have got two neighbours, the house of
one is near my house and the house of another is some distant. Whose right is greater? He
Reported by al-Bukhari.
l) Keeping trust:
• He (swt) said:
. B‰»ºÍ «Ê CÚ ”ÚªḠ P
Í B‰√B‰øfiÚ A AÀÌe¤‰ M ∆Ê CÚ ¡Ê ∑Û j ø DÙ Õ‰ …‰ º̇ªA ∆Ï Ḡ
“Verily! Allah commands that you should render back the trusts to those, to whom they are due.” [TMQ an-
,îøC µY BıƒŒøC ›
ı Ui ¡∏ŒªG ≈R®Ifi æB¥Ø ,ıBƒŒøC ›
ı Ui Bƒª S®IA :AêB¥Ø ƒªA ïG ∆Ajå Ω«C ’BU$
.#`AjÜA ≈I —fŒJß BIC S®JØ ,pBƒªA …ª ≤jrNmBØ
The people of Najran came to the Prophet (saw) and said: Send to us an honest one. The
Prophet said: “I will send to you an honest person who is really trustworthy.” Each of the
Companions of the Prophet desired to be that person, but the Prophet sent Abu 'Ubayda b.
(Agreed upon).
π√G ,ig BIC BÕ :æB≥ ¡Q , ∏ƒø ”ºß fŒI LjzØ æB≥ , º¿®NnM ‹C , A æÃmi BÕ :Oº≥$
…Œºß –hªA ‘eCÀ ,B»¥Å B«haC ≈ø ‹G ,“øAf√À –la “øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ B»√GÀ ,“√BøC B»√GÀ ,±Œ®y
I said to the Prophet (saw): Messenger of Allah, will you not appoint me to a public office?
He stroked my shoulder with his hand and said: Abu Zarr, you are weak and authority is a
trust, and on the Day of Judgment it is a cause of humiliation and sorrow except for the one
who fulfils its obligations and (properly) discharges the duties attendant thereon.
Reported by Muslim.
“Amanah (the trust) descended in the innermost (root) of the hearts of men (that is, it
was in their heart innately, by Fitrah, or pure human nature).”
(Agreed upon).
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
,—B∑lªAÀ ,—›vªA :æB≥ ? A æÃmi BÕ ≈« Bø :Oº≥ ,“ƒÜA ¡∏ª Ω∞∑C OnI œª Aú∞∑A$
.#∆BnºªAÀ ,≈ÒJªAÀ ,Xj∞ªAÀ ,“√BøfiAÀ
“Assure me six things and I shall assure you of Jannah”. I said what are they O
Messenger of Allah? He said: prayer, Zakah, trust (Amaanah), protection of chastity,
stomach and tongue.”
Reported by at-Tabraani. Al-Munziri said the isnad is acceptable. Al-Haaythami said it is hasan.
The Amaanah in this hadith are the Sharee'ah obligations. Some say it means 'obedience'. It also
includes all commands and prohibitions. Thus, just as the Khaleefah has been given a trust (amaanah) so
has the Waali, the 'Aamil, the Qadi, the member of the Shura council, the Ameer of the Army, the
ambassador, the one who prays, fasts, makes pilgrimage, offers the zakah , the one who carries the
Da'wah, the one who teaches people the morals, the seeker of knowledge, the Mufti, guardian of the
waqf (endowment), the secretary of the State treasury (bayt al-Maal), the salesman, khaaris (the one
who evaluates the crops for zakah and kharaj), the ‘Aamil responsible for the Sadaqaat, the one who
surveys Kharaaji land, the mujtahid, the muhaddith, the historian, the biographers (siyar), the one
responsible for the cattle, director of industry, the delegated assistant, the executive assistant, the
translator, the one who teaches children Qur'an, the man responsible for his family, the woman
responsible over her husband's house, the doctor, the mid-wife, the chemist, the nurse, the partner,
the employee, the director of the Daar al-Khilafah, the directors under the Khaleefah’s supervision, the
director of the consumer goods, director of the guest house, the director of karaj, kitchen, and
maintenance, the lawyer, the man sleeping with his wife, the one who bears a secret, the media, the
reporter, the correspondent who listens to news about people due to his work on the phone and on
the internet and so on and so forth. Trust is something of great importance, its area is wide and no
responsible person is free of it however big or small his responsibility is.
“The excess of ‘Ilm (knowledge) is better than the excess of ‘Ibaadah (worship), and the best
of your religion is the wara’ (piety, self restrain).”
• An-Nu'maan b. Basheer (ra) narrated: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
”¥MA ≈¿Ø ,pBƒªA ≈ø R∑ ≈»¿º®Õ ‹ PB»JNrø B¿»ƒŒIÀ ,≈ÈŒI ¬AjáA ∆GÀ ,≈ÈŒI æ›áA ∆G$
æÃY ”ßjÕ œßAjªB∑ ,¬AjáA ü ©≥À PB»JrªA ü ©≥À ≈øÀ ,…yjßÀ …ƒÕfª C NmA PB»JrªA
fnÜA ü ∆GÀ ‹C ,…øiBä A ”õ ∆GÀ ‹C ,”õ πºø Ω∏ª ∆GÀ ‹C ,…ŒØ ©MjÕ ∆C πqÃÕ ”¿áA
.#Kº¥ªA œ«À ‹C ,…º∑ fnÜA fnØ PfnØ AgGÀ ,…º∑ fnÜA \ºu OZºu AgG ,“¨zø
“That which is lawful is quite obvious and that which is unlawful is quite obvious and
between the two of them are doubtful matters about which not many people know. Thus he
who avoids doubtful matters he clears himself in regard to his religion and his honour, but he
who falls into doubtful matters he falls into that which is unlawful, like the shepherd who is
grazing his flock around a sanctuary, but he is about to go for grazing in it. Truly every king
has a sanctuary, and truly Allah's sanctuary is His prohibitions. Truly in the body there is a
morsel of flesh which, if it is good/right then the whole body will be good/right, but if it is
corrupted then the whole body will be corrupted. Truly it is the heart.”
(Agreed upon)
#pBƒªA …Œºß ©ºÒÕ ∆C O«j∑À ,πn∞√ ü ∫BY Bø ¡Q‚AÀ ,µºàA ≈nY ªA$
“Righteousness is good morality, and wrongdoing is that which wavers in your soul and
which you dislike people finding out about.”
Reported by Muslim.
• Waabisah b. Ma'bad (ra) said: I came to the Messenger of Allah (saw) who said to me:
O◊U B¿ß ∫ aC “vIAÀ BÕ :œª æB¥Ø ,…NJ∑i J∑i OÏnø ”NY …ƒø PÃ√fØ ,“vIAÀ BÕ ∆ eA$
©¿VØ ,¡®√ :Oº≥ ,¡Q‚AÀ ªA ≈ß æDnM O◊U :æB≥ ,œ√ aC A æÃmi BÕ :Oº≥ ?…ƒß æDnM
…ŒªG O√D¿ A Bø ªA ,πJº≥ O∞NmA “vIAÀ BÕ :æÃ¥ÕÀ –ifu B»I O∏ƒÕ Ω®VØ T›RªA …®IBuC
pBƒªA ∫BNØC ∆GÀ ,ifvªA ü eejMÀ ,Kº¥ªA ü ∫BY Bø ¡Q‚AÀ ,Kº¥ªA …ŒªG ∆D¿ AÀ ,o∞ƒªA
“Come close O Waabisah, so I drew closer to him until my knee was touching his knee.
He said: O Waabisah, shall I tell you what you have come to ask me about? Waabisah
said: Tell me O Messenger of Allah (saw). He said: ‘You want to question me on the
subject of virtue and sin?’ ‘Yes,’ I replied, and he went on, ‘Question your heart. Virtue is
that by which the soul enjoys repose and the heart tranquillity. Sin is what introduces
trouble into the soul and tumult into man's bosom, whatever fatwas people may give
Al-Munziri said: Ahmad has narrated this hadith with a hasan chain. An-Nawawi said: the hadith is
hasan and has been reported by Ahmad and ad-Daarimi in both their Musnads.
• Abu Tha'labah al-Khushani (ra) narrated: I said: O Messenger of Allah. Tell me what is halal
for me and what is haram for me. He said:
≈◊¿ÒÕ À ,o∞ƒªA …ŒªG ≈∏nM Bø ¡Q‚AÀ ,Kº¥ªA …ŒªG ∆D¿ AÀ ,o∞ƒªA …ŒªG Oƒ∏m Bø ªA$
.#∆ÃN∞ùA ∫BNØC ∆GÀ ,Kº¥ªA …ŒªG
“Virtue is that which the soul enjoys repose and the heart feels tranquillity regarding it.
Sin is that which the soul does not enjoy repose and the heart does not feel tranquillity
regarding it, whatever fatwas people may give you”.
Al-Munziri said: 'it has been reported by Ahmad with a jayyid isnad. Al-Haythami said: reported by
Ahmad and at-Tabaraani and the first part of it is in the Sahih and its narrators are reliable.
• Anas (ra) narrated that the Prophet (saw) found a date lying on the road and said:
“Had it not been for fear of being from charity I would have eaten it.”
(Agreed upon).
• Al-Hasan son of 'Ali (may Allah be please with them both) said:
“Leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt.”
Reported by at-Tirmizi who said the hadith is hasan sahih. Also reported by an-Nasaa`i and Ibn
Hibbaan in his Sahih.
• 'Atiyyah b. 'Urwah as-Sa'di (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“No one can achieve the height of piety till he forsakes those practices in which there is
no sin merely to guard himself against those which have sin in them.”
Reported by al-Haakim who said the hadith is sound and az-Zahabi agreed.
• Abu Umaamah (ra) said:
AgG :æB≥ ?∆Bô‚A B¿Ø æB≥ ,…ßfØ ’œq πn∞√ ü ∫BY AgG :æB≥ ?¡Q‚A Bø ƒªA ΩUi æDm$
.#≈ø¤ø O√DØ πNƒnY πMjmÀ πN◊Œm πM’Bm
A man asked the Prophet (saw) what is a sin? He said: If something wavers in your soul,
so leave it. He asked what is Imaan: “If your good deeds make you happy and your bad
deeds make you sad, then you are a believer.”
Al-Munziri said: this is a hadith, which has been reported by Ahmad with a sound isaad.
• He (swt) said:
Í B‰JªÙfiÚ A AÃÛªÀÊ CÛ j ∑˙ h‰ N‰Õ‰ B‰¿√ÏḠ ∆‰ ÿºÚ ®Ê Õ‰ ‹Ú ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇AÀ‰ ∆‰ ÿºÚ ®Ê Õ‰ ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A –Ã̄‰Nn
Ê Õ‰ ΩÊ «‰ ΩÊ ≥Û
“Say: "Are those who know equal to those who know not?" It is only men of understanding who will remember.”
[TMQ az-Zumar:9]
Jabir (ra) reported: After the battle of Uhud, the Prophet (saw) arranged the burial of two
of the martyrs in one grave. In each case he would ask, “Which one of them had learnt
more Qur'an by heart?” CHe placed whichever was thus pointed out to him, first in the
Reported by al-Bukhari.
“Lahd is a type of grave in which a niche is made on the left side of it to place the corpse. The grave which is
straight, a common type, is called Darih. This Hadith tells about the distinction of the Hafiz and his superiority over
others. Similarly, the learned, the pious and men of outstanding virtues should have preference over others. The
Hadith also indicates the permissibility to bury two or three persons in a single grave in time of need or necessity.”
(This is the commentary of Imam Nawawi in his Riyadh as- saliheen.)
• Ibn 'Abbas narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#¡∑jIB∑C ü “∑ ªA$
Reported by al-Haakim who said the isnad is sound according to the condition of Bukhari. Ibn
Hibbaan reported it in his Sahih and Ibn Muflih said in al-Adaab the isnad is jayyid.
• 'Ubaadah b. as-Saamit (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
Al-Munziri said: reported by Ahmad with a hasan chain. Al-Haythami said: reported by Ahmad
and at-Tabaraani and its isnad is hasan.
• 'Amr b. Shu'ayb (ra) narrated from his father whose grandfather narrated that the Messenger
of Allah (saw) said:
Reported by Ahmad, at-Tirmizi, Abu Dawud and al-Bukhari in al-Adab al-Mufrad. An-Nawawi said
the hadith is sound.
• 'Abdullah b. al-Mas'ud (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#∂AÃmfiA PBrŒ«À ¡∑BÕGÀ ,ıBQ›Q ¡»√ÃºÕ ≈ÕhªA ¡Q ,”»ƒªAÀ ¬›YfiA AêÀC ¡∏ƒø œÍƒºÍ Œ‰ªÍ$
“Let those be nearest to me in Salah (prayer) who are mature and possess (religious)
knowledge, then those who are nearest to them in these respects.” He repeated this three
times and then added, “Beware of indulging in the loose talks of the markets (when you
are in the mosque).”
Reported by Muslim.
¡« ‹ı BUi Bƒ»« ∆C ‹G æÃ¥ªA ≈ø ®ƒô B¿Ø ,…ƒß •∞YC Oƒ∏Ø ,ıBø›´ A æÃmi f»ß ”ºß Oƒ∑
. ø ≈È mC
I was a boy during the lifetime of Messenger of Allah (saw), and used to commit to my
memory what he said, but I do not narrate what I preserved because there were among us
people who were older than me.
(Agreed upon).
• Abu Musa (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
,…ƒß üBÜA ‹À …ŒØ œªB¨ªA ´ ∆Ej¥ªA ΩøBYÀ ,¡ºnùA “JŒrªA –g ¬Aj∑G A æ›UG ≈ø ∆G$
.#°n¥ùA ∆BÒºnªA –g ¬Aj∑GÀ
“It is out of reverence to Allah that we respecting an aged Muslim, and the one who
commits the Qur'an to memory and does not exaggerate pronouncing its letters and nor
forgets it after memorising, and to respect the just ruler.”
Reported by Abu Dawud. An-Nawawi said the hadith is hasan. Ibn Muflih said the isnad is jayyid.
Bø µáBI πR®I –hªAÀ :OªB¥Ø ,…÷Bn√ |®I ïG ΩmiDØ ,eû⠜√G :æB¥Ø ƒªA ïG ΩUi ’BU$
–hªAÀ ‹ :πªg ΩRø ≈»º∑ ≈º≥ ”NY ,πªg ΩRø OªB¥Ø ,‘jaC ïG ΩmiC ¡Q ,’Bø ‹G –fƒß
BÕ B√C iBv√fiA ≈ø ΩUi æB¥Ø ?“ºŒºªA Ah« ±ŒzÕ ≈ø : ƒªA æB¥Ø ,’Bø ‹G –fƒß Bø µáBI πR®I
:…MCjø‹ æB≥ “ÕAÀi üÀ , A æÃmi ±Œy œøj∑C :…MCjø‹ æB¥Ø …ºYi ïG …I µºÒ√BØ , A æÃmi
,¡»ŒøÃƒØ ’Br®ªA AÀeAiC AgGÀ ,’œrI ¡»Œºº̃ß æB≥ ,œ√BŒJu PÃ≥ ‹G ‹ OªB¥Ø ?’œq ∫fƒß Ω«
B¿ºØ ,îÕÀB BMBIÀ ±ŒzªA Ω∑CÀ AÀf®¥Ø Ω∑D√ B√C …ÕiCÀ ,XAjnªA œ◊∞ DØ Bƒ∞Œy Ωae AgGÀ
.#“ºŒºªA B¿∏∞ŒzI B¿∏®Œƒu ≈ø A KVß f¥ª :æB¥Ø ƒªA ”ºß Af´ \JuC
That a man came to the Prophet (saw) and said: I am famished. He sent a word to one of
his wives and she sent back a word: By Him, Who has sent you with the Truth, I have
nothing but water. Then he sent a word to another and received back the same reply. He
sent a word in turn to every one of them and the same reply came back. Then he said:
Who will make this one his guest? One of the Ansar said: Messenger of Allah, I will. So he
took him home and said to his wife: Have you anything? She answered: Nothing, except a
little for the children. He said: Beguile them with something, and when they should ask
for food, put them to sleep. When the guest comes in, put out the light, and make him feel
that we are also eating (with him). So they sat down and the guest ate and they passed the
night hungry. When he came to the Prophet (saw) in the morning, the latter said to him:
Allah was well pleased with that which you did about your guest last night.
(Agreed upon).
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
(Agreed upon).
,ı‹B À BıƒŒô jvI ≤jvÕ Ω®VØ ,…ª “ºYAi ”ºß ΩUi ’BU gG , ƒªA ©ø j∞m ü ≈ç B¿ƒŒI$
≈ø ΩzØ …ª ∆B∑ ≈øÀ ,…ª j»£ ‹ ≈ø ”ºß …I f®ŒºØ j»£ ΩzØ …®ø ∆B∑ ≈ø : A æÃmi æB¥Ø
Bƒø fYfi µY ‹ …√C BƒÕCi ”NY j∑g Bø æBùA ≤BƒuC ≈ø j∑hØ ,…ª eAk ‹ ≈ø ”ºß …I f®ŒºØ eAk
.#ΩzØ ü
Once we were on a journey with Messenger of Allah (saw) when a rider came and began
looking right and left. Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “Whoever has an extra mount
should offer it to him who is without it, and whoever has surplus food should give it to
him who has nothing”; and he continued mentioning other properties until we thought
that none of us had any right to the surplus of his own property.
Reported by Muslim.
• Abu Musa (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
LÃQ ü ,¡«fƒß ∆B∑ Bø Aîö ,“ƒÕfùBI ¡ BŒß ¬B® ΩÈ ≥ ÀC ,Àl¨ªA ü AúøiC AgG îÕj®qfiA ∆G$
.#¡»ƒø B√CÀ ø ¡»Ø ,“ÕÃnªBI fYAÀ ’B√G ü ¡»ƒŒI AÿnN≥A ¡Q ,fYAÀ
“When the Ash`ariyun run short of food in the Jihad or when they are at home in Al-
Madinah, they collect all the provisions they have in a sheet and then divide it equally
among themselves. They are of me and I am of them.”
(Agreed upon)
• He (swt) said:
. Â…Û∞ºÍ b
Ê ÂÕ Ã‰ »Â ØÚ ’Î œÊ q‰ ≈Ê øÍ ¡Ê ÂN¥Ù ∞Ú √ÚC B‰øÀ‰
“And whatsoever you spend of anything (in Allah's Cause), He will replace it”.[TMQ Saba`:39]
He (swt) said:
He (swt) said:
He (swt) said:
He (swt) said: “
.Á “‰Œ√Í›
Ú ß‰ À‰ AÓjmÍ ¡Ê «Â B‰ƒ≥Ù k‰ i‰ BÏ¿øÍ AÃÛ¥∞Ú √ÚCÀ‰
And spend (in charity) out of what We have provided for them, secretly and openly.” [TMQ Ar-Ra'ad:22 and
Faatir : 29 ]
He (swt) said:
. ∆‰ ÃÌJZ
Í M BÏ¿øÍ AÃÛ¥∞Í ƒÊ M ”ÏNY‰ jÏ JͪÙA AÃÛªB‰ƒM‰ ≈Ê ªÚ
“By no means shall you attain Al-Birr (piety, righteousness, etc., it means here Allah's Reward, i.e. Paradise),
unless you spend (in Allah's Cause) of that which you love.’ [TMQ Aali 'Imraan: 92]
He (swt) said:
He (swt) said:
“And the likeness of those who spend their wealth seeking Allah's Pleasure while they in their ownselves are sure
and certain that Allah will reward them (for their spending in His Cause), is the likeness of a garden on a height;
heavy rain falls on it and it doubles its yield of harvest. And if it does not receive heavy rain, light rain suffices it.
And Allah is All-Seer of (knows well) what you do.” [TMQ Al-Baqarah:265]
He (swt) said:
He (swt) said:
‰ ƒÍn
Í Õ … º̇ªA‰À p
¯ BσªA ≈Ê ß‰ î
‰ ØÍ B‰®ªÙA‰À •
Ú ŒÊ ‰̈ ªÙA î
‰ ¿Í £Í BÚ∏ªÙA‰À ’Í AÏjz
Ï ªA‰À ’Í AÏjn
Ï ªA œÍØ ∆‰ ÃÛ¥∞Í ƒÊ Õ ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A
“Those who spend [TMQ in Allah's Cause - deeds of charity, alms, etc.] in prosperity and in adversity] who
repress anger and who pardon men; verily, Allah loves Al-Muhsinun (those who do good).” [TMQ 'Aali
“¿∏Y A BME ΩUiÀ ,µáA ü …N∏º« ”ºß …ÒºnØ ‹ı Bø A BME ΩUi :îNƒQA ü ‹G fnY ‹$
.#B»¿º®ÕÀ B»I œz¥Õ ûØ
“There is no envy except in two: a person whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it
in the right way, and a person whom Allah has given wisdom (i.e. religious knowledge)
and he gives his decisions accordingly and teaches it to the others.”
(Agreed upon)
• Ibn Mas'ud (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
:æB≥ ,…ŒªG KYC …ªBø ‹G fYC Bƒø Bø A æÃmi BÕ AêB≥ ?…ªBø ≈ø …ŒªG KYC …QiAÀ æBø ¡∏ÕC$
.#jaC Bø …QiAÀ æBøÀ ¬f≥ Bø …ªBø ∆HØ
“Who is among you loves the property of his inheritor more than his property? They said:
O Messenger of Allah! All of us love our property more. He said: Then his property is that
which he had spent, and the property of his inheritor is that which he had left behind”.
• 'Iddi b. Haatim (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
æÃ¥ÕÀ ,ıB∞ºa Bı¥∞ƒø °ßC ¡»ºªA B¿«fYC æÃ¥ŒØ ,∆‹l_ƒÕ ∆B∏ºø ‹G …ŒØ eBJ®ªA \JvÕ ¬ÃÕ ≈ø Bø$
.#Bı∞ºM Bı∏nû °ßC ¡»ºªA ja‡A
“Every day two angels come down from Heaven and one of them says, 'O Allah!
Compensate every person who spends in Your Cause,' and the other (angel) says, 'O
Allah! Destroy the property of he who withholds (from spending).”
(Agreed upon).
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
(Agreed upon).
OØjß ≈ø ”ºß ¬›nªA Cj¥MÀ ,¬B®ÒªA ¡®ÒM :æB≥ ? a ¬›m‚A –C : A æÃmi æDm ›
ı Ui ∆C$
.#≤j®M ≈øÀ
“Which Islam is the best?” He said, “To feed the hungry and to give salaam to those you
know and those you don’t know.”
(Agreed upon)
• Abu Umaamah Sadiyy b. 'Ijlaan (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
CfIAÀ ,≤B∞∑ ”ºß ¬›M ‹À ,πª jq …∏nó ∆CÀ ,πª a Ωz∞ªA æhJM ∆C π√G ,¬eE ≈IA BÕ$
.#”º∞nªA fŒªA ≈ø a BŒº®ªA fŒªAÀ ,æîM ≈ñ
“O son of Adam, it is better for you if you spend your surplus (wealth), but if you withhold it,
it is evil for you. There is (however) no reproach for you (if you withhold means necessary) for
a living. And begin (charity) with your dependants; and the upper hand is better than the
lower hand.”
Reported by Muslim.
• 'Abd Allah b. 'Amr (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
µÕfvMÀ B»IAÃQ ’BUi B»ƒø “ºvÇ Ω¿®Õ ΩøBß ≈ø Bø ,l_ƒ®ªA “ZŒƒø B«›ßC “ºva ∆îIiC$
.#“ƒÜA ïB®M A …ºaeC ‹G ,B«fßÃø
“There are forty virtuous deeds and the best of them is the grant of a she-goat, and anyone
who does one of these virtuous deeds hoping for Allah's reward with firm confidence that he
will get it, then Allah will make him enter Paradise.”
