The Daily Planet is a fictional newspaper in DC Comics featuring Superman. It is based in Metropolis and employs Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen, with Perry White as editor-in-chief. The Daily Planet building takes visual inspiration from the Old Toronto Star Building and is located in the heart of Metropolis. One of its most famous features is the enormous globe that sits atop the building.
The Daily Planet is a fictional newspaper in DC Comics featuring Superman. It is based in Metropolis and employs Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen, with Perry White as editor-in-chief. The Daily Planet building takes visual inspiration from the Old Toronto Star Building and is located in the heart of Metropolis. One of its most famous features is the enormous globe that sits atop the building.
The Daily Planet is a fictional newspaper in DC Comics featuring Superman. It is based in Metropolis and employs Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen, with Perry White as editor-in-chief. The Daily Planet building takes visual inspiration from the Old Toronto Star Building and is located in the heart of Metropolis. One of its most famous features is the enormous globe that sits atop the building.
The Daily Planet is a fictional newspaper in DC Comics featuring Superman. It is based in Metropolis and employs Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen, with Perry White as editor-in-chief. The Daily Planet building takes visual inspiration from the Old Toronto Star Building and is located in the heart of Metropolis. One of its most famous features is the enormous globe that sits atop the building.
The Daily Planet is a fictional broadsheet newspaper appearing in American comic
books published by DC Comics, commonly in association withSuperman. The
newspaper is based out of the fictional city of Metropolis, and employs Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen, with Perry White as itseditor-in-chief. The building's original features appear to be based upon the Old Toronto Star Building, where Superman co-creator Joe Shuster was a newsboy when theToronto Star was still called the Daily Star. Shuster has claimed that Metropolis was visually inspired by Toronto.[1] However, over the years, Metropolis has served as a fictional analogue to New York City.[2] The newspaper is said to be located in the heart of Metropolis, at the corner of Fifth Street and Concord Lane.[citation needed] One story claims the Planetbegan publication in 1775 and that George Washington wrote a guest editorial for the first daily edition.[3] The Daily Planet building's most distinguishing and famous feature is the enormous globe that sits on top of the building.