Report of The Marikana Commission of Inquiry
Report of The Marikana Commission of Inquiry
Report of The Marikana Commission of Inquiry
endeavours to resolve any dispute/s
which may have arisen (industrial or
otherwise) between Lonmin and its
labour force on the one hand and
generally among its labour force on the
safeguards and measures to ensure
the safety of its employees, property
and the prevention of the outbreak of
violence between any parties;
circumstances which gave rise to
the use of all and any force and
whether this was reasonable and
1.4 The conduct of the National Union of
Mineworkers (NUM), its members and
officials and in particular:
President. The Commission shall complete its
work within a period of four (4) months from the
date hereof and must submit its final report to the
President within a period of one (1) month after
the date on which the Commission completes its
The most pertinent regulations and the steps taken in terms thereof
are set out below.
He also
Published in Government Gazette 35730 of 28 September 2012 and amended by Proclamation R66
of 2012, published in Government Gazette 35875 of 14 November 2012
bodies participated in the proceedings as provided in regulation 8,
and were represented during the proceedings of the Commission by
the following legal practitioners, namely
the more or less 270 mine workers who were Injured and
Arrested (the injured and arrested parties) represented by
Adv D Mpofu SC, together with Advs M A Qofa and R Tulk;
personal details about the lives of the deceased and the
impact their deaths had on their families.
qualification that the chairperson might in his discretion exclude from
the place where such evidence is to be given or such address is to
be delivered any class of persons or all persons whose presence at
the hearing of such evidence or address is, in his opinion not
necessary or desirable.
During these
Commission had come to see were pointed out. This was
because of unruliness amongst some of the parties.
The Commission sat on 300 days (of which seven days were
devoted to oral argument) and the transcript of the proceedings
comprises 39 719 pages of evidence, interim and interlocutory
applications and oral argument. In addition to various videos and
video clips, documentary evidence (having ran four times through
the alphabet from A to ZZZZ, many of which have various subnumbers e.g. ZZZZ 1 to 49) consists of thousands of pages.
In conducting its proceedings the Commission followed a quasiadversarial procedure, in that the evidence leaders, who were
assisted by two investigators, investigated the facts, led some
witnesses and cross examined others and addressed full and helpful
arguments to the Commission.
as regards cross-examination, that an application to crossexamine a witness should be given to the Commissioners,
setting out the topics proposed to be raised during crossexamination together with copies of documents to be relied
upon in the proposed cross examination.
Copies of the
it limited the time available to the parties to lead or cross examine
The submissions relating to the civil and criminal liability are clearly
premised on paragraph 5 of the Commissions Terms of Reference.
This paragraph, amongst other things, enjoins the Commission to
refer any matter for prosecution where this is appropriate.
Counsel for the LRC correctly submitted in paragraphs 144 and 145
of their heads of argument that the appropriate threshold for the
making of recommendations in respect of potential criminal liability is
a prima facie basis for finding that a particular person may be
criminally liable.
The Commission is mindful of the fact that it has not been possible
(nor would it have been appropriate) for it to hold a series of minicriminal trials in respect of the persons whose conduct has to be
scrutinised by the Commission in carrying out its terms of reference.
The evidence such persons would have given would in any event,
not be admissible against them if they were to be prosecuted,
(except for offences under Section 6 of the Commissions Act) and it
would clearly be undesirable and unfair to such persons for the
Commission to find them guilty of any offences.
What the
LRC heads p. 91, paras 143, 144 and 145 which read as follows:
In applying this standard, the Commission is called upon to make findings that
particular persons or parties may be responsible for deaths and injuries and other
events at Marikana. Where the facts before the Commission constitute sufficient
evidence to establish a prima facie basis for responsibility, the Commission should
find accordingly..
parties accepted. The base for this time line was the time on the
eTV video cameras which appears to be correct and the times on all
the photographs and video material put before the Commission have
been converted to eTV time.
Burden of Proof
Counsel for the SAHRC submitted (in para 2.4 of their heads of
argument) that there is a burden of proof resting on the SAPS to
prove that the killings of the 37 persons by the members of the
SAPS were lawful.
The Commission does not agree with this submission. The inquiry
on which it is engaged is not a lis, a law suit, brought by one party
against another. The Commissions task is, amongst other things, to
make factual findings on matters which are in dispute. If it cannot do
so, it must say so. There are no parties in the strict sense of the
word (although various persons and bodies including the SAHRC
have been given permission to participate in the proceedings) and
no-one can be said to bear what the Appellate Division in Mabaso v
Felix 1981 (3) SA 865 (A) at 871H called the overall onus of proof,
what Wigmore ( 9 Evidence 2485) called the risk of non-persuasion.
That is because there is no case for anyone to lose if at the end of
the day the Commission is not persuaded that the killings were
lawful. It is of course different where there is a lis. The matter was
considered by the Appellate Division in Mabaso v Felix: In that
case it was pointed out that in a criminal case the State bears the
overall onus to prove the unlawfulness of an assault, whether fatal or
not. The court held, however, (at 872H 374E) that the position is
different in a civil case where considerations of policy, practice and
fairness inter partes require that the defendant should bear the
overall onus of averring and proving the lawfulness of his actions in
assaulting and killing the deceased.
Both cases were suits brought against the State party concerned,
where in the event of the tribunals being unable to determine on the
evidence led whether the killings were lawful one of the parties had
to lose, i.e., it bore the risk of non-persuasion. The cases are no
authority for the proposition for which counsel contended, viz., that in
a commission, where there are no parties stricto sensu and no
winners and losers, there is a burden of proof on the State.
The facts of the Bleier case are similar to those in another case on
which counsel relied, Orhan v Turkey, European Court of Human
Rights, Application No. 25656/94 (18 June 2002). In that case the
court drew an inference against Turkey (as the United Nations
Human Rights Committee had done against Uruguay in the Bleier
case) because it failed, without giving a satisfactory explanation, to
submit the information which it had in its possession relating to the
allegations of the applicant, to which information it had sole access.
Standard of Proof
para 2.3.3 of their heads) that this is the appropriate standard to
apply to the majority of the issues in dispute but that some flexibility
may be justified in relation to certain issues. Reference was made
to a comprehensive discussion of the topic by Stephen Wilkinson et
al, Standards of Proof in International Humanitarian and Human
Rights Fact-Finding and Inquiry Missions, a research project
undertaken under the auspices of the Geneva Academy of
International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights in close cooperation with Geneva Call and published by the academy.
Missions] should ensure that their findings are credible and reliable:
lower standards of proof should therefore be accepted only in limited
circumstances. At page 58 they deal with the level of co-operation
that can be expected from the parties under investigation. They say
that when the parties under investigation are not open and
receptive, it is likely that some findings will only ever reach the
standard of one of the reasonable conclusions [i.e., a standard
lower than the civil standard]. The FFM may need to rely on adverse
factual findings. In this regard it is important to bear in mind that
both the criminal and civil standards are flexible.
In Cross on
And, as has been said above, in the application of the civil standard,
inferences can be drawn in appropriate cases against a person who
alone knows the relevant facts but fails to give evidence thereon. In
the present case the undertaking by the SAPS to co-operate fully
with the Commission is relevant to the question whether the drawing
of an adverse inference against the SAPS is appropriate.
The Commission will thus not be making factual findings in this part
of its work and the application of the civil standard will not arise.
fired shots at Scenes 1 and 2, whom the SAPS wanted to call to give
evidence and when it was, because of time constraints, not possible
to call those members as witnesses. The chairman directed that the
SAPS has a duty to justify all the shootings by SAPS members
which caused injury or death.14
In so far as the ruling purports to hold that the SAPS has a duty to
justify, in a strict legal sense, all of the shootings by SAPS members
which caused injury or death, the word justify was, bearing in mind
the ruling on the burden of proof, not correctly used.
The Commission has in the course of its work had regard in the main
to oral evidence given on oath or after an affirmation made by the
witness which was subjected to cross examination.
It has also,
also warning statements made by SAPS members to IPID
investigators. These statements are dealt with in Chapter 22 below.
The SAPS contended that the shots fired by its members on 13 and
16 August, some of which killed and injured some of the strikers and
another person, a non-striker who was near scene 1 on 16 August
were fired while the members were defending themselves and their
colleagues from an attack and that the shots fired were accordingly
NUM contended that the shots fired by its members at its office on
11 August were also justified because they were acting lawfully to
defend themselves and their office, which they had been informed
was going to be set alight and burnt by some of the strikers who
were approaching it.
Self-defence is recognised by all legal systems. Where a
choice has to be made between the lives of two or more
people, the life of the innocent is given preference over the
life of the aggressor To deny the innocent person the right
to act in self-defence would deny to that individual his or her
right to life. The same is true where lethal force is used
against a hostage taker who threatens the life of the
hostage. It is permissible to kill the hostage taker to save
the life of the innocent hostage. But only if the hostage is in
real danger. The law solves problems such as these
through the doctrine of proportionality, balancing the rights of
the aggressor against the rights of the victim, and favouring
life or lives of innocents over the life or lives of the guilty.
But there are strict limits to the taking of life, even in the
circumstances that have been described, and the law insists
upon those limits being adhered to.
340 and R v Patel 1959 (3) SA 121. As it was put in R v Patel, at
123 D, (i)n considering these, the Court must beware of being an
armchair critic and must take into account the exigencies of the
In deciding whether the use of force was the only or least dangerous
means of avoiding the danger, i.e., was necessary, as was held by
Madlanga AJP in Ntamo and Others v Minister of Safety and
Security 2001 (1) SA 830 ((Tk HC) at paras [21] to [24], at 836H 837H), to have regard not only to the events immediately preceding
the use of force by the defender but also to the question as to
whether some other form of intervention was available to the
defender at an earlier stage.
(A) lot turns on the specific facts of each case and the
person relying on private defence must proffer such facts
as may justify the use of that force. No facts were placed
before me explaining why the police did not shoot at the
deceaseds legs. There was no suggestion that shooting
at the deceaseds legs would not have neutralised him.
Even if this was an emergency and the police had to act
swiftly, they still could have shot at the legs and, for all we
know, that the exact same time they used in shooting at
the torso. The have failed to explain why they did not do
so. They have thus failed to justify their use of lethal
Whilst appreciating that the life-threatening
situation would in all probability affect ones calm and
proper judgment and that, therefore, this should come into
the equation, surely the boni mores by no means make
light of the sanctity of life, and that includes the life of the
aggressor. It can never be that any person who whips out
a firearm and threateningly points it at the police
apparently intent on shooting them is fair game to be shot
and killed by the police. The police must justify their
resorting to lethal force. In this regard examples of
factors that may be relevant are the following:
Convention), in my view, the principles enunciated in
the McCann case are quite informative and useful.
In that case the following was said:
(T)he force used must be strictly proportionate to
the achievement of the aims set out in subparas
2(a), (b), and (c) of art 2.
In keeping with the importance of this provision in a
democratic society, the Court must, in making its
assessment, subject deprivations of life to the most
careful scrutiny, particularly where deliberate lethal
force is used, taking into consideration not only the
actions of the agents of the State who actually
administer the force but also all the surrounding
circumstances, including such matters as the
planning and control of the actions under
[38] The European Court of Human Right reaffirmed the
above statement of the law in Andronicou and
Another v Cyprus (1998) 25 EHRR 491 at 545.
The latter was a case of hostage taking in which
members of a Cyprus specialist police unit, in their
rescue effort, had shot and killed both the hostage
taker and the hostage. The Court which decided (by
five votes to four) that there was no violation of art 2
of the Convention was agreed that, amongst others,
important considerations are adequate and proper
planning and meaningful control in the execution of
the plan. In a dissenting judgment Judge Pikis said
(at 565):
The State has added duty of planning as
well as controlling the operation so as to
limit the circumstances in which force is
used and, if the use of force is
unavoidable, to minimise its effects.
For present purposes, I wish to qualify the idea of
planning. It should not conjure up ideas of nothing
but elaborate planning. The nature of planning
should, inter alia, depend on the nature of the harm
to be averted and the time available for taking
appropriate action. Reverting to the instant case,
the bungling of the police, their lack of
professionalism in approaching the deceased and
their planning (or lack thereof) sink the defendant
even further if we import, as we must do, the
dictates of the Constitution to the notion of legal
convictions of the community.
defence. If in those circumstances he kills someone his
conduct is unlawful. His erroneous belief that his life of
property was in danger may well (depending on the
precise circumstances) exclude dolus in which case
liability for the persons death will also be excluded
The Grand Chamber of the Court held (by ten votes to nine) that
there had been a violation. The majority accepted that the SAS
members who shot the deceased had acted lawfully but held that the
anti-terrorist operation as a whole was not controlled and organised
in a manner which respected the requirements of Article 2 (art 2) of
the Convention. In paragraph 213 of the judgment, the majority
summarised its conclusions as follows:
Counsel for the SAPS contended that this principle is not part of
South African law. As has been seen, it has been specifically cited
and applied by Madlanga AJ P in the Ntamo case. The Commission
agrees with that judgment and is satisfied that the McCann principle
is indeed part of our law.
that the tragic events that occurred during the period 12 to 16 August
2012 originated from the decision and conduct of the strikers in
embarking on an unprotected strike and in enforcing the strike by
violence and intimidation, using dangerous weapons for the purpose.
of workers which may backfire on the union and negatively
affect the credibility of NUMs negotiations.17
miners in first line supervision of mining work teams, allocated to
every face panel, and are mostly NUM members within the
bargaining unit.18
They are in effect the persons who have to do the early examination to ensure that the area is safe
before other workers can get in and who should be pointing where the rock drill operators have to drill
and who have, after a blast, to clear the shaft.
Day 35, Gcilitshana pp. 3774-3777
Day 35, Gcilitshana p. 3788
result was that the NUM branch offices at Implats were forcibly
The RDOs they were all promoted from category A4 to category B1,
which in effect resulted in an overall increase of their salaries,
including a holiday leave allowance, a living out allowance and a
retirement contribution, from a total guaranteed pay of R6 540 to a
total guaranteed pay of R9 991 with effect from 1 April 2012, being a
date brought forward from 1 July 2012 (the dates in the collective
agreement of 7 October 2011).21
These increases gave rise to the fact that RDOs at Lonmin were
lagging behind in wages, compared to their colleagues at the
surrounding platinum mines, particularly at Implats.
Exhibit XX2
That expectation was indeed formed and the same route was
pursued. The first clear manifestation of it was the presentation to Mr
Michael Da Costa of a demand for RDO nett wages to be increased
to R12,500. He was at the time the VP Mining Operations at Karee
and he gave detailed evidence of the manner in which this
agreement a basic nett salary of R12 500 per month.26 They were
unable, except for indicating that it was a nice figure, to shed any
light on when that amount was first discussed or decided upon, by
whom it was discussed and decided upon, and what the rationale for
demanding that specific amount was.
structures. They also said that they were not making a
demand but were simply requesting an increase in the basic
salary. Mr Da Costa informed them that he would take the
matter up to Lonmin's Exco and that he would give them
feedback by 2 July 2012.
unprotected strike in support of their demand for a wage of
R12 500 per month.28
It is also common cause that this strike as it progressed over the period was
an unprotected strike.30
first, that the RDOs came from different units, namely Karee,
Rowland and Eastern Platinum and hence belonged to different
secondly, that at that stage NUM had allegedly already made it clear
that they were unable to take forward the demand of the RDOs; and
This gathering was observed by, amongst others, Mr. Pieter Botha, a
security superintendent in the employ of Lonmin.
He described it as
It would accordingly appear that at that stage the RDOs decided, for reasons
unrelated to any of the trade unions (AMCU having not aligned itself with the
demand and NUM having distanced itself from the demand), to advance
their claim for a wage of R12 500, on their own. 36
The following incidents on the 10th call for consideration and evaluation:
The march to Lonmin Platinum Division offices and the meetings with
Lonmin Security;
Whether the crowd was armed and the mood of the crowd;
The march to Lonmin Platinum offices and the meeting with Lonmin
At the LPD office Messrs Sinclair and Blou had a telephonic discussion with
Mr Abey Kgotle, the Executive Manager for Human Capital of Western
Platinum, who informed them that management would not speak to a
faceless crowd when there were recognised and established structures in
place whereby demands could be put to management.43
By 10h00 the crowd had moved past the four-way stop at Rowland Shaft.46
Mr Botha observed that the crowd was armed only with sticks and
knobkerries and that no other weapons could be seen.47 SAPS had arrived
on the scene by this time with four Nyala armoured vehicles and several soft
skin vehicles.48 SAPS took over the task of escorting the workers from
Lonmin security.49 This appears on Exhibit W.
By around 13h00, the crowd had arrived at the LPD office.53 Video footage of
the march shows that Mr Sinclair, flanked by members of Lonmin security
and SAPS, spoke to representatives of the workers who came forward. 54 Mr
Sinclair conveyed the contents of Mr Kgotles communique to the crowd. The
workers representatives then addressed the crowd. This was recorded by
Mr Callie Miles, a security manager in the employ of Lonmin.55 Thereafter
the crowd began to disperse from the LPD office and proceeded back to the
Wonderkop Stadium.
Mr Blou, in his statement said that as the crowd was dispersing, threats from
various people in the crowd were uttered and with suggestions that this was
not the end of the issue and something would happen further. He said that
he could not point to any specific individuals who uttered such threats, but
there were voices from the crowd with a level of verbal aggression which he
had not previously experienced at the mine.58 He said that the words were
to the effect that management would have to deal with the consequences
and would be responsible for what was to happen.
He testified that he was aware that there were two occasions when road
blocks were put up involving Lonmin Security and SAPS, the one at Rowland
Crossing and the one closer to LPD, and although management had issued
an instruction to security that the crowd should not get to the office, the
marchers in fact simply pushed their way past those road blocks.59 He said
that that did not ring any alarm bells with him in respect of the mood of the
marchers because in their assessment, this was consistent with previous
marches and previous gatherings. He said that the game changer was when
the crowd had been advised that their demands would not be entertained,
and that is when great dissatisfaction was shown by them.
Mr Blou said that when the crowd had dispersed, he agreed with Mr
Sinclairs words that there was a fairly alarming sense of mood at that point
at LPD.60 He agreed that there was clearly a significant change of mood
which required an appropriate response from Lonmin.61
then lets make the decision what to do. This is where the
problem started, Mr Chairman. We decided that lets go and
sit down and talk and allow the employer to come back to us
and this is where the trouble started.
The workers then returned to Wonderkop stadium and dispersed from there.
Before dispersing, the workers agreed to meet again the following morning
at Wonderkop Stadium.66 Mr Mabuyakhulu, somewhat curiously, testified
that the decision was made that they would meet the following day and sit
there and wait until the employer changed his mind and spoke to them. 67 He
did not explain on what basis it was expected that the employer would
change his mind.
Whether the crowd was armed and the mood of the crowd
Mr Sinclair stated that the crowd showed displeasure and aggression when
they dispersed after the march.73 The march was recorded in videos taken
by Mr Botha,74 Mr Miles,75 and by W/O Masinya,76 a video operator attached
to the Rustenburg POP unit. Whilst these recordings confirm some of the
observations that were made by Captain Govender that the crowd dispersed
peacefully after the march, in other videos some of the persons in
conversation with Mr Sinclair can be observed to be reacting with some
degree of displeasure.77
Day 274, Govender, pp. 35022 - 35024. And see Exhibit LLLL 5.
Day 274, Govender, p. 35023
Day 274, Govender, p. 35023
Exhibit FFFF1 paragraph 28
Exhibit W1.
Exhibits W2, W3 and W5.
Exhibit W4.
Exhibit W1 and W2
There are no complaints about the lack of co-operation by SAPS for this
event. The Lonmin Log Book records that at 07h00, two POP platoons and
one superintendent, Colonel Merafe, were in attendance, and that at 13h45,
the police arrived at Wonderkop. The evidence is that there were four Nyalas
and several soft skin vehicles in attendance. This is visible on the videos as
The Lonmin Log Book reports that information about incidents of intimidation
were received and noted as follows:
Exhibit EEEE19.2.
Exhibit EEEE19.2.
Exhibit EEEE19.2
Exhibit EEEE19.2
Exhibit EEEE19.2
Exhibit EEEE19.2
Exhibit EEEE19.2
At 20h00 it was reported that two workers who were on their way to
work had been assaulted near the NUM offices at Wonderkop.88
Exhibit EEEE19.2
Exhibit EEEE19.2
Exhibit EEEE19.2
Exhibit EEEE19.2
Exhibit EEEE19.2
Malesela William Setelele was shot dead at Marikana on 17 October 2013.
Exhibit YY1, paragraph 14
He said that he did not notice any signs of intimidation whilst transporting the
workers throughout that night, expect for an incident that occurred near the
Wonderkop Stadium. A group of persons gathered there shouted to them, in
a threatening manner, that they would be killed for transporting workers to
work while they were on strike.
He attended the scene and when about 100 meters away from the crowd, he
clearly saw them armed with pangas, spears and knob kieries. He observed
the crowd singing and dancing and he noted that during the evening a group
of about 20 to 30 persons would break away towards the hostel areas and
intimidate the employees who wanted to work, and prevented them from
going to work. They were also jeering, threatening and swearing at members
of security.
He says that at about 18h45, when a group of workers came off duty, he
warned them to walk on the opposite side of the road to where the strikers
had positioned themselves. Six of them did not listen to his warning and
were charged at by 20 to 30 strikers shouting and wielding weapons,
Exhibit EEEE 29
whereupon they fled from the scene towards the Roland shaft. The group of
strikers ran towards the six employees. Both Botha and Kellerman shouted
at the group to stop chasing after the others, but they did not stop. Botha
thought that the group might catch up with the fleeing workers and decided
that he had no other option but to use rubber bullets to attempt to bring the
situation under control.
Mr Kellerman says that he was armed with a shotgun which he had loaded
with low grade low density rubber bullets. He fired a warning shot into the
ground with no result. He says he had no option but to fire twice at the
crowd with rubber bullet reduced rounds. He says that he ensured that he
aimed low and towards the legs of the strikers, and also took care that there
were no other pedestrians in the area where the employees were being
He says that at the time he shot, he had no other measure available to him
to bring the situation under control, to stop the armed strikers from chasing
the employees and to protect the employees either going to or returning from
He says the group then turned around and joined the bigger group of strikers
and the shooting of rubber bullets seemed to have the desired effect. There
were no injuries to any person on the scene.
and when they returned, Captain Govender said that he had noticed the
crowd were in possession of traditional weapons. Mr Kellerman says that he
noticed that the crowd ran off in the direction of Nkaneng village when the
Police vehicle drove towards them.
Mr Botha contacted their security manager, Mr Miles, for back up. Captain
Govender left the scene just before the back-up arrived at 20h00.
He says that until about 22h30, there were similar incidents of chasing and
threatening of workers and during which incidents, he shot 16 rubber bullets,
in an attempt to contain the strikers to protect those employees who came to
The same statement is made by Mr Botha in the docket, the only difference
being the number of shots fired by him.
According to Mr Botha, at
Exhibit EEEE32A.
Exhibit EEEE32B.
observed a group of about 20 to 30 workers carrying knobkerries, spears
and pangas.95 He said that the group was threatening those workers who
were coming off their shifts and those workers who were going to work for
the evening shift.96 He was accompanied by Mr Kellerman.97 According to
Mr Botha, they approached this group of workers in their Nissan Livina motor
vehicle and fired rubber bullets at them, aiming for their legs, after which the
group quickly dispersed and fled to the surrounding areas.98
In this
report he did not distinguish between the three separate shooting incidents
but treated them as one. The time of the incident was recorded as being
18h35 to 20h10.100 In the shooting report, he stated that the persons shot at
had knob kieries, pangas and spears in their possession and intimidated the
workers in the area.
The reason given by Mr Botha for the incident which led to the shots being
fired was that the RDOs were involved in an illegal march and intimidated
In the shooting report Mr Botha recorded that he had fired seventeen rubber
bullets, all of them warning shots.102
Lonmin Security members, including Mr Botes, to fire at the groups of people
with rubber bullets.109
He said that whilst he sat in his vehicle monitoring the group he was
approached by Mr Graeme Sinclair and Mr Dirk Botes, who told him that
SAPS should disperse the group of males standing on the opposite side. Mr
Botes was excited and quite vocal.112 He told Mr Botes that those people
were just standing there and not presenting a problem to anybody. 113
Captain Govender testified that as far as he could see the strikers were not
in possession of sharp instruments but merely had knobkerries.114 He
testified that he did not see them as threatening.115
He also testified that he did not witness any shooting by Lonmin security with
rubber bullets.116 Mr Kellermans shooting incident report mentions that the
shooting of the rubber bullets occurred in the presence of SAPS. This cannot
be reconciled with the version of Captain Govender.
the strikers moved off while the police were present, and Captain
Govender and his crew were unable to notice exactly what the
strikers had in their possession,
the group of persons that Captain Govender observed were not the
same group that were intimidating employees.
The question that arises is whether the three incidents of shooting by Lonmin
security on the evening of the10th were justified. It has been submitted that
the bland references to strikers intimidating workers are insufficient grounds
to justify shooting at people and that Lonmin was unable to provide sufficient
clarity or detail on exactly what intimidation was taking place and, more
importantly, why it was necessary to resort to shooting at people gathered
there. The Commission disagrees.
Whilst neither Kellerman nor Botha testified, there is nothing to gainsay the
versions in their statements that the employees were being chased and
intimidated by armed strikers. There was no statement of any striker or any
cross examination that placed another version of the behaviour of the crowd
before the Commission. Mr Botes testified that the shooting occurred when
people were intimidating workers who walked from the hostel complex to
Rowland crossing and when the crowd threw stones at the security
personnel.117 This evidence of Mr Botes was not challenged in cross
Given the climate of intimidation of striking workers that prevailed at the time,
it is very probable that Lonmin Security shot rubber rounds in an attempt to
protect working employees being intimidated.
It is not clear to the Commission from the contents of the docket whether the
injuries caused to Mr Mutengwane and Mr Dlomo were caused by rubber
Exhibit XX5.
Exhibit XXX2.18
Exhibit XXX2.18
Exhibit EEEE28
Exhibit XXX2.18
Exhibit XXX2.19
Exhibit XXX2.19
bullets or sharp ammunition. In the Commissions view, these shootings
merit further investigation by SAPS.
area, the patrolling and monitoring that was conducted by his
unit in the area on 10 and 11 August 2012 was conducted as
part of their normal policing duties and not in accordance with
the Contingency Plan.
Exhibit FFF25
Hostel Sports ground in support of their wage
demands. The gathering was not approved and was
An issue which can at this stage be dealt with under the events of 10
August 2012 (although it has also relevance to the events on 11 and
12 August 2012) is the applicability of Counter Industrial Action
Response Procedure.
The document has a footer on each page which states that a signed
copy of the document is held at E & DM Mining Security (Middelkraal).
presented to EXCO.126
Some of the crucial issues dealt with in exhibit XXX8 include the
decisions about deployments, equipment to be used in
deployments, the number of deployments, and the place of
The following incidents on the 11th call for consideration and evaluation:
the March to the NUM Office and the Confrontation at the NUM Offices
Lonmin Briefing
The march to the NUM office and the confrontation at the NUM office
driving around in a Quantum which is owned by the mine. They also
received a report that certain persons had guns pointed at them and were
told to go to work under force. He says the decision that was taken was that
they should go to NUM to enquire from them as to why they do not want the
employer to talk to them.
Under cross examination, he could not say why it would not have been
appropriate for only a small number of representatives to go to the NUM
office to talk about the issue, rather than all 3000 of them marching to the
office. It was also put to him in cross examination that he said in his
statement that he wanted to go to the NUM office to find out why they had
been shooting at the AMCU members the previous day
attend work the previous day. He decided to drive to the NUM offices to
warn the members present there of the position.
Mr Motlogelwa stated that a certain David informed him that protesters have
decided to destroy and burn the NUM offices at the Hostel. At about 11:00
they started singing and marched towards the Hostel. He saw that they
carried sticks and spears. He drove to the Hostel and informed Mr. Brown
(Mr Setelele), the chairperson of NUM at Rowland shaft, that protesters are
coming to destroy and burn their offices. He advised him to vacate their
offices to save their lives. Mr Brown and his team said that they were not
going to leave.
Mr Setelele said that he was at the NUM office that morning when two
Lonmin security officers, Elias Dibakoane133 and Julius Motlogelwa,134
arrived there and told him that a group of protesters had started marching
from Wonderkop Stadium headed in the direction of the NUM office, and that
they were carrying an assortment of weapons that included knobkerries and
spears,135 and that according to their information the protesters intended to
burn down the NUM office and the vehicle that NUM had been using to
Exhibit ZZ3
Exhibit ZZ4 [also Exhibits XX2.20, AAAA38 and DDDD10].
Exhibit YY1, paragraph 17.
transport employees to work.136 Mr Setelele left the NUM office immediately
to take the vehicle that NUM had been using to a place of safety.137
Mr Saziso Albert Gegeleza said in his statement139 that they all moved out of
the office and onto the road because they feared that they might be trapped
in the building or its yard, which was fenced. He said that although many
people spoke in favour of remaining and trying to protect the office, it was
clear that most of them, if not all, were very afraid of the strikers given the
information they had received. Several of those present did in fact leave. By
the time that the strikers arrived, there were less than 20 people who had
remained at the office. He was one of those who resolved to stay, despite his
Exhibit YY1,
Exhibit YY1, paragraph 18.
Exhibit YY1
Exhibit ZZ2, paragraph 14, paragraphs 15 to 24.
He said that whilst standing outside the office fence, two security personnel
drove up in a white van and advised Mr Bongo they should all leave the
scene because the strikers were on their way to attack and burn the office. In
response to a question from Mr Bongo, they made it clear that they were not
in a position to provide any protection. The two security personnel were
visibly worried about the situation. Immediately after they had spoken to Mr
Bongo, they left in the direction of the Wonderkop Township. He said that
the fact that Lonmin security had said that they were unable to assist them
added to the level of the fear amongst those who were still at the office.
They could hear that the strikers were approaching and he then led a small
number of persons to the sidewalk alongside the Brits taxi rank road, from
where he saw that a very large group of strikers was coming around the
corner of the road from the hostel and stadium and moving in their direction.
He observed that they were singing and chanting in an aggressive manner
and were armed with knobkerries and sticks and several of them had
He observed that many of the strikers were turning down the road which led
to the entrance to the NUM office. The others continued to move down the
road towards where he was. When they were more or less in line with the
satellite police station the strikers in front stopped.
The strikers started shouting at them, including threatening words like here
are these dogs and were very hostile. There was at no stage any indication
that they had come there in order to speak to the NUM people. Nothing at all
was said to the effect that they wanted NUM to take their demand to Lonmin
Some of the crowd threw stones at them and then the crowd started moving
forward again. These events, he said were happening very fast and he had
no doubt that they were going to attack them and was extremely afraid. They
were nevertheless determined that they would not run away but that they
would defend themselves and the NUM office.
He heard at least 3 gunshots, but because of the noise, could not tell exactly
from where the shots had been fired. He was very startled by that and said
that it seemed that the strikers were also startled. Almost immediately the
strikers in front of the group began retreating. Those behind did the same
and very quickly the strikers were dispersing. He saw that the same was
happening with those strikers who had gone down the road towards the
NUM office entrance.
The majority of the strikers turned back up the road through the hostel
complex and others pushed through a broken portion in the concrete fence
(known as a stop-nonsense) on the side of the road opposite the satellite
police station. As they went through this gap, some of the strikers dropped
the weapons they were carrying.
He believed that the gunshots saved him and others from serious injury and,
even, from being killed.
The NUM members chased after them to ensure that the strikers kept on the
move and continued to disperse. The concern was that they should not have
the opportunity to regroup and launch another attack on the NUM office.
Mr Dibakoane and Mr Motlogelwa were positioned near the scene where this
incident occurred. Mr Dibakoane, in his statement,140 described that the
NUM crowd were standing outside the NUM office and facing in the direction
of the oncoming strikers. He did not observe any weapons on the NUM
members, although some NUM members, were wearing blankets which
could have concealed weapons.
He heard two loud sounds which he took to be gunfire and watched as the
crowd ran off in the opposite direction towards Wonderkop. As the crowd
retreated, Mr Motlogelwa slowly drove his security vehicle towards the
direction of the Wonderkop stadium trailing behind the retreating striking
They then ran away into different directions. He saw one person fall,
apparently from a gunshot. He then decided to go through the gap in the
concrete fence known as stop nonsense and started to run and realised
that he had been shot in the back. He continued running towards the bus
rank. He then fell after losing power and feeling weaker.
Exhibit XX5
Exhibit XX6
Exhibit BBB8, paragraphs 8 and 9.
He said that he is able to identify his assailants from video footage. The
video footage referred to appears on the SAPS hard drive.145
At page 5276, he deals with the medical reports relating to his injuries. 146 At
page 5281, he says that a bullet was removed from his body and it was
handed over to the police.
The videos were not played during the Commission hearings for the witness
to identify the persons. This is something that the Commission recommends
to be investigated and that the DPP apply his mind to seeing whether those
persons who assaulted Mr Mabuyakhulu can be identified for the purposes
of prosecution. Whilst there might not be any evidence about who shot him,
the subsequent assault on Mr Mabuyakhulu while he lay injured on the
ground, should be thoroughly investigated.
Mr Mabuyakhulu said that he was not aware of any intention to burn down
the NUM office.147 Under cross examination, he disavowed any intention
whatsoever of any violence or threatening behaviour. He said that the
reports of persons being shot from the Quantum and forcing employees to
go to work did result in a reaction from the meeting, with people saying that it
was just not right.148
He said that the report of persons being injured by the shooting did not
produce any reaction from the crowd.149 He hesitated to admit, under cross
examination by counsel for NUM, that his statement to the investigating
officer included his saying that they marched to the NUM offices to ask about
the shooting. The furthest he went was to say that he might have said so.150
He did agree though that at the meeting it was conveyed to them that
members of AMCU had been shot by members of NUM, but denied that they
had marched to the offices of NUM to find out why AMCU members had
been shot.151
discuss their concerns. He agreed that it would be easier for five persons to
make the enquiries, rather than a crowd of 3000. 152
AMCU in their Heads of Argument at paragraph 26, submit that the strikers
did not have violent intentions, and that there was but a rumour about the
intention to burn down the NUM office. This point was also made by counsel
for Injured and Arrested Persons.
The Lonmin Logbook records a report at 08h39 of a threat to burn down the
NUM office, and at 08h47, Mike Gerrtsen from Rowland reported that people
were planning to burn the cars at the shaft. If these were indeed just
rumours, they certainly seem to have been widespread.
by reports of shootings and injuries to members of AMCU which allegedly
took place the previous evening.
Both the security officers saw sticks and spears in the possession of the
crowd. Both Mr Setelele and Mr Gegeleza say that the crowd was armed
with knobkieries, spears and assegais. There is nothing to gainsay this
There was some debate about whether the buying of the pangas occurred
before the shooting incident.
09h00, and at about 09h30 the crowd started singing and chanting and
preparing to move to the NUM offices. Mr Julius Motlogeloa said in his
statement that at about 11h00 the protesters started singing and marched
towards the hostel.
The vehicle tracking history of the Toyota Hilux used by Lonmin Security
shows the vehicle present at the area of the NUM offices between 08h22
and 08h44, and again there between 10h10 and 10h11.
The evidence leaders submitted158 that the confrontation between the unions
took place between 08h35 and 08h42 because 08h35 is the time when the
vehicle is recorded as driving to a position where it was facing the strikers
from behind the NUM office. This is most likely, against the background of
the times recorded in the Lonmin Log Book.
This being so, the buying of the pangas from Mr Cassim could not have
taken place before the march to the NUM offices. Mr Cassim could also not
have been the only source of sharp weapons, as number of sharp weapons
in the possession of the strikers in the following days, exceeded thirty by far.
It was not disputed that the NUM members opened fire on the crowd of
protesters.159 . Counsel for NUM, at the inspection in loco, recorded on
video160 admitted that it is NUM that fired the shots. Apart from this
statement made by their counsel, the Commission has not heard any
evidence as to the circumstances surrounding the shooting.
NUM submit that their firing of shots was in defence of the office and
themselves, and that the shooting in fact saved the lives of some 20 to 30 of
them from the crowd of approximately 3 000 persons converging on them.
They maintain that it was the strikers who threw stones at them first.
The docket placed before the Commission names a suspect, but not much
seems to have been done to take the investigation further. Mr Mabuyakhulu
testified that he is able to identify two of his attackers, and has done so
already from a video shown to him.
Whatever the position at the time of shooting, the attack on the injured Mr
Mabuyakhulu by two armed persons requires urgent investigation and
The Lonmin Logbook records that at 08h45, PW (Mr Botha) reported for the
second time to Marikana SAPS and Constable Ramafoko also informed
SAPS. At 09h02, PW reported to Colonel Merafe and Captain Sefike and
asked for assistance.
At 09h03, when 8 rubber rounds were fired to disperse a mob opposite the
NUM offices, two SAPS Constables were available to assist. At 09h43, Mr
Henry Blou was to contact SAPS Provincial Commissioner Mbombo or Major
General Naidoo to report that no support had been received from SAPS and
two shootings had already been reported.
It has not been disputed by SAPS that they were not in attendance at the
Exhibit DDD1
Day 51, Phatsha, p. 5570 - page 5572
Exhibit PPPP1, paragraph 2
Exhibit PPPP1, paragraph 3
a four man delegation which was tasked with going to fetch the inyanga.168
He stated that the reason why he had not mentioned this fact in his first
statement was because
through the bits of conversation that I overheard, that they
were attempting to secure the services of the same Sangoma
who helped the Impala employees to win their battle earlier
this year.
The delegates returned with an answer from the Sangoma
that the going rate would be R1000.00 per person. The
activists felt that R1000.00 was too much and once again
despatched the delegates to negotiate a more affordable rate.
When they returned they announced that an agreement had
been reached at R500.00 per person. During the prelude to
the negotiations we were instructed to make known the
number of participants. We were able to come up with the
figure of 1800 people.
After agreement had been reached between the Sangoma
and the crowd, we were instructed by one of the delegates
that the [place] currently occupied was too public and we
needed to move to a more private spot. The Koppie was then
selected as a suitable venue for whatever rituals were to be
When we arrived at the koppie, we divided ourselves into
groups according to our working places, i.e Karee, Westerns
and Easterns. We were instructed to remove our hats, turn off
our cellphones and refrain from any sexual activity as any of
these could fall/would interfere with his mutis.
Furthermore we were instructed to obtain water and about
500 Minora blades. I witnessed the fact that some people
went down to the village to get water and Minora blades.
By the time that the Sangoma arrived it was already late and
almost dark. Upon arrival he first had a discussion with the
individuals who conducted the negotiations. After which he
started with the first group (either Easterns or Westerns).
From my vantage point I was able to see people removing
their upper body garments. The bare-chested individuals then
presented themselves one at a time to him to perform
whatever ritual he was about to perform. The Sangoma was
also half naked. I only saw a male Sangoma but I heard that
there was a female Sangoma in the vicinity who it was alleged
was to be the back-up plan should the principal Sangomas
muti not work.
While I was there I overheard the crowd saying that they were
not going to sleep at all that night as they needed to plan how
they were going to retaliate regarding their two comrades
allegedly killed during the march that preceded the gathering
at the koppie. It seemed to me that they were preparing for
I left the koppie before the Sangoma could start with his ritual
on the group that I had infiltrated.
When I arrived back at my JOC team, I reported what I had
witnessed. I mentioned that the Sangoma was present and
had promised the crowd that if they participated in his rituals
they would not need to fear the firearms of their enemies
because the firearms would either jam or the bullets would
turn to water before striking them.
I am not sure whether my superiors took my
recommendations seriously due to the fact that they laughed
regarding the water bullet issue.
Lonmin Briefing
Exhibit RRRR2.4
Exhibit EEEE19.2
Exhibit EEEE19.2
The SAPS intelligence report for 12 August 2012 recorded the following in
respect of the events that had occurred on 11 August 2012178:
After the rituals had been performed the strikers stayed on the Koppie
through the night of 11 August 2012.179
Exhibit EEEE19.2
Exhibit EEEE19.2
Exhibit TT5 pages 1 and 2 paragraph 6
Exhibit AAAA1.2, paragraph 11
Day 51, Phatsha, pp. 5457 - 5460
and that he wanted to use the weapons to protect or defend myself in case
NUM came and attacked us, like before.181
The following incidents on the 12th call for consideration and evaluation:
the confrontation between the strikers and Lonmin Security at the traffic
the confrontation between the strikers and Lonmin Security at the hostels
the attack on K4 Shaft, the murder of Mr Mabebe and the assaults and
damage to property at K4 Shaft
Mr Blou under cross examination183 agreed that it was evident from the
record of the debriefing that it must have been apparent to Lonmin security
that there might be trouble at K4 shaft and that something had to be done
about it to prevent trouble and to protect the people who were there.184
Exhibit EEEE19.2
Day 282, Blou, pp.36326 - 36367
Day 283, Blou, pp.36479 - 36485
Exhibit EEEE19.2 [also Exhibit XXX4]
Exhibit EEEE19.2 [also Exhibit XXX4]
Exhibit AAAA36.
the night shift consisting of Mr Botha and Mr Kellerman. Messrs Botha and
Kellerman informed them that it had been quiet through the night without any
On the way to the Wonderkop area, Mr Louw received a report that the
crowd gathering at the koppie were moving towards the Wonderkop Hostels.
Messrs Louw and Vorster dropped Mr Mogola off at the office and continued
to the Wonderkop Stadium area. They parked their vehicle on the traffic
island which is situated outside the western entrance to the Wonderkop
Mr Louw said that the crowd stopped about 20 metres before the traffic
island and formed a crescent with the Lonmin security in the concave part.
He and Mr Vorster got out of their vehicle and faced the crowd pointing their
shotguns in the direction of the crowd. Mr Louw informed emergency OPS of
the situation and asked for back-up.188
There were, he said, two groups of strikers, a smaller group in front of about
50 strikers and another group consisting of more than 1000 strikers behind
them. The smaller group rhythmically slammed their traditional weapons
together, humming and chanting just loudly enough to be audible.
One of the strikers stood up and hurled a rock at the Lonmin Security. At that
point Mr Vorster opened fire with his shotgun and the rest of the group
charged forward to attack them. Mr Louw also opened fire and managed to
get off 2 shots before ordering Mr Vorster to get back into the vehicle so that
they could retreat.
Before they managed to enter the vehicle, Mr Louw was hit with a knobkerrie
on his left shoulder and struck on the left thigh by a large rock. Mr Vorster
was cut by a panga on his right side all the way from the armpit to the hip.
After they entered the vehicle, Mr Vorster tried to pull away, but the vehicle
stalled. Mr Vorster managed to get it going again and they drove through the
crowd to the soccer field halfway between the island and the Rowland
crossing. The vehicle was severely damaged.
