R 5th Year OSCE - Part 2
R 5th Year OSCE - Part 2
R 5th Year OSCE - Part 2
Table of Content
Part 1
Part 2
Notes/Make-up scenarios: GP
2012 OSCE
2011 OSCE
2010 OSCE
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Station 1 - CXR
Level 1
- Pulmonary effusion/Pleural effusion
- Pulmonary edema (HF management)
- Consolidation (Pneumonia)
- Atelectesis
- Pneumothorax
Level 2
- Interstitial lung diseases E.g. Fibrosis
- Cystic Bronchiectasis (CXR+CT)
- Pulmonary nodules
Level 1
- Abdominal Pain, Hematemesis, PR bleeding,
Jaundice, Dysphagia, Melena
- Pancreatitis
- Cholestatic liver disease
- Hemochromatosis
Level 2
- Cirrhosis
- Liver failure
- Peptic ulcer
Level 1
- Anemia (Lab interpretation)
- Bleeding disorders
- Thrombophilia
- Pancytopenia
- Multiple myeloma
Level 2
- Transfusion products + Side effects
Usually there are 3 stations and they are:
- Asthma
- Pulmonary Embolism
Level 2
- Respiratory failure type 1, II
Level 1
- Weight loss, Polyuria
- Thyroid
- Hypercalcemia
- DM Complication/Examinations
- Lipid
Station 1: ECG/CXR, As only CXR in 2012, ECG (+/- CXR) 99% will come out in 2013
Station 2: Lap interpretation, Renal function test in 2012
Station 3: History taking + Physical Examination (Verbally) + DDx + Investigation + Management (Usually a neuro/gastro/endo case), Peripheral polyneuropathy
in 2012
Minimal to Know: ECG level 1, CXR level 1, Lab interpretation level 1 + Neuro/Renal/Gastro level 1
It is diagnosed when QRS duration is > 0.12 seconds (if <0.12 and LBBB QRS
morphology = Incomplete LBBB)
QS or rS complex in V1
M pattern in V6
Associated Conditions
- Cardiomyopathy
- Left ventricular hypertrophy
- Valvular heart diseases
- Congenital heart diseases
Important Note
- LBBB interferes with ECG diagnosis of QRS axis, acute MI, ventricular
Important Note
- It does not interfere with ECG diagnosis of ventricular hypertrophy or Q
wave MI
T Inversion
- Abnormal if inverted in I, II, V4, V5, V6
- V1-V3: Normal (Black and children), RBBB, PE
- T-wave inversion: Coronary ischemia, Left ventricular hypertrophy,
- V2-V5: Subendocardial MI, HCM, Subarachnoid hemorrhage, lithium
Wellens syndrome
- V4-V6: Ischemia, LVH, LBBB
- Tall and Narrow T waves (peaked): Hyperkalemia
- Flat T wave: Cononary ischemia, Hypokalemia
J Wave = Osborn wave
- Seen in hypothermia, Subarachnoid hemorrhage, Hypercalcemia
Generally in the OSCE, LBBB or RBBB is only part of the abnormalities.
1. What is above?
- Also left atrial hypertrophy
It is diagnosed when QRS duration is > 0.12 seconds (if <0.12 and
LBBB QRS morphology = Incomplete LBBB)
QS or rS complex in V1
M pattern in V6
Important Note
Associated Conditions
- Cardiomyopathy
- Left ventricular hypertrophy
- Valvular heart diseases
- Congenital heart diseases
Important Note
LBBB interferes with ECG diagnosis of QRS axis, acute MI, ventricular
ECG-L1-Heart Block
1. What is this?
- First degree heart block
- Increased PR interval
1. What is this?
- 2nd Degree Heart Block: Type I Wenckebach
- Progressive lengthening of the PR interval and the failure of conduction of
an atrial beat
- In healthy individual, this is often due to increased vagal tone and is
abolished by exercise
3. How would you investigate?
4. The blood tests are unremarkable. What is the treatment for 1st degree
heart block?
- In general no treatment required for asymptomatic
- People with symptoms try to identify and correct the cause (see
causes above)
- Note: Small risk of developing into higher heart block
4. The blood tests are unremarkable. What is the treatment for 1st degree
heart block?
1. What is this?
- 2nd Degree Heart Block: Type 2 Mobitz
- Most beats are conducted with a constant PR interval, but occasionally
there is an atrial contraction without a subsequent ventricular contraction
- Does not go away with exercise
4. How to manage?
1. What is this?
- Complete heart block/3rd degree HB
- Progressive lengthening of the PR interval and the failure of conduction of
an atrial beat
What is this?
- Heart rate may be 140-240 beats/min and is regular (different from AF E.g. irregular in AF)
- The P wave is often buried in the QRS complex
Ans = AV nodal reentrant tachycardia
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia
Background From Wiki 2012
- Supraventricular tachycardia is any rapid heart rhythm originating from
above the ventricle
Essential of Diagnosis
- Frequently associated with palpitation
- Sudden onset and termination
- Rapid, regular rhythm
The term often refer to one specific cause of SVT, namely paroxysmal
supraventricular tachycardia
- 2 common types: Atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia (E.g. WolffParkinson-White Syndrome) and AV nodal reentrant tachycardia
General Consideration
- Often occurs in patient without structural heart disease
- Most common mechanism is reentry, which is most commonly seen within
the AV node = AV nodal reentrant tachycardia
- Less commonly, reentry is due to an accessory pathway between the
atria and ventricles = AV reentrant tachycardia or Atrioventricular
reciprocating tachycardia
- Mechanical Measures: Valsalva maneuver, Carotid sinus massage (often
performed by physicians, should be avoided in carotid bruits), Others
Coughing, Stretching the arms and body, Splashing cold water on the face
- Drug Therapy: IV Adenosine, Calcium blockers (E.g. Verapamil)
- Cardioversion: 2 electrode pads are used
Supraventricular Tachycardia due to Accessory AV Pathways
Essential of Diagnosis
- Frequently associated with palpitation
- Can be associated with syncope
- Rapid, regular rhythm
- May have narrow or wide QRS complex on ECG
- Often have pre-excitation (delta wave) on baseline ECG
- Catheter ablation
- Drugs: Managed differently from the reentry type, use class III E.g.
Amiodarone = Potassium blockers
General Consideration
- If there is a direct connection between the atria and ventricle through
Kent bundles = Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
- Often a short PR interval and a delta wave
- Up to 30% of patients with WPW syndrome will develop AF or Atrial
What is this?
Ans: AF
Atrial Fibrillation Current Medicine 2012
Essential of Diagnosis
- Irregular heart rhythm
- Usually tachycardic
- Often associated with palpitation (acute onset) or fatigue (chronic)
- High incidence and prevalence in the elderly population
General Considerations
- AF is the most common chronic arrhythmias
- Affects about 10% who aged <80
- Also occurs in rheumatic and valvular heart disease, dilated
cardiomyopathy, ASD, hypertension, coronary heart disease
- Also occurs in patients with no apparent cardiac disease
- It may be the initial presenting sign in thyrotoxicosis, and this should be
excluded with the initial episode
- ECG: Typically demonstrates disorganized atrial activity with QRS
- AF often paroxysmal before becoming the established rhythm
- Alcohol excess, withdrawal may precipitate AF
AF Therapeutic Guidelines
General Issues
- AF usually presents with an irregular ventricular rate of around 160-180
beats a minute in untreated patients with a normal AV nodes
- If patient presents for the first time attempt to identify causes E.g.
high BP, mitral valvular disease, thyrotoxicosis, HF
3 Types
- Paroxysmal AF: Episodes come on suddenly, generally revert in next 1-2
days without any intervention
- Persistent AF: Abrupt onset, but episodes persists for days or weeks
- Permanent (Chronic) AF
- All 3 types have similar risk of thromboembolism
- 3 areas to consider: Rate control, Rhythm control, Prophylaxis against
thromboembolic complications
Rhythm Control and Cardioversion
- If the patient has severe symptoms or a compromised hemodynamic
state, cardioversion should always be considered immediately, it is safe
to cardiovert is the episode has lasted less than 48 hours
- If >48 hours, risk of thromboembolism increased
- Conversion with drug therapy: Amiodarone
Synchronized Electrical Cardioversion
- Requires a DC shock, starting with 100 joules
- But consider 200 or 300 in a larger patient
Rate Control
- Use: Atenolol, Metoprolol, Diltiazem, Verapamil
- Also Ventricular rate has been traditionally been controlled with digoxin
- Aspirin 100-300 mg orally, daily
- Warfarin or Dabigatran
- Prophylaxis of Stroke: Aspirin and Clopidogrel
What is this?
Ans: AF = Atrial Flutter
Essential of Diagnosis
- Regular heart rhythm
- Usually tachycardia 100-150 bpm
- Often wit palpitation or fatigue
- ECG show sawtooth pattern in leads II, III and aVF
- Often seen in conjunction with structural heart disease or chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease
General Consideration
- Less common than AF
- Occurs most often in patients with COPD
- The reentrant circuit generates atrial rates of 250-350 bpm
- Ventricular rate control: Same agents for AF, nit more difficult with flutter
- Anticoagulants
What is this ECG?
Clinical Findings
- The patient may sense it as a skipped beat
- PVB the QRS complexes is differ from the normal ones, usually not
preceded by a P wave
ECG-L1-High K
Ineffective Elimination
- Rhabdomyolysis,
- Massive blood transfusion
- Burns
- Shift out of cells by Metabolic acidosis, Low insulin level
Excessive Intake
- Excessive K+ supplement
Artefactual results
- Hemolysis E.g. Difficult puncture
- Contamination with potassium EDTA anticoagulant in FBC bottles
- Thrombocythaemia (K+ leaks out of platelets during clotting)
- Delayed analysis (K+ leaks out of RBCs)
Signs and Symptoms
Review medications
Polystyrene sulfonate resin, binds to K+ and prevent absorption, lower
level over a few days
1. What is AV dissociation?
- The ventricular rate is the same or faster than atrial
rate 2 rhythms present
- Atrial impulses arriving at the AV node when it is
refractory so not conducted
2 Types
- Complete dissociation, none of the P wave conduct
- Incomplete, some P wave capture the ventricles
3. What are the causes of it?
- Surgical and anesthesia interventions E.g. intubation
- Medications
- Sinus node diseases
- Digoxin
- MI
- Electrolyte imbalances
5. How to treat?
- Treatment directed on the cause
There are p-waves and there are QRS complexes and many seem to have no relation to
each other. It is easy to believe there is complete AV block. But there is not AV block,
this is AV dissociation
This is AV Block
This is AV Dissociation
1. Define bradyarrhythmias.
- HR < 60 bpm
Case 1
1. What is case 1?
- Pulmonary effusion
3. What symptoms?
- Dyspnoea
- Dull chest pain
5. The fluid is drawn from the pleura. What is this procedure called?
- Thoracentesis
Case 2
2. What is pleural effusion?
- Fluid in the pleural cavity
4. What clinical signs?
- Displacement of the trachea away from a large effusion
- Reduced movement of the affected side
- Dull on percussion
- Breath sounds are reduced or absent over a pleural effusion
- Reduced vocal fremitus over a pleural effusion
6. What can be done on the fluid drawn?
- pH, Glucose, Protein, Albumin, LDH, Amylase
- Gram stain, Culture
- Cell count and differential
- Cytopathology to identify cancer cells
8. What are the 2 types of fluid and their causes?
Transudative (protein <25g, due to increase in hydrostatic pressure )
- Left ventricular failure/Congestive heart failure
- Cirrhosis
- Nephrotic syndrome/Renal failure
3. What symptoms?
- Shortness of breath
- Exertional dyspnea
- Cough
- Tachypnea
- Orthopnea
- Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
- Later: Blood stained sputum, cyanosis
5. What investigations?
- CXR, ECG (look for MI)
- U&E
- Lung function test (not in an emergency setting)
- Hypothyroidism
Exudative (protein >35g, due to inflammation)
- Bacterial pneumonia
- Cancer
- Viral infection
- Pulmonary embolism
- TB/Lupus
- Pancreatitis
10. How to manage this patient?
- Depends on the underlying cause
- Chest drain
2. What are the causes of pulmonary edema?
Increase in the Capillary Permeability
- Pneumonia, Renal failure, ARDS
Increase in the Capillary Pressure
- Left heart failure, Fluid overloaded E.g. Renal/Liver failure
Reduction in the Oncotic Pressure
- Hypoalbuminemia E.g. Liver failure, Nephrotic sydrome
4. What signs?
- Cheyne stokes respiration in severe cases
- JVP elevated
- Basal crepitations
- Triple or gallop rhythm HS
- A pleural effusion may also be present
6. How to manage?
Acute Management
- IV access
- Sit upright
- Oxygen (make sure no underlying chronic lung diseases)
- Frusemide + GTN Spray
- Consider morphine
- Put in an urinary catheter
- If severe CPAP
- If AF Amiodarone
- If still fails Dobutamine, a sympathomimetic drug used in heart failure
and cardiogenic shock
Case 1:
1. What is case 1?
- Pneumonia (increase in opacity)
Case 2:
2. What are the causes of community and hospital acquired pneumonia?
3. How would you assess the severity of the patient presenting to ED?
- Confusion/O2 sat<90%/RR >30 breaths a min/SBP <90mmHg
7. What is this?
Pneumocystic jiroveci pneumonia
Treated by Trimethoprim + Sulfamethoxazole
CXR-L1-COPD + Pneumothorax
What is this?
What is your acute management?
Bronchodilator: Salbutamol by inhalation, up to 10 inhalations or
Ipratropium up to 6 inhalations
- If not adequate nebulized therapy
- Systemic Corticosteroids E.g. Prednisolone 30-50mg orally daily
- Antibiotics: Amoxycillin 500mg orally, 8 hourly for 5 days
Oxygen Therapy
- Maintain O2 sat about 88-92%
- Be aware, cos this may inhibit the respiratory drive relying on CO2, in
generally if PaO2 is >65 (or if O2 sat is > 92%) Reduce O2
What is this?
Tension Pneumothorax
What is your acute management?
Tension pneumothorax is a medical emergency requiring urgent
- It is associated with severe SOB, tachycardia, hypotension and circulatory
- Commonly seen in traumatic patients
- Urgent Needle Decompression Insert a cannula above the 3rd rib in the
mid-clavicular line, remove the needle from the cannula, a gush of air
confirm the diagnosis, once done a thoracostomy tube should be inserted
- Catheter Aspiration E.g. Venous catheter, insert above the 3rd rib along
the mid-clavicular line, repeat CXR, Catheter should be connected to a
continuous drainage
- Intercostal Tube Drainage Preferred in tension pneumothorax, the tube
should be connected to a continuous drainage or underwater seal, it is a
specialized procedure
3. What is the management for pneumothorax?
Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax
Ans: Respiratory Acidosis
Ans: Respiratory acidosis + Metabolic alkalosis = Compensated
1. Interpret the above results.
- Step 1 pH: Low = Acidosis, High = Alkalosis
- Step 2 bicarbonate: Low = Metabolic acidosis, High = Metabolic
- Step 3 PCO2: Low= Respiratory alkalosis, High = Respiratory acidosis
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
- Low pH = Acidosis Respiratory acidosis
- High pH = Alkalosis
- Low pH = Acidosis
- Low bicarbonate = Metabolic acidosis
- High Bicarbonate = Metabolic alkalosis
- High bicarbonate = Metabolic alkalosis
- Low PCO2 = Respiratory alkalosis
- Normal PCO2
- Ans: Metabolic alkalosis
- High PCO2 = Respiratory acidosis
- Ans: Metabolic acidosis
- Ans: Respiratory acidosis
Ans: Hemolysis
26 Male
- Normal
18 Female
- Iron deficiency as indicated by the low ferritin
41 Male
- Iron overloaded
67 Female
- Chronic disease
15 Female
- Intercurrent Illness
21 Female
- Pregnancy or estrogen therapy
3. In 18 years old female, she has iron deficiency. What are the causes? How would
you manage her?
- Causes: Poor diet, Vegetarian, Blood loss (menorrhagia, ulcer), Malabsorption
(celiac disease)
- Signs: Koilonychia, Glossitis, Stomatitis
- Treatment: Oral ferrous, Then IM if intolerate (E.g. GI side effects,
Hepcidin, produced by the liver when the iron level is high, and
inhibits the absorption of iron in the intestines
- Hepcidin binds to the ferropotin in the enterocytes and inhibits
absorption of iron
- In hemochromatosis, impaired production of the Hepcidin
- Iron is transferred by transferring
- Stored in ferritin (intracellular protein that stores iron), but we test
for serum ferritin
4. She fails to improve. What are the possible causes?
Continued blood loss
Misdiagnosis E.g. Thalassemia
Some Definitions
A measure of lung function, how much air and how quickly air can be
moved in and out of the lungs
FVC (forced vital capacity): The maximum air that can be inhaled or
How to do?
Breath in fully
Seal the lips around the mouth piece
Blow out as long as possible, and as hard as possible
Repeat the test if necessary
- Recent eye or abdominal surgery
- Aneurysm
- Chest pain
- Abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea
- Children below the age of seven
PFT Function
PaO2 (normal 75-100mmHg), if low O2 = hypoxemic, is level < 60mmHg
oxygen, if lower than 26mmHg risk of death, must oxygenate
- PaCO2 (35-45mmHg), high level indicate hypoventilation (E.g. respiratory
acidosis or hypercapinia), low level indicate hyperventilation (E.g.
Respiratory alkalosis)
- HCO3-: Indicate if a metabolic problem is present, high = metabolic
- Base Excess: If high >+2 = There is metabolic alkalosis, If <-2 = Metabolic
- Anion gap: Used to work out the causes of metabolic acidosis
Lab-L1- Anemia (make sure you know pernicious anemia)
- Whay are the cause of high, normal and low MCV anemia?
Low hemoglobin
<135 g/L for men, <115 g/L for women
Symptoms: Fatigue, Dyspnea, Faintness, Palpitation, Headache, Tinnitus,
Signs: Pallor, Tachycardia, Flow murmur, cardiac enlargement, blood
transfusion can be fatal in cardiac failure
Lab-L1- hemolysis
This 35 years old lady comes to see you because of SOB. Here is the result of the blood test.
1. What is A and B?
- A: DKA Predominantly with type I
- B: HHS Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemia State With type II
3. What is the management of DKA?
- Fluid Management: Normal saline 1L/h over the first 2 hours, then 3-4
liters in the first 8 hours, when the glucose falls about 14, a 10% glucose
containing solution should be used (cerebral edema can develop due to
quick decline)
- Insulin Replacement: IV 0.1 unit per kg
- Potassium: As the acidosis is corrected, potassium will flow out of cells
be aware of hyperkalemia
Physical Examination
General Inspection
GIT examination: Note sign of alcoholism, liver failure = portal
hypertension, Signs of liver failure (Leuconychia, Clubbing, Palmar
erythema, bruising, asterixis, jauncdice, fetor hepaticus, gynecomastia,
spider naevi, Hepatosplenomegaly, ascites, legs edema)
- Cardio examination: Liver failure right heart failure, Note perfusion,
5. Management
General Management
- Fluid resuscitation
- Correct coagulation
- Upper endoscopy = Diagnostic and therapeutic
Esophageal Varices
- Ligation upon endoscopy
Mallory-Weiss tear
- Treatment usually supportive, as persistent bleeding is uncommon
- But cauterization or injection of adrenaline to the bleeding site stop
the bleeding
Peptic Ulcer
- Omeprazole + Amoxycillin (if allergic use Metronidazole) + Clarithromycin
65 years old female has a background of end stage renal failure, which was managed by hemodialysis. She received heparin 2 weeks ago as a thrombolytic
prophylaxis during the hemodialysis. Today she presented to you with a swollen left leg.
- Explain how to investigate of you suspect this is a DVT. You will be provided with the results later.
1. What is the DDx of a left swollen leg?
2. What is your approach to this patient?
- Arterial occlusion
- History (ask risk factors for DVT)
- Physical Examination (tenderness, calf swelling, pitting edema)
- Cellulitis
- Investigations
3. What investigation would you order? Give reason.
4. How to manage DVT?
- D-dimer
- Clexane (low molecular heparin) SC 1.5mg/kg for at least 5 days
- Doppler US look for lack of compressibility
- Warfarin daily adjusted according to INR 2-3
- Coagulation studies (which includes APTT, PT, INR)
- Check platelets one week after starting LMWH risk of
- FBC (for cellulitis, for platelet counts)
- Anti-phospholipid antibodies (HD/Bonus , to screen for anti- Duration of treatment 3-6 months
phospholipid syndrome)
5. The blood test came back. And the platelet count was abnormally low. How 6. What do they mean APTT, PT, INR?
will you explain this?
