US $34.99 - Canada $36.99: ISBN-13: ISBN-10: 978-0-321-77283-1 0-321-77283-0 5 3 4 9 9
US $34.99 - Canada $36.99: ISBN-13: ISBN-10: 978-0-321-77283-1 0-321-77283-0 5 3 4 9 9
US $34.99 - Canada $36.99: ISBN-13: ISBN-10: 978-0-321-77283-1 0-321-77283-0 5 3 4 9 9
The NoNdesigNersPhoToshoPBookessential
for design
Nikki Mcdonald
Cathy Lane
Cover design
and production:
John Tollett
interior design:
robin Williams
robin Williams
Notice of liability
The information in this book is distributed on an as is basis, without warranty. While every precaution
has been taken in the preparation of this book, neither the authors nor Peachpit Press shall have any
liability to any person or entity with respect to any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be
caused directly or indirectly by the instructions contained in this book or by the computer software and
hardware products described herein.
Adobe and Photoshop are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe systems incorporated
in the United states and/or other countries. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and
sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in
this book, and Peachpit was aware of a trademark claim, the designations appear as requested by the
owner of the trademark. All other product names and services identified throughout this book are used
in editorial fashion only and for the benefit of such companies with no intention of infringement of the
trademark. No such use, or the use of any trade name, is intended to convey endorsement or other
affiliation with this book.
isbn 13:
isbn 10:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Printed and bound in the United states of America
Photoshop interface overview . . . . . . . . . .
Panels overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Control your panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Panel docks, groups, and stacks . . . . . .
Workspace overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
screen modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tools overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
rulers and the ruler tool . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Measure a distance or straighten a photo .
document guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Zoom in or out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pixel grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Whiten teeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
remove dust and scratches . . . . . . . . .
Correct a photo thats too light . . . . . .
Correct contrast with one click . . . . . . .
rescue photos that are too dark . . . . . .
Make wrinkles disappear . . . . . . . . . .
Convert a color photo to black and white
Fix blown-out whites . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alter colors with ease . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alter colors in Camera raw . . . . . . . .
straighten a photo . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fill a background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
remove electrical power lines . . . . . . .
Liven up a dull exposure . . . . . . . . . . .
Manually adjust the contrast . . . . . .
resize a photo without cropping . . . . .
extend a photo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Blur a background instead of replacing it
. 38
. 39
. 39
. 40
. 41
. 42
. 43
. 44
. 46
. 48
. 50
. 50
. 52
. 54
. 55
. 58
. 59
. 60
. 62
. 63
. 64
. 65
. 66
Bitmap images. . . . . . . . . .
Vector graphics . . . . . . . . .
Color modes and file formats
Bit depth . . . . . . . . . . . . .
image resolution . . . . . . . .
. 68
. 68
. 69
. 69
. 70
selection tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The rectangular Marquee tool . . . . . . . .
The elliptical Marquee tool . . . . . . . . . . .
single row or single Column Marquee tool
The Lasso tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Polygonal Lasso tool . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Magnetic Lasso tool . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Layers panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Layers panel menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Create and organize layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Background layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Create new layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
drag-and-drop to create a new layer . . . . . .
Create a copy of the current layer . . . . . . . .
duplicate a layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
select the right layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Link layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Use layer Blending Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Change the visibility of layers . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Merge Visible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Merge down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
stamp Visible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
group layers to help organize . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Label layers with color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Layer styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Change a Layer styles default settings . . . . .
Copy a Layer style from one layer to another .
Apply a preset style to a layer . . . . . . . . . . .
Convert a Layer style to image layers . . . . . .
. 76
. 76
. 77
. 78
. 79
. 79
. 80
. 82
. 84
. 85
. 86
. 87
. 88
. 88
. 89
. 89
. 90
. 92
. 93
. 94
. 94
. 95
. 95
. 96
. 96
. 96
. 97
. 98
. 99
. 99
. 99
Adjustment Layers . . . . . . . . . . .
Create a Layer Mask . . . . . . . . . .
Create Layer Comps . . . . . . . . . .
smart objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Create smart objects . . . . . .
edit smart objects . . . . . . . .
duplicate a smart object . . . .
smart Filters for smart objects.