Exhibit AAAA36
He said that when he alighted from the vehicle, he indicated to the crowd to
stop both verbally and with hand signals. The small group moved to their
right as if to flank them and prevent them from moving off the island. Mr
Vorster pointed his firearm at them and they moved back to their original
position, they then moved to the right to flank them again and moved back
when a firearm was pointed at them. The crowd then went into a crouching
position, and this is when a striker in a white overall threw a rock at them.190
Mr Louw said that he fired two shots and the group stormed them. Whilst
trying to get into the car, he was struck by a rock and a knobkierie. When
inside the vehicle, there were problems with starting the vehicle. The crowd
surrounded and attacked the vehicle. As the vehicle drove off, he fired four
rubber bullets through the window that had been shattered by the strikers. 191
Under cross examination by counsel for the Injured and Arrested Persons,
he said that he had been told by other security officers that the strikers
wanted to go to the NUM offices to take revenge for the incident of the
previous day where they had allegedly been shot at by NUM officials, and
did not have any other information in this regard. He did not receive any
information that the strikers wanted to target the security personnel. Mr Louw
said that rumours of any threat to person or property were not taken lightly,
and that they did act upon them.194
Exhibit DDDD4
Exhibit DDDD3
Day 264, Motlogeloa, pp. 33292 - 33293
Mr Vorster jumped into the Protea Coin armed vehicle and moved into the
hostel area. Mr Louw used the damaged vehicle HDK 354NW and
proceeded around to the eastern entrance of the hostel via the gravel road
passing Andrew Saffy Hospital. However he was unable to enter the hostel
from the eastern entrance to get to Messrs Mabelane and Fundi because the
marchers were blocking the road.
Vehicle tracking records show that several Lonmin Security vehicles had
reached the Hostel before Mr Masibis Polo and that by the time he joined
his colleagues, they had already retreated a considerable distance.
Exhibit AAAA37
had been joined by a rescue vehicle driven by Mr van Rooi who was
responding to the distress call of Mr Louw.196
By 09:52, the two security vehicles had retreated another 80m into the hostel
complex and the rescue vehicle was roughly halfway between those vehicles
and Mr Masibis Polo which had reached the bus terminal;197
By 09:54 all three vehicles had retreated to the bus terminal where they had
stopped near Mr Masibis vehicle.198
Some of the security team members attempted to prevent the crowd from
approaching by raising their voices in order to be heard over the noise and
from a distance. The strikers disregarded this and continued moving towards
them, albeit a little more slowly.
Exhibit EEEE15.6
Exhibit EEEE15.7
Exhibit EEEE15.8
Exhibit AAAA37
The security officials realized that the marchers were not going to stop and
some of them started firing rubber bullets towards the marchers. Mr Masibi
testified that he did not recall hearing any order given. However he also
started to fire rubber bullets towards the strikers until he had emptied his
firearm magazine that contained seven rounds. There was no chance to
even attempt to reload the firearm.
Mr Masibi testified that he and his colleagues retreated and ran to his
vehicle, the VW Polo. However when he reached the vehicle he realized that
he would not have enough time to get into the vehicle and retreat along with
it. He decided to leave the vehicle there and retreated on foot to where Mr
Mabelane and Mr Fundi were already seated in their vehicles.
Mr Masibi managed to find an open Bakkie which was already in motion and
climbed onto the back of it, travelling towards the taxi rank and turning right
in the direction of Andrew Saffy Hospital. The vehicle tracking records place
this at between 09:58 and 09:59.200
By the time the crowd reached the taxi rank in the immediate vicinity of the
NUM office, Mr Masibi and his colleagues realized that Mr Mabelane and Mr
Fundi had not escaped the crowd with them.
They were later informed that Mr Mabelane and Mr Fundi had been killed.
Two Mossberg shotguns were stolen from Mr Fundi and Mr Mabelane in the
process, and two vehicles were set alight. A docket for two counts of murder,
malicious damage to property and two counts of theft of a firearm was
subsequently opened at Marikana under CAS 107/08/2012.
In his evidence, Mr Masibi said that there were six security vehicles and
twelve security officer present at the scene. Mr Mabelane, their senior, said
that the information was that the crowd of strikers were intending to burn
down the NUM offices, and that they should form a line and disperse the
crowd with rubber bullets. He said that he and others disagreed with this
instruction because they did not have enough equipment and that they could
not disperse such a large crowd with rubber bullets. Mr Mabelane instructed
them to use their shotguns to disperse the crowd with rubber bullets to
prevent them from causing damage to Lonmin property.201
He said that the crowd were walking closely together, and would then crouch
and clash their weapons. Mr Motlogelwa approached them unarmed, and
gestured with his hand, enquiring what they wanted. The strikers
approached clashing their weapons and gesturing with their hands indicating
that the security officers should shift out of their way. Mr Motlogelwa then
As the crowd neared them the security officers in the line fired rubber bullets
at them. He said the rubber bullets had no effect on the crowd. They
retreated to their vehicles and as he was running he felt items being thrown
at him but could not see what they were. He reached his vehicle but did not
get in as the crowd was very close at the time. He ran past the vehicle in
which Messrs Fundi and Mabelane were, and jumped onto a security vehicle
passing by. He reloaded his firearm and fired 7 rubber bullets into the
At the time he fired those shots, the crowd had completely surrounded the
security vehicles and he could not see what was happening there. A short
while later he saw smoke arising from the vehicle in which Mr Fundi had
been. The majority of the strikers were still surrounding the burning vehicle.
He could not see what was happening there and it was too dangerous to get
any closer. He saw that a group of strikers had proceeded towards the taxi
rank next to the NUM offices.204
He managed to leave the scene. At some stage he saw that the crowd had
surrounded the vehicle of Mr Messrs Mabelane and Fundi. Another group
ran past and threw stones at the vehicles that were driving away. 206
The extent of the attack upon Messrs Mabelane and Fundi , and the damage
to the vehicles, is visible on both video and photographs. The positions of
the places where they were killed are depicted in the aerial photograph
marked Annexure D.
It appears to be common cause that the strikers were responsible for the
deaths of Mr Mabelane and Mr Fundi. No facts have been put forward to
suggest that the killings were in any way justified, and no party had made
submissions to that effect.
At the first inspection in loco, which the Commission held on 1 October 2012,
it saw marks on the outside of the NUM office, which indicated that attempts
appeared to have been made to gain access to the office.
The attack on K4 shaft, the murder of Mr Mabebe and the assaults and
damage to property
During the incident at the K4 shaft, three people were assaulted and Thapelo
Eric Mabebe was killed. A number of vehicles were damaged. A docket for
nine counts of malicious damage to property and three counts of assault with
intent to do grievous bodily harm was opened at Marikana under CAS
111/08/2012.208 A docket for the murder of Mr Mabebe was opened at
Marikana under CAS 109/08/2012.209
At 21h04, the Lonmin logbook records that there was trouble at the K4 Shaft,
and that reports of intimidation were received.210
Prior to that day they had been briefed by Lonmin and by Murray and
Roberts management about the strike that was taking place and were
warned to be on the lookout for strikers who were walking around together in
a crowd or gang.
Exhibit ZZZZ15.7
Exhibit A 18
Exhibit EEEE 19.2.
Exhibit GGGG3.
When he arrived at the security gate at the K4 shaft there was one security
guard on duty there. The guard stopped him and told him that it was not safe
to enter the K4 shaft because there was a strike on at that moment. He said
that he contacted his supervisor, Mr Pottek, who told him that he knew
nothing about the strike at the K4 shaft and that he was to go on shift.
He then told the security that he was instructed by his foreman to get onto
the premises, so he went through the security gate to the sliding gate and
entered the premises. He entered the parking area and parked his vehicle.
He said that his van was over heating and when he stopped his vehicle
under the roof, he took out his tools and started repairing the water pipe that
was leaking.
He said it was about 15 people that had stormed over the wire at that time.
Whilst he was driving to get away from them throwing stones, his windscreen
was hit by a pipe right in front of his face. He said it was a steel pipe. He
kept on driving and stopped his vehicle where the end of the building is
indicated in an L shape. Those are the open parking areas. He said that
when he got to that point, they were still throwing stones and he shouted at
them stop now with your nonsense. He got out of his vehicle and to escape
but the turnstile was not working. He then hid behind a brick wall and lay
there for some time.
After a while, he saw that motor vehicles were on fire. He then saw a person
(who was obviously Mr Mabebe) lying on the ground (at the place depicted in
the aerial photograph marked Annexure E) and he realised that this person
had been chopped in his face and he was lying between the burning cars.
He said that there was blood on his face. He said he realised that he had to
pull him away from there. He said that he was afraid of the attackers but
they were busy attacking Mr Keyter on his motorcycle.
He said he saw the attackers strike Mr Keyter with a pipe. He said that while
Mr Keyter was trying to run away and climb over the turnstile, he was
stabbed in the back with a screw driver or a knife. He also saw an attack on
Mr Greyling.
He said while they were waiting for the security and the
ambulance to arrive, he looked for first aid boxes to assist Mr Mabebe but
could not find any.
He said that when he arrived at the security gate, there was just one person
there. He did not see whether he had a firearm. He only noticed him in
possession of a tongfa. He said that this post was always manned by one
person and he did not see any other security personnel in the vicinity. 212
Under cross examination bycounsel for NUM, he said that he had not at any
time before the 12th been told that it might be risky to report to work.
Counsel put on record the injuries that Mr Mabebe sustained. He confirmed
that at the time he pulled Mr Mabebe away from the burning vehicles, that he
was still alive and was able to speak and said that he was in serious pain.
He said that they had to wait quite a long while before an ambulance came
and took them to hospital.
The injuries to the witness and the damage to the vehicles are documented
in photographs.213
At about 20h50 when Mr Mokhotu opened the boom gates for one of the
employees on a motorcycle, she saw four unknown persons coming in her
direction who went under the boom gate. They were standing still just
looking at them and they were wearing blankets. She was able to see them
but could not see their faces. She thought that they had something under
the blankets. The person on her right hand side was visible to her and he
was carrying stones in both hands.
Exhibits GGGG4.1 to GGGG4.6; Exhibits GGGG4.7 and GGGG4.8; Exhibit GGGG5; Exhibits
GGGG7.1 to GGGG7.40
Exhibit A10
She went to the guard room to report about the four persons and she heard
one of the persons outside saying Guys come in. Shes going to make a
phone call. She went outside and saw many people standing there. She
told them that she was not calling anyone. She noted that they had sharp
instruments like spears, pangas and knobkieries.
Xhosa and Sotho. They searched her and her colleagues and took away
their cell phones.
One of the persons wanted to assault them, but the other person who was
speaking Xhosa said that they want to burn the cars that are in the parking
lot. They also enquired if there were other persons who were still around or
had gone to the shaft. She said that she did not know. She was instructed
by them to open the main gate so that they could enter and burn the vehicles
at the parking. She said that they took her clock card and opened the main
gate. They then all proceeded towards the entrance.
There was an employee who was standing just watching them and three
men went straight to him and assaulted him with knobkieries until he fell to
the ground.
She said that while they were there, she and her colleagues were inside the
mob. While there, she saw two persons who were assaulted by the mob.
She saw that another group, who forced the fence down on the other side of
the yard, were surrounding the area. Whilst the group were concentrating on
burning the cars, she managed to make her escape with her colleagues.
There are various statements in the docket about persons who ran away
from the crowd and in the running fell and jumped over fences and injured
Mr Joseph Makgao from SAPS Marikana in his Affidavit 216, said that he
attended at K4 shaft at about 01h30 on the 15 August 2012 and he found 8
motor vehicles were damaged and burned.
It is clear from the evidence that there was simply no adequate SAPS
presence at any of the events that occurred on the 12 th. This is not disputed
by SAPS.
Exhibit A11
Exhibit A6
The following incidents on the 13th call for consideration and evaluation:
Events of the 13th August 2012 and the killing of two police officers, Warrant
Officers Monene and Lepaaku, and three strikers, Mr Mati, Mr Jokanisi and Mr
Sokanyile, and the assault of Lieutenant Baloyi
railway line in the early hours of 13 August 2012. The place where he was
killed is depicted in Annexure F.
Apart from Mr X none of the witnesses who testified before the Commission
admitted to having personal knowledge of how or why Mr Langa was killed.
Exhibit AAAA22
At 13h35:
At 14h22:
The following entries appear from the JOC occurrence book on 13 August
Mr Sinclair confirmed that the path on which Mr Langas body was found is a
popular route for workers based at Saffy shaft who live in the Wonderkop
hostels. Workers walk along that particular path to EPL hostel in order to
catch a bus (arranged by Lonmin) which transports them to Saffy shaft.
Crucially, the case put forward by the Injured and Arrested Persons does not
dispute that Mr Langa was killed by strikers. To the contrary, during his
cross-examination of Mr X, their counsel specifically placed it on record that
the responsibility for the deaths of Mr Langa, Mr Mabebe, Mr Fundi and Mr
Mabelane can be placed at the door of the protestors.
strikers) points ineluctably to the inference that Mr Langa was killed by the
strikers as part of their violent campaign to enforce the strike.
Events of the 13th August 2012 and the killing of two police officers,
Warrant Officers Monene and Lepaaku, and three strikers, Mr Mati, Mr
Jokanisi and Mr Sokanyile, and the assault on Lieutenant Baloyi.
He says he joined the strike for the first time on 11 August 2012 after he had
been stopped from going to work and stones were thrown at him on 10
August 2012220. He continuously attended meetings at the Koppie from 11
August 2012 until the day of the tragedy.
Although the cause for the strike concerned the RDOs wage grievance and
he was a winch driver, he was a leader in the strike, being the second in
On 13 August 2012 while the strikers were at the koppie it came to their
attention that, despite the strike having started, certain employees were still
be going to work at K3 shaft. A decision was then taken that a small group
consisting of 100 to 200 strikers should go to K3 shaft to request the mine
management to close the mine and allow the workers there to join the strike.
He was part of the group.221
When Mr Nzuza gave the evidence in chief he stated that Mambush, the late
Mr Noki, had asked him to go with him and the group to K3 shaft to see if
there were workers at the shaft.222 On their way to the K3 shaft at Karee they
met Lonmin security next to the bridge. They told the Lonmin security
members the purpose of their trip to Karee shaft.
He said that Mr Noki said to them that we have come here to stop the
workers from working because we want them all on the mountain, what we
want is, we want money, we are demanding R12 500.00 from the employer
and we would like the employer to come and tell us when we will get this
Mr Motlogeloa testified that when he saw the group he stood on top of the
bridge and addressed them in Fanagalo. They were walking in a crouching
manner when he stopped them. They told him that they had heard that there
were employees who were working at the shaft and that they wanted to
speak to them so that they could inform them to go home and stop
When he spoke he was speaking to the man with a green blanket. That is Mr
Noki. He informed them that there were no employees working there and
that they should go back. Mr Noki accepted that there were no employees
and requested him to bring management to the Koppie.226
After they were told by security that no one was at work at K3 shaft they
turned back and on their way to the koppie met the police under the
command of Major-General Mpembe near the railway line.
leave on 13 August 2012. He, together with Major-General Naidoo,
accompanied the Provincial Commissioner, Lt.-General Mbombo, to
After the meeting they went back to the JOC. Whilst at the JOC they
observed on a closed circuit television screen a group of strikers moving
from Karee along the railway line. After seeing this group the Provincial
Commissioner appointed General Mpembe as the overall commander of the
operation and instructed him to remain there and take care of the
situation.228 He was further instructed to go and attend to the group which
was coming from Karee mine along the railway line. He then decided to take
about 70 members to accompany him to the group. Colonel Merafe who was
one of the POP commanders also accompanied him with his group.
As already stated the SAPS members under the command of Major General
Mpembe met the strikers near the railway line. The strikers group consisted
of about 200 strikers who were crouching and singing. They were armed with
assorted dangerous weapons.
One of the songs the strikers were singing is depicted in exhibit QQ2.
Col. Merafe testified that when the strikers saw them they squatted on the
road.229 The police got out of their vehicles and walked towards the strikers.
He then approached the strikers with Major-General Mpembe, Colonel Diole,
the commander of Visible Policing, Lieutenant Colonel Tsiloane, and Captain
Thupe, the commander of TRT members, behind him. Colonel Diole and
Major-General Mpembe called him back saying these people will kill you.
He retreated and Major-General Mpembe addressed them.230
The Commission has seen the video footage of what happened when they
met the police. The strikers were armed with assorted weapons such as
pangas, assegais, spears and sharpened objects.
He informed them that the police were not going to arrest them but that they
should hand over the weapons. They replied that they were carrying those
weapons for self defence against NUM members. They told him that they
were not fighting but they wanted to talk to the employer.
The strikers refused to hand over the weapons and requested the police to
go with them to the mountain where, they said, they would hand over the
weapons. Major General Mpembe informed them that he would not allow
them to go unless they handed over the weapons.231 They still refused.
Major General Mpembe observed that the strikers were not going to hand
over the weapons. He phoned Lieutenant General Mbombo and informed
her that he was going to escort the strikers and that it would not be advisable
to disperse and disarm them. The Provincial Commissioner agreed.
Having observed the behaviour of the crowd, Major General Mpembe told
the commanders to brief the members to escort the group to the koppie as it
was not advisable for them to disperse and disarm them because to attempt
to do so would be dangerous. Colonel Merafe did not agree.232 General
Mpembe informed them that he did not want a Tatane situation and that the
situational appropriateness was of such a nature that they could not disperse
and disarm them but should rather escort them back to the koppie.233
Having decided to escort the strikers Major General Mpembe informed the
commanders that they should form a basic line and that they should escort
Exhibit QQ2
Day 103, Mpembe, p.11085
Day 103, Mpembe, p.11087
the strikers to the koppie and make sure that they did not go into the informal
settlement or in any of the business areas.
Major General Mpembe, after he had briefed the commanders, went back to
the crowd and made a further effort to persuade the strikers to hand over
their weapons. He said he was going to count to ten. He started counting.
He did not get beyond three. The strikers got up, sang and moved on
through the police line. Major General Mpembe was still counting when they
forced their way through the police line in a crouching manner, clashing their
weapons together.
Major General Mpembe gave the following reasons for deciding not to
disperse and disarm the group:
the group was next to a railway line and he did not know when the next
train would pass by and such movements of the train may be affected
by the commotion;
they were next to a service road and for that reason it would have been
unwise to create such a commotion next to that road in dispersing the
the mood of the strikers, who were angry and agitated, having refused
to lay down their weapons, was of such a nature that they were likely to
resist the action and a Tatane situation might have occurred;
There were also Nyalas lined up to block them from entering the informal
settlement as well as soft vehicles.
The Nyalas were then escorted and the police kept a reasonable distance
between them in a line formation at the back following them.
Whilst they were still escorting the strikers a teargas canister was fired. This
triggered a fight between the strikers and the police as the strikers attacked
the police.
Major General Mpembe testified that the firing of the teargas canister was
not done as a result of his orders. Warrant Officer Kuhn, who fired the tear
gas, was on the extreme left and Mpembe was on the extreme right hand
side when the teargas was fired. He denied completely that he ever gave
such an order. He stated that he had ordered the Nyalas to move into
position to protect the informal settlement and there was accordingly no
need for the teargas canister to be fired.
As they were sitting there Captain Thupe said he heard that it was General
Mpembe who gave the order to Warrant Officer Kuhn.236 Warrant Officer
Kuhn himself said that he heard an order but did not know who gave the
order or could not make out whose voice it was.
Thupe said General, I heard you giving the order. When General Mpembe
pointed out that he could not have given the order, because if he had done
so, he would have done so through the radio so that everybody could hear
then Captain Thupe kept quiet.237
Major General Mpembe stated that he did not even see Captain Thupe
during the events of 13 August 2012 when they were escorting the strikers.
The explanation given for firing the tear gas was that the strikers were
moving towards the informal settlement. Colonel Vermaak who was flying
above the scene in a helicopter, testified, however, that when the stun
grenade or teargas was fired he did not observe any deviation in movement
of the strikers towards the informal settlement. Colonel Vermaak testified
that after the stun grenade was fired the strikers turned around and stormed
towards the police members.238
He observed that SAPS members were being attacked by the strikers and in
order to assist them he ordered Captain Oosthuizen, the pilot, to fly low so
that the strikers could be scared. He threw teargas and stun grenades in
order to scare the strikers off. About 20 teargas and 10 stun grenades were
fired from the helicopter by Colonel Vermaak. He did so in order to stop the
attack on the police members.
allegation is made that such instruction came from Major
General Mpembe;243
The Commission is of the view that Major General Mpembes denial that he
gave an order to fire a teargas canister (or for that matter stun grenade)
must be accepted.
Colonel Vermaak testified that whilst he was in the helicopter on the final
approach to land they observed strikers carrying a person who appeared to
be injured. This person was wearing a white overall.245 He ran to the scene
and saw Warrant Officer Monene who had been attacked by the strikers.
He said that whilst they were still flying they observed persons with a
shotgun and R5 which they suspected belonged to the police. After taking
the TRT members with him they chased the strikers who crossed the stream.
Whilst they were nearing the stream they were shot at with a shot gun and
an R5 by the group. One of the members returned fire to the strikers. 247
After the gun fire they crossed the stream and found the body of Mr
Sokanyile. He left members to secure the scene and went back the first
It is not possible for the Commission to decide on the evidence before it which
explanation is correct. Consequently the question as to by whose group and
in what circumstances Me Sokyanile was shot must be referred for further
Colonel Vermaak said that when he came back to the scene he found TRT
members very angry. They alleged that General Mpembe was responsible
for the attack on their members by the strikers and the he (Mpembe) whould
lie with the deceased members.248
Lt. Baloyi, who, the Commission was informed, was too ill to testify, did not
give viva voce evidence but made a statement.250 His version of the events
before that attack is in line what can be seen on the video. He said that
whilst General Mpembe was negotiating with strikers they became restless
and started singing. They stood up and moved towards the police and were
allowed to proceed.
General Mpembe instructed that they be escorted to the koppie where they
would be disarmed. One senior commander disagreed saying that they
would outnumber the police at the koppie.
Lt Baloyi said that he got into a nyala. He took one stun grenade from one of
the members and they drove slowly behind the strikers. The strikers allowed
the driver to pass them. He asked the driver to stop while it was facing
South. He got out of the Nyala and watched the strikers moving towards the
direction of the mountain.
Within seconds two teargas canisters were fired. The strikers ran towards
him. He then threw a stun grenade at them and ran to the Nyala. He realised
that the strikers had already reached him. They were attacking members. He
ran past the Nyala and he was being chased by the strikers. While running
away, he started firing rubber bullets with his shotgun at the strikers who
were chasing him.
He was attacked from behind. He used his shot gun. He was hit with
something like a panga. He was tripped and fell on the ground. The strikers
started stabbing him in the chest. One of the strikers was pointing a firearm
at police officers who were approaching and then pointed it at him but was
disturbed by others who were trying to rob him of the shot gun. He was
stabbed with an assegai below the umbilical cord and he surrendered the
shot gun
He was rescued by the Nyala driver. The strikers stole his pistol and a radio.
He suffered very serious injuries. He was airlifted to Marikana Clinic where he
was treated and later taken to Ferncrest Private Hospital, Rustenburg. He
suffered nine stab wounds all over his body. He was lucky to survive.
Mr Mati, who was confirmed as one of the strikers, was found dead in front
of a house in the informal settlement. How he met his untimely death is not
clear from the available evidence.
Dr Nkosi examined the body of Mr Mati on 16 August 2012 and found that
the chief cause of death was Stab Wound of Right Femoral Vessels.
After the incident near the railway line on the afternoon of 13 August 2012
the National Commissioner, General Rhia Phiyega, arrived at Marikana at
around 16h00.
According to his
evidence the operational plan of 14 August 2012 was created after
discussions with Mr Graeme Sinclair, the Group Mining Emergency and
Security Manager of Lonmin, Colonel Merafe, the Head of POP at
Rustenburg, and other POP officers.
In his evidence Colonel Scott set out in some detail how it was envisaged
that the plan would work: 254
Consolidated statement, Col Scott, Exhibit HHH20; Day 134, Scott, pp. 14175 - 14177
Day 134, Scott,, p.14177
Day 134, Scott, pp. 14170 - 14173
a barbed wire cordon was to be drawn around the koppie, the idea
being to uncoil the wire in two directions around the koppie at that
same time so as to ensure that the encirclement took place quickly;
The following incidents on the 14th call for consideration and evaluation:
As set out in paragraph 80 above, in his evidence Colonel Scott set out in
some detail how it was envisaged that the plan would work. 255
Medical Services, Fire Brigade and crime scene and
investigation experts were to be based at the nearby
Forward Holding Area (FHA);
phase two: in the event of an increase in the threat level against the
SAPS or an apparent mobilisation of the strikers towards anticipated
key points behind the police line:
Later a second FHA (called FHA two (FHA2)), near an informal settlement north of the koppie
was added, the original FHA becoming FHA one (FHA1)
provoking the strikers, were to be pre-positioned between
the police line and the strikers so that the barbed wire could
be uncoiled quickly to close off the area behind the police
The strategy for this phase was based on the initial encirclement strategy,
entailing encircling the strikers with barbed wire and offering them an exit
point through which they would need to move while handing over their
weapons. As was the case with his initial plan, this phase was only capable
of being implemented early in the morning when there was a relatively small
number of strikers on the koppie.
phase four: this was to be implemented once the strikers who had
spent the night on the koppie or had approached it in the early
morning had been disarmed and arrested. Essentially it involved the
processing of those arrested and evidential material by the police
detectives and the forensic services.
What was
planned for this phase was that the Wonderkop and Karee hostels
were to be cordoned off and searched for dangerous weapons, the
cordoning off to be done by POP members and searching (and
seizure of any weapons found) to be done by TRT members.
After Colonel Scott presented the plan to, and it was approved by the
JOCCOM, with POP commanders present, the commanders were briefed, the
briefing being conducted by about 14h30, whereafter the commanders briefed
their members.259 At around 16h00 phase 1 deployment took up position at
the FHA and the monitoring and negotiation group moved forward to occupy
the ground to the east of the koppie. This area from then on became the
neutral area which the police dominated. 260
It had already been decided the previous evening that attempts should be
made to negotiate a peaceful resolution of the situation with the strikers
before there was a move to an offensive tactical operation. Arrangements
were accordingly made for Lieutenant Colonel Stephen James McIntosh, the
commander of the Carletonville Family Violence, Sexual Offences and Child
Protection Unit, who is a trained hostage negotiator, to go to Marikana and
assist with the negotiations with the strikers.
He arrived at Marikana at
12h30 on 14 August 2012. After being briefed by Brigadiers Calitz and Fritz
and Major General Annandale he was taken by Brigadier Calitz at about
15h20 in a Nyala to the koppie where he found a crowd which he estimated
to consist of between 4 000 to 5 000 strikers, who were armed with
knobkieries, assegais, pangas and other homemade sharp instruments. He
addressed the crowd, which he described as rowdy and aggressive,
through the public address system of the Nyala, using a Lonmin employee
as an interpreter as the negotiations were being conducted in Fanagalo. He
began by saying that the police had come in peace and wanted to find a way
for the situation to be resolved peacefully. He saw a group of well armed
males, about 300 in total, who were in front of the others and appeared to be
the leaders of the group. (In the rest of this report this group will be called,
as it was during the hearings, the militant group.) He asked for five of the
strikers bravest men to come forward towards his Nyala so that he could
speak and negotiate with them. Eventually five men came forward, one of
whom had a green blanket wrapped around him. (It was common cause
during the hearings that this man was Mr Noki, one of the leaders of the
strikers.) Lieutenant Colonel McIntosh advised them that their safety was
the concern of the police who would stay in the Nyala and that they would be
safe and free to return to the group after talking to the police.261
The five strikers came right up to the Nyala and Mr Noki climbed on the bull
bar of the Nyala in order to talk to the SAPS members through the porthole.
He informed the negotiating team that the strike was about wages and
demanded to speak to the Lonmin management.
strikers were there because members of NUM had killed some of their
members on Friday 10 August 2012 at 16h40. He refused to give his name
and was quite agitated and adamant that the strikers wanted to talk to the
Lonmin management. Lieutenant Colonel McIntosh told them that the SAPS
wanted them to disperse peacefully and to leave their weapons on the
ground. He also informed them that the SAPS did not want to fight with
them or hurt them but that they wanted a peaceful solution to the problem
and guaranteed their safety.
At about 17h03 the negotiators received information that there was a body at
the back of the koppie and that investigators and crime scene personnel
were required to go to the scene and that they wanted to fly in a
supervisor, was found about 200 metres away from where the negotiators
had been parked on the side near the back of the koppie (the position of Mr
Twalas body is depicted in Annexure H). The strikers representatives, on
being requested to do so, gave feedback that the police could land the
helicopter and conduct investigations on the scene, saying that they did not
know anything about the body or the circumstances of the death.
When they went back to the negotiation point Mr Noki requested them to
postpone the meeting until the next day at 09h00 to allow the group to
discuss the process they wished to follow. After the request was transmitted
to the JOC, the negotiators informed the group that the negotiations would
continue the next day, whereafter the negotiators withdrew.
While Lieutenant Colonel McIntosh and his colleagues were negotiating with
the strikers representatives Lieutenant General Mbombo was having an
extraordinary discussion with members of the Lonmin management, in
particular Mr Barnard Mokwena, the executive vice president Human Capital
and External Affairs at Lonmin, and Mr Sinclair.
Lieutenant General
Mbombo was not aware that the conversation was being recorded. The
audio file of the conversation and a transcript (handed in as Exhibit JJJ192)
were subsequently, however handed over by Lonmin to the SAPS in
compliance with a subpoena issued under Section 205 of the Criminal
Procedure Act. During the hearings a corrected transcript was handed in as
Exhibit JJJ192 bis.
important one the SAPS did not include the transcript on the hard drive it
furnished the evidence leaders and the Commission in purported compliance
with the initial undertakings made by the National Commissioner to cooperate fully with the Commission.
belatedly discovered by Lonmin.
evidence before the Commission that that conversation took place. It was
not mentioned in the initial statements by Mr Mokwena 265 and Lieutenant
General Mbombo.
Mbombo says that she did not mention this informal discussion because
nothing turned on it.
As will be
apparent from what follows, a lot turned on the conversation and it was
incumbent on both SAPS and Lonmin to inform the Commission about it
when the initial statements were filed and the transcript and the audio file
ought to have been included on the SAPS hard drive.
Lonmins priority was getting people arrested. It was very clear, he said, that
AMCU was behind the strike and that AMCU had made media statements
Exh 0015
Exh GGG5
Exh LLL1
Exh JJJ192 bis
that they had presented a demand of R12 500 to management. He also
referred to a tape recording on which AMCU had said that Lonmin would
remain ungovernable. (In cross-examination
Mokwena said that he was prepared to retract the statement that AMCU was
behind the strike. He also withdrew his allegation that AMCU had issued
media statements about its alleged demand for R12 500. As regards the
tape recording on which AMCU had allegedly said that Lonmin would remain
ungovernable he said in cross-examination that he had never heard the tape
recording and that his colleague, Mr Jomo Kwadi, who had claimed to be in
possession of the recording, was unwilling to hand it over.)
Mr Mokwena emphasised that Lonmin would not start to talk to the strikers
outside organised bargaining structures. Lieutenant General Mbombo said
that the strikers felt that they were in control because their employer was not
telling them anything and not calling them to work. She stated that she
wanted to circle the workers and then talk to them and the SAPS would give
them the opportunity to put down their weapons and leave the koppie one by
one. If they did not, however, surrender their arms the next day, it is blood.
In the transcript, she can be heard receiving a telephone call from the
National Commissioner and having a conversation with her, in the course of
which she is recorded as having said there are about 500 to 1000 that are
there. So are we are thinking that whilst they are at that number, we can
maybe circle them around.270 She also mentioned in this context that that
evening she would be getting 480 members. (This was clearly a reference
to the extra SAPS members who were to be arriving at Marikana from other
provinces. According to figures provided by the SAPS in their counsels
heads, on the previous day, 13 August 2012, there were 209 members and
officers at Marikana, on 14 August 2012 there were 532 members and
officers and on 15 August 2012 there were 689 members and officers. In
other words during the period 13 to 15 August an extra 480 members and
officers were sent to Marikana.
When cross-
it is blood she had meant that if the strikers did not surrender there would
be injury or death.
that Lonmin was not prepared to issue an ultimatum that workers should
return to work without being satisfied that the police were going to take
action to resolve the situation.
Lieutenant General Mbombo also mentioned that when she spoke to the
Minister of Police, Mr Mthethwa, he had said that Mr Cyril Ramaphosa was
calling him and pressurising him. In this regard she said that the National
Commissioner had asked her the previous evening who the shareholders
were and that she had replied that she did not know but that the Minister had
mentioned Mr Ramaphosa, whereupon the National Commissioner had said
that she got it. Explaining this, Lieutenant General Mbombo referred to the
fact that Mr Ramaphosa had presided over the hearing of the appeal brought
by Mr Julius Malema against the decision of the African National Congress
to expel him from the party and that Mr Ramaphosa was, as she put it, very
strong in terms of the decision made. She went on to mention that Mr
Malema had intervened in the dispute at Impala and that the police had been
able to manage the situation there after his visit. She stated that in her
discussions with the National Commissioner they had been concerned about
the fact that if once again it came across that Mr Malema had defused the
situation it would seem as if he has taken charge of the mines. She added
that because of Mr Malemas known position that the mines should be
nationalised it had a serious political connotation that had to be taken into
account and which they needed to find a way of defusing. She said that she
had told her people that they needed to act in such a way that they killed
this thing. Mr Mokwena agreed with this statement and said, immediately,
yes. During cross-examination, when she was questioned about what she
had said about Mr Malema and it was put to her that she and the National
Commissioner were concerned that Mr Malema should not get credit for
defusing the situation, she denied that that was correct and said that what
she had been afraid of was that Mr Malema might come and not solve the
problem but in fact make it worse. 275
opportunists the opportunity to comment and then the situation [would] get
out of control. Mr Mokwena then mentioned that the next day was D-Day.
Gen Mbombo even hint at a fear that Mr Malema
might worsen the situation at Marikana.
unable to provide an adequate explanation for her
denial that the inferences listed above can validly
be drawn.
Their submissions in this regard are set out in the following passage in their
heads, with which the Commission is in full agreement:
The body of Mr Twala was found on 14 August 2012 behind the koppie at
Wonderkop.279 The post mortem report shows that he died as a result of
multiple stab wounds to the body.280
Koppie and the LCRC and detectives wanted to fly in a photographer to
process the scene, whereupon, the strikers allowed SAPS to land a
helicopter in order to photograph and remove the body.
When they arrived at the koppie, they were both ordered to sit in the middle
of a group of about 12 men and they were ordered to identify themselves.
There was a third person who was already seated at the centre of the group
when they arrived. Various questions were put to them by the crowd.
Mr Twala was accused by the group of being an informer (impimpi), and one
of the persons present said that he used to parade them at the office for
discipline. He described one of the five persons who were questioning Mr
He said that he and the other person were set free and Mr Twala remained
seated in the middle of the group. He then saw them leaving to the other
side of the mountain with sharp instruments placed against his body. Later
he heard the sound of two gun shots coming from that direction. Later, the
same persons that had left with Mr Twala returned but Mr Twala was not
with them. He thereafter left the koppie.
Among the leaders that he saw at that stage were Anele, Xolani, Bayi, Rasta
and Mambush, amongst others. He says that he was ordered to sit down in
front, when a second and third person were also pointed out and called to
the front.
They were ordered to sit down while being surrounded by this group. He
does not know the name of the person who called him out but he is able to
identify him if he is to see him again. One of the persons in the group asked
each of them to identify themselves. He was the first to do so and was
asked various questions by the group. Mr Siboko and Mr Nongovu who
were a part of the group said nice things about him and he was left to go
back to the crowd. A second person was also questioned and later allowed
to go back. The group remained with one person for questioning.
After they questioned him, a group comprising of Anele, Xolani, Bayi, Rasta
and Mambush and others took away that person to the other side of the
koppie. He heard the sound of a person crying from that direction. After a
short while, that same group of leaders returned from that side of the
mountain and the one person was not with them. He says that he saw Anele
cleaning the panga he was in possession of with grass, and realised that he
was cleaning blood from it.
Exhibit A30
with them. He heard Anele giving feedback to the group that the work had
been done. He saw Anele take the firearm he had taken from Mr Twala and
a shotgun and cover it with his blanket.
As did Mr Thulani
Mr Nzuza asked Mr Twala what he was doing at the mountain and his reply
was that he was there to join the strike. Mr Nzuza asked Mr Twala for his
cellphone and paged through it and while doing so, he said that he saw the
cell phone numbers of the leaders of NUM and the employer. Mr Nzuza
Exhibit A15
Exhibit A14
Exhibit A16
asked Mr Twala why the cell phone numbers of the leaders of NUM and the
employer were stored on his cell phone and Mr Twala replied that these
were the leaders that he works with and he had their numbers in case there
was a problem.
One of the persons said that Mr Twala must be taken behind the mountain.
He was escorted by four persons behind the mountain. The one with the
scar on his head was the one who searched him and found the firearm in his
possession. He said that he can identify this person. When they returned
from the mountain, they said to the workers that they must sing a song.
The Post Mortem Report287 documents multiple stab wounds and firearm
injuries and gives the cause of death as multiple stab wound injuries. The
firearm injuries are not documented but 13 stab wounds are.
Mr Nzuza, who was charged with the murder of Mr Twala, testified288 that he
was not present at the Koppie at the time that Mr Twala was killed, but later
indicated that when he arrived at the Koppie he saw Mr Twala standing and
Exhibit A7
Day 277, Nzuza, pp. 35513 - . 35514, and p. 35912
talking to the strikers at the Koppie. At the time he did not know Mr Twalas
name, but heard him saying that he (Mr Nzuza) knows him; that he
responded by saying that he did not know Mr Twala and only met him once
when he wanted goggles from him and that he had threatened to get him
fired; that after this discussion he left the Koppie and went to have a soft
drink somewhere in Wonderkop; that he saw nothing that day that warranted
Mr Twala being killed.
The following incidents on the 15th call for consideration and evaluation:
The Forum at 8;
The Forum at 8
down their arms and left the koppie or were forced to do so as a result of
police action.
In the result this did not happen on Wednesday 15 August 2012 for two
reasons. First the police commanders appreciated that it would be a breach
of faith, while negotiations were still proceeding, to launch the encirclement
action which was phase 3 of their planned operation, the so-called tactical
Secondly, a new intervention, which it was hoped would solve the problem,
was initiated as a result of the efforts of Mr Xolani Gwala, the presenter of
the SAFM radio programme The Forum At 8, which was broadcast just after
the 8am news on Wednesday, 15 August 2012.
When the two Presidents and Mr Mokwena arrived at Marikana they were
met by Major General Mpembe, who told them that SAPS required the
intervention of the leadership of the two unions to go to the koppie, talk to
the strikers and tell them to disperse and disarm.
intelligence revealed that some of the strikers belonged to NUM while others
belonged to AMCU. He stressed that the police did not want to be seen as
the police that is brutally killing people and at the same time we do not want
to be seen as the police that is not complying with international standards.
He continued: We are policing in a democracy where negotiation [is] its
weapon, not bloodshed.
Transcript of meeting between Maj Gen Mpembe, Mr Mokwena and the Trade Union Presidents,
exh 004
willing to meet our employees through their structures,
through their leaders to discuss any issue. Not when they
are armed.
property .
The union leaders then were taken to the koppie in separate Nyalas. Mr
Zokwana spoke first from within his Nyala through a loudspeaker.
strikers refused to listen to him and he had to abandon his address. The
AMCU delegation had a friendlier reception.
Exhibit BB6, transcript of video of address by Zokwana and Mathunjwa at koppie on 15 August
Mr Mathunjwa told the strikers that he had asked the employer to give them
a guarantee that if the strikers went back to work it would talk to their union,
namely the structures the RDOs had chosen so that they could get what they
wanted. He further advised the strikers that they should go back to work so
that if the negotiations broke down they could approach the CCMA for
arbitration so that any subsequent strike in which they might engage would
be protected. According to him the strikers thanked him and told him that
they understood the message from the employer but said that as it was
getting dark he must come back in the morning and that they (i.e Mathunjwa
and his team) would see how they would go back to work. There were two
subsequent debriefing sessions thereafter, one between the police and the
AMCU team, the other between the police and the NUM team.
be the day of joy for everyone. Major General Annandale also said that Mr
Mathunjwa had asked the police for an undertaking that they would not take
action against the strikers that night as the strikers wished to spend the last
night on the koppie before discussions would resume at 09h00 the next
At the debriefing between the police and the NUM team Mr Zokwana said
that the strikers should not be allowed to remain armed. He also said that
the culture of lawlessness could not, as he put it, be encouraged and
promoted. Major General Mpembe in reply said:295
I need to do my job and you also tell me to remove
firearms. I cannot go there and disarm people. It would
be bloodshed. I need to go in a specific house [and]
disarm them.
I need
that route but at the same time we are also not prepared
that our members should die but we have a duty to
Later, after Mr Zokwana had said that the local leaders of NUM should be
able to identify people who could assist and who offered co-operation, Major
General Mpembe said:
appeared to have reconciled itself to the notion that bloodshed was a real
possibility, if not an inevitability.
While Major General Mpembe was debriefing the NUM and AMCU teams at
Marikana, the National Commissioner and Lieutenant General Mbombo were
attending a meeting of the National Management Forum (NMF) of the SAPS,
which was being held at Midrand. The meeting was also attended by the
Provincial Commissioners of the other provinces as well as the Divisional
Commissioner for Operational Response Services, the Deputy National
Commissioner Operational Response Services and the Acting Divisional
Commissioner Crime Intelligence.297
It is now common cause that the decision that the strikers would be forcibly
removed from the koppie by the police on 16 August 2012 if they did not
voluntarily lay down their arms was not taken by the tactical commanders on
the ground at Marikana on that day but rather by Lieutenant General
Mbombo and endorsed by the SAPS leadership at an extraordinary
session of the NMF held after its ordinary meeting was over on the evening
of 15 August 2012. Some of the members had left but those present apart
from the National Commissioner, were all Provincial Commissioners and the
Divisional Commissioner for Operation Response Services and the Head of
Crime Intelligence.
questionnaire was sent to the members who were present there and they
were asked to submit affidavits to the Commission answering the questions
posed. Two of those members, both of whom are no longer members of the
SAPS, failed to respond.
A very serious aspect of this matter is that it appears that SAPS deliberately
attempted to withhold from the Commission information about this meeting
and concealed the fact, the very important fact, that the decision to go over
to the so-called tactical option was made not in the middle of the day on 16
August 2012 after the situation had escalated to such an extent that the
tactical option was the only appropriate way forward, but the day (or
evening) before when it was not known what the situation on the ground
would be when the tactical operation commenced.
Mbombo said that she had been told that Mr Mathunjwa had promised that
the strikers would lay down their weapons at the koppie at 09h00 the next
morning and would thereafter leave the koppie.
The Provincial
Commissioner added that if this undertaking was not complied with, the
police would have to disperse the crowd. The minute is Exhibit JJJ177: its
terms appear to have been settled by the National Commissioner herself
(this emerges from e-mails emanating from her own office). It reads as
Because she had not mentioned the meeting or the decision the National
Commissioner was recalled for further questioning on the point but what she
said was singularly unhelpful.300 She claimed to be unable to remember
most of what was discussed. What does appear from her evidence is that:
The meeting was told that it was hoped that Mr Mathunjwa might be
able to persuade the strikers to lay down their arms and leave the
koppie when he met them at 09h00 the next day;301
The meeting was not told that it would not be possible to implement
the existing encirclement plan after 09h00;302
It is possible that the details of the plan to disperse the strikers were
discussed at the meeting but she could not recall whether this
say that was so, and added that she was not able to give those
pedantic details;305
denied in evidence that they were informed by Lieutenant General Mbombo
of her decision but, as the evidence leaders correctly submit, these denials
must be rejected.308 It is clear from the telephone records that Lieutenant
General Mbombo telephoned them shortly after the meeting. Why would
she not have informed them of the important decision she made, which they
had to implement the next day? For what other reason would she have
telephoned them?