• Asmaa’, daughter of Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq (may Allah be pleased with them) said: The
Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that he heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
BøDØ ,B¿»Œ≥AjM ïG B¿»ÕfQ ≈ø fÕfY ≈ø ∆BNσU B¿»Œºß îºUi ΩR¿∑ ,µ∞ƒùAÀ ΩŒbJªA ΩRø$
›Ø ΩŒbJªA BøCÀ . jQC Ã∞®MÀ …√BƒI œ∞Ö ”NY fºU ”ºß PjØÀ ÀC O¨Jm ‹G µ∞ƒÕ ›Ø µ∞ƒùA
.#©nNM ›Ø B»®mÃÕ Ã»Ø B»√B∏ø “¥ºY Ω∑ O≥lª ‹G Bı◊Œq µ∞ƒÕ ∆C fÕjÕ
“The example of an alms-giver and a miser is like the example of two persons who have
two iron cloaks on them from their breasts to their collar bones. When the alms-giver
wants to give in charity, the cloak becomes capacious till it covers his whole body to such
an extent that it hides his fingertips and covers his footprints (obliterates his tracks). And
when the miser wants to spend, it (the iron cloak) sticks and every ring gets stuck to its
place and he tries to widen it, but it did not become wide.”
(Agreed upon)
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
¡Q …ƒŒ¿ŒI B»ºJ¥Õ A ∆HØ ,KŒÒªA ‹G A ΩJ¥Õ ‹À ,KŒ Kn∑ ≈ø —jó æf®I ∂fvM ≈ø$
.#ΩJÜA ΩRø ∆Ã∏M ”NY ÃºØ ¡∑fYC œIjÕ B¿∑ B»JYBvª B»ŒIjÕ
“If anyone gives as charity the equivalent of a date from that earned honestly, for Allah
does not accept except that which is lawful, the Lord would accept it with His Right
Hand, and even if it is a date, it would foster in the Hand of the Lord, as one of you
fosters his colt, till it becomes bigger than a mountain.”
(Agreed upon).
• He (swt) said:
‰ ºÍ «Í B‰VªÙA ≈Ê ß‰ ~
Ê j̄ÊßCÚÀ‰
“And turn away from the foolish (i.e. don't punish them).” [TMQ Al-A'raaf:199]
. BÁø›
Ú m‰ AÃÛªBÚ≥ ∆‰ ÃÛº«Í B‰VªÙA ¡Ê »J‰Ú B‰a A‰gḠÀ‰
“And when the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply back with mild words of gentleness.” [TMQ Al-
r) Obedience:
Obedience is of two types: absolute and unrestricted obedience, which is the obedience to Allah and
His Messenger and obedience confined to the good actions. However if one was ordered to commit a
sin there is no obedience. Examples of obedience include obedience to parents, the husband or the
Ameer. All such obedience is obligatory and their evidences are known.
Previously we discussed some of the praiseworthy morals but here we shall discuss those morals that
are blameworthy and are forbidden:
a) Lying:
• Ibn Mas'ud (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
”NY Lh∏Œª ΩUjªA ∆GÀ ,iBƒªA ïG –f»Õ iÃV∞ªA ∆GÀ ,iÃV∞ªA ïG –f»Õ Lh∏ªA ∆GÀ ...$
.#BIAÈh∑ A fƒß KN∏Õ
“Falsehood leads to transgression and transgression leads to the Hell-fire. A man
continues to speak falsehood till he is recorded with Allah as a great liar.”
(Agreed upon).
• Al-Hasan b. 'Ali (ra) said I memorised the following from the Messenger of Allah (saw):
“Leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt, for honesty
is peace of mind and lying is doubt.”
∂B∞√ ≈ø “ºva …ŒØ O√B∑ ≈»ƒø “ºva …ŒØ O√B∑ ≈øÀ ,ıBvªBa Bı¥ØBƒø ∆B∑ …ŒØ ≈Ï ∑ ≈ø ©IiC$
.#jVØ ¡uBa AgGÀ ,if´ f«Bß AgGÀ ,Lh∑ TÏfY AgGÀ ,∆Ba ≈¿N÷A AgG :B»ßfÕ ”NY
“Four traits whoever possesses them is a total hypocrite and whoever possesses some of
them has an element of hypocrisy until he leaves it: the one who when he speaks he lies,
when he promises he breaks his promise, when he disputes he transgresses and when he
makes an agreement he violates it.”
(Agreed upon).
• Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“Beware of lying for it will be with immorality, and both will be in the Hellfire.”
Reported by Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih. At-Tabaraani reported this hadith on the authority of
Mu'awiyah. Al-Haythami and al-Munziri declared it hasan.
’Bq Bø …Œºß w¥ŒØ ,BÕ⁄i ≈ø ¡∏ƒø fYC ‘Ci Ω« :…IBZufi æÃ¥Õ ∆C jR∏Õ Bû A æÃmi ∆B∑$
, B∞≥ ïG …≥fq jqjrÕ …Œºß OŒMC –hªA ΩUjªA BøCÀ ... :—Af´ PAg Bƒª æB≥ …√GÀ ,w¥Õ ∆C A
#... ∂B؇A ≠ºJM “Ih∏ªA Lh∏ŒØ …NŒI ≈ø Àf¨Õ ΩUjªA …√HØ , B∞≥ ïG …ƒŒßÀ B∞≥ ïG jbƒøÀ
The Messenger of Allah (saw) very often used to ask his Companions, “Has any one of you
seen a dream, so he would narrate to him as much as Allah willed to relate. One day he (saw)
said,…As for the man I came upon him while the sides of his mouth, his nostrils and his eyes
were torn off from front to back, he is the symbol of the man who goes out of his house in the
morning and tells lies that are spread all over the world…”
Reported by al-Bukhari.
“The worst of lies is to pretend to have seen something which he has not seen.”
Reported by al-Bukhari.
.#∆Ba ≈¿N÷A AgGÀ ,±ºaC fßÀ AgGÀ ,Lh∑ TfY AgG :T›Q µØBƒùA “ÕE$
“The signs of a hypocrite are three; when he speaks he lies, when he makes a promise he
breaks it and when he is given a trust he betrays it.”
.(Agreed upon)
XjbŒØ ’œrI πªg ≈ø fYC ”ºß ©º A Bø ,Lh∏ªA ≈ø A æÃmi ïG |¨IC µºa ≈ø ∆B∑ Bø$
.#“IÃM TfYC f≥ …√C ¡º®Õ ”NY …Jº≥ ≈ø
“There is no (bad) moral the Messenger of Allah hates more than lying; had he revealed
any part of it, coming from his heart, he would then know he needed a repentance (of it)”.
Reported by Ahmad, al-Bazzaar and Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih. Al-Haakim declared it as sahih with
which az-Zahabi agreed.
,∆Ak cŒq :¡ŒªC LAhß ¡ À ,¡»ŒªG j§ƒÕ ‹À ,¡»Œ∑lÕ ‹À ,“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ A ¡»¿º∏Õ ‹ “Q›Q$
.# ∏Nnø Ω÷BßÀ ,LAh∑ πºøÀ
“There are three (types of) people to whom Allah will not speak on the Day of
Resurrection, and nor will He purify them, nor look at them, and they will have a painful
punishment. These are: An aged man who commits Zina (illicit sexual act), a ruler who
lies, and a proud poor person.”
Reported by Muslim.
• Bahz b. Haakim (ra) narrated from his father who narrated from his grandfather Mu'awiyyah
b. Haydah (ra), he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#…ª ΩÕÀ ,…ª ΩÕÀ ,Lh∏ŒØ ¬Ã¥ªA …I πZzŒª SÕfáBI Tfê –hºª ΩÕÀ$
“Woe be on one who speaks and lies in order to make people laugh, woe be on him, woe
be on him.”
Reported by at-Tirmizi who said: this hadith is hasan sahih. It has also been reported by Abu
Dawud, Ahmad, ad-Daarimi and al-Bayhaqi.
• Hakeem b. Hizaam (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
BIh∑À B¿N∑ ∆GÀ ,B¿»®ŒI ü B¿ ∫iÃI BƒÈŒIÀ ∆B®ÈŒJªA ∂fu ∆HØ ,B≥ ∞Õ Bø iBŒàBI ∆B®ÈŒJªA$
.#Kn∏ºª “¥Zû “®ºnºª “¥∞ƒø —jUB∞ªA î¿ŒªA .B¿»®ŒI “∑jI B¥ZôÀ ,ıBÅi BÅjÕ ∆C ”n®Ø
“Both parties in a business transaction have a right to annul it so long as they have not
departed from each other. Moreover if they tell the truth and make everything clear to
each other (i.e., the seller and the buyer speak the truth, the seller with regard to what is
purchased, and the buyer with regard to the money) they will be blessed in their
transaction. However if they conceal anything and lie, they may get some benefit but they
eliminate the blessing of their transaction. The illicit oath might promote the commodity,
but it destroys the earning.”
(Agreed upon)
iBVNªA ∆G :æB¥Ø ,…ŒªG ¡«iBvICÀ ¡»≥BƒßC AîØiÀ , A æÃmjª AÃIBVNmBØ ,iBVNªA jr®ø BÕ$
.#∂fuÀ jIÀ A ”¥MA ≈ø ‹G AıiBVØ “øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ ∆ÃR®JÕ
“O traders! They responded ,to the Messenger of Allah and raised their necks and eyes
towards him. He (saw) said: ‘Traders on the Day of Judgment will be raised as immoral
except the one who feared Allah, was righteous and honest.”
Reported by at-Tirmizi who said this hadith is hasan sahih. Also reported by Ibn Maajah and Ibn
Hibbaan in his Sahih. Al-Haakim graded it as sahih and az-Zahabi agreed.
• 'Abd ar-Rahman b. Shabal (ra) said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
¡»ƒ∏ªÀ ,”ºI :æB≥ ?©ŒJªA A ΩYC f≥ oŒªC , A æÃmi BÕ :AêB≥ ,iBV∞ªA ¡« iBVNªA ∆G$
.#∆ÃIh∏ŒØ ∆ÃQfêÀ ,∆à DŒØ ∆Ã∞ºê
“Traders are liars/immoral,” they said; O Messenger of Allah! Has not Allah (swt)
permitted trade? He said: Of course, but they take oaths and thus fall into sin, and they
speak and thus lie.”
Reported by al-Haakim who said the hadith is sound. Az-Zahabi and Ahmed agreed with him on
this. Al-Haythami said in his al-Majma': the transmitters are trustworthy. Al-Munziri said the isnad
is jayyid.
A æÃmi B«Cj¥Ø æB≥ ,¡ŒªC LAhß ¡ À ,¡»Œ∑lÕ ‹À ,“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ ¡»ŒªG A j§ƒÕ ‹ “Q›Q$
µ∞ƒùAÀ ,∆BƒùAÀ ,ΩJnùA :æB≥ ? A æÃmi BÕ ¡« ≈øÀ ,AÀjnaÀ AÃIBa :Oº¥Ø ,PAjø T›Q
.#LgB∏ªA ±ºáBI …N®ºm
“There are three (types of) people to whom Allah will neither speak on the Day of
Resurrection and nor look at them nor purify them, and they will have a painful
chastisement.” The Messenger of Allah (saw) repeated it three times. Abu Zarr (May
Allah be pleased with him) remarked: “They are ruined. Who are they, O Messenger of
Allah?” Upon this, the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “One who lets down his lower
garments (below his ankles) out of arrogance, one who boasts of his favours done to
another; and who sells his goods by taking a false oath.”
(Reported by Muslim).
‹ …NßBzI A Ω®U ΩUiÀ , ∏Nnø Ω÷BßÀ ,∆Ak °¿ŒqC :“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ ¡»ŒªG A j§ƒÕ ‹ “Q›Q$
.#…ƒŒ¿ŒI ‹G ©ŒJÕ ‹À …ƒŒ¿ŒI ‹G – rÕ
“There are three (types of) people to whom Allah will not speak on the Day of
Resurrection: An aged man who commits Zina (illicit sexual act), a proud poor person,
and a person who made Allah as goods for himself, where he does not buy except with
taking an oath and does not sell except with taking an oath.”
Reported by at-Tabaraani in al-Kabeer. Al-Munziri said: its transmitters are relied upon in the
Sahih. Al-Haythami said: the transmitters are of books of Sahih.
« Bû jR∑C B»I œÒßC f¥ª “®ºm ”ºß ±ºY ΩUi :¡»ŒªG j§ƒÕ ‹À “øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ A ¡»¿º∏Õ ‹ “Q›Q
,¡ºnø ΩUi æBø B»I ©ÒN¥Œª jv®ªA f®I “IgB∑ îô ”ºß ±ºY ΩUiÀ ,LgB∑ ëÀ ”ÒßC
∫AfÕ Ω¿®M Bø ΩzØ O®ƒø B¿∑ œºzØ π®ƒøC ¬ÃŒªA A æÃ¥ŒØ ,’Bø ΩzØ ©ƒø ΩUiÀ".
“(There are) three (types of persons to whom) Allah will neither speak to them on the Day
of Resurrections, nor look at them. (They are) a man who takes a false oath that he has
been offered for a commodity a price greater than what he has actually been offered. A
man who takes a false oath after the 'Asr (prayer) in order to grab the property of a
Muslim through it. And a man who forbids others to use the remaining superfluous water.
To such a man Allah will say on the Day of Resurrection, 'Today I withhold My Blessings
from you as you withheld the superfluous part of that (water) which your hands did not
.# BŒ√fI …MjaE ™BI$
First: Use of double meaning (tawriyah) and ma'aareed (turning the attention of the listener to a
different meaning): It is the expression, which has an obvious meaning but one is intending another
meaning different to the apparent meaning. It might apply to an expression, which is open to two
meanings; one is likely while the other is remote. One intends by it the remote meaning but the
listener understands the likely or probable meaning, which immediately comes to one’s mind. We can
see this in the hadith of Anas (ra) reported by al-Bukhari: One of the sons of Abu Talha became sick
and died and Abu Talha at that time was not at home. When his wife saw that he was dead, she
prepared him (washed and shrouded him) and placed him somewhere in the house. When Abu Talha
came, he asked, “How is the boy?” She said, “The child is quiet and I hope he is in peace.” Abu Talha
thought that she had spoken the truth. Or as in the hadith of Ibn 'Abbas reported by Ibn Hibbaan in
his Sahih: “When Surat Al-Lahab was revealed, the wife of Abu Lahab came looking for the Prophet
(saw) while Abu Bakr (ra) was sitting beside him. Abu Bakr said to the Prophet (saw), “wish if you get
aside (or go away) as she is coming to us; she may harm you.” The Prophet (saw) said, “There will be
a screen set between me and her.” Therefore, she did not see him (saw). She said to Abu Bakr, “Your
companion is saying poetry against me.” Abu Bakr said: “By Allah, he does not say poetry.” She said,
“I do believe you?” Then she left. Abu Bakr said, “Did not she see you?” The Prophet (saw) said,
We see this also in the hadith of Anas (ra) reported by Ahmad, at-Tirmizi in his ash-Shamaa`il and al-
Baghawi in his Sharh as-Sunnah. It has been graded as sahih by Ibn Hajar in al-Isaabah. Anas (ra) says:
That there was a man from the desert people whose name was Zahir. He used to bring gifts from the
desert to the Prophet (saw), and in return the Prophet (saw) would provide him with whatever he
needed when he wanted to go out. The Prophet (saw) said,
“Zahir is our man of the desert, and we are his town-dwellers.” The Prophet (saw) loved him
very much, and he (Zahir) was an ugly man. One day the Prophet (saw) came to him whilst
he was selling some goods. He embraced him from behind. The man could not see him, so
he said, “Let me go! Who is this?” Then he turned around and recognised the Prophet (saw),
so he tried to move closer to him once he knew who it was. The Prophet (saw) started to say,
“Who will buy this servant?” Zahir said, “O Messenger of Allah (saw), you will find me unfit
for sale.” The Prophet (saw) said, “But in the sight of Allah (swt) you are not unfit for sale,”
or he said, “But in the sight of Allah (saw) you are valuable.”
Second: lying which is permitted: Lying is permitted in war, to bring reconciliation between
spouses due to the hadith of Umm Kalthum daughter of 'Uqbah b. Abu Mu'ait (ra) as reported by
Muslim. She said: “I never heard him give dispensation for what people say except in three cases; in
war, to bring reconciliation between people and a man is speaking to his wife and wife speaking to her
Also Jabir b. 'Abd Allah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#“ßfa LjáA$
“War is deception.”
(Agreed upon).
Asmaa’ bint Yazeed narrated that she heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) addressing the people:
”ºß K‰N∏ÂÕ Lh∏ªA Ω∑ ,iBƒªA ü tAj∞ªA ©IBNNÕ B¿∑ Lh∏ªA ü AîIBNM ∆C ”ºß ¡∏º¿ê Bø pBƒªA B»ÕC"
ΩUi ÀC LjY “®Õfa ü Lh∑ ΩUi ÀC B»Œy ª …MCjøA ”ºß Lh∑ ΩUi ,æBva T›Q ‹˜ G ¬eE ≈IA
."B¿»ƒŒI \ºvŒª nø ≈ÕCjøA îI Lh∑
“O people, what does force you to follow up one lie after another as moths follow each other
into the fire. Each lie shall be written against the son of Adam except a man lying to his wife
to please her, a man lying as part of the deception of war or a man lying to two Muslims to
bring about reconciliation between them.” Ibn Hajar said in his al-Fath al-Baari: ‘The scholars
agreed that what was meant by lying in respect to husband and wife is in matters where a duty is not
neglected by him or her and where one does not take what belongs to the other.’ An-Nawawi said in
Sharh Sahih Muslim: ‘as regards lying to one’s wife and vice versa, what’s meant is to show love, make
promises which are not binding etc. As for deception to prevent him or her from a duty or to take a
right that does not come under this subject, rather this is haraam according to the Ijmaa’ of the
Muslims.’ As an example, regarding the obligatory duty of paying Nafaqah (maintenance) the husband
says ‘I did not find any food in the market’ or if the wife who has been called to bed by her husband
says ‘I am in a state of menses’. An example of a right he might take which does not belong to him is
if he took her money and denied that he took it or if she took his money which is beyond what is
necessary for her and her children’s maintenance and then denied she took it.
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#∆Ba ≈¿N÷A AgGÀ ,±ºaC fßÀ AgGÀ ,Lh∑ TfY AgG T›Q µØBƒùA “ÕE$
“The signs of a hypocrite are three; when he speaks he lies, when he makes a promise he
breaks it and when he is given a trust he betrays it.”
(Agreed upon).
The hypocrisy here is one of action and not rejection i.e. the hypocrisy does not relate to the creed
and thus it is haraam and not kufr. As for hypocrisy in belief this is kufr, may Allah save us from it.
“Be calm, O 'Ayisha! Take care of kindness, and beware of harshness and bad language.”
Reported by al-Bukhari.
“O Ayisha! Withhold (yourself), for indeed Allah does not love obscenity and abomination.”
Agreed upon.
“The worst people in the sight of Allah are those whom the people desert or leave in order to
save themselves from their obscencene dirty language.”
Agreed upon.
• ‘Iyad b. Himaar al-Jaashi’I (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) one day said in his
“The inmates of Hell are of five types: (counted them till) and those who are in the habit of
abusing people (shanzeer) and using obscene and foul language…”
Reported by Muslim. The meaning of shanzeer is the one who had bad morals.
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
Reported by Ahmad with a reliable chain of transmitters. Reported by at-Tirmizi who said the
hadith is hasan sahih. Also reported by al-Haakim and Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih.
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“Modesty is part of Imaan (faith) and it leads one to Jannah. Obscenity is part of
aversion/estrangement and aversion leads one to jahannam (hell).”
• Ibn Mas’ud (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
È hJªA ‹À ,sYB∞ªA ‹À ,∆B®ºªA ‹À ,∆B®ÒªBI ≈ø¤ùA oŒª$
“A believer is not he who defames or curses and is neither the obscene nor the foul in
d) Gossip:
• Al-Mugheerah b. Shu’bah (ra) narrated: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
.#æA¤nªA —jR∑À ,æBùA “ßByGÀ ,æB≥À ΩŒ≥ :BıQ›Q ¡∏ª j∑ A ∆G$
“Allah (swt) hates that you do three things: gossip, wasting property and excessive
questioning.” (Agreed upon).
• Jabir b. ‘Abd Allah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
œªG ¡∏z¨IC ∆GÀ ,ıB≥›aC ¡∏ƒmBYC :“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ Bınºâ ø ¡∏Ij≥CÀ ,œªG ¡∏JYC ≈ø ∆G$
.#∆Ã¥»Œ∞NùAÀ ∆Ã≥frNùAÀ ∆ÀiBQjRªA :“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ ø ¡∑f®ICÀ
“The dearest and nearest among you to me on the Day of Resurrection will be one who is the
best of you in manners; and the most abhorrent among you to me and the farthest of you
from me will be the prattler/chatterbox, the boaster/bigmouth, and Al-Mutafaihiqun.” The
Companions asked him: “O Messenger of Allah! We know about the pompous and the
garrulous, but we do not know who Al-Mutafaihiqun are.” He replied: “The arrogant
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that he heard the Prophet (saw) say:
.#Lj¨ùAÀ ∂jrùA îI Bø f®IC iBƒªA ü B»I ælÕ ,B»ŒØ îJNÕ Bø “¿º∏ªBI ¡º∏NŒª fJ®ªA ∆G$
“Verily Allah's servant may utter a word without realizing what it contains [whether it is
a good or a bad word], and because of it he will stumble into the Fire a distance greater
than what lies between the East and West.”
Agreed upon.
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
Reported by Muslim.
• He (swt) said:
“O you who believe! Let not a group scoff at another group, it may be that the latter are better than the former; nor
let (some) women scoff at other women, it may be that the latter are better than the former, nor defame one another,
nor insult one another by nicknames. How bad is it, to insult one's brother after having Faith [i.e. to call your
Muslim brother (a faithful believer) as: "O sinner", or "O wicked", etc.]. And whosoever does not repent, then
such are indeed Zalimun (wrong-doers, etc.).” [TMQ Al-Hujuraat:11]
’œVŒØ ,¡º« ¡º« :…ª æB¥ŒØ ,“ƒÜA ≈ø LBI —ja‡A ü ¡«fYfi \N∞Õ ,pBƒªBI î÷l»NnùA ∆G$
…Ij∏I ’œVŒØ ,¡º« ¡º« :…ª æB¥ŒØ ,jaE LBI …ª \N∞Õ ¡Q ,…√Àe µº´C ’BU AgHØ ,…¿´À …Ij∏I
“ƒÜA LAÃIC ≈ø LBI …ª \N∞Œª ¡«fYC ∆G ”NY ,πªh∑ æAlÕ B¿Ø ,…√Àe µº´C ’BU AgHØ ,…¿´À
.#pBÕ‚A ≈ø …ŒMDÕ B¿Ø ¡º« æB¥ŒØ
“Verily those people that make fun of people – for them a gate of Jannah will be opened.
It will be said to them: Come (and enter). That person will come with all of his anguish
and depression – but when he gets close, the gate will be closed in his face. Then another
gate (to Jannah) will be opened and it will be said: Come (and enter). So that person
comes with all of his anguish and depression. But when he gets close, the gate will be
closed in his face. This will keep happening to him until it gets to the point where it will
be said to someone: Come (and enter), and he will not come out of despair from ever
entering paradise.”