- Heparin induced thrombocytopenia
- PT Prothrombin Time, normall 10-14s
- Formation of antibodies that activates platelet predispose to
- APTT Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time, mainly used to monitor
effect of Heparin
- Type 1 Mild, self-limiting fall in platelet
- INR usually 1-2, Target INR for warfarin is 2-3
- Type 2 Severe form
- INR is a ratio of PTtest/PTnormal
7. What are the different types of anti-coagulants?
8. What are the types of anti-platelets?
- Warfarin Vitamin K antagonist, may lead to skin necrosis, can be
- Aspirin
reversed by FFP, INR
- Clopidogrel (Pivax) APD receptor inhibitors
- Heparin Binding to anti-thrombin III inactivate thrombin, APTT
monitoring, reversed by potamine
- Clexane Low molecular weight heparin
- Direct thrombin inhibitors Dabigatran, in AF
- Direct factor Xa inhibitors Apixaban
Case 1: You are a GP. This 45 years old female presented to you because of sudden onset dyspnea. She said it was not her first time. 1 week ago she was
prescribed an ACEI by another GP to control her newly diagnosed HTN. She had a bad reaction to the ACEI (short of breath) and was changed to ACERB. She
has been taking the ACERB for the past 3 days without problems but today she was suddenly short of breath. She thinks it is the mediation that is causing the
symptom. You agreed and discontinued the medication. Next day you received a call from the hospital and were told that the patient died last night. Later
autopsy revealed a big pulmonary embolism.
1. What are the risk factors of PE?
2. What are the clinical features of PE?
- Age
- New or worsening dyspnea
- Obesity
- Chest pain pleuritic chest pain/retrosternal chest pain
- History of DVT/PE
- Tachypnea
- Hormone therapy
- Tachycardia
- Pregnancy
- Hemoptysis
- Immobility
- Syncope
- Surgery
- Cyanosis
- Shock
3. What would you do if you suspect the patient has PE?
4. What investigations?
- Pretest probability
- ECG: Often normal except for sinus tachycardia, AF may present,
Evidence of myocardial ischemia, the classic S1,Q3,T3 with right axis
deviation and RBBB is uncommon
Clinical Signs and Symptoms of PE
CXR may show reduced vascular markings
Alternative Diagnosis Unlikely to be PE
HR >100
Previous DVT or PE
- Low (<2) Dimer, then Ventilation perfusion scan or CT pulmonary
- High (>6) Ventilation perfusion scan or CT pulmonary angiography
- If still non-diagnostic, do US of the leg veins
5. What is the management?
- Hemodynamic Compromise E.g. Right ventricular strains (as
demonstrated by Echo or elevated troponin and/or severe hypoxemia)
- Heparin 80 units/kg loading dose IV, then 18 units/kg/hour IV infusion
and adjust according to APTT (platelet count should also be monitored
because of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia) can use Clexane instead
- Warfarin should be started, adjust according to INR
If ongoing hypotension, right heart failure or severe hypoxemia, duration 3-6
- Human Plasminogen Activator: Alteplase
7. What are the indications of thrombophilic screen?
- <40-50 years old without obvious risk factors
- Fx of VTE in young patient
- Unusual site of VTE
- History of recurrent miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, placental abruption
- Skin necrosis after use of warfarin
9. What suggestions would you give to reduce risk VTE when flying?
- Low risk individuals: Keep mobile, drink plenty of fluid
- Medium risk: Addition of compression stockings
- High risk: SC Enoxoparin before flight and on the following day
1. What is happening?
- Hypothyroidism
- Levothyroxine
4. How to diagnose?
For Screening: Thyroid Function Test
- Particularly important to determine free T3 and T4, as oral estrogen can
increase the level of throxine-binding protein
- TSH, low in primary, high in secondary
For Hypothyroidism
- Add antithyroglobulin and antithyroperoxidase antibodies for Hashimoto
- Remember to do lipid profile, hypothyroidism associate with high LDL
and TG
For Hyperthyroidism
- Graves Disease: Antithyroglobulin and antimicrosomal antibodies
(elevated in graves disease), TSH receptor antibodies (usually 65% in
Graves Disease)
- 123 Iodine uptake scan Increase uptake hot areas on scan
For Thyroid Nodules
- FNA, guided by US
- 123 Iodine uptake
- Usually not necessary, also often pituitary gland is enlarged due to
hyperplasia from secreting much more TSH, which can be mistaken as
6. What are the complications of hypothyroidism?
Iodine deficiency
Medications E.g. Amiodarone
Infiltration E.g. Sarcoidosis
1. What is happening?
- Hyperthyroidism
Cardiac complications
Increased susceptibility to bacterial pneumonia
If untreated in pregnancy can lead to miscarriage
Myxedema crisis
5. How to manage?
- Drugs: beta blockers for rapid control of symptoms
- Anti-thyroid medications: Carbimazole +/- Thyroxine (to reduce the risk
of hypothyrodism), in Graves maintain regime for 12-18 months then
withdraw, about 50% will relapse, require radioiodine or surgery, Side
effects of Carbimazole: agranulocytosis (decrease in white blood cells)
stop if signs of infection E.g. sore throat, mouth ulcer
- Radioiodine: Most become hypothyroid post treatment, no evidence of
birth defects, caution in active hyperthyroidism as risk of thyroid storm
- Thyroidectomy: Risk of damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve and
hypoparathyroidism, patients may become hypo or hyperthyroid
radiation, Parvovirus can cause short lived aplastic anemia (but most
cases go unnoticed as the RBC live up to 180 days)
- Diagnosis: Can only be confirmed on bone marrow biopsy, but blood tests
should be done before the bone biopsy (E.g. FBC, RFT, U&E, LFT, LTL, B12
and B9)
- Treatment: Suppression of the immune system, in more severe cases a
bone marrow transplant, Mild chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide
may be effective
- Prognosis: Untreated leads to death in 6 months, with prompt treatment
survival from 5-10 years, and many live well beyond that length of time
- Occasionally milder cases resolve on their own, relapses are common
7. Explain multiple myeloma?
- Cancer of the plasma cells, which are derived from B lymphocytes
- Important: Do a serum protein electrophoresis & ESR on all over 50
presented with back pain
- Anemia, Recurrent infection, Bleeding
- Renal impairment
- Osteolytic lesions E.g. back pain, pathological fractures, vertebral collapse
- Hypercalcemia E.g. Stones, Bones, Groans, Psychiatric overtones
- Serum and urine electrophoresis
- Also FBC, increased urea, Ca++, ESR
- Protein band on electrophoresis
- CRAB Calcium/Renal/Anemia/Back pain
Lab-L1-CFS interpretation
You are a RMO. You were notified that one of the patient has a potassium level of 6.1mmol/L.
Explain your approach. (Always history, physical examination and investigation.)
1. What are the causes of hyperkalemia?
2. What are the signs and symptoms?
- Artefactual Results: Difficult puncture, Delayed analysis, Contamination
- Fast irregular pulse
with potassium EDTA anticoagulants in FBC bottles
- Chest pain
- Ineffective Elimination: Renal failure, K+ sparing diuretics, ACEI, NSAIDs,
- Weakness
- Palpitation
- Light-headedness
- Excessive Intake: Excessive K+ supplements
- Excessive Release from Cells: Massive blood transfusion, Rhabdomyolysis,
Shift out of cells by metabolic acidosis/low insulin
3. What would you worry most?
4. What 2 things you would do before treatment?
- Ventricular fibrillation
- Physical examination and ECG to rule out artefactual result and
monitor heart
- Tall T wave
- Wide QRS complex
- Absent T wave
- Flattening of P wave?
6. What is the immediate treatment?
Stabilizing Cardiac Cell Membrane
- Adults: 10ml of 10% calcium gluconate, slow IV over 10 mins
- Avoid use of Digoxin
Shifting K+ into Cells
- Glucose and Insulin Short acting insulin 10 unit bolus + 50% glucose 50ml
IV over 5 mins
- Salbutamol may be needed, 0.5mg IV, have the potential to precipirate
cardiac arrhythmias
8. What food is high in potassium?
- Bananas
- Avocados
- Salmon
- Yogurt
- Dried apricots
- Baked potatoes
- Spinach
Case 1
55 years old man was admitted to ED after running marathon for 3 hours. He has a sodium level of 118. How do you explain this? He looks sick. What to look
for on clinical examination? What is your immediate management?
Case 2
67 years old female, on a background of chronic renal failure secondary to her DM, was noted to have a sodium level of 125. How do you explain this? She
looks fine on clinical examination, why? What is your immediate management?
1. What is the normal range of sodium?
2. What are the signs and symptoms you are looking for?
- Normal Range 135-145
- N+V, Headache, Confusion, Lethargy, Fatigue, Appetite loss,
- Hypo when <135
Restlessness, Irritability
- Mild = 125-135
- Muscle weakness, Cramps, Seizures
- Moderate = 115-124
- Neurological Signs: Due to brain edema, most often when sodium <115
- Severe when <115 neurological signs
- Worse case herniation brain stem compression respiratory
- Severity of symptoms, severe if acute drop
- Chronic neurological adaptation
3. What are the possible causes of hyponatremia?
4. How to manage the patient in case 1 and 2?
Both water and sodium increases Hypervolemic Hyponatremia
In Case 1
- Liver/Renal/Cardiac failure water overloaded (most common)
- Since he has been running marathon, the likely cause = loss of sodium
- Nephrotic syndrome
- He is sick acute severe symptomatic hyponatremia
- Inappropriate IV therapy
- Require immediate IV sodium chloride 3%
Slightly increased water, sodium remains the same Normovolemic
In Case 2
- Likely cause = water overloaded chronic hyponatremia
- Hypothyroidism
- Management: Fluid restriction
- Glucocorticoid deficiency
- Loop diuretics may be added watch out for volume depletion
- Prolonged Exercise Marathon
- SIADH CNS disorder, Medications
How can you determine if this is hypovolemic, hypervolemic or normovolemic
Sodium Loss Hypovolemic Hyponatremia
- Diuretics use
Clinical Examination if the patient is dehydrated or water overloaded
- Prolonged vomiting/diarrhea
- Mineralocorticoid deficiency - Addisons disease, Congenital adrenal
1. Serum Osmolarity:
If low Can be hypovolemic, hypervolemic or normovolemic
Hypo and hyper can usually can clinically determined
In Normovolemic Blood urea normal or slightly reduced
If normal or high Consider hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia,
2. Urine Sodium
If you determine the patient to be dehydrated, urine sodium helps to
determine the causes
Case 3
- This 45 years old man was admitted last night because of meningitis. This morning he developed hyponatremia of 128. Urinalysis showed a really high
6. What is the cause?
- SIAHD = diagnosis of exclusion
- Treat meningitis
- Fluid restriction 1.2-1.8L a day
- If <120, Sodium chloride 3% IV
1. Briefly explain the calcium homeostasis in our body.
- Overall Effects: Increase in Ca++
- Stimulating osteoclast
- Increase Ca++ reabsorption in kidneys, but losing PO43- Increase renal production of Vitamin D
- Made in C-cells of the thyroid
- Effects: Decrease in Ca++
Vitamin D and Calcitriol
- Vitamin D is first hydroxylated in the liver then in the kidney to Calcitriol
- Increase Ca++ absorption in guts
- Inhibit PTH release
- Enhanced bone turnover
A 45 years old man presented to ED because of 4 episodes of diarrhea and 2 episodes of diarrhea.
Case 1: Normal clinical examination, not confused
Case 2: Sodium was noted to be elevated at 140mmol/L
Case 3: In shock
1. How to manage case 1?
2. What are the causes of hypernatremia?
- Oral rehydration
- Inadequate intake of water
If severe E.g. Signs of dehydration
- Excessive water loss
Sodium Chloride 0.9%
- Glycosuria
Initial Bolus = 10ml/kg over 30 mins
- Diuretics
- Diabetes insipidus (inadequate ADH)
Maintenance = 100ml/kg/24 hours for the first 10kg, then 50 for the next
10kg, then 20 for the remaining kg
Add 70mmol K+ every 24 hours E.g. 20mmol K+ to each bag
E.g. 70kg man, require 2.5L of fluid + 100mmol Na+ + 70mmolK+ every 24
1L of sodium chloride
1L of 5% dextrose
1L of 5% dextrose
Add 20mmol K+ to each bag
- Alternative = 3L Hartmanns solution (sodium lactate, in extracellular
space only)
3. How to management case 2?
- Free access to water for mild cases
- 5% dextrose IV if severe
- Sodium concentration should not decreased by more than 0.5mmol/L per
hour and 10mmol/L in 24 hours
5. In case 3, the patient came in with shock, would you use sodium chloride
0.9% or 5% dextrose as the resuscitation fluid? Why?
- Use sodium chloride 0.9%, it has the osmotic effect of drawing fluid from
extravascular space into intravascular space
- 5% dextrose will just quickly distributed across the entire body
1. What are the causes of hypokalemia?
Inadequate Intake
- Rare, except in starvation
GI Loss
- Diarrhea, Vomiting
- Pancreatic adenoma
Urinary Loss
- Diuretics E.g. Thiazide, Furosemide
- Other medications: Amphotericin B
- Diabetic ketoacidosis polyuria
- Alkalosis shift K+ into cells
- High aldosterone E.g. Renal artery stenosis, Conns, Cushing
Shifting into Cells
- Insulin
- Adrenaline
- Beta agonists
Mild to Moderate
- Oral K+ supplement
Severe E.g. <2.5mmol/L
- IV potassium carefully, not more than 20mmol/hour
- Continuous ECG monitoring
- Check K+ every 3-6 hours
- Magnesium deficiency should be corrected
- Do not give K+ if oliguria
3. Name one genetic disorder that is associated with hypokalemia.
- Type II Bartter Syndrome Mutation of the ROMK renal outer medullary
potassium channels
- Type 1 to 5
1. Briefly explain the calcium homeostasis in our body.
- Overall Effects: Increase in Ca++
- Stimulating osteoclast
- Increase Ca++ reabsorption in kidneys, but losing PO43- Increase renal production of Vitamin D
- Made in C-cells of the thyroid
- Effects: Decrease in Ca++
Vitamin D and Calcitriol
- Vitamin D is first hydroxylated in the liver then in the kidney to Calcitriol
- Increase Ca++ absorption in guts
- Inhibit PTH release
- Enhanced bone turnover
- Increase Ca++ and PO43- reabsorption in kidneys
3. What are the causes of hypocalcemia?
- The most common causes = Hypoalbuminemia
Decreased Intake or Absorption
- Malabsorption
- Vit D deficiency
Increased Loss
- Alcoholism
- Chronic renal disease
- Diuretics
Endocrine Causes
- Hypoparathyroidism
- Parathyroidectomy
- Thyroid carcinoma with Calcitonin secretion
Associated Diseases
- Pancreatitis
- Rhabdomyolysis
- Septic shock
- Associated with decreased serum albumin
- Hyperphosphatemia
- Induced by aminoglycoside antibiotics
5. What investigations would you order?
- Serum calcium concentration is low
- In true hypocalcemia, the ionized serum calcium is also low
- Serum phosphate is usually elevated in hypoparathyroidism or in
advanced CKD
- Serum phosphate is low in early CKD or vitamin D deficiency
- Important to check for PTH, vitamin D level
- Renal function
- ECG: Lengthening of the QT interval
Muscle tone increased in smooth muscle E.g. colic, wheeze, dysphagia
Orientation impaired E.g. time, place, person and confusion
Chvosteks sign, Cataract, Cardiomyopathy, Choreoathetosis (Chorea +
athetosis = twisting movements of fingers, arms, legs and neck)
This 45 years female comes to you for routine check-ups. Urinalysis indicates RBC +.
Task: Take a history, Indicate what would you look for on examination, give a DDx, Outline investigations, Then answer questions from the examiner.
1. What are the causes of hematuria?
2. For macroscopic hematuria, why is it important to ask about the color of
the initial and terminal stream?
- Commonest: UTI
- Blood at the beginning of the stream only: from lower UT E.g. urethra
- Common: Stones
- Blood at the end of the stream only: from high up E.g. Bladder neck or
- Less Common: Renal trauma, BPH, Benign microscopic hematuria, GN,
base of the bladder
Malignant HTN, Anticoagulants
- Uncommon: PKD, Carcinoma, Hydronephrosis
- Rare: Vasculitis, SlE, Polyarteritis nodosa, AF (Microemboli in kidneys)
3. History
4. Physical examination
- Flank Pain Pyelonephritis, Stones, GN
- Skin lesions Vasculitis
Urethral discharge
Weight loss Tumor
Nocturia BPH, Cystitis, Pyelonephritis
In women, menstrual history is important (blood from vagina is not
- Recent Streptococcal infection Post-streptococcal GN
- Painless hematuria bladder cancer
- History of stones
- Heavy exercise
- Medications
- Fx: Alport syndrome, IgA nephropathy
4. What investigations would you organize?
- Urinalysis
- Urine protein to creatinine ratio
- Microscopy (morphology of the RBC, dysmorphic from glomerular
diseases) and culture
- Blood: FBC, U&E, Coagulations
- US of urinary tract + kidneys
- PSA if the patient complain of back pain, weight loss, erectile dysfunction
Others Usually if patient >50 years and no clear cause found
- Cytoscopy
- CT Scan
- Biopsy
If after all still not clear follow-up every 6 months
6. What can make the urine red in color? Apart from hematuria.
- Beetroot
- Rifampicin
Abdo tenderness/Mass
Urethral discharge
Suprapubic tenderness cystitis
Enlarged prostate BPH
Tender prostate Prostatitis
You are a GP. 25 years old male comes in for a routine test. On urinalysis, the protein was noted to be ++.
1. He asks you what are the possible causes the +?
2. What is you next step? What would you do?
Functional Proteinuria
- History - Exercise, Sick, Hx of UTI, renal disease, drugs, sore throat, Px of
- Acute illness E.g. UTI
DM, HTN, Fx of kidney disease, autoimmune disease
- Exercise
- Physical examination Look for nephrotic syndrome, HF, HTN, uremia,
- Orthostatic proteinuria: Protein not found in the morning, uncommon in
enlarged kidneys
patients >30 years of age (orthostatic proteinuria can occur in some
glomerular diseases)
- Simplest method is to collect an urine sample in the morning, send the
Overloaded Proteinuria
urine to lab to note the ratio of protein to creatinine (rather than a 24
- Hemolysis
hours urine collection)
- Rhabdomyolysis
- Use morning sample to rule out orthostatic proteinuria
- Bence Jones protein associated with MM
- Glomerular diseases
- Acute tubular necrosis
- O&G: Pre-eclampsia
3. The protein : creatinine ratio 100 mg/ml (normal <35) confirmed
4. If the urinalysis from the beginning indicates protein of + (instead of ++),
proteinuria. What would you do?
would you do things differently?
- Refer to a nephrologist
- Usually + is insignificant if the patient has no remarkable medical history
- If referring, consider initiating renal tract US, immunology (serum and
- You may repeat the urinalysis 1-2 weeks instead of doing the
urine electrophoresis, ANA, ANCA, Complements), hepatitis B and C
protein/creatinine ratio
Case 2: This diabetic patient has persistent proteinuria. What medications are used in the management of persistent proteinuria?
Case 3: You are a GP. This 45 years female was diagnosed with focal segmental GS at the age of 35. Chatting with her you found out that she has a 14 years old
son who is completely healthy.
Case 2: Medications
For case 3, will you do anything to his son?