JOCCOM meeting of 06h00 the next morning was that that day was to be DDay.) Another telephone call she made was to Mr Sinclair of Lonmin.309 It is
overwhelmingly probable that she informed him also of her decision. At the
meeting she had with the Lonmin management on 14 August 2012 she had
stressed that she wanted the activities of Lonmin and the SAPS to be
would have been the issuing by Lonmin of the ultimatum timed to coincide
with the police action to resolve the situation. And indeed by 06h29 on
Thursday 16 August 2012 Mr Mark Munroe, the Vice President of Lonmin,
had conveyed to Lonmin executive managers that the ultimatum had to go
out311, suggesting that he already knew of Lieutenant General Mbombos
decision, something which is highly likely in view of the fact that Mr Sinclair
reported to Mr Munroe.
Day 149, Mpembe P. 17044; Day 87, Annandale p. 8662; Day 193, Naidoo, P. 23634; EL HoA
para 596
Exhibit ZZZ 11 page 36
Exhibit JJJ 192 bis
Exhibit WWWW 3, E-mail from Munroe to Mokwena and others
Day 292, Mokwena p 38193
The following events on the 16th call for consideration and evaluation:
Bishop Seoka;
Calitz confirmed that this decision was made and agreed that Colonel Scott
was the obvious person to draft this plan.
this decision was not made at the JOCCOM meeting but sometime
afterwards, because it is not mentioned in the hand-written notes.)
After the meeting the SAPS continued with phase 2, which had been
implemented on the two previous days, with one significant difference,
namely the Nyalas with the barbed wire trailers, which had been kept out of
sight of the strikers so as not to provoke them were pre-positioned so that
they could uncoil the wire if it was needed. At 09h30 Lieutenant General
Mbombo addressed a press conference at which she said:315
I mean that
After the press conference she had an interview with eNCA in which she
The plan is that we intend to ensure that today we end
this strike. If they resist, like I said, today is a day that we
intend to end the violence.
It is clear that Lieutenant General Mbombo foresaw there was a high risk of
bloodshed if her decision were implemented during the course of 16 August
2012 and it was clear, at some time after 09h00, that the voluntary
disarmament Mr Mathunjwa had overconfidently predicted was not going to
happen. Her conversation with the Lonmin management on 14 August 2012
seems to indicate that she was aware of the original phase 3 plan of
encirclement. If so, it is probable that she knew that it could not be carried out
if there were 3000 to 4000 strikers on the koppie. She should therefore have
foreseen that the relatively risk free original phase 3 could not be implemented
on 16 August 2012 after 09h00 and that as she herself had told the Lonmin
management on 14 August an attempt to disarm the strikers would lead to
blood. She also said that before 09h00 on 16 August 2012 Major General
Mpembe and Major General Annandale told her that there was a possibility of
people being injured but she was assured that all endeavours would be made
to avoid spilling of blood.317
JJJ 92, video of Lt Gen Mbombos interview with eNCA at 0.08 and 0.38
Day 181 PC Mbombo pp. 21725 - 21726
It is also clear that the commanders on the ground at Marikana who were
going to implement the decision taken the previous night by Lieutenant
General Mbombo and endorsed by the extraordinary session of the NMF must
have foreseen that there was a high risk of bloodshed. Reference has already
been made to what Major General Mpembe had said the previous evening to
Mr Zokwana and the intelligence information placed before the JOCCOM at its
06h00 meeting.
A particular problem with which the SAPS had to deal was the fact, as
pointed out earlier that their plan for phase 3 (the encirclement plan) could
only be implemented early in the morning when there were relatively few
strikers on the koppie.
designed by Colonel Scott with the assistance of Colonel Merafe and other
POPs officers and accepted by the JOCCOM, at a meeting attended by
several POPs officers. Attempts were made by SAPS to indicate that it was
abandoned before 16 August 2012 and replaced by a new plan, to disperse
the strikers from the koppie and to disarm and arrest the more militant ones
(what was referred to in the evidence as the DDA plan). It was suggested,
for example, that it could not be implemented because there was not enough
barbed wire but the evidence indicated that the SAPS ordered more wire
from Lonmin and that Lonmin had enough wire available to deliver to the
SAPS as and when it was needed.321 There also an absurd suggestion that
it would have been inhumane to encircle the strikers who were on the koppie
because that would have exposed them to the cold Highveld winter air this
in the case of strikers who had elected to spend the night on the koppie!322
Colonel Scott testified that between 16 August 2012 and the Roots workshop
he had recalled the discussions about difficulties with the encirclement plan
taking place only on 16 August 2012 itself, after the 06h00 JOCCOM. At
some stage at Roots or later he apparently became convinced that these
difficulties had already been identified by Wednesday, 15 August.
operation were found on his computer which became available to the
evidence leaders during the course of his cross-examination.
All were
consistent with the tactical plan having been changed after the 06h00
JOCCOM meeting and before the 13h30 JOCCOM meeting. The barbed
wire Nyalas that were pre-positioned in a line in front of the koppie in a line
stretching from the power station on to the south were placed on the line that
was going to be used to encircle the koppie under the original encirclement
plan and considerably closer to the koppie than would have been the case if
they had followed the ostensible instructions relating to the DDA plan.
Colonel Scott, despite the fact that he had the whole morning from after
(A copy of the
The barbed wire Nyalas arrived at their positions on the field in front of the
koppie between 10h34 and 10h44. The positions they took up were closer
to the koppie than they were supposed to be, as indicated on a gridded map
and reproduced on slide 149 on Exhibit L, and were in fact, as already
stated, on the line that had been intended as the line along which they were,
under the encirclement plan, to have encircled the koppie. The arrival of the
barbed wire Nyalas provoked an aggressive response from the strikers,
something which Colonel Scott had anticipated would be the case when he
had originally directed that they remain out of sight of the strikers. The JOC
Occurrence Book, in an entry made at 11h20, states that Brigadier Calitz
reported that Mr Noki aggressively asked the SAPS to remove the barbed
wire Nyalas and stated that he would not ask again. This appears to relate
to an incident which took place at about 10h50 (shortly after the barbed wire
Nyalas took up their positions) because Mr Noki can be seen on a video
returning to the strikers at the koppie from the direction of Papa 1, the
negotiation Nyala, at about 10h52 in a state of some agitation. Brigadier
Calitz testified that he explained the purpose of the barbed wire to Mr Noki.
Shortly before midday Nyala 6, the last of the Nyalas pulling barbed wire
trailers was moved on the instructions of Major General Annandale from its
original position at the northern end of the line beginning at the power station
to a position south of the small kraal. This was done because groups of
strikers congregated directly opposite it and it was feared that it might be
isolated in its original position. The moving of this Nyala subverted the logic
of the SAPS plan, which had been to screen the strikers away from Nkaneng
and to force them to move in a westerly direction off the koppie, by opening
up a route for the strikers from the koppie in an easterly direction, toward the
neutral area and, if they wanted to go there, to Nkaneng.
As will become
apparent later the moving of Nyala 6 was to have inadvertent but fatal
consequences for 18 strikers.
the neutral area or into one of the Nyalas, where they would have been safe
and able to take video footage of the strikers and their actions, was never
taken of the crowd through the phases and including during the use of
minimum force. 327
The failure by SAPS to record video footage of the briefings that occurred on
16 August 2012 and of the ensuing operation was in direct violation of the
Exhibit S
Exhibit EE
Day 79, Annandale, p 8442
Day 75, Phiyega, p 8067
national instruction referred to and that the excuse proffered therefor was
plainly not acceptable.331
The original reason given by the SAPS for the calling together of the
JOCCOM at 13h30 was the escalation of tension at the koppie and the need
for a decision as to whether to proceed with phase 3, the so-called tactical
phase of the plan. As became clear once the Commission learnt about the
extraordinary session the previous evening of the NMF and its endorsement
of Lieutenant General Mbombos decision or proposal that the tactical phase
was to be implemented on 16 August if the strikers did not agree to lay down
their arms and leave the koppie, this reason is not the correct one. The
original plan which had been on the table of the JOCCOM and approved by
it could no longer be implemented. A new plan was needed. It is probable
that the reason the 13h30 JOCCOM meeting was called was the fact that
there was no sign that Mr Mathunjwa would succeed in persuading the
strikers to leave the koppie and, if (as decided at the extraordinary session of
the NMF) the tactical phase was to be implemented before the end of the
day, it was important that this should happen while there was still enough
evidence, or at the end (as the minutes say) it is not necessary to make a
finding on which version is correct) that she had already informed the
National Commissioner of the situation then current, that a deadlock was
reached with negotiations and that phase 3 of the operational plan would be
would be as follows:333
After this was done the strikers who refused to leave would be
searched on the koppie and the whole area was to be swept for
dangerous weapons;
what actually happened was that Major General Annandale asked the
members in the JOC at the outset how they were going to execute phase 3.
At that stage the detail of how phase 3 was going to be executed was still
something that had to be debated.
understanding clarity was sought on the actual application of the strategy with
regards to the implementation, which had not been discussed at that point.
He concluded that though they had a dispersal and disarm strategy, detail
hadnt entered the picture at JOCCOM. He then asked if he might suggest a
course of action whereupon he was given the floor to brief the JOCCOM. At
that point none of the members with POP experience was there: they were all
in the field. 336
He then explained on the Google Earth satellite photograph he had printed out
for the commanders that morning for the phase 2 deployment where he felt the
dispersion should take place, with the different units in their different roles and
areas of responsibility.337 When he had finished Major General Annandale
requested any further inputs and whether the concept was acceptable. None of
the JOCCOM members present raised any objection and the concept was
accepted. Those present made no further inputs.338 The presentation included
the following:339
Advance line
Rubber bullets
Colonel Scott was, as has been said, the only person who gave any detail to
the plan at the meeting. He was not aware of Standing Order 262, the SAPS
Standing Order dealing with Public Order Policing, nor of its contents.340 After
Colonel Scotts presentation Major General Annandale went through a check
list to ensure everything was in place. He then instructed Colonel Scott to
ensure that all commanders were briefed accordingly, the briefing to take
place at FHA 1. Brigadier Pretorius was instructed to accompany Colonel
Scott. Major General Annandale instructed them to report back to the JOC at
15h15 as he wanted the operation to commence at 15h30. The meeting then
adjourned at 14h00.341
Colonel Scott and Brigadier Pretorius arrived at FHA1 at 14h30. He did not
brief them with any written materials but referred to the gridded plan he had
handed out during the 06h00 JOCCOM,342 which no longer reflected the
position on the ground because, as said previously, Nyala 6 had moved in a
south easterly direction, thus changing the shape and orientation to the
barbed wire cordon and opening up the main road to Nkaneng.
Colonel Scotts briefing to the commanders at FHA1 was the first time that
they were introduced to the new tactical plan.
He briefed the 20
commanders off a single Google Earth diagram on the screen of his laptop,
while he sat inside a Mercedes Vito vehicle so that there was shade over the
screen of the laptop. He pointed the screen out towards the commanders
who had gathered around the vehicle and explained the plan with reference
to the icons on his screen.
approximately 20 minutes to brief the members under their command and for
this briefing they had no visual aids whatsoever, Captain Loest, the
commander of the neutral response team of TRT members described the
briefing as inadequate.
simultaneous roll out was not practically possible and that the wire was going
to be uncoiled consecutively.
Bishop Seoka
Bishop Seoka, the Angilcan Bishop of Pretoria and the Chairman of the
South African Council of Churches, arrived at the koppie at a time he
estimated as being at about 13h00.
leaders, including Mr Noki. They asked him to secure the attendance of the
Lonmin management to address them. He then went to the area near the
JOC and met the Lonmin management to convey to them the strikers
Mr Kgotle said that the management would not meet with the
strikers as they were criminals and murderers in that they had killed their
people and security personnel.
Mr Mokwena then told the Bishop to go back to the koppie and tell the
strikers that Lonmin management would talk to them, but only if they
surrendered their weapons, elected five to eight people to represent them
and dispersed from the koppie. Just before the Bishop left for the koppie
someone whispered in Mr Mokwenas ear, whereupon he told the Bishop he
could no longer return to the koppie as it had been cordoned off and was
now a security risk zone. The Bishop then left and returned to Pretoria
without going back to the koppie. 350
At Scene 1 sixteen persons died consequent upon the events at the scene
as depicted in the aerial photograph Annexure I.
During the course of the day, and according to the SAPS witnesses, Mr Noki
and another striker threatened violent action against the police.
threats would have been audible to at least some of the SAPS members in
the field. There is objective evidence in respect of at least four of the threats
made. This evidence is set out later in this Chapter.
groups of strikers started to leave the koppie,351 and some of them followed
the route along the path running past the mouth of the kraal at scene one to
gain access to Nkaneng. This path had been used by many of the strikers
throughout their occupation of the koppie. On 16 August the SAPS allowed
movement to and from the koppie up until about the time when Nyala 4 was
uncoiling its barbed wire.
After Nyala 1 had started rolling out its barbed wire and while strikers were
moving along the path to Nkaneng Nyala 6 moved from a position on the
kraal side of the path to a position on what can be described as the SAPS
side of the path.352 It was put in cross examination that the strikers may well
have interpreted this as an indication that SAPS had no objection to their
going along that route. The militant group of strikers remained at this stage
His car can be seen driving away from the koppie and the strikers can also be seen leaving the
area on Exh L. slide 193
A comparison of Exh L, slides 191 (taken when Nyala 1 started uncoiling its wire) and slide 193
(taken when Nyala 1 has reached Nyala 2) shows the two positions of Nyala 6 at this time
in its position on the flat area in front of the koppie. The roll-out of the
barbed wire proceeded as follows:
By 15:46:40 Nyala 2 was rolling out its barbed wire and it reached
Nyala 3 at 15:46:58.
Less than a minute later Nyala 4 (which had initially been positioned
to the south of a mast situated close to the line along which the wire
Nyalas had been placed) started moving in a northerly direction from
Nyala 3 and closer to Nyala 5. By 15:47:51 it was still however, a
significant distance to the south of the mast.
At 15:50:08 Nyala 3 started rolling out its barbed wire and moving
away from Nyala 2.
At 15:51:26 Nyala 4 started to roll out its barbed wire and had moved
away from Nyala 3 at the mast.
Neither of the water cannons had by this point moved from their
starting positions in the SAPS vehicle area to the south of the neutral
zone and no teargas or stun grenades had been used.
The SAPS case on the movement of the strikers from the koppie to the kraal
is set out in Exhibit L, slides 194 to 204. In summary, the case presented
was that the strikers made two attempts (called incidents 1 and 2) to enter
the neutral zone while Nyala 4 was uncoiling its barbed wire but were
repelled each time. Incident 1 allegedly consisted of an attempt by the
strikers to enter the neutral zone in front of Nyala 4 before it started rolling
out its barbed wire, which failed because Nyala 4 cut the strikers off by
driving towards the kraal quickly, passing Nyala 5 while it was rolling out its
wire. Incident 2 allegedly consisted of an attempt by the strikers to enter
the neutral zone in front of Nyala 4 before it reached the kraal, which was
foiled by POP members from Nyalas 3 and 4, who engaged the strikers with
rubber balls and tear gas and were assisted by POP members from the
Exhibit UUUU 10
It was
further alleged that two water cannons on the scene started spraying the
strikers to prevent them from entering the neutral zone, whereafter POP
members applied non-lethal force in the form of stun and tear grenades and
rubber bullets. As a result of this application of less than lethal force Nyala 4
had, so it was alleged, time to close the gap with the remaining barbed wire.
It was also alleged that the strikers fired bullets at the police Nyala,
described as Papa 5, which caused damage which can be seen in Exhibit
L, slides 201 and 202.
examination if they found any basis to dispute that the video footage referred
to showed that there were no stun grenades or teargas used at incident 2.
They did not do so. As regards the assertion that bullets were fired at Papa
5, videos of Papa 5 arriving at Marikana on 15 August were shown,354 from
which is appeared clearly that the damage in question was there already on
These can be seen in the Evidence Leaders presentation, Exhibit JJJ 194
15 August. No explanation was offered by SAPS as to how it happened that
this damage was passed off as damage caused by strikers on 16 August.
Although this evidence was not given orally and was not tested by cross
examination, the Commission is satisfied that it can be accepted.
It is
noteworthy in this regard that when Brigadier Calitz gave evidence on the
point, counsel for the Injured and Arrested Persons did not specifically
challenge this evidence.
the other strikers, was simply on his way home and had no intention to
attack anyone.355
adverse to the SAPS case on other points. There is thus no reason to
disbelieve what they say on this point.
Brigadier Calitz said that there was definitely a confrontation with the strikers
and Papa 11.356
vehicle and he could see it clearly from where he was in his vehicle as they
went past Papa 11 in the direction of the kraal and that was when he gave
the order that the vehicles must move in between the crowd to disperse
Brigadier Calitz explained that he saw the attack on Papa 11 which was in
front of him where the spears and the weapons were being struck against
the Nyalas and tyres.358 He also said that either stones were thrown at his
Nyala or strikers had shot at it. He could hear the sounds but was not sure
exactly what happened.
already under attack and that is why they ended up throwing stun grenades
and shooting rubber balls. He realised that these measures had no effect
upon the strikers and that was why he gave the order for the Papa Nyalas to
drive amongst them because they were not being dispersed by anything
else. He said when they were shot with the rubber, it did nothing to them.359
They held their weapons high and began to storm and nothing that they were
doing had any effect upon them.
persons came to Papa 1 and the person in the green blanket said that all
Nyalas and vehicles must leave or the police are going to die. He said when
the wire was deployed, the crowd moved forward and started to attack. He
said Papa 11 moved in to assist and the crowd attacked Papa 11 with
weapons. Papa 1 moved in to assist on the other side of Papa 11. He
opened the door of Papa 1 and used a stun grenade to try and disperse the
strikers but it had no effect on them and they carried on attacking Papa 11.
When the water cannon arrived and used water, he said the crowd attacked
the water cannons as well and he shot rubber bullets through the port holes
in the Nyala.
Constable Ronny Khose, a member of POPS, said that he was the crew in
Nyala Papa 11. He was instructed by Colonel Mere to block. The crowd
attacked the Nyala by throwing stones and hitting the Nyala with pangas,
spears and axes and tried to open the Nyala door. He was instructed to use
rubber by Colonel Mere and fired ten shots from his shot gun.
Constable Nkoko Mahwai, stationed at POPS in East Rand, said that he was
in Nyala 6 and he saw Nyala 3 deploy the wire and the strikers come very
close to his Nyala and even though tear gas canisters and stun grenades
were thrown, they were still advancing towards the Nyalas. He fired eleven
rubber rounds at them but they still advanced to the Nyala and he withdrew
back into his Nyala.
Constable Moses Malesa said that he was in the crew in Papa 11 and when
they got the instruction from Colonel Mere that they must move right to
block, they did so. On arrival, their Nyala was attacked with axes, stones,
spears and pangas and the strikers tried to open the doors. Colonel Mere
gave them orders to disperse with rubber and he shot eight rubber rounds.
Colonel Mere then gave them instructions to move forward.
Captain Ephraim Mathibela said he was stationed with POPS in Pretoria and
he was in command of Papa 17, which is Nyala 4 with barbed wire. He said
as Nyala 4 rushed to close the gap towards the crowd, the strikers were
running towards the left of the Nyala, hiding from rubber bullets.
Captain Sefako Moselano, stationed with POPS in Pretoria, was the section
commander in Nyala 3 with barbed wire under the command of Colonel
Makhubela. He said as they finished deploying and Nyala 4 was ready, a
group of strikers were very near them and he saw the attack on Nyala 4
about sixty metres away and members from Nyala 3 went to assist Nyala 4
to deploy.
forward to try to block them when he heard the sound of rifles shooting from
the crowd.
Constable Sakhile Philip Phakati, stationed with TRT in Soweto, said that he
saw the crowd throwing spears and stones as they approached across the
barbed wire and they were chasing the POPS to their Nyalas. He saw a
striker with a red t-shirt with stripes with a fire arm shooting in his direction
and he fired two shots.
diverted, they turned to attack the water cannon and he also went to assist
Johnson Makwena, the driver of Nyala Papa 9 was present when the threat
was made by Mr Noki. He said as the razor wire was rolled out, the strikers
were moving alongside. Brigadier Calitz gave the order to move to block
and they did and a shot from a striker hit and damaged the right mirror of the
Nyala. Because of the shots being fired, he shouted that the Nyala door
should be opened to let the members outside jump in. He fired eight rounds
from his pistol to keep the strikers away and he drove alongside the water
cannon to the second scene.
After Nyala 4 reached the south western corner of the kraal and blocked the
route to the neutral zone on that side the TRT members moved to form a line
to block the gap on the other side between the kraal and a shack which was
surrounded by a wire fence.
they did this because it was clear to him that the strikers were coming round
the kraal and that any threat from them would have been in that gap.
Brigadier Calitz testified that the instruction to the TRT to form the line was
given by the TRT commanders.
when the TRT arrived at the koppie the TRT commanders received a further
briefing from Brigadier Calitz, who told them that their members would at
some stage get an instruction to form a basic line and they were to support
the POP and if the strikers were to break through and the TRT stood their
ground they would not get an instruction to shoot.
Lieutenant Colonel
Classen testified that he heard Brigadier Calitz say TRT move in.
Captain Loest said that he could not remember this (there were blanks in
his memory) but said that the order he gave to move in would not have been
given unless he had been passing on an order from Brigadier Calitz.
basic line was formed on the southern side of the road that ran past the gap
to Nkaneng.
As stated above Nyala 4 had reached the kraal by 15:52:03, which meant
that from then on the only route the strikers could take if they wanted to enter
the neutral zone was to come around the kraal and move down the passage
way between the eastern side of the kraal and the fence surrounding the
shack opposite the kraal.
The evidence leaders submitted365 there were two points where this route
could have been closed off by the SAPS. This is depicted on a photograph
in their Heads of Argument in paragraph 700. The first point, marked A,
was at the mouth of the passage way between the north east corner of the
kraal and the corner of the fence surrounding the big kraal to its north. This
is referred to as passage A. The second point, marked B, was at the end
of the passage way between the south east corner of the kraal and the
corner of the fence around the shack. This is referred to as passage B.
The Commission agrees with the evidence leaders submission
that an
Brigadier Calitz testified that a block of passages A and B was not part of the
plan.367 He should have realised that the wire rollout would take about 10
minutes and that there was a risk that the strikers would seek to enter the
zone. The gap which would be available for the longest time for the strikers
was the gap at the east of the kraal, which was never to be sealed by barbed
wire in terms of the plan. It was therefore a gap which might have to be
blocked. Even if that it was not foreseen originally it became foreseeable
when it became clear that the strikers appeared to be intent on entering the
neutral zone.
ELs Heads
Day 159, Calitz, pp 18182 18183 and pp 18244 18245
If he did issue such an order it was either not heard or misunderstood. That
this is so appears from the fact that it was not implemented.
What did
happen was that the Nyalas were arranged in a crescent shape which left
open the entire passage way through passages A and B. Brigadier Calitz
described the formation as a perfekte blok, 370 but could provide no
explanation for its shape and positioning which far from blocking the strikers
from entering the neutral zone had the effect, as things turned out, of
encouraging the lead group to go through the passage towards passage B
and ultimately into the fusillade of TRT fire.
Counsel for the Families of 36 of the deceased argued that Scene 1 was a
trap in the sense that the strikers were channelled towards the TRT line so
that the TRT would forcibly disarm and arrest them. They submit that it is
unclear whether this involved a premeditated intent to kill the strikers and
they say that it is not necessary for the Commission to come to this
conclusion. Their contention on this part of the case is that in channelling
them in this way SAPS acted with at least dolus eventualis.
For the
reasons set out in the following two paragraphs, the Commission does not
agree with this submission.
The SAPS witnesses did not explain why the Nyalas were ultimately
positioned in the crescent formation, which had the effect of encouraging the
strikers to move first towards the POPS members and if they did not stop
them from advancing and withdrew, then toward the TRT line.
Commission accepts that the obvious inference is that this was done to
achieve that effect. According to Captain Loest Colonel Scott said at the
14h30 briefing that if during the dispersion operation the POPs members
could not contain the strikers and they broke through then the TRT would
form up in a basic line and stand their ground and by doing so discourage
the [strikers] from resisting dispersion and disarming.
When asked to
explain how this was to happen, Captain Loest said in his evidence that what
would have happened was that the TRT members, whose equipment and
attire were different from that of the POP members, would have tried with
their mere presence to discourage the strikers from carrying on with what
they were doing.373 Later he said that their only purpose was just to form a
line and not to let the strikers proceed any further. [T]he way that we were
dressed and our equipment would give a clear indication, towards the
[strikers] that we are, I would say, a higher level of aggression and that we
are able to use lethal force if need be.
[B]asically like I explained before the members of TRT
would just form a line and keep them at bay.375
That, the Commission believes, is the most likely explanation of what the
police had in mind. What is clear at this stage is that before the strikers
reached passage A eight Nyalas had travelled further in the passage way
than they would have needed to travel to reach passage A and no more than
six of them would have been needed to block passage A. (The width of
passage A is less than 19 metres, a Nyala is about 2.5 metres wide and the
standard blocking procedures require a 1 metre distance between Nyalas to
allow members to debus.)
When Brigadier Calitz ordered Nyala 4 to make for the kraal he could
have ordered Nyala 5 or Nyala 6 to make ready to uncoil its barbed
wire to close passage B if there was a need to do so. This would
have given the POPs team in one or other of these Nyalas time to
remove the triangle behind the barbed wire trailer and have ample
time to then unroll the wire over the 40 to 50 metres from where
Nyala 4 had stopped up to the fence around the shack.
neutral zone and prevented them from getting out to perform their dispersion
action, while isolating their colleagues on the other side of the block.
The Evidence Leaders argue that neither of these objections is valid. They
contend that causing a stampede of strikers in a relatively small area
enclosed with barbed wire would clearly have been less catastrophic than
channelling them towards the fusillade of TRT fire at scene 1. That may be
so, but the criticism loses sight of the potential danger to both POP members
and strikers in the event of a stampede.
Captain Loests evidence that the idea was not to expose the strikers to a
fusillade of TRT fire, but as he says, to keep them at bay in the manner
The Evidence Leaders argue that the SAPS vehicles would not have been
trapped in the neutral zone if the blocking had been done by using armoured
vehicles; even if blocking were done with barbed wire, because, if need be,
the SAPS Nyalas could have broken out of the neutral zone by driving
through the fence around the shack (as his vehicle in fact did) and thus
clearing a route for all SAPS vehicles needed in the dispersion action. In
view of the fact that the Commission is satisfied that Brigadier Calitzs first
objection cannot be dismissed as invalid, it is not necessary to consider this
By the time the strikers went around the kraal and could see down the
passage way the basic TRT line was in place. The path to Nkaneng was
open as the basic line was stretched out on the other side. A number of the
strikers were carrying sharp edged dangerous weapons and as they passed
the POPs members one of them fired a shot towards some of the POPs
members at about 15:53:40. 379
The non-lethal POPs methods were used later than they should have been
and were imprecisely directed. No water was shot at, or in front of, the lead
group of strikers.
shootings were fired behind the leading group of strikers with the result that if
they tried to move away from the teargas canisters and stun grenades they
would have moved towards the TRT line.
After 15:53:30, when the first stun grenade was fired, from those
strikers who were ahead of the stun grenade a group of less than 40
split off and moved forward down the passage way away from the
stun grenade. Those strikers who were behind the stun grenade had
their progress down the passage way halted.
The split off lead group of less than 40 appears to have been
fragmented further by the use of non-lethal POPs measures because
at the time of the shootings at 15:53:50 a video clip taken by an eTV
camera operator (Exhibit JJJ194.17) shows a clear gap between Mr
Nokis group of 11/12 strikers at the front (the 11/12 leading
strikers) and the rest of the group of 40 (the kraal edge group): the
former have already passed across the JJJ194 line of camera
through the gap between Papa 2 and Papa 4 and behind Papa 2,
while the latter have not yet reached the gap and are behind Papa 4.
The position of the places where the 16 strikers were killed are
depicted in the aerial photograph marked Annexure I.
The kraal edge group appears to have been halted and pushed towards the
kraal by the POP interventions (possibly by the teargas that can be seen
rising from behind Papa 2 at the point of the split, possibly by a combination
of that teargas and the teargas canister fired up against the POP Casspir
shortly before the smoke becomes visible on the eTV clip at 15:53:42). A
photograph taken just after the shootings382 shows the leading group split
into two sections: one on or around the path to Nkaneng (including Mr Noki
and the other leading strikers), the other close to the entrance of the kraal.
A major point of contention between the SAPS and some of the other parties
appearing before the Commission related to the likely intention of the
members of the group that advanced on the kraal. The SAPSs case was
that they were intending to attack the police and drive them away from the
koppie so that they could remain in occupation of the koppie and in
possession of their weapons. The case on the other side was that members
of the group, under the leadership of Mr Noki, had decided to leave the
koppie with their weapons and walk to Nkaneng along the path that had
been used since they had started occupying the koppie. The evidence given
by witnesses who gave direct evidence on the point was so extremely
unsatisfactory on other issues that their evidence on this aspect of the case
did not take the case much further. The evidence of Mr X on the police side
said that it was the intention of the strikers to attack the police but his
testimony has been fully dealt with elsewhere in this report and nothing
further need be said on this point. On the other side the evidence of Mr
Magidiwana (who, for example, falsely denied that he had been on the
koppie before 16 August) and Mr Nzuza (who, for example, falsely denied
what he had already said in his statement that he was the deputy leader
(no.2) of the strikers) was also of poor quality.
The evidence leaders have dealt with this topic very fully and fairly in
paragraphs 719 to 732.9 of their heads of argument, which read as follows:
Evidence of intention by the strikers to attack the SAPS
one kraal. The two bulls referred to the strikers and the
police. According [to] Mr Mtshamba, Mr Noki meant that
either the strikers or the police should leave the mountain.
As the police found the strikers there, the police should
leave. The police and the strikers were fighting for one
leave whilst we are here. We would rather die. There
is no way that Lonmin can hire people while we are
It must be
I am
may be
members of
a group, to the conclusion that they all had the same
intention. Different members of the group will have had
different intentions:
Exh Z1.
He is not
on the outside of the group closest to the
SAPS as the strikers move past the mast. He
passes behind the mast at 0:04 of the video
(eTV 15:49:10).
727.7 By
(eTV 15:53:46), still striding forward and
walking tall before he disappears behind
Papa 2.
727.8 Shortly
727.9 Mr
His body is
In contrast to Mr Ntsenyeho,
728.1 Mr
intention earlier in the day, either to
attack the police or violently to resist
any attempt by the police to interfere
with the strikers occupation of the
koppie; and
described above;
those who had signed must continue with
their signatures, that the strikers were
going to climb of top of them and eat
them, and they (those who had signed)
will eat the strikers.
731.8 the video evidence of the striker shooting at
the SAPS west of the kraal; and
strikers to and from the koppie right
through the 16th and had been allowed
by SAPS even as late as 10 minutes
before the shootings.
It also offered
732.3 From
the kraal with its barbed wire at
15:52:01. Even after they moved off the
koppie at eTV 15:48:22, they had almost
4 minutes to enter the SAPS zone
before it was sealed off by Nyala 4 at
732.8 At the point at which the TRT opened
fire, the lead group of 12 strikers
approaching the TRT line had their
heads down and blankets over their
heads. Their position was that of people
trying to protect themselves from SAPS
members firing rubber bullets and stun
grenades in their direction, rather than
that of assailants about to launch an
In paragraphs 729 and 730 the evidence leaders submit that the question of
the intention of the strikers is a red herring and that any finding as to the
intention of the strikers at scene 1 would be irrelevant. They also argue that
an approach which imputes a single intention to the crowd is fallacious.
every member of a crowd may have the same intention, e.g., to burn a
building or kill someone.
The SAPS contention on this part of the case is that its members are not
liable for the shootings (1) on the grounds that they were acting in self or
private defence because they were, inter alia, being attacked and had
reasonable ground for thinking that they were in danger of death or serious
injury; or (2) on the ground that they acted in putative self or private defence
because, inter alia, they reasonably believed that they were in such danger
even though they were not in fact in such danger.
it is not
necessary to decide if the TRT members were under attack because they
will still not be liable if they reasonably believed that they were, provided of
course that they did not exceed the bounds of self defence.
The Commission agrees with the evidence leaders submissions that the
TRT members (and Warrant Officer Kuhn) had reasonable grounds for
believing they were under attack in circumstances which justified them in
defending themselves and their colleagues. It is in the circumstances not
necessary to decide whether they were actually facing an attack, an issue in
respect of which there are arguments of great cogency on both sides.
Ten seconds after the man in the brown jacket fired his pistol shot, as the
leading group continued to advance towards the TRT basic line, 47 of the
TRT members opened fire with their R5s towards the advancing strikers.
Warrant Officer Kuhn, a member of POP also fired at the advancing strikers
with an R5. The evidence leaders submit that the individual SAPS members
in the TRT line would have had reasonable grounds to believe they were
facing an imminent attack.
Warrant Officer Kuhn.)
733.2. They would have been aware of the fact that many
of the strikers were armed with traditional and
dangerous weapons.
733.4.Nor would they have had time to see the true scene
The SAHRCs counsel took a broadly similar line. They submitted that the
evidence allows the Commission to conclude that some of those who fired
their weapons at scene 1 may have had a reasonable belief of an imminent
threat to life but the evidence does not allow the Commission to conclude
that there was in fact such a threat.
evidence leaders submissions and finds that those who shot at scene 1 had
reasonable grounds for the belief that their lives and those of their
colleagues were under imminent threat. It bases this submission not only on
the facts set out in paragraph 733 of the Evidence Leaders Heads of
Argument but also on the facts that they knew that some of the strikers were
in possession of firearms and ten seconds before they started firing they
heard two shots, at least one of which was fired by one of the advancing
strikers, the man in the brown jacket, which would have led them to fear
further shots from the side of the strikers, who from that point on were
rushing towards them. The SAPS members who shot knew that teargas and
stun grenades had been fired which apparently had not had any effect in
stopping the advancing strikers in their tracks.
Counsel for the Injured and Arrested Persons, the families of the deceased,
the LRC and AMCU submitted that the evidence leaders were incorrect in
submitting that the individual SAPS members in the TRT line would have
had reasonable grounds for believing they faced imminent attack.
argument is based inter alia on the contention that it was impossible for the
Commission to find that on the basis of the statements of the TRT members
that the shooters at scene 1 were genuinely in fear of their lives. In S v De
Oliviera 1993(2) SACR 59 (SCA), a decision in which the court
distinguished between actual and putative self- and private defence, the
conduct of the accused, who did not testify, was assessed with reference to
objective evidence. In the present case, apart from the objective evidence to
which the evidence leaders referred, evidence on the shootings at scene 1
was given by Captain Loest, who commanded the TRT members at the
scene, Captain Thupe and Lieutenant Colonel Classen, all of whom say that
in their view the TRT members had feared for their lives and that of their
colleagues. In the circumstances the Commission finds that the members
who did not testify in all probability saw the situation as their commanders
The counsel for the Families, the LRC, AMCU and the Injured and Arrested
persons also submitted that the TRT members did not fire because they
were in fear of their lives but because they were ordered to do so. They
contend that they opened fire in response to an order from Brigadier Calitz to
engage, engage, engage, which according to Mr Botes of Lonmin, who was
in the JOC at the time, was followed basically immediately seconds383 by
the shooting. Captain Loest said that Brigadier Calitzs instruction, which
Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak repeated, was directed at the POP members
and not the TRT members. Whether the TRT members heard it and thought
it was directed at them does not, in the Commissions view, take the matter
any further because it is clear on the evidence of Lieutenant Colonel Classen
and Captains Loest and Thupe that they perceived the members to be under
threat so they would on the probabilities have fired in any event.
The counsel for the Families, the LRC, AMCU and the Injured and Arrested
parties also referred to what they call a number of objective indicators that
the TRT did not open fire because they were afraid but rather on the basis of
instructions to do so. The indicators on which they rely are the following:
Certain hand signals can be seen including form the line and
hold the line.
The TRT line was able to see that the strikers had covered
their heads and were assuming a defensive rather than an
attacking posture.
As far as indicators (1) to (5) are concerned it is clear on the evidence that
the TRT line was formed, as Captain Loest said, to prevent the strikers
proceeding further, to keep them at bay, by what amounted to a show of
what he called a higher level of aggression, and that drawing and cocking
their guns, is how they are trained to deploy. Indicators (7) and (8) certainly
did not cause Lieutenant Colonel Classen and Captains Loest and Thupe to
realise that they and their colleagues were not under threat and there is no
reason to believe that any of the other TRT members would have seen the
situation differently. Indicator (9) is at variance with the facts. The TRT
members ran forwards, as has been said, to discourage by their presence
the further advance of the strikers. The 100 metre rule applied when there
was a line of POP members stretched out before them: this did not apply
when the basic line was formed as all the POP members except Warrant
Officer Kuhn had taken refuge in or behind the Nyalas.
chased away, representatives of the media were still very much on the
scene and much of the photographic and video material of the shootings
comes from them. There is no basis for saying that by complying with the
order to form a basic line for the reasons indicated they voluntarily assumed
the risk of being attacked.
When cross-
According to the SAPS 328 rounds of live ammunition were fired at scene 1
over the course of eight or twelve seconds. (It is not necessary to decide
which is correct.) It is apparent from the video material that three strikers fell
in the first three seconds of the volley and thus after that stage no
conceivable threat existed.
appreciable number of shots were fired as warning shots, into the ground,
some possibly into the air, others certainly into the ground in front of the
advancing strikers. As a result of this a dust cloud arose four seconds from
the beginning of the volley which made it impossible for the TRT members to
see what was happening.
of 10/11 strikers had either fallen down or turned around before the dust
cloud obscured them. It is common cause that some members went on
firing multiple rounds for at least another four seconds after this. Mr Gary
White, the policing expert called by the SAHRC, referred to this footage and
said, correctly, that it showed that, a large number of the shots continued to
be fired into what was essentially a dust cloud without sight of any specific
target388. This, he said, was reckless and unjustified. Regard being had to
the fact that according to the measurements made on Google Earth
photographs the distance from the TRT line to the front line of the strikers
when the shooting started was about 18 metres, the Commission is of the
view that Mr Whites opinion in this regard is correct.
After 9 seconds
Captain Loest raised his fist into the area and shouted cease fire, after
which he did not observe any threat existing that necessitated the use of
either R5 rifles or 9 mm pistols, although for some time some of the
members continued firing.389
As the evidence leaders point out, the video evidence is clear that after the
first shot was fired, there was, as they put it, simply no opportunity for any of
the strikers in the leading group to avoid the bullets by changing direction or
indicating that they were surrendering. It would not have helped a striker to
fall to the ground because it was likely that he would have been hit by bullets
aimed low. Turning his back to the shots would also not assist, as indeed
happened to one of the strikers seen in the video, nor would throwing (or
dropping) his weapon have helped as happened with another striker seen in
the video.
The evidence leaders make the further point that it is not clear that any
individual TRT member who fired at this start of the shooting could
reasonably have fired warning shots that would have given the strikers the
chance to indicate that they did not (or did not any longer) pose a threat to
the SAPS.391
A number of the shooters may have exceeded the bounds of what can be
regarded as reasonable self- or private defence. Many of the strikers who
were killed or injured have wounds on their chests or heads. In some cases
these wounds may have been occasioned by shots fired in the direction of
feet and legs, which hit victims who had already lain or fallen down. But as
the evidence leaders point out the number of these lethal and potentially
lethal wounds is too large to be explained away in this way.392
Colonel Classen confirmed that in his view this was grossly negligent
Mr Cees de Rover, the policing expert called by the SAPS, said that in his
view automatic rifle fire has no place in law enforcement. You still at every
pull of the trigger need to prove the existence of an imminent threat to life or
serious injury.396
The evidence indicates that R5 bullets tend to disintegrate when entering the
body of a victim. This is what happened at Marikana. As a result it is not
possible on the ballistic evidence to connect any member who shot at
Marikana with any person who died. In the case of certain shooters there is
prima facie evidence that the members concerned may well have been guilty
of attempted murder but it cannot be said that any shooter is guilty of murder
because it cannot be shown which of the shooters actually killed anyone. In
the case of those shooters who exceeded the bounds of self- or private
defence, the most they can be convicted of is attempted murder.
Counsel for the Families, the LRC, AMCU and the Injured and Arrested
persons also contend in the alternative that the TRT members acted
unreasonably in believing they were under imminent attack and that the
Commission should find a prima facie case that their conduct constituted
culpable homicide. This contention overlooks the fact that there is no such
Exh ZZZZ3.152 (Cst Kunene); Exhibits VVV6.6 and 6.7 (Cst Medlapho) and Exh ZZZZ3.334 (Cst
Day 236, Classen, p 29546
Day 286, De Rover, p 37134
crime as attempted culpable homicide: see R v Kadongoro 1980 (2) SA 581
(R) and S v Ntenzi 1981 (4) SA 477 (N).
When the shootings stopped at scene 1 twelve bodies were lying on the
ground near the kraal.
entrance to the passage between the kraal and the fenced road to Nkaneng:
this group is the group described earlier in this report as Mr Nokis group
and the 11/12 leading strikers. The second group, described earlier as the
kraal edge group, were piled up together near the entrance to the kraal.
The latter group included seven strikers (four of whom had died) who had
suffered injuries from shotgun pellets.
Yawa, Bongani Mdze, Bonginkosi Yona and Mphangeli Tukuza. The kraal
was on their right hand side and the injuries were all on the other side, i.e.,
their left hand side.
The question to be considered is: who fired the shotgun pellets at the kraal
edge group?
Shot gun pellets have been withdrawn from operational use by SAPS
members although they were still being used for target shooting practice and
were thus still available at various SAPS police stations.398 It is not clear
where the pellets used on 16 August came from: members could have had
access to the stockpiles kept for training purposes, or bought them on the
open market or got them from Lonmin security, which uses birdshot for
crowd management purposes.
Major General Naidoo suggested in his evidence that the shotgun injuries at
scene 1 could have been caused by friendly fire from strikers using
shotguns stolen from the Lonmin security guards on 12 August 2012. 399 The
Commission does not find this suggestion to be an acceptable one. The
pellets were clearly fired from the left hand side of the victims, near the
fenced area containing the shack, where the SAPS vehicles were parked.
There is no evidence to support the theory that strikers fired pellets towards
the kraal edge group. No-one saw them doing so in the passage and the
possibility that a striker or strikers somehow placed himself or themselves on
the eastern side of the police vehicles which were parked there and fired
pellets at the SAPS members sheltering behind those members, which
pellets missed the members, went through the gaps between the vehicles
and hit the victims on the other side of the passage, is not supported by the
evidence of any SAPS member or any other witness for that matter nor is
there any photographic or video material showing this. The Commission is
accordingly satisfied that Major General Naidoos suggestion in this regard
can be rejected.
shot from Nyalas 5 or 19.400 It was also suggested that it was possible that
Lonmin officials were inside one or both of these Nyalas or that Lonmin
security officials gave shotgun pellets to the police for use in the operation.
There is no evidence whatsoever to support this submission.