Al-Bayhaqi reported the hadith in his Shu’ab with an isnad, which is hasan and mursal.
• Waathilah b. al-Asqa’ (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“Do not show malice towards your brother otherwise Allah will have mercy on him and
test you.” Reported by at-Tirmizi who said the hadith is hasan.
h) Betrayal:
:Abdullah b. ‘Amr (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said‘ •
∂B∞ƒªA ≈ø “ºva …ŒØ ∆B∑ ≈»ƒø “ºva …ŒØ O√B∑ ≈øÀ ,ıBvªBa Bı¥ØBƒø ∆B∑ …ŒØ ≈∑ ≈ø ©IiC$
#... if´ f«Bß AgGÀ ... :B»ßfÕ ”NY
“There are four traits which if a person has will be true hypocrite. Anyone who has one of
these four traits will have a trait of hypocrisy until he leaves it:…..and when he gives a
pledge he betrays it….” Agreed upon.
• Ibn Mas’ud, Ibn ‘Umar and Anas narrated that the Prophet (saw) said:
“For every betrayer (perfidious person), a flag will be raised on the Day of Resurrection,
and it will be announced (publicly) 'This is the betrayal (perfidy) of so-and-so.” Agreed
• Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (ra) narrated that the Prophet (saw) said:
øC ≈ø Aıif´ ¡§ßC ieB´ ‹À ‹C , if´ if¥I …ª ©ØjÕ ,“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ …NmG fƒß ’Aê ieB´ Ω∏ª$
“Every traitor will have a flag tied to his buttocks on the Day of Judgment. It will be
raised according to the level of his treachery. Nay, there is no treachery graver than the
treachery of the Ameer of the people.” Reported by Muslim.
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Prophet (saw) said that Allah (swt) said:
“I will be an opponent to three types of people on the Day of Resurrection; One who makes
a covenant in My Name, but he betrays it…” Reported by al-Bukhari.
• Yazeed b. Shurayk narrated: I saw ‘Ali on the Minbar addressing the people, I heard him say:
By Allah we have no book that we read except the Book of Allah and what exists in this page,
which he spread. There was in it teeth of a camel and some of the jirahaat (limbs of the animal
body). It included the following:
pBƒªAÀ “∏÷›ùAÀ A “ƒ®ª …Œº®Ø Bı¿ºnø j∞aC ≈¿Ø ,¡«B√eC B»I ”®nÕ ,—fYAÀ nùA “øg$
#... BØju ‹À ‹ı fß “øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ …ƒø A ΩJ¥Õ ‹ ,î®öC
“The Muslims responsibility of protection (zimmah) is one; the lowest/nearest of them can give
it. So whoever broke the pledge of (protection given by a) Muslim would deserve the curse of
Allah, the angels and the whole people. Allah would not accept from him on the Day of Judgment
neither ‘adalan and nor sarfan (its equivalent or its elimination).
Reported by Muslim.
#... ¡»ƒŒI ΩN¥ªA ∆B∑ ‹G f»®ªA ¬Ã≥ |¥√ Bø$
“No people would violate an agreement except that between then there will be killing…”
Reported by al-Haakim who declared it sound and az-Zahabi agreed.
• ‘Amr b. al-Hamq (ra) narrated: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
.#AıjØB∑ æÃN¥ùA ∆B∑ ∆GÀ ’–jI ΩMB¥ªA ≈ø B√DØ …ºN≥ ¡Q ,…øe ”ºß ›
ı Ui ≈ÈøC ΩUi BôC$
“Any man who entrusted his life with another person and then that person killed him then
I will have nothing to do with the killer even if the one killed was a disbeliever.” Ibn
Hibbaan in his Sahih.
• Abu Bakrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“◊¿nú — nø ≈ø fUÃŒª “ƒÜA \Õi ∆GÀ ,“ƒÜA “Z÷Ai `jÕ B»¥Y ¨I —f«B®ø Bın∞√ ΩN≥ ≈ø$
“The one who unjustly kills a person with whom there is a covenant he will not smell the
fragrance of Jannah, though it can be smelled from a distance of five hundred years
journey.” In another narration we have:
.#¬Bß “◊¿nú — nø ≈ø fUÃŒª B»êi ∆GÀ ,“ƒÜA “Z÷Ai `jÕ , f»ß ü Aıf«B®ø ΩN≥ ≈ø$
“The one who kills a covenanted person during the period of his covenant he will not
smell the fragrance of jannah, though its fragrance can be smelled from a distance of five
hundred years march.” Reported by Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih.
i) Reminding someone of a gift or a good deed one has done for that person:
• He (swt) said:
“O you who believe! Do not render in vain your Sadaqah (charity) by reminders of your generosity or by injury.”
[TMQ Al-Baqarah: 264]
B«Cj¥Ø æB≥ ,¡ŒªC LAhß ¡ À ,¡»Œ∑lÕ ‹À ,¡»ŒªG j§ƒÕ ‹À ,“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ A ¡»¿º∏Õ ‹ “Q›Q$
,ΩJnùA æB≥ ? A æÃmi BÕ ¡« ≈ø ,AÀjnaÀ AÃIBa :ig ÃIC æB≥ ,PAjø T›Q A æÃmi
.#LgB∏ªA ±ºáBI …N®ºm µ∞ƒùAÀ ,∆BƒùAÀ
“There are three (types of) people to whom Allah will neither speak on the Day of
Resurrection nor look at them nor purify them, and they will have a painful
chastisement.” The Messenger of Allah (saw) repeated it three times. Abu Zarr (ra)
remarked: “They are ruined. Who are they, O Messenger of Allah?” Upon this, the
Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “One who lets down his lower garments (below his ankles)
out of arrogance, one who boasts of his favours done to another; and who sells his goods
by taking a false oath.”
j) Envy: which means to hope that another person loses the blessing he has been granted. As for
hope that one has the like of something this is ghibtah (to desire or wish for something) and it this is
• He (swt) said:
. …Í ºÍ z
Ê ØÚ ≈Ê øÍ … º̇ªA ¡Ê «Â B‰ME B‰ø ”ں߉ p
‰ BσªA ∆‰ ÀÂfn
Ê Õ‰ ¬Ê CÚ
“Or do they envy men (Muhammad SAW and his followers) for what Allah has given them of His Bounty?”
[TMQ an-Nisaa:54] He (swt) said:
. f‰ n
‰ Y‰ A‰gḠ fÎ mÍ B‰Y j‰q ≈Ê øÍ À‰
“"And from the evil of the envier when he envies." [TMQ Al-Falaq:5]
• Anas (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
∆Bô‚A fJß ≤ÃU ü ©¿Nè ‹À ,¡ƒ»U \ŒØÀ A ΩŒJm ü iBJ´ ≈ø¤ø fJß ≤ÃU ü ©¿Nè ‹$
“The dust raised on account of fighting in the path of Allah and the smoke of Hell will
never exist together within the heart of a believer, and nor shall Imaan and envy reside
within the heart of the believer”. Reported by Ahmad, al-Bayhaqi, an-Nasaa1i and Ibn Hibbaan
in his Sahih.
• Damrah b. Tha’labah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“The people will remain in goodness as long as they do not envy each other.”
Reported by at-Tabaraani with an isnad al-Munziri and al-Haythami said contains reliable
µºÑ æÃ≥C ‹ œ√G BøC ,“¥ªBáA œ« ’Bz¨JªAÀ ,’Bz¨JªAÀ fnáA :¡∏ºJ≥ ¡øfiA ’Ae ¡∏ŒªG Le$
.#≈ÕfªA µºÑ ≈∏ªÀ j®rªA
“The sickness of the previous nations will creep into you, i.e. jealousy and hatred. These
sicknesses are shavers; I don't say they shave hair but they shave the Deen.”
Reported by al-Bayhaqi in Shu’ab al-Imaan and by al-Bazzaar. Al-Haythami and al-Munziri said the
isnad is jayyid.
∂Àfu AêB≥ .∆BnºªA ∂Àfu Kº¥ªA ¬Ã¿ã Ω∑ æB≥ ?ΩzØC pBƒªA –C A æÃmi BÕ ΩŒ≥$
‹À ,ÈΩ´ ‹À ,œ¨I ‹À …ŒØ ¡QG ‹ ,œ¥ƒªA œ¥NªA ë :æB≥ ?Kº¥ªA ¬Ã¿ã B¿Ø …Øj®√ ∆BnºªA
The Messenger of Allah (saw) was asked; which people are the best? He said: every
makhmum al-Qalb and honest tongue. They said: We know what is an honest tongue but
what is makhmum al-qalb? He said: Every God-fearing and pure heart which harbors no
sin, injustice, hatred or envy.”
Reported by Ibn Maajah. Al-Haythami and al-Munziri said the isand is sound.
k) Cheating:
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#Bƒø oŒºØ Bƒr´ ≈ø$
• Ma’qil b. Yasaar (ra) narrated: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
.#“ƒÜA …Œºß A ¬j_Y ‹G …_NŒßjª tB´ ëÀ PÃô ¬Ã_Õ PÿŒØ “Œßi A …Œß nÕ fJß ≈ø Bø$
“Any servant who has been given charge by Allah to look after the people and dies whilst
cheating them then Paradise will be forbidden to him.”
Agreed upon.
l) Deception:
• ’Abdullah b. Mas’ud (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#iBƒªA ü ™AfàAÀ j∏ùAÀ ,Bƒø oŒºØ Bƒr´ ≈ø$
“The one who cheats us is not one of us, cheating and deception will be in the hell-fire.”
Reported by Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih.
• ‘Iyaad b. Himaar al-Majaashi’i (ra) narrated that one day the Messenger of Allah (saw) said in
his sermon (khutbah):
#... πªBøÀ πº«C ≈ß πßeBë ëÀ ‹G œnô ‹À \JvÕ ‹ ΩUiÀ ... :“nú iBƒªA Ω«CÀ ...$
“…The inmates of Hell are of five types: and one of them is a man who betrays you morning
and evening, in regard to your family and your property.”
Reported by Muslim.
• Ibn ‘Umar (ra) narrated: a man mentioned to the Messenger of Allah (saw) said he deceives in
sales. The Messenger of Allah (saw) replied:
.#sVƒªA ≈ß ”»√$
. Agreed upon. An-Nawawi said: it means he increases the price (check) of the goods not because
he desires that but in order to deceive others. Ibn Qutaybah said: najsh (cheating) comes from
khatal (duping) which means to deceive.
.#Kz¨M ‹ :æB≥ AıiAjø eejØ ,Kz¨M ‹ :æB≥ uÀC ƒºª æB≥ ›
ı Ui ∆C$
A man said to the Prophet (saw) give me admonition. He said: do not get angry. The man
repeated it three times and he (saw) said: do not get angry.’
Reported by al-Bukhari.
“The strong is not the one who can wrestle another person down but the one who controls
himself when angry.” Agreed upon.
• Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (ra) narrated: one day the Messenger of Allah prayed salat al-Asr with us,
then he stood to address us and we memorised the following words from him that day:
©Õjm ¡»ƒøÀ ,’œ∞ªA ©ÕjnªA Kz¨ªA ’œÒJªA ¡»ƒø ∆GÀ ‹C ,PB¥J ”ºß AÃ¥ºa ¬eE I ∆G ‹C$
¡« aÀ ‹C ,’œ∞ªA ’œÒI Kz¨ªA ©Õjm ¡»ƒø ∆GÀ ‹C ,πºNI πºNØ ,’œ∞ªA ©Õjm Kz¨ªA
Kº≥ ü —jö Kz¨ªA ∆GÀ ‹C ,’œ∞ªA ’œÒI Kz¨ªA ©Õjm ¡«jqÀ ,’œ∞ªA ©Õjm Kz¨ªA ’œÒI
µvºŒºØ ,πªg ≈ø ’œrI o
È YC ≈¿Ø ,…UAeÀC dB∞N√AÀ …ŒƒŒß —jõ ïG ¡NÕCi BøC ,¬eE ≈IA
“The sons of Adam have been created in various categories. Some are slow to anger and
swift to cool down. Some others are swift to anger and swift to cool down, thus one of them
makes up for the other. Some of them are also swift to anger and slow to cool down; but the
best of them are those who are slow to anger and swift to cool down, and the worst of them
are those who are swift to anger and slow to cool down.” He continued, “Beware of anger,
for it is a live coal in the heart of the son of Adam. Do you not notice the redness of his eyes
and the swelling of the veins of his neck? So when anyone experiences anything of that
nature he should lie down and cleave to the earth.” Reported by at-Tirmizi who said the hadith is
hasan sahih.
• Ibn ‘Umar (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.# A …UÀ ’B¨NIA fJß B»¿§∑ ,•Œ´ “ßjU ≈ø A fƒß ¡§ßC “ßjU ≈ø Bø$
“No dose is greater in the sight of Allah than the gulp of anger, which the servant
suppresses seeking the Good Pleasure of Allah.” Reported by Ibn Maajah. Al-Haythami said
the isnad is sound and its transmitters are reliable. Al-Munziri said: “Its narration is relied upon in
the Sahih works.”
. ≈ n
‰ YÊ CÚ œ‰ «Í œÍNª̇BIÍ ©Ê ØÚ eÊ A
“Repel (the evil) with one which is better.” [TMQ Fussilat:31] He said: “It means to be patience when
angry, forgiving when hurt. If they do this then Allah will protect them and their enemies will
surrender to them.” Bukhari reported this with a mu’allaq isnad.
• He (swt) said:
. Ë¡QÊḠ ≈˙§ªA |
‰ ®Ê I‰ ∆Ï Ḡ ≈˙§ªA ≈Ê øÍ AÁ RÍ∑Ú AÃÂJƒÍN‰UÊ A AÃø‰ E ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A B‰»ÕÌCÚ B‰Õ
“O you who believe! Avoid much suspicions, indeed some suspicions are sins.” [TMQ Al-Hujuraat:12] Ibn
‘Abbas said in the Tafseer (exegeses) of this ayah: Allah (swt) forbade the believer from thinking
badly of another believer.
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
To think badly of a believer who is apparently good and upright is not allowed. Rather it is
recommended that one thinks well of him. As for the Muslim who on the surface looks dubious then
it is allowed to think badly of him due to the hadith of ‘Ayisha reported by al-Bukhari where she said:
The Messenger of Allah said:
“I don’t believe so and so people know anything about our Deen,” and in another version:
#…Œºß ≈ç –hªA BƒƒÕe ≈ø$
“I don’t believe so and so people know anything about the Deen we follow.” Al-Bukhari said:
al-Layth b. Sa’d said the two men were from the hypocrites.
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#…UÃI ’‹¤«À …UÃI ’‹¤« œMDÕ –hªA î»UêA Ag pBƒªA jq ∆ÀfÉÀ ...$
“One of the most evil of people is the two-faced person who shows one face to these
people and another face to those people.” Agreed upon.
• Muhammad b. Zayd (ra) narrated that some people said to his grandfather ‘Abdullah b. ‘Umar
Ah« f®√ Bƒ∑ :æB≥ ¡«fƒß ≈ø BƒUja AgG ¡º∏N√ Bø ≤›Ç ¡ æÃ¥ƒØ ,BƒƒŒ ›m ”ºß Ωaf√ B√G$
. # A æÃmi f»ß ”ºß Bı≥B∞√
“We enter the presence of our rulers and we say to them things different to what we say
when we come out. He said: In the time of the Messenger of Allah (saw) we used to
consider this as hypocrisy.” Reported by al-Bukhari.
• ‘Ammar b. Yaasir (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“The one who has two faces in this world, on the Day of Judgment he will have two
tongues made out of fire.” Reported by Abu Dawud and Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih.
p) Injustice:
• Ibn ‘Umar (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“Injustice will be darkness on the Day of Resurrection.”
Agreed upon.
“Allah gives respite to the wrongdoer until, when He seizes him, He does not let him go.”
and then recited:
“Such is the Seizure of your Lord when He seizes the (population of) towns while they are doing wrong. Verily,
His Seizure is painful, and severe.” [TMQ Hud:102] Agreed upon.
• Ibn ‘Abbas (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) sent Mu’az to Yemen and said:
“Fear the du’a of the oppressed for between it and Allah there is no barrier.” Agreed upon.
• Abu Zarr (ra) narrated that the Prophet (saw) narrated from his Lord ‘azza wa jalla that He
#... AÃùB§M ›Ø Bıøjä ¡∏ƒŒI …Nº®UÀ œn∞√ ”ºß ¡º§ªA OøjY œ√G –eBJß BÕ$
“O my servants! I have forbidden injustice upon myself and I have made it forbidden
amongst you as well, so do not commit injustice against each other.” Reported by Muslim.
‹ ∆C ΩJ≥ ≈ø ,¬ÃŒªA …ƒø …ººZNŒºØ ,’œq ≈ø ÀC ,~jß ≈ø …Œafi “¿º§ø fƒß O√B∑ ≈ø$
PBƒnY …ª ≈∏M ∆GÀ ,…N¿º§ø if¥I …ƒø haC Bu Ω¿ß …ª ∆B∑ ∆G ,¡«ie ‹À iBƒÕe ∆Ã∏Õ
.#…Œºß Ω¿ZØ ,…JYBu PB◊Œm ≈ø haC
“He who has done a wrong affecting his brother's honour, or anything else, must ask his
forgiveness for it now before he will have neither dinar or dirham. If he has any good
deed to his credit it would be out of his credit that the measure of his wrongdoing would
be deducted, but if he has no good deeds it will be taken from the other's evil deeds and
laid upon him.”
Reported by al-Bukhari.
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
ïG rÕÀ ,Bƒ»« ‘Ã¥NªA Bƒ»« ‘Ã¥NªA , j¥ê ‹À ,…ªhë ‹À ,…¿º§Õ ‹ ,¡ºnùA ÃaC ¡ºnùA$
…yjßÀ …øe ¬AjY ¡ºnùA ”ºß ¡ºnùA Ω∑ ,¡ºnùA BaC j¥ê ∆C jrªA ≈ø ŸjøA KnÅ , ifu
“A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim: he neither oppresses him nor does he fail him, he
neither lies to him nor does he hold him in contempt. Piety is right here-and he pointed to his
breast twice. It is evil enough for a man to hold his brother Muslim in contempt. The whole
of a Muslim for another Muslim is inviolable: his blood, his honour, and his property.”
Reported by Muslim.
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
∂ÃØ A B»®ØjÕ ¬Ãº§ùA —ÃßeÀ ,æeB®ªA ¬Bø‚AÀ ,jÒ∞Õ ”NY ¡÷BvªA ¡»MÃße ejM ‹ “Q›Q$
.#îY f®I êÀ π√jv√fi œMlßÀ :LjªA æÃ¥ÕÀ ,’B¿nªA LAÃIC B \N∞ÕÀ ¬B¿¨ªA
“Three people’s supplications will not be rejected: a just ruler, a fasting person until he
breaks his fast, and an oppressed person, where Allah raises it over the cloud and opens
the gates of heavens for it. The Lord says: By My Glory, I will help you, even after some
Reported by Ahmad and at-Tirmizi which the latter as hasan. It also been reported by Ibn
Khuzaymah and Ibn Hibbaan in their Sahihs.
• ‘Uqbah b. ‘Aamir al-Juhani (ra) narrated that the Prophet (saw) said:
.#¬Ãº§ùAÀ jØBnùAÀ fªAêA :¡»MÃße LBVNnM “Q›Q$
“The supplications of three people are answered: the father, traveller and the oppressed.”
Reported by at-Tabraani. Al-Munziri said the hadith is sound. Al-Haythami said the transmitters
are of the Sahih works excluding ‘Abd Allah b. Yazeed al-Arzaq but he is trustworthy.
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“The du’a of the oppressed is answered even if he is a transgressor for the transgression is
against himself.” Reported by Ahmad. Al-Munziri and al-Haythami said the isnad is hasan.
• He (swt) said:
. ∆‰ ÃÛº¥Í ®Ê M‰ ›
‰ B‰N∏Í ªÙA ∆‰ ÃÛºNÊ M‰ ¡Ê ÂN√ÊCÚÀ‰ ¡Ê ∏Û n
‰ ∞Û √ÚC ∆‰ ÃÊ n
‰ ƒ‰MÀ‰ jÍJªÙBÍI p
‰ BσªA ∆‰ ÀÂjÂøDÙ M‰CÚ
“Enjoin you Al-Birr (piety and righteousness and each and every act of obedience to Allah) on the people and you
forget (to practice it) yourselves, while you recite the Scripture [the Taurat (Torah)]! Have you then no sense?”
[TMQ Al-Baqarah:44] This ayah is an address to the children of Israel. It is from the Sharee’ah
before us though in the end of the ayah Allah drew out attention to His statement to them: ›
∆‰ ÃÛº¥Í ®Ê M‰. It means the one who does what they did, does not think. Thus, this became a speech for
us. He (swt) said:
“O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not do? Most hateful it is with Allah that you say that
which you do not do.” [TMQ as-Saff:2-3]
• Usamah b. Zayd (ra) narrated: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
iB¿áA iÀfÕ B¿∑ B»I iÀfŒØ ,…ƒÒI LBN≥C µªfƒNØ ,iBƒªA ü ”¥ºŒØ ,“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ ΩUjªBI ”M¤Õ$
”»ƒMÀ ≤Àj®ùBI jøDM Oƒ∑ oŒªC ?π√Dq Bø ∆›Ø –C :∆êåŒØ ,iBƒªA Ω«C …ŒªG ©¿NVŒØ , BYjI
.#…ŒMEÀ j∏ƒùA ≈ß ¡∑B»√CÀ …ŒME ‹À ≤Àj®ùBI ¡∑jøE Oƒ∑ f≥ ,”ºI :æÃ¥ŒØ ?j∏ƒùA ≈ß
On the Day of Judgment, a man will be brought and thrown into Hell, as a result of this,
his intestines will come out, and he will go circling and holding his intestines like a
donkey running a mill. His companions in the Hellfire will ask him: O you! What is the
matter? Did you not order people to do good and avoid evil? He will say: That is so. I
enjoined others to do good, but did not do it myself; and I forbade them from doing evil
but did it myself.
Agreed upon.
• Jundub b. ‘Abd Allah al-Azadi (ra), the companion of the Prophet (saw), narrated that the
Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#…n∞√ ∂jêÀ pBƒºª ’œzÕ XAjnªA ΩR¿∑ ,…n∞√ ”nƒÕÀ àA pBƒªA ¡º®Õ –hªA ΩRø$
“The example of the one who teaches the people good and forgets himself is like the lamp
which gives others light but itself burns out.” Reported by at-Tabaraani. Al-Munziri said the
isnad is hasan, al-Haythami said the transmitters are trustworthy.
• He (swt) said:
.”Ú¥MÏA ≈¯ ¿‰ IÍ ¡Â ºÚ ßÊ CÚ Ã‰ « ¡Ê ∏Û n
‰ ∞Û √ÚC AÃ˚∑l‰ MÂ ›
“So ascribe not purity to yourselves. He knows best him who fears Allah and keep his duty to Him.” [TMQ an-
• Muhammad b. ‘Amr b. ‘Ataa said: I named my daughter Barrah. Zaynab bint Abu Salamah
said to me:
¡ºßC A ,¡∏n∞√C AÃ∑lM ‹ A æÃmi æB¥Ø ,—ÈjI‰ OŒ¿ÂmÀ ,¡m‹A Ah« ≈ß ”»√ A æÃmi ∆G$
.#KƒÕk B«Ã :æB¥Ø ?B»Œ¿n√ ‰ AêB¥Ø ,¡∏ƒø jÍJªA Ω«DI
(She said): I was also called Barrah, but Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said:
Don't hold yourself to be pious (the meaning of barrah is pious). It is God alone who
knows the people of piety among you. They (the Companions) said: Then, what name
should we give to her? He said: Name her as Zaynab. Reported by Muslim.