- Yes, yearly urinalysis
- Renal diseases, most of the time are asymptomatic (a bit too late when
- Spironolactone
the symptoms appear)
25 years old female presented to you (GP) for a general check up. She noticed that her gym bleed every time she brushes. You did a FBC and her platelet is
1. She asks you the possible causes.
2. What would you do?
- Decreased Production: Vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency, Leukemia,
- History (Spontaneous bruises, Nose bleeds, Menorrhagia, Medications,
Decreased thrombopoietin in liver failure, Uremia, Dengue, Alport
Weight loss)
- Physical Examination (examine for splenomegaly)
- Investigations
- Increased Destruction: ITP, TTP, HUS, DIC, Anti-phospholipid syndrome,
- Medications: Heparin, Valproic acid, Methotrexate
3. Investigations in Primary Care
4. Referral to a hematologist.
- FBC, Request blood film
- Platelet count 100 in a well patient non-urgent referral
- Renal function
- Viral serology (EBV, hepatitis screen), consider HIV
- ANA, ANCA E.g. Lupus
- B12, Folate
- Immunoglobulin To exclude common variable immunodeficiency
- Clotting studies (related to liver function)
- For anti-phospholipid anti-cardiolipin antibodies, Lupus anticoagulant
Lab-L3-Hepatitis B
It sounds confusing, but it is not!!!
- Step 1: Indentify IgM = Acute infection
- Step 2: Indentify IgG = Chronic Infection or Recovered
- Step 3: Indentify Surface antigen (+ ve = chronic infection, -ve = Recovered)
- Step 4: Check vaccination = +ve for the antibody for surface antigen (-ve
for core)
In a Hepatitis B report, there are 5 things they measure
- Hepatitis B surface antigen HBsAg
- Antibody to the surface antigen Anti-HBs / HBsAb
- Hepatitis B core antigen HBeAg (e = extracellular form)
- IgM to core antigen Anti-HBc IgM / HBc IgM
- IgG to core antigen Anti-HBc IgG / HBC IgG
in acute illness: +ve for hepatitis surface antigen, +ve IgM for the core
In chronic illness: +ve for hepatitis surface antigen, +ve IgG for the core
In vaccination: +ve for the antibody for surface antigen (-ve for core)
In recovered person: +ve for the antibody for surface antigen, and IgG for
the core
Case 2 4
- All +ve IgG = Chronic infection or infection in the past
- Case 2: -ve for HBsAg Recovered
- Case 3 + 4: Both +ve for HBsAg both chronic infection
Case 1
- Since +ve for IgM acute infection
Case 5
- Vaccination = +ve for the antibody for surface antigen (-ve for core)
2. How would you manage a patient with acute hepatitis B?
Hepatitis D
It requires the present of hepatitis B surface antigen to be infectious
Neuro-L1-Acute Confusion/Delirium
This 78 years old female was brought into ED after noted by the staff at the nursing home of being confused and disorientated.
- Please take a history from her carer.
- Outline your DDx and investigations to the carer.
- You will then be given investigations result and you are required to explain to her the result and the management.
1. What are the causes of acute confusion?
2. What is delirium?
I Watch Death
- Impairment of cognitive function, not progressive, reversible
- Infection: UTI
- Often worse at night
- Withdrawal
- Disorders of attention, perception, thinking, memory, psychomotor
- Acute metabolic: Metabolic acidosis, Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state,
- Delirium can be hyperactive or hypoactive
- Trauma
- Sometimes difficult to tell from dementia as some may have both
- CNS Pathology
- Hypoxia
- Deficiency: Vitamin B12, Thiamine deficiency
- Endocrine causes: Thyroid storm
- Acute vascular: Stroke
- Toxins
- Constipation can be a cause in elderly
3. What are the risk factors for delirium?
- Age 65 or over
- Onset, Triggering factors
- Past or present cognitive impairment
- Changes in conscious level? Progressively worse? Worse at night?
- Current hip fracture
- Head trauma?
- Severe illness
- Symptoms?
- Premorbidity Important in elderly E.g. Walking aid? Incontinence?
- First time?
- Px medical conditions E.g. MI, Stroke
- Medications
- Recent hospitalization?
- Allergies
- Smoking
- Alcohol
4. Outline investigations.
- CXR: Pneumonia, Heart failure
- ECG: MI, Arrhythmias
- FBC: Anemia, WBC for infection
- U&E: Hydration state, Renal function, Electrolyte imbalances
- Blood Glucose: Hypoglycemia
- Urinalysis
- Cultures: Blood if febrile, Sputum if available, Urine as a routine
- Consider blood gases
- Others: Vitamin B12, Thyroid, ESR (vasculitis), CT scan
Neuro-L1-Chronic Confusion/Dementia
This 78 years old female is confusesd.
1. What are the causes of dementia?
- Degenerative: Alzheimers disease, Vascular dementia, Lewy body, Picks
- Infection: HIV, Syphilis, Whipples disease
- Inflammation: Vasculitis, SLE, MS, Sarcoidosis
- Trauma: Head injury, Intracranial hemorrhage
- Tumor: Brain tumor, Metastases
- Toxic: Alcohol, Lead
- Metabolic: Vitamin B12, Myxoedema (hypothyroidism), Hypoglycemia
- Inherited: Huntingtons, Wilsons disease
Screening Tests for Dementia
- 21-24 points mild impairment
- 10-20 moderate
- <9 severe
- Questionnaire
- Memory (family, fds, occupation), Learning, Decision making, Problem
- 16 questions
Clocking Drawing Test
- Score of 6
- Draw a clock, put in numbers, set the hands at ten past eleven
4. What is Alzheimers disease?
- Progressive degenerative diseases, causing 50% of the dementia
- Histological changes of neurofibrillary tangles and senile plagues
- Diagnosis requires confirmation at post-mortem
Clinical Features
- Initial memory loss
- Language and visuospatial changes
- Later snout, sucking, rooting, grasp reflexes appear
- According to DSM IV criteria
- 1. Memory impairment
- 2. Aphasia, Apraxia, Agnosia, Executive dysfunction
- FBC, U&E, Clotting, LFT, Glucose, B12, TFT, ESR, CXR, ECG, Urinalysis
- HIV, Syphilis
Management - Drugs
- Cholinesterase Inhibitor E.g. Donepezil, Rivastigmine, Galantamine
- Memantine in moderate to severe Alzheimers disease
Management Non-Drugs
- Avoid alcohol
- Social and community support Multidisciplinary approach
- Exercise
- The mean life expectancy following diagnosis is about 7 years
- <3% of people live more than 14 years
- Death is most commonly due to bronchopneumonia
- Second most common neurodegenerative disease
- Degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra
- Signs: Hypokinesia, Bradykinesia, Rigidity, Rest tremor
- Others: Slurred speech, Small handwriting, Lack of facial expression,
Shuffling gait
- A degree of cognitive impairment
- Alzheimers diseases
- Multiple cerebral infarction
- Drug induced Parkinsonism E.g. Metoclopramide
- Generally base on history and physical examination
Management Medications
- No functional impairment does not require medications
- Initial choice depends on the age, occupation, economic situation
- Levodopa: Most effective, but if long term motor fluctuation and drug
induced dyskinesia
- Dopamine Agonist: May be used as monotherapy in early Parkinsons
disease, Possible SE of pathological shopping, eating, gambling, hypersexuality
- Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nuclei or internal segment of
the globus pallidus
- Indications: Intolerant of higher dose of dopaminergic drugs or motor
complications uncontrolled by medications
This patient presemted with a sudden loss of concisousness and is a bit confused now.
- Syncope: Cough, Micturition, Vasovagal, Emotion
- I would like to know what happen before, during and after your collapse.
- Cardio: Stroke, MI, Carotid stenosis, Arrhythmias
Before: What were you doing when this happen?
- Hypotension E.g. Postural hypotension
- Postural Hypo: Standing from sitting?
- Neurological: Epilepsy, Neoplasm, Vertigo, Peripheral polyneuropathy,
- Syncope: Were you coughing? Were you in any emotional distress?
Previous head injury
- Hypoglycemia: Any warning signs? For example, blurred vision? Any
- Geriatric: Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Loss of balance, Vision? Falls? Home
- Head Injury
- Endo: Hypoglycemia, Alcohol
Geriatrics: Loss of balance? Do you use any walking aid? Weakness of the
- Alcohol
- Also: Is this your first time? How many times in past 1 month?
During the attack: Do you know what happened during the attack?
- Did you lose your consciousness?
- How long did you lose you consciousness?
- Any bystander? Any jerky movement?
After the attack
Cardio: Aortic stenosis, carotid stenosis, stroke/Transient ischemic attack,
- Meningitis, Encephalitis
- Subarachnoid hemorrhage
- Head injury
- Venous sinus thrombosis (with papilloedema)
- Sinusitis
- Acute glaucoma
Recurrent Acute Attacks
- Migraine
- Cluster headache
- Trigeminal neuralgia
- Giant cell arteritis
Chronic Headache
Raised intracranial pressure
Physical Examination
Head Injury?
Associated Symptoms: Visual disturbances? Loss of balance? Weakness of
body? Numbness? Neck stiffness? Fever? Nausea? Photophobia?
- BP
- Temporal artery tenderness
- Ophthalmologic: Papilloedema, Glaucoma
- Cranial
- Upper and lower neurological for focal lesions
- Cerebellar signs in elevated ICP
Feature Pound
- Dull
- Band like
- Worse at the end of the day
- Bilateral
- Unilateral
- Retro-orbital
- Sharp
- Awakening
- Associate with lacrimation and nasal congestion
- Often restless and agitated
Extradural Hemorrhage
This 67 years old man with long standing history of HTN and DM presented to ED with sudden onset weakness.
- Please take a history
- What would you look for on examination
- Outline DDx, investigation, management
1. What are the possible causes of muscle weakness?
2. How to tell if this is a nerve or muscle problem?
- CNS diseases affecting upper or lower motor neurons from peripheral
- Always history, physical examination and investigations
nerves to root or plexus
Upper Motor Neuron
- Also disorders of the neuromuscular transmissions E.g. Myasthenia gravis
Presenting Compliant
- Onset E.g. Acute onset in TIA and stroke, Chronic in MG and muscular
- Triggering factors?? Trauma cranial hemorrhage
Transient Ischemic Attack
1. What are the causes of transient ischemic attack?
Important Cause = Embolization
- Artheroscleotic changes in carotid bifurcation
- Cardiac Causes: AF, Rheumatic heart disease, Mitral valve disease, IE,
Mural thrombus complicating MI
- Also consider patient foramen ovale
Less Common Cause = Abnormal blood vessels
- Giant cell arteritis, SLE, Polyarteritis
Subclavian Steal Syndrome (see http://www.ultrasoundpaedia.com/normalcarotids)
- Proximal stenosis/occlusion of the subclavian artery
Caused by lesion anywhere from the frontal cortex, through the internal
capsule, brain stem and spinal cord to the anterior horn cells
- Affect muscle groups
- Characteristics: Increased tone, Increased reflexes (plantars are upgoing
= Babinski sign)
- UMN lesion can mimic LMN lesion in the first few hours before the
increased tone and hyperreflexia develops
Lower Motor Neuron
- Caused by lesion from anterior horn cells, nerve roots, plexi to the
peripheral nerves
- Affect muscle supplied by the nerves
- Characteristics: Muscle wasting, Hyporeflexia, Decreased tone,
Neuromuscular Transmission Problems
- Patchy in distribution
- Often fluctuates
- No sensory change
Myopathic Disorders
- Marked proximally in limbs
- No sensory disturbance
- No muscle wasting or loss of tendon reflexes, at least not until an
advanced stage
1. What is the differences between a TIA and a stroke?
- Within 24 hours
- Symptoms similar to a stroke, but usually last only about few minutes to
an hour
- Symptoms able to resolve itself within 24 hours
- In stroke, there is a more distinctive neurological signs reflecting the
region of brain affected
Assess ability to swallow before giving oral medications, check for gag
- Blood pressure medications should be avoided in 48 hours, unless with
malignancy hypertension
- Oxygen if hypoxic
- Control glucose level
- Prevention of DVT Compression stocking
Preventing Further Events
Antiplatelet Therapy
- Aspirin
- Clopidogrel (more effective than Aspirin), it binds to platelet receptor
- Warfarin, used if patient has AF, maintain INR 2-3
Blood Pressure
Neuro-L1-Intracranial Hemorrhage
Intracranial Hemorrhage
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
- Spontaneous bleeding into the subarachnoid space
- Typical Age: 36-65
- Causes: Rupture of a saccular aneurysm 80%, Arterio-venous
malformation 15%, 5% no causes found
- Berry aneurysm: Common sites in junctions of the communicating
branches, associated with polycystic kidneys, coarctation, Ehlers-Danlos
- Symptoms: Devastating occipital headache, vomiting, collapse, seizures,
coma may follow and last for few days
- Signs: Neck stiffness, Kernigs sign (develop in 6 hours, resistance to
knee extension when hip is flexed), Retinal hemorrhage
- DDx: Meningitis, Cluster, Intra-cerebral bleeds (Stroke)
- Investigations: CT, LP if CT ve
- Refer to a neurosurgeon immediately,
- Maintain cerebral perfusion by keeping the SBP >160mmHg
- Ca++ to prevent ischemic neurological deficits followings subarachnoid
- CT angiography before intervention to identify multiple aneurysms
- Endovascular coiling is preferable to surgical clipping
- Complications: Re-bleeding, Cerebral ischemia, Hydrocephalus,
Subdural Hemorrhage
Extradural Hemorrhage
- Causes: Laceration of the middle meningeal artery and vein secondary
tp fractured temporal or parietal bone
- Symptoms and Signs: Deteriorating consciousness, Lucid interval can
last for few hours or days, then decreased in GCS, severe headache,
vomiting, confusion, fits, hemiparesis, coma, dilated pupils, limb
weakness, death due to respiratory arrest
- Investigations: CT, Lens shaped, Skull XR may show fracture, LP is
- Management: Transfer to a neurosurgical unit for clot evacuation +/ligation of the blood vessels
- Prognosis: Excellent if diagnosed and operated early
Epidural Hemorrahge
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Intracerebral Hemorrhage
- Make sure there is no CNS pathology causing the neuralgia E.g. CT/MRI
- MRI Showing plaques
- CFS Slightly raised protein, 70% with raised IgG, Pleocytosis
- Visual evoked potential
1. Define hypotension.
- Systolic < 90
- Diastolic < 60
7. Management
- History, Examination, Investigations
- Investigations: FBC, U&E, CRP, ESR, Glucose, TFT, LFT, Urinalysis, ECG
Cardio-L1-Secondary HTN
This 25 years old man presented to you with HTN poorly controlled by an ACEI. Take a history, focusing on the causes of secondary HTN.
1. What is normal BP?
2. What are the causes of secondary HTN?
- Systolic <120
- Renal Causes leading to fluid retention E.g. Renal failure from GN, PKD,
- Diastolic <85
Systemic sclerosis, Diabetic nephropathy, Also renal artery stenosis
(hypoperfusion rennin-angiotensin system)
- Endocrine Causes: Cushings syndrome, Conns syndrome,
Phaeochromocytoma, Hyperparathyroidism
- Medications: Contraception, Corticosteroid, Antidepressants, NSAIDs
- Others: Coarctation, Pregnancy (Gestational HTN, Pre-eclampsia)
3. What investigations would you order?
- Renal Function: Creatinine, Urea, GFR (for renal disease)
- So in the history: Focus on the causes E.g. Dysuria, Oliguria, History of
- ESR Can increase in polyarteritis nodosa, chronic pyelonephritis
autoimmune diseases, Fx of DM, Symptoms of Cushings syndrome
- Autoantibodies: ANA, ANCA (for systemic sclerosis)
- Renal artery stenosis Auscultation with a bruit, Captopril challenge
tests (considered +ve if renin level increased substantially), Angiography
- Hyperparathyroidism Ca++
- Cushings Syndrome: high level of cortisol in the blood, 70% caused by
adenoma of the pituitary gland high level of ACTH
- Conns Syndrome = Aldosterone producing adenoma, (Hypokalemia,
Aldosterone-renin ratio)
- Phaeochromocytoma (Often with headache, palpitation, sweating)
test urine and serum for free metadrenaline and normetadrenaline
Essential of Diagnosis
General Considerations
Physical Examination
Cardiovascular examination
Midsystolic click mitral valve prolapse, suggest supraventricular
Murmur of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Atrial fibrillation or
ventricular tachycardia
Dilated cardiomyopathy increases the likelihood of VT and AF
Look for signs of hyperthyroidism E.g. Tremulousness, brisk deep tendon
reflexes, fine hand tremor
Cardiac Arrhythmias
- Sinus bradycardia
- Sinus, supraventricular and ventricular tachycardia
- Premature atrial and ventricular contractions
- Sick sinus syndrome
- Advanced AV block
Non-Arrhythmic Cardiac Causes
Most patients are found to have benign atrial or ventricular ectopy and
non-sustained ventricular tachycardia
- In patients with structurally normal hearts, these are not with adverse
- Often reassurance is enough
- In very symptomatic patients, a trial of beta block may be tried
- Otherwise, treatment depends on specific arrhythmias
Renal-L1-Acute Renal Failure
- High phosphate
- Metabolic acidosis
- Anemia (if over weeks)
- Changes of hyperkalemia
5. What investigations would you like to order to in order to determine the
cause of acute renal failure?
- Blood: FBC (anemia), U&E (hyperkalemia), CRP, ESR, LFT, Coagulation
study, Complement, ANA, ANCA, ABG (metabolic acidosis), culture
(sepsis), CK (rhabdomyolysis)
- CXR Pulmonary edema
- Renal US
- Urine: Urinalysis, Microscopy
7. How to manage this patient?
- History, Physical Examination, Investigations
- Ask for help from a nephrologists
- Keep patient hydrated (make sure the patient is not water overloaded)
- Stop any nephrotoxic drugs (ACEI, NASIDs, Metformin if creatinine
>250mmol/L, Gentamicin)
- ECG monitoring
- Urine Output Catheter insertion
- Pulse, BP
Indications of Dialysis
- Persistent hyperkalemia
- Severe metabolic acidosis
- Refractory pulmonary edema
- Uremic pericarditis
Renal-L1-Chronic Renal Failure
Pulmonary edema
66 years old male patient has a history of chronic renal failure. Today he is here for the renal clinic for a routine follow. You noted that his renal function has
been stable over the past 3 months.
- Please take a history and determine the likely cause of his chronic renal failure
- Please explain to him what are the possible complications of renal failure
- What is the management of chronic renal failure?
1. How do you define chronic renal failure?
2. What are the possible causes of chronic renal failure?
5. Management
- Manage all the complications described above
- Manage the causes E.g. DM, HTN (Diuretics may be required for HTN)
- Protein/Potassium/Phosphorus/Salt and water restriction
- ACEI for proteinuria slow the progression of CKD
- Dialysis
- Renal transplantation
This 45 years man presented to you with edema and fatigue. Urinalysis indicates proteinuria and hematuria.