Apart from the members of Mr Nokis group and the kraal edge group who
were lying dead or wounded at scene 1 when the shooting was over, there
were four other strikers who were to be seen lying on the ground at or near
scene 1. They were Mr Ledingoane, Mr Mtshazi, Mr Nqongophele and Mr
the shots that killed them, Mr Ledingoane by a single R5 shot through his
spine402 and Mr Mtshazi by a single R5 shot through the neck403.
Ngongophele was killed by a single R5 bullet that ricocheted and hit him
close to his right eye and injured his brain.
nature that it is not likely that he could have moved after being shot.
Gwelani, who was unemployed, was not a striker. According to his family he
went on to the koppie on 16 August to take food to his uncle, who was a
His body was found on the path to Nkaneng north of the koppie
more than 250 metres away from the TRT line but within the funnel of fire.
His injuries are consistent with his having been shot where his body was
found as he walked along the main path to the northern part of Nkaneng,
away from the koppie and away from the SAPS.409 He was shot through the
back right hand side of the head and would have been immediately
incapacitated and dead almost immediately after he was shot.
These four victims, who were all shot at substantial distances from the TRT
line could not possibly have been perceived as presenting an imminent risk
to the safety of anyone else. As the evidence leaders put it [a]t best for the
SAPS these are victims who were accidentally killed in the TRT volley.411
The evidence leaders also say, correctly in the opinion of the Commission,
that Mr Gwelanis case provides the clearest illustration (if any are needed)
of why the use of military assault rifles should be banned in public order
Mr White and Mr De Rover agreed that the operation should have been
halted after the shootings at scene 1413 and Major General Mpembe said that
he would have done so if he had known of the shootings at scene 1.
There are numerous items of evidence which indicate clearly that the
commanders, viz Lieutenant General Mbombo, Major General Mpembe,
Major General Annandale and Brigadier Calitz must all have known before
the shootings at scene 2 commenced that live ammunition had been fired at
scene 1 and some strikers had been killed or seriously injured. Mr Botes,
the Lonmin security official who was in the JOC at the time said that he
heard on the radio the sound of shooting, a lot of firearms being fired. He
agreed that what he heard could be described as a fusillade or volleying and
that it must have been obvious to everyone in the JOC that something quite
serious had happened.
White: Exh JJJ172, final statement of Gary White, para 7.6.2; De Rover: D 286, De Rover, p 37157
Exhibit GGG12 Statement by Major General Mpembe paragraph 57
Day 154, Calitz, p 17353
Day 266, Botes, p 33643
Day 232, Kidd, p 29004
He also said that what he heard was sharp ammunition being fired from an
R5 rifle and that anyone listening to the radio would have heard that.
Shortly before the shooting took place Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak said over
the radio that the strikers were attacking the TRT and just after that there
were 18 bodies down and the TRT were staying behind at the scene.
Regard being had to the fact that the commanders knew that if the TRT
members were attacked they would only be able to defend themselves with
R5 rifles it must have been obvious what the shooting which was audible
over the radio was all about and the further information just after the
shooting that there were 18 bodies lying on the ground and the medical
assistance that was being called for would have made what had happened
ever clearer than before.
Three things happened thereafter which remove any doubt that there may be
on the point. The first is the SMS message Brigadier Pretorius sent from the
JOC to Mr Molatedi of IPID at 16:03:34. It reads as follows:419
Bad. Bodies.
receive the SMS until some time after the shootings and Lieutenant General
Mbombo says that she cannot remember what the SMS was about. She
claims that she did not hear the radio at the relevant time because she was
standing outside and that no-one told her at the time what had been heard.
The Commission does not accept this evidence. It is highly unlikely that
she would not have been told about what had happened (if she really was
outside in the passage) and the most likely reason for her SMS to the
National Commissioner at 16:02:19, just over a minute before Brigadier
Pretoriuss SMS to IPID, is that she knew or had been told of the shooting
heard over the radio. The third was a telephone call Captain Loest made to
Brigadier Pretorius, 2 minutes after the call to IPID where he gave her what
can be called a quick situation report. Thereafter she telephoned him twice,
at 16:08:54 and again at 16:13:52.
Pretorius made to Captain Loest (he cannot remember which) he also spoke
to Major General Annandale and gave him a situation report.
General Annandales claim in his evidence that those in the JOC were
unaware that anything had gone wrong at scene 1 until approximately 16h20
is clearly incorrect.
the strikers must have been moving towards the POP line) and his report
about bodies down. 424 He must also have heard the commotion, the firing of
ammunition and people screaming that Captain Kidd heard. It is thus clear
that he also was aware of the shootings as and when they took place.
Brigadier Calitzs evidence that he was not aware of the shootings at scene
1 at the time and indeed not until 16h47 is clearly not correct. He conceded
that when the lead group of strikers passed out of his sight down the
passage way to the east of the kraal a confrontation between them and the
SAPS members trying to prevent them from entering the neutral zone was
probable. 425 He anticipated, he said, that the TRT would form up where they
did and also said that he heard Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak report that there
were 18 bodies lying on the ground but stated that he thought that
Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak was talking about strikers who had been injured
by rubber bullets.
just after giving instructions to the POP members to engage, in order to drive
after the strikers who had decided to escape from or avoid scene 1 and to
proceed to koppie 2, where his vehicle was stationary for about seven
minutes. 427 It is improbable that he would not have heard the more than 300
shots fired at scene 1. Even if he did not hear the shots directly he must
have heard them over the radio because he was sitting at the commanders
radio in Papa 1. If he was able to hear Lieutenant Colonel Vermaaks report
about the 18 bodies lying on the ground, he must have heard the volley
described by Mr Botes.
follows:428No lethal firearms now unless the target engage you. No need to
shoot while they are running unless the target engages you.
The evidence leaders point out that it is difficult to imagine that Brigadier
Calitz would have seen a need to caution against the use of lethal firearms
Exh CC22, Protea Coin video, 07:10 07:19 transcript Exh 00012 at p2, first item
when the SAPS were rolling forward towards scene 2 if he had not been
aware of the fact that lethal firearms had already been used at scene 1.429
Chapter 12
The following incidents on the 16th call for consideration and evaluation:
The Evidence;
At Koppie 3 fourteen persons died on the scene431and three died later in hospital.
The names of the deceased are -
The positions where those who died on the scene were killed are depicted in
Annexure J, as is the position where Mr Mohai sustained his fatal injuries. It has not
been possible to ascertain precisely where Messrs Sagalala and Messrs Ntsoele
sustained their fatal injuries.
After Scene 1, Brigadier Calitz stopped at the dry river bed to re-organise the
operation. He then proceeded in a northerly direction to a position some one
hundred and fifty metres north of Koppie 3 to supervise the arrest of strikers
fleeing in that direction. At the same time, the NIU under Colonel Modiba
approached Koppie 3 from the north east, the TRT under Captain Kidd
approached Koppie 3 from the south west and Major General Naidoo with
the K9 and other units approached the Koppie from the south. This led to
the position where three separate units converged on Koppie 3 without
informing either Brigadier Calitz or the JOC.
There was shooting from various members of each of these units in the
direction of the koppie where the strikers had gathered. This resulted in 17
strikers being killed. There were 14 bodies found at Scene 2 and three
strikers who were wounded subsequently died in hospital. Ten of them were
killed in what can be described as a crevice in a rocky area inside the koppie
where they appear to have sought refuge during the operation.
SAPS stated in their opening statement that they would have difficulty
justifying all of the deaths that took place at Scene 2.432
The Evidence
Brigadier Calitz said that after the dispersal at Scene 1, Lieutenant Colonel
Vermaak was directing the water cannons towards Koppie 3 and he thought
that with his experience of some twenty years in POP, he was the
appropriate person to take the members forward and to task them.433
He saw at that stage the larger group of the strikers going to the north west,
one group going north and a group that went to Koppie 3. He took his
vehicle towards the larger group that was running in the westerly direction.
He said that about twenty to twenty nine arrests were made. They then had
to wait for the canter to arrive. Warrant Officer Nong climbed out of the Nyala
to take photographs of the arrested persons.
At that stage, Lieutenant Colonel McIntosh screamed at him and said that
one of his members was under attack. Lieutenant Colonel McIntosh said
that he was going to jump out of the vehicle because he saw a striker
running towards a police official and he was just a few metres away.
Brigadier Calitz said that he shouted at Lieutenant Colonel McIntosh not to
get out of the vehicle but he had already done so.
He also shouted at
Warrant Officer Nong to get back into the vehicle to get closer to see what
was going on. He did not witness the incident.434
At some stage he heard Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak saying over the radio
that the people are encircled and this was one of many instructions that
Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak gave to get the vehicles into position. He said
that while he was moving north, he heard Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak
directing the Nyalas and the water cannons, and thought that while he was
busy with the dispersal action, they were busy on the other side, as the
people were encircled and boxed in. He thought that the Nyalas and the
water cannons had helped with that. He then gave the instruction over the
radio to the Papa Nyalas that they must get out of their vehicles, out of
protection, and engage at koppie 3.
Warrant Officer Nong drove a few metres to where he could see Lieutenant
Colonel McIntosh bending over a person.
said that the person was already dead.
members there and was surprised to see Captain Kidd there because
according to the briefing, he was posted at FHA 2. He was supposed to have
a filtering line in place so that the strikers who were moving in that direction
could be searched. He told Captain Kidd immediately to find out what was
happening with his members there and to report immediately to the JOC.
He was told by Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak that the people were encircled
and he gave instructions to the Nyalas to go and engage with the dispersion
action and the arrest. From the position that he was in, he could see that
there was movement and he could see that there were a lot of people who
were busy with the arrests, so he went towards koppie 3. This was just
before 17h00. At koppie 3 he found a number of strikers lying on the ground
under arrest, with their hands behind their heads. He noticed that the water
cannons, the canters and the Nyalas were there.435 He said that by the time
he got to koppie 3, all the shootings had already taken place.436
He met Major General Naidoo at koppie 3 at 16h45. He said that he was not
expecting to see him there because he was in command of FHA 1 and he
was in control of the medical personnel, the detectives, the criminal record
centre people and the dog unit. In particular he expected that the dog unit
would be busy with the sweeping of koppies 1 and 2 but he did not expect
him at koppie 3.437
He said that when he arrived and saw the weapons on the scene, he
understood that the medical personnel needed to be safe and he cautioned
the members to remember that it was a crime scene and they should try as
far as possible to preserve the crime scene because it was very large and
complex and not a simple crime scene.
Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak said with regard to the video438that he saw the
strikers entering koppie 3 and he brought in the water cannons and the
Casspirs. He also said that he saw that the strikers moving out of the koppie
and other strikers leaving the koppie towards the south west. The strikers
were going in the direction of the second informal settlement in the south
west which was where the FHA 2 was and where Captain Kidd was
supposed to be.
He said at that stage, the water cannons were brought in from both
directions to encircle the koppie according to the original plan. He
communicated to Brigadier Calitz where the water cannons were and also
the position of the armoured vehicles for the protection of the water
cannons.439 He noticed that there were strikers who were running out on the
western side of the koppie. He reported this to the JOC and to Brigadier
Calitz. This is with reference to his saying they going to break through. He
said that he also saw people in the middle of the koppie at that stage.
He then saw two bodies down at the back of the koppie which he reported.
He could not see how they were injured because of the distance. At some
stage, while the water cannon was spraying water, he said he noticed that
there were policemen on foot and he told the water cannons to stop spraying
water because the koppie was encircled by policemen and they were going
to be carrying out arrests.440 He said he saw a group near a dry dam and
Exhibit CC22
Day 206, Vermaak, p. 25407
Day 206, Vermaak, p.25417
the people were moving in that direction and that was when he said they
were going to break out.441
He recalled that Brigadier Calitz said there were several people hiding in the
small koppie. He said at page 4 of the transcript it is Brigadier Calitzs voice
that says live fire, live fire.442 Brigadier Calitz in his evidence denied this
was his voice and stated that he was not aware of the shootings at koppie 3.
Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak confirms that he did not know Major General
Naidoo had arrived on the scene.443 He saw people being arrested and he
needed to bring in the canters. There were some problems with their getting
the canters in because nobody was aware of the kind of terrain that they
would have to traverse.444 There was some trouble with communication with
the vehicles and getting them to go in the right direction.
vehicles. He said he was asked to assist to take the vehicles in to where
they were needed for a specific task.
It was put to Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak that Brigadier Calitz said that he
was informed while they were standing there stationary and they were
communicating on the radio that he requested him to take the vehicles in
and to command from the air.447 Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak disagreed
with that.448
Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak said that at no stage was command given over
to him and, if that were so, a note would have been made at the JOC in their
records.449 The role that he played, he said, was to get the vehicles in to
execute the plan of dispersing and encirclement and there was no other
order given to him except to give directions from the air as to what routes the
vehicles should follow. He made an important point when he said that there
were many instances where he communicated with the vehicles and that
Brigadier Calitz thereafter confirmed the order that he had given. Lieutenant
Colonel Vermaak said that the control that he had was only of taking the
vehicles into the area and reporting their positions because it was not
possible for Brigadier Calitz, who was on the ground, to see and to realize
where all the vehicles were.450
He played the role of the eye in the sky and he reported back to the
operational commander where his resources were and where his people
were on the ground so that he could make operational decisions. He said in
this instance where there were many problems with radio communications, it
often happened that if it appeared to him that the people on the ground did
not hear Brigadier Calitzs instructions, he repeated them.
Colonel Vermaak described how he made the comment that the water
cannon must wait, the people are encircled and that was conveyed to
Brigadier Calitz, who then gave orders, ok water cannons hold back, guys
get out of the Nyalas under protection. Get out there and engage.451 .
Brigadier Calitz, he said, gave orders on the basis of the information he was
giving to him.
Captain Kidd said that on the 16th, he was deployed at FHA 2 under the
command of Lieutenant Colonel Pitsi. In August 2012, he was a member of
the TRT, stationed at Johannesburg. At about 10h00 Lieutenant Colonel
Pitsi was redeployed by Brigadier Calitz to the frontline and he left with forty
POP members, four Nyalas and one Casspir. He said that he remained with
fifty five TRT, twenty nine POP and six Dog unit members.452
He attended the briefing at FHA 1 at 14:30, where he was told that the task
of his group stationed at FHA 2, would be to protect the informal settlement
situated close by and to make a filtering line so that whoever was leaving the
koppie area could be searched and disarmed.
disarm strikers approaching the line, to confiscate any dangerous weapons
in the possession and thereafter to allow them to proceed.453
He said that he returned to his members at FHA 2 and briefed them in terms
of the briefing given to him. His members had certain queries about what
type of weapons or firearms they would be encountering and he said to them
that firearms had been taken from the police at the incident on the 13 th as
well as from security personnel prior to that. He indicated on Exhibit L181
his position as a diagonal line on the photograph with the informal settlement
behind him.454 He understood the koppie to be where Scene 1 took place.455
At about 15h40, he heard an instruction over the radio that barbed wired
should be deployed, and he instructed the members with him to climb out of
their vehicles, to form the basic line and to move forward to form a barrier. 456
He said that before they reached their intended position, he heard over the
radio that the police were under attack. At this stage he was about half way
to his intended position. He said that he heard a commotion on the radio,
the firing of ammunition and people screaming but he could not identify the
voice of the person that made the report that the police were under attack.
He tried calling Brigadier Calitz, the JOC and Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak
on the radio just to get some response but had no success.
He said that he could hear on the radio that the live ammunition being fired
was from R5 rifles and that a volley was being fired. He said that he could
differentiate between the sound of rubber balls being fired from shotguns
and sharp ammunition from R5 rifles.457 He repeatedly called on the radio
but there was no response. He consulted with Captain Ryland and they
made the decision to move forward towards the koppie and not stop where
they had intended to stop. He made the decision because he thought it was
necessary to give other members support.
He and Captain Ryland both had cell phones but neither of them thought of
trying to contact the JOC or Brigadier Calitz by cell phone.458 He said further
that he did not have the telephone numbers of the JOC or Brigadier Calitz
because when he went to FHA 2, he was just a group commander and not in
charge of the whole of FHA 2. That was the task of Lieutenant Colonel Pitsi
who would have had the numbers on him.459 He agreed that it would have
been sensible for him to inform the JOC as well as the operational
commander of his intentions to go towards the koppie so that the actions of
the group could be coordinated.460
Whilst conceding that neither the JOC nor Brigadier Calitz knew that he was
approaching Scene 2, he said that he thought Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak
had a birds eye view and while they were listening to the radio
communication, they could hear Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak directing
people on the western side to go forward. It occurred to him that the people
listening to the radio would know from the radio communication that they
were there on the western side.
He said that while they were moving in the direction of the koppie, hundreds
of strikers were approaching the line from the direction of koppie 1. They
were allowed to pass after laying down the dangerous weapons in their
possession. The weapons that they put down were a variety of spears, axes
and sticks. None of the strikers refused to lay down his weapons when
instructed to do so.461
He said that there was a chopper hovering in the air and a police woman
waving to them to move to the left hand side. (This would appear to be
Sergeant Venter who was in Brigadier Fritzs helicopter.) At that point, he
also heard an instruction from Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak that they must
move to the side. He understood this to mean to move to the left hand side
and he heard Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak saying the people on the west
move to your left, move to your left. He thought this was the same
instruction that the lady in the helicopter was indicating to them.462
He said that as a result of these instructions, his basic line that extended
over 150 metres, split up into three different groupings. He remained in the
middle group where the majority of the members were. He said that with the
splitting up he was no longer in control of everyone. Each of the units had its
own commander because the TRT units were from Pretoria, Johannesburg
and Honeydew. He expected that each commander would command his
whatsoever over the other two groups that had split away from his group.
He conceded as well that at the time that the group split up, he could have
designated the commanders who were in charge of each of the groups to
stay in touch with each other by cell phone, but did not do so.463
He said that as they were approaching the koppie, he thought that this was
koppie 1 and that everything was happening just on the other side of the
koppie. This was, he said, because when they were shown a photograph of
the area, it did not appear as though there were different koppies. There
were just bushy areas with a couple of rocks and he could not see the
difference in the height or the difference in how big the koppies were.464
This is an indication of the inadequacy of the briefing received.
He said he heard the sound of gunfire and the sound of bullets flying over
their heads, coming from the direction of the koppie in front of them.465 There
was not much cover and a lot of members ran to rocks and took cover there
on the western side.
sounded like small calibre firearms.466 From where he was taking cover, he
could see into the open area inside koppie 3 and he saw a group of strikers
running around inside the koppie.467 He said that they gathered together in a
group, and they were making a hissing sound, banging their weapons
together.468 He said the group approached the members on the western
side and stopped near the bushes. He said the policemen were shouting at
the strikers, telling them to put down their weapons and to come out
repeatedly. He said all the strikers did was to tap their weapons twice and
point them forward towards them.
repeatedly tapped their weapons and pointed them towards the policemen.
He said that suddenly, two of the strikers from the group charged the police
members who were positioned on his right hand side. The two strikers were
shouting something which he did not understand. The police shouted at
them to drop their weapons but they proceeded to charge towards the
members, who were lying near a small rock. They rushed out into a flat open
area between the spot where they had been and the spot where the
policemen had taken cover.469
He said the expressions on the faces of the strikers were that of persons
who were very focused. They were looking straight at the policemen and
they were not blinking their eyes. They were just looking, tapping their
weapons and pointing repeatedly. Some of the group at the back were
standing still and those in the front were crouched down, but the two that ran
out were totally upright with their arms raised above their heads, holding
weapons and they were shouting something.470
As the two ran out shouting, the policemen were shouting at them to drop
their weapons but they did not. Shots were fired from the policemen towards
the two strikers. One of the strikers was shot and fell to the ground. The
other, who was dressed in a red shirt stood for about three to four seconds,
turned around and ran back to where he had come from. He thought that
the striker had been hit but when he saw him run back, he thought that he
had misjudged the position. He said he did not know at that stage which
policemen had been shooting, but realised subsequently that they were
mainly POP members because there were no TRT members on the ground
who fired there. Again, he did not know what they fired with at the time but
found out later that they fired 9mm pistols as well as rubber balls from
shotguns. No R5s were used at that stage.
About twenty seconds later, the same striker came out acting in much the
same way with his weapons raised above his head. Again, the policemen
shouted at him to stop, but he continued towards them. More shots were
fired and this time the striker fell to the ground. Thereafter, he seems to
have crawled back in the direction from which he had come. At the time the
police shot at the strikers, the one striker was about ten metres away and the
other about five metres away.471
scene.472 After the shooting, he saw that the strikers that who were in the
koppie carried on with their singing and chanting and moved deeper into the
bushes behind the rocks until he could not see them anymore.
While he was in that area, he did not notice any of the other members in the
three groups who were there, shooting.
He said that on his left hand side, he noticed one of the strikers come
running from behind the bushes armed with two spears in his hand. 474 At
that stage, he was about twenty five to thirty five metres from him. He said
that the striker looked in his direction, saw him and changed his direction to
go towards the far left where policemen were standing there in the open. He
shouted at them to watch out. Some other members also shouted at them to
look out that there was someone running towards them on the left. That was
when those policemen started looking at the person who was running.
Captain Kidd said he also started running in the same direction475 to see
where the striker was going to, except that he was on the other side of the
bushes, parallel to the path taken by the striker.
stopped screaming at them because they had seen the striker and were
shouting at the striker to drop his weapons.
He said he heard shots fired. He saw the striker as well as a policeman fall
to the ground. He did not see whether the striker had been shot because he
was some distance behind. It looked to him as if the striker fell on top of the
policeman. At the time that they fell, it was the member who fell who fired.
He then stood up and Captain Kidd saw that he was unharmed but the
striker had been shot and was lying on the ground. When he got closer, he
noticed that he had a spear in one hand and what looked like a knobkierie in
the other. His hands were still moving and he was still alive at that point.
The person on the ground was the deceased Mr Mpumza.476
He mentioned that Mr Mpumza had a rope fastened around his upper arms
and knees and that someone said that he should not touch it because it was
some form of muti used by sangomas.478
Under cross examination, he said that he did not give an instruction to the
group he was in command of to split when the helicopter came along and
gestured to them. He said that everything was fine until the helicopter came
along and they received the instruction from Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak.
He did not have time or opportunity to discuss with anyone or to give any
orders as to how the group should move forward. He said events just took
over. He said the following day he mentioned that at a meeting where Major
General Annandale and Brigadier Calitz were present.
communication was impossible.
He said that
repeatedly to call on the radio but he was being cancelled out. He said he
was told on two occasions when they were moving forward that his line had
to split and go to the left.479
He said that although he heard Brigadier Calitz say water cannons move in,
water cannons move in he did not actually see the water cannons deploying
He said that he had not paid much attention to the role of the water
It was put to him that there were two cannons spraying water in a westerly
direction trying to disperse the strikers and move them to the west. That
would be precisely where his line ended up and where he and his men were
blocking the escape route for the strikers. He said that there were lots of
people that passed, and whoever wanted to leave was allowed to leave
provided they put down their weapons. Whoever wanted to stay behind on
the koppie, did so. He said that the people who stayed on the koppie would
have been able to see how he dealt with the people who had left.
It was put to him that the strikers who were being sprayed by the water
cannons and driven to the west could see the TRT either on the south west
or the west in the group that he was in and think that they were not able to
pass through and that their escape route was blocked. He said that because
the area was so big, if someone wanted to come out, he could have laid
down his weapons and walked through the filtering line.
It was put to him that the strikers who were in a position to witness the
shooting of Mr Mkhonjwa, Mr Gadava and Mr Mpumza would have thought
that the western exit and the south western exit from Koppie 3 were blocked.
He did not agree because it was being said to the people at all times lay
down your weapons and come out. This was being said in English and in
various other languages. He said if anyone had laid down their weapons and
come out he would have been allowed to pass even after the shooting.
Those members that came out from the Koppie and put down their weapons
were also searched because he bore in mind that he still had to protect the
informal settlement behind FHA 2.482
He said that at the time he spoke about the shots flying over his head, he
thought that the shots were fired by the strikers on the koppie because there
was about three or four shots from small calibre firearms and it was not a
burst of fire or from high calibre weapons.483
It did not occur to him that it might be the police that were shooting because
they were the first group to arrive there. As far as he was concerned, he had
only heard about the water cannons being told to move in but he did not
know that there were any other police units at koppie 3. The first time that
he became aware that there were different units present was when they
were lying there and he saw members of the NIU from the eastern side.484
He said that he saw the NIU coming from the eastern side after the shooting
of Mr Mkhonjwa but before the incident with Mr Mpumza. There were less
than ten NIU members walking and they were also shouting at the strikers.
They were not in a line because it was a very rocky area.485 He said that
POP members started arriving in a Nyala on the western side. He could not
say quite when it was that the POP members arrived. 486 He said that he first
observed K9 members (members of the dog unit), when he went back to his
line and where the body of Mr Mkhonjwa (body N) was found. Warrant
Officer Swartz told him that he had also discharged a firearm at someone
and he said that there were more incidents around the corner where the dog
unit and other TRT members were.487
He said that he did not hear continuous shooting for the twenty minute
period on koppie 3. He heard shots and a period of quiet and again shots
being fired. They sounded like low calibre shots and R5 shots. He said he
would be surprised to hear that there were more than 250 rounds fired at the
Under cross examination by both counsel for the Families and the Injured
and Arrested Persons, it was put to him that the strikers were tapping their
weapons repeatedly and pointing at the police in an effort to tell them to get
out of their way because they wanted to emerge from the koppie.489 His
response was that they free to come out at any stage and would be allowed
to pass, as long as they put down their weapons.
Colonel Modiba said according to the plan he was stationed with the NIU to
be positioned behind the POP and the TRT to sweep the koppies. When the
TRT line fired at Scene 1, he was about eighty to one hundred metres
behind them. He instructed his unit to do a sweep of koppie 1 as instructed
and went with them through a gap between a Nyala and its empty wire
behind the rocks and charged at their line. They were in possession of an
knobkieries.491 At the same time, he heard the sound of firing from the
mountain and assumed it was from koppie 3. He could not distinguish the
calibre of the shots but confirmed that it was not automatic fire.492
When the armed group was about fifteen to twenty metres away, he shouted
at them to stop but they did not. He and other members of his unit fired
warning shots and some of the group returned to koppie 3, but others
continued to charge while he was firing into the ground.493
As he moved closer, and near a large rock, he saw the body of Mr Anele
Mdizeni (body A) and some other persons but could not make out whether
they had been killed as well.494
At some stage he saw Major General Naidoo with less than ten policemen
with him and there was firing from the southern side. He saw Major General
Naidoo climb over the rocks. At that stage, Colonel Modiba entered koppie
Because there was shooting from the western side, he waited until it
stopped. He could see strikers charging and running and he heard gun
shots coming from that direction.495
The approach to koppie 3 by the NIU on foot without any armoured vehicle
cover from the east resulted in an engagement between the members of
SAPS and strikers on the eastern side of the koppie. The discharge list
indicates that they shot one hundred and fifteen rounds of live ammunition of
which one hundred and three were R5 rounds.497
The evidence leaders set out Mr Whites criticism of the risk as being
twofold, in that, the NIU members were placed at risk because they formed a
large target if the strikers on Koppies 2 and 3 were violent and armed with
firearms and also that if the strikers resisted arrest the NIU were armed with
only live ammunition to ensure compliance.498
He said that his role in the operation was to provide support, which entailed
releasing medical personnel, fire trucks and other support functions as and
when required.501 He clarified that the K9 Unit was to conduct a sweep of the
area after the dispersal to find any weapons, especially firearms which may
have been discarded in the bushes and the rocks.
He said that around 15h40 he was listening to the radio where Brigadier
Calitz was reporting that the crowd was moving towards the negotiation
group and discussions about the roll out of the barbed wire were taking place
with his various commanders to repel or block off the group that was trying to
get through the police lines.
well as the sound of stun grenades being deployed. He said that the volley
of live ammunition that he heard was unexpected.504
In response to the radio message, Major General Naidoo moved with the K9,
medical personnel and the fire personnel, in the direction of the small power
station, moving towards koppie 1. He turned into a small road on the side of
the power station which was the most direct route to get to the injured
persons, but found that they could not traverse that road and the column of
vehicles had to turn around.506 He said that they used the road around the
electricity sub-station to pass koppie 3 to move towards koppie 1. As he
came around the substation, he heard heavy gun fire that sounded like
someone using automatic weapons.
firearms firing at the same time at short intervals. He asked the main body of
the reserve group to stop in that area and moved towards the direction of the
firing where he had also observed certain SAPS personnel.507
hundred metres away from koppie 3. He saw an STF Casspir on the scene
and a water cannon being escorted by a Nyala in front of the Casspir. He
also saw veld fires directly behind the Nyala.508
At that stage, he could not see any people in koppie 3 as he could just see
dense bush. He saw a group of TRT members moving from the west. He
thought the firing that he heard was coming from the east and feared that
there was an exchange of fire.
westerly direction who went through the filtering line that the TRT,
approaching from the west, had formed.509
He said that he moved forward with the K9 and POP members to ensure that
the area was secure for the deployment of emergency services. 510 He said
that the reason for moving to koppie 3 instead of koppie 1, where he was
supposed to be going, was that the route towards koppie 1 would have to go
past the area of koppie 3 and he could not guarantee the safety of the
emergency personnel whilst there was a discharge of firearms in that area.
He said it was obvious to him that he needed to determine why the shooting
was taking place because he could see SAPS members there and he
needed to address the issue of the shooting and clear the route for the
emergency vehicles.511
Approximately a hundred and fifty metres away from the koppie, he stopped
the vehicles and asked the members to hold the line while he moved to the
right of Koppie 3 where he had seen the NIU members.512
He saw some strikers between the rocks and trees at the koppie and was
under the impression that there were a few strikers there with firearms, who
were refusing to disperse or surrender their arms.
He approached the
koppie with Sergeant Harmse to where the NIU members had taken up
position. He came across three armed strikers in the middle of the veld. He
arrested them and put them into a vehicle. He went to Colonel Modiba and
his team who had taken cover behind one of the rocks. At that stage, he
could not tell what the size of the group of strikers was as he could only see
a few of them at the foot of the koppie.513
He said when he brought his vehicles to a halt, and he went with a sergeant
from the dog unit, he saw dust puffs around his feet and realized it was
bullets that were striking the ground.514 Sergeant Harmse was about two
paces behind him at the time. He knew that the members had taken cover
at the vehicles and he heard some shooting from the K9 members. His
impression was that they were returning fire to whoever was firing at them
and they were firing in the direction of the koppie.515 He could not say how
many rounds were fired but he thought that they were fired from R5 rifles.
He saw about three to five strikers running along the top of the koppie, and
he had no idea how many were inside the koppie or in the bushy area. He
thought he saw one of them, in possession of a long barrelled firearm
running in a westerly direction. He was clearly visible running on the rock
and he was about 200 to 300 metres away at that time. The firearm was
clearly distinguishable because of the shape. He said that other persons
with him also saw the firearm. When he assessed the situation, he saw that
there were several strikers lying on the rocks above the police officials. 516
He instructed his personnel to reform the line so that they could continue to
move forward in a sweeping action to clear the rocks as the NIU had been
doing before the shooting.
He said as they approached the rocks, they came under fire. At that stage,
there were three or four police officials together with Sergeant Harmse of the
dog unit with him.517 He could not see how many people were inside the
koppie, he could only see two people behind the rock and there was a tree in
front of the rock. A bullet that was fired from that direction narrowly missed
him and struck the rocks behind him.518
returned fire discharging two rounds from his 9mm pistol at the individual
whom he could see with a firearm in his hand firing at him. At that stage
several other members from the NIU also simultaneously returned fire in the
direction from where those shots had come. He thought that about two or
three people were shot and that about five shots were discharged from R5
rifles. The firing from inside the koppie stopped immediately.
He said when the NIU line reached the rocks from where the shots had
emanated, they did not find anyone there to engage. 519 As he approached
he saw several of the strikers running away. He did not follow them. As he
approached the rocks, he saw several strikers, about three or four, inside the
crevices in the rocks. They were armed with traditional weapons, pangas,
spears and sharpened pieces of iron.520 He confronted them together with
members from the NIU. They instructed them to drop their weapons and
they were removed individually, placed under arrest and secured by cable
ties. He heard sporadic firing but he could not give the direction from where
it emanated, nor did he think he was under any specific threat from that
The strikers
emerged in twos and threes. They were confronted, their weapons were
dropped and they were then arrested.522 Once the area was secured, he
ordered the medical personnel under escort by the K9 to attend to the
injured persons on the scene.523
He then informed the JOC by telephone what had happened. He said this
was the first time he was able to communicate with the JOC as he could not
do this previously because of the radio traffic and the movement that he was
He called in the crime scene experts and the detectives to take over the
scene and process it. He said this was the first time that he met up with
Brigadier Calitz. They assessed the situation with regard to securing and
transporting of the arrested strikers and instructed the K9 members to sweep
the scene in terms of the plan. Various weapons and firearms were found.
The injured were taken to hospital and the crime scene was evacuated to
allow the crime scene personnel to do their work.525
He said that because the number of medical personnel under his command
was so small, and because of the number of people that were injured and
killed, a large number of further medical personnel were brought to the
scene escorted by Lonmin security. He was instructed by the JOC to return
to FHA 1 to meet with the IPID team. Whilst there, he received a report from
the JOC that the strikers were attacking and burning property and vehicles in
an area about one hundred metres behind him. He responded together with
POP and Mine Security and secured the premises where four motor vehicles
had already been burnt. When he returned to the FHA 1, he discovered that
the IPID team had already moved to Scene 1.526
With regard to the criticism that he ought not to have moved to koppie 3
without the command of Brigadier Calitz and if he had proceeded with the
medical personnel to Scene 1, lives could have been saved, he responded
that an instruction to engage would be normal for the deployment for tactical
international expectation was that they would respond appropriately to
ensure people received treatment and services. He said it was very clear to
him from the radio conversation that Brigadier Calitz was not aware of the
need for medical attention until Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak raised the issue
for emergency services to respond. He did not in those circumstances
expect Brigadier Calitz to command him to do so. He also said that he
agreed that swift medical attention at Scene 1 could have saved lives but
emergency services personnel will not deploy if the police cannot ensure
their safety. He said ensuring that the area was safe was a priority. He made
mention of back up medical personnel responding to Scene 1 being stoned
on their way to Scene 1.527
Under cross examination and with regard to the volley of firing that he said
he heard, he conceded that there was a distinct possibility that people had
been injured by the firing.528 He said he did not exclude the possibility that
people had been injured by R5 bullets and had to treat it as a worst case
With regard to the confusion about the shortest route to Scene 1 and the
time wasted with ascertaining the correct route, he said that he had engaged
the services of a driver from the area and worked on the basis that the
person who knew the terrain would take them to where they were required to
be deployed.
Rustenburg was the designated driver and he was also present at the
briefing by Colonel Scott at 14h30 and knew where the operation was going
to take place. He said that he trusted him to pick the best route to get to
koppie 1 and did not do a reconnaissance himself or task anyone to do so.530
The difficulty of emerging on the police side of the barbed wire with the route
he took was put to him.
specifically on which side of the barbed wire he wished to be and was under
the impression that he would take the shortest route to Scene 1. The driver
informed him that the route that he took was a better road but he would not
know if that was correct. At some stage, he thought that they would be able
to breach the barbed wire at the power station but did not apply his mind to it
any further.531
Under cross examination he said that there was a twofold purpose for
approaching koppie 3, the first to get information about the safety of the area
and the second to support the police operation there.532
He said the
assessing of the situation was to decide whether it was safe to take the
medical personnel through.
medical personnel in getting to Scene 1 but a need for the police operation
to be supported at Scene 2, he would have tasked one of the K9 groups
under the command of Colonel Mopedi to assist at koppie 3 and since he
was responsible for the safe keeping of the medical personnel, he would
have gone with them to Scene 1.533
He said that when he got to koppie 3 he saw that people had been shot.
Because one of the primary focus areas for him was to ensure that medical
attention was taken to whoever needed it, it was clear to him that people
who had been shot needed attention. It was put to him that he knew some
thirty minutes previously that he had been asked to bring medical personnel
to the area where the volley of R5 fire had been and that he should have
taken the medical personnel to that scene first. He said had he done that,
he would no doubt have been called upon to answer why he did not attend to
the injured at Scene 3 to whom he was closest. He had three paramedics
with him and he conceded that he could have made a decision to use one at
Scene 2 and send two on to Scene 1.534
Constable Sebatjane is a member of the TRT who was under the command
of Captain Kidd on 16 August 2012. He was on the extreme left of the basic
line and when the groups split, he went into the northernmost group. He
said he ended up on the north western side of the koppie where he met
some POP members arresting some of the strikers. He and some of his unit
assisted in protecting the POP unit.535 At some stage, he heard bullets flying
over his head.536 He was not able to see where the shots were coming from.
When he finished helping members assist and load suspects into the truck
and as he approached the koppie, he saw a striker with dreadlocks wearing
a white jacket come running out towards the direction of Captain Kidd. This
was Mr Mpumza, who suddenly made a turn and ran in his direction where
he was with Constables Mabe and Buthelezi. Captain Kidd started
screaming at him. Constable Mabe shouted out instructing the striker to
drop his weapon.537 The striker stopped running and started walking slowly
towards them.538 He said that all three of them shouted at Mr Mpumza to
drop his weapons.
Constable Sebatjane said that when he was about three paces away he
walked behind the striker and was about to put his firearm in his holster and
take out his hand cuffs when the striker stood up, turned and faced him,
picked up his left hand in which he had a weapon and tried to stab him. He
indicated that he came forward more or less at shoulder height and just
missed his neck by about three or four inches. He said he drew his firearm
with his right hand and began to fire when he was about two or three paces
from him. He fired one round into his chest and does not know if he hit him.
The striker came running towards him, holding up his spear in his left hand
and wanted to stab him.539 He said that in his left hand he had the spear
with which he was trying to stab him and in his right hand he had a piece of
iron.540 In total he fired nine rounds. He said that the striker tried to stab him
about four or five times while he was on his feet.541
He could not say that all the shots that he fired struck the striker. 542 He
thought he was the only person who had shot at that stage as he did not
hear any other shots being fired.543 He subsequently heard that Constable
Mabe had discharged his R5 in defending him.544
Under cross examination, it was put to him that the injuries documented in
the post mortem report were inconsistent with his version in that all the
injuries were described as having been caused by high velocity firearms and
there was no indication that the shots were fired at close range.
The post mortem report records that most of the twelve entrance wounds are
consistent with being fired from high velocity firearms. There is no evidence
of any entrance wounds caused by the 9mm pistol used by Constable
Sebatjane. There is no indication as to the distance from which the shots
were fired.
Constable Mabe said that he fired four shots at the legs and lower body of
Mr Mpumza in private defence.545 A bullet and two bullet fragments were
retrieved from the lower limbs of Mr Mpumza. There is no explanation as to
who fired the other shots that inflicted the other wounds described as being
caused by high velocity gun shots. This merits further investigation.
Captain Ryland captured this incident on video on his cell phone and
confirms that there was an attack on Constable Sebatjane.546
The post mortem report records a single distant perforating gunshot wound
entering and exiting the left arm and re-entering the chest. Paragraph 4.3
describes a concentric ring of abrasion on the lateral aspect of the left
forearm, presumably the entrance wound.547
main post mortem finding records a distant entrance wound, the Commission
is unable to determine the distance from which the shooter fired. Because of
the paucity of evidence the Commission is unable to find whether the shot
was fired in self- or private defence.This incident too, merits further
Exhibit A page 91
He said that being able to see what was happening on the ground from the
chopper would enable him better to perform his functions as an overall
commander. He was asked whether while in the helicopter, he would have
directed the operation if he thought that it was not going according to plan
and whether he would then give orders from there because he was in a
better position to see what was happening.
speaking, once the operation had commenced, it was in the hands of the
operational commander. If he heard on the radio or if he saw that there was
something going wrong, he could intervene without any help being sought
from him. However he would expect that the operational commander would
communicate with him in this regard.549
He said that he heard Brigadier Calitz asking why the TRT and the STF are
not moving and that there was a response from the chopper saying that
there were bodies lying down.550 He said that was an indication to him that
there was something wrong. He tried to communicate with the operational
commander but because there was very high radio traffic between Brigadier
Calitz and Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak, he was unable to communicate with
Brigadier Calitz and ordered the pilot to take him back to the JOC.
He said when he heard about bodies down, he had not heard a report of any
shooting. He said whilst in the chopper he heard the conversation between
Brigadier Calitz and Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak. He said he heard
Brigadier Calitz giving dispersal instructions and giving orders to the water
cannons. He remembers as significant that he heard him say do not engage
the target before the target engages you.
He said he was in the air for about twenty minutes. When he got back to the
JOC he learnt that there had been a shooting and that people had died.
He said that he did not even think of calling Brigadier Calitz on the cell
phone. It was put to him that he deprived himself of the opportunity of
considering what appropriate action to take after Scene 1.552 He said that he
thought that there might be problems with the electricity lines in the area and
that might affect the mobile phone signals.553 In his statement at paragraph
51, General Mpembe says that at all times including when he was in the
helicopter for about twenty minutes, he was accessible by radio to the
operational commander Brigadier Calitz and to the JOC.
As the overall
commander, he could only give direction when it was sought from him, either
from the operational commander or the JOC. Neither sought direction from
him. He said it is not the function of the overall commander to usurp the
functions of the operational commander when he was better positioned as
being on the ground and experiencing the action first hand.
It occurs to the Commission that the aerial view that Major General Mpembe
had placed him in a more advantageous position to assist the operational
commander on the ground, who might
view, given the size and nature of the terrain over which the operation was
being rolled out.
Under cross examination, Major General Mpembe said that at Scene 2 there
were five units with five commanders converging on koppie 3 and at that
time they should have been coordinated by the operational commander,
Brigadier Calitz.554
He said that Major General Naidoo was in charge of the members of FHA 1,
Colonel Gaffley was in command of the STF, Colonel Modiba was in
command of the NIU, Captain Kidd and Lieutenant Colonel Pitsi was in
charge of the TRT.556 Major General Mpembe said that from the briefing that
he received from these members on the late afternoon of the 16 th
, it
appeared as though as they had acted on their own initiative and that their
actions were not coordinated by Brigadier Calitz. 558
Major General Mpembe said that he did have a discussion with Brigadier
Calitz about his not coordinating all the units at Scene 2, and Brigadier Calitz
said that he was not aware at the time that there were people that went there
on their own initiative.559
It was put to him that there are statements of several members of SAPS
saying that they were unaware of the presence of other units on the other
side of koppie 3 and that the gunfire that they heard and thought had come
from the protestors might in fact have come from other SAPS members.560
He replied that he was unaware of these statements.
He said that when any officer does anything on his own initiative, it is
normally expected of him to communicate that to the operational
commander.561 It was specifically put to him that if Captain Kidd went to
koppie 3, he should have communicated that to Brigadier Calitz. He agreed
and added that when he raised it with Captain Kidd, he raised the problem
with radio communication. He also agreed that if Captain Kidd had informed
the operational commander by radio then the JOC would have got to know
that he was taking the initiative to go to koppie 3.
It is clear from the evidence that the overall commander Major General
Mpembe had absolutely no command and control of Scene 2.
