The document provides a list of 117 romance novels from various authors including Johanna Lindsey, Stephanie Laurens, Victoria Alexander, Christina Dodd, and others. Each entry includes the title of the novel, author, and sometimes month/year of publication. The list spans from 2013 to 2015 and provides a sampling of popular romance titles from different authors released during that period.
The document provides a list of 117 romance novels from various authors including Johanna Lindsey, Stephanie Laurens, Victoria Alexander, Christina Dodd, and others. Each entry includes the title of the novel, author, and sometimes month/year of publication. The list spans from 2013 to 2015 and provides a sampling of popular romance titles from different authors released during that period.
The document provides a list of 117 romance novels from various authors including Johanna Lindsey, Stephanie Laurens, Victoria Alexander, Christina Dodd, and others. Each entry includes the title of the novel, author, and sometimes month/year of publication. The list spans from 2013 to 2015 and provides a sampling of popular romance titles from different authors released during that period.
The document provides a list of 117 romance novels from various authors including Johanna Lindsey, Stephanie Laurens, Victoria Alexander, Christina Dodd, and others. Each entry includes the title of the novel, author, and sometimes month/year of publication. The list spans from 2013 to 2015 and provides a sampling of popular romance titles from different authors released during that period.
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Johanna Lindsey Cnd inima dicteaza when passion rules mai 2013
2. Stephanie Laurens Patimile iubirii viscount beckenridge to the rescue
3. Victoria Alexander Micile minciuni ale dragostei my wicked little lies iunie 2013 4. Julie Garwood Mireasa indaratnica the bride 5. Elizabeth Hoyt Inger i demon the raven prince 6. Julie Garwood O nunta de vis - the wedding 7. Stephanie Laurens Pasiunile inimii in pursuit of eliza cynster iulie 2013 8. Stephanie Laurens Prizoniera dragostei the capture of earl of glencrae 9. Victoria Alexander Caile nebanuite ale iubirii his mistress by christmas 10. Christina Dodd Dragoste i abandon rules of surrender 11. Julie Garwood Secretele unei doamne for the roses august 2013 12. Christina Dodd Logodna n inalta societate rules of engagement 13. Elizabeth Hoyt O dragoste nepotrivita the leopard prince 14. Karen Robards Atractie scandaloasa - scandalous 15. Christina Dodd Legile iubirii rules of attraction 16. Elizabeth Hoyt Inocenta pierduta the serpent prince septembrie 2013 17. Stephanie Laurens Petitoarea and then she fell 18. Karen Robards Suflete captive irresistible 19. Samantha James Pacatele vicontelui Sutherland the sins of viscount sutherland 20. Karen Robards Infruntarea inimilor shameless infruntarea inimilor octombrie 2013 21. Elizabeth Hoyt Dorinte ascunse wicked intentions 22. Johanna Lindsey Cnd dragostea asteapta when love awaits 23. Victoria Alexander Dragoste de proba the wedding bargain 24. Victoria Alexander Duelul sentimentelor the emperors new chothes noiembrie 2013 25. Stephanie Laurens Totul sau nimic the lady risks all 1.
Johnanna Lindsey Mireasa prizoniera captive bride
27. Stephanie Laurens Provocarea the taming of ryder cavanaugh 28. Jonanna Lindsey Ingerul de argint silver angel 29. Sarah Maclean O sotie potrivita pentru un marchiz a rogue by any other name decedmbrie 2013 30. Christina Dodd n cele mai nebunesti visuri in my wildest dreams 31. Sarah Maclean O iubita potrivita pentru un conte a good earl deserves a lover 32. Johanna Lindsey Promisiunea one heart to win ianuarie 2014 33. Christina Dodd Ispita lost in your arms 34. Johanna Lindsey Prizonierul dorintelor mele prisoner of my desire februarie 2014 35. Teresa Medeiros Lectii de seductie charming the prince 36. Christina Dodd Mireasa mea favorita my favourite bride 37. Teresa Medeiros Un sarut de neiutat a kiss to remember 38. Christina Dodd Arta iubirii temptress martie 2014 39. Vicky Dreiling Cum sa cuceresti un diavol how to ravish a rake 40. Elizabeth Hoyt Placeri vinovate notorious pleasures 41. Elizabeth Hoyt O pasiune imposibila scandalous desires 42. elizabeth thornton a doua sansa la dragoste the runaway mcbride 43. elizabeth thornton frumoasa tradatoare the scot and i aprilie 2014 44. christina dodd suflete pereche in bed with the duke 45. sarah maclean un targ potrivit pentru un duce no good dukes goes unpunished 46. cara elliot tentatia fructului oprit too wicked to wed 47. johanna lindsey flacari si gheata fires of winter mai 2014 48. sarah maclean noua reguli de nesocotit nine rules to break when romancing a rake 49. christina dodd aleasa printului taken by the prince 26.