Flatten layers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Make bigger layer thumbnails . . . .
set type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Point type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Paragraph type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Character panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The options bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Paragraph panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Vertical text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Change type color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
specify smart Quotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
hang the punctuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Apply effects and styles to text . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Warp text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Apply Layer styles to text . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
rasterize the type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
set text on a hand-drawn path . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
reposition text on a path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Place text inside or around a shape . . . . . . . . . . .
Force type to the inside of a shape . . . . . . . . .
Move text to the inside bottom of a circle shape
important Adjustment differences .
Adjustments panel . . . . . . . . . . .
The Adjustment Layer . . . . . . . . .
The Levels panel . . . . . . . . . .
The Brightness/Contrast panel .
The Curves panel . . . . . . . . .
The exposure panel . . . . . . . .
The Vibrance panel . . . . . . . .
The Color Balance panel . . . . .
The hue/saturation panel . . . .
The Channel Mixer panel . . . .
The Photo Filter panel . . . . . .
The Posterize panel . . . . . . . .
The Black & White panel . . . . .
The invert panel . . . . . . . . . .
The Threshold panel . . . . . . .
The gradient Map panel . . . . .
The selective Color panel . . . .
Auto Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . .
Adjustment masks . . . . . . . . . . .
Create elbows (LBos: lines, boxes, ovals) . . . .
Change the colors with the Paint Bucket tool
drawing with shapes and pens . . . . . . . . . . . .
draw a shape in Fill pixels mode . . . . . . . . . . .
draw a shape with the Pen tool . . . . . . . . . . .
Pick a color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Color panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Adobe Color Picker . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The hud color picker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The eyedropper tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The kuler panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Manage the swatches panel . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Add a color to the swatches panel . . . . . . .
delete a color from the swatches panel . . . .
save a custom set of swatches as a library . .
share swatches with indesign and lllustrator .
Load or replace color libraries . . . . . . . . . .
reset the default swatches library . . . . . . .
Match color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Filter gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Filters in the Filter menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Artistic filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Blur filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Brush stroke filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Noise filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pixelate filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
render filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
sharpen filters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
sketch filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Filters and smart objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Work on a low-res version of a smart object
Copy a filter to another smart object. . . . .
delete or disable a smart Filter . . . . . . . . .
Lens Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Liquify filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Vanishing Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
open an image in Camera raw . . . . . . .
The Camera raw interface . . . . . . . . . .
The Camera raw Adjustments panels
The toolbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Noise reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lens Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Targeted Adjustment tool . . . . . . .
The Adjustment Brush . . . . . . . . . . . .
Camera raw images as smart objects . .
overexposure warning . . . . . . . . . . . .
Puppet Warp an image on a transparent layer
overlap mesh areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Puppet Warp a smart object . . . . . . . . . .
Puppet Warp anything . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chances are youve used Photoshop on some level, but never had the time to
become familiar with as many of the features and techniques as you would
like. The first two chapters in this book get you up and running quickly
while creating small projects from start to finish. The remaining chapters
provide more exercises and detailed information for the types of tasks that
are frequently encountered in graphic design (as opposed to photography).
Because Photoshop is an advanced application, we expect that you know
how to use your mouse and the windows; the difference between a single
click and a double click; how to find, open, and save files; how to access
contextual menus (right-click or Control-click); and how to use your computer
in general. But you probably know all those things already or you wouldnt
be jumping into Photoshop!
This is not a manual, but more of an image-editing cookbook. Many of
the steps and techniques you might need for various projects are littered
throughout, so check the index for specific things you need.
We cant explain every single option in Photoshop (no one can do that in a
book this small). The more you know about Photoshop the more you realize
there are multiple ways to do almost anything. We hope that when you find
a technique you like, it will spur you to go to Photoshop Help (from the
Help menu) and find out more about it. As you explore the lessons in this
book, we expect you to poke around, click and prod, and experiment. Turn
the eyeball icons on and off and see what happens, rearrange layers, explore
different Blending Modes, etc.
Of course, were in awe of what this software can do because for many years
we worked in the design world before Photoshop was invented. To you it
might be just an ordinary, everyday miracle thingy. In any case, prepare to
have more fun with software than you ever thought possible.