Brigadier Calitz has been criticised by the Evidence Leaders for failing to
issue any warning to the strikers at the stage when they were surrounded in
koppie 3.562
The Commission also agrees with the further criticism that Brigadier Calitz
failed to order the use of tear gas to force the strikers out of their hiding
places at koppie 3, which process had far less risk involved to both members
of the South African Police Services and the strikers.564
The Commission must accept that because of the large area and the nature
of the terrain, an operational commander on the ground would have a very
limited view of what was happening on all sides of the koppie. Lieutenant
Colonel Vermaak was in the best placed position to see who was converging
on koppie 3, but makes no mention of any of the units moving towards
koppie 2 on the radio. Brigadier Fritz was equally suited to see what was
happening on the ground, but completely neglected to advise either the JOC
or Brigadier Calitz as to what was happening on the ground.
The evidence does establish that when Brigadier Calitz was regrouping, and
could not see the TRT line behind him, he asked Lieutenant Colonel
Vermaak to check where they were. Once Brigadier Calitz was aware, as he
obviously was from the radio traffic, that there were police units in the area, it
was incumbent upon him throughout the operation to check with each unit
where it was, or if unable to do so, to ask Lieutenant Colonel Vermaak and
Brigadier Fritz on the radio, to report on where the various units were and
what they were doing.
Brigadier Calitz said that he was not aware of the shooting at Scene 2. The
Evidence Leaders contend that this is as implausible as his claim that he
was unaware of the shootings at Scene 1. In paragraph 769 of their Heads
of Argument they submit that his Nyala was not moving at any stage during
the shooting at Scene 2, and the only noise would have been the noise of
the vehicle idling. The doors of the Nyala were open while it was stationary
and they submit the sound of the two hundred and ninety five gunshots
would have been audible through the open doors. They said that Brigadier
Calitz conceded that he got out of Papa 1 on several occasions while he was
but one hundred and fifty metres away from Koppie 3. The shooting at
Koppie 3 was heard by Warrant Officer Mamobolo, the Commander of Papa
11 which was parked with Papa 1 at the scene and if he could hear them,
then Brigadier Calitz must have heard them.
The Commission agrees with these criticisms and find support for these
contentions in the transcript of the radio conversation between Lieutenant
Colonel Vermaak and Brigadier Calitz.566
Major General Naidoo conceded that as the senior ranking officer at Scene
2, he was in command and control of all the police units there.567
Exhibit OOO 11
Day 194, Naidoo, pp.23707 to 23708
Paragraphs 819 to 822
It has been suggested by SAPS that their members came under fire from the
strikers at the koppie.
One firearm had a full magazine and appears not to have been fired on 16
August. Another had a cartridge holding six rounds and one empty cartridge
in its magazine with a capacity for seven rounds. The last had two rounds in
a magazine with capacity for eight rounds. There does exist a possibility that
there might have been further firearms in the possession of the strikers on
the koppie that were either hidden on the koppie and not recovered or
concealed on the persons of the strikers when they left the area.
According to Exhibit L just under a third of the cartridges for the two hundred
and ninety five shots fired by the members of the South African Police
Services at Scene 2 were recovered. No cartridge cases for any shots fired
by strikers or anybody else was found. This is an indication that only a few
shots could have been fired by the strikers.
Apart from the circumstances set out above, there is no other evidence
about the deaths on koppie 3. A reconstruction of scene 2 was done by Mr
De Rover and he sets out his views in his supplementary statement. 569 He
testified that he went to Marikana with the members who were involved in
the operation. He asked each of the members to place himself where he was
at the time of the shooting, with each member confirming the correct position
of those who were to his left and right. The members pointed out where they
were when they fired shots and their reasons for doing so.570
Regrettably, the Commission is not privy to the workings and details of the
reconstruction and has not been furnished with any documentation or
diagrams to show the process followed in arriving at these conclusions. It is
not possible for it to assess the merits of his conclusions.
The evidence leaders submit that firing from the K9 members under the
command of Major General Naidoo and the NIU members from the east, is
most likely to have caused the death of those strikers killed in the area
among the crevices and rocks.572
They based this on the trajectories plotted by Dr Naidoo and Mr Steyl and
set out their detailed conclusions as follows:
Mr Liau was shot with a single 9 mm bullet. The bullet was found but
could not be linked positively to any firearm handed in for analysis. It
is possible that Mr Liau was shot from a position on top of the rocks
over which Major General Naidoo came with the NIU.
Mr Mabiya was also most likely shot from the direction of the K9
Mr Nokamba may have been shot from either the rocks over which
Major General Naidoo came with the NIU or from the position of the
K9 members.
Mr Saphendu was also probably shot either from the rocks over
which Major General Naidoo came with the NIU or the position of the
K9 members.
Mr Ngxande appears to have been shot from the rocks over which
Major General Naidoo came with the NIU members.
Mr Gadlela may have been shot either from the rocks over which
Major General Naidoo came with the NIU or from the position of the
K9 members.
Mr Pato is likely to have been shot from the rocks over which Major
General Naidoo came with the NIU.573
The Families, in their detailed analysis of the evidence given at the hearings
and the affidavits placed before us against the background of the medical
and ballistics evidence, submitted that all the killings at Scene 2 were
unlawful. They submitted that there were no attacks by any of the deceased
on the members of SAPS, that SAPS members did not act in private defence
and that their response was disproportionate to any perceived threat.575
The SAHRC was equally critical of the evidence surrounding the deaths at
Scene 2, as was the Legal Resources Centre. Their analyses pointed to the
Exhibit ZZZ5
SAPS HOA Paragraphs 212 to 237
Families HOA Paragraphs 416 to 609
improbabilities in the versions proffered by SAPS as to how the deceased
were shot. An important point that resonates with the Commission is the
criticism of the lack of information in the statements provided by members of
SAPS that deal with the shootings.576
The approach by Major General Naidoo and K9 from the south towards
koppie 3 effectively blocked one of the dispersal routes for the strikers on
koppie 3, the others being blocked by Captain Kidd and his members and
Colonel Modiba and his members.
strikers by the POP members from the terrain of koppie 3 into open ground
where the strikers could have been disarmed by the tactical teams.
The shooting by Major General Naidoo and the K9 members placed the
members of the STF at risk causing Colonel Gaffley to desist from
attempting to sweep the koppie with his STF members.
It is submitted
correctly by the Evidence Leaders that the unit best qualified to sweep the
SAHRC HOA Part Twelve; Legal Resources Centre Heads of Argument paragraphs 238 to 310
koppie and disarm the strikers was prevented from doing so by the shooting
of the members with Major General Naidoo.577
Major General Naidoo is criticised for his failure to exercise control at Scene
2. It is submitted by the evidence leaders that as most senior officer at
Scene 2, he did nothing to stop the firing of two hundred and ninety five
rounds of ammunition at the strikers in the koppie. He failed to ascertain
what the problems were and in so doing, completely failed to exercise any
command and control at the scene. The Commission agrees.
The Evidence Leaders point out that Major General Naidoos version of the
shooting in self-defence is contradicted by the statements of the occupants
of Papa 11, namely, Warrant Officer Mamabolo and Constables Dzivhani,
Zondi, Khosa, Malesa, Mathabha and Mokoyama.
statements is to the effect that Major General Naidoo and other police
officers were seen emerging on the top of the boulders from the direction
from where the firing came. Warrant Officer Mamabolo says that he shouted
at them to cease fire but the shooting continued. None of them noticed any
shooting by the strikers. There is also no corroboration for Major General
Naidoos version from Sergeant Harmse who was very close to him.
They also submit that his description in oral evidence of the shooting is
different from the versions in his statement. They attribute this change in
version to the belated finding by the ballistics expert that a cartridge case
linked to Major General Naidoos firearm was found on top of the rocks,
because at the time of making his statements he was not aware of this
ballistics evidence.
They also criticise that he only belatedly submited his own firearm for
investigation by the ballistics experts.578
Whilst there might be some merit in attending to those injured persons in the
closest proximity to the paramedics, he must be criticised for not conveying
to the JOC or to Brigadier Calitz that he was unable to bring the paramedics
to attend at Scene 1. Had he done so, there would no doubt have been other
measures that could have been put in place to remedy the situation.
The Commission finds unacceptable his version that he could not have used
his cell phone to communicate with the JOC because he was busy with the
interventions at koppie 3. It is the Commissions view that he should have
made notifying the JOC of his inability to bring the medical personnel
through to Scene 1, a priority.
There is a note in the JOC records that he reported twenty eight strikers
injured.580 Brigadier Pretorius and other senior officers in the JOC would
have known that there were only three paramedics at FHA 1 with Major
General Naidoo. The report by Captain Loest must have alerted them to the
fact that those three paramedics would not be sufficient to attend at Scene 1
even if they did arrive timeously.
There has also been evidence that medical emergency services were
stationed at the JOC and according to the evidence Brigadier Pretorius did
arrange for other medical assistance to be sent to the scene. The
Commission has not heard evidence as to why they were unable to attend
timeously given that they were closely positioned to Scene 1.
In view of the fact that it was foreseen that four hearses were required and
four thousand extra rounds of ammunition was ordered, the question arises
as to whether in the planning of the operation arrangements were made for
sufficient medical personnel to attend.
Major General Naidoo is also criticised for being unable to explain why he
stopped at various instances en route to Scene 1 thus wasting time and
failing to prioritise the taking of the medical personnel to Scene 1.
Captain Mohlaki said that both Scenes 1 and 2 were very large areas and
that he was at a disadvantage with a team of only four members. He said
that the terrain was not friendly to work in and that while he was trying to
process the scene, there were still activities ongoing. Motor vehicles were
moving all over the terrain where he had to look for cartridges. Medical
personnel and other police officers were walking all over the place that he
had to examine.582 He conceded that the scene was corrupted to a great
extent.583 He said that he did not and could not collect all the cartridge
cases on the day in question.
subsequently and as late as 1 October 2012 during the inspection in loco. 584
Some cartridge cases were also recovered by IPID on the scene.
Exhibit GGG 14
Evidence Leaders Heads of Argument paragraphs 1116 to 1121
personnel might not have been at the scene, and there might have been
some urgency with having the medical personnel attend to the strikers in an
area free from weapons, nothing precluded photographs being taken with a
cell phone camera. Major General Naidoo said that the priority at a crime
scene is to save lives and arrest suspects. It would have been preferable,
he said, if photographs had been taken prior to weapons being removed so
that the integrity of the crime scene could have been preserved. Practically,
that did not always happen.587
The evidence leaders criticize the handling of the crime scene by IPID
particularly with regard to their lack of personnel and lack of experts. 588
They correctly aver that IPID relied on the South African Police Services
ballistics and crime scene experts.
The Independent Police Investigative Directorate Act589 (the IPID Act) sets
out as one of the objects of the Act in section 2(d), the provision of
independent and impartial investigation of identified criminal offences
allegedly committed by members of the South African Police Services. 590
Act 1 of 2011
IPID Act: Section 2 (d) The objects of this Act are to provide for independent and impartial investigation of
identified criminal offences allegedly committed by members of the South African Police Service and Municipal
Police Services
IPID Act: Section 4 (I) The Directorate functions independently from the South African Police Service. (2) Each
organ of state must assist the Directorate to maintain its impartiality and to perform its functions effectively
Section 24(5): No self-incriminating answer given or statement made by any person to an investigator
exercising powers in terms of this Act will be admissible as evidence against that person in criminal proceedings
instituted against that person in any court, except in criminal proceedings for perjury.
The warning statements do not inform the suspect of the protection afforded
to him in terms of section 24(5). The lack of clarity and detail might not have
existed had the provisions of section 24(5) been explained to them by the
IPID investigators at the time of the taking of the statements.
It is
unfortunate that the printed form used by IPID for warning suspects does not
contain the provisions of section 24(5) and inform the suspect of his rights in
terms of that section.
The lack of clarity around the death of the 17 deceased persons at Scene 2,
places the Commission in the difficult position of not being able to make
findings as to the circumstances surrounding the death of each deceased.
To accept or reject any version, with any degree of certainty, requires further
interrogation of many factors.
In the Commissions view, the ballistics evidence, the medical evidence and
the eye witness accounts require to be interrogated alongside a
reconstruction of the scene involving independent specialists in each of
these disciplines. It would be particularly apposite for trajectories and
distances to be plotted and measured, to facilitate an understanding of
where the shooters were in relation to the persons who were shot. These
issues cannot be determined simply by plotting the position of the cartridge
cases in relation to the bodies of the deceased and the positions of the
injured persons and without full explanations from the shooters of their
NPA Act: Section 24(1)(c) Subject to the provisions of section 179 and any other relevant section
of the Constitution , this Act or any other law, a Director referred to in section 13 (1) (a) has, in respect
of the area for which he or she has been appointed, the power to supervise, direct and co-ordinate
specific investigations
required to specifically explain section 24(5) to the members of the South
African Police Services when obtaining statements. The Commission
recommends a full investigation, under the direction of the Director of Public
Prosecutions, with a view to ascertaining criminal liability on the part of all
members of SAPS who were involved in the events at Scene 2.
As counsel for the SAHRC pointed out in their heads (in section 6: at pp[ ])
expert evidence is both necessary and required to assist the Commission and
enable it to fulfil its Terms of Reference.
The Commission had the benefit of the evidence of three external expert
witnesses on policing matters, Mr Eddie Hendrickx (who was called by the
Legal Resources Centre), Mr Gary White (who was called by the SAHRC) and
Mr Cees De Rover (who was called by SAPS).
2000, when he worked with the Police Development Services on the
restructuring of the Internal Stability Units into the Public Order Policing
Services. He returned to South Africa in 2004 as the head from 2004 to 2008
of a team of international experts responsible for monitoring and evaluating
the management of the changes in the SAPS. Mr White was a member of the
police service in Northern Ireland for over thirty years and was involved for a
considerable period as the district commander in the North and West Belfast
area, which was and is considered one of the most difficult policing
environments in Northern Ireland because of the sustained amount of public
disorder experienced. In his last three years in the service he was the Chief
Superintendent in charge of the operations department. He has extensive
experience of commanding public order policing operations in the area
considerable experience and expertise in public order policing and has been
involved through the United Nations in advising government all over the world.
The expert opinions of Messrs Hendrickx and White were broadly consistent.
Although this only became apparent when he gave oral evidence Mr De
Rover also agreed with them on all the major issues. On one issue, whether it
is possible, in present circumstances, for the SAPS to meet a standard of
compliance with international benchmarks against which Mr White assessed
the SAPS performance at Marikana, Mr De Rover disagreed with Mr White.
The Commission is of the view that that is not a matter on which it needs to
make a finding.
The plan which Lt Col Scott suggested to the 13h30 meeting of the JOCCOM,
and which was accepted is well summarised by the evidence leaders in paras
636.1 to 636.16 of their heads as follows:
phases 5 and 6 of the plan, to retrieve their weapons from
their places of residence.
the dispersion line towards the west and the open fields. The
dispersion line would split into three parts to take three
different paths determined by the terrain: the lower path
would turn around the back of Koppie 1, the middle path
would turn between Koppies 1 and 2, and the upper path
would cross above Koppie 2.
Once the dispersion action had been initiated and the three
dispersion movements had passed the koppies, the SAPS
would stop and reorganise along the dry river bed running
from north to south between Koppies 1 and 2 to the east and
Koppie 3 to the west.
might be hidden. They might also be called in to assist with
higher risk arrests. They were not to play any role in the POP
dispersion action.
As the evidence leaders point out in para 637 of their heads, there were a
number of obvious weaknesses in the plan Lt Col Scott put together in the
short time period available to him prior to the 13h20 JOCCOM meeting.
The first two, which explain the tragedy on scene 1, are set out in para 637.1
and 637.2, as follows:
However, the
to attempt to break around a barbed wire barrier
while that barrier is being rolled-out.
operation. Indeed, common sense suggests that
a crowd as hostile as the crowd with which SAPS
was dealing on 16 August was most unlikely to
stand by idly as it saw what it perceived to be a
barbed wire cage rolling-out around it.
Mr White was particularly critical, and rightly so, of what the evidence
leaders call the absence of any measures between the POPs members
[using less than lethal force] and a TRT line of sixty members operating
as a firing squad. He referred to the fact that there was, as he put it, no
challenge process when Lt Col Scott laid out his plan. The plan was for the
TRT members to engage the crowd if the POP members moved out of the
way for their own protection.
I kept looking for someone to say, so what does this mean? Lets
put it into plain English. If they only have R5 rifles so what were
talking about is shoot people. That seems to be whats going to
happen if its not an inevitability, a high likelihood that there are
going to be very high levels of force used in this.
What is the position were putting these police officers in? What do
we think theyre going to do? I see that as the challenge process,
which didnt happen, and to be honest with you, I was actually
shocked in terms of reading the evidence.
The encirclement plan, which was replaced by the new plan at the 13h30
meeting of the JOCCOM because it could not be implemented that day, was
substantially less risky. It, unlike the 13h30 plan, had been drawn up by Lt
Col Scott with inputs from experienced POP commanders and was approved
by a full-strength JOCCOM including more POP commanders.
The decision not to implement it was clearly dictated solely by the earlier
decision that Thursday, 16 August, was to be D-Day. That decision, for
which Lt Gen Mbombo and those present at the extraordinary session of the
NMF on 15 August 2012 must accept responsibility, was the decisive cause
of the 34 deaths on 16 August.
In order to get this information, a team of detectives from Gauteng had been
working since Tuesday, 14 August, with staff members of Lonmin in
identifying the armed members who could be seen on the videos.
addition, it will be recalled, Mr Zokwana had promised the previous night that
NUM members would assist with information regarding the names and
addresses of strikers with the dangerous weapons.
The Commission agrees with the contention raised by the SAHRC (in para
4.1.5 at p 313 of its heads) that the operational command should have
explained to Lt Gen Mbombo and the National Commissioner the risks that
the order carried and explained to them that on the basis of those risks
four mortuary vans had been requested in advance of the operation. In this
regard it is relevant to note that according to Lt Gen Mbombo (at pp 21717
21726, Day 181) before 09h00 on the morning of Thursday, 16 August, Maj
Generals Mpembe and Annandale warned her that there was a risk of
bloodshed if the operation took place that day but that they would use every
endeavour to reduce it to the absolute minimum. If they had had a proper
challenge process with experienced POP commanders present at the 13h30
meeting and the points made by Mr White had been raised, and they had put
them to her, she would, according to her evidence (at p 21716, D 181), have
been open to a postponement to Friday, 17 August.
The SAPS contended that the fact that there was no comprehensive written
plan did not create a problem for its members because a disperse, disarm,
arrest order is well-known to POP members. But as counsel for the SAHRC
pointed out in para 4.1.8 of her heads this was no ordinary POP disarm,
disperse, arrest operation. She referred to Lt Col Scotts statement, Exh
GGG39, para 6, where he said:
I am not aware that the SAPS has ever been confronted with a
situation of the kind with which members were confronted on the
ground on 16 August 2012. The plan or strategy that I prepared
and proposed for adoption by the JOCCOM was the first of its
kind. Neither the crowd management strategies for which
Standing Order 262 provides, nor the hostage management
strategies were appropriate in isolation. I thus had to devise what I
considered at the time to be an appropriate plan for an
unprecedented situation, being on which had to encompass the
principles of Standing Order 262 but moving beyond the
restrictions of the Standing Order to effectively plan for the
disarming of the protestors while considering the protection of the
police officials and the community in the area when dealing with a
belligerent armed group numbering up to 3000 persons who were
choosing to contest the request to disperse and/or disarm,
demonstrating a clear defiance towards the law and the enforcers
of the law with aggressive action should they be approached as
demonstrated on Monday 13th August 2012.
She also referred to Mr Whites discussion of the point in paras 2.3.11 and
2.3.12 of his supplementary statement, where he said:
Annexure GW8 (a). But I have a particular disagreement with
the SAPS response in the specific context of the operation at
The National Commissioner testified (Day 286, pp 7127 7128) that she
thought that the plan was a good one and that the tragic outcome, which was
not intended, was the result of the disruption of the plan. (The disruption to
which she refers is the fact that the strikers started leaving the area where
they were while the wire was being uncoiled and some of them advanced
towards the police, giving rise to the belief on the part of the police that they
were going to attack them).
Mr White also criticized the way the briefing took place and said that the
SAPS failed properly to ensure that the people on the front line understood
the plan.
In her heads (para 5.1.2 at p 324) counsel for the SAHRC summarized the
main points made by Mr White in his final and supplementary statements in
this regard. Her summary reads as follows:
In para 5.1.3 of her heads (pp 325 6) she highlighted some of the more
significant examples of misunderstood or absent briefings, as follows:
The operators of the JHB water cannon, W/Os Dicks and Kruger
did not attend the briefing in advance of the operation and were
not provided with a radio. This explains why the JHB water
cannon was so delayed in deploying prior to the events at Scene
1 and why W/Os Dicks and Kruger were surprised to find barbed
wire preventing them from driving straight to the Koppie.
Capt Kidd was unsure of the role the water cannons would play in
the operation because he did not pay attention to that part of the
briefing. Consequently, at Scene 2, as the water cannons sought
to drive the strikers towards the west of Koppie 3, Capt Kidds
TRT members blocked what Mr. de Rover described as the
intended pathway out of the Koppie
1026. Mr Hendrickx was asked to comment on the plan presented by
Lt Col Scott to the JOCCOM on 14 August 2012 (Operation
as the Chief of Staff and Lt Col Scott as the Chief Planner, and
with formal representation of the NIU and the STF at the
JOCCOM. There was a change in the composition of the SAPS
units, with the specialised or tactical units now outnumbering the
POP units and taking priority roles in the operation.
1028. He contended that the shift away from crowd management was
inappropriate. He said that the crowd management regulatory
framework and Standing Order 262 were applicable to the
situation at Marikana, and that POP units are trained to manage
situations such as that at Marikana. He disputed the contention
that the situation was unprecedented.
1029. Mr De Rover stated that with an operation of this kind you do not
plan half of it and hope that half will suffice, and that if you need
more than that you are going to go back and envisage what
other eventualities could occur. He would be surprised if a plan
completing Phases 3, 4, 5 and 6 was only thought of at 1.30 on
16 August: That would be a serious worry. He agreed that for
an operation of this kind there was a need for a written plan, and
the plan must cater for a variety of contingencies the best case
and the worst case scenarios. That needs to be accompanied
with a probability estimate.
a document headed Annexures Thursday 2012-8-16. It is the
source file for the last few pages of Exhibit SS3. It was created
on 14 December 2012, four months after the events. Lt Col
Scott explained that he had prepared it in accordance with a
brief to reverse engineer the plans as they were for the
Commission, while Brig Mkhwanazi was testifying.
It is
1032. We submit that none of the plans made available by the SAPS
meets the criteria set out by the expert panel of the Goldstone
Committee, and also identified by Mr De Rover, particularly with
regard to contingency planning, and dealing with best case and
worst case scenarios. This is not simply a matter of formality:
the failure to consider and plan for alternative scenarios led to
the fatal results of 16 August.
The adequacy of Standing Order 262
situations with regard to the preparation of written plans,
briefing, debriefing, and generally the issue of spontaneous
The Chair
The use of R5 rifles
Was it reasonably foreseeable that they would be forced
in that position and did they contemplate that that could
occur, and if you have it occurring, the thing is that it then
almost follows: you put them in that position, all they carry
is that R5, so then it ends up being used.
1042. Mr White stated that in his experience of large public order
operations, problems with radios arise very frequently. When a
single channel is being used without an override button, it can
be difficult to get on the radio to make a transmission. But he
also made the point that this was a foreseeable problem in an
operation such as the one which took place at Marikana. Given
the circumstances, it was almost inevitable that there would be
difficulties communicating easily by radio.
As this was
options. We endorse what is said by Mr White in this regard: the
tragedy did not occur because the SAPS were not issue with the
correct equipment. It occurred because of poor planning, poor
briefing and poor decision-making.
1045. Both Mr White and Mr Hendrickx criticised the quality and extent
of the intelligence that the SAPS collected and made available
to the decision makers.
They both
been afraid of the consequences if they provided
information. The murder of Mr Twala by certain of
the strikers, apparently because he was suspected
1048. While it can fairly be said that the intelligence was very thin
indeed, the real problem was not the quality of the intelligence:
it was the failure of the plan, the decision-making, and the
implementation of the plan to have regard to the intelligence
which had consistently been provided, and which was accurate.
First Aid
Delay in arrival of the first aid specialists
use of force, an attempt was made to have four mortuary vans
brought to the scene on the morning of 16 August. That action
speaks volumes for the fact that shooting and death (and
therefore injury) must have been anticipated at a senior level.
1053. Gen Phiyega was asked whether the police are expected to
assist injured people with first aid or any other such assistance,
while waiting for more professional assistance to arrive. She in
effect declined to answer. She stated that SAPS counsel had
indicated that a witness would be called who would testify how
such issues are treated and Id like to leave that question to that
1054. The matter was examined more fully when Maj Gen Naidoo
gave evidence.
expected of them to administer first aid to those who had been
shot and injured. He said that he did not know the answer.
1057. It was subsequently pointed out to Maj Gen Naidoo that the
policy on crime scene management provides that the first
member upon arrival at the scene, must, with due consideration
of the integrity of physical evidence, assist the injured within the
limitations of his or her training as a matter of priority.
1058. In his final statement, Mr White stated that he was not able to
understand why SAPS members on the scene had not at least
attempted to administer first aid, pending the arrival of the
medical teams. He stated that in the Police Service of Northern
Ireland, all officers are trained in basic first aid.
1061. That, however, did not provide any justification for a fusillade of
fire, by multiple members of the TRT, using high velocity
weapons, some of which may have been on automatic.
manner which was aimed not at killing them, but at
incapacitating them. Instead, what happened was a fusillade of
uncoordinated shooting, some of the shots being fired at a time
when it was impossible to see precisely what was happening
and whether was actually still a threat, and some of it plainly
going well beyond the time when there was any conceivable
threat of imminent harm or danger to life.
1062. We submit that this was at least in part the result of what Mr De
Rover described as associative threat perception:
a police
1064. The evidence of Mr White was that this situation can be avoided
by designating particular members of the unit or the line as
having responsibility for identifying particular members of a
crowd who are a threat to life, and giving them the responsibility
of dealing with that.
1065. After some prevarication, the SAPS version became that the
decision to implement the tactical option on 16 August was
taken by the Provincial Commissioner on 15 August, with the
support of the National Commissioner.
ranks, she held positions in administrative and financial
management. At all times she had an administrative job (a desk
job). In 2005 she was appointed Provincial Commissioner in the
Northern Cape.
was no reason to do so.
1069. The consequence of this situation is that the two senior officers
in the decision-making line were entirely unqualified to make any
decisions at all bearing on police operational matters.
taken without reference to what had been planned and
therefore what was reasonably foreseeable. A direction
to initiate stage 3 was issued by the Provincial
Commissioner before it had been planned by Lt Col
Scott. This critical decision resulted in an unrealistic time
frame being imposed that prevented proper planning. No
critical examination took place of the plan in the form of a
challenge process to the efforts of the planning team.
1071. To this may be added the fact that the designated Overall
Commander, Maj Gen Mpembe, was himself not a trained public
order policeman.
requires a high degree of skill in policing operations. This was
totally absent in the two key positions at the time of this
operation. Second, they should not take operational decisions.
Those matters should be decided by the operational officers on
the ground.
This policy
timely manner and should be appropriately and securely
recorded, preferably through real time audio and visual
1078. The National Planning Commission found that after 1994 there
had been a decision to demilitarise the police force. However,
there had been a remilitarisation of the police in recent years.
Mr Hendrickx found that there had been a remilitarisation of the
police since the time when he worked with the SAPS.
submitted to the Commission titled Notes on Militarization and
De-militarisation of the Police. He stated as follows:
The decision to demilitarise the police force, moving
away from its history of brutality, was a goal of
transformation after 1994.
1080. The Commission then dealt with this subject in more detail. It
stated as follows:
military ranks and force orders to create a civil police
service as the first phase of community policing. The
accepted as inevitable. Police, on the other hand, are
charged with keeping the peace, or to protect and
serve. Their job is to protect the rights of the individuals
who live in the communities they serve, not to annihilate
the enemy.
1082 We deal elsewhere in these submissions with the conduct of the
police on 16 August 2012. The conduct of the SAPS at Scene 2,
in particular, is typical of a military rather than a police response.
295 rounds of live ammunition were fired at the strikers at Scene
2. At the very most, 14 rounds of live ammunition were fired at
the police at Scene 2.
as the enemy. Mr De Rover stated that he agreed absolutely
with the view of Lt Col Scott that once it was clear that the
strikers had holed themselves up at koppie 3, it would have
been preferable to retreat rather than firing 295 live rounds into
the koppie.
1086. The National Planning Commission submitted a draft of its
report to the SAPS for its comments, before it finalised the
National Development Plan. The SAPS was invited to make
Commission. In its response, the SAPS did not take issue with
the contention of the Commission that there had been a
1088. The senior evidence leader and then the chair both tried to get
an answer from her as to whether she agreed that the
demilitarisation was a short term objective which should happen
in the immediate term. There efforts met with little success.
The closest she came to answering this question was to say:
I may not be having the end times but this work in
progress is pumping and its very active.
it has to be said that if depoliticisation did take place at the same
1091. This is an urgent priority, and it has to start at the very top. Other
senior officers and rank and file members of the SAPS can
hardly be expected to see the need for the SAPS to act in a nonpolitical manner, and to act accordingly, if the example set by
their most senior leaders is exactly the opposite.
been a clear departure, in recent years, from the
paramilitary style of police
organisation, which is
1094. Mr White concluded that there did not appear to have been any
serious attempt by the SAPS, through debriefing or otherwise, to
identify mistakes made and lessons learned in the events of 9
16 August. The 9-day conference at Potchefstroom (Roots) was
aimed at preparing a presentation for the Commission, and not
at identifying errors or lessons learned.
1095. We submit that all of these criticisms are fully justified both by
the evidence to which Mr White refers, and by the other evidence
to which we refer in these submissions. His conclusions are if
anything understated in certain respects.
1096. On a number of occasions, the SAPS undertook to provide the
Commission with a document setting out what lessons the police
considered they had learned from the events at Marikana, and
what steps they were taking in this regard. The Chair stated that it
was not good enough to wait until the report of the Commission
was produced, because incidents might take place in the interim.
Mr De Rover took a similar view: he said one of the first things he
did when he came to South Africa was talk to the National
Commissioner and point
out that
to the
1097. Maj Gen Annandale had said (on 15 May 2013) that the SAPS
would produce a document setting out the lessons learnt from
Marikana. On day 173 (23 January 2014), the leader of the
SAPS legal team informed the Commission that SAPS had
informed him the previous day that Mr De Rover was working on
it. Asked by the Chair when the Commission was likely to
receive it, the leader of the SAPS team said that he had been
told the previous day that his clients had made contact with Mr
De Rover to establish the timelines for that report to be here.
1098. When this was put to Mr De Rover, he stated that he had never
been requested to prepare a report. What SAPS said, namely
that he was working on it, was not correct. The SAPS has not
explained how and why this incorrect information was given to
the Commission.
1100. Mr De Rover stated that his experience of his meetings with the
SAPS, where he pressed them to identify the lessons learned
from what happened at Marikana, was that there was a genuine
reticence to do so, because of the fear that identifying lessons
learnt would amount to an acknowledgement that mistakes had
been made:
I felt there was that equation of a lesson learned is a
mistake made and not a more positive approach that
when you conduct any operation of any kind, whether
successful or not, you try and draw from that operation
the positive and negative points that facilitate the learning
organization experience so that you retain what was good
and that you seek to remedy what went wrong.
be reluctant to invite criticism by explicitly or implicitly
acknowledging mistakes that were made. That, however, is what
is required of the SAPS. It has a duty of public accountability
and truth-telling, because it exercises force on behalf of all
South Africans, and all South Africans are entitled to know
whether what was done in their name was justified.
1102. This reluctance to admit mistakes must have been fuelled by the
statement of the National Commissioner to the police parade on
17 August, to which we refer elsewhere in these submissions,
Whatever happened represents the best of responsible
policing. You did what you did, because you were being
fact that very shortly after the events, SAPS members who had
fired shots were required by IPID to make warning statements.
He had seen many statements that fell far short of the
requirement of explaining what was the imminent threat to life or
serious injury, in order to enable one to judge whether such fear
existed and whether there was an imminent threat that
warranted and necessitated the response:
The explanation I was given for that is IPIDs
involvement, where people are no longer witnesses of
truth that because of their public office can help you and
assist you and should assist you to piece together in
detail what happened, but now they are suspects,
because these warning statements basically accuse
them, you know, tell them youre a suspect of murder now
and you are advised to avail yourself of legal support.
You are advised of the fact that you do not have to say
anything if you do not wish to do so. Now personally I
think well, if I cant really oversee [foresee?] the
consequences of speaking with that warning being, Id
rather say nothing for the time being, and I think many
SAPS members elected that path, even when I tried to
engage them.
to speak to me because nobody was prepared to answer.
Not even a question as to where were you.
You did what you did, because you were being responsible,
you were making sure that you continued to live your oath of
ensuring that South Africans are safe, and that you equally
are a citizen of this country and safety starts with you.595
When one bears in mind that the statement was made on the day after 34
civilians had been killed by members of the SAPS and the President
announced that a Commission of Inquiry would be established, the
statement that whatever happened represents the best possible policing
was singularly inappropriate because it set out what was from then on to be
the official police line: that no blame at all attached to the police for what
happened because they had been responsible in doing what they did. This
was calculated to effect a closing of the ranks, encouraging those who had
participated in the operation to withhold contrary information from the
Commission and indeed to deny that mistakes had been made and things
had been done that could not be described as the best of possible policing.
The National Commissioner clearly did not, and to be fair, could not know all
the relevant facts and she exposed herself to a cross-examination in which
she cut a sorry figure when things that had happened and which were
recorded on video or in photographs were shown to her and she was asked
whether they represented the best of responsible policing.
After she had finished the Minister spoke. His speech was short and, like
the National Commissioners, communicated unequivocal support for the
actions of the SAPS. It contained the following:596
property is protected against anybody who would
want to do bad things in this country.
He did not go as far as heaping praise on the SAPS for the best of
responsible policing, but his exhortation to the police to continue
ensuring that lives are saved [sic] and his words of commendation for
what they were doing were also calculated to bring about a closing of the
ranks and to discourage any SAPS member who was minded to tell the
Commission that things had not gone as well as they must have hoped
they would.
While the Commission cannot find, as the evidence leaders suggest, that
it is likely that the Minister and the National Commissioner discussed the
approach in advance, it is firmly of the view that his remarks and her
remarks were ill-advised and may well have had the result of hampering
the Commission in its work for the reasons stated above.
The report submitted to the President and the media statement made by the
National Commissioner on 17 August 2012
When the shootings took place the President was at a SADC meeting in
Mozambique with the Minister of International Relations, who requested the
National Commissioner to have a report prepared so that the President could
decide whether to continue attending the SADC meeting.597
A report was prepared very late on 16 August and sent to the Minister of
International Relations in the early hours of 17 August.598 A copy of the
report was handed in as Exhibit FFF4.
polices media liaison officer, who collated the information, provided by the
commanders and drafted the statements. 601
Exhibit FFF4, which records the death toll as 29, was clearly drafted before
FFF5, which reflects the death toll as 34. Although the wording of the two
statements is for the most part identical, there is (apart from the different
death toll figures), a very material difference.
FFF4, the report to the President and the Minister of International Relations,
makes it clear that there were two separate incidents in which the strikers
were shot and killed. The relevant part reads as follows:
ground in the close vicinity. The Police members encircled
the area and attempted to force the protesters out by means
of water cannons, rubber bullets and stun grenades. The
Police advance to arrest the armed protesters resulting in
Police officers having to again employ force to defend
themselves at close quarters. This resulted in 13 more
protester deaths with 15 more wounded at the second
It is thus clear that when this report was prepared the compilers knew that
there had been two separate shooting incidents at different places, which
came to be known subsequently as scene 1 and scene 2.
FFF5, the media statement prepared later, does not disclose this. It creates
the impression that there was only one shooting incident, which culminated
in the police having to defend themselves with maximum force against a
storming group of strikers who fired shots and wielded dangerous weapons.
The statement (in FFF4) that 13 strikers had been killed before the
dispersion actions started was excised as was that separate death and injury
toll at scene 2. In addition an allegation that at the end of the engagement
the police had to deal with the militant group which stormed at them, firing
shots and wielding dangerous weapons was added to the statement.
The effect of these changes in the statement issued to the public was
materially misleading because it created the impression that there had been
only one shooting incident, which led to the deaths of the strikers. The
public who had seen on television the shooting at scene 1 would inevitably
have concluded that all the deaths had occurred while the police were
defending themselves against the militant group [which] stormed towards
the police. The changes were clearly not accidental because, as has been
said, the wording of the relevant parts of the statement was otherwise
virtually identical.
say that she could not explain the reason for the changes. She added,
however, that she was the owner and reader of the statement.604
The Commission agrees with the evidence leaders submission605 that the
most reasonable conclusion is that the report which had been prepared for
the President and the Minister was deliberately amended when it was
reformulated into a media statement in order to obscure the fact that there
had been two shooting incidents, separate in time and space. This resulted
in a deliberate misleading of the public, who were brought under the
impression that all of the deaths had been caused at the confrontation as
scene 1 which they had seen on television.
Brigadier Calitz clearly did not want members of the media to record what he
said. He instructed police officials to take a camera from a member of the
media who was present, to check the recording that had been made and to
record over it if necessary.606
addressed by the President himself.
Myself, the
From the
The force
NIU line was formed. And when they become under
attack, that is where the command was given by their
Commanders as well as some of them act in selfdefence.
You acted?
It was
justified and that is exactly the commitment and cooperation that we are going to give the people. So
those people that still needs to fill the .and say
how many rounds.607
While the Commission understands that he must have felt the need to
bolster the morale of the members present and does not criticise him for
that, many of the remarks he made were inappropriate.
(a) the purpose of offensive actions are to deescalate conflict with the minimum force to
accomplish the goal and therefore the success of
the actions will be measured by the results of the
operation in terms of cost, damage to property,
Exh JJJ82, p2
Commissions italics.]
Using that measure one can see that the operation was not a success: it was
in fact a disaster of monumental proportions.
When asked how he could have said from the planning to the execution was
110%. Exactly how we plan it, he said that he was aiming to motivate the
police who had to go into the field again and that what he meant was that the
wire was uncoiled, the vehicles had moved in a line and the dispersion line
and basic line were correctly formed. 608
minds at the time was whether the killings were justified. The statement that
from the planning to the execution was 110% would have conveyed to his
listeners that their conduct on 16 August at scenes 1 and 2 was in order and
that similar conduct, if repeated in the operation they might well have to
undertake that day, would also be in order.
Like the
speeches of the previous day by the Minister and the National Commissioner
it was likely to have the effect of a closing of the ranks and discouraging
SAPS members who knew of mistakes made from disclosing the truth to the
The call up instruction for the Roots Conference dated 25 th August 2012
states that it is a call up for debriefing and preparation for the judicial
commission of an enquiry.609 The conference was held between 27th August
and 8th September 2012 at Potchefstroom. Colonel Van Graan was
appointed as a convener of the conference. Colonel Scott was responsible
for collating all the video and photographic material and Colonel Visser
compiled the narrative, all of which subsequently became the presentation to
the Commission as Exhibit L.
It is clear from the evidence that the conference was not a debriefing as
envisaged in Standing Order 262, but rather a preparation of the
presentation for the purposes of the Commission.610
The SAHRC submitted that the failure to hold debriefings led to the SAPS
not engaging in the process of identifying the lessons that were learnt or the
mistakes that were made during the operation.611 They quote Mr Whites
comment that they were perhaps justified in foregoing a debriefing session in
order to avoid the appearance of collusion in advance of the Commission.
Exhibit GGG 3
SAHRC Heads of Argument paragraph 1.3.5.
SAHRC Heads of Argument Paragraph 1.3.4
However they submit that justification as not holding true in the light of the
meeting that was held in place of the debriefing.
They submit that while the approach was not necessarily inappropriate, in
that the SAPS did need to collate material and present evidence to the
Commission, they level substantial criticisms against the manner in which
the meeting was held, and which might be perceived as an opportunity to
collude.612 They cite as an example that many of the statements of the
senior officers of the SAPS were compiled after or towards the end of the
Roots Conference.
They submit that the SAPS did in fact use Roots as an opportunity to collude
in that various aspects of the case of the South African Police Services are
materially false and that the South African Police Services failed to comply
fully with its discovery obligation to discover vital documents relevant to the
They suggest that steps should have been taken to record and minute the
meetings at Roots and they should have invited independent parties and a
senior official from IPID to attend. This seems to be a most prudent
The Evidence Leaders in their Heads of Argument set out in a crisp analysis,
their criticisms of the product of the Roots Conference.613 Many anomalies
only became known to the Commission after Colonel Scott made his hard
drive available to the Evidence Leaders in September 2013, a year after the
Commission had commenced hearing evidence. They submit:-
that in Exhibit L, the presentation was that the South African Police
Services plan had been carefully worked out in consultation with
POP officers and had been in place since Tuesday, 14 August 2012.
The evidence was, however, that the plan had been compiled by
Colonel Scott on the morning of 16 August 2012 without the
participation of any POP officers.
that the decision to move to the tactical phase of the plan was stated
as arising because of the escalation of the risk of violence on 16
August, whereas the evidence was that the decision had already
been taken at a meeting of the NMF on the evening of 15 August
2012 without reference to those officers on the ground at Marikana.
Further, that the original tactical plan for encirclement of the koppie
was abandoned at the JOCCOM meeting at 13h30 on 16 August
The evidence leaders submit that because of these constructed versions, the
South African Police did not disclose the full minutes of the JOCCOM
meetings on the 15 and 16 August 2012 and submitted instead tailored
versions which would be consistent with the versions constructed. They cite
as an example the failure to disclose the contemporaneous notes kept in the
JOC during the meetings of the JOCCOM on 16 August 2012 and the
manuscript notes taken by Captain Moolman where the 16 th was referred to
as D Day and which was not reflected in the the typed minutes.
They also criticise the failure to disclose the holding of the extraordinary
meeting of the National Management Forum Meeting and the failure to
disclose the recording of Major General Mbombos meeting with Lonmin on
14 August 2012.
Provincial Commissioners statement at 09h30 on the morning of 16 August
to the effect that today they were ending this matter.615
They submit that both the National and Provincial Commissioners had seen
the presentation prior to being submitted to the Commission and they would
have been well aware of some of the omissions and misleading information
contained therein.
The third and fourth call up notices extended the periods of the work
sessions from 10 September 2012 to 16 September 2012 and from 16
September to 20 September 2012. They included Captain Percy Govender
and Mr Ally from the Secretariat of Police.618
Exhibit JJJ203
Exhibit JJJ203
Exhibit JJJ203
Brigadier Mkhwanazi did not disclose the existence of this work session to
the Commission when he testified, although he did comment extensively on
the plan and the incidents of the 13th and the 16th.
He specifically said
under cross examination that no review process had taken place, and there
was no document in existence to indicate the results of any such review
should it have taken place without his knowledge.619
This evidence was tendered on 21 January 2013. The work sessions had
taken place between 29 August 2012 to 20 September 2012, some three
months prior to his testifying and would have been fresh in his mind. It is
remarkable that he chose to deny that any such process had taken place.
Colonel Scott was the first witness to disclose that he attended what he
called the task team. He said that he thought that one of the purposes of the
work session was for the policies of SAPS to be analysed and for the
operation to be weighed up against the background of those policies. 620
Brigadier Calitz testified that he attended this meeting where he was shown
a map which little wooden blocks to represent the vehicles and he was
asked to show where in relation to koppies 1,2 and 3 he and the various
vehicles were positioned. This exercise was not restricted to the 16 th but
included the events of the 13th as well. He was not told the purpose of the
exercise. He noticed that notes were kept while he was speaking. He was
also asked at what stage he moved his vehicles, where he moved them to
and why he made certain decisions.
