Standard 2
Standard 2
Standard 2
NAEYC Standard:
Candidates prepared in early childhood degree programs understand that successful early
childhood education depends upon partnerships with childrens families and communities. They
a) know about, understand, and value the importance and complex characteristics of childrens
families and communities. They use this understanding to b) create respectful, reciprocal
relationships that support and empower families, and c) to involve all families in their childrens
development and learning. (NAEYC, 2010)
Brief Description of Evidence:
As a part of my ECED 204 Families in Transition course during the fall semester of
2013, I worked in a small group of students to create a family scenario and help them to find
multiple diverse resources in order to cope with the different family struggles as well as
encouraging them to be involved in their childs development and learning. I worked with my
group to assist the family in locating local resources that will help empower them as well as help
them to create respectful relationships within the family and the community.
Analysis of What I Learned:
As a result of completing this project, I learned how to find local resources to help
families in times of need. I learned how to form positive, reciprocal partnerships with families of
children in my care by making myself readily available to them whenever needed. I learned how
to open my mind and see that there are many different types of families and lifestyles with
various needs. Through this project I was able to see the world through the eyes of families who
were struggling in ways I have never struggled before and in turn it gave me a new aspect into
how I want to teach in my classroom.
How This Artifact Demonstrates my Competence on the NAEYC Standard:
By using the diverse set of local resources I collected I was able to assist the families in
receiving the help they needed in times of transitioning. In doing this the children are getting out
into the community and involved in the place where they live. I was able to assist the parents by
providing them with information that they in turn were able to use to get the help they needed. I
was able to empower the families to change their circumstances by showing them where to go
for certain needs. I am confident in my ability to locate local resources and team with diverse
families in their attempts to help further their childs learning and development.