We use the terms press and drag. Press means to hold down the mouse and
dont release it until you finish the current instruction. Drag means to press
on the mouse, then drag the cursor without releasing the mouse until youve
completed the drag operation. We avoid the term click-and-drag because
for many things, if you click (which implies you let go), the drag wont work.
To keep text short and easy to understand, most instructions for choosing
menu items are in this form: From the Layer menu, choose New > Layer
via Copy. This means go to the Layer menu, slide down to New, and
from its submenu, choose Layer via Copy.
Brushes: Many tools have brush-like qualities but you dont think of them
as brushes. See pages 170175 for controlling the paint brushes and know
that the same techniques control other brushes such as the Eraser tool,
Quick Selection tool, Clone Stamp tool, Blur tool, etc. Get in the habit
of using the [ and ] keys to reduce and enlarge the size of the brushes as
you work.
Choose your tool, then check the Options bar to see what its settings are!
a command, but when you go to the menu, also take note of and learn the
One that
not wisely
but too well
Almost Famous Quotes
from Non-Designer
The Photoshop
If youre at least vaguely familiar with Adobe InDesign or
Illustrator, the Photoshop interface should look familiar
in many ways. The following pages provide an overview
of the essential windows, panels, and icons that come
into play for almost every Photoshop task or project.
In this chapter weve labeled many of the buttons and
icons that are mentioned in the step-by-step exercises.
If you cant find something, come back to this chapter
and look for it (or check the index).
In addition to an overview of the main interface, we
describe many of the options and preferences you
should be aware of so you can understand and take
advantage of this truly amazing software.
To Photoshop,
perchance to
Almost Famous Quotes
from Non-Designer
Options bar.
The options you
see in this bar are
dependent on which
tool is selectedchoose
a different tool, see
different options.
Tools panel.
and Background
color boxes.
Quick Mask Mode.
Panels overview
Panels provide tools, such as the Tools panel on the left side of the screen,
and other specific tool options and controls in the panels stacked in the
vertical dock on the right side of the screen. The following tips are to help
you understand and manage panels.
Panels have a panel menu (circled,
top-right corner.
To expand panels (docked or floating) to display both
panel icon and panel label, drag one side of the panel
away from the center, shown on the right.
To minimize a panel and show only the
Click here to
expand panels.
Hover cursor
over the edge,
then drag right
to collapse to
icons only, or
drag left to
by its tab or title bar. Drag it into another dock or float it anywhere
in the workspace.
A panel stack is a group of floating, minimized panels that move together when
you drag it by the topmost title bar. To minimize a panel, double-click its tab.
To stack floating panels, drag a minimized panels tab to the blue
drop zone (that appears when your cursor is over a drop zone)
at the bottom of another panel or panel group.
To change the stacking order of panels, drag a panel up or down
by its tab. Release the tab over the narrow drop zone between panels,
rather than the drop zone in a title bar.
To remove a panel (or panel group) from the stack, drag it out
A floating
panel group.
A panel group
docked with
other panel
A dock of panel
groups collapsed
to icons only.
Workspace overview
Once you get all your favorite panels in the groups and docks and positions
you like best, you can save that arrangement so that with the click of a
button theyll all be in their correct places whenever you need them. The
workspace switcher lets you switch between the various layouts you might
need for different projects. Adobe has already created some workspaces for
you (Design, Painting, Photography, etc.), but you can also create your own,
save them in the workspace switcher, and use them again for future projects.
1 Arrange the panels as you want them.
2 Click the double arrows in the workspace switcher section of the
Application bar, shown below. From the menu that appears, choose
New Workspace .
Or from the Window menu, choose Workspace > New Workspace.
Workspace choices.
Click here to see
more workspaces
and other options.
3 In the New Workspace dialog that opens, type a name for the
new workspace.
4 Name the workspace, and then click Save.
To delete a custom workspace, choose Delete Workspace from the
Screen modes
There are three different screen view modes: standard, full screen with menu
bar, and full screen. To change screen modes, tap the F key. Subsequent taps
cycle through all screen modes. (Make sure a text box is not active, or youll
just type the letter f instead of changing screen modes.)