1. What is the classification of glomerular diseases?
2. Why is classifying into nephritic and nephrotic spectrum important?
- 2 spectra: Nephritic or nephritic spectrum
- Each spectrum has their DDx
Nephritic Spectrum (Active urine sediment + Hematuria + Often proteinuria)
Nephritic Spectrum (Glomerular inflammation)
- Least severe nephritic spectrum: Hematuria
- Patients can present with Asymptomatic glomerular hematuria
- Mid-point of the nephritic spectrum: Nephritic Syndrome: Hematuria,
- Patients can present with Nephritic syndrome (a collection of symptoms)
Some proteinuria (<3g/d), Edema, Elevated creatinine
- Post-Infectious GN
- Most severe nephritic spectrum: Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis - IgA Nephropathy (can present from nephritic to nephrotic)
Nephrotic Spectrum (Proteinuria + Bland urine sediment)
- Rapidly progressive glomerunonephritis (Lupus, Goodpasture
- Disease with proteinuria and a bland urine sediment
- More severe end: Nephrotic Syndrome, Proteinuria (>3g/L),
Nephrotic Spectrum (Glomerular increase in permeability)
- Patients can present with Asymptomatic proteinuria
hypoalbuminemia, edema, hyperlipidemia
- Patients can present with Nephrotic syndrome
- Minimal changes disease
- Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
- Membranous nephropathy (always look for cancer)
- Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
3. What are the signs and symptoms of nephritic spectrum?
4. What investigations would you order?
- Nephritic Syndrome: Edema (periorbital, scrotal), Hypertension, Gross
- FBC, U&E
hematuria, Oliguria
- Urinalysis to detect protein and blood
- Nephrotic Syndrome: Edema, Hyperlipidemia, Low albumin, Coagulation
- Microscopy Presence of dysmorphic RBC indicates glomerular
- ANA, ANCA, Complements
1. How many genes are involved in autosomal dominant PKD?
- 2
- ADPKD2 slower progression, and longer life expectancy
3. List 6 complications.
- Pain: Can be caused by infection/bleeding into cysts/stones managed
by bed rest
- Hematuria: Commonly due to rupture of a cyst, can also due to stones or
UTI, usually resolved in 7 days, if not consider renal cell carcinoma
- Renal Infection: Pain, Fever, Leukocytosis, CT scan can be helpful because
infected cysts have increased wall thickness antibiotics, 2 weeks IV
then long term oral
- Stones: Hydration is recommended
- HTN: Cyst-induced ischemia activation of rennin-angiotensin system
(Diuretics use with caution as effects on cyst remain unknown)
- Cerebral Aneurysm: 10-15% with arterial aneurysm in the circle of Willis,
screening not recommended unless Fx
- Others: Aortic aneurysm, Aortic valve abnormalities
Renal-L3-Diabetic Nephropathy
1. What is a typical picture about diabetic nephropathy?
- Typically over 10 years
- Albuminuria (Micro albuminuria develops 10-15 years, progress 3-7 years
to >300mg a day)
- Decline in GFR (Initially increase, then normal, and decreases)
- May associate with retinopathy
- Signs of diabetic nephropathy on renal biopsy (diffuse glomerulosclerosis)
4. Give examples of systemic disease with renal involvement.
- Multiple Myeloma
- Sickle cell diseases
- TB
- Gout
- Amyloidosis
- DM
Renal-L3-Tubulo-interstitial Diseases
This patient has chronic pain and has been using paracetamol 4 times a day for the past 4 years. On urinalysis you noted proteinuria. He also complains of
1. What is tubulo-interstitial disease?
2. What are the 4 main causes of tubulo-interstitial diseases?
- Pathology of the tubules and interstitium of kidney
- Most Common = Obstructive Uropathy E.g. Prostate in men, Carcinoma,
- Acute see acute renal injury
- Chronic
2. What is hemo-dialysis?
- A constant flow of blood running alone a dialysate
- Diffusion to remove the unwanted substances from the blood
- AV fistula needed
- Native fistula has less infection/thrombosis/aneurysm than grafts
- Patients typically require hemodialysis 3 times a week
- Option: Nocturnal dialysis, Home hemodialysis
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of peritoneal dialysis?
- Phosphates are better cleared
- Cheaper
- Removes large amount of albumin
- Complications: Peritonitis N+V, abdominal pain, dialysate is cloudy
6. What are different types of accesses?
- Catheter
- AV fistula
- AV graft
Renal-L3-Gout and Kidney
Case: This renal patient developed gout.
1. Why is gout associated with kidney diseases?
- Kidney is the primary organ for excretion of uric acid
- Patients with proximal tubular dysfunction have decreased excretion of
uric acid
This patient was diagnosed with SLE. You are about to start her on Cyclophosphamide.
1. What are the side effects that you should warn this patient?
2. What is SLE?
Long Term
- Autoimmune disease
- Infertility
- Characterized by vasculitis and ANA
- Infection
- Chronic, remitting and relapsing disease
- Increased risk of cancer
- Often affect skin, joint, kidneys, serosal membrane
- Bone marrow suppression
- Virtually every organ in the body can be affected
- Hemorrhagic cystitis
3. What age group do you usually see?
4. What are the clinical features?
- Age of onset 12-35 years
- Systemic: Fever, Malaise, Fatigue, Weight loss
- Female more common
- Skin: Photosensitivity, Rash (usually pruritic), Raynauds phenomenon,
- Causes unknown
Sjogrens syndrome
- Joint: Pain
- Renal: Proteinuria, Hematuria, GN, Renal failure
- Pulmonary: Pleurisy, Effusion, Interstitial pneumonia
Cardio: Pericarditis
Neurological: Seizure, Headache
Ocular: Conjunctivitis, Episcleritis
GI: Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly, N+V
Hematological: Anemia, Thrombocytopenia, Leukopenia,
5. What is the management of SLE?
- Sun cream
- Avoid estrogen containing pills (can induce a flare-up)
- Corticosteroid, Infliximab, Methotrexate
- If severe cyclophosphamide (Azathioprine less toxic)
ANA (Antinuclear Antibody)
- If positive test for Anti-dsDNA and ENA (E.g. Anti-Ro, Anti-La, Anti-Jo1,
Anti-RNP, Anti-centromere antibodies, Anti-Scl-70)
- Anti-dsDNA for SLE
- Anti-Scl-70 for systemic sclerosis
- Anti-centromere for CREST syndrome
- Anti-Ro, Anti-La both for Sjogrens Syndrome
- C-ANCA Associate with Anti-PR-3 E.g. Wegeners granulomatosis
- P-ANCA Associated with MOP E.g. IBD
Other to known: RF, Anti-CCP
Notes/Make-up scenarios: GP
Station 1
- Preventative Measures
Station 2 and 3
Level 1
- Respiratory: Spirometry, Asthma (teach to use a ventilator/6 steps management plan), Allergic
Rhinitis / Sinusitis
- ENT: Vertigo, Sore thorat
- Sexual Health: Emergency Contraception, STD, Dysuria, UTI
- Chronic Pain: Back pain, Knee pain, Facial pain, Migraine
- Undifferentiated: Tiredness Dont miss gyne history
- Also: DM Management, Cardiovascular Factors Assessment
- Headache
- Skin Lesions
- Smoking, Alcohol Management
Level 2
- Gay Consultation
Level 3
- Suturing
Overall, GP stations are ones of the easiest stations and are reasonably easy to pass all 3 GP stations
A preventive health station: Need to know breast screening, prostate screening, colonic cancer screening
Sexual health: STD screening, Vaginal discharge, Dysuria, Contraception (covered in O&G), Pregnant woman with UTI, HRT and menopause (covered in O&G)
child has been going to swimming lessons and wonders if this could be causing
the pain.
A patient comes to see you about a cold that wont go away. The nasal discharge
is usually quite watery, but is often thicker in the morning. S/he sometimes
wakes with a scratchy throat, and sometimes feels some phlegm at the back of
the throat. S/he is adamant that it isnt hay fever, as s/he also gets that around
cats and dogs, and some flowers - and it only lasts for a couple of hours, with
sneezing and itchy eyes.
A 36 year old woman, phones requesting a home visit. She says she is
dreadfully dizzy and nauseous, and every time she tries to get up the room
seems to spin. This started yesterday and is getting worse.
Week 4 Cases - Respiratory problems in General Practice
Your patient tells you s/he has the flu. S/he has had a head cold and sore
throat, and now a persistent productive cough for 5 days. S/he says s/he
wants something to get rid of it fast as s/he is travelling overseas for work next
Your next patient comes to see you about her/his asthma. It has been worse
over the past few months, and s/he is needing to use a puffer a couple of times
a day.
Your last patient has been feeling unwell for about 3 days with a cough and
fever. S/he thinks its flu, but feels really unwell, and is sometimes a bit
breathless. On examination you hear crackles in the left lower and mid zones.
Week 5 Cases - Chronic pain in general practice
- Your patient tells you s/he has done his/her back in again. S/he says s/he
was lifting some groceries out of the car boot. When s/he turned s/he felt
the pain suddenly in her/his back, and found it difficult to straighten up.
You know this patient has a history of chronic lower back pain
Your next patient is a 20-year-old student, who works part time as a waiter. S/he
comes in with a 4-day history of a sore throat the worst Ive ever had. S/he
says s/he has a fever and a headache, and feels quite tired.
Your next patient, a middle aged woman, has had a cough for the last 3
Your patient is 19 and tells you that s/he has recently started a triathlontraining course but finds s/he is still getting short of breath when training, and
feels his/her fitness should have improved by now.
A patient comes to see you for a Progress certificate for their Workers
Compensation claim. S/he says the back pain is about the same, but s/he's
getting increasingly frustrated about his/her slow recovery. S/he wonders if
acupuncture will help.
Your patient comes in with knee pain. It's been present really for about six
months. It's getting worse thought it was just part of getting old, but now
worried it is gout or that really bad arthritis that cripples you
Patient comes in for something for her migraines says she has been getting
them for years, and nothing really seem to help, but shes heard of some nasal
Your next patient presents with facial pain.
Week 6 Cases - Sexual Health
A woman comes in to see the doctor. She is extremely embarrassed to tell the
doctor that she has an unusual discharge.
Your patient tells you of burning and stinging when they pass urine and are
worried they may have 'caught something' whilst on holiday overseas.
A parent, a patient you know well, comes in to discuss their son's sexuality - he
'came out' last week.
Week 7 Cases - Difficult Patients
- A 32 year old woman comes to see you, she is a smoker and wants to quit.
You are seeing this patient who you know well with poorly controlled diabetes.
After your last consultation you made a note that you need to talk with this
obese patient about losing weight next time you see them. You did not
mention this to the patient.
A 60 year old patient with a past history of Dukes B adenocarcinoma of the
bowel resected 3 years ago presents for results. You saw him last week and he
complained of right upper quadrant pain and weight loss so you arranged an
ultrasound. This has shown multiple lesions in the liver highly suggestive of
metastatic disease.
An adolescent visits the doctor because she thinks she has the flu.
A woman requests the morning after pill.
A 50 year old man has been sent along by his wife. He lost his license last
month for the 3rd time for DUI and she has insisted that he talk to you about
his alcohol use.
A 40 year old male barrister has insisted that your receptionist give him an
urgent appointment with you even though you are heavily booked and running
late. He has a migraine and is adamant that he just needs a shot of pethidine.
He has never seen you before, his usual doctor is on leave and his medical
records are not available. Your receptionist tells you that he is becoming angry
as he has been waiting to see you for half an hour.
Your next patient is new to the practice. He tells you he has seen a couple of
doctors about his problem, but nothing they have done has helped. He says he
has been tired for about eight months.
Your patient tells you they have no energy, that they have lost their get up and
- Incontinence
- BP
- Glucose, Cholesterol
- Pap Smears
- Contraception: Any contraceptive measures?
- Immunization: Flu vaccines
- Mammogram 50-69 years, every 2 years
- Smoking, Alcohol
- Nutrition
- FOBT 50-75 years old
- PSA considered for 50 years old
- STI screens
Station 2 Kids
Level 1
- Abuse
- 6 weeks check, Breast feeding issues
- Burns
- Anaphylaxis
- Juvinile onset DM
- Rehydration/Gastroenteritis
- Ped resuscitation
- Immunization
- Febrile convulsion
- Otitis media
- Developmental stage determination (Video)
- Vomiting E.g. DKA
- Diarrhea Acute + Chronic
- FFT, Celiac disease
- Rash
- Abdo Pain
- Asthma
Level 2
- Developmental delay E.g. Kid have not been
speaking for 3 years, Autism
- Precious puberty
- Delayed puberty
- Short statue
- Septic arthritis
- Limping
- Trauma
- Testicular Pain
- Lymphadenopathy
- Constipation
Station 3 Adolescent
Level 1
- Sadness E.g. Chronic disease, Smoking, Drugs
- History taking (Difficulty history taking)
E.g. Denied smoking even though smoking
E.g. Ask the mother out to see the adolescent alone,
but the mum refuses to do so (you are supposed to
insist on seeing the adolescent alone)
E.g. 14 years old asking for contraceptions
Physical Examination
General: Height and weight, Degree of stress
Skin: Rashes
Head, Ears, Eyes, Nose, Throat: Watery eyes, Sinus tenderness, Nasal discharge
Lungs: RR, Chest appearance, Retraction, Breath sounds
Heart: Murmur
Extremities: Cyanosis and clubbing (E.g. CF, Bronchiectasis)
Presenting Illness
Cough: Duration, Frequency, Characters, Productive, Non-Productive (children
frequently swallow sputum), Triggering factors E.g. Allergies, foreign Cold air in
Associated symptoms: Rhinorrhea, watery eyes, headaches, fever, poor weight
How many days of school missed
Travel history
Family members ill?
Birth history
Previous illness or surgery
Asthma, Allergies, CF, TB, Sarcoidosis, Emphysema
Smokers at home, pets, Child care
2. What is your investigation?
Do a septic screen
FBC (WCC differential will give you info about viral vs bacterial vs allergy), U&E,
Glucose, Blood culture, Chest radiology (may not be useful, also ve does not
rule out pneumonia), LP (consider if severe), Urinalysis
Also nose and throat swab
Stools culture
If suspect pertussis (E.g. you hear a whooping cough),
If suspect TB,
Others: Flu, test for CF
4. Will you DDx be different if the patient was just born 1 hours earlier (instead of
26 days old)?
More Information
Transient Tachypnoea of the Newborn
2. Investigation.
Do a septic screen: Blood culture, Gastric aspirate, Ear swab, Eye swab,
Nasopharyngeal swab, Suprapubic urine
Consider LP
CXR.if indicated...
Meconium Aspiration
Diaphragmatic Hernia
John was born at term 20 hours ago. The routine blood test indicated elevated CRP.
General or Non-Specific
Hypotonic, Lethargy
Pyrexia, Hypothermia, Temperature instability
Poor skin perfusion
Poor feeding, Intolerance of feeds
Unexplained jaundice
Unstable plasma glucose
Apnoea and seizures
Suggestive or Specific
- Respiratory distress
- GIT: Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Abdominal distension
- CNS: Irritability, Seizures, Full fontanelle
- Skin: Septic lesions
Eyes, Umbilicus: Discharge
Blood culture
Gastric aspirate (if has not fed)
Ear swab
Tracheal aspirate (if intubated)
FBC, U&E, PGL for baseline
Consider LP
CXR (in indicated)
Blood culture
Culture of specific sites as
indicated E.g. Skin, Umbilicus
FBC, U&E, PGL for baseline
CSF (LP should be performed in
all cases of proven septicemia)
Suprapubic urine
Early Onset
Late Onset
Common organism: S
and Gentamicin
Empirical treatment:
Vancomycin + Gentamicin
Jeffrey was born by vacuum-assisted delivery 3 days ago. His mother has brought his yellow skin to mid-wifes attention. The yellow color extends all over the
childs body. Take a brief history from the mother and outline your investigations and management of his problem.
1. Is this jaundice significant?
2. What is the most likely cause of the jaundice?
3. Why is the management of jaundice important? What are the possible sequelae?
My name is . Im one of the doctors working here today. I understand that
your son was born by vacuum-assisted delivery and has been yellow. Before
we go on to talk about what should be done, I will need to take a more
detailed history. Is that alright.
Birth History
- When did the yellow skin first start?
- Can you describe the pattern? What part of body was first affected?
- How is he in general? Appear to be distress?
- Has he opened his bowel? What is the color?
- Have you been breast feeding? Any problems with the feeding
Px, Fx (Fx of blood disorders), Medications, Allergies
Physical Examination
Since your son is not here, I am not able to examine your son
The management will depend on the blood tests results, and also the
underlying causes.
But in general, we need to control the level of bilirubin within a safe level.
It is because too high level of bilirubin can cause Kernicterus, which can
cause damage to the brain.
Phototherapy: Aim to lower the bilirubin level and avoid exchange
transfusion, whether to start this therapy depends on the age, weight and
More Info
Pregnancy, Labor, Delivery
- Maternal blood group (Ah and ABO incompatibility )
- Pregnancy infection (Infection in newborn can cause jaundice)
- Abnormal fetal US E.g. GIT obstruction
- Traumatic delivery E.g. Use of instrumental delivery hematoma
- Maternal Medications
Infant Hx
DDx in term of timing of onset
1. Jaundice appearing in the first 24 hours
- Always important and must be investigated, most likely due to hemolytic disease
(ABO incompatibility, rhesus immunization)
- If shows skin hemorrahges (E.g. petechiae), a non-bacterial transplacental
infection E.g. CMV, toxoplasmosis, herpes, rubella is possible
2. Jaundice occurring after the first day
- On the 2nd or 3rd day, most likely to be physiological, if the infants appear sick
other causes must be considered
- Physiological jaundice is a diagnosis after exclusion of more serious conditions
3. Occurring beyond the 4th or 5th day of life
- Generally not due to hemolytic disease
- Look out for bacterial infection E.g. UTI, Septicemia
- Infants of Asian or Mediterranean: Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase
deficiency should be considered
4. Persistent beyond the first 2 weeks of life
Unconjugated form: Breast milk jaundice, hypothyroidism, galactosaemia
5. Conjugated Hyperbilirubinaemia
- A high conjugated level, then an anatomical obstruction or neonatal hepatitis is
the most likely cause
Unconjugated Hyperbilirubinemia
Physiologic Increased Bilirubin Production
Blood Group Incompatibility: Rh
Congenital: G6PD deficiency, Hereditary Spherocytosis, Alpha-Thalassemia
Decreased bilirubin conjugation or excretion: Hypothyroidism, Gilbert
syndrome, Crigler-Najjar
- Increased Enterohepatic Circulation: Breast-milk jaundice, Bowel obstruction,
Pyloric stenosis
- Infection: Bacterial, Viral
Conjugated Hyperbilirubinemia
Physical Examination
IV Fluid
- To compensate the water loss
Exchange Transfusion
Rapidly correct hyperbilirubinemia and remove antibodies in the setting of
isoimmune hemolytic disease
IV Immune Globulin for Isoimmune Hemolytic Hyperbilirubinemia
Newborns-L1-Ambiguous Genitalia
Case 1
This newborn has an ambiguous genitalia.
Please take a history from the patient
Explain to the patient what is happening
How to manage/investigate?
Case 2
A newborn was born with ambiguous genitalia. Lab result indicates that she is genetically female with congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
Please explain to the mother.
Answer questions from the mother: What is it? What causes it? How is it treated? Can my baby have a baby in the future? Can it be outgrown? I want to have a baby
again, any screening tests?
1. What are the possible causes?
2. What is your approach to this patient?
Genotypic Females who are Virilized
Always history, physical examination and investigations
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia 21 hydroxylase deficiency
Use a team approach including endocrinology, genetics, urology and psychiatry
Exogenous androgen exposure
Advise the parents to delaying naming or announcing the birth until the definite
Genotypical Males who are Undermasculinized
gender is assigned, which will be determined within 48 to 72 hours
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
Remember karyotype should not be the only factor in gender determination
Other androgen synthesis defect
Females will CAH congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Problems of Gonadal Differentiation
Partial or mixed gonadal dysgenesis
Maternal: Focus on medications ingestion, exposure to teratogens or infections
Congenital Embryopathy
Fx: Similar situation
Physical Examination
Palpable gonads
Length and diameter or the phallus, the position of the urethra, the degree of
fusion of the labioscrotal folds, existence of a vagina
Other dysmorphic features E.g. Urinary tract and anus
Karyotyping using the blood and bone marrow samples, also include
AMH A marker for testicular tis
Serum level of 17-Hydroxy-progesterone, 17-Hydroxy-pregnenolone,
Testosterone, DHT, 11-Deoxycortisol, Androstenedione
Serum level of LH and maternal androgens
Biopsy samples
Imaging: Pelvic US can demonstration uterus
3. What is congenital adrenal hyperplasia?
4. What causes it?
The most common cause of virilization in genetic females
Genetic disorder, where there is a deficiency in 21-hydroxylase deficiency
21-hydroxylase deficiency represents 90% of cases
deficiency of cortisol increase in ACTH adrenal hyperplasia causes too
It is an autosomal recessive disorder, with the defect in cortisol synthesis
much androgen to be produced
21-hydroxylase deficiency deficiency of cortisol increase in ACTH
adrenal hyperplasia causes too much androgen to be produced
Clinical Features
External genitalia are virilized
This baby was born few hours ago. On first feeding, the baby vomited. Her first time mum was worried and asked for your help.
Please take a history from the mother
What do you think is happening?
What is your plan?
She turn out to have pyloric stenosis. Please explain to the mother.