He was not told what the purpose of the meeting was. He said that the
members of the panel concentrated on what had actually happened during
the operation and not on the policies. He thought, at the time, that they were
going to draft a report as a result of these work sessions.621
Major General Naidoo said that he came to know of the parallel process of a
policy review whilst he was at Roots and attended one of the sessions. 624
Various other officers testified that they appeared before the task team.
specifically stated that the document does not represent the debriefing of
Marikana Operations as the full debriefing will be done after the commission
finalized its work. There appears to be no detailed analysis of any of the
policies and the content of this document does not assist the Commission at
It is not clear why the work sessions were originally not disclosed to the
Commission. The Commission requested the notes made by the members
of the panel but no notes were produced.
During August 2012 Mr Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa, who is now the Deputy
President of South Africa, was a non-executive director of Lonmin, having
been appointed in July 2010. His appointment to the board followed the
acquisition by a company of which he was the founder and chairperson,
Shanduka Group (Pty) Ltd (Shanduka), through a wholly-owned subsidiary,
of 50.03% in another company, Incwala Resources Ltd, a black economic
empowerment company which owns an 18% shareholding in two Lonmin
subsidiaries, Western Platinum Ltd and Eastern Platinum Ltd. As a result
Shanduka Group (Pty) Ltd owns an effective 9% in Lonmin.
subsequently resigned from the board with effect from 31 January 2013.
investigated by the Commission with the then Minister of Police Mr Nathi
Mthethwa and with the Minister of Mineral Resources, Ms Susan Shabangu.
Counsel for the Injured and Arrested Persons referred to some of these emails in his opening statement and characterised them as a long line of emails and said that they effectively encouraged so-called concomitant action
to deal with these criminals whose only crime was that they were seeking a
wage increase.
the President of NUM, he said that he intended to argue that the e-mails
were evidence of concerted pressure that was being put, among others, on
the police well firstly on the government not to call the strike a strike or not
to call it labour related but to call it so-called criminal action and that was a
platform from which it would be easier to inflict violence on strikers.
In argument at the end of the hearings counsel for the Injured and Arrested
Persons submitted that Mr Ramaphosas intervention triggered a series of
events which determined the timing of the massacre. He knew exactly what
he was doing and he is the cause of the Marikana massacre, as we know it.
It was demonstrated that he has a case to answer on 34 counts of murder
and many counts of attempted murder as well as intent to do grievous bodily
and limb and I urge you to please use your influence to bring this over to the
necessary officials who have the resources at their disposal.
We need
Mr Ramaphosa told the Commission that after he read this e-mail he felt it
necessary to respond to the concern [Mr Jamieson] was raising in his email, particularly in relation to the people who had either been injured or had
been killed. He said that he realised that Mr Jamieson was concerned that
this could result in more violence and more deaths. 633
informed the Minister that the situation he had been told about on the ground
was such that they need help, they need more police presence on the
He then asked the Minister if he could do something about it. He did not,
however, suggest to the Minister what steps should be taken.
All he
communicated he said, was the concern Jamieson had raised and that they
needed more help and police presence on the ground would help. The
Ministers reply was that he would look into it, he would talk to his people on
the ground and hear for himself what was actually unfolding. 634
[i.e., Mr Jamieson] knew that I knew the Minister of Police and I knew some
of the people in authority and as he needed, as the manager on the
ground, assistance he knew that I could communicate a message to the
Minister of Police, which I did.
was either absent or very minimal and that is why I felt these
people were being attacked and being killed in the way they
He was then asked if the Minister conveyed anything more to him than that
the police were working on it. His reply was that the Minister did not convey
anything to him other than that and that he had just said that they were
working on it and were aware of the unfolding situation.640
In his evidence Minister Mthethwa stated that during one of his two
conversations with Mr Ramaphosa on 12 August Mr Ramaphosa said that
he did not think that what was happening was pure industrial action in the
true sense of the word: It had criminality on it and violence.
The Minister
action, and lives of people are lost thats criminal so I understood where they
[Mr Ramaphosa] and Mr Zokwana, [who also spoke to the Minister on 12
August] were coming from.642
Discussion with Minister Susan Shabangu I called her
and told her that her silence and inaction about what is
was bad
Minister of Police can be of assistance and deploy more
police who can protect life and property.
to Mr
Ramaphosa in which he thanked him for his help so far but mentioned two
areas of concern, viz.:
I think on both
Not long after sending this e-mail Mr Ramaphosa met with Minister
Shabangu and had a discussion with her after which, at 14h58 he sent
another e-mail
Mr Ramaphosa
repeated precisely what he had said to her the previous evening during their
telephone conversation. He said that Minister Shabangu said after hearing
the number of people killed, that she conceded that it was no longer just a
labour dispute but that there was criminal activity involved because why
would people just be targeted like this and be killed.655
police should go about ensuring that there was no
further escalation?
He replied:
stabilise the situation first, that we should prevent
further people from being killed and in my view that
does not exclude the fact that once the situation is
stabilised, or as you stabilise it you will be able to talk
to people and negotiate.
In her evidence Minister Shabangu said that she met Mr Ramaphosa when
she was on her way to a meeting of a Cabinet Committee and that the
discussion they had lasted about five minutes. According to her, the meeting
was not in the early afternoon between 12h18 and 14h58, the times of Mr
Ramaphosas two e-mails, but in the morning before 10h30.
She admitted that she told Mr Ramaphosa that she was going to raise the
matter with the President and the Minister of Police. As it turned out the
President was not available that day and the Minister of Police was not there
Natal in the course of his duties and he never got any message of that
kind.)660. She said that she had already decided to raise the violence at
Marikana with them and that Mr Ramaphosa did not raise the matter with
her: on the contrary she raised it with him and told him that she intended
raising the issue with them.
question of a criminal element being involved with people dying and said that
Mr Ramaphosa agreed with her.
She agreed that in an earlier radio interview she had characterised the
matter as a labour dispute
Counsel for the Injured and Arrested Persons raised the contention quoted in
paragraph 3 above.
Ramaphosas intervention was, as he put it, infested with a litany of conflicts
of interest.
972. It is not in dispute that Mr Ramaphosa said to
Minister Shabangu that these events went beyond a
She then
It can be
director, was insufficiently attentive to the underlying
labour dispute. His response to this contention was
that this was a matter for management (including
We submit
exercise of inappropriate political influence, or an
attempt to have the police brought in to break the
strike. In Mr Ramaphosas capacity as a director of
Lonmin, he may well have had a legal obligation to
take what steps he could to prevent the killing or
injuring of Lonmins employees, the damaging of its
property, and the damaging of its business.
975. It follows, we submit, the Mr Ramaphosas
intervention with the Ministers was not inappropriate
instance. Lonmins previous attempts to gain access to
Minister Shabangu, for example by approaching the
Director-General, had met with no success.
or would advance the common purpose of everyone, it
should not be seen as a conflict of interests.
The evidence leaders point out (in para 1004 of their heads) that the
objective evidence shows that Mr Ramaphosa was not aware of the decision
made on Wednesday, 15 August to move to the tactical option if the strikers
did not lay down their weapons and leave the koppie. They develop the
point further in para 1005 as follows:
the consequence of his call on the police to deal with
the murders and violence would be that they would kill
34 people. His evidence was that his concern was to
prevent a situation where more and more people
would be killed. There is nothing which he said or did,
which suggests the contrary. At the time of the Impala
strike, he had intervened by speaking to Minister
Mthethwa, and saying to him that the weak police
presence had resulted in deaths. That did not result in
events of the kind which took place at Marikana.
While the Commission does not disagree with what is said by the evidence
leaders in this regard it must be borne in mind that there is no reason to
believe that the SAPS would have reacted to the events during the period 11
to 16 August any differently if Mr Ramaphosa (and for that matter Mr
Zokwana) had not contacted Minister Mthethwa.
crimes committed by some of the strikers, the fact that they were not willing
to lay down their dangerous weapons, despite the fact that their continuing
possession thereof was an offence, and the daily coverage in the media of
what was happening at Marikana, it was inevitable that the SAPS would
bring in extra members in an attempt to bring the situation under control and
restore law and order.
dealing with the situation. The Commission is of the view that it cannot be
said that Mr Ramaphosa was the cause of the massacre.
It is
important to note in this regard that Mr Ramaphosa reported regularly by email to the management of Lonmin on the interactions and that his evidence
is entirely consistent with the e-mails sent by him.
He had no reason to believe that the SAPS would launch the precipitate, ill
planned and poorly commanded operations, which caused the deaths of 34
strikers on 16 August. In fact he in his e-mail sent at 00h47
on 15 August
There is no basis for the Commission to find even on a prima facie basis that
Mr Ramaphosa is guilty of the crimes he is alleged to have committed.
Counsel for the Injured and Arrested Persons submitted that the
Commission should recommend to the National Director of Public
Prosecutions that he should consider prosecuting Minister Mthethwa for the
murder of the 34 strikers who were killed on 16 August at Marikana.
Counsel for Minister Mthethwa submitted on the other hand that her client
cannot be held liable for the tragic loss of lives at Marikana and that no such
recommendation should be made.
If follows from this that the Minister has two functions: to be responsible for
policing and to determine national policing policy. This implies that his or
her functions are not limited to purely policy matters.
Section 207(2) of the Constitution deals with the functions of the National
Commissioner. It provides that he or she must exercise control over and
manage the police service in accordance with the national policing policy
and the directions of the Cabinet member responsible for policing.
Thus the Minister is not only responsible for policy but may also issue
directions to the National Commissioner.
that it would
ground. In his conversation with the Provincial Commissioner he sought to
ascertain whether the reports Messrs Ramaphosa and Zokwana had made
to him were correct and to find out what the SAPS were doing about the
reports and told him what the SAPS was doing and what was happening.
Minister Mthethwa also testified that during the period from 12 August to the
shootings on 16 August he had one conversation with the National
seconds, took place at 19h52 on 14 August. She told him what had been
happening and gave him the assurance that the SAPS had the required
capability to handle the situation. The next conversation he had with her
was on 16 August after the shooting, at 17h00, when she telephoned him
and briefed him about the tragedy. Subsequently that evening he had three
further conversations with her, when she provided further information about
what had happened. 678
The National Commissioner, as the evidence leaders put it, 682 threw no light
on what role, if any, the Minister played in relation to the events of 16
August. Repeated attempts to get her to say what the Minister did before
the events of 16 August produced no satisfactory answer. Among other
things she said of the Minister, hes a political leader.
leadership in that space and support.
He gives us
He took, gave us
Mr Madlanga SC, who was the senior evidence leader at the time, asked:
So must I take your best answer to be that you
cannot be specific on the political direction nor can
you be specific on the support the Minister gave
unhelpful, they were distinctly evasive. It is not clear why she wished to be
strikers on the koppie was likely to be at its highest. Four possible reasons
are suggested by the evidence: the desire to pre-empt intervention by Mr
Malema to defuse the situation (a motive suggested by Lieutenant General
Mbombo in her conversation with Lonmin management on the previous day);
or the rising costs of the operation (a factor mentioned by Lieutenant
General Mbombo when she saw Mr Mathunjwa before he went to the koppie
for the first time on 16 August); or to break the strike (as Lieutenant General
Mbombo said in her media conference at 09h30 on 16 August and in her
interview with eNCA shortly after); or pressure or guidance from the
executive; or a combination of two or all of these reasons.
The fourth possible reason, pressure or guidance from the executive, was
suggested in the course of his evidence by Mr De Rover, the expert called
by the SAPS. After saying that he had heard of the meetings of the NMF as
a rumour 687in his first week in South Africa, he said:688
management forum of the police but its an order that
comes from the executive and the police must
implement that order.
You cannot have a police force essentially deciding
on issues that have such ramifications attached to it
and consequences as Marikana, on its own
who engaged
the executive and the judiciary. It cant be the police
He said that he asked Lieutenant General Mbombo why the decision was
taken by the NMF to endorse her proposal and said she told him that after
the meeting a few of the members remained behind and then we had that
discussion. He stated that he had a problem accepting this as an utterance
of how modern democracies work because the ramifications of such an
action would invariably come back on the government as they did after
Marikana. So to imagine in reality that that was given a go-ahead or left to
go-ahead without the government having its say on it but still being
confronted now with the consequences of it I just cant imagine a reality
where that is par for the course.691
He said that he put this problem to the SAPS officers who were instructing
him. He had lengthy discussions on the topic with Major General Mpembe
and Major General Annandale, who told him that they shared his view. They
were, however, not privy as eye-witnesses or witnesses of fact to any
information that helps in this regard. All that they said was that they shared
his view.
He said that he also put this view to the National Commissioner, who gave
him a diplomatic answer.
The evidence leaders made energetic but unsuccessful efforts to obtain the
original audio record of what was said at the NMF meeting. Mr Budlender
raised this matter in an open session of the Commission on 17 January
materials relating to the NMF meeting on 15 August 2012 from the SAPS for
the purposes of the evidence of Lieutenant General Mbombo. Among the
materials sought was the tape recording of the meeting. He said that they
were told that the meeting was recorded and that the recording had been
preserved. He stated that they had requested in on 17 November 2013 and
again since then but had not received it. He said that the legal team acting
for the SAPS had, so the evidence leaders believed, attempted to secure the
materials sought.
means but these attempts had not succeeded. He asked the Commission to
intervene and address the matter.
Semenya, the leader of the SAPS team, to see to it that the evidence
leaders received the materials sought. He said that if the materials were not
made available he would expect the National Commissioner to appear
before the Commission in person, not to give evidence but to explain the
reason for this lack of co-operation. Thereafter the materials sought were
provided to the evidence leaders except for the original recording which it
was said had been lost. A copy made on 21 August 2012 was furnished but
this did not contain a recording of the extra-ordinary session, which it was
said was not recorded. This is unlikely as the main part of the meeting was
recorded and the discussion thereafter was clearly regarded as part of a
meeting of the NMF because it was included in the draft minutes as a
discussion of item 7 on the agenda.
proceedings were recorded was, she was told by Sergeant Cedrick Matthys,
of the South African Police Service Division: Supply Chain Management
(who was present at the meeting on 15 August), handed for safe-keeping to
Brigadier Ledile Sheile Malahlela, the head of the section: Executive
Secretariat Risk and Information Management, who took it to her home.
On 17 August, Major Lethoko, while preparing the minutes, realised the need
to listen to the audio recordings. As the memory stick had not been brought
to the office she sent an e-mail to Brigadier Malahlela, asking for the memory
stick to be made available to her so that she could load it on to her computer
for compiling the minutes and filing (She stated that the original recordings
were generally filed in a locked cabinet in her office after their contents were
downloaded onto her computer.)696. She did not receive a reply until midday
on Sunday, 19 August, when she received an e-mail from Brigadier
Malahlela telling her she would leave it for her secretary, Kagiso Tlale to
collect from her house.697
When the evidence leaders asked for the memory stick which was returned
to Brigadier Malahlela to have it examined to ascertain if it had contained a
recording of the discussions of the extraordinary session they were told that
the stick had been lost after being returned to her. As the stick contained
top-secret information it would appear prima facie that Brigadier Malahlela is
guilty of contravening section 4(1)(b)(dd) of the Protection of Information Act
1982 for neglecting or failing to take proper care of the memory stick. As far
as the Commission has been able to ascertain, no disciplinary or criminal
proceedings have been instituted against her arising from the loss of the
memory stick. She herself, the Commission was told, was not fit enough to
testify before the Commission because she was suffering from a stress
disorder. Major Lethoko said that Brigadier Malahlela had been off sick for
some time but had returned to work about a month before Major Lethoko
gave evidence before the Commission.699
The Commission is not able to find that the fourth possible reason for the
decision to endorse Lieutenant General Mbombos alleged proposal,
namely what Mr de Rover called the guidance of the executive, was not one
at least of the factors on which the decision was based. If guidance of the
executive played a role, then it is probable that such guidance was conveyed
to the NMF by Minister Mthethwa.
Minister Shabangu
Counsel for the Injured and Arrested Persons suggested in his heads of
argument that the Commission should recommend that the DPP should
consider prosecuting Minister Shabangu on charges of corruption and
The Commission does not agree with this suggestion. There is no basis on
which it can find that Minister Shabangu passed on to the President (who
was not available on 15 August), the Cabinet (which was not sitting) and
Minister Mthethwa (who was away on Departmental business in Kwazulu
Natal) what Mr Rhamaphosa had put to her. According to her evidence Mr
Ramophosas conversation with her was not the reason for the statement
she issued on 15 August in which it was said that the events at Marikana
had escalated into a security or policing matter.700 As the evidence leaders
submit701 nothing much turns on whether she reached that view of her own
accord or as a result of Mr Ramaphosas attempt to persuade her of this.
This is because the killings, assaults and damage to property were serious
criminal matters requiring police action.
In his oral submissions counsel for the Injured and Arrested Persons
submitted that she should be referred to the Ethics Committee of
Parliament.704 The Commission is satisfied that there is no substance in this
submission either.
Mr Blou testified that in 2011 Lonmin had taken a decision to change its
approach to security from a paramilitary approach to a softer user-friendly
approach. This low-key user friendly approach required that Lonmin security
patrol in soft skin vehicles and not in armoured vehicles. Mr Blou stated that
the reduction in manpower coupled with Lonmins disposing of its armoured
vehicles limited Lonmin security in its ability to control unrest.706 Mr Blou
conceded that Lonmin had reduced its capacity to such an extent that it was
no longer able to deal with serious violence and unrest.707
Exhibit FFFF3
Exhibit RRRR1.4 para 35
Day 282, Blou, p. 36240
He said the report back was very clear that Lonmin did not want to have hard
skin vehicles in their security fleet. He was told that if hard skin vehicles
were required, they could be obtained from the security service providers.
He said that he did support the acquisition of a Nyala in his personal
capacity and he did vocalise that. He said there was no reason forthcoming
from Lonmin management for their reluctance to acquire the hard skin
any role in why the Mamba was not there in the first place, Mr Botes said
that he could not confirm that but he expected that was the case.710
Mr Blou said that even if there were more security officers, he did not think
that they would have been effective in being able to disperse a crowd of
3 000 because of a lack of capacity.711
Mr Blou said that on the 10th and as the crowd were dispersing, he heard
threats from various people in the crowd with suggestions that this was not
the end of the matter and, whilst he could not point to any specific individuals
who uttered the threats, there were voices from the crowd with a level of
aggression which he had not previously heard expressed at the mine. The
number of people in the crowd was also unprecedented.
although the crowd had dispersed, it had become apparent that there was a
need for Lonmin to establish a JOC which combined the efforts of Lonmin
security and the Emergency and Disaster Management to monitor all the
developments and to coordinate all the responses.713
Mr Blou said that a JOC was set up on the afternoon of 10 August 2012 and
that this is an important facility which centralises all communications
pertaining to a specific event and where stratergic decisions are taken.714
Under cross examination by counsel for NUM, Mr Blou agreed that it was an
alarming assessment that he and Mr Sinclair made at the time on the 10 th715
and that they did ensure that they brought in extra resources to manage the
unfolding events.
Mr Blou said that after the strikers had dispersed, they received information
later that afternoon that they wanted to target employees that were not
participating in the strike. He had been informed of incidents at Rowland
Shaft of employees being intimidated and where security officers had to
intervene to protect these employees.
Mr Blou said that on Friday evening, they had security deployments in the
area of Wonderkop, Rowland Shaft and Western Platinum Mine. They
believed that those deployments were sufficient to prevent intimidation and
to protect the employees who wanted to go to work and to protect their
seemed to be critical in terms of the protocol in this paragraph, was that the
mood of the people taking part in the action was a vital tool in order for the
security leadership to be able to predict possible consequences. He said
that the assessing of the mood included taking note of such things as
change of mood.718
NUM, because NUM had expressed its opposition to the strike.719 Counsel
said that if there had been some sort of examination and discussion of what
had happened, then the march to the NUM office on the morning of the
following day might not have been that unexpected.720 Mr Blou said that they
did have the strategic session which lasted for about an hour or less, but
there appears to be no record of it in the Lonmin logbook.721
With regard to their assessment of the mood of the crowd and a prediction of
what might happen, Mr Blou was asked what arrangements they put in place
to deal with a large gathering or another march wherever it might be
intending to go and whatever it might be intending to do.722 Mr Blou replied
that their security was at all times concerned with protecting the property and
the people of Lonmin and that whatever public gatherings would take place,
or what would flow out of that public gathering e.g. public violence, would be
a matter for the SAPS to deal with, and they had consistently engaged with
the police during that period.
Mr Blou agreed that with regard to the place of SAPS in their planning, that
when they sought the intervention of the appropriate SAPS personnel, they
needed to be able to tell SAPS what it is that they expected. The scenario
planning was not only for Lonmin Security but also necessary to tell SAPS
what they expected would happen and what they expected SAPS should do
to deal with the situation.723
Counsel for NUM gave an example to Mr Blou that on 10 August 2012, they
had information of a large gathering that would move to the LPD offices.
They communicated that definite prospect to SAPS, who were able to react
by providing four Nyalas, many soft vehicles and a large number of SAPS
members, which he said was a significant security presence.724
Counsel for NUM specifically asked Mr Blou whether he and his colleagues
in Lonmin Security identified the possibility of another large gathering of
strikers in the course of the early morning of Saturday, 11 August 2012. Mr
Blou said that they had received information that the workers, when they
dispersed, were not going to go to work.
gathering in the form of a strike and that they would toi- toi, have a gathering
and they would march as well.
He said that what was conveyed to SAPS was that while they anticipated the
strike to continue the next day, they would assess the seriousness of the
situation and would then communicate it to them. This in effect would mean
that they would monitor the situation and then communicate their
assessment to SAPS.729
Mr Blou agreed with counsel for NUM that in the last 10 years or so industrial
action in South Africa has very often been accompanied by quite high levels
of violence, and that a good deal of that violence is directed towards those
who do not participate in the strike.732
Mr Blou also said that he was aware that on 8 August 2012, there was a
NUM mass meeting at Lonmin where NUM had spoken against participation
in that strike action and urged employees to go back to work. 733 Mr Blou said
he was aware that opposition by NUM to the strike might promote some antiNUM sentiments amongst those who were intending to embark on the strike
With regard to the incidents at the NUM offices on 11 August 2012, Mr Blou
said that all the two security officers, Mr Dibakoane and Mr Motlogeloa,
could do on the morning was to go to the NUM offices and tell the occupants
to vacate the premises, but they could not protect them, nor could they
prevent any sort of burning of the buildings or vehicles. Mr Blou said that
this was the standing practice that if a large crowd was going towards a
building, they instruct the occupants to vacate the place for their own
The intelligence received on 11 August 2012 after the incident at the NUM
offices and where Mr Mabuyakhuku and Mr Dhlomo were shot is well
documented. There was a report by a Lonmin security guard who went
undercover to the meeting of the strikers and reported that the strikers had
used the services of an inyanga to help them with a planned retaliation
against NUM, and that they believed that after the rituals the bullets fired at
them would turn to water and the firearms would not be able to shoot bullets.
The information was that they were preparing for war. 736 Mr Sinclairs
briefing makes it clear that Lonmin security had intelligence available about
the serious risk posed by the strikers, and found it appropriate to increase
the security status to double red.
Mr Blou said he was aware of the information about the group undergoing
traditional rituals and of the information that the rituals were in order to turn
bullets to water and in preparation for an attack.737 Nevertheless, there was
no anticipation on his part that there would be a repeat attack on the offices
of NUM on 12 August 2012.738 He remained of that view until the killing of
Mr Fundi and Mr Mabalane on the 12th and never anticipated that such an
event might take place.
His attention was drawn to an entry in the Lonmin Logbook where it reads
that there might be a fight between NUM and AMCU and where the
possibility of a conflict and a confrontation had clearly been anticipated and
identified. Mr Blou said that they underestimated the militancy of the strike
and therefore did not think that the action of the strikers would be on the
scale that happened during that weekend.739 He never anticipated that the
strikers would attempt to attack the NUM offices for a second time.
Mr Blou was unaware that after the incident on the 11 th, there was a
debriefing session where it was discussed that there might be a possibility
of another move by the strikers on the NUM offices on 12 August 2012 as
retaliation for the shooting of two members of the crowd by members of
Mr Sinclair said that it was a very important factor in scenario planning that
they had been aware at 07h30 in the morning on Sunday, even before the
group started to gather at the koppie, that there was a potential for a revenge
attack to take place. He could not explain why it was that Mr Blou was not
aware of this information. He agreed that indeed everyone in security ought
to have been aware of this information. He also could not explain why it was
that Mr Blou did not know about the double red security status. He said that
it should have been brought to the attention of all management and security
Mr Sinclair said that he agreed that the revenge that had been planned
would have been more likely against NUM, considering the background to
the matter, rather than against Lonmin structures and key points as Mr Blou
said. He said that, practically, the deployments of security resources would,
as a result of the information, cater for the revenge factor.742
Mr Sinclair743 agreed that what happened on the 12th was not a surprise
event, as the violence had started on the 10 th already and there was an
escalation of that violence over a few days and there was sufficient
intelligence to assess the extent of the threat. This was with particular
reference to the information supplied by the undercover agent that there was
a large number of strikers turning violent, preparing for war. Mr Sinclair said
that they did take cognisance of the information coming through and did their
very best to do what they could.
Mr Sinclair agreed that there was a duty on Lonmin when they knew about
the attack on Mr Louw and Mr Vorster to inform Mr Mabelane, Mr Fundi and
other security personnel about what had happened so that they could make
a judgment based on the information placed before them. Mr Sinclair said
that he did not know if they got the message but they should have got the
He agreed that there was a lack of communication from the JOC to the
security personnel on the field on the 12 th. Mr Sinclair said that the crucial
warnings of Mr Louw and Mr Vorster conveyed to the JOC of the attack upon
them and that the strikers were very dangerous were not conveyed to the
members of the protection services on the ground to give them warning that
the strikers were aggressive and posed a threat to them. At page 36606, he
conceded that there was a breakdown in communication and that the
warnings of Mr Louw did not reach Mr Mabelane or any of the other security
personnel. He said that this should have been done and did not understand
why it had not been done.745
He also
explained to them that since it was a Sunday they did not expect any
incidents but that they should be careful. He said that they had never
previously had any sustained or persistent strike action on Sundays. He
thought that the strikers, it being a Sunday, would gather, make a show and
then disperse.
careful about calling on workers to report for duty in view of this inherent and
serious risk.749
Whilst that was the position early in the morning, even after the killing of Mr
Fundi and Mr Mabelane later that morning, Lonmin did not convey to the
employees that the violence had escalated since the last radio broadcast
and that it was not safe for them to come to work.
that the premises were not safe.
Lonmin to contact Radio Mafisa and Radio North West FM to say specifically
that employees should disregard their previous communications and not
come to work.753
He said that any member of management who had caused the radio
message to have been broadcast early that morning requesting employees
to come to work should have after the violence of the morning of the 12 th
ensured that employees were told about the dangers and that they should
not come to work.754 Mr Jamieson agreed that it was reckless for Lonmin to
encourage workers to come to work and also not to discourage them from
coming to work.755
With regard to whether the mine ought to have been closed,756 Mr Jamieson
agreed with the proposition that even if employees did not come to work,
essential service people could have been told to come and that the security
operation could have focused on protecting them, instead of the thousands
of employees who were encouraged to come to work.
shafts.757 He said this was in spite of Lonmins being unable to protect all of
the workers and all the routes that employees would travel. He could not
explain why in the light of the information that the strikers were planning for
war and the realization that non-striking workers could be injured and
possibly killed, messages were sent out over the radio encouraging
employees to come to work.758
Mr Sinclair said that the realisation that they did not have the capacity to
protect those workers who had been asked to come work had been
conveyed up the line in one of his briefs to management.759
Mr Sinclair said that the security at the shafts, including K4 shaft, was
outsourced to Protea Coin Security.763 The risk assessments of the access
control points to the shafts were done by Mr Henry Blou and his team but the
guarding of those access points was done by an independent contractor.
There was surveillance as well at the shafts and that was also done by an
independent contractor.
In the light of his broad risk assessment of double red at Lonmin Mines on
12 August 2012, he was asked whether an instruction was conveyed to
Protea Coin Security to increase the security measures in place at K4
Shaft.764 He was unable to answer the question and could not say whether
any of these dangers had been communicated to Protea Coin Security.
Mr Sinclair agreed that in the light of the fact that their resources were
stretched and that they were not able adequately to protect the area around
K4 Shaft or the employees working there, they should have either closed the
shaft or not allowed the workers to come to work. He also agreed that Mr
Mabebe and other employees should have been told in advance that they
should not come to work.766
Mr Botes under cross examination about entries in the Lonmin Log Book 767
that indicated that an attack on K4 shaft was likely maintained that, despite
these indications, Lonmin did not anticipate that the K4 shaft would be
attacked.768 Mr Botes stated that it was a grave concern that security guards
were deployed at K4 shaft without firearms to protect themselves in the
event of an attack.769
The attorney for the Mabelane, Mabebe and Langa families enquired of Mr
Sinclair why Lonmin had not informed the police that there was an
impending attack on K4 and why the K4 shaft was not determined to be a
hot spot. Mr Sinclair said that he expected that information would have been
passed on to the police and it should have been but because there are not
any minutes he could not categorically state that it had been passed on.770 It
seems unlikely that this happened as Lonmin themselves did not appreciate
the dangers to K4 shaft.
incidents of violence and murder, Lonmin was still encouraging employees to
come to work.773 Mr Sinclair conceded that these were very specific reports
which should have raised very serious concerns about employees who were
to report to duty at Saffy Shaft.
Mr Blou agreed that someone with his seniority should have conveyed to the
members on the ground that people had been attacked and nearly killed,
and that everyone should either back off or get out of the situation and wait
for SAPS to arrive. They should not, he said, have been required to respond
to the call for backup. Mr Blou agreed that that was a critical managerial
intervention which should have taken place in the JOC on the basis of the
information received. He said that it was critical that that call was made at
the JOC. It should have been escalated to everyone in management. He
agreed that that did not happen.779 Mr Blou said that even he did not receive
a call to say that Mr Louw and Mr Vorster had tried to contain this crowd and
were attacked and almost died.
Mr Sinclair said that his guidance to his security personnel was that they had
at all times the right to withdraw immediately to a place of safety.781 It was
put to him782 that that right to withdraw could hardly apply when the security
members were under a full scale attack. He replied that often he would
notice that the manner in which the vehicles had been parked did not make
for an easy withdrawal from the scene of an incident. He did not ensure that
any training followed upon these observations to assist the security officers
to correct what they had been doing.783
Mr Masibi said in his statement that the manpower was not enough to
disperse the crowd. They were unprotected and the crowd could have
overpowered them. They needed armoured vehicles to deal with such a
crowd. In retrospect he thought that they should not have attempted to
engage the crowd but retreated until backup arrived.785
Paragraph 4.4.4 of the security protocols set out in Exhibit XXX 8 requires
that deployed members must be briefed on the latest situation when
reporting on duty and debriefed when reporting off duty. Mr Blou agreed that
the important purpose of this was that when security members were
deployed and put into the field they must be fully briefed with what the latest
facts are concerning the situation and the security issues. Similarly, when
they come off duty, they need to be debriefed so that security management
can be aware of what their experiences have been and what the
observations have been and what their perceptions might be in respect of
the future developments of security and threats.786 This was clearly not
The witnesses from Lonmin security conceded that their management of the
situation, in the light of the circumstances prevailing, left much to be desired.
Mr Sinclair agreed that Lonmin was partially to blame for the deaths of their
The Commission agrees with their submissions that Lonmin had a duty to
ensure that it had adequate security arrangements in place at Saffy, K4, and
other shafts to protect workers. Their failure to insist on and ensure
heightened security arrangements in view of the intelligence information
available to them at the time is inexcusable.
In the Commissions view, this duty is not confided to the shafts, but extends
across the board to all their employees. Lonmins reckless actions in urging
employees to come to work in circumstances where they were aware of the
potential dangers to them and in the full knowledge that they could not
protect them, falls to be condemned in the strongest terms. Lonmin must, in
the Commissions view, bear a measure of responsibility for the injuries and
deaths of its employees and those of its sub-contractors.
ICAM Report
Exhibit DDDD4
Mr Blou, under cross examination by Ms Baloyi for the SAPS, and with
regard to his evidence that on the 10th he informed SAPS that he expected
that there would be another march on the 11th, said that this evidence was
not contained in any of the Lonmin documents nor any statement or the
Logbook and certainly not in Mr Sinclairs statement. He could not explain
why this was so.
With regard to the meeting that took place at 14h00 on 11 August 2012,
which was actually a briefing by Mr Blou and Mr Botes, there was no
mention of the fact that one of the problem areas to look out for the following
day was the NUM office. He agreed that SAPS were not informed to look
out for an attack on the NUM offices on the 11th.789
On the 12th, what he relayed to SAPS was what had happened the day
before, but also said that because of his assessment, he did not expect an
attack on the 12th and that they should do patrols. He agreed that what
would have been conveyed to SAPS was that they did not expect any
incidents because it was a Sunday and also because there was no history of
attacks on NUM according to him. He agreed that such communication to
SAPS would influence how they would allocate their resources.790
He said he did not have any prior warning, that there would be a march to
the NUM on the 12th and he could not have therefore conveyed this to the
SAPS. Similarly with the attack on the security, this was not foreseen and
therefore could not have been conveyed to SAPS to be present to protect
It was put to him that he said that the POP stationed at Rustenburg would
take about an hour to arrive on the scene, those stationed at Klipgat would
take about 30 minutes, and those stationed at Bethanie would take about
half an hour. It was put to him that on the 11th, when calls were made to
SAPS at Marikana, the expectation would be that VISPOL would respond.
He agreed with that as being the first line of communication. Ms Baloyi said
that if one phoned Marikana Police Station, what one would get would be
Vispol. And when one phoned Rustenburg, one would ask for POP, who
would respond in about an hour, similarly with Bethanie, the earliest
response would be about thirty minutes away. With reference to the entries
in the Lonmin Logbook and specifically that contact was made with the
police at 08h40, that there was no way that POP Rustenburg could have
been at Lonmin to assist to disperse the mob that were on their way to the
NUM offices in the time frame available.
proposition put to him.792 He agreed that there were no telephone calls to the
police while the incidents were taking place on the 12th to attend the scene.
Captain Govender, who was in charge of visible policing, said he was not
aware of the contingency plan of the 10 th of which a large component was
visible policing.
officers of POP and in existence from the 10th did not come to his attention.
There were no visible police from the 10th nor was the JOC set up as
detailed in the plan. It is not as though there were inadequate resources
because the deployment on the 10th was substantial.
information was communicated and that the looming threats were attended
to is a matter that merits further investigation with a view to holding
disciplinary procedures.
NUMs conduct in the handling of the RDO demand has been criticized on
various levels. Mr Setelele confirmed that at all times NUM was aware that
RDOs at Lonmin were being underpaid. They were aware that the RDOs
complaints were legitimate.794 Mr Setelele confirmed that NUM had tried to
address the plight of the RDOs within the bargaining system but were
unsuccessful in securing the kind of increases they demanded.795
In terms of the wage agreement, NUM could not call on its members to go
on strike. However, there was a course of action that NUM could follow if it
wished to address the issues raised by the RDOs. NUM could have
approached Lonmin in a bid to open up talks on amending the wage
agreement. This course of action was open only to NUM given their position
at Lonmin at the time. This was however never done. Although an
agreement may have a two year period, Mr Gcilitshana confirmed that it was
nevertheless possible for the parties to amend it by agreement if necessary.
In fact, this had previously happened at Lonmin.797
Mr Setelele, under cross examination, said that NUM could not have
approached Lonmin to open negotiations on a possible amendment of the
wage agreement because they did not have a mandate to do so, and argues
that the RDOs demand forR 12 500 excluded them.
Mr Setelele testified that the RDOs refused to talk to NUM about their
demands. They were therefore not in a position to obtain a mandate from
the workers.798 He said that NUM had no access to the workers and could
neither discuss the demand with them nor obtain a mandate to take the
demand up on their behalf.799 The workers were adamant that they wanted
to raise the demand with the employer themselves.800
Mr Mabuyakhulu confirmed that the position of the RDOs was, from the very
start, and at the latest from 21 June 2012, that they did not wish any unions
to be involved in their advancement of their demand for R 12 500. This
corresponded with his own experience of the attitude of the RDOs
throughout the period under discussion.801
Mr Mathunjwa testified that the demand came from the RDOs and not any
union. He said that AMCU had played no role whatsoever in it and that he
had first heard about it on 13 August 2012.803
The evidence leaders and AMCU submitted that NUM did fall short in that it
incorrectly reported to workers that they could not raise the demand for
R12 500 because of the two year wage agreement. Mr Setelele testified that
this was conveyed to workers on 8 August.804 He also conceded that NUM
was wrong in conveying to the workers that it would be a breach of the
agreement for the fresh demands to be raised during the two year term of
the agreement.805
Mr Gcilitshana said that they had discussions internally and their approach
was to discuss this with the captains of industry because they could not
reach it at the negotiations.807 When he was asked pertinently whether he
approached Lonmin and said lets amend the agreement in order to give
rock drillers a decent increase, he said that they had not.808 He was then
asked him whether there was there anything preventing him from doing that.
His answer was that there were still discussions within the organisations and
when pressed about what these discussions were, he said it was to engage
the captains of industry because it would not only be an issue for Lonmin,
but it could also have been raised by Anglo Platinum.
He was again asked whether809 it was said to the captains of industry that
they needed to sit down and amend agreements and give RDOs an
increase. He said that he was not sure of what had happened because
those sorts of issues were normally handled by the General Secretary and
the President. He conceded that the General Secretary and or the President
may have done that. He agreed, that in principle, there was nothing wrong
with such an approach being made to management to amend the agreement
as necessary.810
unilateral action in this case.
Counsel put it to him that it was difficult to understand that if NUM was
outraged by unilateral action on the part of management why there was no
objection from NUM.813 Mr Gcilitshana said that the matter was discussed
internally and they tried two terms of negotiations but failed but that was not
really an answer to the question put.
beyond the shootings to sit down and he had believed that they would have
agreed before the shootings to sit down with the company and see how they
could resolve the problem before the shootings. Mr Budlender specifically
put to him,815
Would you have agreed to an attempt being made to resolve the
dispute outside the NUM bargaining processes in mid-August
and Mr Gcilitshana said that that was correct and that they would engaged in
a process of trying to resolve the problem.
It is not clear whether if the workers had been advised that negotiations
could be re-opened, the strike could have been averted, given Lonmins
position about negotiating and the amount. What it might have done, would
have been to get management involved in talks with the union. Again,
whether the outcome of those talks would have appeased the workers and
prevented the strike is a matter on which the Commission is not able to
make a finding.
reporting for duty, they should report to the NUM office at Western Platinum
for assistance. He said that he had heard that NUM had in fact visited the
nearby village and other hostels and conveyed the same message to
The Lonmin Log Book records that at 08h00 on 11 August 2012, NUM
requested intervention by Lonmin security to use a loudhailer around
Wonderkop to urge employees to go to work, while they did the same at
Wonderkop village. This request could not be carried out.
Very much like Lonmin, NUM encouraged employees to report to work with
the full knowledge of the intimidation and violence that prevailed during that
period. Members of NUM were present at many of the briefings by Lonmin
Security, as appears from the Log Book, and could not have been unaware
of the seriousness of the incidents of intimidation being reported. Whilst they
did attempt to protect and convey some of the employees to and from work,
it must have been abundantly clear to them that they did not have the
capacity to protect all the employees.
Mr Mathunjwa said that he first heard about the demands of the RDOs
relating to the wage increase towards the end of July 2012 when he was
telephoned by Mr Barnard Mokwena of Lonmin.
Mr Mokwena informed him that there were rumours that there was going to
be a march by employees of Lonmin to bring a memorandum to the
management in respect of wage demands.818 He told Mr Mokwena that
arrangements for an urgent meeting for all stakeholders, namely AMCU,
NUM, Solidarity and UASA, should be made. Mr Mokwena responded that
he would communicate with the General Secretary of NUM, Mr Frans Baleni,
and revert to him. Mr Mokwena, however, did not revert to him.
After this conversation and on the same day Mr Mathunjwa wrote a letter to
Lonmin in which he repeated what he had said over the telephone, namely,
On the
On the same day AMCU called a press conference and issued a media
release.820 The main point in the media release was that AMCU distanced
itself from the demands and the violence which was perpetrated by the
employees. Mr Mathunjwa appeared to blame NUM as being behind the
situation and referred to them as sinister forces. In that statement the
violence that took place near the NUM offices on 11 August 2012 was not
correctly reported. What was said was that the employees were proceeding
to the stadium where the memorandum was to be handed over and while
they were passing Wonderkop mine, people came out of the NUM office
wearing NUM tee-shirts. They opened fire on the marchers, killing one of
them on the spot and wounding others who were taken to hospital. He
claimed that it was that incident that led to the eruption of violence and more
deaths at the mine.821
It is clear that this report was inaccurate and not in accordance with the
evidence heard in the Commission. As appears from the video footage of 16
August 2012 and exhibit 009 Mr Mathunjwa repeated the same accusation
about NUM but said that NUM killed two employees.
Exhibit 001
Exhibit 001 paragraph 5
get an advice from the management that if the workers happened to agree
to return back to work, where are they supposed to report.822 He said that
the management agreed to this request. He stated that he was very much
optimistic.823 The police were very impressed and General Mpembe gave
him a salute for the work he had done.
On the following day he was, however, late and arrived at Lonmin at 08h20.
He met Mr Kwadi in the foyer and reminded him that they had spoken the
previous night and that he wanted to know the response of the management.
Mr Kwadi responded by saying that he was still going to consult with the
management. According to Mr Mathunjwa there was no need for a
consultation. All what was needed was for him just to tell me where the
workers should report.824 He then saw Mr Mohammed Seedat, a director of
Lonmin at the time. Their conversation was limited to the incidents of
violence and the strike only. 825
Mr Kwadi returned to him and reported that the management was no longer
prepared to engage with the strikers as they had the two year collective
agreement in place. Consequently they were not prepared to commit
themselves with the workers.826
renounced violence, left their arms and returned to work peacefully. 827
Accordingly management was, he said, now reneging from that commitment.
He felt betrayed.
He stated also that Mr Mokwena came and handed him a cellphone, saying
that there was someone who wanted to speak to him. This person was the
North West Provincial Commissioner, General Mbombo, who was very much
agitated. She reminded him that he had promised the strikers that he would
report to them at 09h00 and that he had failed to do so. Mr Mathunjwa
explained to her that he was late because the management had reneged
from its commitment. General Mbombo informed him that she did not care
about that and pointed out that he should go to the mountain as promised.828
He then spoke to General Mpembe, who told him that he was no longer in
charge and that the Provincial Commissioner was now in charge of the
operation. He went to the JOC and met the Provincial Commissioner, who
spoke to him and said that she did not like people who were not committed
and that he had failed to go to the koppie at 09h00. He stated that the
Provincial Commissioner confirmed that she was in charge of the operation,
which had to be finished that day and that he was late and she was not
interested in excuses. Major-Generals Mpembe, Annandale and Naidoo
were at the JOC. According to his statement she said that this thing must
end today it is costing the State a lot of money.829
After some time he asked for transport to go to the koppie but could not get a
vehicle from the police. He then informed them that he was going to use his
own vehicle and that he only needed security. He and his colleagues waited
until they decided to go to the koppie on their own without security. 830 He
then proceeded to the koppie in his own vehicle and arrived there at about
12h00 in the company of Dumisani Nkalitshana.
