Sample Syllabus Chicano Studies
Sample Syllabus Chicano Studies
Sample Syllabus Chicano Studies
Class Participation/Attendance: 10%
Take Home Midterm: 40% (Due Tuesday August 28) No late Midterms will be accepted.
In-Class Final: 50% (Thursday September 13 ONLY)
Required Materials:
Coursereader at CopyMat 10919 Weyburn Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90024, (310) 824-5276
Open Weekdays 9am-5pm
Week 1: Demographics, Racial Identities, & Participation
Bedolla, Lisa Garcia. 2009. Latino Politics. Polity
Introduction: Latinos and US Politics
Garcia, John A. 2011. Latino Politics in America. Second Edition. Rowman & Littlefield
Publishers.Ch. 3: Culture & Demographics & Ch. 5 The Politics of Interest and Culture.
Cobas, Jose A. Jorge Duany & Joe R. Feagin eds. 2009. How the United States Racializes
Latinos: White Hegemony & Its Consequences. Paradigm Publishers.
Introduction: Racializing Latinos: Historical Background and Current Forms &
Ch.1 Pigments of Our Imagination: On the Racialization and Racial Identities of Hispanics
and Latinos (Ruben Rumbaut).
Cohn, DVera. 2011.Census 2010: 50 Million Latinos: Hispanics Account for More Than Half of
Nations Growth in Past Decade. Pew Hispanic Center.
Cohn, DVera 2011.Latino Youths Optimistic But Beset by Problems. Pew Hispanic Center.
Lopez, Mark Hugo. 2011.The Latino Electorate in 2010: More Voters, More Non-Voters. Pew
Hispanic Center.
Chapter 1: Race, Immigration and the American Welfare State, & Ch 4 The Mexican
Dependency Problem
Fraga, Luis R & Gary Segura. 2006. Culture Clash? Contesting Notions of American Identity
and the Effects of Latin American Immigration.
Cobas, Jose A. Jorge Duany & Joe R. Feagin eds. 2009. How the United States Racializes
Latinos: White Hegemony & Its Consequences. Paradigm Publishers.
Ch 4: Repression and Resistance: The Lynching of Persons of Mexican Origin in the United
States, 1848-1928 (William D. Carrigan and Clive Webb, Ch 6: Racializing the Language
Practices of US Latinos: Impact on their Education (Ofelia Garcia)
Murray, Mark, May 26, 2010. On Immigration, Racial Divide Runs Deep. MSNBC
White, Elon James.2011.Black Leaders Get Close-up View of Alabamas New Jim Crow.
Bigger, Jeff. 2011. Unidos Present Ten Point Resolution on Arizona Ethnic Studies Crisis We
Want an Educational System Where Many Cultures Fit. SpeakEasy.