The blameworthy purification is when there is no legitimate reason. It is the pride that results when
someone is impressed with himself. As for when there is a legitimate need i.e. the Sharee'ah has
approved, then it is allowed.
• That of being a Prophet who has been commanded to discus his Prophethood since the
position of Prophethood in this world and in the Hereafter requires it. We can see this in the
hadith of Anas (ra) reported by al-Bukhari that:
¡»√D∑ AÀ aC B¿ºØ , ƒªA —eBJß ≈ß ∆êDnÕ , ƒªA XAÀkC PÃŒI ïG °«i “Q›Q ’BU$
BøC :¡«fYC æB≥ ,jaDM BøÀ …J√g ≈ø ¬f¥M Bø …ª A j∞´ f≥ , ƒªA ≈ø ≈ç ≈ÕCÀ AêB¥Ø ,B«ÃªB¥M
’BnƒªA ælNßC B√C :jaE æB≥À ,jÒØC ‹À j«fªA ¬ÃuC B√CÀ :jaE æB≥À ,ıAfIC ΩŒºªA œºuC œ√HØ B√C
¡∑Brafi œ√G AÀ BøC ,Ah∑À Ah∑ ¡Nº≥ ≈ÕhªA ¡N√C æB¥Ø , A æÃmi ’BVØ ,ıAfIC XÀlMC ›Ø
oŒºØ ƒm ≈ß K´i ≈¿Ø ,’BnƒªA XÀlMCÀ ,f≥iCÀ œºuCÀ ,jÒØCÀ ¬ÃuC ∏ªÀ ,…ª ¡∑B¥MCÀ
.# ø
A group of three Companions of the Prophet (saw) asked the wives of the Prophet (saw)
about (his worship) what he did in secret. Having been informed of his (saw) worship, they
felt it is little, so they said: Where we are from the Prophet, for Allah has forgiven all of his
sins, the past and the future. So one of them said, “I will fast and never eat.” Another said, “I
will pray and never sleep.” and the other said: “I will never marry women.” The Messenger
of Allah (saw) and said: Are you the ones who said such and such? By Allah, I fear Allah more
than you, but I pray and I sleep, I fast and I break my fast, and I marry women. Whoever
turns away from my Sunnah has nothing to do with me.”
Also the hadith of Abu Hurayrah (ra) with the following wording:
“I am the leader of mankind on the Day of Judgment.” Agreed upon. Also in the narration of
reported by Muslim:
.“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ pBƒªA fŒm B√C ,“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ pBƒªA fŒm B√C$
“I am the leader of the people on the Day of Judgment, I am the leader of the people on the
Day of Judgment.” And the hadith of Abu Sa'eed reported by at-Tirmizi who said the hadith is hasan
sahih. The hadith states:
≈¿Ø ¬eE h◊øÃÕ √ ≈ø BøÀ ,jbØ ‹À f¿áA ’Aê –fŒIÀ ,jbØ ‹À “øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ ¬eE fªÀ fŒm B√C$
.#jbØ ‹À ~ifiA …ƒß µrƒM ≈ø æÀC B√CÀ ,œ÷Aê OÑ ‹G AÃm
“I am the leader of Adam's offspring, and I do not say this out of pride. And on the Day of
Judgement I will hold the flag of praise, and I do not say this out of pride. All the Prophets
including Adam will be under my flag on the Day of Judgment and I do not say this out of
pride. I am the first to come up when the earth is split (i.e. on the day of resurrection), and I
do not say this out of pride”.
And the hadith of Abu Hurayrah (ra) reported by Muslim states that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#©∞rø æÀCÀ ©ØBq æÀCÀ , ¥ªA …ƒß µrƒÕ ≈ø æÀCÀ ,“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ ¬eE fªÀ fŒm B√C$
“I will be the leader of Adam's offspring on the Day of Judgment, the first to be raised from
the grave, the first intercessor, and the first one to be given permission to intercede.”
The hadith reported by Muslim on the authority of Waathilah b. al-Asqa’ who said: I heard the
Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
,¡qB« I sÕj≥ ≈ø ”∞ÒuAÀ ,“√Bƒ∑ ≈ø BırÕj≥ ”∞ÒuAÀ ,ΩŒßB G fªÀ ≈ø “√Bƒ∑ ”∞ÒuA A ∆G$
.#¡qB« I ≈ø œ√B∞ÒuAÀ
“Verily Allah granted eminence of Kinanah from amongst the descendants of Isma'il and he
granted eminence to the Quraysh amongst Kinanah and he granted eminence to the
Quraysh amongst Banu Hashim and he granted me eminence from the tribe of Banu
• That it is from a scholar by which he wants to drive people to take from him, because
he considers he has knowledge people want it, but not for pride or boasting over
others. This is like the hadith of Ibn Mas’ud, ahich is agreed upon, he said:
ø …I ¡ºßC AıfYC ∆C ¡ºßC êÀ , A LBN∏I ¡»¿ºßC œ√C (****) A æÃmi LBZuC ¡ºß f¥ªÀ"
."…ŒªG OºYjª
“The companions of the Messenger of Allah (saw) knew I am more informed of the Book
of Allah than them. Had there been any one more informed than me with it I would have
travelled to him (to learn from him)”.
Al-Bukhari added after the words (in the Book of Allah), the words (and I am not better than
them). An-Nawawi mentioned in sharh Muslim (elaboration on sahih Muslim): The Sahabah did
not object to the saying of Ibn Mas’ud. Similar to this is that which came in the hadeeth of Abt at-
Tafeel, ‘Aamir b. Wathilah, he said: I heard ‘Ali (ra) stood up and said:
AêfI ≈ÕhªA ≈ø :æB¥Ø ,’AÃ∏ªA ≈IA ¬B¥Ø ,œºRø –f®I AêDnM ≈ªÀ ,œ√Àf¥∞M ∆C ΩJ≥ œ√úm"
ü ¡»Œ®m ΩÈ y –hªA ≈¿Ø æB≥ lrÕj≥ Ã¥ØBƒø æB≥ ?iAÃJªA iAe ¡»øÃ≥ Aú̃YCÀ ,ıAj∞∑ A “¿®√
"’AiÀjY Ω«C ¡»ƒø æB≥ ?ıB¨ƒu ∆Ãnê ¡»√C ∆ÃJnê ¡«À ,BŒ√fªA —BŒáA
“Ask me before you lose me; and you will not ask after me any one like me. Ibn al-Kawaa’ stood
up and said: Who are those who changed the bounty of Allah into kufr, and placed their people
the house of loss? He said, they are the hypocrites of Quraysh. He said: who are those whose effort
goes astray in the life of the world, and yet they reckon that they do good work? He said, from
these are the people of Harooraa’.” Al-Hakim reported this hadith and said sahih, but the two did
not report it. I said: This hadith is of ‘Ali was by the hearing of the Sahabah.
• To repel evil away from him, as in the hadith of Aby Abdel Rahman, Abdullah b. Habib b.
Rabee’ah that came in al-Bukhari, and he is one of the great tabi’een.
‹˜ G fr√C ‹À A ¡∑fr√C :æB≥À ,¡»Œºß ≤jqC ,juÃY îY (…ƒß A œyi) ∆B¿Rß ∆C"
,B»Mj∞ZØ “ƒÜA …ºØ “øÀi j∞Y ≈ø :æB≥ (***) A æÃmi ∆C ∆ÿº®M ¡NªC (***) ƒªA LBZuC
."æB≥ Bñ Ã≥ÈfvØ æB≥ ,¡»MlÈ»VØ “ƒÜA …ºØ —jn®ªA sŒU lÈ»U ≈ø æB≥ …√C ∆ÿº®M ¡NnªC
“That when ‘Uthman (ra) was under siege he looked over to them and said: I ask you by
Allah, and I only ask the companions of the Prophet (saw). Don’t you know that the
Messenger of Allah (saw) said: Whoever dug Roomah (a spring of water) he would have
the jannah, so I dug it. Don’t you know that he (saw) said: Whoever equipped the army of
‘usrah (difficult ghazwa of Tabuk) he would have the jannah, so I equipped them. He
said, they agreed to what he said”. The words of ‘Uthman were in the presence of the sahabah,
they believed him and did not consider his words an objectionable self-praising.
• He should repel any slander or accusation, as in the hadith that is agreed upon and narrated by
Sa'd (ra) who said:
∂iÀ ‹˜ G ¬B® ≈ø Bƒª BøÀ (***) ƒªA ©ø Àl¨√ Bƒ∑À , A ΩŒJm ü ¡»nI ”øi Lj®ªA æÀfi œ√G"
œ√il®M fmC ÃI OZJuC ¡Q ,°ºa ≈ø …ª Bø —BrªAÀ ®JªA ©zÕ B¿∑ ©zŒª B√fYC ∆È G ”NY ,jVrªA
."—›vªA ≈nê ‹ AêB≥ j¿ß ïG …I AÊÃq‰ À AÃ√B∑À .œº¿ß ΩÈ yÀ AıgG OJa f¥ª ,¬›m‚A ”ºß
“I am the first of the Arabs to shoot an arrow for the sake of Islam. We used to go on
expeditions with the Prophet (saw) and we had no food except the leaves of trees, to the
point that the one amongst us would lay down (his remains) like the camels or she-lamb,
having no ingredients. Then Banu Asad started to support me on Islam. I would have
then lost and my effort would have gone astray. He said that because they defamed him
saying to ‘Umar he does not pray properly'.
He (swt) said:
. ∆‰ ÃÂZºÍ ∞٠¿ªÙA ¡Ê « π
Í ∞Ù √‰ \
Ï q ∂
‰ ÃÂÕ ≈Ê ø‰ À‰
“And whosoever is saved from his own covetousness, then they are the successful ones.” [TMQ at-Taghaabun:.16]
He (swt) said:
“And whosoever is saved from his own covetousness, then they are the successful ones. But he who is greedy miser and
thinks himself self-sufficient . And gives the lie to Al-Husna; We will make smooth for him the path for evil.” [TMQ
AúZNmAÀ ¡«’Bøe AÃ∏∞m ∆C ”ºß ¡»ºõ ,¡∏ºJ≥ ∆B∑ ≈ø πº«C \rªA ∆HØ ,\rªA AÃ¥MAÀ ...$
“Fear miserliness for it destroyed those who came before you and led them to spill their
blood and violate the prohibitions.” Reported by Muslim.
• Anas (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“The worst evil that is in a person is the appalling miserliness and wanton cowardice.”
Reported by Ahmad and Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih.
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger for Allah (saw) said:
“…Miserliness and Imaan can never reside at the same time in the heart of the servant.”
Reported by Ahmad, Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih and al-Haakim.
“Do not boycott each other, bear enmity between each other, hate each other, envy each
other, be servants of Allah as brothers. It is not allowed for a Muslim to break relations
with his brother for more than three days.” Agreed upon.
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
∫jrÕ ‹ ŸjøA Ω∏ª ¬ÃŒªA πªg ü ΩUÀ lß A j∞¨ŒØ ,oŒúÀ îƒQA Ω∑ ü æB¿ßfiA ~j®M$
.#BZºÒvÕ ”NY ≈Õh« AÃ∑jMA :æÃ¥ŒØ ,’BƒZq …ŒaC îIÀ …ƒŒI O√B∑ ⁄jøA ‹G ,Bı◊Œq BI
“The actions are presented every Monday and Thursday. On the day Allah a'zza wa jalla
will forgive anyone who does not commit shirk with Allah, except a man between him and
his brother there was a grudge. He will say: leave these two until they make up.” Reported
by Muslim.
• Abu Ayyub (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
–hªA B¿« aÀ ,Ah« ~j®ÕÀ Ah« ~j®ŒØ ∆BŒ¥NºÕ ,æBŒª T›Q ∂ÃØ BaC jV»Õ ∆C ¡ºnù Ωê ‹$
.#¬›nªBI CfJÕ
“It is not lawful for a Muslim to desert (stop talking to) his brother beyond three nights,
the one turning one way and the other turning to the other way when they meet. The
better of the two persons is the one who begins with salaam.” If the break in relations is for
the sake of Allah then it is allowed. For example, it has been authentically narrated that the
Messenger of Allah (saw) ordered the three who stayed behind (form the battle of Tabuk) to be
Cursing the righteous is haraam according to the consensus of the Muslims. However it is allowed to
curse the reprehensible attributes such as when someone says: ' May Allah curse the tyrants, may
Allah curse the disbelieves, may Allah curse the Jews and Christians, may Allah curse the transgressors
(fasiqoon), may Allah curse those who draw.' etc.
The evidences that prohibit cursing a believer are the hadith narrated by Zayd Thabit b. ad-Dahhak al-
Ansaari (ra) who said the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“Cursing the believer is like killing him.” Agreed upon. The hadith of Abu Dardaa` (ra) who said
the Messengers of Allah (saw) said:
“Those who curse will not be the intercessors and nor witnesses on the Day of Judgment.”
Reported by Muslim. And the hadith of Ibn Mas'ud (ra), which states that the Messenger of Allah
(saw) said:
#... ∂ÃnØ ¡ºnùA LBJm$
Agreed upon.
The hadith of Abd Allah b. 'Amr who narrated that that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
:æB≥ ?…ÕfªAÀ ΩUjªA ≈®ºÕ ±Œ∑À A æÃmi BÕ :ΩŒ≥ ,…ÕfªAÀ ΩUjªA ≈®ºÕ ∆C j÷BJ∏ªA ∑C ≈ø ∆G$
.#…øC KnŒØ …øC KnÕÀ , BIC KnŒØ ΩUjªA BIC KnÕ
“The biggest of the grave sins (kabaa`ir) is that a man should curse his parents,” He (saw)
was asked: “How can a man curse his own parents?” He replied: “that he should curse
someone else's father and so he curses his father. Or that he curses someone else's mother so
he curses his mother.'” Reported by al-Bukhari.
As regards the permission to curse those with specific attributes, the evidence for this is the following:
He (swt) said:
‰ ߉ B‰¿IÍ π
Ú ªÍg‰ ¡‰ Õ‰jÊ ø‰ ≈¯ IÊA ”‰nŒÍßÀ‰ e‰ ÀÂÀA‰e ∆¯ B‰nªÍ ”ں߉ Ω‰ ŒÍ÷A‰jmÊ Ḡ œÍƒI‰ ≈Ê øÍ AÀÂj∞Ú ∑Ú ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A ≈‰ ®Í Ûª
" ." ∆‰ ÀÂfN‰®Ê Õ‰
“Those among the Children of Israel who disbelieved were cursed by the tongue of Dawud (David) and 'Iesa (Jesus), son
of Maryam (Mary). That was because they disobeyed (Allah and the Messengers) and were ever transgressing beyond
bounds.” [TMQ Al-Maa`idah:78]
He (swt) said:
. ≈‰ Õj̄ÍØBÚ∏ªÙA ≈‰ ®‰ ªÚ …‰ º̇ªA ∆Ï Ḡ
He (swt) said:
Í JÊ n
Ï ªA L
‰ B‰Zu
Ê CÚ Bσ®‰ ªÚ B‰¿∑Ú
He (swt) said:
‰ IÍgÍ BÚ∏ªÙA ”ں߉ …Í º̇ªA “Ú ƒ‰®Ê ªÚ
“The Curse of Allah upon those who lie." [TMQ Aali 'Imraan:61.]
He (swt) said:
‰ ¿Í ªÍB˙§ªA ”ں߉ …Í º̇ªA “Û ƒ‰®Ê ªÚ ‹Ú CÚ
“No doubt! the curse of Allah is on the Zalimun (polytheists, wrong-doers.” [TMQ Hud11:..18]
He (swt) said:
. ∆‰ ÃßÍ ›
˙ ªA ¡Ê »ƒ®‰ ºÙ Õ‰À‰ … º̇ªA ¡Ê »ƒ®‰ ºÙ Õ‰ π
“They are the ones cursed by Allah and cursed by the cursers.” [TMQ Al-Baqarah:.159.]
From the Sunnah we have the hadith of 'Ayisha (ra) who said the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
May Allah curse the Jews and Christians because they took the graves of their Prophets as
places of worship.” Agreed upon. The hadith of Ibn 'Umar (ra) who said the Messenger of Allah
(saw) said:
“Allah cursed the Jews and forbade them the fat of carrion but they embellished them and
sold them.” Agreed upon. The hadith of Abu Hurayrah (ra) who narrated that the Messenger of Allah
(saw) said:
.# fÕ ©Ò¥NØ ΩJáA ∂jnÕÀ , fÕ ©Ò¥NØ “zŒJªA ∂jnÕ ,∂iBnªA A ≈®ª$
“Allah cursed the thief who steals an egg and his hand is cut or he steals a rope and his hand
is cut.” Agreed upon. The hadith of Ibn 'Umar (ra) who said:
“The Prophet has cursed those women who connect other women’s hair with other hair (to
make it long) and those who get their hair connected with other hair; and those who practice
tattooing and those who get themselves tattooed.” Agreed upon. The hadith of Ibn 'Abbas (ra)
who said:
“The Messenger of Allah (saw) cursed those men who look for resemblance with women and
those women who look for resemblance with men.” In another narration:
.#¡∏MÃŒI ≈ø ¡«ÃUjaC æB≥À ,’BnƒªA ≈ø P›U ùAÀ ,æBUjªA ≈ø îRƒbùA ƒªA ≈®ª$
The Prophet cursed effeminate men (those men who are assuming the manners of women)
and those women who assume the manners of men, and he said, “expel them out of your
houses.” Reported by al-Bukhari. The hadith of Ibn 'Umar (ra) who said:
Ibn 'Umar also narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“The Messenger of Allah cursed the one who takes something with a soul as an object of
.#’AÃm ¡« æB≥À ,…Õf«BqÀ ,…JMB∑À ,…º∑ÃøÀ ,BIjªA Ω∑E A æÃmi ≈®ª$
“Allah cursed the one who accepted usury, the one who paid it, the one who recorded it, and
the witness to it if they knew.' And he said they are the same..” Reported by Muslim.
• Sahl b. Sa'd (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
Ag ’BVØ ,eAÀ ≈ÒI Aêl√ ¬Ã≥ ΩR¿∑ ,LÃ√hªA PAj¥ä ΩRø BòHØ ,LÃ√hªA PAj¥äÀ ¡∑BÕG$
B»I ha¤Õ ”Nø LÃ√hªA PAj¥ä ∆GÀ ,¡«lJa …I AÃVz√C Bø Aúõ ”NY ,eîI Ag ’BUÀ ,eîI
.#…∏º»M B»JYBu
“Beware of the minor sins which are often thought of as insignificant, for they are like a
group of people who camped in the bottom of a valley. One of them brought a stick, and
another brought a stick, until they had gathered enough to cook their food. These minor
sins, if a person is called to account for them, will destroy him.” Reported by Ahmad. Al-
Haythami said: the transmitters are reliable. Al-Munziri said the transmitters are relied upon in the
“Beware of the minor sins, for there are some people who will request from Allah to
account for them ……” Reported by an-Nasaa`i, Ibn Maajah and Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih. Al-
Haythami said: the isnad is sahih and the transmitters are trustworthy.
≈ø ƒªA f»ß ”ºß B«f®ƒª Bƒ∑ ∆G ,j®rªA ≈ø ¡∏ƒŒßC ü ∂eC œ« ‹ı B¿ßC ∆ú¿®Nª ¡∏√G$
“You do things which in your eyes are less significant than a hair, but at the time of the
Messenger of Allah, we used to count them as things that could destroy a man.” Reported
by Bukhari.
u) The rich deferring someone's right when the owner demands his right:
• He (swt) said:
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“Delay in payment by a rich man is injustice, but when one of you is referred for payment to a
wealthy man, let him be referred.”
(Agreed upon.)
• Ash-Shareed b. Suwayd ath-Thaqafi (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“The delay of the rich of paying the debt justifies the violation of his honour and justifies
his punishment.”
Reported by Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih. Al-Haakim has graded the hadith as sahih and az-Zahabi
agreed. This hadith has also been reported by Ahmad, an-Nasaa`i, Abu Dawud and Ibn Maajah.
• Abu Zarr (ra) narrated that the Messengers of Allah (saw) said:
“There are three that Allah loves and three that Allah hates.” he quoted the hadith until he
came to the part:
.#¬Ãº§ªA ¨ªAÀ ,æBNbùA ¥∞ªAÀ ,œ√AlªA cŒrªA : A ¡»z¨JÕ ≈ÕhªA “Q›RªAÀ$
“The three that Allah hates are: an old man who commits adultery, the poor man who is
arrogant and the unjust wealthy person.” Reported by Ibn Khuzaymah and Ibn Hibbaan in their
Sahihs. Al-Haakim has graded this hadith as sahih and az-Zahabi has agreed.
v) Bad neighbourliness:
iBU ≈øDÕ ‹ –hªA :æB≥ ? A æÃmi BÕ ≈ø :ΩŒ≥ ,≈ø¤Õ ‹ AÀ ,≈ø¤Õ ‹ AÀ ,≈ø¤Õ ‹ AÀ$
“By Allah, he does not believe! By Allah, he does not believe! By Allah, he does not
believe!” It was said, “Who is that person, O Allah's Messenger?” He said, “That person
whose neighbour does not feel safe from his evil.”
Agreed upon. Reported also by al-Bukhari on the authority of Shurayh al-Ka'bi (ra).
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messengers of Allah (saw) said:
.#æÃZNÕ “ÕeBJªA iBU ∆HØ ,“øB¥ùA iAe ü ’ÃnªA iBU ≈ø πI gÃßC œ√G ¡»ºªA$
“My Lord, I seek refuge with you from a bad neighbour in my place of abode. For a
temporary neighbour is bound to depart.” Reported by Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih. Also
reported by al-Haakim, an-Nasaa`i and al-Bukhari in al-Adab al-Mufrad.
:æB¥Ø BıQ›Q ÀC îMjø BMDØ , uBØ K«gA :…ª æB¥Ø , iBU Ã∏rÕ A æÃmi ïG ΩUi ’BU$
, iBU a ¡« bŒØ …√êDnÕÀ ∆Àjô pBƒªA Ω®VØ ,Ω®∞Ø ,µÕjÒªA ü πßBNø `j BØ K«gA
≈ª π√HØ ©UiA :æB¥Ø , iBU …ŒªG ’BVØ ,…Œºß ÃßfÕ ¡»z®IÀ ,Ω®ØÀ …I A Ω®Ø …√îºÕ Aú®VØ
.#…«j∏M Bı◊Œq ø ‘jM
A man came to the Messenger of Allah complaining about his neighbour. The Prophet
said: Go and be patient. He came him twice or three times, so he said: “Go and take your
things out into the road.” The man did as the Prophet had suggested. People gathered
around him asking him what was the matter with him. He told them that he had a
neighbour who caused him harm and that he complained to the Prophet who told him to
go and put his things out into the road. People cursed him and prayed Allah to visit him
with disgrace. The man was informed of what happened. He came directly and said to his
neighbour: “Go back to your house. By Allah, I will cause you no harm whatsoever.”
Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih, al-Hakim and al-Bukhari in al-Adab ul-Mufrad (manners) and
Abu Dawud.