1. Possible causes.
2. Explain hypertrophic pyloric stenosis.
Metabolic: Galactosemia, Other inborn errors of metabolism, DM
Congenital: Esophageal stricture/web/ring/atresia, Pyloric stenosis, MalMost common congenital abnormalities of children
rotation, Imperforate anus, Hirschsprung disease
Caused by the hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the smooth muscle
GIT: Reflux (remember if fails to respond to treatment, consider EE Eosinophilic
Clinical Features
esophagitis), Obstruction, Fistula
Symptoms usually begins between week 4 and 7 of age
Infectious: Viral, Bacterial
Progressive, forceful, non-bilious vomiting
Common Causes by Age
Dehydration, weight loss and FTT can develop
If left undiagnosed, metabolic alkalosis and jaundice in 5% of infants
- Infants: Anatomic obstruction, Metabolic disorder, Infection, Reflux,
Overfeeding, Bezoar
Palpable mass or visible peristaltic wave in the RUQ
- Toddler: Infection, Medication, Reflux, Intussusception, Foreign body,
Abdo US is the diagnosis of choice
Bezoar, Malrotation
- Child: Reflux, Cyclic vomiting, Malrotation, Infection
Fluid resuscitation
- Adolescent: Pregnancy, Bulimia, Infection, Ulcer, Malrotation, Celiac
PMH Guidelines
The younger the child, the less specific vomiting is for the cause
In infants, reflux is normal, only a problem if they cause pain or FTT
Vomiting is rarely caused by constipation alone
Bilious vomiting (green) implies bowel obstruction distal to the ampulla
of Vater
Vomiting of fresh blood usually implies bleeding proximal to the gastric
Vomiting of coffee ground implies exposure of blood to gastric juice over
a period of time
Vomitus with a fecal odour is consistent with peritonitis or a low GIT
U&E, Creatinine
Blood gases
Abdominal XR
Abdominal US
More Info
Reflux Disease
Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Rare condition
Autosomal recessive condition
Absence of enzyme to digest galactose
Upon commencement of milk develop vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice,
- Plasma concentration is raised
Failure to Thrive
- Adequate Nutrition
- Normal Physiology
- Hormones
Low BMI, Oral symptoms (bleeding gum in scurvy, vit C), Musculo (muscle
loss, fragile bones, calcium, vit D), Decreased organ function (heart, renal,
lung, intestine, stomach), Abdominal (swollen abdomen, Kwashiorkor)
At a glance - Causes
Inadequate Intake
Environmental Non-Organic
- Congenital HD
- Pulmonary D
- Hyperthyroidism
- Metabolic disorder, DM
- Immunodeficiency
- Recurrent Infection
Most common
Difficulties at home, limitations in the parents, maternal depression
Loss in weight, followed by height and head circumference
Developmental stages may delay
Renal failure
Celiac Ab
Celiac disease
Sweat test
Thyroid, TSH
Congenital hypothyroidism
Chromosomal abnormalities
Nutritional advice
Feeding services
Social health services if neglect
Chronic Illness
31-41 Weeks
At 40 weeks: 3.4 kg
Thick skin, Pale pink color
Pinna firm, Immediate recoil
One or both nodules >1cm
Male: Scrotum has rugae, testes in scrotum, Female: Labia minora and
clitoris covered
Rarely requires respiratory support
Coordinates sucking
Cry loudly
Makes eye contact
Follow faces
Turns head and eyes to sound
Flexed posture, smooth movements
Temperature Controls
Place in a plastic bag at birth to keep warm
Perform stabilization under a radiant warmer or in an incubator to avoid
Avoid hyperthermia, as may increase brain injury
Peripheral IV line
Inserted if frequent blood gas analysis, blood tests and continuous blood
pressure monitoring
- Usually umbilical artery catheter, sometimes peripheral cannula of for
short period of time
Central Venous Line
Time must be found for parents to allow them to see and touch their
Case 1
A baby was born yesterday. On newborn examination, you notice a cardiac murmur.
Case 2
6 months old comes to see you for his vaccination. You noted a cardiac murmur.
List 6 factors that will help you decide if this is pathological based on history or examination.
You think it is a small ventricular septal defect. What important information and advice will you give Ryans parents?
1. Approach.
- History, Physical Examination, Investigations
- Ask for symptoms of heart failure, tachycardia, tachypnea, edema
- Cyanosis
- Poor feeding
- Weight and height
- Fx of chromosomal disorder or congenital heart disease
- Also ante-partum, during labour and post-partum history
Physical Examination
- Peripheral Signs: Dysmorphic features, Growth charts, Cyanosis, Clubbing,
BP, Peripheral pulses, Chest observation
- Palpation and Auscultation: Thrills, Heaves
- Listen to the characteristics of the murmur
- Refer to an experienced cardiologist, who can differentiate innocent
murmur quite well
- Echo required sedation, should only be ordered by the cardiologist who
have examined the kid, take about 45-60mins to complete
3. What are the features of a pathological murmur?
- Thrills
- Harsh
- Diastolic murmur
This baby was born with Down Syndrome. The parents have just been informed about the diagnosis and know nothing about the condition.
- Please explain to the parents what Down Syndrome is and the implication of it on their baby.
- Answer questions from the parents.
Medical Complications
- Greet parents, Introduce self
- Congenital Heart Diseases: 50% have a congenital heart disease
- Malignancies: Leukemia are common, transient leukemia can affects up
to 20% - typically benign and resolve on its own
- Down Syndrome
- Thyroid: Hypothyroidism is common
- How much do they know about the condition?
- GIT: Risk of Hirschsprung disease (nerve controlling part of colon is absent
severe constipation)
- Reassure and comfort the parents as necessary
- Neurology: Risk of epilepsy and Alzheimers disease
Etiology, Clinical Manifestations, Complications
- Eyes: Cataracts, Strabismus, Refractive errors are common
- A chromosomal abnormalities with the presence of an extra 21
- Hearing loss
chromosome causing:
- Physical Characteristics: Un-slanting eyes, Wide palpebral fissure,
Prominent tongue, Hypotonia, Flattened occiput, Single palmar creases,
Wide space between 1st and 2nd toes, Spots on the iris, Curved 5th finger
- Mental Characteristics: Intellectual disability IQ 50-70, Mental qualities
have been described to be unisexual, playful, affectionate, Commonly
have a speech, fine motor skills, gross motor skills delay, some will being
walking at around 2 years
3. How are we going to manage her?
4. Can she get married and have children?
- Multidisciplinary approach
- Manage medical complications
- Both males and females are affected
- Regular follow-ups
Disorder of the movement and posture due to lesion of the motor
pathways in the brain
The lesion is non-progressive, but symptoms emerge over time
Most common cause of motor impairment in children
Learning difficulties
Hearing impairment
Speech disorder
Visual impairment, Strabismus
Feeding problems
Behavioral disorder
Hip subluxation, Joint contractures, scoliosis
If you see a X-ray in any of the ped station, 99% it will be an abuse station. Usually there will be 2 x-rays. One really obvious to have a fracture, while the
other one is not obvious = a healed fracture. They wont show you a normal X-ray.
1. Interpret this X-Ray.
2. Take a history from mum.
The mum denied any abuse.
3. Discuss management.
4. What are the 4 features that would
make you think about child abuse?
5. What would you do in a case of
suspected child abuse?
- Ask about how the accident occur? When? Where? Who was supervising
the child? Any delay in seeking treatment? Type of injury? Magnitude of
force? First time?
- Focus on the social history E.g. Divorced? Unplanned pregnancy?
Financial difficulty? Relationship with partner?
- Alcohol or drug abuse?
- History from parents does not correlate with the signs and symptoms of
the child
- Delay in seeking medical attention
- Injury in pre-mobile infants
- Abnormal parent-child interaction
- Parents more interested in returning home than child
- Explain to the mum, what she has been describing does not correlate
with the X-ray
- There is a possibility physical abuse may have occurred, and require more
investigations for confirmation E.g. Skeletal survey, Brain US/CT, more
detailed physical examination
Basically, it is same for the newborn check (see also newborn check in neonatal section)
But also have to take a history from the mum E.g. Feeding issues, depression, recovery from pregnancy, contraception
General Inspection
- Distress, Breathing difficulty, Interaction with surrounding
- Color: Blue, Jaundice
- Skin: Rashes, Dermatitis, Salmon patches, Mongolian spots, Caf au lait
macules (brown macules, > 6 is suggestive of neurofibromatosis)
- Check for red reflexes and exclude cataract
- Strabismus Should be diminished within the first 2-3 months of life, if
persists after age of 3 months ophthalmologist
- Features of Down Syndrome: Up-slanting eyes, Wide palpebral fissure,
Prominent tongue, Flattened occiput, Single palmar creases, Curved 5th
finger, Wide space between the 1st and 2nd toes, Spots on iris
Oral Cavity
- Teeth: Primary teeth typically occurs at the age of 6 months, Natal teeth
can present shortly after birth and may interfere with feeding
- Cleft palate
- Thrust
- Epsteins Pearl, Bohns Nodule, Dental Lamima Cyst
- Palpation: Enlarged liver, Spleen, Kidneys
- Umbilicus: Cord generally falls off 7-12 days, may take linger, presence of
oozing, a few drops of blood, a mild odor is normal, concern if significant
redness, discharge, bleeding continuously
- Umbilical Hernia (repaired is usually done if persists beyond 5 years),
Omphalitis, Umbilical granuloma, Patent omphalo-mesenteric duct
(connection between the ileum and umbilicus), Patent urachus
(connection between the urinary bladder and the abdominal wall)
- Femoral pulse
Genitalia - Girls
- Labial adhesion
- Inspection: Swelling or asymmetry of the cranium caput succedaneum
(caused by fluid collection by the pressure of the presenting part, resolves
during the first few days of life), Cephalo-hematoma, Molding (positional
- Palpation: Premature closure of a suture by feeling the fontanelles
- Hearing:
- Inspection: Movement of chest wall for respiratory distress
- Auscultation: Heart sounds, Murmur
- Breast hypertrophy , may result from passage of maternal hormones
across the placenta during gestation
- Galactorrhea
- Mastitis
Genitalia Boys
- Hypospadias Urethra opens on the ventral side
- Epispadias Urethra opens on the dorsum of penia
- Undescended testis Most descends during the first 3-6 months, if
undescended at 4-6 months refer to urologist, treatment can be
performed after 4 months to 1 year of age
- Inguinal hernia
- Hydrocele Persistence of the process vaginalis, allows fluid to pass into
the scrotal sac, transilluminate, if persists at the age of 6 months to 1 year
referral to a surgeon
Hip Screen for developmental dysplasia of the hip
Barlow Test
Vaginal discharge and bleeding (if happens in the first week, discharge
usually due to maternal estrogen in gestation, bleeding usually due to
withdrawal of maternal estrogen)
- Tone: Including head lag, assess by pulling baby to sit with his/her hands,
head lag will still be present, but the baby should then bring head to
upright position for a short time, When holding baby prone, baby should
raise head and legs above horizontal with back straight
- Turn the infant over and check spine (Check of bulges, Spina bifida,
- Check anus is patent
- Grasping Gone by 3 months
- Rooting and Sucking Gone by 4-6 months
- Stepping reflex Gone by 6 weeks
- Moro reflex Gone by 4 months
- ATNR Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex Gone by 6 months
- Landua Reflex Present at 4 months, gone by 2 years
- Parachute Reflex Present at 8 months and persists
- Neck Righting Gone by 2 years
- Head Righting Present at 4-6 months and persists
Zoey Smith, 20 months old patient has had a urinary tract infection confirmed on microscopy and culture on a clean catch urine specimen. Zoey is completing
an appropriate course of antibiotics and has turned with her mother for review. Please explain to Mrs smith what you management will be and why.
A brief history.
When did you son has the UTI? Symptoms free now?
Has he been taking the antibiotics? Any side effects from the antibiotics?
Is this the first time that your son has been diagnosed with an UTI?
So he has never had any ultrasound scan done on his urinary tract?
Further Management
- Another thing I need to organize is further investigations of your sons
urinary tract.
- It is important for us to rule any structural abnormalities of the urinary
tract, because of potential long term complications E.g. Hypertension,
Renal failure
- When we talk about urinary tract, we are taking about 2 kidneys, 2
ureters, 1 bladder and 1 urethra. Let me draw you a little diagram.
Urination keeps the urinary tract free of bacteria by flushing them away.
If there are any abnormalities along the urinary tract, the flushing process
may be inhibited and increases risk of UTI.
- Renal US and Voiding cysto-urethro-gram
Renal US
So there are few things we need to do now for the urinary tract infection.
First of all, it is good to hear that your son is improving and is now
symptom free.
However, we do need to repeat the urine test to make sure that the
infection is cleared before we stop the antibiotics. Even though you son is
symptom free now, but the infection could still be there which can be
detected by analyzing the urine.
If ve, we can stop the antibiotics, If +ve, we need to continue the
Abnormalities is found in over 40% of children who have a UTI
Burns surface area %
Check for airway E.g. Inhalation
Check for concurrent injuries E.g. Fractures?
Airway: Consider early intubation with inhalation burns
Breathing: Give oxygen as required
Prevention of Hot Tap water
Explanation of Anaphylaxis
Our body has an immune system that helps us fight against harmful
pathogens such as bacteria or parasites.
However, for some reasons, our body may mis-recognize non-harmful
substance (such as food or medications) as harmful substance and start
to attack them.
While attack them, it releases a lot of inflammatory mediators such as
histamines which causes a range of symptoms and signs of
Clinical Features
Identification and avoidance of triggers E.g. Skin prick test, RAST test
Strict elimination diet
Dietician referral
Review 1-3 yearly with repeat SPT/RAST +/- Oral challenge tests to
determine clinical tolerance
Difficulty breathing
Swelling of tongue
Tightness of chest
Difficulty talking or hoarse voice
- Coughing
- Wheezing
- Shortness of breath
- Vomiting
- Collapse
Cardiorespiratory arrest
Learn to recognize early warning signs, carry an EpiPen, also put one at
school, also give an action plan for school
- Anaphylaxis action plan
- Wear Medic Alert Bracelet
Kids-L1-Juvenile onset DM
You are a RMO working at the PMH ED. A mother brings in her 6 years old son who does not look so well. Take a focus history and explain to the mother what
is wrong with the child. What needs to be done?
History - PC
Im one of the doctors working in the ED. Can I have you name please? I
understand that your son has not been feeling well. And I would like to
take a more detailed history and see what we can do about it.
- When did the vomiting start?
- Frequency? How often? How many times has he vomited?
- What is the color of the vomit? No blood?
- Could you describe the action of vomiting? For example projectile
vomiting? Effortless? Really exhausted?
- Anything makes it worse or better?
- Has he been recently sick or in contact with people who are sick?
- Has he been drinking enough water?
- When was stool last passed,
- Other symptoms: Diarrhea? Abdominal pain? Jaundice?
- General: Sleeping? Appetite? Loss of weight? Fever? Fatigue?
- Any skin rashes? Viral GN
Systemic Review
- Up to date
Pregnancy History
- How was the pregnancy?
- Was it term?
- Complications?
- Low birth weight?
Birth History
- How is he doing at school? Not missing out a lot of school?
- What is the occupation of parents?
- What is the height of the parents?
- Financial issues?
I would also like to examine you son. This is quite important as it helps
me to evaluate how sick your son it. Basically Im going to:
General Inspection: Responsive? Interacting? Distress? Jaundice? Skin
rashes? Pallor?
Vitals: HR, RR, Temperature, BP
Hands: Pallor? Diminished skin turgor? Capillaries refills?
Head: Pallor? Dry mucous? Sunken eyes?
Abdominal: Tenderness? Distension?
You son has been vomiting for the past 3-4 days. Common things are
common. The commonest causes are infection such as viral
gastroenteritis/infection of the gut or UTI.
- However, something that you told me in the history, for example, loss of
weight of 7 kg and going to toilet more often makes me think about other
possibilities such as diabetes. We do see kids with diabetes present with
vomiting, weight loss and passing water more often. What is more, you
son is quite sick.
Therefore, I would like to do initial investigations:
At this moment, while waiting for the test results to come back, only
management is rehydration
Fluid hydration
Insulin if diabetic ketoacidosis
If DK, watch for K+, may need K+ replacement
Simon is a 4 years old boy who presented with 8 hours history of being unwell with 3 non-bilious vomits and 2 loose stools. You feel that he looks well that is
not dehydrated and you can wait and see. What advices would you give to his patient regarding management for the next 24 hours?
Complications of Dehydrations
Shock with tachycardia
Shallow breathing
No urination Kidney failure
He has the energy reserves to carry him through a period of fasting
Early introduction of diet promotes recover, as long as he is tolerating
Enteric Infection: Viral (Rotavirus, Adenovirus, Astro virus), Bacterial
(Salmonella, Campylobacter, E. Coli, Shigella, Vibrio cholerae), Protozoa
(Giardia, Cryptosporidium, Entameba)
- Food Poisoning: Severe bacteria and bacterial toxins
- Systemic Infection: UTI, Septicemia, Pneumonia, Otitis media
- Surgical Conditions: Appendicitis, Intussusception, Partial bowel
- Others: DM, Antibiotics, Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
What to Look for?
- Bloody diarrhea
- Watch for reaction to food
- UTI passing urine, pain when passing urine
- Abdominal pain
- Thirsty, Loss of weight, Polyuria, Tired
Kids-L1-Ped resuscitation
Background Knowledge Adopted from Pediatric Hospital Life Support (August 2012)
Neonate Up to 28 days
Infant - <1 year
Child 1 year to puberty
Older children may be treated as adult, but they do not have the same
occurrence of ventricular fibrillation as adults
Anatomical Differences
Circulatory Failure
Effort of Breathing
- Respiratory rate
- Recession
- Accessory muscle use
- Flaring of the nares
- Stridor or wheezing
- Grunting (exhale against the glottis)
Inspect the airway (before this, check for response and call for help)
Size = Determined by the distance between the center of the lip and the
angle of the mandible
Inserted under direct vision, using a tongue depressor
- Most common
- A flat line
- Make sure it is not caused by disconnected leads
- Treatments: Immediate CPR, Followed by administration of adrenaline
Pulseless electrical activity
- Treatments: Immediate CPR, Followed by administration of adrenaline
Ventricular fibrillation
- Uncommon in child
- Treatment: Defibrillation and CPR
Pulseless ventricular tachycardia
Intraosseous Access
Re-evaluate ABCDE
12 lead ECG
Treat precipitating causes
Re-evaluate oxygenation and ventilation
Temperature control
Extremely uncommon
Treatment: Defibrillation and CPR
Quicker than IV
Indicated if attempts to gain IV access take longer than 90s
Preferred insertion site: Medical surface of the proximal tibia
Indicated in pulseless VT and VF after the 3rd shock
Sodium Bicarbonate
Indicated in hyperkalemia, may be considered for metabolic acidosis
Case 1
You are a RMO on your first day of pediatric rotation at PMH. You walk into little Kims room and notice she is lying still on her bed. She is a 6 months old girl.
Her mother has gone out to get lunch and you are the first one on the scene.
1. Please take charge of this scenario.
2. A second person arrives Please delegate task
3. A third person arrives Please delegate task
Check response:
Attach a defibrillator
(ask for IV/IO access) Urgent blood sample may be taken at this point
(check for glucose, Glucose, hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia)
The second person arrives
If breathing is abnormal or not present 2 rescue breaths (mouth to
mouth or a bag and mask Connect to oxygen 10L/min)
- After the 2 rescue breaths, check for circulation - Brachial pulse, Check
for breathing response or movement
Compression If no sign of life
Exam Questions
Case 3
- Child with anaphylaxis
- Breathing Resisting breathing, Use the mask instead of the bed
- Circulation
- No need for defibrillator, but could be useful with ECG monitoring
- Use of the epi pen. IM
How to put the OPA and why? Insert the concave side over the tongue
under direct vision to avoid damage to palate.
What is the location of the interosseus insertion? What are the
contraindications? What can you do with the bone marrow?
What are the reversible causes of cardiac arrest? Hypoxia,
Hypovolemia, Hypo/Hyperkalemia, Hypo/Hyperthermia, Tension
pneumothorax, Tamponade, Toxins, Thromboembolism
What are you check in circulation? Capillary refill on sternum, BP,
Pulses, Color, Temperature
What would you like after the adrenaline administration? Re-assess
the patient, wait for 2 minutes
Discuss immunization with a concerned mother. Her child had a reaction to the 2 months schedule, missed the 4 month and is now 6 months old. What
should they do now?
- Answer questions from the mother.