After addressing the strikers Mr Mathunjwa went back to the JOC and met
General Mpembe. He said that General Mpembe allegedly confirmed that
the Provincial Commissioner was still in charge but had left for an ANC torch
bearing ceremony in North West.
After all failed and in despair he sent a text message to Major General
Annandale, saying: since no person is available to give feedback to, we are
going back to the employees to inform them no one is available. We have
tried our best without cooperation from anyone. Let peace prevail. Major
General Annandale replied that he was always available and the SAPS were
also available. He then proceeded to the koppie to report back to the
At the koppie he told the strikers that they were going to be killed by the
police and that they should leave the mountain. He gave the example of a
ram and said that when a ram retreats it is not that it is failing and being
defeated but it is just to get more energy. When it comes back it will hit hard.
The strikers were not prepared to accept his advice and told him that they
were prepared to be killed there at the mountain. They said they were not
going away from the mountain and that they wanted to talk to their employer.
Despite his attempts to persuade them to leave they would not listen.
their weapons down, then they had disobeyed him. His reply was that he did
not want to speculate.833
Although in his evidence in chief he had testified that the essence of his
address at the koppie was that the strikers should return back to work and
hence to lay down, if theyve got any weapons with them,834 the request to
lay down any weapons is not apparent from the video clip as translated in
exhibit 009.
He was confronted by the fact that one of the strikers threatened inhis
presence to finish the police coming from the homelands and that despite his
assertion that AMCU renounces violence he did nothing to correct or stop
the strikers from threatening violence. He failed to answer the question.
His best answer was yes I was saying earlier on, that people they were
exchanging the platform or- as they were talking, different workers. It might
not, that Ive said it to a specific person, but I did renounce violence.835
Counsel for NUM also tried without success to find out to whom he was
referring when he used the phrase rent a black837 It was also put to him that
there was a toxic relationship between AMCU and NUM in August 2012
hence a song sung by the National Organiser of AMCU, Mr Dumisani
Nkalitshani, as to how could kill NUM, they hate NUM. This he also
When it was put to him by counsel that he went to the koppie to incite the
workers in a volatile situation, he did not give a satisfactory explanation as to
why he accused NUM of oppressing the black nation.
it to you as a fact, he replied, That is not correct. Counsel then said to him,
And you said to management on the morning of the 16 th, dont be technical
with me, meaning dont refer me to bargaining structures. If these people get
off the koppie, I want a seat at the table. Mr Mathunjwa replied, Where is
that, Sir? Can you give it to me?839 When he was then shown the transcript
of the recording of his discussion with Mr Kwadi, he conceded that he had
indeed sought this undertaking from Lonmin. The transcript of the relevant
portion of the conversation with Mr Kwadi reads as follows: Mr Kwadi: okay,
Joseph I think it is clear to me what you are saying. You basically saying you
will go to the mountain on condition that you get some kind of a guarantee
that the company will negotiate with AMCU on the demands of the people
that are on the mountain. That is what you are saying; it is
Mr Mathunjwa: or whether AMCU will be part of the demand. I mean
according to those people whom they want to negotiate on their behalf,
SAPS genuinely believed him when he led them to believe that the strike
would probably be over on 16 August 2012 hence the agitation of the
Provincial Commissioner when he failed to go to the koppie in the morning.
Although AMCU claimed that it knew nothing about the strike at tha Koppie
the speakers said they were behind it. The following was said:
Comrades, we will support you my brothers. We will be with you because
we are a trusted organisation at all times that will remain trustworthy to you
that will never lie to you...
Comrades you should not regret being here, because we do not get
anything from the money of this country.
As AMCU we have come to support you, as the national organiser has said,
that we will be with you in everything.842
Though there were these points of criticism about his evidence it is to his
credit that at the end of his speech, at the risk of damaging his credibility with
the strikers, he pleaded with them to leave the koppie, telling them they would
be killed by the police. If the strikers had clearly indicated at that point that
they would accept his advice and left it is probable that the tragedy would not
have occurred.
Exhibit 009
Counsel for the Injured and Arrested Persons submitted that the cooperation between the SAPS and Lonmin in dealing with the situation at
Marikana during the period under consideration by the Commission went
beyond acceptable legal limits and was causal of the massacre and
unlawful. Counsel described it as amounting to toxic collusion and said
that this was an extremely important topic.
Sinclair and Botes pairing up with SAPS members to hunt down the
breakaway group on 13 August;
The best evidence of the collusion between SAPS and Lonmin and
the full extent of its toxicity is best demonstrated by a reading and
careful analysis of JJJ 192, dealing with the synchronisation of the
planning of the two entities, as well as the Ramophosa e-mails,
Exhibit BBB4; and
Counsel conceded that the collusion may have been acceptable or neutral
on face value but he submitted the toxicity thereof stems from the fact that it
was intended to and did result in the massacre/ tragedy.
The Commission does not agree that there was a toxic collusion between
SAPS and Lonmin.
The situation confronting SAPS and Lonmin was, as the Commission has
found, that from the evening of 10 August the strikers, or at least some of
them, were enforcing their unprotected strike by violence and intimidation.
They were contravening section 2(4) of the Dangerous Weapons Act read
with Government Notice 1633 of 1 October 1996, by being in possession at
gatherings or in public places, of dangerous weapons, such as spears,
assegais knobkieries and pangas. Some of the strikers had used these
weapons to kill Messrs Mabelane, Fundi, Mabebe and Langa and Warrant
Officers Monene and Lepaaku and to inflict serious injuries on Lieutenant
Baloyi and Mr Janse Van Vuuren and 2 others at K4 Shaft . In addition,
they burnt seven vehicles at the K4 Shaft.
Lonmin requested SAPS to come to its premises to restore law and order to
arrest those responsible for the crimes they had committed and to prevent a
SAPS required to be on Lonmin premises for the period required to finish the
job and they needed full co-operation from Lonmin and the use of some of its
facilities to do so.
It would have been absurd for Lonmin to have declined the use of those of
its facilities which SAPS required.
Lonmin to have said to SAPS: (1) you cannot use our JOC, where there are
closed circuit television facilities which will enable you to see what is going
on at various parts of our extensive premises; (2) our telephone lines, radios
and other equipment and resources, and (3) the helicopter we hire from
Protea Coin because that would mean we will be accused of colluding with
you to assist you to perform your functions as a police service.
It would also have been unreasonable for Lonmin to have refused to have Mr
Botes, one of its Security Risk Managers, and an alternate on standby in the
JOC to provide the SAPS with information about the property and the
facilities available in order to deal with any problem that might arise and to
make available to the SAPS any information it had received which could be
of use to SAPS in carrying out its functions.
It is not correct to say that Lonmin transferred its own concerns about the
breakaway group on 13 August to the police and egged them on to
intercept the group when it was both unnecessary and inappropriate to do
so. Seen against the background of what had been happening since the
evening of 10 August it was reasonable for the SAPS to infer that this group,
many of whom were armed with dangerous weapons and busy contravening
the Dangerous Weapons Act, had embarked on a mission to intimidate and
possibly assault workers they might find at the K3 Shaft who were not
participating in the strike. It cannot be said that it was unnecessary and
inopportune to intercept the group in an endeavour to prevent a recurrence
of what had happened the previous night at the K4 Shaft, nor can it be said
that there was anything untoward in the fact that Sinclair and Botes went
with the police on this operation.
It is not correct to say that Sincalir played a vital role in the production of the
ultimate police plan, which on the evidence was produced by Lt Col Scott
virtually on his own.
The Ramaphosa e-mails have been discussed under Chapter 18 and the
Commission has found that his conduct in endeavouring to get the police to
do their job to stabilise the situation and arrest those strikers who had
committed serious offences was not improper.
The Commission is also unable to agree with Counsels contention that the
so called collusion between the SAPS and Lonmin was toxic because it
was intended and did result in the massacre/tragedy.
Counsel for the Injured and Arrested Persons contended that 3 events
during the period from 11 August 2012 onwards were what he called game
changers, which had a decisive influence on what followed. They were:
The confrontation between strikers and the SAPS members near the
railway line on 13 August and what he called the resultant revenge
motive on the part of members of SAPS; and
He submitted that if the first game changer had not occurred the strikers
would not have decided to gather at the koppie and to arm themselves with
dangerous weapons. He submitted further that these two decisions literally
set the stage for the massacre in that without them having been taken, the
massacre, as we know it, would definitely not have occurred.
The Commission does not agree with the analysis of what happened at
Marikana over the relvant period. As appears from Chapter 6 above, it does
not accept that the strikers decided to arm themselves because of the
shooting of two strikers at the NUM offices on the morning if 11 August 2012.
The evidence indicates that contrary to their counsels submission, they were
not unarmed with some carrying traditional sticks. According to the evidence
of Mr Gegeleza, which the Commision accepts, he saw knobkieries, pangas
and spears in the possession of the approaching strikers.844 He also testified
that far from marching to the NUM offices in order to enquire why NUM had
prevented the employer from talking directly to the strikers (as the strikers
allege) the strikers who numbered between 2 000 and 3 000, were singing
songs and moving fast, running and their mood was aggressive. The fact
that they were armed (and not unarmed as they alleged) gives the lie to their
allegation that they only decided to arm themselves after this incident in
order to protect themselves against NUM members.
The Commission is of the view that the first game changer was another
decision by the strikers, to enforce the unprotected strike by violence and
intimidation. That decision had been made on 10 August 2012 and they had
started to implement it in the late afternoon or early evening of 10 August
2012. In Chapter 6 above, the Commission has given its reasons for finding
that the large group of between 2 000 and 3 000 strikers, some of whom
were armed with dangerous weapons, went on the morning of 11 August to
the NUM offices with violent intent. The strikers remained in possession of
their dangerous weapons and in fact bought more after their confrontation in
which two of their members were injured. That they remained in possession
of their weapons so that they could continue implementing their decision to
enforce the unprotected strike by violence and intimidation is confirmed by
the subsequent actions of some of them in murdering the two security
guards, Mr Mabelane and Mr Fundi, and Mr Mabebe and Mr Langa, who
were not participating in the strike.
As far as the second game changer is concerned, the important factor there
was their refusal to comply with Major General Mpembes request that they
lay down their weapons, weapons which were clearly required for the
enforcement of the unprotected strike.
elsewhere in this report with the actions and omissions of some of the other
participants which also contributed to the tragedy but there can be no
escape from the conclusion that if the strikers had not decided to resort to
violence, no-one would have been injured and no property would have been
As appears from what is said earlier in this report SAPSs initial case as set
out in the opening speech by its counsel and Exhibit L, the presentation of its
case in writing accompanied by photographs and videos, was in so far as it
related to the killings on 16 August, that there was no prior intention to
implement phase 3 of its plan, the so called tactical option, on 16 August
but that it became unavoidable because of an escalation in violence in the
course of the morning.845 It was also part of its initial case that the plan which
was implemented had been meticulously developed on the afternoon of 14
August with input from commanders with extensive POP experience and the
approval of the full strength JOCCOM.
incorrect. What really happened was that the decision to launch phase 3 of
the plan was taken by Provincial Commissioner Mbombo before or during a
meeting of the NMF. In terms of the decision, the launching of phase 3 was
to take place on 16 August if the strikers failed to lay down their arms and
disperse from the koppie on or after 09h00 (as it was anticipated that they
escalation but only on the strikers failure to lay down their arms and
conference at 09h30.
This decision meant that, once it became apparent that the strikers might not
lay down their arms and disperse, the plan which had been developed on 13
14 August and approved by the JOCCOM could not be implemented and a
new plan had to be prepared. Unlike the earlier plan, which was relatively
risk free, the new plan, which had to be prepared in haste, did not benefit
from inputs from experienced POP commanders and contained serious
defects. It had moreover to deal with a very different situation from the one
for which the earlier plan had devised and there was a distinct risk of
significant bloodshed, which was in fact foreseen by some of the senior
SAPS commanders.
At 13h30, when there was no sign of the strikers being willing to lay down
their arms and disperse, the Provincial Commissioner ordered Major General
Annandale to implement the tactical option. At that stage the new plan had
not been discussed by the JOCCOM.
Scott, put the details before the JOCCOM, from which its POP members
were absent. There was no challenge process and Lieutenant Colonel Scott
and Brigadier Pretorius went to FHA 1 to brief the commanders. There was
no time to prepare the hard copies for the commanders and they were
shown an image based on the earlier plan on Lieutenant Scotts laptop
computer and orally given the details of the plan. The implementation of the
plan had catastrophic consequences which resounded all over the world.
The leadership of the police, on the highest level, appears to have taken the
decision not to give the true version of how it came about that the tactical
option was implemented on the afternoon of 16 August and to conceal the
fact that the plan to be implemented was hastily put together without POP
inputs or evaluation. In order to give effect to this, the decision at the NMF
was not disclosed to the Commission. An inaccurate set of minutes for the
06h30 meeting was prepared and a number of SAPS witnesses testified
before the Commission in support of the incorrect version. There is at least
a prima facie case that the National Commissioner and the Provincial
Commissioner for the North West Province, who knew the true facts,
approved Exhibit L, SAPS presentation which contained the incorrect facts.
Earlier in this report it was said that none of the persons or bodies
participating in the proceedings of the Commission bears an onus to prove
or disprove any fact and there is thus no risk of non-persuasion but that
where a person or body has sole access to relevant information and does
not disclose it, an adverse inference could be drawn against such person or
body. This is particularly so in the case of the SAPS because the National
Commissioner gave an undertaking when the Commission was appointed
that the SAPS would give its full co-operation to the Commission.
It was not practically possible for the 53 persons who fired R5 rifles at scene
1 to testify and the chairperson made a ruling that no adverse inference
would be drawn against any scene 1 shooter by reason of the fact that he
did not give oral evidence. This did not, of course mean that such shooters
were not expected to explain fully in affidavits the circumstances in which
they discharged their firearms. They could make such statements without
fear of incriminating themselves because of the provisions of Regulation 9(1)
of the Commissions Regulations. Statements were produced which were
made by 51 of the SAPS members who discharged their weapons at scene
1. Many were warning statements made to IPID investigators which insofar
as they incriminated the makers could also not be used against them in
criminal proceedings by virtue of the provisions of section 25(4) of the IPID
Act. Unfortunately it does not appear that the provisions of the subsection
were drawn to the attention of the persons making the statements because
the standard forms used for IPID statements do not refer to the subsection
and appear to be based on those used by SAPS when interviewing ordinary
suspects in criminal investigations.
The Commission has considered all the statements made by the scene 1
shooters and agrees with Mr De Rovers comments thereon, which are as
They all sing much of a tune and they dont offer you much of a
clue. And where they do offer a clue Id actually want detail, the
same detail that you want.
The Commission has found that those members who fired at scene 1 had
reason to believe that they were facing an imminent attack.
There are
indications that some may well have exceeded the bounds of self or private
defence, in which event there is at least a prima facie case that they are
guilty of attempted murder (for the reasons given earlier in this report no rifle
can be linked with any specific death so there can be no question of there
being a prima facie case against any of the shooters on a charge of murder.)
accepts that some in all probability did not exceed the bounds of self and
private defence. It is for this reason that it has decided to refer the whole
question as to whether any of the shooters at scene 1 exceeded the bounds
of self or private defence to the DPP of the North Western Province with the
recommendation that he cause investigations to be made by IPID under the
direction of a senior member of his staff as to whether there is a prima facie
case against any of the shooters and then for him to consider whether to
institute any criminal proceedings.
The evidence leaders and several other parties proposed that compensation
be paid by the State on the basis of loss without liability not only to the
dependants of the deceased who were killed by members of the SAPS and
to those strikers who were injured by shots fired by members of the SAPS
but also to the dependants of those people killed by the strikers and to those
injured by them.
This proposal has much to commend it from the point of view of bringing
closure to a shocking chapter in our history since the advent of the
democratic era in 1994 and achieving the goals of truth, restoration and
justice for which the Commission was established.
Some, if not all, of the dependants of those persons killed by some of the
strikers have endeavoured during the proceedings of the Commission to
establish that Lonmin is liable to them for failing to take sufficient steps to
protect their deceased bread-winners from being attacked by some of the
strikers. And for all the Commission knows, those persons who were injured
or suffered damages as a result of the actions of some of the strikers may
also be contemplating instituting claims against Lonmin.
In the case of these workers and their dependants, there is the possibility
that they may have claims against the Commissioner under the
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993.
It is clearly desirable that the legal issues raised by the events at Marikana
should be resolved without further lengthy and expensive legal proceedings
but the finding of a satisfactory and just solution will not be easy.
The Commission is not satisfied that its terms of reference are wide enough
to cover the question as to whether a compensation scheme of the kind
proposed should be implemented by the State.
Even before it was drafted Major Generals Mpembe and Annandale warned
the Provincial Commissioner that proceeding to the tactical option that day
would involve bloodshed. She reconciled herself to the fact that this was so,
merely asking for an assurance that it would be kept to the minimum. In the
Commissions view this was not good enough.
Section 13(3) (a) of the Police Services Act, 68 of 1998 recognises the basic
principle on which the use of force by members of the Police Services rests,
namely, that where force has to be used only the minimum force which is
reasonable in the circumstances must be used.
The deletion of subparagraph 1.5 means that the Commission is still obliged
to give its attention to the topics raised in subparagraph 1.1.3, which were
not examined as part of phase 1.
While the Commission was busy with Phase 1 its researcher Dr K Forrest
commenced doing detailed research in respect of the matters to be
examined in Phase 2. For this purpose Lonmin was asked to provide access
to its documents on a number of topics which were considered relevant to
Phase 2.
In the ruling given on 25 August 2014 the Commission dealt with and
rejected the first two propositions relied on by Lonmin for the reasons set out
in the ruling. As far as the third proposition is concerned the Commission
held that the question of fairness could only be answered at the end of the
Now that that stage has been reached, the Commission is in a position to
decide the question of unfairness.
documentary material which had been received from Lonmin before the
Commission and a report prepared by Dr Forrest based on that material,
whereupon Lonmin led the evidence of one of its directors, Mr Mohamed
Seedat, who was then cross-examined.
The case the evidence leaders seek to make against Lonmin on this branch
of the inquiry is based on what the Commission saw at its inspection in loco
at Marikana in October 2012 and on Lonmins own documents and
information provided and made available by Mr Seedat.
It was also contended that the housing issue was not properly considered
because the responsibility of local government was not looked at and that
the impact of the 2008 financial collapse (on Lonmin and all other
companies) was not properly investigated. For the reasons set out in the
ruling of 25 August 2014 the responsibility and performance of the local
government in the area of housing is irrelevant because Lonmins obligations
were self-standing. The impact of the 2008 financial collapse is also strictly
speaking irrelevant, as will be shown later.
It is common cause that in order for it to have its old order rights in respect of
the Marikana mine converted into a mining right under the MPRDA its Social
and Labour Plan (SLP) had to be approved by the Department of Mineral
Resources under sections 23(1)(e) and 25(2)(f) and (h) of the MPRDA.
blocks, 15 were to be phased out and the conversion of the remaining 114
hostel blocks would generally turn hostel block accommodation for eight or
16 workers into single family or bachelor units, with a resultant loss of
accommodation for approximately 87.5% of the workers previously
accommodated. 847
completing both the hostel conversion and the house construction processes
by September 2011.
It is common cause that WLP and ELP built three of the 5500 houses which
should have been built.
D 292, Seedat, p 38274
linked to that shortage.
address that Lonmin PLC committed itself to addressing the living conditions
of its workforce as part of its attempt to create a safe and sustainable
Mr Seedat contended that the obligation assumed by WPL and EPL under
the SLP was not an obligation to build houses but merely an obligation to
broker an interaction between their employees and private financial
institutions in terms of which employees would be able to obtain mortgage
bonds to build their own houses.
As regards the contention that the version was implausible, the evidence
leader referred to what they called the obvious problem which the
Chairperson had put to Mr Seedat, viz:855
You go to the department and you say, look here, wed like
you to convert our old order mining rights to new order
mining rights and what we will do in order to make sure that
we get the new order mining rights is, we will agree to an
SLP. One of the things you agree to do is to convert the
hostels and see to it that theres housing. Now could it ever
have been envisaged by anybody that you could say, well all
we have to do as far as the housing is concerned is try to see
there are houses, get banks involved, get developers
involved, facilitate it, and if they dont provide the houses or
the banks walk away from it, well tough.
Its very
unfortunate. We did our best: we went through the motions
of facilitating; It didnt work out; There arent the houses. The
people are having to live in shacks in appalling conditions in
an informal settlement, but thats very sad, but nevertheless,
this was all we had to do in order to get the new order mining
terms of the WPL and EPL SLP. In this regard, the SLP
expressly stated that Employees will have the choice of a
number of tenure options (i.e. rental, instalment sale, rent-tobuy or full mortgage bonds) and will therefore be able to
select the option most suited to their financial circumstance.
involvement of WPL, EPL or some related party within the
Lonmin Group on a basis that went beyond the bland
facilitation role described by Mr Seedat. When this difficulty
was put to him, he suggested that the SLP may have
contemplated the creation of a special purpose vehicle for
the housing obligations, but maintained that Lonmin would
not have underwritten the obligations of that special purpose
vehicle and may not even have held a majority shareholding
in it. Mr Seedat referred in this regard to the Marikana
Housing Development Corporation (MHDC) as a special
purpose vehicle of the sort he had in mind. When it was put
to him in this context that the example of the MHDC did not
support his version because it was a wholly owned Lonmin
subsidiary, he denied this. That denial was wrong. The
MHDC was a wholly owned subsidiary of WPL as is reflected
in its financial statements and the financial statements of
The evidence leaders contention as regards the inconsistency with the SLP
reports Lonmin furnished annually to the department is set out in the
following paragraph of their heads, with which the Commission is in
There is a similar inconsistency in the close out reports WLP and ELP
furnished to the department after the five year term of the SLP, about which
the evidence leaders say the following:
spending R665 million on house construction.
When the
The following
Lonmins 2010
Our principal risk is possible withdrawal of our Mining
Licences resulting from failure to deliver commitments made
in our Social and Labour Plan (SLP) regarding housing and
converting our hostel units.
The evidence leaders deal with Lonmins breach and repudiation of its
housing obligations in paras 23 to 27 of their heads, with which the
Commission is in complete agreement. These paras read as follows:
In accordance with this review, the new target
it stated that in the wake of the financial crisis it could not afford to
construct houses for its employees.
10 February 2009 and it is common cause that
following proclamation of Marikana Ext 2 there was
available proclaimed land for the house construction
programme. In fact, proclamation was never a barrier
for the start of the house construction programme
because there were 780 serviced stands available at
the start of the SLP period as well as vacant land that
did not have to go through the proclamation process
because it was within the existing hostel complexes.
justification is irrelevant.
The evidence leaders also submit, correctly in the Commissions opinion that
the affordability argument is, on its own terms, incorrect. They motivate this
submission by pointing out:
Counsel for Lonmin endeavour to deal with the fact that dividends of
US$607 million were paid over the 2007 2011 period by referring to the
fact that Lonmin shareholders, through Lonmin PLC in the form of two
significant rights issues had put more funds into the two operating
companies since 2007 than had been paid out to shareholders by WPL and
EPL in the form of dividends.
shareholders does not alter the force of the point made by the evidence
leaders because the shareholders who put in the funds received
consideration in exchange, viz the rights which were the subject of the rights
Counsel for Lonmin also argued that Lonmins admitted failure to comply
with the housing obligations under the SLP would not have made a
difference because the failure to build 5500 houses would have had no effect
on the tragedy.
employed weve now built houses for five and a half thousand. What about
the other 20 and a half thousand [sic, the correct figure is 22 500]? Is that
going to take away their complaints? Is that going to create trust between
the employer and the employees? I wouldnt have thought so.
argument is.
Well, Lonmin may have been bad, but it wasnt that
bad. The figures that Mr Burger quoted to you are
actually incorrect for two reasons; first is they
conflate the total workforce with the number of
migrant workers in categories 4 to 9, which is the real
inquiry, migrant workers, and second they ignore the
houses that were already available for Lonmins
category 4 to 9 migrant workers either through hostel
Now weve prepared a table which shows the
correct figures on the basis of Lonmins own
documents with the sources, and there we see that
the total number of category 4 to 9 employees was
23044, not 28000 quoted by Mr Burger, that the total
number of these workers who were in decent housing
by 2012 was 5883, which is 25%, 1 in 4. The total
number not in decent housing by 2012 was 17161,
74.4%,three quarters.
seen that their employer was in the process of
addressing their living conditions.
Instead three-
The Commission is satisfied that Lonmins failure to comply with its housing
obligations created an environment conducive to the creation of tension,
labour unrest, disunity among its employees or other harmful conduct.
Where Lonmin, well knowing of the reports of intimidation and violence and
being fully aware of their inability to protect their employees, urged employees
to go to work and after the killings of security personnel by the strikers, failed
to inform employees of the dangers of coming to work and failed to withdraw
their call to work during the strike:
With regard to scene 1 and with regard to those members of the South African
Police Services, who in firing shots at the strikers may have exceeded the
bounds of self and private defence and the delay in conveying medical
assistance to scene 1, and with regard to scene 2, with regard to issues of
command and control, the failure to stop the operation after scene 1 and the
possible liability of senior officers in the South African Police Services, the
shooting of strikers by various members of the South African Police Services:
of 1998862, to supervise, direct and co-ordinate a specific
investigation into the events at scenes 1 and 2.
7) The period between 10th August 2012 and 16th August 2012
NPA Act: Section 24(1)(c) Subject to the provisions of section 179 and any other relevant section
of the Constitution , this Act or any other law, a Director referred to in section 13 (1) (a) has, in respect
of the area for which he or she has been appointed, the power to supervise, direct and co-ordinate
specific investigations
The experts were unanimous in their view that automatic rifles like the R5
have no place in Public Order Policing.
The evidence before the Commission clearly indicates that the measures at
the disposal of Public Order Policing are completely inadequate for the
purposes of dealing with crowds, armed as they were, with sharp weapons
and firearms, at Marikana.
Page 36984
Exhibit ZZZ31.3 para 45
Mr De Rover said POP capabilities are mainly reactive, they are mainly
static, set piece, aimed at containment and crucially, prefer a distance
between them and the crowd and the current configurations offer very limited
options to deal with such situations.865
He said that the strikers on the 13th and more so on the 16th, appeared
confrontational, organised, mobile, armed, violent and volatile.866
He said that the 13th, where POP members ran away from the scene during
the attack by the strikers upon their colleagues, was an abject failure of
Public Order Policing. He said POPS cannot deal with such situations. He
went so far as to say that none of the units in the SAPS has the ability to
stop a crowd with those characteristics if they decided to walk into the Union
Page 37057
Page 37056
Page 37062
Page 37065
weapons and where non-lethal force is ineffective. However the use of R5 or
any automatic rifle is clearly untenable, not only because of the
Constitutional imperatives, but also because the effects seen at Marikana
are just too disturbing and devastating for South Africa even to contemplate
any recurrence.
Order Policing, both local and international, who have experience in dealing
with crowds armed with sharp weapons and firearms as presently prevalent
in the South African context, to:
Revise and amend Standing Order 262 and all other prescripts
relevant to Public Order Policing;
In addition to the above, the experts have made detailed and far reaching
recommendations.869 We recommend that the abovementioned panel
investigate and determine the suitability of each of the recommendations to
the South African situation, and, where found to be apposite, to authorize
and implement such recommendations, and to ensure that adequate and
appropriate prescripts, protocols and training are put into place to give
urgent effect to those decisions.
The National Planning Commission, in its report, which has been accepted as
Government policy, has made a number of important recommendations regarding
the need to demilitarise the SAPS and to professionalise the police.
Police Equipment
means of communication which SAPS members will use to communicate
with each other.
The SAPS should review the adequacy of the training of the members who
use specialised equipment (eg water cannons and video equipment), and
ensure that all members who may use such equipment are adequately
trained to do so.
The SAPS should review the procurement, servicing and training processes
which have had the result that expensive equipment purchased by the SAPS
cannot be used, either adequately or at all.
First Aid
In operations where there is a high likelihood of the use of force, the plan
should include the provision of adequate and speedy first aid to those who
are injured.
There should be a clear protocol which states that SAPS members with first
aid training who are on the scene of an incident where first aid is required,
should administer first aid.
Specialist firearm officers should receive additional training in the basic first
aid skills needed to deal with gunshot wounds.
The standing orders should more clearly require a full audit trail and
adequate recording of police operations.
The SAPS and its members should accept that they have a duty of public
accountability and truth-telling, because they exercise force on behalf of all
South Africans.
The forms used by IPID for recording statements from members of the SAPS
should be amended so as to draw the attention of the members concerned
to the provisions of section 24 (5) of the IPID Act and thereby encourage
them to give full information about the events forming the subject of an IPID
investigation without fear that they might incriminate themselves.
In his letter to the chairperson dated 24 April 2014, when paragraph 1.5 of
the proclamation was deleted to enable the Commission to accelerate the
finalisation of the primary invesitigation, the President said: the investigation
relating to the role of the Department of Mineral Resources and other
departments or agencies pertaining to the tragic incidents as contemplated
in paragraph 1.5 of the terms of reference may be considered at a later
stage guided by the outcome of the Commissions findings and
recommendations with regard to the incidents of 9 - 12 August 2012. In
view of the fact that the Commission has found that Lonim did not comply
with housing obligations in the SLPs of its two Marikana subsidiaries, it is
recommended that the topics dealt with in the deleted paragraph, in
particular the apparent failure by the Department of Mineral Resources
adequately to monitor Lonmins implementation of its housing obligations,
should be investigated.
In what follows, it will give its responses to the questions posed in the Terms
of Reference.
Lonmin PLc did not use its best endeavours to resolve the disputes that
arose between itself and the members of its work force who participated in
the unprotected strike and between the strikers and those workers who did
not participate in the strike. It also did not respond appropriately to the threat
and outbreak of violence.
The Commission says this because it is of the view that Lonmin should in the
special situation created by Impalas action in unilaterally raising the wages
of its RDOs have negotiated with its RDOs and not initially sheltered behind
the two year agreement and thereafter insisted it would only negotiate with
NUM in which it knew the RDOs had no confidence.
Apart from Standing Order (General) 262, which requires amendment and
clarification, the standing orders, policy considerations, legislation and other
instruments which deal with the situation prevailing at Marikana during the
period covered by the Commissions investigation are in accordance with the
Constitution and world best practice.
The facts and circumstances which gave rise to the use of all and any force
are set out in the report.
As far as the events of 13 August 2012 are concerned, the initial firing of a
teargas canister and a subsequent stun grenade were unreasonable and
unjustifiable in the circumstances and was the spark which caused the
confrontation between the SAPS and the strikers.
The operation should have been stopped at the end of scene 1. There was
no proper command and control at scene 2. Numerous shots were fired
which were not justified by the principles of self and private defence.
Members of the TRT and one member of the POP fired all the shots at
scene 1. The shots fired at scene 2 were fired by members of the POP, K9
Unit, the NIU and the TRT.
Officials of AMCU did not exercise effective control over its members and
those persons allied to it in ensuring that their conduct was lawful and did not
endanger the lives of other persons. They sang provocative songs and made
inflammatory remarks which tendered to aggravate an already volatile
persuade the strikers to lay down their arms and leave the koppie.
NUM did not exercise its best endeavours to resolve the dispute between
itself and the strikers. It wrongly advised the RDOs that no negotiations with
Lonmin were possible until the end of the 2 year agreement. It did not take
the initiative in endeavouring to persuade and enable Lonmin to speak to the
RDOs. It failed to exercise effective control over its membership in ensuring
that their conduct was lawful and did not endanger the lives of others. It
encouraged and assisted non-striking workers to go to the shafts in
circumstances where there was a real danger that they would be killed or
injured by armed strikers.
During the course of the hearings it was apparent to the Commission that what may
be described as a fear factor was operating.
disclose the name of the person who interpreted from Fanagalore into English during
the negotiations between Lieutenant Colonel McIntosh and the leaders of the
strikers. Some witnesses appeared reluctant to tell the Commission the full story for
fear of reprisals. This apparent fear was understandable in view of the fact that
several killings took place before and during the sittings of the Commission which
gave rise to a justifiable suspicion that the motive therefor was to prevent the
persons killed from giving evidence.
The gratuitous violence of the attacks upon the deceased security officers
and Lonmin employees, Mr Fundi, Mr Mabebe, Mr Mabelane, and Mr Langa
and the number and types of injuries to their bodies as seen in the images
and as detailed in the post mortem reports, must be as distressing to their
families as to the families of the deceased who were killed on the 13 th and
the 16th in encounters with the Police.
In particular the burning of the vehicles on the 12 th and the 14th must, in the
Commissions view, have been premeditated, because of the unlikelihood
that on both days the strikers came upon the incendiary material at the
scene to start the fires.
The fact that the strikers armed themselves with sharp weapons on the 12 th
both on their way to the NUM offices and on their way to K4 shaft, and did
not hesitate to use the weapons in unprovoked attacks upon Lonmin
Security officers and civilian employees, must point to an intention on their
part to use violence at every instance to promote their cause.
While not detracting at all from the criticisms of the actions of the SAPS, the
taking up of arms and the use of violence by the strikers was an important
contributory fact to the situation at Marikana developing as it did. It alerted
the police to the type of criminal acts they were required to deal with and
precipitated a police presence in addition to Public Order Policing. It was
also an indication of the lengths the strikers to which were prepared to go, to
enforce their demands.
It appears from the evidence that the taking up of arms and the violence
perpetrated by the strikers was partly responsible for the reluctance on the
part of the employer to engage in any manner whatsoever, whilst they
remained armed .
salutary lesson, for the citizens of this country to take away from
Marikana, that the taking up of arms and the resorting to violence is neither
constructive nor appropriate in protecting and enforcing ones rights.
In his concluding remarks at the end of the oral hearings of the Commission
Mr Budlender SC quoted the following passage from the Stonechild Report
at page 207 which reads as follow:
The Commisson
Reports of the Commission of Inquiry into matters relating to the death of Neil Stonechild, 2004, p 207
Bearing arms
In re:
The Chairman:-
The South African Police Service (to which I shall refer in what follows as the
SAPS) has brought an application to present in camera and by video link
oral evidence to be given by a witness described as Mr X. Unsigned and
unattested copies of statements purporting to have been made by him have
been handed in as exhibits.
The evidence leaders supported the application in the main but suggested
that the rulings sought should be amplified in certain respects. As these
modifications have been accepted by the SAPS, I shall in referring to the
rulings sought deal with them as modified in accordance with the evidence
leaders suggestions.
That the details in paragraphs 4(a) to (c) above shall be disclosed only to the
commissioners, the evidence leaders and to the legal representatives who
the information in order to obtain instructions from their clients.
That neither the name nor any information that may reveal the identity of Mr X
shall be disclosed further by any party other than the SAPS save for the
purpose of obtaining instructions.
That members of the public may listen to the audio transmission of the
That members of the media may not publish the name of Mr X or any other
information which may reveal his identity.
As is apparent from the supporting and replying affidavits filed by Mr. Frikkie
Pretorius, the attorney of record acting on behalf of the applicant, and further
confirmatory affidavits by Brigadier Van Zyl, the Co-ordinator of the Task
Team appointed to investigate cases reported since 8 August 2012 relating to
the unrest at Marikana, and Mr X himself the orders claimed are primarily
aimed at protecting the lives of Mr X and members of his family by withholding
his visual image and identity from the public.
According to Mr. Pretorius Mr. X will testify about the events at Marikana on
matters relating to -
the events of 13 August 2012 during which two members of the SAPS
were killed and one was seriously injured;
Mr Pretorius also states that Mr. X will refer to persons who are facing criminal
charges arising from the events in Marikana and who are presently on bail
and will also refer to persons who are still being sought by the Police relating
to criminal conduct of some individuals in such events. Mr Pretorius says that
he has been advised that some of the persons who will be referred to in Mr.
Xs evidence attend the proceedings of the Commission.
The evidence shows that various potential witnesses have before and since
the appointment of the Commission on 26 August 2012 been murdered in
circumstances giving rise to a strong suspicion that it was done to prevent any
or all of them giving evidence before the Commission and in any possible
criminal proceedings.
Mr. Isaiah Twala, a shop steward of NUM, who was hacked to death on
14 August 2012 near the koppie at Marikana where the strikers were
assembled; and
It is against this background that the SAPS and Mr. X fear that should Mr. X
be required to tender his evidence in open forum at the Commission, his life
and possibly also those of his family may be at risk. The SAPS avers further
that the criminal investigation and prosecutions arising from the events at
Marikana will in that event be undermined.
Opposition to the orders sought
The application is opposed on behalf of the Injured and Arrested Persons, the
amilies of the three mineworkers who were killed on 13 August 2012, the
families of the 34 mineworkers who were killed on 16 August 2012 and
that it will infringe the rights of victims and members of the community
to participate in the proceedings;
Most, if not all, of the principles on which these grounds of opposition are
based are well known and accepted both in our law and in international law.
They are subject, however, to exceptions where there are special
circumstances or where it is strictly necessary to have proceedings closed
(see, eg., section 153 of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 and
section 16 of the Supreme Court Act 59 of 1959).
This is well illustrated in, eg., Independent Newspapers (Pty) Ltd v Minister
for Intelligence Services: In re Masetlha v President of the RSA 2008 (5)
SA 31 (CC) at 50A, para [45] where Moseneke DCJ said:
The right of the media or public to attend, receive and impart workings
of a courtroom may be attenuated by a court where it exercises its
inherent power to regulate its own process under s 173 of the
Constitution. If in so doing it impinges upon rights entrenched in ch 2
of the Constitution, [it must ensure that] the extent of the impairment of
rights is proportional to the purpose the Court seeks to achieve.
may be added that the right to an open court hearing and the right to
report on it do not automatically mean that court proceedings must
necessarily be open in all circumstances. There may be instances
where the interests of justice in a court hearing dictate that oral
evidence of a minor or of certain classes of rape survivors or
confidential material related to police crime investigation methods or to
national security be heard in camera. In each case, the court will have
to weigh the competing rights or interests carefully with the view to
ensuring that the limitation it places on open justice is properly tailored
and proportionate to the end it seeks to attain. In the end, the contours
of our constitutional rights are shaped by the justifiable limitation that
the context presents and the law permits.
Section 4 of the Commissions Act 8 of 1947 states that all the evidence and
addresses must be heard in public subject to this proviso:
Commission, the Chairperson may, on the request of such a person,
direct that no person shall disclose in any manner whatsoever the
name or address of such person or any information likely to reveal his
or her identity.
Also relevant in this regard, in view of the fact that Mr X is under witness
protection, are the provisions of sections 18 and 19 of Witness Protection Act
of 1998, which read as follows:
the identity of any other protected person and the place of safety
or location where such person is being protected; or
.......... ,
It was contended by counsel for the Injured and Arrested Persons, the
families of the three mineworkers killed on 13 August 2012, the families of 33
of the mineworkers killed on 16 August 2012 and AMCU that a direction or
order that a witness may so give evidence can not be regarded as a
procedural matter. I do not agree. It is apposite to refer to what Vieyra J held
in Ex parte Millsite Investment Co (Pty) Ltd 1965 (2) SA 582 (T) in relation
to the High Courts inherent powers to regulate its own procedure. At 585H he
The inherent power claimed is not merely one derived from the need to
make the Court's order effective, and to control its own procedure, but
also to hold the scales of justice where no specific law provides directly
for a given situation ...... The outer reaches of the power do not have to
be explored now. All that matters at present is this. The power is wide
enough, it seems, to encompass directions concerning the search for
and collection of evidence that is needed in litigation.
My fellow commissioners and I have decided to make the procedure set out in
section 158(2) and (3) of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 applicable
mutatis mutandis in the proceedings of the Commission. These subsections
read as follows:
(2) (a) A court may, subject to section 153, on its own initiative or on
application by the public prosecutor, order that a witness or an
accused, if the witness or accused consents thereto, may give
evidence by means of closed circuit television or similar electronic
save costs;
be convenient;
effect that video conferencing is an efficient and an effective way of providing
oral evidence both in chief and in cross examination as that this is simply
another tool for securing effective access to justice.
I am accordingly satisfied that I have the power to grant all the rulings sought.
I now turn to consider whether the SAPS has succeeded in showing that the
relief they seek should be granted.
In my opinion a cogent case has been made out by the SAPS for the
evidence of Mr. X to be given by means of a video link.
If he has to travel to where the Commission is sitting from the place where he
is staying under witness protection and to return thereto when he has finished
testifying there is a real risk that his whereabouts may be discovered and that
he and/or members of his family may be harmed or even killed. I base this
finding on the history of assassinations set out in paragraphs [8] and [9]
I think the uncertainty which exists on this point is not a reason to refuse as a
matter of principle to allow the use of audio visual links in judicial proceedings
or before a commission.
Another factor to be borne in mind when assessing evidence given in this way
is the absence of advantages which are present when evidence is given in
public. These were said by Wigmore (On Evidence (Chadbourn Revision
1976), vol 6, para 1834) quoted by Ackermann J in S v Leepile (1) 1986(2)
SA 333 (W) at 338A) to include the production in the witnesss mind a
disinclination to falsify; ..... by stimulating the instinctive responsibility to public
opinion, symbolised in the audience, and ready to scorn a demonstrated liar.
The same point was made by Blackstone (3 Commentaries at 373 (1768))
in a passage also quoted by Ackermann J in Leepile (at 338G) where he said
that a witness may frequently depose that in private,
which he will be
These disadvantages must be taken into account when the weighing up of the
conflicting rights and interests to which Moseneke DCJ referred in the
Independent Newspapers case, supra, takes place. In the present case
they are substantially outweghed by the positive advantage accruing from the
protection of the rights of Mr X and his family to life and physical security.
In camera hearing?
In his speech in Scotts case, supra, the Lord Chancellor, Viscount Haldane,
referred (at p. 437) to what he called the broad principle .... that the Courts of
this country must, as between parties, administer justice in public (as section
4 of the Commissions Act enjoins commissions to which the Act applies to
do). He went on to say , however, that this principle must yield to a yet more
fundamental principle that the chief object of courts of justice must be to
secure that justice is done.
It follows then if a potential witness fears that he will suffer harm if he testifies
and there are good grounds for holding that his fears are realistic then he
ought to be protected against unlawful reprisal. Elementary considerations of
fairness, justice and humanity dictate this (see: Leepile, supra, at 340H). If
such protection is not forthcoming justice will not be able to be done.
The test for what I have referred to as good grounds for holding that the
witnesss fears are realistic was held to be a reasonable possibility of harm.
This was based on an interpretation of the wording of section 153(2) of the
Criminal Procedure Act. These words are not used in section 4 of the
Commissions Act, but in my view they provide a satisfactory test for
applications in cases such as this..
Ackermann J also held (at 340D) that the fact that the order granted may be
ineffective actually to protect the witness from harm is not in itself a reason to
refuse to make such an order. The ultimate object of the order he said (at
340E), is after all to ensure, as far as it is possible, that a witness will testify
free from the fear of reprisals, free from the inhibition that such fears may
bring and to ensure that his testimony is not distorted by such fear. The
degree to which the order (however ineffective it might be in the result to
actually protect the witness from harm) will alleviate the fear of the witness,
will vary from case to case. The fact that it alleviates such fear, although in the
result it may prove ineffective, is something which favours its granting.