–g¤M B»√C ´ ,B»øBŒuÀ B»N≥fuÀ B»M›u —jR∑ ≈ø j∑hÕ “√›Ø ∆G A æÃmi BÕ :ΩUi æB≥$
.#SÕfáA ... iBƒªA ü œ« :æB≥ ,B»√BnºI B»√A U
A man said: “Oh Messenger of Allah (saw), a certain woman is known for her salah,
charity and fasts but she harms her neighbours with her tongue.” he (saw) said: “she is in
the fire.” Reported by Ahmad and al-Bazzaar. Al-Haythami said the transmitters are trustworthy.
Ibn Hibbaan reported it in his Sahih. Al-Haakim reported it and said the isnad is sound. Ibn Abu
Shaybah also reported it with an isnad which al-Munziri said is sahih.
• Sa'd b. Abi Waqqas (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
,’ÃnªA K∑jùAÀ ,’ÃnªA —CjùAÀ ,’ÃnªA iBÜA :’B¥rªA ≈ø ©IiCÀ ... —eB®nªA ≈ø ©IiC$
.#µŒzªA ≈∏nùAÀ
“Four things bring happiness. And four things bring misery: The bad neighbour, bad
wife, bad mounting ride and narrow living space.” Reported by Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih and
Ahmad reported it with a sahih isnad.
w) Betrayal:
• He (swt) said:
‰ ƒÍ÷ÍB‰bªÙA K
Í Õ ‹Ú …‰ º̇ªA ∆Ï Ḡ
. ∆‰ ÿºÚ ®Ê M‰ ¡Ê NÂ√ÊCÚÀ‰ ¡Ê Û∏MÍB‰√B‰øCÚ AÃÂ√ÃÂbM‰À‰ æ‰ ÃÂmjÏ ªA‰À …‰ º̇ªA AÃÂ√ÃÂbM‰ ‹Ú AÃø‰ E ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A B‰»ÕÌCÚ B‰Õ
“O you who believe! Betray not Allah and His Messenger, nor betray knowingly your Amanat (things entrusted to you,
and all the duties which Allah has ordained for you).” [TMQ Al-Anfaal:27]
• 'Iyaad b. Himaar al-Majaashi'I (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said one day in
his Khutbah:
#... …√Ba ‹G ∂e ∆GÀ ©¿ …ª ”∞ë ‹ –hªA ≈÷BàAÀ ... :“nú iBƒªA Ω«CÀ ...$
“..The inmates of Hell are of five types:… those dishonest people whose greed cannot be
concealed even in the case of minor things…”
Reported by Muslim.
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
…º«C ´ ïG jøfiA fƒmC AgG :æB≥ ?B»NßByG ±Œ∑ :æB≥ ,“ßBnªA j§N√BØ “√BøfiA O®ÈŒy AgG$
.#“ßBnªA j§N√BØ
“When the trust (amaanah) is lost then wait for the Final Hour.” He was asked: “how will
it be lost? He said: “when authority is given to those who do not deserve it, then wait for
the Final Hour.” Al-Bukhari.
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#∆Ba ≈¿N÷A AgGÀ ,±ºaC fßÀ AgGÀ ,Lh∑ TfY AgG :T›Q µØBƒùA “ÕE$
“The sign of a hypocrite are three: when he speaks he lies, when he promises he breaks it
and when he is entrusted with a trust he betrayed it.” (Agreed upon.)
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) used to say:
On◊I B»√HØ “√BŒàA ≈ø πI gÃßCÀ ©ŒVzªA o◊I …√HØ ,™ÃÜA ≈ø πI gÃßC œ√G ¡»ºªA$
“O Allah! I seek refuge in You from hunger; surely, it is the worst companion. And I seek
refuge in You from treachery; surely, it is a bad entourage.”
Reported by Abu Dawud, al-Nasaa`I, Ibn Maajah and al-Haakim, the latter declared it authentic.
(an-Nawawi said) said in Riyaadh as-Saliheen the isnad is sahih.
“Allah says: ‘I am the third of the two partners unless one of them betrays his companion,
so if one of them betrays his companion I withdraw from them.’’
Reported by Abu Dawud and al-Haakim. the latter declared it sahih and az-Zahabi agreed.
Backbiting means to mention something about your brother which he does not like. If it is not true
then it is slander. Both are haraam due to the following evidences:
• He (swt) said:
“Neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so
hate backbiting)] . And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is the One Who accepts repentance, Most Merciful.” [TMQ
• He (swt) said:
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
∆B∑ ∆G OÕCjØC :ΩŒ≥ , j∏Õ Bñ ∫BaC ∫j∑g :æB≥ ¡ºßC …ªÃmiÀ A :AêB≥ ?“JŒ¨ªA Bø ∆ÀifMC$
.#…ÈN»I f¥Ø æÃ¥M Bø …ŒØ ≈∏Õ ∆GÀ ,…NJN´A f¥Ø æÃ¥M Bø …ŒØ ∆B∑ ∆G :æB≥ ?æÃ≥C Bø œaC ü
“Do you know what gheebah is?” They said, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He
said, “It is to mention something about your brother (in his absence) that he would hate.”
It was said, 'What if what I say about my brother is true?’ He (saw) said: “If what you said
about him is true then you would have backbitten him, and if it is not true, then you
would have slandered him (buhtaan).” Reported by Muslim.
• Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger for Allah (saw) said:
“Every thing of a Muslim is sacred to one another in his blood, honour and property”
.Reported by Muslim
• Abu Bakrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger for Allah (saw) said in his farewell speech:
ü ,Ah« ¡∑j»q ü ,Ah« ¡∏øÃÕ “øjZ∑ ,¡∏Œºß ¬AjY ¡∏yAjßCÀ ¡∏ªAÃøCÀ ¡∑’Bøe ∆G$
.#O¨ºI Ω« ‹C ,Ah« ¡∑fºI
“Verily your blood and your wealth and your honour are sacred (to one another) as the
sacredness of this day, as the sacredness of this month, as the sacredness of this land. O
Allah, have I given the message?”
Agreed upon.
• 'Ayisha (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said to his companions:
æ›ZNmA A fƒß BIjªA ”IiC ∆HØ :æB≥ ,¡ºßC …ªÃmiÀ A :AêB≥ ? A fƒß BIjªA ”IiC ∆ÀifM$
‰ N‰∑Ù A B‰ø j̄ÊŒ‰̈ÍI P
Í B‰ƒøÍ ¤Ê ¿Â ªÙA‰À î
‰ ƒÍøÍ ¤Ê ¿Â ªÙA ∆‰ ÀÂgʤÕ ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇AÀ‰ : A æÃmi Cj≥ ¡Q ,¡ºnø ŸjøA ~jß
.#BıƒŒÍJøÌ Bı¿ÊQḠÀ‰ Bı√B‰N»Ê I AÃÛº¿‰ N‰YÊ A fÍ ¥Ú ØÚ
“Do you know what the worst form of usury is in the sight of Allah?” They said, “Allah
and His Messenger know best” The Prophet (peace be on him) replied, “The worst form
of usury is the violation of the personal honour of a Muslim.” He then recited, “Those
who harm believing men and believing women undeservedly have laid upon themselves a
calumny and a manifest sin.”
Reported by Abu Yu'la. Al-Munziri and al-Haythami said the transmitters are of the Sahih works.
Listening to backbiting is haraam due to the saying of Allah (swt):
“And those who turn away from Al-Laghw (dirty, false, evil vain talk, falsehood, and all that Allah has
forbidden).” [TMQ Al-Mu`minoon:3] He (swt) said:
Î ÕÍfY‰ œÍØ AÃÂyÃÂbÕ‰ ”ÏNY‰ ¡Ê »Â ƒÊ ߉ ~
Ê j̄ÊßDÚØÚ B‰ƒMÍB‰ÕE œÍØ ∆‰ ÃÂyÃÂbÕ‰ ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A O
‰ ÕÊCÚi‰ A‰gḠÀ‰
‰ ¿Í ªÍB˙§ªA ¬¯ ÃÊ ¥Ú ªÙA ©‰ ø‰ ‘‰j∑Ù hªA f‰ ®Ê I‰ fÊ ®Â ¥Ù M‰ ›
Ï ªA π
Ú ƒÏŒ‰n
“And when you (Muhammad SAW) see those who engage in a false conversation about Our Verses (of the
Qur'an) by mocking at them, stay away from them till they turn to another topic. And if Shaitan (Satan) causes
you to forget, then after the remembrance sit not you in the company of those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists
and wrongdoers, etc.).” [TMQ Al-An'aam:68] The Muslim should defend the honour of his brother in
his absence due to the hadith of Abu Hurayrah (ra) reported by Muslim:
“The Muslim is the brother of another Muslim, he is not unjust to him, and nor does he
desert him.”
The one who is able but does not defend his brother in his absence then that constitutes deserting
him. This is due to the hadith of Jabir (ra) reported by Abu Dawud. Al-Haythami said the isnad is
hasan. The hadith states that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
…ªha ‹G ,…yjß ≈ø …ŒØ w¥NƒÕÀ ,…NøjY …ŒØ π»NƒM ©yÃø ü Bı¿ºnø Aı’jøA æhë ¡ºnø ≈ø Bø$
π»NƒÕÀ ,…yjß ≈ø …ŒØ w¥NƒÕ ©yÃø ü Bı¿ºnø jvƒÕ ŸjøA ≈ø BøÀ …Mjv√ …ŒØ Kê ,≈ Ãø ü A
.#…Mjv√ …ŒØ Kê ≈ Ãø ü A jv√ ‹G ,…NøjY ≈ø …ŒØ
“No (Muslim) man will desert a man who is a Muslim in a place where his respect may be
violated and his honour aspersed without Allah deserting him in a place where he wishes his
help; and no (Muslim) man who will help a Muslim in a place where his honour may be
aspersed and his respect violated without Allah helping him in a place where he wishes his
Similar hadiths have been reported by Abu Dardaa`, Asma bint Yazeed, Anas, 'Imraan b. Husayn and
Abu Hurayrah. All of these already have been mentioned in the chapter on love and hate for Allah's
sake. The Messenger of Allah (saw) approved what Mu'az (ra) did when he defended the honour of
his brother Ka'b b. Maalik. In the hadith narrated by Ka'b b. Malik (ra) in a long hadith about his
repentance, the Prophet (saw) said:
…Œ∞Òß ü j§ƒªAÀ AejI …nJY A æÃmi BÕ :“¿ºm I ≈ø ΩUi æB¥Ø ?πªBø ≈I K®∑ Ω®Ø Bø$
A æÃmi O∏nØ ,ıA a ‹G …Œºß Bƒ¿ºß Bø A æÃmi BÕ AÀ ,Oº≥ Bø o◊I : ΩJU ≈I gB®ø …ª æB¥Ø
“O Messenger of Allah, he was hindered by his garments and pleasure for his clothes and his
self.” Mu’az bin Jabal said: “What a wretched statement you have uttered. O Messenger of
Allah, we do not know of him save goodness.” Hence, the Messenger of Allah (saw) became
'Agreed upon’.
The scholars permitted backbiting for six reasons: to complain, in seeking help to change a munkar,
seeking a legal verdict, warning Muslims of evil, which is considered naseehah, mentioning the sin of
the one who openly commits sins and to introduce someone. An-Nawawi said in his al-Azkaar 'in the
majority of these cases there is agreement that backbiting is allowed.’ He said: ‘their evidence is clear
from the sahih and mashur hadiths.’ He reported this in his Riyadh as-Saliheen where he mentioned some
of the evidences. As-Sanaa'i also mentioned the evidences in Subul as-Salaam. Al-Qurafi sad in az-
Zakheerah: ‘Some scholars exempted 5 things from the prohibition of backbiting and they are as
follows: advice (an-Naseeha), disparagement and attestation (jarh wat ta'deel) of witnesses and hadith
narrators, those openly committing sins, people who commit innovation (bid'ah) and write misguiding
books and when the one who says backbiting and the one who hears it, both knew of the subject of
• He (swt) said:
“The person who goes about with calumnies will never enter Jannah.”
Agreed upon.
• Ibn 'Abbas (ra) narrated that the messenger of Allah (saw) passed by two graves and said:
B¿«fYC BøC , J∑ …√G ”ºI ! J∑ ü ∆BIh®Õ BøÀ ,∆BIh®Õ B¿»√G :æB¥Ø ≈Õ ¥I jø A æÃmi ∆C$
.#…ªÃI ≈ø NnÕ ‹ ∆B∏Ø ja‡A BøCÀ ,“¿Œ¿ƒªBI œrô ∆B∏Ø
“Verily, they (occupants of the two graves) are both being tormented and they are not
being tormented for something major.” In the report from Al-Bukhari: “Rather, it is
indeed something major. As for the first one, he used to go around spreading gossip
(nameemah) and as for the other, he used not to protect himself from his own urine.”
Agreed upon.
z) Cutting relations:
• He (swt) said:
“Would you then, if you were given the authority, do mischief in the land, and sever your ties of kinship? Such are
they whom Allah has cursed, so that He has made them deaf and blinded their sight.” [TMQ Muhammad:.22-
• Abu Muhammad Jubayr b. Mut'im (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“The one who severs ties with the relations will not enter Paradise.” Agreed upon.
• Abu 'Abd ar-Rahmaan (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said;
,“®ŒÒ¥ªA ≈ø πI h÷B®ªA ¬B¥ø Ah« :OªB¥Ø ¡YjªA OøB≥ ,¡»ƒø ÆjØ AgG ”NY µºàA µºa A ∆G$
.#πª πªhØ :æB≥ ,”ºI :OªB≥ ?π®Ò≥ ≈ø ©Ò≥CÀ ,πºuÀ ≈ø ΩuC ∆C îyjM BøC ¡®√ æB≥
“Allah created His creation, and when He finished it, the kinship (unmarriageable female
relatives) got up and said, “I seek refuge with you from Al-Qati’ah (breaking ties with me
by kith and kin).” On that Allah said, “Will you be satisfied if I bestow My Favours on
him who keeps your ties, and withheld My Favours from him who cuts your ties?" On
that it said, “Yes, O my Lord!” Then Allah said, “That is given for you.”
Agreed upon.
• Al-Bukhari reported in his Sahih that the Prophet (saw) said:
.#B»ºuÀ …õi O®ÒÚ≥ AgG –hªA ΩuAêA ≈∏ªÀ ,ÿØB∏ùBI ΩuAêA oŒª$
“The Al-wasil (the one who keeps good ties with kith and kin) is not the one who
recompenses the good done to him by his relatives, but Al-wasil is the one who keeps
good relations with those relatives who had severed the bond of kinship with him.”
The rahim (unmarriagable female relatives) is tied to the Throne (of Allah) and it says,
“With him who keeps me united, Allah will keep connection, but with him who severs me,
Allah will sever connection.”
Agreed upon.
z) Showing off (riyaa`) and making others hear of one’s religious devotion (tasmee'):
Riyaa` is when one intends to gain the people’s pleasure when drawing close to Allah. It is from the
action of the heart and not the actions of the tongue or the limbs. Its reality is that it is the intention
behind the speech or action. So in the case of riyaa` instead of the action being for the sake of Allah, it
is done for the sake of people. So the speech or action i.e. drawing closeness to Allah is not riyaa` but
it is its object. Riyaa` is the pure intention and not the aim, since the aim is the approval of the people.
If the intention is shared between Allah and the people then this act of drawing close to Allah is
haraam. The severest form of this is when it is purely for the sake of the people and not Allah.
Riyaa’ is restricted to drawing close (to people) since without it an act could not be considered riyaa`
such as a sale contract in front of the people or adorning oneself with clothes (that are permitted) and
the like. As for restricting the definition to seeking the people's pleasure, this is for excluding other
intentions, such as seeking the benefits in Hajj.
One can draw close to Allah in the worships ('ibadaat) or many other things. So the one who prolongs
his prostration so that people can see him is showing off. The one who engages in Jihad so that the
people can see him is showing off. The one who writes an article so that people will say he is a scholar
is showing off. The one who gives a lecture to impress the people is showing off. The one who gives
khutbah so as to say he is a khateeb is showing off. The one who wears rags so that people will say he is
a holy man is showing off. The one who grows his beard long and tucks up his garment so that
people say he follows the sunnah is showing off. The one who always eats lentils so that the people will
say he is an ascetic is showing off. The one who invites thousands so that people will say he is
generous is showing off. The one who bows his head when walking so that people say he is God
fearing is showing off. The one who carries a small copy of the Qur’an and cares for people to see it
and thus approve it is showing off.
We live in an age where there is no shame in showing off; rather the great majority is ignorant of its
reality and its rules. The proof that we live in an age where there is no shame in riyaa` is the
appearance of qalaanis al burood, which the Messenger (saw) informed about them.'Az-Zubaydi and
Safi in al-Kanz, al-Hakeem at-Tirmizi in an-Nawaadir and Abu Nu'aym in al-Hilyah reported a hadith
about whose isnad al-Haakim said: I do not know it to have any defects.' They reported the hadith on
the authority of Anas (ra) who said the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
¡ŒUjªA ∆BÒŒrªA ≈ø BI gîNŒºØ ∆BølªA πªg ∫ieC ≈¿Ø ,’Aj¥ªA ∆AfÕe ∆BølªA jaE ü ∆Ã∏Õ$
…ƒÕfI h◊øÃÕ πn¿NùAÀ ,’BÕjªA ≈ø h◊øÃÕ BŒZNnÕ ›Ø eÀ ªA o√›≥ j»§Õ ¡Q ,∆ÃN√fiA ¡«À ,¡»ƒøÀ
.#¡∏ƒø ΩI æB≥ ?¡»ƒø ÀC BƒøC :AêB≥ ,înú jUD∑ jUC …ƒÕfI πn¿NùAÀ ,—jö ”ºß |IB¥ªB∑
“At the end of the time there will the worms of (Qur’an) reciters. So whoever lived at that time
let him seek refuge by Allah from the cursed shaytan (ash-shaytan ar-rajeem) and from them,
and they are the most evil smelling. Then there will appear al-qalaanis ul-burood (hoods of
the outer garments), and at that time there will be no shame of the showing off (riyaa’). The
one who holds to his deen during that period will be like the one who holds his hand on a live
coal, and the one who holds to his deen will have the reward of fifty men who act as he does.
They asked: will they be like fifty of them or us? He said: They are rather fifty of you.”
Qalaanis is the plural of qulunsuwah (hood), and burood is the plural of burd (outer garment). This is an
indication of the clergy (men) who are distinct by the qalaanis and burood, regardless of the person that
wears the qulunsuwah and the burd. The account the people give for this form of dress came as sign of
lack of shyness regarding the riyaa’.
As for tasmee' it means to talk to people about one’s closeness to Allah to get their pleasure. The
difference between riyaa` and tasmee' is that riyaa` accompanies the action, but as for tasmee' it comes
after. i.e. after the action, riyaa` is not discovered by anyone except Allah and there is no way for
people to verify it. Even the one doing riyaa` is not aware of it unless he is sincere. An-Nawawi in al-
Majmoo' narrated from ash-Shafi'i that he said: riyaa` is not noticed by anyone except the one who is
sincere.' And sincerity (ikhlas) requires suffering and struggling with the soul and none can have the
strength to do this except the one who has forsaken the world.
Tasmee' can be for an act of devotion performed in secret such as praying at night and then talking to
people about it or it can be an act of devotion done publicly and then one talks about it with people in
another place, but all of that was for the purpose of gaining the pleasure of people.
Nothing better can be cited about the first century and their aversion to tasmee' than what Abu Yusuf
reported in the Athaar from Abu Haneefah who narrated from Ali b. al-Aqmar that Umar b. al-
Khattab (ra) passed a man who was eating with his left hand. Umar was taking charge of the people
who were eating and said: eat with your right hand, O servant of Allah. He said: It is busy. Then Umar
passed him a second time and told him the same thing and the man gave the same reply. On the third
time Umar asked him: what is keeping it busy? The man replied: it was cut off on the day of Mu`ta.
'Umar was dismayed. He said: who washes your clothes and combs your hair, and serves you? ‘Umar
recounted to him the like of these matters. Then he ordered a lady slave (jariyah), a mount loaded with
food and nafaqah (financial maintenance) to be given to him. He said the people said: May Allah
reward 'Umar for his good governance of his ‘Ummah.' . Also what al-Bukhari reported on the
authority of Abu Musa (ra) who said:
OÒ¥mÀ ,–Bøf≥ OJ¥√À ,BƒøAf≥C OJ¥ƒØ ,…J¥N®√ ®I BƒƒŒI ,j∞√ “Nm ≈çÀ —Al´ ü ƒªA ©ø BƒUja$
∆DI ©ƒuC Oƒ∑ Bø æB≥ ∫Ag j∑ ¡Q Ah»I ”mÃø ÃIC TfYÀ ,BƒºUiC ”ºß ±º√ Bƒ∑À ,–iB∞£C
.# BrØC …º¿ß ≈ø ’œq ∆Ã∏Õ ∆C j∑ …√D∑ , j∑gC
“Six of us accompanied Messenger of Allah (saw) in an expedition. We had one camel with
us; we rode it in turn. Our feet got injured and my feet got injured, and my nails also fell out.
We wrapped up our feet in rags. Abu Musa reported this hadith but regretted having done so.
He said, “Would that I had not mentioned it!” He said so because he disliked disclosing
anything concerning his deeds.”
Riyaa` and tasmee' are undisputedly haraam. The evidences for this are many:
• He (swt) said:
. ∆‰ ÀÂ’A‰jÕ ¡Ê « ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A
“Those who do good deeds only to be seen (of men).” [TMQ Ma’un:6]
• He (swt) said:
“So whoever hopes for the Meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness and associate none as a partner in the
worship of his Lord.” [TMQ Kahf:101]
• The saying of the Prophet (saw) in the hadith of Jandab reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim:
“If anyone works to make people hear him Allah will make people hear him and if
anybody works so that people will see him Allah will make people see him (i.e. he will
only achieve that which he wanted but not achieve any reward from Allah).”
• The hadith of Ibn 'Abbas (ra) reported by Muslim on the authority of the Messenger of Allah
(saw) who said:
“If anyone works to make people hear him Allah will make people hear him and if
anybody shows off so that people will see him Allah will make people see him (i.e. he will
only achieve that which he wanted but not achieve any reward from Allah).”