Tools overview
The tools in the Tools panel are grouped into
categories, as shown to the right.
Selection tools.
Drawing and
type tools.
and 3 D tools.
Retouching and
painting tools.
Switch between
Foreground and
Background colors.
Foreground color and
Background color
Quick Mask mode.
Most tools and icons have hidden tool tips that appear when you hover the
cursor over the item. Use this feature when youve forgotten what a certain
tool looks like, which icon you need to choose, or just to tell you what it is.
The letter in a Tool tool tip indicates which key to press to select that tool.
Some tools have the same letter key, such as the Brush, Pencil, and two
other tools in the same slot. Hold down the Shift key and tap the letter key
to cycle through all tools with that letter key.
If tool tips dont appear, turn them on in Preferences: From the Photoshop
menu (PC: Edit menu), choose Preferences > Interface, then put a check
in the Show Tool Tips box.
Hover the cursor over a tool or icon to display a descriptive tool tip.
Panels, dialogs, and items in the Options bar often have fields that require
a value, such as the Opacity options in the Layers panel, shown below.
To enter a value in a field do one of the following:
Type a value in the field.
Single-click the blue triangle next to the field to display a slider
To change the zero origin, the point at which the ruler begins
Document guides
Guides are helpful when you need to align objects or text. Make sure the
rulers are showing: press Command R ( PC: Control R).
Place a guide on the image: Press on a ruler and drag a guide out of
the ruler and into the image. Let go to drop the guide wherever you
want it.
Reposition a guide: Select the Move tool in the Tools panel. Press
Turn on Smart Guides: From the View menu, choose Show >
Snap To, then choose one of the options (guides, grid, layer
content, slice boundaries, document edges, all, or none).
Zoom in or out
Zoom is a great and versatile feature. Open an image and practice these
techniques so they become comfortable and automatic to use.
To magnify the view: Press Command + (PC: Control +)
(PC: Control Spacebar) and drag left or right anywhere in the image.
To magnify or reduce the view: Select the Zoom tool and single-click
in the image to magnify it. Hold down the Option key (PC: Alt key),
which makes the plus sign in the Zoom tool become a minus sign
click in the image with the minus Zoom tool to reduce the view.
the Tools panel. Or from the View menu, choose Actual Pixels.
Or press Command 0 (PC: Control 0)thats the zero in the row
of numbers across the top of your keyboard.
To view an exact percentage size: Change the percentage value in the
bottom-left corner of the document window, then press the Enter key.
You can also click in that little field and use the up and down arrows
to change the percentage; hit the Enter key to activate the change.
To fit an image on the screen as large as possible: Double-click the
the image so big that it is not all visible in the window, or make the
window smaller. Now hold down the H key, then press-and-hold
the mouse button. While the H key is held down, a marquee in
the shape of the current window is visible. Continue holding down
the H key and drag the marquee to an area of the image you want
displayed. When you release the H key, that section of the image
returns to the previous magnification. Try it.
To magnify a specific part of an image: Select the Zoom tool, then
Pixel grid
When the image preview is higher than 500 percent magnification, a pixel
grid is visible, as shown below. To hide the white lines of this grid, from the
View menu, choose Show, then deselect the Pixel Grid option.
Of course you can always choose to show it when you decide you want to
see the individual pixels.
The seemingly endless list of things you can do in Photoshop
can be intimidating and might prevent some non-designers
(and designers) from jumping in to learn the program. If that
sounds like you, dont worryyoure in good company.
2: simple projects
Whiten teeth
If only it was this quick and easy in real life. Hopefully, you wont have a
more challenging teeth-whitening client than this one. If theres not a lot of
discoloration and you just want to quickly lighten the teeth, skip to Step 4.
1 Open an image of someone with less than perfectly white teeth.
2 Select the Sponge tool, hidden under the Dodge
3 Scrub the teeth with the Sponge tool to remove color from the teeth.
4 Now select the Dodge tool.
Dodge tool.
Reset the Range to Midtones,
then scrub the teeth again.
Finally, reset the Range
to Shadows and finish
scrubbing the teeth.
As you work, be careful not to scrub
away detail or make teeth so white
that it looks unnatural, like the
blinding glare of movie-star teeth.
