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Ed 4703 - Told Assessment Part 2 - Report

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Assessment Report for Liam Smith.

By Jessica
Assessment Report
A. Identifying Data:
Name: Liam Smith*
Phone: 123-2222
Date of Birth: May 13, 2007
Grade: Kindergarten
Parents: Brittney and Adam Smith

School: Lethbridge Elementary School

Teacher: Miss Parker
Date of Testing: June 4, 2013
Date of Report: June 15, 2013
Chronological Age (Testing Age): 6-2
Examiner: Miss Jessica Rynn

*Names and personal information has been changed to protect the individuals
B. Background History:
Family history: Liam lives at home with his two older brothers and both of his
biological parents. Mrs. Smith was previously running a day-care center out of this home.
Developmental history: All of Liams developmental milestones were reached in

the normal limits. Mrs. Smith indicated that she had unremarkable pregnancy.
Academic history: Mrs. Smith stated that his current teacher administered a
similar test of literacy on Liam and his peers but the results of such examination are
unknown. Mrs. Smith also stated that Liam academic strengths appear to be in the area
of mathematics and numeracy. Liam mentioned that he does not particularly enjoy going
to school, but his favourite subject is gym class.
Social history: Mrs. Smith indicated that Liam gets along well with other children,
including several children that used to attend the day-care in his home. Liam has also
been a member of the local Timbits Hockey team for several years. Liam indicated that
he enjoys playing video games after school which he often plays with his older brothers.
C. Behavioural Observations:
Initial Interview: Liam was in his home, at about four oclock in the afternoon at
the kitchen table for this interview. Liam seemed very tired and uncooperative prior to the
examination as he was putting his head down on the table and stated that he did not want
to take a test.
Behaviour during assessment: Throughout the assessment, Liam was restless and
distracted which was indicated when he fidgeted in his chair and played with his glass of
water. Liam was given a brief break about halfway through the full assessment (at the end
of the Grammatical Understanding subtest), because of such restless behaviour. Mrs.
Smith was also present in the house during the test as she frequently checked up on Liam
and talked to him requesting that he behave cooperatively and complete the test.
D. Test Used and Results:

Assessment Report for Liam Smith. By Jessica

Liam was administered The Test of Language Development Primary, Second Ed. (TOLD-P:
2), which resulted in the following results:
Name of Subtest




Picture Vocabulary
Oral Vocabulary
Below Average
Gram. Understanding
Sentence Imitation
Gram. Completion
Word Discrimination
Below Average
Word Articulation
Note: For each subtest the mean is set at 10, with a standard deviation of 3.
Note: The TOLD-P: 2 uses a specific standard score classification system, which is as follows:
Standard Score
Very Superior
Above Average
Below Average
Very Poor
TOLD-P: 2 also include more reliable Composite Quotient scores. These scores come from a
sum of scores on various combinations of subtests, in order to estimate the students ability in a
particular area of language (Listening, Speaking, Semantics). Liam Composite Quotient
scores are as follows:
Name of Composite (Subtests included in

Composite Quotient


Spoken Language (All Subtests)
Below Average
Listening (PV+ GU+ WD)
Speaking (OV+ SI+ GC+ WA)
Below Average
Semantics (PV+ OV)
Syntax (GU+ SI+ GC)
Phonology (WD+ WA)
Below Average
Note: These Composite Quotients have a mean of 100, and a standard deviation of 15.

Note: The TOLD-P: 2 uses a Composite Quotient score classification system which is as follows:
Very Superior
Above Average