• The hadith of Abu Hurayrah (ra) reported by Muslim and an-Nasaa`i. Abu Hurayrah (ra) says:
I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
B¿Ø æB≥ ,B»Øj®Ø …N¿®√ …Øj®Ø ,…I œMDØ f»rNmA ΩUi …Œºß “øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ ”z¥Õ pBƒªA æÀC ∆G$
ë æB¥Õ ∆fi OºMB≥ πƒ∏ªÀ OIh∑ :æB≥ .Pf»rNmA ”NY πŒØ OºMB≥ æB≥ ?B»ŒØ Oº¿ß
…¿ºßÀ ¡º®ªA ¡º®M ΩUiÀ .iBƒªA ü œ¥ªC ”NY …»UÀ ”ºß KZnØ …I jøC ¡Q ,ΩŒ≥ f¥Ø ’–jU
,…N¿ºßÀ ¡º®ªA O¿º®M :æB≥ ?B»ŒØ Oº¿ß B¿Ø :æB≥ ,B»Øj®Ø …N¿®√ …Øj®Ø …I œMDØ ,∆Ej¥ªA Cj≥À
ŸiB≥ ë æB¥Œª ∆Ej¥ªA PCj≥À , Bß æB¥Œª O¿º®M πƒ∏ªÀ OIh∑ :æB≥ ,∆Ej¥ªA πŒØ PCj≥À
≈ø BÒßCÀ …Œºß A ©mÀ ΩUiÀ .iBƒªA ü œ¥ªC ”NY …»UÀ ”ºß KZnØ …I jøC ¡Q ,ΩŒ≥ f¥Ø
ΩŒJm ≈ø O∑jM Bø :æB≥ ?B»ŒØ Oº¿ß B¿Ø :æB≥ ,B»Øj®Ø …¿®√ …Øj®Ø …I œMDØ …º∑ æBùA ≤BƒuC
,ΩŒ≥ f¥Ø ,eAÃU ë æB¥Œª Oº®Ø πƒ∏ªÀ OIh∑ :æB≥ ,πª B»ŒØ O¥∞√C ‹G B»ŒØ µ∞ƒÕ ∆C KÑ
.#iBƒªA ü œ¥ªC ”NY …»UÀ ”ºß KZnØ …I jøC ¡Q
“The first person to be judged on the Day of Resurrection will be a man who was
martyred. He will be brought forth and Allah (swt) will remind him of His blessings, and
he will recognise them. Then he will be asked, “What did you do with them?” He will say,
“I fought for Your sake until I was martyred." Allah (swt) will say, “You have lied. You
only fought so that people would say, `He is courageous,' and they did say it.” Then He
will order that he be dragged on his face and thrown into the Fire. Then there will be a
man who studied much and taught others, and recited Qur'an. He will be brought forth
and Allah (swt) will remind him of His blessings, and he will recognise them. Then he
will be asked, “What did you do with them?” He will say, “I studied much, and taught
others, and recited Qur'an for Your sake. Allah (swt) will say, “You have lied. You studied
so that people would say, `He is a scholar,’ and you recited Qur'an so that they would say,
`He is a qari',' and they did say it.” Then He will order that he be dragged on his face and
thrown into the Fire. Then there will be a man to whom Allah (swt) gave all types of
wealth in abundance. He will be brought forth and Allah (swt) will remind him of His
blessings and he will recognise them. Then he will be asked, “What did you do with
them?” He will say, “I have never seen any way in which You would like money to be
spent for Your sake without spending it.” Allah (swt) will say, “You have lied. You did
that so people would say, `he is generous,' and they did say it.” Then He will order that
he be dragged on his face and thrown into the Fire.”
• A Hadith of Abu Hind ad-Daari reported by al-Bayhaqi, at-Tabraani, Ahmed. The following
version is from the latter. Abu Hind ad-Daari narrates that he heard the Prophet (saw) say:
“The one who assumed a posture of showing off and personal standing then Allah will
make people see him and hear him (i.e. he will only achieve that which he wanted but not
achieve any reward from Allah).”
Al-Munziri said the isnad is good. Al-Haythami said: the narrators of Ahmad, al-Bazzaar and one
of the isnads of at-Tabaraani are reliable.
• A Hadith of 'Abd Allah b. (ra) reported by at-Tabaraani and al-Bayhaqi that he said: I heard
the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
.# j¥YÀ jÏ̈uÀ …¥ºa ©øBm …I A ©Ï …º¿®I pBƒªA ©Ï ≈ø$
“If anyone works to make people hear him by his action Allah will make people hear him
and He will make him look small and humiliated.”
• The hadith of 'Awf b. Malik al-Ashja'I (ra) reported by at-Tabaraani with a hasan isnad the
report by 'Awf who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
.#…I A ©Ï “® ¬B¥ø ¬B≥ ≈øÀ ,…I A BÕAi ’BÕi ¬B¥ø ¬B≥ ≈ø$
“If anybody assumes the stance that people will see him, Allah will make people see him
(i.e. he will only achieve that which he wanted but not achieve any reward from Allah) and
if anyone assumes the stance to make people hear him, Allah will make people hear him.”
• A Hadith of Mu'az b. Jabal (ra) reported by at-Tabaraani with a hasan isnad that the Messenger
of Allah (saw) said:
.#“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ µ÷›àA pÀ⁄i ”ºß …I A © ‹G ’BÕiÀ “® ¬B¥ø BŒ√fªA ü ¬Ã¥Õ fJß ≈ø Bø$
“There is no servant in this world who assumes the stance that people will hear him and
see him except will make people hear him before all of creation on the Day of
Ibn Maajah and al-Bayhaqi reported with a hasan isnad on the authority of Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri
(ra) who said: the Messenger of Allah (saw) came to us when we were remembering the Maseeh ad-
Dajjaal. He said:
∫jrªA :æB¥Ø , A æÃmi BÕ ”ºI Bƒº¥Ø ?æBUfªA \ŒnùA ≈ø ¡∏Œºß ≤ÃaC ë Bñ ¡∑ aC ‹C$
.#ΩUi j§√ ≈ø ‘jÕ Bù …M›u ≈ÕlŒØ œºvŒØ ΩUjªA ¬Ã¥Õ ∆C œ∞àA
“Shall I not inform you of what I fear for you more than the maseeh ud-dajjaal? We said: Yes,
O Messenger of Allah! He said: It is the hidden shirk, which is when a man stands up for
prayer, then beautifies his prayer for because of another man is looking (at him).” Ibn Maajah
and al-Bayhaqi and al-Haakim reported a hadith on the authority of Zayd b. Aslam who narrated from
his father that ‘Umar (ra) went out to the mosque and he found Mu’az weeping at the grave of the
Messenger of Allah (saw). He said: what is making you cry? He said: I heard a hadith from the
Messenger of Allah (saw) when he said:
’BŒ¥√fiA iAjIfiA Kê A ∆G ,“IiB BI A kiBI f¥Ø A ’BŒªÀC ‘eBß ≈øÀ ,∫jq ’BÕjªA ≈ø nŒªA$
Ω∑ ≈ø ∆ÃUjë ‘f A \ŒIBvø ¡»Iú≥ ,AÃØj®Õ AÀjzY ∆GÀ ,AÀf¥N∞Õ AÃIB´ ∆G ≈ÕhªA ’BŒ∞afiA
.#“¿º§ø ’A ´
“A little showing off (riyaa’) is shirk. And whoever acted hostilely against the awliyaa’
(protected friends) of Allah, then he would have challenged Allah with opposition. Allah loves
the pious, the pure and the hidden, which are not missed if they were absent, and not well
known if they were present. Their hearts are the lamps of dance, and they come out from
every dark ground (not limited to certain places)”.
Al-Haakim said the hadith is sahih and I know no defect that it has. When riyaa` enters an action with
which one draws closer to Allah. Such an action is invalidated as if it did not exist, let alone the fact
that it is sin. Then proof for this is the hadith of Abu Hurayrah (ra) reported by Muslim that the
Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“I am the Greatest of associates that is not in need of partners. If anybody observes a duty
and associates with me somebody in it, I shall leave him and his partner.”
The riyaa` of shirk invalidates the action so by greater reason an action should be invalidated if it is
purely showing off (riyaa` khalis). Ahmad reported on the authority of Ubay b. Ka’b (ra) with a hasan
isnad that the Prophet (saw) said:
…ª ≈∏Õ BŒ√fºª —ja‡A Ω¿ß ¡»ƒø Ω¿ß ≈¿Ø ,î∏¿NªAÀ jvƒªAÀ “®ØjªAÀ BƒnªBI “øfiA h« jrI$
.#KŒv√ —ja‡A ü
“Give good tidings to this ummah of splendor, high rank, victory and strengthening. Whoever
of them worked the deeds of akhirah for the sake of the dunya, he would not have any
share/reward in the akhirah”.
Al-Bayhaqi and al-Bazzaar reported with an isnad which is laa ba`sa bihi on the authority of ad-Dahhak
b. Qays (ra) who said the Messenger for Allah (saw) said;
pBƒªA B»ÕC BÕ .œ∏Õjrª Ã»Ø Bı∏Õjq œ®ø ∫jqC ≈¿Ø πÕjq a B√C æÃ¥Õ ïB®MÀ ∫iBJM A ∆G$
Ah« AêåM ‹À ,…ª wºa Bø ‹G æB¿ßfiA ≈ø ΩJ¥Õ ‹ ïB®MÀ ∫iBJM A ∆HØ , ¡∏ªB¿ßC AÃvºaC
oŒªÀ ¡∏«ÃUê B»√HØ ¡∏«ÃUêÀ Ah« AêåM ‹À ,’œq B»ƒø oŒªÀ ¡Yjºª B»√HØ ¡YjºªÀ
.#’œq B»ŒØ
“Allah, the Blessed, the Supreme says: I am the best associate (shareek), so whoever took a
partner with me, then he will be left to the partner he took with me. O mankind, make your
good deeds purely for the sake of Allah, for Allah does not accept of the good deeds except
those performed purely for His sake. Do not say this (good deed) is for the sake of Allah and
for the rahim (female unmarriageable relatives), for it is actually for the rahim, and Allah has
nothing from it. Do not also say this good deed is for Allah and for your prominent
personalities, for it is for your prominent personalities, and Allah has nothing from it”.
At-Tirmizi, Ibn Maajah, Ibn Hibbaan and al-Bayhaqi and Ahmad reported with a hasan isnad on the
authority of Abu Sa'eed Abi Fibaala (ra) (who was one of the Sahabah) say: I heard the Messenger of
Allah (saw) say:
…º¿ß ü ∫jqC ∆B∑ ≈ø eBƒø ‘eB√ ,…ŒØ KÕi ‹ ¬ÃŒª “øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ ≈Õja‡AÀ îªÀfiA A ©ö AgG$
.#∫jrªA ≈ß ’B∑jrªA ”ƒ´C A ∆HØ , fƒß ≈ø …IAÃQ KºÒŒºØ AıfYC
“When Allah gathers the first and the last on the Last Day in which there is no doubt, a caller
will come out calling: Let the one who associated others in his action seek the reward from
them, for Allah is in no need for such partners.”
It is from the sunnah to conceal the good deeds as much as possible such as charity, naafilah prayers,
supererogatory sunnah, du’a, asking for forgiveness and recitation of the Qur'an. The evidences for this
are many: we shall be content just to quote the hadith of Anas (ra) reported by Ahmad with a sahih
isnad that the Prophet (saw) said:
∂fvNÕ ¬eE ≈IA ¡®√ :æB≥ ?\ÕjªA ≈ø fqC ’œq π¥ºa ≈ø Ω»Ø Li BÕ OªB≥ \ÕjªA ¡®√ ...$
.#…ªB ≈ß B»Œ∞ë …ƒŒ¿ŒI
Blessed is the wind. She said, “O Lord! Is there anything in Your creation stronger than
wind?” Allah said, “Yes, the son of Adam, who gives a sadaqah with his right hand and
conceal it from his left hand.”
The Messenger of Allah (saw) has taught us how we should avoid the hidden shirk. Ahmad, at-
Tabaraani and Abu Yu'la reported with a hasan isnad on the authority of Abu Musa al-Ash'ari that he
said in his Khutbah: 'O people, beware of Shirk for it is more hidden than the creeping of an
ant.' Abdur-Rahman b. Hazan and Qays b. al-Mudhaarib stood up and said: By Allah, you
have to withdraw what you have said or we will go to see Umar, whether he permitted us to
see him or not. He said: Rather I would explain what I said: The Messenger of Allah (saw)
delivered a sermon to us one day, and he said:
±Œ∑À :æÃ¥Õ ∆C A ’Bq ≈ø …ª æB¥Ø ,Ω¿ƒªA KŒIe ≈ø ”∞aC …√HØ ∫jrªA Ah« AÃ¥MA pBƒªA B»ÕC BÕ$
πI ∫jr√ ∆C ≈ø πI gî√ B√G ¡»ºªA AêÃ≥ :æB≥ ? A æÃmi BÕ Ω¿ƒªA KŒIe ≈ø ”∞aC ëÀ …Œ¥N√
.#…¿º®√ ‹ Bù ∫j∞¨Nn√À ,…¿º®√ Bı◊Œq
“O people, fear Shirk for it is more hidden than the creeping of an ant.' Those whom Allah
wished asked, 'And how do we avoid it when it is more hidden than the creeping of an ant, O
Messenger of Allah?' He replied, 'Say: Allahumma Innaa na'oodhu bika an nushrika bika
shay'an na'lamuh, wa nastaghfiruka limaa laa na'lamuh (O Allah, we seek refuge in you
from associating with You anything we know and we ask your forgiveness for that which we
do not know about).”
Tasmee' is not like riyaa` in terms of its nullification of the action though both are haraam. The tasmee'
can either be an action which is mixed with riyaa`, so this action is invalid before tasmee'. Tasmee' only
increases its sin but does not effect its invalidation. Or the action was done purely for Allah's sake so
it is correct and good. However, the one who engages in tasmee’ after this will be sinful. This sin is like
the sin for which one can seek forgiveness and repent. Allah might forgive him before his death, or
hide it on the day of Judgment or it is placed on his Mizaan(balance) and thus reduces his good deeds.
However, this will not invalidate the action that was done sincerely for Allah's sake. The evidence
regarding tasmee' only indicate its prohibition and do not indicate invalidation of the action like riyaa`.
Riyaa` is shirk, Allah (swt) will ignore the action done out of riyaa` to the one he associated with Allah
and He will say to the one who does riyaa`, ask for your reward from the partner (you associated with
me). i.e. the action done out of riyaa` will be as if it is non-existent, while the action done sincerely for
Allah's sake and the tasmee' was made, such an action exists and will be rewarded but the person will
be sinful for tasmee'. The words that came in the ahadith: ‘Allah will make it be heard’, ‘He will
make all His creatures hear it’, ‘He will make it be heard before all the creatures’, they indicate
of punishment based on tasmee’, but do not indicate the invalidity of the action, as it came in riyaa’.
Tasmee’ is not compared with riyaa’ in terms of invalidating the action. This is because the action
mixed with riyaa’ is considered as if it did not take place, so it is invalid. However, the action
performed purely for the sake of Allah, followed by tasmee’ is considered to have took place
rightfully. Thus, seeking closeness that took place properly is not measured with that which took place
Muslim reported on the authority of 'Abdullah b. Mas'ud (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
…IÃQ ∆Ã∏Õ ∆C Kê ΩUjªA ∆G :ΩUi æB≥ . ∑ ≈ø —ig æB¥Rø …Jº≥ ü ∆B∑ ≈ø “ƒÜA ΩafÕ ‹$
.#pBƒªA °¿´À µáA jÒI ∏ªA ,æB¿ÜA Kê ΩŒö A ∆G :æB≥ .“ƒnY …º®√À BıƒnY
“‘Whoever has in his heart an amount equal to the weight of an atom of 'Kibr' (i.e, pride or
arrogance) will not enter Paradise.' A man inquired about whether a person who likes to have
fine clothing and shoes is considered among those who have pride. The Prophet (saw)
explained, 'Allah is beautiful and likes beauty. However, 'Kibr' (i.e., arrogance) means
ridiculing and rejecting the Truth and looking down on other people.’”
The meaning of bataral haqq (rejecting truth) is to reject the one who speaks the word of truth. The
meaning of ghamt an-naas is to belittle and scorn them.
He (swt) said:
ËjJÊ ∑Í ‹˙ Ḡ ¡Ê «Í īÀÂfu
 œÍØ ∆Ê Ḡ<.
“There is nothing else in their breasts except pride.” [TMQ Ghafir:56]
As for vanity (‘ujb), it is when a person looks at himself in self-glorification such that he thinks that he
is at a level, but he is actually not befitting for it. The difference between pride and vanity is that
vanity does not extend to others. So, with vanity he feels proud amongst the people and when alone.
However, in the case of pride (kibr), he shows pride and arrogance over the people, and rejects the
truth as boasting over them…. Pride and arrogance are both haraam. The evidences for this are the
He (swt) said:
. …Í ∞Í ÒÙ ßÍ œ‰ √ÍB‰Q
• Al-Bukhari and Muslim reported on the authority of al-Haritha b, Wahb al-Khuzaa'I that the
Prophet (saw) said:
“Shall I not inform you about the inmates of Paradise. It is every weak person that shows
his weakness, but if he gave an oath/promise in the name of Allah, He would fulfil it to
him. Shall I not inform you about the inmates of Hell? It is every violent, impertinent and
proud person.”
• Muslim reported in the sahih and al-Bukahir in al-Adab al-Mufrad on the authority of Abu
Hurayrah (ra) and Abu Sa'eed (ra) that they said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“Might is My cloak and pride is My garment. Whoever vies with Me for either of them, I
will punish him.”
• At-Tirmizi, an-Nasaa`i, Ibn Hibbaan in his Sahih, Ibn Maajah and al-Haakim in al-Mustadrak
reported a hadith which the latter grades as sahih on the authority of Thawbaan (ra) that the
Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#“ƒÜA Ωae ≈ÊÕfÏ ªAÀ æú¨ªAÀ ∏ªA ≈ø ’–jI ëÀ PBø ≈ø$
“The one who dies while free of pride, betrayal (in division of right..etc) and debts will
enter Jannah.”
• Al-Bukhari in al-Adab al-Mufrad and at-Tirmizi narrated a hadith, which the latter graded as
hasan sahih. It has been narrated by Ahmad and al-Humaydi in their Musnads and Ibn
Mubaarak in az-Zuhd on the authority of 'Amr b. Shurayh (ra) who narrated from his father
who narrated from is grandfather that the Prophet (saw) said:
#... ∆B∏ø Ω∑ ≈ø æhªA ¡«Br¨Õ æBUjªA iÃu ü ihªA æBRøC “øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ ∆À ∏NùA jrê$
“The proud will be raised on the Day of Judgment like seeds in the image of men and
they will be covered with humiliation from every direction.”
.#∆BJz´ …Œºß ëÀ ΩUÀ lß A œ¥ª ,…NŒrø ü æBNaA ÀC ,…n∞√ ü ¡§®M ≈ø$
“Any person who felt presumptuous in himself, and walked haughtily will meet Allah
while He is angry with him.”
• Al-Bazzaar narrated with a jayyid isnad on the authority of Anas (ra) that the Messenger of
Allah (saw) said:
“Had you not committed sins then I would have feared something much greater than it:
wisdom, and said, recover, may Allah stimulate you. He considers himself little but he
is great in the sight of the people. But if the servant boasted and exceeded his level,
Allah would throw him violently to the earth and said: be driven away, may Allah make
you despicable. He considers himself great, but he is little in the sight of the people’.
• Al-Mawardi reported in Adab ad-Dunya and Deen that al-Ahnaf b. Qays said: I am surprised
how one who has to urinate twice can be proud.'
• An-Nawawi narrated in the al-Majmoo’ that ash-Shafi'h said: the one who targets beyond the
level Allah will bring him down to his value. He said: The most valuable of people are those
whose value is not seen, the most virtuous amongst them are the one whose virtue is not seen.
15. The Etiquettes of Discussion
a) The etiquettes of teaching:
• He should give them breaks in study so as not to bore them. Ibn ‘Abbas (ra) narrated
that he used to give admonition to the people every Thursday. A man asked him:
®ƒô Bø :æB¥Ø ,¬ÃÕ Ω∑ BƒNQfY π√C B√eeêÀ ,…Œ»Nr√À πRÕfY Kç B√G ≈õjªA fJß BIC BÕ"
“ØBã “§ßÃùBI BƒªÃbNÕ ∆B∑ (****) A æÃmi ∆È G ,¡∏º̃øC ∆C “Œ«Aj∑ ‹˜ G ¡∏QfYC ∆C
."BƒŒºß “øFnªA
“O Abu `Abd ar-Rahman, we love your talk and we wish that you preach us every day.” He
said: “There is nothing to prevent me from doing so, except lest I bore you. I follow the same
method in preaching to you that Messenger of Allah (saw), he used to take care of the
preaching to us for fear of boredom.” Agreed upon.
,∆Ej¥ªA Ah« ≈ø pBƒªA ΩÈ ó ‹À ,ıBQ›RØ PjR∑C ∆HØ ,îMj¿Ø PjR∑C ∆HØ ,—jø “®ö Ω∑ pBƒªA TÈfY"
¡«À ¡»QfZØ ∫ÀjøC AgHØ Ov√C ≈∏ªÀ ,¡»º̃¿NØ ¡»RÕfY ¡»Œºß ©Ò¥NØ SÕfY ¡«À ¬Ã¥ªA PDM ‹À
."…√ú®∞Õ ‹ …IBZuCÀ (***) A æÃmi Pf»ß œ√HØ ,’BßfªA ü ©VnªAÀ ∫BÕGÀ ,…√ûNrÕ
"Address the people every Friday once. If you do it more, then it should be only twice or
three times (a week). But do not bore the people with this Qur’an. In addition, do not
come to the people while they are talking and interrupt them and then address them and
bore them. Rather you should remain silent. If they instruct you then address them when
they will desire to hear you. Beware of the rhymed prose in the du’a for I was in the time
of the Messenger of Allah (saw) and his companions and they did not do this." Al-Bukhari.
• Select the appropriate time or place to teach in the mosque such that it does not
disturb the people who are praying. If the mosque is big then one should choose a
place far from where the people are praying and if the mosque is small then one
should choose a time when it is makrooh to pray such after Fajr or ‘Asr prayer. Abu
Sa’eed (ra) narrated that:
∆È G ‹C :æB≥À nªA ±r∏Ø , —’Aj¥ªBI ∆Àj»è ¡»®¿nØ ,fVnùA ü (***) A æÃmi ±∏NßA"
ü æB≥ ÀC ,—’Aj¥ªA ü |
˘ ®I ”ºß ¡∏z®I ©ØjÕ ‹À ,ıBz®I ¡∏z®I ≈È Õg¤Õ ›Ø …Ii X
˘ Bƒø ¡∏º∑
“The Messenger of Allah (saw) made I’tikaaf (seclusion) in the masjid. He heard
them (his companions) reciting loudly so he moved the cover and said: each one of
you is talking to his Lord, do not cause each other harm or raise your voice over
the recitation of each other or he might have said in the salah,” al-Bayadi narrated
œºvùA ∆G :æB¥Ø —’Aj¥ªBI ¡»MAÃuC Oºß f≥À ,∆úvÕ ¡«À ,pBƒªA ”ºß Xja A æÃmi ∆C$
.#∆Ej¥ªBI |®I ”ºß ¡∏z®I j»è ‹À ,…I …ŒUBƒÕ Bñ j§ƒŒºØ …Ii œUBƒÕ
"The Messenger of Allah (saw) went out to the people while they were praying. They
were raising their voices whilst reciting. The Messenger (saw) told them: “The one who
prays talks to his Lord, so let him concentrate on what he is saying, and do not raise your
voices over others when you are reciting the Qur’an.”
These two hadiths have been reported by Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr in his at-Tamheed. He said: the hadith of
al-Bayadi and Abu Sa’eed are sound. Al-Bayadi’s hadith has been reported by Ahmad and al-‘Iraaqi
have said the isnad is sound. Al-Haythami said its transmitters are trustworthy. As for the hadith of
Abu Sa’eed (ra,) it has been reported by Abu Dawud and al-Haakim. Al-Haakim said the isnad is
sound though al-Bukhari and Muslim did not report them. Ibn Khazeemah reported this hadith as
well by the same meaning from Ibn ‘Umar, in his sahih. These two hadiths indicate that it is
forbidden for a person praying to raise his voice whilst reciting Qur’an close to another person
who is praying and thus disturb his salah. If this is the case then by greater reason the teacher
should not teach close to those praying. Therefore, if the mosque is big like the big mosques in
the heart of the city which people go to for offering the salah whether it was the time of the
congregational prayer or not. Here let him choose a place in the mosque leaving some area free
for anyone who wishes to pray in the mosque. And if the mosque is small then he should choose
a time in which it is makrooh to pray such as after the Fajr or ‘Asr prayer.