teresa medeiros o noapte compromitatoare one night of scandal
51. julie garwood un altfel de fat frumos prince charming 52. loretta chase scandalul poarta satin fires of winter iunie 2014 53. teresa medeiros mireasa si bestia the bride and the beast 54. victoria alexander cum sa alegi sotul potrivit the husband list 55. loretta chase o lady aproape perfecta miss wonderful 56. johanna lindsey iubesti doar o data love only once iulie 2014 57. elizabeth hoyt fantoma din st.giles thief of shadows 58. sarah maclean zece feluri de a fi adorata ten ways to be adored 59. julie garwood dorinte rebele/barbatul meu, iubirea mea gentle warrior 60. sarah maclean unsprezece scandaluri de evitat eleven scandal to sart to win a dukes heart august 2014 61. johanna lindsey pasiune si tandrete tender rebel 62. victoria alexander lectia de dragoste the marriage lesson 63. elizabeth hoyt lordul intunericului lord of darkness 64. teresa medeiros a ta pana in zori yours until dawn 65. loretta chase un gentleman imposibil mr.impossible septembrie 2014 66. johanna lindsey jocul seductiei gentle rogue 67. victoria alexander mireasa pentru un print the princes bride 68. teresa medeiros in cautarea dragostei - nobodys darling 69. elizabeth hoyt ducele noptii duke of midnight octombrie 2014 70. anne barton pacatoasa when she was wicked 71. lorraine heath ispitirea unu lord she tempts the duke 72. sabrina jeffries o dragoste periculoasa a dangerous love 73. teresa medeiros mireasa rapita the devil wears plaid noiembrie 2014 50.
johanna lindsey inimi aprinse hearts aflame
75. sabrina jeffries o iubire celebra a notorious love 76. jennifer blake rasplata unui rege by his majestys grace 77. sarah maclean sezonul pasiunilor the season 78. elle daniels un aranjament neasteptat hes no prince charming decembrie 2014 79. jennifer blake capcana inimii by grace possessed 80. victoria alexander sarada what happened at christmas 81. vicky dreiling dorintele unui conte what a wicked earl wants ianuarie 2015-02-04 82. victoria alexander inaltimea sa, sotia mea her highness, my wife 83. sabrina jeffries o rapire neasteptata after the abduction 84. teresa medeiros savoarea unui sarut the pleasure of your kiss 85. victoria alexander indragostita de sotul potrivit love with the proper husband februarie 2015 86. elizabeth hoyt dragul meu necunoscut darling beast 87. vicky dreiling dorintele unui libertin what a reckless rogue needs 88. jennifer blake cavalerul de aur seduced by grace 89. victoria alexander avantajul de a fi pacatos the importance of being wicked martie 2015 90. johanna lindsey suflet vrajit the magic of you 91. vanessa kelly farmecul unei relatii secrets foe seducind a royal bodyguard 92. sabrina jeffries dansul seductiei dance of seduction 93. lorraine heath lordul ispitei lord of temptation 94. kate noble ramasagul the game and the governess 95. victoria alexander marturisirea the lady in question 96. jennifer delamere mostenitoarea an heiress at heart 97. ashlyn macnamara o propunere scandaloasa a most scandalous proposal 74.
johanna lindsey spune-mi ca ma iubesti say you love me
99. lorraine heath doamna de companie a duke of her own 100. meredith duran anotimpul pasiunii the scandalous summer 101. tessa dare un dans cu un duce one dance with the duke 102. victoria alexander aventuri compromitatoare the scandalous adventures of the sister of the bride 103. meredith duran amagirea fool me twice 104. lorraine heath provocarea dragostei just wicked enough 105. vanessa kelly o cerere in casatorie confession of a royal bridegroom 106. tessa dare dubla tentatie twice temted by a rogue 107. marina fiorato the daughter of siena 108. elizabeth hoyt bravul meu capitan dearest rogue 109. johanna lindsey jurnalul unei iubiri the present 98.
110. 111. 112. Loretta
chase lord perfect lord perfect
113. sarah maclean - ... never judge a lady by her cover 114. johanna lindsey - ... surrender my love 115. teresa medeiros - ... the temptation of your touch 116. lorraine heath - ... lord of wicked intentions