Physical Examination
Could you tell me about what happened last time you child received the
- Does he have the common reaction such as swelling or redness on the
injection site? Fever? Become irritable? Vomiting or diarrhea? Fainting?
- Seizure, how long did it last for?
- Does he have the uncommon reactions such difficulty breathing? Welling
of eyes and mouth? Sudden collapse? Blue? Pale color? Seizures?
- Did he develop any neurological disorder after the vaccination?
- What happened after? Did he get better?
At this moment
How is he?
No fever? Diarrhea or vomiting?
Does he have any past medical history? E.g. Autoimmune disease
Medications? Steroids?
- Allergies?
- Feeding? Breast feeding? Weight gain?
Birth History
Common, usually disappear over 24-48 hours and they do not usually
require treatment
Vomiting and Diarrhea
- Action: Continue to breast feed, give small frequent feeds
Small Lump at the Injection Site
- Usually disappear in a few weeks
Action: Defer all vaccines until afebrile, but children with minor illness
without acute systemic signs/symptoms should be vaccinated
- Rationale: To avoid SE in an already unwell child
Had a disease/treatment which lowers immunity
Im one of the doctors working here today. Can I have you name please?
I understand that your 8 months old son Jason has recently been sick and
has had a seizure. Is that right?
So basically, Im here to explain to what have happened to Jason and what
are we going to do now.
There are a number of causes of seizures and epilepsy is one of them.
Epilepsy is recurrent attack of seizures, usually without an identifiable
While in Jason case, the seizure is very likely to be caused by the fever
Havent said, have a febrile convulsion dose slightly increases the chance of
developing epilepsy in the future. But not really significant.
Majority will grow out of this
- Important to prevent your son getting infection.
- Most importantly, up to date vaccination
- Wash hands often
- No smoking at home
- Avoid contact with sick people
When you son is ill
- No
- But it is good for symptomatic relief
Do not panic
Do not put anything into the mouth
Do not restrict convulsive movements may cause fracture, may injure
the helper
Do not give water until fully conscious
Initially: Airway, Breathing, High flow O2, Check blood sugar level, after 5
With vascular access: Diazepam 0.25mg/kg or Midazolam 0.15mg/kg
Without vascular access: PR, IM
- Febrile convulsion > 15 min, occur more than 1 in 24 hours, or are focal
- Increased incidence of later epilepsy
- Require admission for observation and investigations
Kids-L1-Otitis media
You are an ED resident at PMH and you receive a call from a country nurse regarding a patient. The patient is a 10 year old indigenous child who she suspects has
otitis media.
1. Please discuss with her how you may better diagnosis the patient?
2. What physical examinations?
3. Any possible DDx and how to rule out?
4. Any further investigation you think may be necessary?
5. Any treatment you think may be needed?
6. Any investigations you would prefer the patient for?
To diagnose someone with otitis media history and physical
History Symptoms
Physical Examination
General Inspection: Does the kid look sick? Irritable? Ear redness?
Swelling? Discharge?
Vitals: Temperature, RR, PR, BP
Have a look with an otoscope. Look at the ear canal, and the tympanic
membrane, look at the good one then the affected one
Membrane: Look red, Bulging, Perforation, Pus
Foreign objects
Also examine the throat, nose eyes, neck lymph nodes
Assess hearing
Investigation really depends on how sick the patient
If really sick E.g. High fever, malaise, I would do a septic screen
Urinalysis, routine
Also depends on the history, if more than 3 months hearing test
Ear swabs should not be done, usually do not influence management, only
indicated if ongoing otorrhea despite appropriate management
- Audiology for tympanometry to assess for chronic or OM with effusion
More Info PMH Guildelines
Otitis externae
Foreign objects
Traditionally treated with antibiotics, buy evidence suggest that this at best
shortens the duration of pain by less than 1 day, and does not reduce
recurrence rate nor complication rate
Therefore, it is reasonable to consider supportive treatment in the first 48
hours of symptoms in low risk children
Antibiotics are indicated if the symptoms persists or the child becomes
In high risk children E.g. infants, children of low socio-economic standing,
indigenous, immunocompromised treat with antibiotics
Complications E.g. Mastoiditis, Discharging otitis media
Generally Amoxycillin is indicated, if no response in 48 hours Augmentin
Analgesia is the most important, often paracetamol alone is not adequate,
Painstop-day and Painstop-night
Topical anesthetic oil (Auralgin) if there is no perforation
Common presentation to GP or ED
Child will usually present with a painful ear and fever
Often follow a prodrome of URTI
A younger child may present with fever, crying, screaming or even
- Otoscopic examination red and bulging eardrum
- Note: The eardrum erythema can be due to fever or crying, beware
especially when there is no history of earache
Acute onset
Middle ear effusion (bulging TM, limited TM mobility, Air-fluid level,
- Signs and symptoms of inflammation E.g. Distinct TM erythema, Otalgia
Traditionally treated with antibiotics, buy evidence suggest that this at best
shortens the duration of pain by less than 1 day, and does not reduce
recurrence rate nor complication rate
- Therefore, it is reasonable to consider supportive treatment in the first 48
hours of symptoms in low risk children
- Antibiotics are indicated if the symptoms persists or the child becomes
- In high risk children E.g. infants, children of low socio-economic standing,
indigenous, immunocompromised treat with antibiotics
- Complications E.g. Mastoiditis, Discharging otitis media
- Generally Amoxycillin is indicated, if no response in 48 hours Augmentin
- Analgesia is the most important, often paracetamol alone is not adequate,
Painstop-day and Painstop-night
- Topical anesthetic oil (Auralgin) if there is no perforation
Chronic Suppurative OM or Discharging OM
No evidence to support medical intervention
Wait for 3 months, if no improvements, 4 weeks of broad spectrum
antibiotics may be trialed
A history of atopy use of steroid nasal spray
Hearing loss with OM effusion insertion of grommets +/adenoidectomy
Ear swabs should not be done, usually do not influence management, only
indicated if ongoing otorrhea despite appropriate management
Oral antibiotics are usually ineffective and are not recommended
Topical Antibiotics have been shown to be most effective, usually
Ciprofloxacin used
Dry ear with tissues spears can be used
Lying on front
6 months: Lift head, chest and supports with extended arms, rolls over
Head lag
5 months: Gone
Hearing, Speech
4 months: laughs
6 months: Babbles
Scarlet Fever
- Usually in children 2-10 years of age
- Etiology: Caused by hemolytic Streptococcus
- Clinical Features: Begins with fever and pharyngitis, followed in 24 to 48
hours by enanthem (small spots on the mucous membrane) and
exanthema (rash on body), face appears flushed, but circumoral pallor
(skin around the mouth pale), white strawberry tongue (has a white
coating) the progresses to a red strawberry tongue, cervical and
submandibular lymphadenopathy, Rash (sand paper like, diffuse
erythema), rash resolves in 4-5 days with fine peeling of skin starting on
- Evaluation: Culture or rapid test of a pharyngeal swab
- Treatment: Penicillin, Amoxicillin, Erythromycin if allergic to penicillin
Circumoral Pallor
Petechiae in lines
Toxic Shock Syndrome
- Etiology: A multisystem disease caused by exotoxin producing stains of S.
aureus (TSS) or Streptococcus pyogenes (STSS)
- TSS is seen in association with menstruation, but non-menstrual TSS is
now more common
- STSS is usually a complication of a wound infection
- Clinical Features: Fever, Rash, Hypotension are the hallmark,
involvement of other organs myalgias, acute renal failure,
encephalopathy, DIC, diarrhea, metabolic acidosis, hepatitis, rash may
appear morbiliform or erythroderma (Erythema and scaling affects
nearly the entire cutaneous skin), can involve palms and soles, late
desquamation, strawberry tongue
- Evaluation: Blood cultures should be sent, culture of cutaneous wounds,
FBC, U&E, LFT, Urinalysis, CK, Coagulation studies
- Treatment: Vancomycin
Herpes simplex
- Etiology: Caused by Neisseria meningitidis, asymptomatic nasopharygeal
carriage occurs and transmission occurs via respiratory droplets
- Clinical Features: Begins with symptoms of URTI, followed by fever,
malaise, headache, petechial eruption, can have erythematous macules,
papules and urticarial lesions, in severe cases the purpura can involve
large areas that eventually necrose
- Always think of meningococcemia when a patient presents with fever and
- Evaluation: Cultures of blood, CFS or skin lesions, gram stain
- Treatment: Penicillin, Ceftriaxone, Cefotaxime
Varicella (chickenpox)
Erythema Infectiosum
- Etiology: Caused by Parvovirus B19, Transmission via respiratory droplets
- Clinical Features: Seen mainly in school age children, between 4 and 10
years of age, prodromal symptoms of fever, pharyngitis, malaise, coryza
followed by slapped cheek, a reticulated erythematous exanthema can
develop on the extremities, older children may complain of arthralgias or
- Evaluation: Diagnosis usually made clinically, serologic test and serum
PCR for parvovirus B19 may be performed if the diagnosis is unclear
- Treatment: Self-limiting
- Etiology: Some entero-viruses can have cutaneous manifestation E.g.
Cox-Sackie-Virus A1-10, 16, 22 are common causes of Herpangina, CoxSackie-Virus B 16 is the most common cause of hand-foot-mouth disease
- Clinical Features: Prodromal symptoms of Fever, Malaise, Headache,
Pharyngitis, Diarrhea, Herpangina presents with small gray-white vesicles
and erosions of the hard palate, buccal mucosa, tongue and gingiva,
Papules and vesicles may also be seen on the buttocks
- Note: Many patients have significant oral pain and decreased oral intake
young infants are at risk of dehydration
- Evaluation: Diagnosis is usually clinical
- Treatments: Self-limiting, Hydration + Analgesics
Kawasaki Disease
- Etiology: Unknown
- Clinical Features: 5 out of 6 criteria: Fever for at least 5 days, Bilateral
non-purulent conjunctivitis, Erythema and crusting of the lips, Edema
with subsequent desqumation, Rash, Cervical adenopathy
- Rash: Generalized erythema, Erythema multiforme, pustular lesions
- An important cutaneous finding is the desquamation of the perineal area
early in the disease
- Evaluation: Thrombocytosis in 2nd week, Hyponatremia,
Hypoalbuminemia, Elevated ESR, Anemia, Leukycytosis, Echo should be
performed to look for coronary artery aneurysmal dilation
- Treatment: IV gamma globulin, Aspirin
Erythema Toxicum
- Etiology: unknown, Develop 3-4 days of birth, Rash anywhere except for
palms and soles, few to several hundred lesions
- Evaluation: A smear of a pustule reveals clusters of eosinophils
- Treatment: Resolve by 2 weeks of age
Seborrheic Dermatitis
- Etiology: Unknown, May be related to maternal hormonal stimulation
- Clinical Features: Begins during the first 12 weeks of life, with scaling of
the scalp, generally cleared by 1 years of age, Characterized by greasy
- Etiology: Common in neonates and infants, commonly caused by Candida
albicans, transmission usually occurs during or after delivery
- Clinical Features: Superficial erythematous papules and pustules,
involvement of diaper area and other intertriginous areas
- Evaluation: Microscopic examination demonstrate budding yeast, A
fungal culture can be performed if diagnosis unclear
- Treatment: Antifungal cream or ointment, Affected area should be kept
dry, Frequent diaper changes
Neonatal Acne
- Etiology: Unknown, probably due to stimulation of sebaceous gland by
maternal and infant androgens
- More common in boys, Closed comedones (whiteheads) are most
common, Open comedones, inflammatory papules and pustules also be
- No treatment is necessary
- Refer to a dermatologist in moderate to severe cases
Atopic Dermatitis
- Etiology: One of the most common causes of pruritus in children, poorly
understood, characterized by inflammatory hyper-reactivity, believed to
be caused by abnormal T cell function with IgE overproduction
- Clinical Features: Most with Fx of asthma, hay fever, dermatitis, Many
children later develop asthma or hay fever, Rash usually appear on the
face/neck/trunk in the first year of life, Eruption with erythematous,
poorly demarcated patches and initially is exudative and later forming
crusts, There may be associated papules or vesicles, with scratching
lesion become thickened or lichenified, Pigmentation changes are
common complications
- Has a chronic and recurrent nature
It may be difficult to differentiate between seborrheic dermatitis from
atopic dermatitis in infants
- Seborrheic Dermatitis: Appears in the first 2 months of life, Scale is
yellow and greasy, Often seen behind the ears
- Diagnosis of atopic dermatitis may be delayed until repeated outbreaks
- Treatment: Moisturize, Eliminate possible irritants, Topical steroid (1%
hydrocortisone cream), Secondary skin infection with staphylococci or
herpes can occur
Contact Dermatitis
- Etiology: Primary Irritant Dermatitis (response of skin to an irritant E.g.
Soaps, Bubble baths, Saliva, Urine, Feces, Citrus juice, Chemicals, Wool,
Perspiration = sweat) Allergic Contact Dermatitis (Characterized by a
delayed hypersensitivity E.g. Poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac,
cosmetics, nail polish, shoe material, clothing material latex)
- Clinical Features: Most prominent in the areas of direct contact
- Treatment: removal of offending agents, topical steroids, failure to
respond indicates possible misdiagnosis
Nummular Dermatitis
- Manifestation of dry skin and ichthyosis (rough and scaly skin), Rash is
coin-shaped with vesicle, papules, erythema, scaling
- It may be confused with impetigo or tinea corporis
- Etiology: Unknown, An immune defect may be a primary or secondary
- Clinical Features: Erythematous plaques with silvery scale, located
symmetrically on the elbows, knees, extensors surfaces of the wrist,
genitalia and scalp, Nail changes include pitting and onycholysis
- Evaluation: A clinical diagnosis, Skin biopsy if in doubt
- Treatment: Mid-potency topical steroid, topical retinoids, Topical
calcipotriene, Anti-seborrheic shampoos, in severe cases UV light therapy
or systemic medication
Lichen Planus
- Clinical Features: 5P = Pruritic, Polygonal, Purple, Planar, Papules located
on the flexor surfaces, genitalia, mucous membrane, scalp, nails
- Cause is unknown
- Disease eventually lead to scarring of the scalp and nails
- Evaluation: A skin biopsy confirms the diagnosis when clinically in doubt
- Treatment: Topical steroids, some may require oral corticosteroids or
Tinea Versicolor
- Etiology: Caused by superficial infection with Malassezia furfur
- Clinical Features: Hypopigmented or hyperpigmented round oval
coalescent macules, with superficial scale on the chest, back, abdomen,
proximal extremities, usually asymptomatic
- Evaluation: Diagnosis made clinically, Microscopic examination with a
potassium hydroxide preparation demonstrate fungal spores and hyphae
with a spaghetti and meatballs appearance
- Treatment: Topical antifungal cream E.g. Ketoconazole
Tinea corporis
Tinea capitis
Pityriasis Rosea
- Etiology: Cause is unknown
- Clinical Features: Acute, self-limiting, most cases start with a single, large,
oval, scaling plaque known as herald patch, then within one week small
pink scaled plaques develop on the trunk, have a tendency to follow skin
cleavage lines creating a Christmas tree pattern, Usually spares the face
except in children, May associate with moderate pruritus
Herald Patch
Can mimic secondary syphilis, should be considered in sexually active
Erythema Multiforme
- Etiology: Reactive inflammatory dermatosis (skin disease), usually as a
response to infection/medication, most common cause is herpes simplex
- Clinical Features: Target lesion, dusky erythema, surround by a ring of
pallor and a peripheral ring of erythema, common sites palms and
extremities, some patients complain of pruritus or burning, associate
with fever, fatigue, pharyngitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a more
severe form with mucosal involvement
- Evaluation: Diagnosis usually made clinically
- Treatment: Use of topical steroids or systemic antihistamines may be
helpful, systemic steroid for severe cases, this condition is self-limited
Urticaria Multiforme
- A relatively new term to describe extreme hives
- It is different from Erythema Multiforme because the raised areas move
- Also less likely to have necrotic centers like Erythema Multiforme
- Can be misdiagnosed as Erythema Multiforme
- Treatment: Using H1 and H2 antihistamine is the best treatment, Steroid
is considered in extreme cases
From the Emergency Book
- Acute urticarial is a common condition, associate with an infection, insect
bite, ingestion of food or medications
- Sudden onset of pruritic, transient, erythematous, well-circumscribed
wheals scattered over the body
- The lesions blanch with pressure
- Have a central clearing or associated tense edema
- Most reactions last 24-48 hours, rarely take weeks to resolve
- May be reactions such as wheezing, stridor, angioedema
- DDx: Erythema multiforme, HSP, Contact dermatitis, Reactive erythema,
Allergic vasculitis
ED Treatment
- Antihistamine
- Steroid or adrenaline may be considered in systemic reaction
- Unless there is evidence of acute angioedema, most cases can be
discharged home on oral antihistamines
Molluscum Contagiosum
- Etiology: It emerges at night, after feeding returns to dark, not known to
transmit disease
- Clinical Features: Macules that become popular, erythematous,
indurated, young patients may develop popular urticarial, when healed
the lesions maybe hypo-pigmented
- Evaluation: Small dark brown stains on the bedding, Recent travel, a
careful search of the bedroom, turning the mattress over
- Treatment: Clean and application of topical antibiotic ointment,
Eradication of insect from house requires an exterminator
Lyme Disease
- Acute febrile illness, with 3-4 days prodromal period of dry cough, coryza,
conjunctivitis, malaise
- Kopliks spots, red papules with white centers on the buccal mucosa,
usually present 1-2 days before the development of the rash
- Rash: Begins as dark red to purple macules and papules on the forehead
spread body and extermities
- Most cases recover without complications
- Complications: Otitis media, croup, pneumonia, encephalitis, myocarditis
ED Management
- Supportive: Bed rest, antipyretics, fluid balance
- Treat complications
- Post-exposure prophylaxis administration of the measles mumps rubella
- All children presenting to the ED with suspected HSP should have a stool
occult blood test if they have abdominal pain and a urinalysis for
- Intussusception with HSP is seen in 2% of patients, most commonly in
boys, particularly those about 6 years of age
- Joint symptoms may precede the rash in 25% of patients, ankles and
knees are the most commonly affected joints
- Monthly urinalysis should be performed for 3 months following diagnosis
to screen for delayed renal involvement
Acropustulosis of Infancy
You are a GP. Catherine has brought her 7 years old son because he has developed a rash on his hands and body.
Please take a history to exclude possible causes. Provide a differential. Discuss further investigation and management.
- My name is Anthony. Im a doctor working here today. I understand that
your 7 years old son has developed a rash on his hands and body. And I
have been asked to come to take a history and see what we can do about
- When did it first start?
- What part of body was affected? Does it spread? Does it affect the nail?
- Does it affect the elbow or knee?
- Could you describe the rash to me? What is it like? Color? Red? Pus?
Bleeding? Flatten or raised? Has it been oozing? Any discharge?
- Anything may have triggered it? For example food?
- Itchy? Painful?
- How does it affect his appetite and sleep?
- It is the first time you son has had this kind of rash?
- Recent travelling?
- Have you son been sick recently?
- Apart from the rash, other symptoms? E.g. Fever? Neck stiffness?
Photophobia? Difficulty breathing? Watery/red eyes? Abdominal pain
Physical Examination
- General inspection
- Take the vitals
- General examination: Neurological, Lungs (allergic reaction)
- Chronic relapsing pruritic inflammatory skin disease
- Occurs mostly in children
- Associated with serum IgE level, allergic rhinitis and asthma
- Avoid irritants: Synthetic clothing, soaps, detergents, chemical reagents
- Contact allergens: Latex, Metals, Perfumes
- Dietary factors: Cows milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy, fish,
- Inhalant: House dust mites, trees
- Environmental: Hard water, humidity, temperaures
- Complications: Skin infection, scarring, sleep disturbances, psy
- Associated condition: Asthma, allergic rhinitis, acute bronchitis
- Avoid triggers
- Moisturizers
- Topical steroids used on flaring as first line
- Dietary exclusions
- If moderate dermatitis, use moderate potency
- Watch for potent steroids on face cataract risk
Kids-L1-Abdo Pain
Kids-L1-Asthma - Management in PMH ED
Exhausted, Cyanosis
SaO2 >95%
SaO2 92-95%
SaO2 85-92%
SaO2 <85%
< 6 years: 6 puffs Salbutamol
puffs of Ipratropium
Oral or IV Steroid
and Ipratropium
IV steroid
Oral steroids
Observation Ward or Discharge
Kids-L2-Septic arthritis
You are a rural GP talking a call from a nurse. A 5 years old girl with a swollen knee.