• To spread hope and not despair in the mercy of Allah, His victory and rescue. Abu
Musa al-Ash’ari (ra) narrated:
#... Aj∞ƒM ‹À AjrIÀ pBƒªA AÃßeA :æB¥Ø ≈¿ŒªA ïG AıgB®øÀ A æÃmi R®I$
“The Messenger of Allah (saw) sent me to Yemen and said: Invite people and give them glad
tidings and do not drive them away …”
Agreed upon.
“Allah's Messenger (saw) stated that a person said: Allah would not forgive such and such
(person). Thereupon Allah the Exalted and Glorious, said: Who is he who adjures about Me
that I would not grant pardon to so and so; I have granted pardon to so and so and blotted
out your deeds (meaning the one who took an oath that I would not grant pardon to him).”
Reported by Muslim.
Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“If a man says the people have perished then he has destroyed them.”
The spreading of hope has to be by that which convinces the person being addressed and has an
effect on him. And there is nothing that can achieve this goal except the Kitab and Sunnah. If we can
link the text to a specific reality then this will have the biggest and deepest impact on the individual
just as Allah (swt) has addressed the Muslims:
He (swt) said:
. “Î øÏ CÛ j‰ ŒÊ a‰ ¡Ê NÂƒÊ ∑Û
He (swt) said:
‰ ƒÍøÍ ¤Ê ¿Â ªÙA Âjv
Ê √‰ B‰ƒŒÊ ºÚ ߉ B¥̧‰Y ∆‰ BÚ∑À‰
“And (as for) the believers it was incumbent upon Us to help (them).” [TMQ 30 ;47 ]
He (swt) said:
. B‰Œ√ÊfÌ ªA —Í B‰ŒZ
‰ ªÙA œÍØ AÃø‰ E ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇AÀ‰ B‰ƒºÚ m i j v
 ƒ‰ƒÚª BÏ√Ḡ
“Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our Messengers and those who believe in this world's life.” [TMQ al-
Ghaafir ;51 ]
He (swt) said:
¯ iÊ fiÚ A œÍØ ¡Â»ƒÏ∞Ú ºÍ b
Ê N‰n
Ê Œ‰ªÚ P
Í B‰ZªÍBÏvªA AÃÛº¿Í ߉ À‰ ¡Ê ∏Û ƒÊ øÍ AÃø‰ E ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A Â…º̇ªA f‰ ߉ À‰
“Allah has promised those among you who believe, and do righteous good deeds, that He will certainly grant them
succession to (the present rulers) in the earth.” [TMQ an-Noor24 ; 55]
He (swt) said:
And remember when you were few and were reckoned weak in the land, and were afraid that men might kidnap you, <
[ but He provided a safe place for you, strengthened you with His Help.” [TMQ 8 ;26
He (swt) said:
. …Í º̇ªA fÍ ƒÊ ßÍ ≈Ê øÍ ‹˙ Ḡ j v
Ê ƒÏªA B‰øÀ‰
He (swt) said:
. e‰ B‰®ŒÍ¿ªÙA ±
 ºÍ b
Ê Õ ‹Ú …‰ º̇ªA ∆Ï Ḡ
“Allah never breaks His Promise.” [TMQ 3 ;9 ]
He (swt) said:
ı ŒÍ≥ …Í º̇ªA ≈Ê øÍ ∂
 f‰ u
Ê CÚ ≈Ê ø‰ À‰
“And whose words can be truer than those of Allah?” [TMQ 4 ;122 ]
He (swt) said:
‰ ªÍÀÏ fiÚ A ≈‰ øÍ “ˆ º̇ÂQ
. ≈‰ Õj̄Ía‡A ≈‰ øÍ “ˆ º̃ÂQÀ
“A multitude of those (foremost) will be from the first generations (who embraced Islam). And a multitude of those
(foremost) will be from the later time (generations).” [TMQ al-Waaqi’ah: 39-40 ]
‰ ªÍÀÏ fiÚ A ≈‰ øÍ “ˆ º̇ÂQ
. ≈‰ Õj̄Ía‡A ≈‰ øÍ ËΩŒÍº≥Ú À‰
“A multitude of those (foremost) will be from the first generations (who embraced Islam). And a few of those (foremost)
will be from the later time (generations).” [TMQ al-Waaqi’ah:13-14 ]
As for the Sunnah we have hadiths that prove the goodness in the last (generation) of this Ummah, this is like his
(saw) saying:
“The parable of my Ummah is like that of rain, the good of which is not known to exist in its
beginning or end.”
.#œ√AÃa‚ Bı«AÀ$
“Allah has servants who are neither Prophets or martyrs…” Also we have the good news of the
Prophet (saw) regarding the return of the Khilafah on the way of the Prophethood, conquest of Rome,
the fighting and killing of the Jews and the Khilafah entering into the sacred land.
Here it is worth giving some of the scenes of the history of the Muslims such as their victory in Badr,
Khandaq, Qadisiyyah, Nahawand, Yarmuk, Ajnadin, and Tustur and the many other conquests one
cannot recount here. We should focus on the battles in which the Muslims were lesser in numbers
and preparation than their enemy, even to the point that Allah will give victory to a single person
whom the Messenger of Allah (saw) would send him alone as an expedition. We should refocus on
Jihad and clarify it in the minds of the Muslims; and to remove away from their minds as well any
effect of the thick cover of peace, negotiations, condemnation, disapproval and acceptance of
But before we do this we must entrench the ‘Aqeedah in the hearts as the basis of the rules and how it
moulded the Arabs of Jahiliyyah, whose only preoccupations were tribal conflicts, selfish interests and
trivial issues, thus making of them a powerful ummah, mighty by the name of the deen and akhirah,
made of it the best ummah raised for mankind, that led the world to goodness and took them from
the darkness to the Light by the permission of their Lord, to the path of the All-Mighty, All-worthy of
b) Choosing good topics of discussion according to the reality in which the people live in order
to insure vitality in the discussion. If he sees the people are in need of a discussion of a certain
belief he should discuss it, if he sees them deceived by a certain circumstance or political
situation then he should clarify it. If he sees people are focusing on an erroneous thought, or
rule then he should explain it and clarify the correct opinion or as Shaykh Taqiuddin an-
Nabhani (may Allah have mercy on him) used to say; “we should show the straight line next
to the crooked.” It is nothing short of deception and odiousness that a discussion should be
about Khul’ (divorce at instance of the wife) while America is toppling Baghdad, that the topic
should be about the ruling on women driving cars while al-Aqsa is a prisoner in the hands of
the enemy, or if whether women can enter parliament while the American army are bathing at
the shores of that occupied country, or that we should entertain a discussion on the ruling of
attending Ta’ziyyah (gathering to give solace to bereaving family members) while our petrol is
being looted, or discuss the rules of hair while the sanctity of al-Masjid al-Haraam is being
violated and so on and so forth.
• Rebuking the ignorant that belittles the importance of Sharee’ah rule and seeking
excuses for the knowledgeable scholar who has an opinion contrary to the opinion of
the teacher. An example of the first the following hadith reported by al-Haakim on the
authority of ‘Abd Allah al-Mughaffal (ra) which he graded as sahih:
“Allah's Messenger (saw) prohibited throwing of pebbles.” (It means throwing pebbles or stones
in a gathering, you hold it in both index fingers and then throw it or you fling it using a slingshot.) It
is narrated that ‘Abdullah b. al-Mughaffal (ra) saw a person throwing small pebbles, whereupon he
said: I narrate to you that Allah's Messenger (saw) prohibited throwing of pebbles, but I see you again
throwing pebbles; By Allah I will never speak with you.”
An example of the second case is what Ahmad reported on the authority of ‘Abdullah b. Yasaar (ra)
with an isnad containing reliable transmitters according to al Haythami. The hadith has been narrated
on the authority of ‘Amr b. Hareeth who said to ‘Ali: What do you say about walking with the funeral
procession, should we walk behind or in front of it? ‘Ali (ra) said: The superiority of walking behind it
over walking in front of it is like the superiority of the obligatory salah prayed in congregation over the
person who prays alone.’ ‘Amr said: I saw Abu Bakr and ‘Umar walking in front of the procession. Ali
said: This is because they disliked causing difficulty for the people (i.e. they did this so that people do
not think it is forbidden to walk in front.)
• Listening to the one who asks politely. Abu Nu’aym in his al-Hilyah, Ibn Hibbaan in
Rawdhat al-‘Uqalaa` reported: …Mu’az b. Sa’d al-A’war said: I was sitting with ‘Ata b.
Rabah and narrated a hadith to a person. Another man opposed him with another
hadith so he got angry and said: What kind of behaviour is this? I listen to a hadith from
a man, which I know better than him but I show him as if I know nothing of it.
• Not talking to one who is not silent. Al-Bukhari reported on the authority of Jareer
(ra) that the Prophet (saw) said to him in the Farewell speech:
“Ask the people to be silent…” Also the Khateeb in al-Faqih wal Mutafaqqih quoted Abu
‘Amr b. al-‘Alaa as saying: “It is not good manners that you answer one who did not ask
you a question, question someone who will not answer you, or speak to someone who
does not listen to you.”
from the ahkam shar’iyyah, such as the principle of a specific need that is given the
status of the specific necessity, and the principle of easing matters to the people
(tayseer) when it is used without restriction. The examples to these are taking a
mortgage with interest for buying houses, selling bacon in a shop owned by a
Christian, joining an army of kuffar that fights Muslims, the Muslim woman that
goes out of her house without wearing a head cover (khimar) in a country, which
she can leave to another country where there is no trial in it, and working as a
judge that governs with other than the word of Allah, and the likes.
• Avoiding pretending to have knowledge that you do not have. ‘Umar (ra) said:
."±º̃∏NªA ≈ß BƒŒ»Â√"
“We have been forbidden from pretence (of knowledge).” Reported by al-Bukhari.
Masruq said: We came upon 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud (ra) and he said:
æÃ¥Õ ∆C ¡º®ªA ≈ø ∆È HØ ,¡ºßC A Ω¥ŒºØ ¡º®Õ ‹ ≈øÀ ,…I Ω¥ŒºØ Bı◊Œq ¡ºß ≈ø pBƒªA B»ÕC BÕ"
."¡ºßC A ¡º®Õ ‹ Bù
"O people! If somebody knows something, he can say it, but if he does not know
it, he should say, 'Allah knows better,' for it is a sign of having knowledge to say
about something, which one does not know, 'Allah knows better.” Allah said to
His Prophet:
‰ ∞Í º˛ ∏Ú N‰¿Â ªÙA ≈Ê øÍ B‰√CÚ B‰øÀ‰ j̆ÊUCÚ ≈Ê øÍ …Í ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ ¡Ê ∏Û ªÛDÚmÊ CÚ B‰ø ΩÊ ≥Û
“Say (O Muhammad SAW): "No wage do I ask of you for this (the Qur'an), nor am I one of the
Mutakallifun (those who pretend and fabricate things which do not exist).” [TMQ Saad38:86] Agreed
• Avoiding the debate and arguing with the foolish people: It has been narrated that
Jabir (ra) said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
πªg Ω®Ø ≈¿Ø ,oªB A …I AÀ Ö ‹À ,’B»∞nªA …I AÀiBó ‹À ,’B¿º®ªA …I AëBJNª ¡º®ªA Aÿº®M ‹$
.#iBƒªA iBƒªBØ
“Do not acquire knowledge in order to vie with scholars, and to wrangle with the foolish, and
to sit in the best seats: whoever does that his abode will be the Fire, the Fire.” Reported by Ibn
Hibbaan in his Sahih. Al-Haakim has graded as sahih and az-Zahabi agreed. It has also been reported
by Ibn Maajah, al-Bayhaqi, Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr in his his book Jami bayan al-‘ilm wa fadlihi.
• Avoiding riyaa` (showing of), tasmee’ (letting other hear of ones piety), arrogance and
pride. We have already discussed this elsewhere.
• Addressing the people according to their capabilities and capacity. It has been narrated
that ‘Ali (ra) said:
."…ÛªÃmiÀ Û A L
‰ hÏ ∏ÂÕ ∆C ∆ÃÈJÑC ,∆ÃØj®Õ Bñ pBƒªA AÃQÈfY"
“Speak to the people with what they can recognise, do you want them to reject
Allah and His Messenger?" (al-Bukhari). Ibn Hajar said in his Fath: ‘with what they
recognise’ means ‘with what they understand.’ Ibn Mas’ud (ra) said:
."“ƒNØ ¡»z®Jª ∆B∑ ‹˜ G ¡ Ã¥ß …¨ºJM ‹ BıRÕfY BıøÃ≥-TÈfZñ “ÕAÀi üÀ-BıQÈfä O√A Bø"
“You would not speak any people about things they can not understand except it
will be source of fitnah for some.” Reported by Muslim. Ibn ‘Abbas said:
." iBJ∑ ΩJ≥ ¡º®ªA iB¨vI pBƒªA œÈIjÕ –hªA œÈ √BÈIjªA æB¥ÕÀ ,’B»¥Ø ’B¿ºY îÈŒ√BÈIi AÃ√Ã∑"
“Be devine, gentle and jurist (understanding), the divine (rabbani) is the one who
educates the people with the easy knowledge before its difficult”. (Al-Bukari).
• One should especially shorten the Khutbah in Jumu’ah due to the hadith of ‘Ammar (ra)
reported by Muslim: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
≈ø ∆GÀ ,“JÒàA AÀjv≥CÀ ,—›vªA AúŒ DØ ;…»¥Ø ≈ø “ƒ◊ø ,…NJÒa jv≥À ,ΩUjªA —›u æà ∆G$
.#AıjZm ∆BŒJªA
“The lengthening of prayer by a man and the shortness of the sermon is the sign of his
understanding (of faith). So lengthen the prayer and shorten the sermon. Indeed, there is
charm (in precise) expression (bayan).” And the hadith of Jabir b. Sumrah:
“I used to pray with the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) and both his prayer
and sermon were of moderate length.” Reported by Muslim. And the hadith of al-Hakam b. Huzn
al-Kalfi who said:
PB¿º∑ …Œºß ”ƒQCÀ A f¿ZØ ,pÃ≥ ÀC ,Bvß ”ºß Bı◊∑ÃNø ¬B¥Ø ,“®¿ÜA A æÃmi ©ø Pf»q$
“I attended the Jumu`ah Prayer with the Messenger of Allah (saw), where he stood leaning
on a stick (`asa) or a bow (qaws), praised Allah and glorified him with a few excellent and
blessed words.” Reported by Ibn Khuzaymah in his Sahih. It has also been reported by Ahmad and
Abu Dawud. Ibn Hajar said its isnad is hasan. Also ‘Abd Allah b. Abi Awfa narrates:
œrô ∆C ±∏ƒNnÕ ‹À ,“JÒàA jv¥ÕÀ ,—›vªA ΩŒÒÕÀ ,躪A Ω¥ÕÀ ,j∑hªA jR∏Õ A æÃmi ∆B∑$
.#¡»NUBY ≈ø ¡ Ãºë ”NY ,“ºøifiAÀ fJ®ªA ©ø
“The Messenger of Allah used to increase the Zikr, decrease the unnecessary talk, increase
the length of salah but shorten the khutbah. He did not decline from walking with a slave or
widow to withdraw for solving their needs.” Al-Haakim said the hadith is sahih according to the
condition of the two Shaykhs. Ibn Hibbaan has reported it in his Sahih and al-‘Iraqi has declared it
sound. At-Tabaraani has reported it on the authority of Abu Umaamah with a similar line of
transmission to that of the hadith of Ibn Abi Awfa. Al-Haythami said the isnad is hasan.
What’s meant by moderation in prayer and khutbah, as explained in other hadiths, is that the salah
should be longer than the khutbah. In the hadith of Ibn Abi Awfa it is mentioned that the Messenger of
Allah (saw) used to lengthen his salah and shorten his khutbah. In the hadith of ‘Ammar we have been
instructed to lengthen the salah and shorten the khutbah. Thus, the prayer of the Messenger (saw) on
Friday used to be longer than his khutbah. If we can measure the length of his salah then we can work
out the length of the khutbah because it is shorter than the salah. Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated regarding
the Jumu’ah prayer that he (saw) used to read sura Jumu’ah and sura Munafiqoon. The hadith of Nu’man b.
Basheer mentions he used to read Sabbihisma rabbikal a’la and hal ataakal hadeethul ghaashiyah. The hadith
of Ibn ‘Abbas (ra) mentions sura Jumu’ah and Munafiqoon. These three hadiths have been reported by
Muslim. The longest Jumu’ah prayer can be worked out from the time it would take the Messenger
(saw) to recite surah Jumu’ah and Munafiqoon in addition to the time taken to recite Fatihah twice, make
two ruku’s, four prostrations, sitting down for Tashahhud and reading the Ibrahimi supplication. This
would be the longest salah for Jumu’ah. As for the shortest, it is when the Imam recites Sabbihisma
rabbikal a’la and hal ataakal hadeethul ghaashiyah with the additional things mentioned above. Thus,
because the prayer of the Messenger (saw) was longer than his khutbah the khateeb can follow that
sunnah when he gives his khutbah.
• One should use the style of oratorical public address on the minbar and not use the
style of giving a lesson or lecture or in the style of an article, narratives or poetry. To
understand what the style of oratorical public address is one should refer to the books
of language, which deal with this topic.
• One should avoid making grammatical mistakes. It looks vulgar for the khateeb to
make such mistakes and even worse when he makes them when reciting the Qur’an
on the minbar.
c) Etiquette of debate:
. B‰¿∑Û i‰ À B‰ZM‰ ©Â ¿‰ n
Ê Õ‰ … º̇ªA‰À …Í º̇ªA ”ÚªḠ œÍ∏N‰r
Ê M‰À‰ B‰»ÍUÀÊ k‰ œÍØ π
Ú ÛªeÍ B‰VM œÍNª̇A æ‰ ÃÊ ≥Ú … º̇ªA ©‰ ¿Í m‰ fÊ ≥Ú
“Indeed Allah has heard the statement of her (Khaulah bint Tha'labah) that disputes with you (O Muhammad
SAW) concerning her husband (Aus bin AsSamit), and complains to Allah. And Allah hears the argument between
you both.” [TMQ Mujadalah:1] Here Allah (swt) used the word tahaawur to refer to al-jadal. Its
definition is: the presenting of proofs or what is assumed to be a proof by those disputing on a
matter. The aim is to support one’s view or faction and to disprove the proof of the opponent and to
convince him to accept one’s view as correct or the truth.
There is a type of debating or disputation, which has been obliged by the Sharee’ah to establish the
truth and refute falsehood. The evidence for this is the saying of Allah (swt):
. ≈ n
‰ YÊ CÚ œ‰ «Í œÍNª̇BIÍ ¡Ê »ªÙeÍ B‰UÀ‰ “Í ƒ‰n
‰Z‰ ªÙA “Í §Ú ßÍ ÃÊ ¿‰ ªÙA‰À “Í ¿‰ ∏Ù Z
Ú I‰i Ω̄ŒÍJm‰ ”ÚªḠ ™
 eÊ A
“Invite (mankind, O Muhammad SAW) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine
Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better.” [TMQ an-Nahl:125]
“Say (O Muhammad Peace be upon him), "Produce your proof if you are truthful." [TMQ Al-Baqarah:111]
Furthermore the Messenger of Allah (saw) argued with the Mushriks of Makkah, the Christians of
Najraan and the Jews of Madinah. The Da’wah carrier invites to the good, forbids the evil and
struggles against the wrong thoughts. Wherever debating is useful as a style to fulfil an obligation then
it becomes an obligation due to the principle: that which is necessary to fulfil an obligation is itself an
There are some types of debating, which are forbidden by the Sharee’ah and thus they are considered
th kufr (disbelief) such as the disputation regarding Allah or His Signs:
“Yet they (disbelievers) dispute about Allah. And He is Mighty in strength and Severe in punishment.” [TMQ Ar-
“None disputes in the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allah but those who disbelieve.”
[TMQ Ghafir:4]
“Those who dispute about the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allah, without any
authority that has come to them, it is greatly hateful and disgusting to Allah and to those who believe.” [TMQ
˘ ŒÍZø‰ ≈Ê øÍ ¡Ê »ªÚ B‰ø B‰ƒMÍB‰ÕE œÍØ ∆‰ ÃÛªeÍ B‰VÕ ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A ¡‰ ºÚ ®Ê Õ‰À‰
“And those who dispute (polytheists, etc. with Our Messenger Muhammad SAW) as regards Our Ayat (proofs, signs,
verses, etc. of Islamic Monotheism) may know that there is no place of refuge for them (from Allah's punishment).”
[TMQ ash-Shura:35] The one who disbelieves is the one who rejects and not affirms. Since the
rejecter argues to disprove the truth and the one who affirms argues to establish the truth and refute
the falsehood:
. µÏ Z
“And disputed by means of falsehood to refute therewith the truth.” [TMQ Ghafir:5]
. ∆‰ ÿv
Í a‰ ˬÃÊ ≥Ú ¡Ê « ΩÊ I‰ ‹ı f‰ U‰ ‹˙ Ḡ π
Ú ªÚ Â ÃÂIj‰ y
‰ B‰ø
“They quoted not the above example except for argument. Nay! But they are a quarrelsome people.” [TMQ az-
Zukhruf:58] Debating about the Qur’an to prove it is not a miracle or that it is not from Allah is also
disbelief (kufr). Ahmad reported from Abu Hurayrah a hadith attributed to the Prophet (saw) that:
“Debating about the Qur’an is disbelief (kufr).” Ibn Muflih said the isnad is jayyid and it has been
declared sound by Ahmad Shakir. Debating may be makrooh (disliked) such as arguing about the truth
after it has become clear:
. ∆‰ ÀÂj§Û ƒ‰Õ ¡Ê «Â À‰ P
Í ÃÊ ¿‰ ªÙA ”ÚªḠ ∆‰ ÃÛ≥B‰nÕ B‰¿√ÏDÚ∑Ú ≈‰ ŒÏJ‰‰M B‰ø f‰ ®Ê I‰ µ‰ZªÙA œÍØ π
“Disputing with you concerning the truth after it was made manifest, as if they were being driven to death, while they
were looking (at it).” [TMQ Al-Anfaal:6]
One can debate either with a proof or a probable proof (shubhat daleel) but without these it would be a
mere row or confusion. The shubha has been defined as: ‘what a faction imagines to be true though it
is not true.’ This is the definition of Ibn ‘Uqayl. Ibn Hazm defines a row or wrangle as: to promote
with a false proof a false issue thus leading to falsehood and this is sophistry.’ Ibn ‘Uqayl said:
“whoever wanted to follow the method of scholars (the people of knowledge) then he has to speak
with proof or a probable proof (shubhah), while quarelling is the confusion of the people of
disputation.” One can say quarrelling is the argument, which lacks a proof or probability of a proof.
This is the advice of the Muslim ‘Ulema regarding the rules and etiquettes of debating, it is the
following points, with some adjustment:
• He should give precedence to the fear of Allah, intend to draw closer to Him and seek His
good pleasure by adhering to His command.
• He should intend to establish the truth and refute the falsehood without trying combating,
suppression and vanquishing of the opponent. Ash-Shafi’i said: “I never argued with a man
except I wished he is helped and led to the right, asking Allah to give him protection and
guarding. I never spoke to a person except that I did not bother whether Allah showed the
truth on my tongue or his tongue. Ibn ‘Uqayl said: (any debate whose aim is not to support
the truth is a curse on the one who engaged in it.)