Assessment Report for Liam Smith. By Jessica


Below Average
Very Poor

The Picture Vocabulary semantic subtest of the TOLD-P: 2 measures the extent to which the
student understands the meanings associated with English words, as the student points to the
image that best represents the meaning of a spoken word. On this subtest, Liam performed in the
average range, earning him a standard score of 12. As indicated by his percentile rank, Liam
performed as well, or better than 75 percent of all students when compared to a norm group of
children in his age range.
The Oral Vocabulary semantic subtest measures the students ability to give oral definitions
to common English words that are provided orally by the examiner. On this subtest, Liam earned
a standard score of 6, indicating that his performance was below the average range. Liam was in
the ninth percentile therefore, he performed as well or better than 9 percent of the norm group of
children in his age range. His scores on this subtest represent mild weakness.
The Grammatic Understanding syntactic subtest is intended to measure the students ability
to comprehend the meaning of sentences, as the student points to the image that most accurately
represents the sentence provided orally by the examiner. On this subtest, Liam performed in the
average range with a standard score of 8, scoring as well or better than 25 percent of the norm
group of children in his age range.
The Sentence Imitation syntactic subtest measures aspects of the students ability to produce
correct English sentences by repeating the sentences verbatim as they are provided orally by the
examiner. On this subtest, Liam earned a standard score of 8, indicating that his performance was
average. His percentile score indicates that he scored as well or better than 25 percent of the
norm group of children in his age range.
The Grammatic Completion syntactic subtest is designed to assess the students ability to
recognize, understand, and use common English morphological forms, particularly focusing on
knowledge of inflection. The student is required to say the appropriate missing word at the end of
a given sentence that is read aloud by the examiner. Liam earned a standard score of 10 on this
subtest which indicates that his performance was average. As indicated by his percentile rank, he
scored as well or better than 50 percent of the norm group of children his age.

Assessment Report for Liam Smith. By Jessica

The Word Discrimination phonological subtest intends to measure the students ability to
recognize the differences in significant speech sounds by judging whether specific word pairs
that are read aloud by the examiner are the same word or different words. On this subtest, Liam
scored below average as indicated by his standard score of 7. Liam percentile rank indicates that
he scored as well or better than 16 percent of the norm group of children his age. His scores
represent mild weakness on this subtest.
The Word Articulation phonological subtest measures the students ability to utter important
English speech sounds of particular words that are elicited by the presentation of an image along
with a descriptive sentence. On this subtest, Liam scored in the average range with a standard
score of 8. His percentile rank indicates that he scored as well or better than 25 percent of the
children in the norm group in his age range.
E. Recommendations to the Parents:
1. Based on Liam below average scores on the Oral Vocabulary subtest which correlates
with his subsequent below average scores on the overall Speaking Quotient, it seems as
though he may need to expand his vocabulary. It is suggested that Mr. and Mrs. Smith
play word games with Liam, such as cross word puzzles, or word scrambles that
encourage him to learn new words along with the definitions of such words. Since Liam
enjoys playing games, these activities could also help motivate him to work on this.
2. Another method for assisting Liam with his vocabulary would be to use new or
unfamiliar words on a daily basis when speaking with Liam and have him define those
words with some guidance. A chart sheet gives Liam guidance as he creates his own
dictionary of words using this method. These charts would contain the questions: What
is it? / What does it look like? / What does it do? Liam can fill in the chart for each new
word with assistance from his parents.
3. Based on Liam below average scores on the Word Discrimination subtest, which
subsequently corresponds to his lower scores on the overall Phonology Quotient, it is
recommended that Liam works on his ability to discern phonological differences between
speech sounds. It is suggested that his parents read aloud flash cards of different words
that contain similar sounds (ex: weak/ weep) to Liam and have him articulate the
words back to check for understanding. When working with word sound discrimination

Assessment Report for Liam Smith. By Jessica

problems, hearing repetition of sounds is very important for the student and therefore, his
parents should go over each flash card for him several times.
4. Since Liam scored below average on the overall Phonology Quotient, and that specific
Composite Quotient is where he scored his personal lowest, it appears that this area of
language may require more attention than others areas. The Phonology Quotient indicates
that Liam may be experiencing difficulty in both discrimination as well as articulation of
speech sounds. It is recommended that parents both model appropriate articulation of
words as well as prompt Liam to repeat back appropriately articulated words. This can be
done through an oral version of the I-Spy game. To play this game, his parents must find
objects in the room that contain specific letter sounds and ask him to be a detective, find
the object, and articulate that word aloud. For instance, if Liam is working on the sh
sound that week, his parents can ask him to hunt for the brown shoe or a flash light,
and as he hunts, parents repeat the word aloud for him and once he has found it, have him
articulate the word himself I found the brown shoe!
5. Based on behavioural observations, it appears as though Liam may need motivational
strategies for taking tests as well. Since Liam appeared to be fidgeting and distracted
during the test, he may require a separate working area or room that is virtually free of
distractions during future testing situations. An environment that is without others or
objects nearby may assist Liam in completing the test because his attention will be
focused more on the test itself, rather than outside things.

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