Take history, DDx and Management.
Temperature, Vitals
Blood: FBC, CRP, ESR, blood culture
Consider X-ray +/- US
Joint aspirate
If relevant, bone scan, bone biopsy, (check RA, ANA, HLA-B27)
More Info
Child with 1 Swollen Joint Not sick
- Take careful history
- Examine joint for bruises, redness, evidence of trauma, swelling
Blood: FBC, ESR, CRP, if considering JIA (check RA, ANA, HLA-B27)
X-ray if bone tumors
Aspirate joint and culture
If relevant do bone scan
If <2 weeks, keep child under careful view
If >2 weeks, refer
Take history
Examine for joints, rashes, cardiovascular abnormalities
Check FBC, ESR, CRP, blood culture, streptococcal serology
Treat with antibiotics if septicemia possible, after blood culture taken
If systemic arthritis is possible, check for pericarditis
If leukemia is possible refer immediately
If HSP possible check urine for blood
A sick child with swollen joints is best in hospital whatever the cause
Take history
Examine for joints, rashes, cardiovascular abnormalities
Check FBC, ESR, CRP, blood culture, streptococcal serology
Treat with antibiotics if septicemia possible, after blood culture taken
Take a history
Explain examination
What are your ddx?
What are the investigations?
What are some causes of painless and painful limping?
Duration, onset, pattern
Trauma, history of trauma
New shoes
Site of maximum pain
Pain when not weight bearing, worsening
Pain at night
Stiffness in the morning
Locking of the knee
Joint involvement
- Temperature
- Rashes
- Unwell child poor perfusion, tachycardia
Gait, Joints, Skin, Muscles (power, wasting, swelling, tenderness), Lymph glands in
groin, Evidence of trauma
Toddlers Fracture
DDH developmental dysplasia of the hip
Muscular dystrophy
Congenital scoliosis
Cerebral palsy
Initial Investigations
Septic Arthritis
- Femoral head becomes deformed
- Gradual onset of pain around one hip, referred pain to the knee
- Limited movement
Osgood-Schlatter Disease
The navicular bone becomes compressed, gradual regeneration over 1-2 years
Tenderness and swelling around the navicular bone, associated with x-ray
Osteochondritis Dissecans Knee
Take a history.
What to look for on examination.
What investigations?
What is the management?
Hearing problems
Symptoms of autism: Stereotypes behaviors, Mannerism, Not seem to be
listening when spoken to
- Symptoms of sensory processing disorder: Over sensitive to
- Symptoms of epilepsy
- Sleeping ok? Bed wetting?
- Weight loss?
- Fx history of epilepsy, or symptoms suggestive of epilepsy
- Social history: Parents separation? Change in routine?
Developmental history
Speech: Absence of single word by 18? Not using simple sentences by 2.5
years? Use of gesture more than words by 3-5 years?
Other Developmental Delay?
Pregnancy, Birth history
Px, Vaccination
- Check Ears
Take a history
What are the causes of growth hormone deficiency?
What are the indications of growth hormone replacement therapy?
Measure the parents height and estimate mid-parental height (If child
below 3rd height centile, is this appropriate for mid-parental height)
- Take serial height measurements at least 6 months apart (is child growing
slow down?)
- Calculate height velocity
- Assessment of pubertal status (in older children)
- General features of chronic disease, nutritional state and dysmorphic
- Look for signs of hypothyroidism
- (Maternal height + Paternal height - 13)/2 = Ans +/- 6.5
Growth spurt
Maturation of primary sexual characteristics E.g. Gonads, Genitals
Appearance of secondary sexual characteristics
Menstruation and spermatogenesis
Turners syndrome
Prader willi syndrome
Chronic renal insufficiency
Idiopathic short stature
60s Onwards
- HE below 100 but >60?
- HR below 60?
- A second line resuscitation, only indicated in specific circumstances and
after other resuscitative measures
- The mother has received narcotics within 4 hours of delivery
- The mother has is not and illicit user of narcotics
- There is a continued respiratory depression after +ve pressure ventilation
has restored normal heart rate and color
(Naloxone should not be used in the first 5 misn of life)
- 100 micrograms/kg
- IV, dose may be repeated, but Naloxone has been traditionally given IM
When to cease resuscitation attempts
- Decision to cease resuscitation should only be made by a neonatal
consultant or senior registrar
- A decision to cease will be made generally after failure to obtain cardiac
activity 15 mins
Volume Expansion
- Given to infants who is not responding to an initial dose of Adrenaline
receive a 10ml/kg bolus of normal saline via a UVC (umbilical vein
- This is based on the possibility of covert blood loss
- Normal saline, the most convenient and safest volume replacement
- O ve blood is ideal, but this may take time to obtain
- Umbilical venous catheter
- 10mL/kg given as bolus over 1-2 mintues, may be repeated
Sodium Bicarbonate
- May be given if an arrest is going more than 10-15 mins, or if the infant is
not responding to adrenaline and volume
- 1-2 mmol/kg of 4.2 soIn (8.4% diluted 1:1 with sterile water)
Post-Resuscitation Care
- After the vitals has returned to normal admit to NICU Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit
Mongolian Spots
Caf-au-Lait Macules
- Frontanelles: Anterior and posterior fontanelle, anterior closes by 6-18 months, the posterior is generally smaller and closes by 4 months of age
- Caput Succedaneum: A diffuse swelling of the soft tissue of the scalp, if uncomplicated no treatment is needed and the swelling resolves during the
first few days of life, rare instances a hemorrhagic caput may occur and cause shock
- Cephalo-hematoma: Subperiosteal hemorrhage, the swelling does not cross suture lines, a slow process, may not be evident until several hours after
birth, most are resorbed between age of 2 weeks and 3 months, sometimes calcification can occur, but yet no treatment is recommended
- Molding (Positional Plagiocephaly): Asymmetry in the appearance of the cranium results from gentle application of pressure, Occurs when an infant
spends a significant portion of time in the same position, Should be examined for torticollis, Molding can be managed by repositioning, if severe a
cranial molding helmet can be used, Passive stretching is recommended for torticollis
Cranio-synostosis (Premature Closure of a Suture): Because the skill cannot expand to the fused suture, it grows in the direction parallel to the closed
Caput Succedaneum
Caput Succedaneum
- Eye Color: Eye color is usually formed by 3-6 months of age, additional iris pigmentation continues during the first year
- Strabismus: Should be diminished within the first 2-3 months of life, if persist after age of 3 months ophthalmologist
- Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction: Lacrimal system develops fully over the first 3-4 years of life, Lacrimal glands begin to produce tears by week 3 or 4 of
life, 6% of newborns has one or both lacrimal ducts blocked, Affected children appear to have excessive tearing, therapy with gentle massage of the
duct in a downward direction, Most blocked lacrimal ducts open spontaneously by 6 months of age, If still blocked at 1 year of age <1% will open
spontaneously, if persistent from 6-12 months ophthalmologist
- Hearing: Auditory stimulation during the first 6 months of life is very important for the development of speech and language skills, hearing screening
should be done prior to discharge
Oral Cavity
- Teeth: Primary teeth eruption typically occurs at the age of 6 months (range from 3-16 months), Natal teeth are teeth present at or shortly after birth,
these teeth are generally poorly formed, they are the primary teeth that have erupted early, removal of the natal teeth is recommended only if they
cause significant irritant to the teeth, also present a danger of aspiration due to poor attachment, they may interfere with feedin
- Dental Lumina Cysts, Bohn Nodules, Epstein Pearls: Dental Lumina Cysts (Generally not painful), Bohn Nodules (yellowish nodules), Epstein Pearls, All
disappear within a few weeks
Thrush: White patches of the mouth, Fairly common, Caused by Candida albicans, Unlike residual milk candida patches cant be easily wiped off,
When removed the exposed mucosa is red and raw and may bleed, Treatment with a topical antifungal agents, Care should be taken to avoid reinfection from nipples and other items
Cleft palate
- Murmur
- Breast Hypertrophy: Brest buds are present in most infants (both males and females) born after 36 weeks of gestation, Result from the passage of
maternal hormones across the placenta during gestation
- Galactorrhea: Occurs in up to 6% of normal-term infants, the thin milky discharge may be caused by maternal estrogen or neonatal prolactin
- Both condition resolve within several weeks, but occasionally persist for months
- Mastitis: Can manifest as cellulitis or an abscess, Staphylococcus aureus is the most frequently involved, 5-10% caused by Gram ve enteric bacteria,
Purulent drainage, Infants usually appear well, 25% with fever or ill, treat with IV antibiotics
- Normal Umbilicus: 2 arteries and 1 vein, which are surrounded by Whartons Jelly, After birth the cord is clamped and cut, the trend of dry cord care
without application of antimicrobial agents is the common practice, The cord generally falls off in 7-21 days, but may take longer, Parents should be
reassured that the presence of oozing, a few drops of blood, a mild odor are normal, Concern if significant redness, discharge, bleeding not stopped by
gentle pressure
- Umbilical Hernia: Presents as a bulge at the umbilicus, common in African American infants, premature infants, Down, Ehlers-Danlos, Hypothyroidism,
Most close spontaneously by the age of 5, Strangulation rarely occurs, The likelihood of closure is inversely related to the size of the hernia, Repair is
usually done if the hernia persists beyond 5 years
- Omphalitis: Infection of the umbilical cord or surrounding tissue, Now rare in developed countries, Systemic signs may present, Complication included
sepsis, hepatic abscess, peritonitis, portal vein thrombosis, Appropriate cultures of discharge, blood, CFS should be obtained, Treat with IV antibiotics
- Umbilical Granuloma: Results when an excessive amount of granulation tissue accumulates, A small pink mass is found at the base of the umbilicus,
(It is important to differentiate this from a more common and benign condition of patent omphalo-mesenteric duct and urachal remnant), Treatment
of application of silver nitrate to the granulation tissue 1-2 times a week for several weeks, generally few drops are required, care to be taken to avoid
the normal surrounding skin which can be burned by the silver nitrate, if it does not disappear after silver nitrate consider Omphalo-mesenteric
- Patent Omphalo-mesenteric Duct and Patent Urachus: The omphalo-mesenteric duct is a connection between the intestinal tract and the yolk sac
during fetal development, Normally regresses by 9th week of gestation, If it remains patent it persists as an attachment between the ileum and the
umbilicus which intestinal contents can drain, Varying degrees of patencies may result in umbilical polyp, Meckels diverticulum or omphalomesenteric duct cyst, These require further evaluation and surgical referral
Patent Urachus: A free connection between the urinary bladder and the abdominal wall through which urine may pass, The patient may present with
a constantly wet umbilicus or UTI, Incomplete patency may result an umbilical polyps, bladder diverticulum or urachal cyst, these require further
investigation and surgical referral
Umbilical Hernia
Umbilical Granuloma
Patent Urachus
Genitalia - Boy
- Normal Care of the Penis: In uncircumcised boys, the foreskin is generally not retractable at birth, Avoid attempts to forcible retraction which may
result in scarring and phimosis, In circumcised boys the exposed glans should be coated with petroleum jelly with each diaper change
- Hypospadias and Epispadias: Hypospadias, the urethral meatus is abnormally located ventral to the tip of the glans, Classification of the type of
hypospadias anatomic location, also frequently associate with abnormality of the foreskin and chordee, circumcision should be deferred as the
foreskin facilities the subsequent repair of hypospadias
- Espispadias: The urethra opens on the dorsum of penis
- Cryptorchidism (Undescended Testicles): 3-6% of full term boys, unilateral or bilateral, most descend during the first 3-6 months, few tests descend
after this time, Treatment in Orchiopexy, which can be performed any age after 4 months, is optimally before 1 year of age to decrease risk of
infertility and testicular torsion, if undescended at 4-6 month refer to an urologist
- Inguinal Hernia and Hydrocele: Inguinal hernia occur in 1-5%of children, 10 times more common in boys than in girls, up to 30% of premature infants
before 36 weeks of gestation
- Hydrocele: Persistence of the process vaginalis, allows fluid to pass into the scrotal sac, transillumainates, may be communicating or noncommunicating, Most infant with isolated hydrocele undergo spontaneous closure of processus vaginalis with resolution of the hydrocele, If persists
at the age of 6 months to 1 year referral to a surgeon
Genitalia Girls
- Vaginal Discharge and Bleeding: Have well estrogenized vaginal mucosa because of the transplacental passage, therefore a thick vaginal discharge is a
normal finding, many also have a small amount of vaginal bleeding in the first week due to the withdrawal of maternal estrogen, parents should be
reassured that both findings are normal
All infants are examined for the developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) unstable, subluxed, dislocated hip, incidence is higher in girls, Ortolani
and Barlow maneuvers are used to assess hip stability in the newborn, Ortolani maneuver detects a dislocated femoral head that is reduced into the
acetabulum, Barlow maneuver detects a hip that can be dislocated posteriorly by gentle adduction and posterior pressure, they are only present for
the first 2-3 months of age, Other sign suggestive of hip dislocation are asymmetry of thigh folds or buttock creases, a +ve Galeazzi sign (relative
shortness of the femur with hips and knees flexed), discrepancy of leg lengths and limited hip abduction
- If a true +ve Ortolani or Barlow Sign is found refer to an orthopedist, infants with a soft click should have a follow-up examination in 2 weeks, if
findings persist have a US of hip by 3 weeks of age, XR if >4 months of age
Urination and Defecation
- Urate Crystals (Pink Diaper Syndrome): Parents may notice a pink crystalline substance in the diaper or a salmon-pink residue on the surface of the
diaper, resulting from the deposition of urate crystals, usually easily distinguished from blood on the basis of appearance, but occult blood test can be
performed, Urate crystals usually found in the setting of concentrated urine and may indicate dehydration, so assess for dehydration
- Meconium, Transitional Stool and Typical Stool: Passage of meconium usually occurs within the first 12 hours of life in 99% of full term infants and
95% of preterm infants, Transitional stools follow the passage of meconium before typical stool comes, Failure to pass meconium can occur as a result
of imperforate anus, functional intestinal obstruction (Hirschsprung disease), hypotonia, any infants who fail to progress to passing typical stools
should be evaluated in a timely fashion
- Establishment of a Bowel Pattern and Constipation: Initially the typical breast-fed baby passes a bowel movement after each feeding, but the age of
1 month this occur once every 1-7 days, typical formula-fed baby has a bowel movement every 1-3 days
- Constipation: Infrequent passage of hard or painful bowel movements, Contact the physician if the infant develops abdominal distention, vomiting,
refusal to eat, bloody stools or extremely hard stools
- Moro reflex, Sucking and rooting reflexes
Common Concerns
- Recommended Sleeping Position: Sleeping supine confers the lowest risk of sudden infant death syndrome, also not to put infants on waterbeds,
sofa, soft mattress, should not place any soft objects (E.g. Pillows, Toys) in infants sleeping environment
- Hiccups: The precise cause in unknown, persists for 5-10 mins are distressing to those caring of the baby, a few sucks on a bottle of sugar water may
relieve the hiccups
- Sneezing and Coughing: Can be a protective mechanism to clear material, if persistent may require further evaluation
- Chin Quivering: A babys chi may intermittently quiver, this motion is a reflection of an immature nervous system, the quivering stops as the nervous
system matures
TMN Stages
Skin Cancers
Pain Management / Constipation Management
Multiple Myeloma
Tumor Markers
Level 2
Skin Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Neck Lumps / Thyroid Cancer
Level 3
Pancreatic Cancer
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Myeloproliferative Disorder
Carcinoid Tumors
Onco-L1-Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer
This lady has found a breast lump. Please ans her questions.
1. How would you assess the risk of breast cancer?
2. When would you recommend screening programs?
3. What is the screening program in Australia?
4. What are the pros and cons of mammogram?
5. What happens if I have an abnormal mammogram?
6. What are the risk factors?
7. What are the signs and symptoms?
8. What are the DDx?
9. What is the staging?
10. What is the management?
1. How would you assess the risk of breast cancer?
Low Risk
- One first degree from either side of the family, diagnosed with breast
cancer over age of 50
- One second degree relative diagnosed with breast cancer at any age
- 2 close relatives diagnosed with breast cancer >50, but on different sides
of the family
Moderate Risk
- 1 or 2 first degree relatives diagnosed with breast cancer under the age
of 50
2 close relative on the same side of family diagnosed with breast cancer
or ovarian cancer
High Risk
- 3 close relative on the same side of family diagnosed with breast cancer
or ovarian cancer
- Breast cancer diagnosed before age of 40
- Ovarian cancer diagnosed before age of 50
- Bilateral breast cancer
- Breast and ovarian cancer in the same woman
- Male breast cancer
3. What is the screening program in Australia?
- Age between 50-69 years
- Once every 2 years
- If moderate to high risk start 40-49
70% with breast cancer present with a lump (usually painless), most are
- Descending order of frequency
discovered by the patient
- Fibrocystic breast changes > Fibroadenoma > Intraductal papilloma >
- Less frequently: Breast pain, nipple discharge, Erosion, Retraction,
Lipoma > fat necrosis
Enlargement, Hardness, Shrinking of the breast
- Rarely: An axillary mass
- Systemic Metastases: Back or bone pain, Jaundice, Weight loss
- Frequency of carcinoma in various anatomic sites
9. What is the staging?
10. What is the management?
- Overall: Confirm the diagnosis, Staging and Grading, Identify spreading
- Surgery: Wide local excision or mastectomy +/- Breast reconstruction +
axillary node clearance
- Chest XR with CT for pulmonary metastases
- Radiotherapy: Reduce local recurrence, SE (pneumonitis, pericardiris,
- Abdominal CT and US for liver metastases
lymphadenopathy, Brachial plexopathy, ribs)
- Bone scan
- Chemotherapy:
- PET scan alone or combined with CT
- Endocrine Therapy: Aims to decease estrogen activity, and is used in all
estrogen or progesterone receptor +ve disease, E.g. ER estrogen receptor
- T1 - <2cm
- T2 2-5cm
- +ve for HER-2 Herceptin
- T3 - >5cm
- Distant disease: LFT, Ca++, CXR, Skeletal survey, bone scan, liver US
- T4 Fixed to chest wall, or orange peel skin
- Bisphosphonate and radiotherapy for bone disease
- N1 Mobile ipsilateral nodes
- Support Psychological support, support group
- N2 Fixed nodes
- Information Cancer council Australia
- M1 Distant mets
Possible Scenario: 42 years old women with moderate-poor prognosis of breast cancer. Please discuss management plan. Include SE of chemotherapy.