In the present case I am satisfied that, if one has regard to the murders
committed since the unprotected strike began there is a reasonable possibility
that Mr. X and/or members of his family will be killed or at least suffer serious
harm if a ruling is not made excluding the public from the chamber where he
is testifying and preventing his identity and whereabouts while he is subject to
the witness protection programme from being revealed.
The extent to which the open court principle will be attenuated if the rulings
sought are granted is relatively minor because members of the public will still
be able to hear what Mr. X says and the media will be able to report it. Only
his identity and present whereabouts will not be revealed. Again in the
weighing up process referred to, the rights of Mr. X and his family upheld by
the exclusion of the public and restrictions on reporting far outweigh any rights
of the parties objecting which would be attenuated by the rulings.
Paragraph 3 of the rulings sought provides for a ruling that only the
representatives (and not the parties) may be in the auditorium during Mr. Xs
testimony. Paragraph 7 provides for members of the public (which in this case
would include the parties) to be able to listen to the audio transmission of his
testimony in the overflow room. The parties are thus equated with the public.
Normally when an in camera order is made in a court the public are excluded
but not the parties. No evidential basis has been placed before the
Commission to justify the exclusion of the parties. When counsel for the SAPS
was asked how his client justified the exclusion of the families of the
deceased mineworkers his answer was that as this is a commission and not a
court they are not parties. While it may be technically correct that they are not
parties in the full sense of the word, that is not the way the matter has been
approached since the Commission began its work. In fact the ruling
suggested by the evidence leaders which the SAPS now seeks speaks of the
parties. The families and the injured and arrested persons have been
permitted, along with the SAPS, Lonmin and the trade unions and Lt. Baloyi, a
policeman injured on 13 August 2012 and other entities interested in the
matters covered by the Commissions terms of reference, to participate fully in
the proceedings by calling witnesses and cross-examining witnesses called
by others. The Commission has because of the way the terms of reference
are framed, adopted a quasi-adversarial procedure. To regard them now as
not being parties is to uphold the sort of technicality that gives lawyers a bad
There is no sensible or realistic basis for excluding the injured and arrested
persons from the auditorium. If Mr. X is telling the truth it is overwhelmingly
probable that most of them already know who he is. This is because
according to his statements he played a significant role in some at least of the
events in which the strikers were involved. In addition the order sought
permits the legal representatives of the parties to disclose Mr. Xs name and
other information that may reveal his identity to their clients for the purpose of
obtaining instructions, As I see the matter, counsel for the injured and
arrested persons will be acting in accordance with his duty as their counsel if,
as he says he will, he reveals Mr Xs and photograph to all his clients requests
such information as they may have to enable him to cross-examine Mr X
thoroughly. If this happens it will enable the Commission properly to assess
his credibility and the truthfulness of his evidence, In the circumstances no
purpose will be served by excluding them from the auditorium.
As far as the families are concerned, the SAPS has not established facts to
show that no purpose will be served by not allowing them to see his face
when he testifies. As appears from what has been said above, it is for the
party seeking the exclusion to establish that it should be ordered and that
good reasons exist therefor. Counsels contention that they are not parties
must, as I have said, be rejected.
The possibility cannot be excluded that some at least of the family members
who attend the sittings of the Commission know Mr. X (who, for all we know,
may come from the same area as they do) and may be able to provide their
counsel with information that may reflect on his credibility. The SAPS have not
endeavoured in their affidavits to exclude this possibility, which accordingly
cannot be dismissed without more.
There is another factor which which must also not be lost sight of. Since this
Commission began its work it has been accepted that the families of the
deceased sgtrikers have an interest in learning the circumstances in which
their breadwinners died. The State has paid for their transport from the remote
areas where they live to enable them to attend the sittings of the Commission
and they have been accommodated at State expense, first at Rustenburg and
later at Centurion, while the Commission has been doing its work. To treat
them now simply as members of the public and not as parties with a special
interest in finding out what happened would be contrary to the spirit in which
they have been treated from the beginning.
Memorandum submitted by a large group of persons referring to themselves
as Concerned Members of the Community
Shortly after having heard final submissions on behalf of the applicant and the
parties on 1 April 2014, a fairly large group of persons gathered in the foyer in
front of the Commissions venue, singing and waving placards supporting the
opposition of this application.
In accordance with the undertaking I gave I have considered the seven points
made in the memorandum. I now proceed to deal with them in the paragraphs
that follow. I wish to point out, however, that this is a most unusual procedure
and therefore that I am dealing with the memorandum, as I undertook to do,
must not be regarded as having seen as a precedent.
The first related to the issue of the witness called Mr X being given special
treatment [by] the Commission and called upon the Commission to reject
such special treatment.
The second was to the effect that the concerned members of the community
felt that Mr X must give his evidence in the same way as other witnesses who
were also afraid were not given such special treatment.
The third was that if he is telling the truth he has a right to testify.
The fourth was to the effect that some persons were subpoenaed by the
Commission and displayed in public against their will and that one of whom
committed suicide afterwards.
The fifth amounted to a complaint that it is not fair for the SAPS to be the one
who are looking after Mr X so that he can tell lies on their behalf.
The sixth indicated that there is no reason for Mr X to be scared of the people
who regularly attend the Commission as parties.
The seventh was that the people whose relatives were killed by Mr X want to
see him and to hear him explaining how their relatives were killed. As will be
seen from what I have said above I do not think that the families should be
prevented from seeing Mr. Xs face on the the television screen.
As regards the first point the question whether he should be given special
treatment, is a question (as is apparent from the extensive submissions
made for and against the application) that? has to be determined on the basis
of the legal principles with which I have set out and applied to the facts of the
present case.
As regards the second point it is true that no other witnesses have to date
been granted such treatment but this is because no request was received
from either the evidence leaders or the representatives representing any of
the parties that they be treated in this manner.
As regards the third point the question whether or not Mr X will be telling the
truth is a question which the Commission will have to decide after his
evidence has been weighed up against other evidence that may contradict
As regards the fourth point the Commission was not told that witnesses who
were subpoenaed and requested publicly to return on a later date were called
before against their will.
As regards the fifth point there is no basis for the Commission to hold that the
I have dealt fully with the sixth point in what I have said above.
of Mr
THAT neither the name nor any information that may reveal the identity
of Mr X shall be disclosed further by any party other than the SAPS
save for the purpose of obtaining instructions.
the identity of any other protected person and the place of safety
or location where such person is being protected or the
relocation or change of identity of a protected person; or
THAT members of the media may not publish the name of Mr X or any
other information which may reveal his identity.
Exhibit SS2
the use of force and provides that the use of force must be
avoided at all costs and members deployed must display the
highest degree of tolerance and the need for ongoing
negotiations between SAPS and the leadership element of
demonstrators (para 11);
operation in terms of cost, damage to property, injury and loss
of life, to give warnings before the use of force and force to be
discontinued once the objective has been met (para 11(3));
Exhibit ZZZ8
Exhibit R
Exhibit FFF1
(vii) Paragraph 5 which deals with operation, highlights the need for
proper equipment and a detailed briefing, requires that SAPS
approach be a gradual build up from negotiation to the
implementation of defensive action to the adoption of offensive
action, emphasises the need for continuous contact with
organisers of the demonstration, deals with the requirement of
warnings, requires that the SAPS at all times make provision to
identify perpetrators during the course of action (by means of
video coverage, photographs or witness building), sets out the
need for record keeping and requires the operational
commander to appoint a record keeper and a video operator.
Paragraph 5.4 which deals with the use of force and highlights
that the use of force needs to be gradual, proportionate,
reasonable and minimal in order to meet objectives.
The operational Use and Maintenance of the BAT 4500 and 6000
water canon which regulates the use of water cannons during
operational deployment;
Phase 1
Physical presence
Phase 2
Phase 3
Minimum force which includes tactical actions and the use of tonfa,
teargas; stun grenades, water cannons and shotgun rubber rounds
(blue and white).
Mr X a rock drill operator and member of NUM said that he was present at
the meeting on the 9th of August 2012 at Wonderkop. The purpose of the
meeting was to decide the issue of the R12 500, 00. At the time, he was
earning an amount of R6 500, 00 which he said was inadequate for the kind
of work RDOs did and the circumstances under which they worked.
decision was taken at the meeting on the 9th, that on the following day, all
the rock drill operators would come together at Wonderkop and they would
not go to work on the 10th but would march to the time office to demand the
R12 500,00.
On the 10th he took part in the march to the time office. The demands, he
said, were written on a cardboard box. Five men were elected to represent
them, Bhele, Andries, a Tswana speaking and a Sotho speaking person. He
said the fifth person was himself. On their way to Roland Shaft, they came
across mine security. At that stage they were very peaceful and they were
not armed except that some people had some branches with them. A white
person from the employer spoke to Bhele and then went back to the office.
They waited for about fifteen minutes and started proceeding towards the
offices. The police escorted them until they were right in front of the office
which was marked off with danger tape.
emerged from the office and spoke to Bhele and to them and said that the
demand would be addressed by the union in 2013 because of the agreement
with the union and that they should all go back to work as their strike was
illegal. They did not accept this explanation and Bhele then said that this
white man was turning them into Popeyes which he understood to mean
The person from the employer said that action would be taken
against people who were not going to go to work. Bhele then said that they
are making a decision that the night shift would not take place. He said that
they would implement the strike it by fighting and threatening and that they
were going to hit those going to work.
On the 11th August 2012 and on their way to Wonderkop, they saw mine
security and NUM escorting people on their way to work at the Roland Shaft.
He was not armed at the time.
At the Wonderkop stadium the decision was made that anyone that was not
armed should go and get a weapon and could buy them at Nkaneng.
There was a discussion that NUM officials transporting people to work was
rendering the strike ineffective and weak. The decision was to go and get
weapons to arm themselves to go and kill NUM in their offices.
He said once they had got weapons, they met again and made a song How
are we going to kill this NUM? We hate Zokwana. He said as they were
marching to the NUM office, they were all armed with pangas and assegais.
Some of their weapons they had brought with them and some were bought
from Ntshebe at Nkaneng. He said he bought a panga, bush knife and a
spear at Nkaneng.871
He disagreed with the version of Mr Mabuyakhulu that the reason for going
to the NUM office was to ask the NUM members why they did not want the
employer to talk to them.872 He also disagreed with three reasons advanced
by Counsel for the injured and arrested persons that were put to Mr
Zokwana for comment viz. that they wanted to enquire why the union was
standing in their way; that strikers had been assaulted or forced to go to
work; and that if NUM was the only union through which could pass their
demands to the employer, then the NUM should do so even if the RDOs
were not NUM members.
Page 30962
Page 30963
the Teba offices and they went back to the place that they had originally
gathered. He saw that the people who were firing were wearing the uniform
worn by the security employed by Lonmin.873 Along the way he saw two
people who were lying there bleeding.
At the koppie, Bhele said they should take off their dresses and that it was
time to get an Inyanga. The strikers agreed with the proposal. Kaizer came
up with the name of Nzabe, an Inyanga from Flagstaff. His understanding
that the Inyanga would make them brave like warriors that they were not
subject to being shot at. The Inyanga would make the firearms not to work 875
and the firearms would be locked or jammed if they were being shot at.
Money was collected towards the Inyanga. Xolani and Kaizer were going to
get the transport to get the Inyanga. They went off and returned with two
Page 30967
Page 30972
Pages 30974 to 30975
boys of the Inyanga. They were told that each of the strikers was to have his
own razor blade and the men who were chosen to take off their dresses and
wear pants and be real men were the ones on whom the Inyanga was going
to work. The Inyanga wanted R 1 000,00 as a whole amount but each
person had to pay R 500,00. He said he contributed his R 500,00. It was
decided that they would look for a secluded place that was not accessible to
a car and a place was chosen on the top of the hill among the rocks and the
bushy area. The other reasons for choosing that spot was that it was not
easy to be seen and that they could see a car or the police approaching.
They went to the secluded place and the Inyanga took out a trunk and some
rags that were in the trunk together with some bottles and the one rag had
the drawing of the lion on it. The Inyanga took out some red and yellow
ropes and tied it to the tree. There were also some spoons which were tired
onto these ropes.876 He referred to a photograph of a sheet that depicted
the heads of lions on it.877 He said they even composed a song about it
saying that this is the lion from Bizana that eats people.878
He said that the lion was important because on the 12 th, there were two
security personnel who were killed at the bus stop, one of whom was burnt in
the car. He said that one security was pulled out of the car and tortured and
some piece of his flesh was taken from him to make the muti strong. He
said to go forward they had to be strong so the muti had to be laced with
human flesh. The Inyanga had said to them that if they went to the people,
they should try and get a part of the persons flesh.879
muti that was being used by the Inyanga. 881 He agrees that that there are no
bottles visible on the photograph but at the time there were bottles present
He said two sheep were obtained from the settlement. They were tied in
sheets and put on the fires by the Inyanga. At the time they were wrapped in
the sheets and put in the fire, they were still alive and he said from this
process some black water emerged and the water was going to be used on
the persons who had to undergo the rituals that were conducted there. He
left with about two hundred of them and one of the sons of the Inyanga to the
river to be washed and cleansed.883
At the river, the Inyanga stood in front of them and poured the water from the
stream onto them to wash and he put muti into their mouths. They returned
to the place where the rituals were conducted and found that the mixture of
the burnt sheep and the water that emerged from the sheep and the blood
and the fat had been prepared. The Inyanga saw to it that each of them had
their own razor blades and he cut them on various parts of their bodies. The
mixture that had been made from the water, blood and muti was mixed
together and applied to the cuttings made on their bodies.884 At that stage in
the proceedings, he asked for a stand down to see his own sangomas
because he thought that the people were using muti against him.
They were told the secrets on the mountain end there and that they were not
to be taken out of the mountains. They were told that rituals will be
conducted there and the people will be cut on their bodies. He said the rules
of the mountains were that they would have to abstain from being intimate
with a woman for seven days, they were not to point at a person but could
use a clenched fist, they were not have to keep a stick raised, they were not
to eat pork, sheep or fish, not to wear a watch or a golden tooth on any
necklace and not to carry any money that was silver. 885 The persons that
were required to participate in the muti were the strong people who would
keep the secrets in the mountain. The people who took part in the rituals
were called makarapas and their role was to kill people.886
He said that they were warned not to fire or shoot before the police did so
because if that happened they would then be capable of being shot. The
Inyanga said that if they followed his instructions the police guns would not
be able to shoot them.887
He was shown the video of the 13th when General Mpembe was talking to
the strikers when they were repeatedly clicking their weapons while
squatting. He said that that was the instruction given to them by the Inyanga
to hasten the effects of the muti so that the police would be in a hurry to
shoot them. He said the Inyanga told them that they were not to listen to the
He said that between the 11th August 2012 and the 16th August 2012, they
were told by the Inyanga not to change their clothes because they were
supposed to wear the same clothes and wear a blanket so that they must
always be smelling of muti. They were instructed to sleep in the mountain
until they got the R 12 500,00 that they wanted.
He said that the role of the Committee of fifteen was that everything that was
done at the mountain had to be passed through them first. After the rituals
had been conducted on them, they were told to select a person who was
strong and who was going to be the leader.
because he was brave and strong. Xolani was also a leader. Mambushe
was strengthened more than the others .The remains of the two sheep were
put into a hole that was dug up and Mambushe took a bath there because he
was going to be strengthened further to lead them.
They were told not to kill any animal and when they were talking and wanted
to point at something, they should use their fist. They should not carry their
sticks pointing up but have them horizontal pointing to the ground and they
must not have a hat on their head and they could not be intimate with
women and should not wash for seven days and if they had wash it had to
be with green Sunlight soap.889
He pointed out on photographs of the inspection in loco, the place where the
hole was dug and the ritual on Mambushe had been conducted. 890 He said
when he got there with the police to point it out, he found that the hole had
been opened. He said that the dog that had been with the police went
straight to that place and sat down but nothing was found relating to any
sheep there. Strands of wool that were hanging from the trees were
On the evening of the 11th, the strikers were convinced of the effectiveness
of the muti because the Inyanga had spread the muti on the box and the box
was shot at and the bullet could not penetrate the box. It just stuck to the
box. He said that some workers did not believe this but they did believe after
the security were killed because the security had tried to shoot at them and
they could not. He said that is when they also came in their numbers and
performed the rituals.892
On Sunday, the 12th, they came down from the mountain. There was a
discussion that because NUM was the one that was fighting with them the
previous day, they were going to kill NUM. The strikers were armed with
pangas and spears. Mambushe, Obai and Anele were armed with firearms
and Mpele was carrying petrol. He described the firearms as pistols. The
one that he saw was red on top and was in possession of Bhele.893
When they came to the hostel to the first gate, the security tried to talk to
them but they ignored them. The security tried to shoot at them, but their
guns did not work. Two security officers ran towards the car that was next to
the bus stop. Bhayi and Anele fired some shots at them. Bhele poured
petrol on the car and burnt the car with the security persons. Bhayi removed
one of the security officers from the vehicle and put him down.
stabbed him with a spear and Mr X said he also participated in the attack
when the security officer was on the ground.
Bhele cut the chin and the tongue from the security personnel and put it in a
Anele scoped the blood with a bush knife and poured into the
plastic. Anele took the firearm and the cell phone. Mambushe took a radio
and the cell phone. Bhayi took the firearm. He said they went past the NUM
offices but there were no one there and they went back to the mountain. By
that time, Bhele had poured the petrol, burnt the car and thrown the
container away. The pieces of meat were given to the Inyanga who burnt it
until it was ashes and it was mixed with some muti to be licked to strengthen
the men so that when they were going forward, they would not become
afraid and turn back. 894
He identified in a photograph
With regard to the incident with the security personnel, he said that they
were firing with rubber bullets and aiming up in the air trying to scare them
but they did not retreat. They approached the security officers crouching as
instructed by the Inyanga. The security officers fired rubber bullets and then
ran away. He said that when Bhayi and Anele fired, they were aiming at
Fundi and another man in a private car and he thinks that Fundi was struck
on the left side of the forehead. He said he hit Mr Fundi with a panga on his
face while he was lying on the ground because he was not a spectator in a
fight and he could not say exactly where it was that he hit him.898
He said that the bullets fired by the security persons did not do them any
harm because the Inyanga had told them that the guns would not work
against them because of the rituals they had undergone.899
He said that the fire arms that were in the possession of the two security
officers were two pump action guns and these guns were taken to the
mountain.900 When they returned to the mountain, Mambushe and Xolani
reported that when they went to the NUM offices, there was no one there.
The security personnel had tried to fire at them and they had taken firearms
from them and they presented the firearms and that the muti was working.
The firearms were kept next to the Inyanga on the mountain.
The killing of the two security personnel had the effect that those who did not
believe in the muti came in their numbers to undergo the rituals realising that
the guns of the security and the police were not working.
These further rituals took place from the 12th until the 14th.901 He said that
Slide L 34 shows the strikers standing in a queue after taking off their clothes
to undergo the rituals where the muti was being consumed. He said that he
as present while the rituals were being conducted on the 12th and the 14th.
Those strikers who had undergone the rituals on the 11th were sprinkled with
intelezi to revive the muti on them.
On the evening of the 12th they marched to K4 Shaft where they set seven
vehicles alight.
discussion was that the people who consumed the muti and underwent the
rituals should go out and those who still had to undergo the rituals remained
in the koppie. It was said that they should go out and kill the people who
were going to work so that others should come and join the strike. The
meeting was held at about 4 o clock because they had to go to K4 Shaft
when it was a little bit dark.902
He said about five hundred strikers went to K4 Shaft and they were armed
with firearms, pangas and spears. He had a panga and a spear. When they
arrived at K4 Shaft the people who saw them coming ran away. Bhayi cut
the wire fence with a pair of pliers. They gained access to the property
through that opening.
security to give way which they did. He took the radio and the phones away
from the security personnel. Mr X said he and Bob were carrying 5 litre
containers with petrol. They set alight the seven cars as well as bikes at K4.
They killed one person who was wearing a white t-shirt who was in the
parking lot. He said he did strike the person who was found there because
he was not a spectator there watching the fight. He found this person lying
on the ground and he struck him on the right side of his stomach and
stabbed at him. He noticed workers standing in the parking area where the
cars were and they chased them but could not apprehend them. It was
Bhele who set the cars alight at J4 Shaft.903
On the 12th, they had armed themselves and proceeded to the offices of
NUM because their issue was with NUM. He was asked why the group
engaged on this attack on the security guards whom they had outnumbered
and whose bullets had no effect on them. He said that the security guards
were stopping them from going to the NUM offices. He was asked whether
the attack on the security guards took place on the spur of the moment or if
that was something that was discussed in the meeting that was held prior to
embarking on the march to the NUM offices.
discussion about the security guards on the mountain and they had said that
they would kill anything in front of them until their demands were met.904
After they left K4 Shaft, they went back to the mountain where Mambushe
and Xolani gave feedback. They were sprinkled with muti. Mambushe and
Xolani said that cars had been burnt, people had run away and that a cell
Page 31151
Page 31145
phone and radio were confiscated. The cell phone and radio were given to
They slept on the mountain on the night of the 12th. He said that there was
some six hundred of them that were sleeping on the koppie and that it was
mainly the group of makarapas, the people who had undergone the rituals.
The inyanga stayed with them on the koppie until the 16th.906
At the mountain the makarapas and the committee members held a meeting
on the mountain where they decided that they should go and kill people at
Bob Mine to send a message to the people that there is a strike until their
demands are met. There was a discussion about what would happen in case
they encountered security personnel and it was decided to simply kill
anything on their way. He said they were all armed with spears, pangas and
firearms. He said the persons who had firearms were Mambushe, Bhele,
Baai and Anele and he remembers Mambushe, Makhubane, Anele, Bob,
Nido, Kaizer, Baai, Masinga, Xolani and Matetjisa all being part of the crowd
of strikers.
When they came across Mr Langa, he was asked where he was going to
and he said he was going to work. They asked him how he could go to work
when he knew there was a strike going on. They then killed him. They
stabbed him and he took part in this attack with a panga.
He was shown the post mortem report of Mr Langa907, where the injuries to
him are described as eighteen incised wounds to the front and back of his
body. He said they were consistent with the attack upon him. He was asked
why he participated in this brutal killing of Mr Langa with the others and he
said that they wanted to send a message to the people who were not aware
of the strike, that there is a strike. They killed him so that others would come
and join them and support the strike. The killing of Mr Langa took place at
about 04h00 in the morning. They went back to the mountain. Xolani and
Mambushe gave feedback. They arrived there at about 11h00 or 12h00 that
When they arrived, they were told there is a group of people who had
marched to K3 and that they had to support those people. They then left for
They met the security personnel where there were some water pipes where
they were told that they would not be able to pass the police carrying the
Exhibit AAAA 22
Pages 31165 to 31167
Page 31168
weapons that they had.
personnel because they knew that they were sissies. They had a meeting
where Mambushe said to them they were going to meet the police and they
should not all talk with the police and only three persons should speak to the
police because if they all did, they would be afraid.
chosen were Mambushe, Xolani and Mosotho. He said they selected them
because they believed and trusted in them.911
With regard to Video HHH61 which shows the strikers at the water pipes, he
said that he was part of the group that is seen crouching clicking their
weapons. He was asked why the strikers did that and he said that they were
encouraging their muti to work fast, that they knew things were bad and that
people were going to be killed and they were hurrying things and they knew
that the guns would not work and they were not capable of being shot at. He
said they knew that their muti was such that the guns would not do any harm
to them. They were asked why the strikers were ululating. He said that their
blood had become hot at this stage and their blood was burning them and
there were encouraging the muti to act fast.
intelezi in their blood was working in such a way that they did not listen to
anything. They just wanted the employer to come to them and give them
what they wanted. 912
Page 31169
Pages 31178 to 31179
Pages 31176 to 31177
At some stage on the video, he observes that the pace of the clicking on the
video picks up and he says that was because they were hastening the
operation of the muti and they wanted it to work fast and to annoy the police
for them to shoot at them.913
He also said that they were singing a song and translated it said tighten
your balls young man, otherwise you wont come right. He said this was
because they were not capable of being shot at and the police could do
nothing to them.914
At 11.13 on the video, he identifies Mambushe standing in front hold his right
hand with his fist clenched and he said this was in accordance with the
instructions given to them by the inyanga on the 11 th when the rituals were
being conducted.915 He said that the inyanga had said to them that if they did
not follow his instructions, the result would be that the guns of the police
would be effective and would work.916
With regard to Mr Noki being heard on the video saying that is all we ask.
We are not fighting with you, he said they said that simply to fool General
Page 31182
Page 31183
Page 31184
Page 31185
Mpembe so that he would get angry and start shooting. He is asked why
they were fighting with the police because they had no quarrel with them and
he said that the police were stopping them from getting what they wanted
because they wanted the employer to come to them and give them what
they wanted.
stopping the employer from coming to them and he said it was the police
who had not allowed them to proceed with the things that they had because
it was illegal.917
He said that they all understood what Major General Mpembe was
conveying to them because he was speaking in Fanagalore and this is the
language that was mostly used at the mine.918
On the video, Mr Noki is heard to say that the weapons would be handed
over at the koppie. He said that that would not have happened.919
He was asked what would have happened if the police tried to disarm them
and he said that they were going to kill the police using their bush knives,
pangas and all the weapons that they had. He said that he was aware that
the police had firearms with them.920
At 18:18, Noki was heard on the video saying that the employer should be
brought to the workers so that he could give them the response they wanted.
Page 31187
Pages 31188 to 31189
Page 31190
Pages 31194-95
He was asked what would have happened if the police succeeded in
bringing a representative of Lonmin to address the strikers and there was a
negative response about the demand of the strikers. He said that they would
have killed that white man.921
He said that they did not obey the policemen because they wanted them to
shoot first but they seemed not to have been shooting.
As they were
He said they were on their way to the settlement to look for the people who
were busy drinking beer there while they were striking and that they were
going to kill them.923
He said at the time the tear gas and stun grenades were fired, they were
going towards the settlements towards the mountain to kill the people that
they had found there.
policemen and described in detail how they attacked each of the persons
and took from them the short guns, the long guns and the cell phones and
radios. He said that the confrontation occurred because the police first fired
Pages 31195-96
Pages 31201 to 30202
Pages 31203 to 31204
the rubber bullets and after that firing, they attacked and killed one
policeman and left one policeman still moving who had not died. He said
that the firing that was done by the police was not effective and they did not
care about it because the Inyanga had worked on them. He said the
confrontation came because the police started shooting. He was asked
whether the confrontation came when the tear gas and the stun grenades
were deployed and he said first they shot the tear gas and thereafter the
fighting ensued. He said subsequently that fighting started after the rubber
bullets were shot and they knew that the guns had been blocked from
working. Then he gives a third reason for why there was the attack on the
police and that is because they were using real guns.924 He has given three
different reasons for why the attack on the police started.
After describing the attack on each of the police officials, he said that they
returned to the koppie. They went through the settlement and returned to
the mountain.
transport for them to be taken away and these people who had been injured
were people who had joined them along the way and who had not
undergone the rituals.925 At the koppie, it was decided that anyone wearing
a red shirt must take it off and tear and burn it because they did not want
NUM on the mountain. It was said that NUM is vehicle that is not moving
and is being left behind and they wanted to get into a vehicle that was
moving which he said he thought was AMCU. He said they had taken a
decision that NUM should be killed and they were killing it with bush knives
and pangas and that is why they mentioned they were going to kill Mr
Zokwana because they were stopping them from getting their demands of
R12 500,00. He thought that AMCU was together with them because it was
interested in their demand of R 12 500,00.
He said that on the 14th a message was received from Mr Joseph Mathunjwa
that AMCU was the organisation that helped them to receive their demands
and that they would be coming to the mountain on the 15th together with Mr
Zokwana to address the strikers and they were told not to allow Mr Zokwana
to address the meeting.
told about this quite late in the evening. He said this was a message that
Xolani got on his cell phone
On the 14th, at the koppie, there was a meeting and three people were called
before the meeting. They were Mr Twala, Mr Mawewe and another person
from Bizana who was working at Saffey Shaft and he did not know his name.
Questions were put to them. Mawewe being the first and then he was left to
leave. Then the second person was the person from Saffey Shaft. He was
also questioned and then he left.
When Mr Twala was questioned, Xolani said that he knew Twala and that
Twala was a spy at work and he had caused people to be dismissed. He
searched him and in his pocket he found his cell phone and he asked him
what he was doing with his cell phone because nobody was allowed to carry
a cell phone on the mountain. He was accused of handing out information to
NUM people using this phone. Mr Twala, he said, was a shop steward at
Karee with NUM. Five of them took Twala around the mountain to the other
remembers Mambushe, Xolani and Anele. After they had gone to the other
side, he heard a gunshot. When he looked in that direction subsequently, he
saw that Anele took the skull of the beast and placed it on the chest of Mr
When they came back, Anele said they were through and finished with him.
The strikers started singing out very loud How are we going to kill this
NUM? We hate NUM. He said before this incident, there was a discussion
as to what should happen with Mr Twala among the committee and he was
part of the decision that was taken that Twala should be taken to the other
side and killed. He was in that committee of five persons. The persons who
left with Mr Twala had bush knives, pangas and spears. This incident took
place between 12h00 and 13h00 during the day.927
He said that when the police arrived between 10h00 and 11h00 with a team
of negotiators, five young men proceeded towards the Nyala with Mambushe
and Xolani amongst them. Mambushe went right up to the hippo and they
spoke through a loud speaker. He said he could hear the discussion that
took place between those inside the Nyala and those outside and they
realised that there was trouble there. He said they could hear that there was
a request that the police should bring their employer to the mountain and the
police were begging and pleading with them to come off the mountain. The
strikers said that they were not going to move away from the mountain until
the police brought their employer to the mountain to come and tell them
about the R 12 500,00 that they were demanding.928
He is shown Slides L93 and L86 and confirms that they were being sprayed
with muti by a person called Buccaneer who was one of the young traditional
leaders conducting the rituals on the scene. It was necessary for the muti to
be applied to be ready in case a fight broke out between the strikers and the
police and they needed to be ready to fight there because the police were
bringing the hippo closer to them.929
He said that they had killed police on the 13th and the people then realised
that the guns were ineffective against them so they joined in bigger numbers
on the 14th. He said that even those who were previously scared, who did
not trust the muti were then convinced that the guns were not effective.
These rituals were not conducted in the same spot as previously and were
conducted in open veld.930
He said this took place at about between 13h00 and 14h00 on the 14 th. He
was shown Slide L 90. He said it was still part of the rituals. There was a
big dish there with ntelezi. The people were being washed and this was
being done by two persons, Bucaneer and another person. He refers to a
belt being tired around the upper arm of one of the makarapas and said that
there was muti inside this belt.931
He was asked how it was that the belief still prevailed after some strikers had
been shot on the 13th and why it was thought that the guns were still not
effective in relation to the strikers. He said that it was believed that the two
people that were injured and taken to hospital were people who had joined
them along the way and who had not undergone the rituals.932
He said that Xolani received a message from the cell phone that Mr
Mathunjwa wanted to come to the koppie on the 14 th. Mr Mathunjwa was not
allowed to come to the koppie because he had not undergone the ritual so
the committee decided that they would meet him halfway. He said when Mr
Mathunjwa arrived, he said he was interested in membership and that he
would lead his organisation and that they had to kill the NUM. He said that
they were going to come the following day with Mr Zokwana and that they
should not allow Mr Zokwana to address them. He said the members of the
committee agreed with them. Then Mr Mathunjwa left the koppie. 933 He said
that he was present when he saw Mr Mathunjwa arrive in a silver motor
Page 31761
Page 31748
Pages 31764 to 31768
vehicle with another young person and he was standing about fifteen metres
away and had a good look at him.934
On the 15th the negotiating team of SAPS met with the five committee
members and they were asked to put their weapons down. The five were
Mambushe, Xolani and three others.
police to go and fetch their employer and that they were not going to lay
down their arms. The employer must come and agree to their demands. He
said that he was not aware if the negotiating team gave a report back to the
committee members.
With regard to the arrival of Mr Zokwana, he said that Xolani was going to
call out to him but Mr Zokwana never alighted from the vehicle and they did
not allow him to talk.
Zokwana come here. Had he gotten out of the hippo they had palnned to
kill him. They knew that the police were present but their firearms would not
Page 31769
(Exhibit AAAA 25),
Pages 31774 to 31776
work against them.937 Mr Mathunjwa arrived and he addressed them from
inside the koppie and he was told to come back the following day because
he was the one who listened and was supposed to go and demand their R
12 500,00 and get the money.
Mathunjwa that they were going to lay down their weapons. 938
On the 16th, Mr Mathunjwa came back in the morning and he said that he
was going to get feedback from the employer. Thereafter the Bishop came
and had a discussion with five people but he does not know what the
discussion was about. Then the Bishop left. Even during the presence of
the Bishop, they were armed with pangas and spears.939 Mr Mathunjwa
returned to the koppie and he said that they should lay down their arms
because there would be bloodshed there. The strikers said that they were
not laying down the arms until the employer comes back to them about the
matter of the R 12 500,00. Mambushe said that there could not be two bulls
in one kraal. He understood this to mean that there would be a fight and that
the police who had the firearms which could not work would run away and
they would be the coward bulls and that the strikers would be the strong
bulls because they had the rituals performed on them.940
Kaizer is heard to be saying on a video that they going to finish the police
there on the scene941. He understood that to mean that they were going to
fight with the police and going to kill them and that was a decision had been
taken a long time ago by the makarapas.942 He was asked why a decision
was taken to fight the police and he said that the police were saying that they
should lay down their arms and come off the mountain before they got the
money that they were asking for.943
He said that Mr Mathunjwa said that there will be bloodshed and he was
pleading with them to go down from the mountain. They did not listen to him
and said that they were not going down from the mountain until he brought
the employer there. They said that they were prepared for whatever could
happen and they were even prepared to die but they were not moving away
from that place. Mr Mathunjwa then left.
He then noticed the line formation of the Nyalas and the wire being
deployed. He said Mambushe went forward to the first Nyala and then came
back to them and said that they must go towards the Nyalas. A shot rang
out from his side because some of them had firearms like Bhele and Gwaai.
He said they did not follow the Inyangas instructions because the Inyanga
had said that they should not fire first.
He said it was the group of makarapas who went towards the group of police
that were unrolling the barbed wire and they were armed at this stage and
they were going to kill the police. They were going to fight with the police
because two bulls could not be in the same kraal and they going to kill and
finish the police.944 He said that as the makarapas approached the police he
was there in the middle of the group.He was carrying a panga and a spear,
others had firearms and he was armed because he knew that he was ready
for whatever would come and was ready to fight to the death.
With regard to Slide L198, he said that as the Nyala proceed to the kraal, the
strikers were going towards the police. The police were shooting with rubber
bullets and that was not effective in dispersing the strikers because they
were interested in going to the police to attack them.947 With regard to Slide
L207 he said that they were attacking the police who were on foot as they
were proceeding towards them. The police were shooting rubber bullets and
tear gas which they did not feel and they kept on proceeding towards them
and went past them.
commotion the group that was in the front fell to the ground and some of
them turned around and ran away. He said that the crouching formation
seen on the photograph was in accordance with the Inyangas instructions.
He is not visible in that photograph.
He said that the muti had stopped functioning because the people in the
front had fallen when the police had started shooting with real bullets and it
meant that the muti had lost its power. He was some distance away from
the people that fell and realised that something was wrong and ran away.
They discovered later that the muti was not effective because one of them
had actually killed a hare and that was contrary to the instructions of the
Inyanga about the killing of animals.
personnel from the mines.950 At some stage he withdrew the case because
they came to him at the shaft and they said to him if he had to go to the
police things that were secretly done on the mountain would come out into
the open. He also had a discussion at some stage with the persons against
whom he had laid the case and it was decided that he should withdraw the
charge.951 He withdrew the charge on the 23rd of January 2013,
The docket comprises five pages with Mr X as the complainant. 952 His said
that his statement was made to Lieutenant Colonel Shonela who was talking
to him in English and Shangaan which he did not understand very well.953
Another policeman, whose name was Ngqoko was called who spoke in
Pages 31849 to 31851
could not explain except to say that he could have used someone elses
phone to call Mr Nzuza.955
It was put to him that the phone records of Mr Nzuzas phones indicate that
he received thirteen phone calls on his phone but none from Mr Mathujwas
phone number and that all the calls that were made to him were made from
He also
agreed that he did not mention the phone calls or the visit by Mr Mathunjwa
on the 14th in his first statement in February 2013 and did add it in his
second statement that was taken in 2014. He said that the person who took
the first statement asked him half the questions but the person who took the
second statement asked him and so he explained it.957
The transcript of the Forum at 8, Exhibit LL, was put to Mr X where it was
quite clear that the suggestion that the leaders of the unions go to the koppie
together was raised by Mr Gwala.958 There is no indication whatsoever that
there was any indication that the arrangement was made the day before. An
extract of the evidence of Mr Mathunjwa was put to him where Mr Mathunjwa
said that it was during the interview when Mr Gwala asked whether they
would be willing to go to Marikana and he said he was willing to go there.959
With regard to the events on the 13th, It was put to him that if Mr Noki wanted
to make Major General Mpembe angry, he should have said to him we have
come here to fight you and we are going to kill you and that would have
made him start shooting.
With regard to his evidence that the police was stopping them from getting
what they wanted, Mr Budlender asked him if the police had ever stopped
him from talking to the employer. He agreed that the police did not stop them
on the 10th, but accompanied them on their march; on the 11 th when they
were marching to the NUM office; when they slept on the koppie on the night
of the 11th; on Sunday the 12th when they killed two security officers, stole
property and burnt vehicles. Thereafter the police did not disturb them or
stop them from sleeping on the koppie.960 He agreed that they enforced the
strike through violence and intimidation and the police did not stop them from
doing that. He agreed with Mr Budlender that the police did not stop them
when they went to the K4 shaft, when they killed Mr Mabebe and burnt
vehicles and when they killed Mr Langa on the morning of the 13 th. It is put
to him by Mr Budlender that the police never told the employer not to talk to
them.961 He was unable to answer the question.962Eventually he agreed that
the police never told the employer not to pay the R 12 500,00 per month that
they wanted.963
With regard to the confrontation on the 13th of August when two members of
the police and three strikers were killed, it was put by Mr Budlender that if it
was true that the strikers intended to attack the police on the 13th of August,
Page 31930-31933
Page 31936
Pages 31927-31929
Pages 31936-31938
that that was very important information and that he did not include this in his
first statement to the police in February 2013 but only brought it to their
attention in 2014.
His response was that the person who took the first
With regard to his evidence that on the 13th when they were being escorted
by the police towards the settlement, they were going to kill the people there
that were busy drinking beer while they were on strike, it was put to him that
the strike started on the 9th and they did not attack any settlement between
then and he 16th. He agreed with that.
that the only time in that entire period when they tried to attack that
settlement was when they had armed policeman watching them could not be
explained by him.965
It was also put to him that his statement in February in 2013 paragraph 19,
deals with what happened on the afternoon of the 13 th at the railway line but
does not mention anywhere that they were going in the direction of the
settlement to attack the people in the settlement when the shooting started
with the police.966
It was put to him that he said on the 16th of August that the committee
decided that the police were a stumbling block to the attainment of his
demand. It was, however, not in his statement of February 2013 and again
he said that the policeman who was taking his statement did not ask him
Pages 31939
Pages 31940 - 31943
Pages 31944- 31945
questions extensively. It was put to him that the police were not a stumbling
block to the attainment for their demand for three reasons viz because the
police said they would speak to management and ask them to speak to the
strikers, the police said they would try to get the employer to speak to them
and the police never said to management that they should not pay the
strikers R 12 500,00 per month. He agreed with all the propositions. He
also agreed that the police interfered with their activities only on one
occasion, on the 13th of August, but on that occasion they actually did what
they were requested to do which was to accompany them towards the
koppie with their dangerous weapons.
Some of his evidence, like Mr Mathunjwas calls to Xolani and arriving at the
Koppie on the 14th is plainly false. So too is his version that firing
commenced whilst Major General Mpembe was counting on the13th.
Up to 32010
Exhibit AAAA 25
Day 257, Mr X, pp. 32480 to 32488
What perhaps is more probable is his version that they decided to kill anyone
who came in their way. This would explain why they attacked and killed the
two security officers who posed no threat to them whatsoever on the 12th.
that parts of the tongue and chin of Mr Fundi were removed from his
body at the time he was killed. This mutilation does not appear ex
facie the post mortem report. It is confirmed by Mr Fundis brother
who saw the body prior to burial;
at the inspection in loco, the ropes that he said were used to tie up
the sheets and the sheep were present at the spot he pointed out, as
was the spoon that was used to lick the muti.
the firearm with the red on the top was recovered from Mr
Tholakhele subsequent to information provided by Mr X to the
104) It would appear that the only area in which any reliance can placed on Mr Xs
evidence is where it relates to muti. The use of intelezi is not disputed, and is
shown on various slides in Exhibit L. If his evidence about the removal of the
body parts of Mr Fundi is accepted, then it must be accepted that it was for
the purposes of making strong muti.
105) His evidence provides possible explanations for the crouching posture
adopted by the strikers and the clenching of their fists.
106) His evidence also provides a possible explanation for why all the strikers ran
away when shots were fired on the 11th, but were focussed, organized and
brave on the 12th after the rituals had been conducted on the afternoon of
the 11th. The 12th is also the first time that the crouching posture is noticed.
108) The stringent test for relying on one portion of the evidence of a witness
where he is clearly untruthful on other important issues is enunciated by Sir
William Solomon in Rex v Kumalo 1916 AD 480 at 484 and quoted in R v W
and Another 1960(3)247 at 249 (ECD):
In Mnyanda v R 1941 (2) P.H. H.130 the principle was applied by Tindall J.
it has been pointed out by this Court that, though it is competent
for a Court, while rejecting one portion of the sworn testimony of a
witness, to accept another portion, where a witness has already
perjured himself on a matter of great importance, the Court must
have very good reasons before it holds that in other respects such
witness is speaking the truth. A fortiori where a witness who has
given certain evidence is recalled and then tells the Court that his
previous evidence was false and he adheres to his retraction, the
Court is only justified in discarding the retraction and acting on the
witness original evidence of the other evidence (sic) or the
relevant circumstances suplly convincing reasons for holding that
he original statement was the truth. If the evidence of such a
witness were not treated with this extreme caution a grave
miscarriage of justice might result. Examination and consideration
of the record has satisfied the Court that such support is absent.
We have already set out (in the first draft on Mr X )that while he was
contradictory and unreliable in many aspects, there is corroboration for
his evidence with regard to the removal of part of the tongue and chin
of Mr Fundi, as well as the finding of the strands of wool with spoons
attached to the trees at the pointing out by him.
It is not disputed that intelezi was used. The removal of the body parts
at the request of the Inyanga points to the use of stronger muti.
Mr X testified that one of the reasons for the use of the muti was to
make them brave and strong warriors and that they would not be
susceptible to being shot as the guns would jam and the bullets would
have no effect upon them.
behaviour which might have, in their minds, been understood to be
The strikers also carried out attacks and killings in broad daylight on
Lonmin property where they must have known of the presence of
There are also various reports in the media before us corroborating the
use of muti by the strikers, and their belief that they would not be shot
by any firearms.
Annexure F