ND ERM Xamination: First Semester (Mca) May-June-2013
ND ERM Xamination: First Semester (Mca) May-June-2013
ND ERM Xamination: First Semester (Mca) May-June-2013
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 60
Q2 (a) List out requirement elicitation techniques. Which one is most popular and why?
(b) Explain Boehms SDLC model in detail.
Q3 (a) Describe the various strategies of design. Which design strategy is most popular and Practical?
(b)Define the term Software Engineering. Explain the major differences between software engineering and
other traditional engineering disciplines.
Q4 (a) Explain briefly Putnam Model. What are the limitations of this model?
(b) Explain COCOMO model. Why do we require three models(Basic, intermediate
& detailed) for estimation ?
Q5 (a) Explain different types of cohesion ? Which one is most desirable & why?
(b) Assume that the size of organic software product has been estimated to be 32000 lines of code. Determine
the effort required to develop the software product and the nominal development time.
Q6 (a) Write a program to find the largest of three numbers using C. Draw program Graph Decision to Decision
Graph and calculate cyclomatic complexity of the program.
(b) Describe Five Levels of CMM with all KPAs.
Q7 (a) Discuss Information Flow Metrices with its limitation. How a more sophisticated Information Flow model
can overcome them?.
(b) Quality and reliability are related concepts, but are fundamentally different in a number of ways. Discuss
Q8 (a)Differentiate between alpha testing & Beta testing .
(b) Differentiate between Stubs and Drivers.
(c) Discuss the various problems during maintenance. Describe some solutions to these Problems.
Q9 Write short note on the following:(a)
Configuration Management
Mutation Testing
Debugging Approach