Choice and Timing
Surgical Resection
- Staging, Tumor grade, Hormone receptors, HER-2
Breast-Conserving Therapy
- Stage 1-3: Standard care is surgical resection followed by adjuvant
- Lumpectomy
radiation or systemic therapy or both, which start when the breast has
- In stage I and II
adequately healed, usually 4-8 weeks after surgery
- Neo-adjuvant therapy is becoming more popular since large tumors may
- Standard therapy for most patients with early-stage breast cancer
be shrunk by chemotherapy prior to therapy
Adjuvant Systemic Therapy
- After mastectomy may improve recurrence rates and survival
- Hormone modulating drugs
- HER-2 targeted Trastuzumab
- Cytotoxic chemotherapy
- Improves survival
Palliative Treatment
- Adjuvant chemotherapy reduces the risk of recurrence
- Breast cancer most commonly metastasize to liver, lungs, bone
Follow-up Care
- Local and distant recurrences occurs most frequently within the first 2-5
- Edema of the arm: Occurs in 10-30% of patients after axillary resection
without or without mastectomy, late edema may develop years after the
treatment, careful examination of the axilla for recurrence or infection, a
mild diuretic may be useful, if no improvement compressor pump and
then elastic glove or sleeve
- Breast Reconstruction: Should be discussed prior to mastectomy as it
offers important psychological relief, it is not an obstacle to the diagnosis
of recurrent cancer
Onco-L1-Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
This patient has a poly. Please ans his questions,
1. What are polyps?
2. What are the signs and symptoms?
3. Risk Factors?
4. How to investigate?
5. DDx
6. Management
7. Treatment for Rectal Cancer
8. Follow-up after Surgery
9. Screening for Colorectal Cancer
10. Screening Tests
1. What are polyps?
- Majority of colorectal cancers develop from transformation of
adenomatous polyps
- They are finger like hyperplasia
- 2 types of polyps: Adenomatous polyps (85%), Serrated polyps (10-20%)
and are predominantly in proximal colon with a more favorable prognosis
Risk Factors
- 75% of all cases occur in people with no known predisposing factors
- Age: rises after age 45 years, 90% of cases occur in persons over the age
of 50 years
- Fx: Fx history of colorectal cancer is present in 20% of patients, or a family
history of adenomatous polyps, this risk is significantly increased (4 folds)
if the family member was diagnosed <45 years of age
- Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: Risk begins to rise 7-10 years after disease
onset in patients with ulcerative colitis and crohn colitis
- Dietary Factors: Diets rich in fats and red meats associated with increased
risk, diet high in fruits and vegetables decreased risk,
- Medications: Regular use of aspirin and NSAIDs decreased risk
- Others: Higher in blacks than in whites
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Diverticular diseases
- Ischemic colitis
- Infectious colitis
- Hemorrhoids
- Neoplasms must be excluded in any patients over age of 40 with a change
in bowel habits or hematochezia or who has an unexplained iron
deficiency anemia or occult blood in the stools
- Adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy improve overall survival
- Stage I No adjuvant therapy is needed
- Stage II Node ve disease, adjuvant therapy have not demonstrated any
survival benefit, may have some benefit in high risk stage II patients
- Stage III Node +ve, post-operative adjuvant chemotherapy significant
increase disease free survival
- Stage IV Metastatic disease, limited disease may be curable with
surgical resection of isolated liver or lung metastases
- For those with unresectable hepatic metastases (majority), local
cryosurgery, radio frequency or microwave coagulation, hepatic
chemotherapy may provide long term tumor control
Follow-up after Surgery
- Patients should be evaluated every 3-6 months for 3-5 years with history,
physical examination and CEA determinations
- Another colonoscopy 1 year after surgical resection, then every 3-5 years
Screening Tests
- Fecal Occult Blood: Fecal immunochemical tests that detect human globin
- Multi-target DNA assay: Analyzes fecal DNA for 22 gene mutations and
DNA integrity, high cost, not yet practical for population based screening
Onco-L1-Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer
Onco-L1-Tumor Markers
Tumor Markers
1. What is a tumor marker?
- A substance found in blood, urine or body tissue that can be elevated in
- Helps to detect the presence of cacner
- They are produced by the cancer or in response to the presence of cancer
- Types: Most are cancer antigen, can be proteins
1. What is multiple myeloma?
- Cancer of the plasma cells, which is derived from B lymphocytes
Onco-L1-Pain Relief
Pain Relief
Possible Scenario: This palliative cancer patient has been experiencing pain. Please take a history and state your management plan.
1. What are different types of pain?
- Type of cancer
- Neuropathic Pain
- Management
- Nociceptive Pain
- Pain severity
- Mixed
- Pain pattern: Breakthrough pain (acute pain), Pain in general (chronic
- Previous pain management and respond
- Type of pain E.g. Neuropathic? Nociceptive?
2. Discuss management of nociceptive Pain.
3. What can you tell me about Oxycodone?
- More potent than morphine orally
- Palliative radiotherapy
- Different people have different rate of metabolism of Oxycodone
- Heat or cold packs
- Work out the dose for the chronic pain and for the breakthrough pain
- OT, Physio, Massage
- Start with 2.5-5mg immediate release formulation every 4 hours until the
pain is under control E.g. 2.5mg 4 times a day = 10mg for the extended
- Mild: Paracetamol or NSIADs
- Moderate: Tramadol, Low dose Oxycodone
- Breakthrough pain = 1/6 of the total daily maintenance dose
- Severe Pain: Potent opioids, Morphine is opioids of choive
Common Side Effects
- Constipation
- N+V, Drowsiness, Orthostatic hypotension, Urinary retention
- May cause respiratory depression in the newborn
4. The patient develops constipation with Oxycodone. What would you do?
Pharmacological Management of Constipation
- See below
- Can add Naloxone if regular laxatives are inadequate
- Tramadol: Less risk of constipation, also useful for neuropathic pain
1. Diet and lifestyles.
- Dietary fibers
- Fluid intake
- Physical activity and exercise
Osmotic: Draws water into the colon, effect occurs 2-48 hours E.g.
Lactulose syrup, Magnesium sulfate
Stimulant: Stimulate the intestinal motility, Can cause cramps, effects
occurs 6-12 hours, may be sold in combination with stool softeners E.g.
Stool Softening: If used as monotherapy = not effective
Steroid Side Effects
1. Acute
- Leukocytosis: Due with the migration of the leukocytes, less to the
- Cardiovascular: Water retention Can worsen hypertension and heart
failure, Hypokalemia
- GIT: Peptic Ulcers Increase the risk of peptic ulcers
- Endo: Diabetes Hyperglycemia and worsen diabetes control
- Skeletal: Muscle weakness and wasting Worsen myasthenia gravis
- Psy: Exacerbate psychiatric disorder
3. Mode of action
- Glucocorticoid Effects: Suppression of inflammation and immune
- Mineralocorticoid Effects: Water retention, Potassium loss
Possible Scenario:
2. Chronic
- Susceptibility to infection Latent TB may be reactivated, consider
- Mask signs of infection
- Osteoporosis
- Muscular wasting
- Glaucoma OIP may increase
- Adrenal suppression
4. Adrenal suppression
- Chronic use of corticosteroid can cause adrenal suppression
- Consider withdrawing treatment gradually as abrupt withdrawal can
result in adrenal crisis
- Doses <7.5mg daily for prednisolone <3 weeks are unlikely to cause
adrenal suppression
- Minimize the risk of adrenal suppression by giving corticosteroid doses in
the morning
- Adrenal response may be depressed for >1 year after corticosteroids are
stopped corticosteroid may be needed during period of stress E.g.
Infection, trauma, surgery, blood loss
General Consideration
- Seen commonly following treatment of hematological emergency
- Can also develop from any tumor highly sensitive to chemotherapy
- Caused by massive release of cellular maternal development of high
uric acid, high K+, high phosphate
- Acute renal injury from crystallization of uric acid and calcium phosphate
- Prevention: Hydration before chemotherapy +/- Allopurinol
- Others: Rasburicase, contraindicated in G6PD deficiency
- Management: General measures
1. What is Ecog score?
Completely normal
Symptomatic, but fully ambulatory
Symptomatic, Confined to bed <50% of waking hours
Symptomatic, Confined to bed >50% of waking hours
Bed bound
1. What are the different types of chemotherapy?
- Adjuvant Chemotherapy: Given after surgery, Used to eliminate micrometastatic disease that not visible on imaging
- Neo-Adjuvant Chemotherapy: Before local therapy
- Sensitizing Chemotherapy: Using chemotherapy to make radiotherapy to
work better
- Palliative
- Prevention?
Onco-L2-Neck Lump
Neck Lump = Thyroid cancer
1. What is your DDx?
- Midline: Thyroid adenoma, Carcinoma, Thryroglossal cyst, Chondroma,
Dermoid cyst
- Anterior Triangle: Lymph nodes, Brachial cyst, Carotid aneurysm,
Laryngocele, Pharyngeal pouch
- Submandibular: Submandibular gland, Lymph nodes, Neoplasms, Salivary
- Posterior Triangle: Cervical ribs, Subclavian artery aneurysm, Cystic
hydromas, Lymph nodes
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
- The malignancy of the lymphoid cells, affecting B or T lymphocyte lines
proliferation of uncontrolled blast cells
- With bone marrow infiltration and failure
- The commonest cancer of children, rare in adults
- Downs syndrome is an important association
- CNS involvement is common
- Morphological into L1, 2 and 3
- Immunological into T cell ALL or B cell ALL
- Cytogenetic: Detect chromosome translocation E.g. Philadelphia
Signs and Symptoms
- Anemia, Neutropenia, Thrombocytopenia
- Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly, Lymphadenopathy, Orchidomegaly
(testes), CNS involvement E.g. Cranial nerve palsies
- Infection is a major problem
- Bacterial, viral and fugal prophylaxis is given during treatment
- Pitfalls: ALM itself causes fever
- Most patients are treated with a combination of Daunorubicin or
Idarubicin + Cytarabine, produces 80-90% complete remission in patients
under age 60
- Once patients enter remission, autologous or allogeneic transplantation
should be given
- 70-80% of adults with AML under age of 60 achieve complete remission
- Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation is curative in 50-60%
- Cure rate for older patients only 10-15%
Notes: Eyes
Eyes Station 1 = Always visual acuity, fundoscopy + Imaging questions
Level 1
Visual Acuity Assessment (remember to use
Aged Related Macular Degeneration
Central/Branch Retinal Artery/Vein Occlusion
Retinal Detachment
Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect
Optic Neuritis
Level 2
Infectious Corneal Ulcer
Marginal Keratitis
Herpes Simplex Keratitis
Viral/Bacterial Conjunctivitis
Pre-septal Cellulitis
Level 3
Visual Field Defects
Dry eyes / Epiphora
Temporal Arteritis
Eyes-L1-Diabetic Retinopathy
- Major cause of poor vision in the working population in the developed
- Patient generally asymptomatic for a long time, in late stages may be
sudden loss of vision
- Signs: Vitreous hemorrhage, Diabetic macular edema
- Pathology: Micro-vascular changes causing ischemia (BM thickening,
endothelial cell damage ischemia, which manifests as cotton wool
spots, deep retinal hemorrhage, venous bleeding and
neovascularization), Macro-vascular changes causing leaking vessels
(results in blot and dot hemorrhage, hard exudates and diffuse edema)
Exudative (Wet): 10%, but 80% of the 10% result in severe visual loss,
Choroidal neovasvularization, May cause detachment of overlying retinal
pigment epithelium and retina Hemorrhage and lipid precipitates into
subretinal space, Disciform scarring and severe central vision loss
Risk Factors: Female, Old age, Fx, Smoking, Blue iris, Other associations
(Sun, cholesterol, HTN, Lack of exercise)
Investigations: Amsler Grid, Fluorescein Angiography (assess the degree
of neovascularization, injection of a dye into the systemic circulation),
Optical coherence tomography OCT
Management: Dry (No effective treatment, Monitor, Use Amlser Grid to
check for metamorphopsia, stop smoking, Sunglasses, Antioxidant, Vit
C/E/A), Wet (Intra-Vitreal injection of anti-antiogenesis growth factor =
anti-VEFG antibodies E.g. Ranibizumb, Bevacizumab), Laser
photocoagulation for neovascularization, Refer to blind association,
Register for visual impairment assistance
Micro-Aneurysm only, Mild NPDR
Moderate NPDR
Moderate NPDR
Moderate NPDR
Severe NPDR
Proliferative DR
Proliferative DR
Macular Disease
rubeosis iridis
Eyes-L1-Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
- Second most frequent vascular retinal disorder after diabetic retinopathy
- Risk Factors: HTN, DM, Glaucoma, Vasculitis
- Clinical Features: Patients notice sudden loss of visual acuity if the
macula is involved, +/- Relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD),
Fundoscopy (Blood and thunder appearance, diffuse retinal
hemorrhage, venous engorgement, swollen optic disc, macular edema)
- Investigations: Thrombus, Vasculitis
- Treatment: No treatment to restore vision, Treat risk factors,
Hemodilution, Laser therapy if neovascularization
Eyes-L1-Retinal Detachement
Definition: Separation of the neural retina from the retinal pigment epitheium
Clinical Features: Gradual or sudden loss of vision, Flashes of light (due to mechanism stimulation of the retinal photoreceptors), Floaters (due to drops
of blood In the vitreous), Peripheral field loss, Loss of central vision, Decreased OIP (usually 4-5 mmHg lower), Ophthalmoscopy (detached retina is grey,
loss of red reflex), +/- relative afferent pupillary defect
- Rhegmatogenous Type: Most common, caused by a tear of hole in the neural retina fluid passes into sub-retinal space, Tears may be caused by
posterior vitreous detachment The vitreous humor separates from the retina, degenerative retinal changes, trauma, Incidence increases with
advanced age or after ocular surgery
- Tractional: Caused by vitreal traction (due to inflammation/fibrous tissue contraction), seen in DR (Diabetic), CRVO, Sickle cell disease, Retinopathy of
prematurity, Ocular trauma
- Exudative: Caused by damage to the RPE resulting in fluid accumulation in the subretinal space, main causes are intraocular tumors, posterior uveitis,
central serous retinopathy
- Management: Urgent Referral, Rhegmatougenous (Surgery), Tractional (Surgery), Exudative (Treat underlying cause)
- Vitrectomy, Laser, Cryotherapy, Scleral Buckle, Retinal tamponade
Posteroir Viterous Detachment
Retinal Detachment
Lattice Degeneration
Snailtracks Degeneration
- Symptoms: Photopsua (flashing lights), Floaters, Visual field defects
- Signs: Marcus Gunn Pupil, Intraocular pressure (lowerd by 5 mmHg), Iritis, Retinal breaks
- Prophylaxis for a Retinal Breaks: Laser Photocoagulation, Cryotherapy (using a cryoprobe)
- Surgery: Scleral buckling, Drainage of subretinal fluid
- Bilateral optic disc edema secondary to raised intracranial pressure
- Causes: Tumor, Hydrocephalus, meningitis, Brain abscess, Encephalitis,
Malignant hypertension, Intracranial hemorrhage
- Optic disc changes: Blurring of the optic margins, elevation of the optic
disc, hemorrhage over or next to the disc, venous engorgement, Patons
lines radial retinal lines
- Investigation: CT/MRI as soon as possible
Patons Lines
Eyes-L1-Optic Neuritis
- Definition: Inflammation of the optic nerve,
- Papillitis A specific type of optic neuritis, where inflammation restricted to the optic nerve head
- Retrobulbar ON Behind the globe
- Women are more affected, 20-40% develop MS
- Etiology: Idiopathic, MS/Demyelination, Viral infection (measles, mumps, VZV, EBV), Meningitis/Sinusitis/Orbital Cellulitis, Granulomatous inflammation
(TB, Syphilis, Sarcoid, Cryptococcus)
- Clinical Features: Color vision loss, painful eye movement, deteriorating vision over a few days, Ophthalmoscopy (blurred disc margin, hyperaemia of
disc, no or few hemorrhage), +/- RAPD, Central scotoma
- Treatment: Treat underlying cause, if idiopathic will resolve spontaneously, high dose steroid can reduce duration (usually 6 weeks)
Generally permanent
May lower IOP by 20%
Restricted fluid Not too much coffee
From Books Clinical Ophthalmology
- Aqueous secretion (ciliary epithelium) vs Aqueous outflow (trabecular meshwork 90% + Schlemm canal aqueous humor ciliary veins blood stream)
- IOP is determined by the balance between the aqueous secretion and outflow
- Normal IOP = 11-12mmHg, varies within the time of day, HR, BP, respiration, variation of 5mmHg, peak between 8am to noon
- Definition of Glaucoma: Difficult to define, commonly defined as damage to the optic nerve in a particular pattern
- Affects 2% over age of 40, 10% over age of 80, 50% may be undiagnosed
- Classification: Congenital vs acquired, Open-angle vs close-angle, Primary vs secondary
- Principles: Pressure = Force necessary to flatten a surface area
- Technique: Topical anesthetics and fluorescein are instilled, blue filter
- Sources of Errors: Excessive fluorescein, Pressure on the globe from the examiners finger, Central corneal thickness, Corneal edema, Incorrect calibration,
Astigmatism, Repeated readings over short period of time
- Evaluating the anterior chamber angle to provide information about the type of glaucoma
Evaluation of the Optic Nerve Head
- Neuroretinal Rim (broadest by the inferior > superior rim > Nasal rim > Temporal rim)
- Optic Disc size
- Cup-Disc Ratio
Minimal Cupping
Moderate Cupping
Severe Cupping
- Management: Target pressure, Monitoring optic nerve and visual fields
Medical Therapy: Beta-blockers, Postaglandin analogue, Review usually 4-8 weeks initially then 3-6 months, Gonioscopy should be performed annually in
most patients as the anterior chamber angle tends to narrow with age
- Laser Traberculoplasty: Indicated in treatment failure, intolerance of topical medications
- Trabeculectomy
- Prognosis: If left untreated, 20 years before blindness
Normal Pressure Glaucoma
- A variant of POAG, IOP <21mmHg, Signs of optic nerve damage, Visual field loss
- Pathogenesis: No completely determined, ? low central corneal thickness
- Diagnosis: History, IOP, Optic nerve head, Visual field defects, others (BP, Vit B12, Folate, FBC, ESR, ACE, Autoantiboides, Treponemal serology, Lyme
- Treatments: Further lowering IOP is effective, Betaxolol (improve optic nerve blood flow, also lower IOP), Laser trabeculoplasty, Trabeculectomy
Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma
- Occlusion of the trabecular meshwork by the peripheral iris
- Classifications: Primary angle-closure suspect (normal IOP, intermittent angle-closure), Primary angle closure (raised IOP), Primary angle-closure glaucoma
(optic neuropathy)
- Symptoms: Most are asymptomatic, some present acutely (halos due to corneal edema, ocular pain, headache), others (mild blurring)
- Signs: Acute (IOP very high, anterior chamber is shallow, Corneal edema, Unreactive pupil), Chronic (Anterior chamber is shallow)
Signs: Ciliary injection, anterior chamber cells, aqueous flare due to presence of protein, keratic precipitates, posterior synechiae (iris-lens adhesions)
Causes: Idiopathic, Systemic inflammatory disease (Seronegative arthropathies, IBD, Psoriatic arthritis, Reiters), Autoimmune (sarcoidosis, Bechets),
Infections (Shingles, Toxoplasmosis, TB, Syphilis, HIV)
Managements: Topical steroid drops, Cycloplegic drops for pain and to prevent formation of posterior synechiae, blood test of HLA B27 to exclude
inflammatory diseases, infections, Immunosuppressives for systemic diseases
- Intermediate Uveitis: Inflammation of pars plana, the peripheral retina and the vitreous
- Posterior Uveitis: Retinitis, Choroiditis, Vasculitis
- Panuveitis: All the uveal tract
Clinical Features
- Acute Anterior Uveitis (Duration 3 months or less): Sudden onset of unilateral pain, photophobia, redness, may associate with lacrimation, occasionally
with a few days prodrome of mild ocular discomfort, Ciliary injection, Miosis, Anterior vitreous cells, Hypopyon, Posterior synechiae, Low Ocular pressure
A: Ciliary Injection B: Miosis C: Endothelial dusting D: Aqueous flare and cells E: Fibrinous exudate F: Hypopyon
Notes: Aboriginals
What are some cultural factors you might have to take into account
when caring for an Aboriginal person?
Kinship system/Skin groups (Based on respect and sharing)
Complex system of relationships that varies between communities
Obligations/responsibilities are applied to many of people within the
Terms brother/sister/aunt/uncle may have different meaning
Skin group determines who can marry
Avoidance relationships exist
Historical context
Taking away their land (native titles)
Stolen generation
Mistrust of Western medicine
Metropolitan Areas
Debral Yerrigan (East Perth):
Abdominal community organization,
with aboriginal health worker,
registered nurse, doctors, OT, Physio,
Aboriginal Liaison Officers:
Emotional, social and cultural
support, Arrange accommodation
and transport, Health education,
Referrals to aboriginal and nonaboriginal organizations
Rural: Kimberley Aboriginal Medical
Services Council, South West
Aboriginal Medical Service
State: Aboriginal health council of
Access: Isolation, Language, Social
Education: Not understanding why
the procedure/followings/meaning of
test result (CIN2) is needed, Not
understand the options, Also vaginal
swab vs pap smear
Communication: Difficult to contact
people who live far away, Letters not
Trust: Difficulty in establishing and
maintaining trust made harder if
there is a lack of continuity of care,
Obligations to community
Access: Outreach clinics, Be
opportunistic if pt has attended
clinic for one thing see if can also do
pap smear , breast exam,
mammogram, STI screen etc
Education: For both doctors and
Set up more organization, liaison
officer, public education