• He should not debate for the sake of status, rank, seeking a benefit, argument, or show off.
• He should be truly sincere for Allah, His Deen and his opponent for the Deen is Naseeha (true
• He should begin by thanking and praising Allah and sending peace and blessings on the
Messenger (saw).
• He should desire that Allah help him to achieve that which pleases Him.
• His style of debating should be good as well as his appearance. Ibn ‘Abbas narrated that the
Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
.#—ÃJƒªA ≈ø Aı’lU ≈ÕjrßÀ “nú ≈ø ’lU ,eBvN≥‹AÀ , BvªA O¿nªAÀ , BvªA –f A ∆G$
“Right guidance, graceful manners, deliberation and moderation, are one part of twenty-
five parts of Prophethood.”
Reported by Ahmad and Abu Dawud. Ibn Hajar said in his Fath al-Baari the hadith has a hasan
isnad. It has been reported with a narration, which stops at Ibn Mas’ud that he said:
“Know that good method of guidance in the last age is better than some actions (of
devotion).” Ibn Hajar in his Fath al-Baari said the chain is sound.
• Being concise will insure one’s speech easy to understand, comprehensive and effective. Using
long-winded sentences will lead to boredom, not to mention that it is more prone to mistakes.
• He should agree on a basis to which both will refer. With the disbeliever this will be rational
but with a Muslim it will be either rational or textual. The mind is the reference in the rational
matters but for the legal matters the basis is the text due to the saying of Allah (swt):
“(And) if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger (SAW).” [TMQ an-
Nisaa:59] i.e. the Book and the Sunnah.
• One should not debate with the Kuffar about the branches (furoo’) of the Sharee’ah because he
does not believe in their basis. One should not debate with him about marriage to four wives,
testimony of women, Jizyah, inheritance, prohibition of alcohol and other such rules. The
discussion should be restricted to the fundamentals of the Deen whose proofs are rational.
This is because the aim of the debate is to take him from falsehood to the truth, from
misguidance to guidance and this will not be possible unless we take him from Kufr to Imaan.
Similarly, one should not debate with a Christian by refuting Buddhism or Judaism. Such
discussions cannot be considered a debate. The Christian is not a Buddhist or Jew such that
he needs to be taken from these beliefs to the true belief. Rather one should discuss with him
his own false creed to make him leave it and bring him to Islam. That is why we do not say:
we debate in that which we agree and leave that which we disagree because we are obligated to
debate with them. And debate can never take place unless it is in a matter in which we
disagree. If a Christian or a capitalist agrees with the Muslim that Buddhism, communism or
socialism is rationally repugnant and he talks about these issues. Then this is not called debate
or disputation. It does not save the Muslim from the obligation of debating with him until he
brings him to Islam. Likewise, we cannot say we will have dialogue with the Kuffar on matters
we agree and leave what we disagree to the Day of Judgement when on that day Allah will
judge as he pleases and He will settle the matter between us. We cannot say this because we
are commanded to debate in the matters we disagree and if we do not do this then we will
have fallen short of our duty. Yes, the judgement is for Allah in this world and the Hereafter
but we cannot confuse Allah’s action with what He has entrusted us with. Such a proof is
untenable. Indeed it is an argument, which has no proof or even a probable proof.
• He should not raise his voice or shout in the face of his opponent, except as much as it is
enough to make him hear you. It has been narrated that a man by the name of ‘Abd as-Samad
spoke to al-Mamun and raised his voice. Al-Mamun said: do not raise your voice O ‘Abd as-
Samad, for correctness is in that which is more right rather than in that which is more strong,
while the good speaker ( Khateeb) is good for al-faqeeh (who gives knowledge) and(who takes
knowledge) mutafaqqih.
• He should be patient, forbearing and forgiving when his opponent argues unless if he is
insolent. He should then desist from debating and arguing with him.
• He should avoid getting angry and annoyed. Ibn Sireen said: “al-Hiddah (rage) is the other
name of ignorance” i.e. when it happens during a debate. As for what at-Tabaraani reported
on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbas that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“The best amongst my ummah will be afflicted with fury”, the chain of this hadith has one named
Salaam b. Muslim at-Taweel who is a transmitter whose reports are rejected (matrook). As for what
at-Tabaraani reported on the authority of ‘Ali b. Abi Talib who said that the Messenger of Allah
(saw) said:
.#AîUi AÃJz´ AgG ≈ÕhªA ¡«⁄AfYC øC iBŒa$
“The best of my Ummah are her furious ones, who when they get angry go back to their
calm state.”
If he is debating someone more knowledgeable than him he should not say: you are mistaken or
what you have said is wrong. Rather he should say: what would you say if someone said or
objected by saying such and such…or he should oppose using the style of one seeking the correct
path such as; is it not correct to say such and such.
• He should think about what his opponent is saying and understand him so that he can
respond correctly. He should not be quick to speak without allowing his opponent to finish.
Ibn Wahb said: I heard Malik say: “there is no point in answering without understanding, and
it is not good manners to interrupt one’s opponent.” But if he is showing off, playing to the
crowds then in origin he should not have been debating him in the first place if he knew this.
If such behaviour appears during the discussion then he should advise him. If he doesn’t take
notice of that then he should discontinue the discussion.
• He should face his opponent and not look at those present showing contempt for his
opponent whether or not they agreed or disagreed with him. If the opponent does this he
should be advised. If he does not respond then the debate should be stopped.
• He should not debate someone obstinate and self-conceited for such a person will not take
anything from someone else.
• He should not debate in places of fear such as debating on satellite channels or public
gatherings unless he is at ease with his Deen fearing none for the sake of Allah and happy to
bear the consequences of statements whether that is imprisonment or even murder. Nor
should he debate in the gathering of the Ameer or a ruler fearing for himself unless he is
prepared mentally to be like Hamzah. Otherwise silence is better for him because in such a
situation he will disparage the Deen and people of knowledge. Here he should remember the
stance of Ahmad and Malik from the famous scholars and the stance of those who debated
Ghaddafi when he rejected the Sunnah.
• He should not debate someone who hates him whether that hatred is from him or his
• He should not intentionally sit in a place higher than his opponent in the gathering.
• He should not expand matters especially when they are known to his opponent but be brief
without impairing the point in question i.e. the subject matter of the debate.
• He should not debate with someone who belittles knowledge and the people of knowledge or
be in the presence of a fool who belittles the debate or those debating. Malik said: “the
humiliation and disgrace to knowledge is when a man speaks with knowledge to one who does
not obey him.”
• Out of arrogance he should not refrain from accepting the truth if it appeared on the tongue
of his opponent. Returning to the truth is better than continuing with falsehood, and also so
that he becomes from those who hear a saying and follow the best of it.
• He should not distort the answer by responding with something inconsistent with the
question. For example;
This is deliberate distortion. He should have said: yes or no or I don’t know. Any of these answers
would have been in line with the question.
• He should not deny the obvious facts otherwise he will sound presumptuous. Like the one
who denies that the Kuffar hate the Muslims or denies that the existing regimes in the Muslim
countries are kufr regimes i.e. that they do not rule by Islam.
• He should not make a general statement and then contradict it afterwards in the details. For
example in the beginning he says America is an enemy to Islam and the Muslims but later he
says America is helping the Palestinians to establish their state and decide their future because
she loves freedom and justice. Nor should he say America has come to liberate Iraq from
oppression and dictatorship.
• He should not refrain from applying his proof in every issue that falls under it. For example,
he allows the purchase of houses in the west with usury based on the argument that the
specific need is considered as a specific necessity (daroorah), but at the same time he does not
allow other needs such as food, clothing and marriage with usury. If he has allowed all of
these things based on the argument of the need, then he would have allowed many prohibited
(haram) things, and if he does not apply his proof and principle in all the needs then he would
have contradicted himself.
16. Blessings be upon the Ghurabaa (strangers) who reform that
which the people have corrupted
Muslim reported on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (ra) who said that the Messenger of Allah (saw)
The strangers are those who live far from their tribe and homeland. Ad-Daarimi, Ibn Maajah, Ibn Abi
Shaybah, al-Bazzaar, Abu Yu’la and Ahmad reported, with a reliable chain of transmitters, on the
authority of ‘Abdullah b. Mas’ud (ra) who said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
™Al_ƒªA æB≥ ?’BIj¨ªA ≈øÀ ΩŒ≥ ,’BIj¨ºª ”IÃÒØ CfI B¿∑ BıJÕj´ eîŒmÀ BıJÕj´ CfI ¬›m‚A ∆G$
.#Ω÷BJ¥ªA ≈ø
“Islam began as something strange, and it will revert to being strange as it was in the
beginning, so good tidings for the strangers.” Some asked, “Who are the strangers?” He
said, “The ones who break away from their people (literally, ‘tribes’, for the sake of
Islam).” This version is that of Ahmad.
Those that correct the people when they become corrupt: as evidenced by the hadith of ‘Amr
b. ‘Awf b. Zayd b. Mulhah al-Muzani that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
≈ø “ÕÀifiA Ω¥®ø kBVáA ≈ø ≈ÕfªA ≈º¥®ŒªÀ ,B«jZÂU ïG “ŒáA kiDM B¿∑ kBVáA ïG kiDŒª ≈ÕfªA ∆G$
≈ø pBƒªA fnØC Bø ∆ÃZºvÕ ≈ÕhªA ’BIj¨ºª ”IÃÒØ ,ıBJÕj´ ©UjÕÀ BıJÕj´ CfI ≈ÕfªA ∆G .ΩJÜA pCi
.# ƒm ≈ø –f®I
“The Deen will shrink back to the Hijaz as a snake shrinks back to its hole, and the Deen
shall find refuge in the Hijaz in the same manner that mountain-goats find refuge on the tops
of mountains. Indeed, the Deen began as something uncommon and strange and it shall
certainly return again to be something uncommon and strange. Therefore, Tuba (glad
tidings) awaits the strangers, those who have set aright, after I am gone, that of my Sunnah
which the people have corrupted.”
Abu ‘Isa said: This is hadith hasan, and the strangers are not the Sahabah since the strangers come after
the people had corrupted the way of Muhammad (saw). The companions (may Allah be pleased with
them) did not corrupt the sunnah of Mohammad (saw) and nor was it corrupted at their time. This is
proven by the hadith of Sahl b. Sa’d as-Saa’idi (ra) who said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
æB≥ ?’BIj¨ªA ≈øÀ A æÃmi BÕ AêB≥ ’BIj¨ºª ”IÃÒØ CfI B¿∑ BıJÕj´ eîŒmÀ BıJÕj´ ¬›m‚A CfI$
.#pBƒªA eBnØ fƒß ∆ÃZºvÕ ≈ÕhªA
“Islam began as something strange, and it shall return to being something strange, so give
glad tidings to the strangers.” It was asked, "Who are those strangers, O Messenger of
Allah?" He replied, “Those that correct the sunnah when the people become corrupt.” This is
the narration of at-Tabaraani in his al-Kabeer. And in the narration in al-Awsat as-Sagheer we have:
“They correct the people when (izaa) they become corrupt.” The word ‘AgG’ (when) is used for
that which comes in the future. This indicates that the corruption will occur after the time of the
companions. Al-Haythami said regarding this hadith: This hadith has been reported by at-Tabraani in
the three works and its transmitters are those relied upon in the Sahih works except Bakr b. Saleem,
though he is trustworthy.
They will be few: Ahmad and at-Tabaraani reported on the authority of ‘Abdullah b. ‘Amr who
said: I was with the Messenger of Allah (saw) one day at sunrise when he (saw) said:
¡∏ªÀ ‹ :æB≥ ? A æÃmi BÕ ¡« ≈ç :j∏I ÃIC æB≥ ,o¿rªA iÃ∑ ¡«iÃ√ “øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ ¬Ã≥ œMDÕ$
,’BIj¨ºª ”Ià :æB≥ ¡Q ,~ifiA iBÒ≥C ≈ø ∆Àjrê ≈ÕhªA ∆ÀjUB»ùA ’Aj¥∞ªA ¡»ƒ∏ªÀ R∑ a
jR∑C ¡»Œv®Õ ≈ø R∑ ’Ãm pB√ ü ΩŒº≥ ∆ÃáBu pB√ :æB≥ ?’BIj¨ªA ≈øÀ ΩŒ≥ ,’BIj¨ºª ”IÃ
.#¡»®ŒÒÕ ≈û
“A people will come on the Day of Judgment whose light will be like that of the sun. Abu
Bakr said: will that be we O Messenger of Allah? He said: No, You have a great reward
but they will be the poor immigrants who will be raised from all regions of the earth. Then
he said: blessed are the strangers, blessed are the strangers, and blessed are the strangers.
He was asked: who are the strangers? He said: The righteous people who will be few
good people amongst many bad people; those who disobey them are more than those who
obey them”. Al-Haythami said: in al-Kabeer it has some isnads but only the transmitters of one of
the chains contain narrators relied upon in the Sahih works. It is worth drawing attention to the
fact that the distinction of ‘strangeness’ is not better than the distinction of companionship. The
strangers are not better than the Sahabah. Some of the Sahabah had special distinctive qualities in
addition to companionship but that did not make them better than Abu Bakr. Uways al-Qarni had
a special quality but that did not make him better than the Sahabah and he is a successor (taabi’i).
And so the same applies to the strangers.
There is no kinship among them: al-Haakim reported the following hadith on the authority of
Ibn ‘Umar in his al-Mustadrak and said the narration is sound though it has not been narrated by
al-Bukhari and Muslim that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
ïB®M A ≈ø ¡»Ij¥ª “øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ ∆ÃŒJƒªAÀ ’Af»rªA ¡»ÒJ¨Õ ’Af»q ‹À ’BŒJ√DI AÃnŒª AıeBJß ∆È G"
≈ø ¬Ã≥ :æB≥ Bƒª ¡»º̃YÀ Bƒª ¡»∞u A æÃmi BÕ æB¥Ø …ŒNJ∑i ”ºß œÈ IAjßC BRVØ ,…ƒø ¡»nºâÀ
“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ ¡ ΩÈ UÀ lÈ ß A ©zÕ ,…ŒØ AÃÈIBÑÀ A ü AÃ≥eBvM ,Ω÷BJ¥ªA ™AÈl√ ≈ø pBƒªA ’BƒØC
¡« ‹À ¡»Œºß ≤Ãa ‹ ≈ÕhªA ΩÈ UÀ lÈ ß A ’BŒªÀC ¡« ,∆ÃØBë ‹À pBƒªA ≤Bë ,iÃ√ ≈ø jIBƒø
“Allah has servants who are neither Prophets nor martyrs, yet the martyrs and Prophets
acknowledge their ranks and their nearness to Allah on the day of Judgment. Then a
Bedouin bent on his knees and said: “O Messenger of Allah! Describe them and explain
them for us.” He said: “They are of different peoples that do not belong to their tribes.
They befriended each other and loved each other for the sake of Allah. On the Day of
Judgment, Allah will make for them platforms of Light on which they will sit. People will
fear, but they will not fear. They are Allah’s friends (awliyaa’) azza wa jall, on whom
there is no fear, nor shall they grieve”. It is stated in Lisaan al-’Arab: the word afnaa means
mixed people. This characteristic is mentioned in the hadith of Abu Malik al-Ash’ari as reported by
.#Ω÷BJ¥ªA ™kAÃ√À pBƒªA ’BƒØC ≈ø pB√ ¡«$
“They are of different peoples and of those departing from their tribes.” Also at-Tabaraani
in al-Kabeer reports the following expression:
They are people who love one another for the mercy of Allah: i.e. the Sharee’ah of Muhammad
(saw) i.e. what binds them is the ideology of Islam and nothing else. They are not bonded by any
other body like lineage, kinship, interest or worldly benefit. Abu Dawud reported with a sound chain
of narrators on the authority of ‘Umar b. al-Khattab that the Prophet (saw) said:
¡»√B∏ñ “øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ ’Af»rªAÀ ’BŒJ√fiA ¡»ÒJ¨Õ ’Af»q ‹À ’BŒJ√DI ¡« Bø BımB√fi A eBJß ≈ø ∆G$
¬BYiC ´ ”ºß A `ÊÀjI AÃIBÑ ¬Ã≥ ¡« æB≥ ¡« ≈ø B√ Ö A æÃmi BÕ AêB≥ ,ïB®M A ≈ø
,pBƒªA ≤Ba AgG ∆ÃØBë ‹ ,iÃ√ ”ºß ¡»√GÀ iê ¡»«ÃUÀ ∆G AÃØ ,B»√à B®NÕ æAÃøC ‹À ¡»ƒŒI
∆‰ ÃÂ√l‰ Z
Ê Õ‰ ¡Ê «Â ‹Ú À‰ ¡Ê »¯ ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ Ë≤ÃÊ a‰ ‹Ú …Í º̇ªA ’‰ B‰ŒªÍÀÊ CÚ ∆Ï Ḡ ‹Ú CÚ :“Õ‡A h« Cj≥À ,pBƒªA ∆lY AgG ∆Ã√lê ‹À
“There are people from the servants of Allah who are neither Prophets nor martyrs; the
Prophets and martyrs will acknowledge their high rank on the Day of Resurrection due to
their rank from Allah, the Most High. They (the people) asked: Tell us, Messenger of Allah,
who are they? He replied: They are people who love one another for the spirit of Allah,
without having any mutual kinship between them or property they give one to another. I
swear by Allah, their faces will glow and they will be (sitting) in (pulpits of) light. They will
have no fear (on the Day) when the people will have fear, and they will not grieve when the
people will grieve. He then recited the following Qur'anic verse:
. ∆‰ ÃÂ√l‰ Z
Ê Õ‰ ¡Ê «Â ‹Ú À‰ ¡Ê »¯ ŒÊ ºÚ ߉ Ë≤ÃÊ a‰ ‹Ú …Í º̇ªA ’‰ B‰ŒªÍÀÊ CÚ ∆Ï Ḡ ‹Ú CÚ
“No doubt! Verily, the Auliya' of Allah [i.e. those who believe in the Oneness of Allah and fear Allah much], no fear
shall come upon them nor shall they grieve.”[TMQ Al-Yunus:62]
This description has been given by al-Haakim in the above hadith of Ibn ‘Umar with the wording:
“Maintain your friendship and love each other (for Allah’s sake).”
Also we find it with Ahmad from the hadith of Abu Malik al-Ash’ari (ra) with the wording:
“There is no kinship among them. They love and are honest to one another for the sake of
And at-Tabaraani narrated also fro the hadith of Malik with the wording:
.#ΩUÀ lß A `ÀjI ∆ÃIBZNÕ ,B»I ∆êgBJNÕ BŒ√e ‹ , B»I ∆úuAÃNÕ ¬BYiC ¡»ƒŒI ≈∏Õ $
“There was no kinship among them to seek for the sake of Allah. They had no worldly
matters they exchange with each other. They love each other in the mercy of Allah”.
And at-Tabaraani reported from the hadith of ‘Amr b. ‘Abasah with a chain al-Haythami said contains
reliable transmitters and al-Munziri said: close to the grade of laa bas bihi. ‘Amr said: I heard the
Messenger of Allah (saw) say:
œ¥NƒÕ B¿∑ ¬›∏ªA KÕB C ∆Ã¥NƒŒØ ïB®M A j∑g ”ºß ∆î¿Nè Ω÷BJ¥ªA ™kAÃ√ ≈ø ™BÈ¿U ¡« ...$
.#…JÕB C j¿RªA Ω∑E
“They are all are from different tribes meeting on the remembrance of Allah and selecting the
best words like the one who eats the fruits would select the most succulent of fruits.” Meeting
‘on the remembrance of Allah’ is different to meeting ‘for the remembrance of Allah.’ The former
refers to a bond between them whether they are sitting together or are separate, whilst meeting for the
latter means the bond ends when the gathering ends. At-Tabaraani records an isnad declared hasan by
al-Haythami and al-Munziri on the authority of Abu Dardaa` (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw)
.# A j∑g ”ºß ∆î¿Nè ”Nq e›IÀ ”Nq Ω÷BJ≥ ≈ø A ü ∆ÃIBZNùA ¡« ...$
“They are the ones who love each other for Allah’s sake. They will be from different tribes
and lands but coming together on the remembrance of Allah.” i.e. the bond between them is the
remembrance of Allah, which is the mercy (rawh) of Allah as mentioned in the above hadiths.
They will achieve this status without being martyred: this is because the martyrs will
acknowledge their high rank. This does not mean they are better than the Prophets and martyrs
but rather they have this distinction. At-Tabarani reported in al-Kabeer with an isnad, which has
been declared hasan by al-Haythami. Its chain of transmitters is sound as narrated on the authority
of Abu Musa al-Ash’ari (ra) who said: I was with the Prophet (saw) when the following ayah was
. ¡Ê ∑Û ¤Ê n
 M‰ ¡Ê Û∏ªÚ f‰ JÊ M ∆Ê Ḡ ’‰ B‰ŒqÊ CÚ ≈Ê ß‰ AÃÛªDÚn
Ê M‰ ‹Ú AÃø‰ E ≈‰ ÕÍhª̇A B‰»ÕÌCÚ B‰Õ
“O you who believe! Ask not about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble.” [TMQ Al-
Maa’idah:101] He said but we ask him when he said:
lß A ≈ø ¡«f®¥øÀ ¡»Ij¥I ’Af»rªAÀ ∆ÃŒJƒªA ¡»ÒJ¨Õ ,’Af»q ‹À ’BŒJ√DI AÃnŒª AıeBJß ∆G$
.#“øBŒ¥ªA ¬ÃÕ ΩUÀ
“Indeed, Allah has servants who are neither Prophets nor martyrs and whom the Prophets
and martyrs acknowledge their high rank, due to their seat and proximity in relation to
Allah on the Day of Judgment.” There was a Bedouin amidst the people who stood, bent on
his knees, flung his arms open and said: Tell us, O Messenger of Allah who they are? I saw the
Prophet’s face light up due to this question. He said:
¬BYiC ¡»ƒŒI ≈∏Õ ,Ω÷BJ¥ªA ¬BYiC Lîq ≈ø Ω÷BJ≥À ,”Nq ∆AfºI ≈ø , A eBJß ≈ø eBJß$
,ıAiÃ√ ¡»«ÃUÀ A Ω®è ,ÈΩUÀ lß A `ÀjI ∆ÃIBZNÕ ,B»I ∆êgBJNÕ BŒ√e ‹ , B»I ∆úuAÃNÕ
.#∆ÃØBë ‹À pBƒªA ≤BëÀ ,∆Ãßl∞Õ ‹À pBƒªA ™l∞Õ ,ïB®M ≈õjªA ¬Af≥ jIBƒø ¡ Ω®è
“They are the servants of Allah from different places and clans from different tribes, there
was no kinship between them for which they communicate for the sake of Allah. They
have no worldly matters they exchange with each other. They love each other in the mercy
of Allah azza wa jall. Allah will make their faces beam in light, and make to them minbars
at the feet of ar-Rahman The Supreme. The people will be scared but they do not, and the
people feel afraid but they do not”.
All the narrations agree in negating from them any qualities of Prophethood or martyrdom, rather
they achieved this status due to the descriptions mentioned above.
These are just a few of their descriptions. As for their status in the sight of Allah (swt) this has
been clarified by the aforementioned hadiths and there is no need to repeat them. The one who
reflects on them should rush to take his place on the minbar at the feet of ar-Rahmaan (swt) so that
perhaps He (swt) will have mercy on his strangeness and realise his wishes.
And our last supplication is that All Praise belongs to the Lord of the worlds.