2: simple projects
2 From the Tools panel, select the
2: simple projects
The original,
faded photo.
(the spiky image) to the right until it aligns with the left edge of
the histogram (as shown below, right). Drag the white triangle
to the left to align it with the right side of the histogram. Click ok.
2: simple projects
click ok.
3 In the Levels panel that appears (you might have to hunt for it if
youve got a lot of panels open), click the Auto button (circled
below, right).
2: simple projects
2: simple projects
from the Brush Preset picker; choose a brush Size slightly larger
than the wrinkles you want to remove, and set the Hardness to 0%.
To change brush sizes on the fly, tap the left bracket key [ to reduce
brush size, and tap the right bracket key ] to increase brush size.
original image inside the pane; release to see the filtered effect.
To toggle between before and after views in the document
window, check/uncheck the Preview box, or tap the P key.
2: simple projects
2: simple projects
white areas.
From the Image menu, choose
Adjustments > Shadows/
2 In the Shadows/Highlights
2: simple projects
2: simple projects
want to adjust.
Now hold down the Command key
(PC: Control key) and drag left or right
in the image (below).
2: simple projects
as shown below.
2: simple projects
5 Press (dont click) on the Targeted Adjustment tool icon in the tool bar,
where you click in the image, and the cursor changes to a horizontal
double-arrow. Single-click on a color in the image, then drag the
cursor horizontally left or right to change the hue of that color range.
If you were to click with the Targeted Adjustment tool in the green
body of the bug, greens would be sampled and then altered as you
drag left or right.
To alter the image saturation, luminance, or grayscale settings,
2: simple projects
Straighten a photo
Straightening a photo cant get much easier than this.
1 Open an image that you want straightened.
2 Select the Ruler tool. It is stored under the
2: simple projects
Fill a background
Content-Aware Fill analyzes the image and
attempts to fill a selected area with content
that matches the existing background. It works
better on some images than others. Images may
need various degrees of touch-up after applying
this feature.
1 Choose the Quick Selection tool from
2: simple projects
you click the top-right corner (below, left), choose New Path.
Name the path, if you want, then click ok.
3 Select the Pen tool from the Tools panel. Draw a path on top of
This is
the path.
4 With the new path layer in the Paths panel selected (highlighted
2: simple projects
5 In the Options bar, click the Brush Preset picker (shown below).
Choose a brush Size slightly thicker than the power line, and set
the brush Hardness to 0% (a soft-edged brush).
6 Also in the Options bar, check the button to set Proximity Match.
7 Select the Stroke Path icon (circled below, left), located at the bottom
This technique also works great for taking airplane contrails out of the skies
of your otherwise perfect landscape shots.
2: simple projects
The contrast
in this image
is flat.
This option doesnt give you any control over the results,
but it can work very well.
From the Image menu, choose Adjustments > Levels, then
2: simple projects
The Levels
More contrast makes a big difference, but if the colors are still too
dull, from the Image menu, choose Adjustments > Vibrance. The
Vibrance dialog has adjustment sliders for both Vibrance and Saturation.
The Vibrance setting saturates colors that are under-represented, and it
mostly ignores skin tones. The Saturation setting saturates all colors.
2: simple projects
Draw paths around the areas you want to preserve (just press and
drag). To make multiple selections, as shown below, create the first
selection, then hold down the Shift key to draw subsequent selections that will be added to the first (youll see a small plus sign next
to the Lasso brush when its adding).
Since were going to reduce only the width of this sample photo,
we made sure that a generous amount of the image width is not
preserved so Photoshop has plenty of unimportant pixels to delete
without messing too much with the pixels we want to preserve.
2: simple projects
panel. Make sure the areas in your image are still selected, then
click the Save Selection as Channel button (circled below).
2: simple projects
Extend a photo
When you need just a little extra sky or horizon or foreground, you can use
Free Transform to stretch the dimensions of a photo. Obviously this works
best on sky or horizons that dont contain detail that will look distorted
when you stretch it.
measurement to the size you want your photo to occupy. For this
example, we changed the width from 8 inches to 9.5 inches.
3 Choose the Anchor position. The gray square indicates where the
2: simple projects
Extra image can be added vertically in the same way, as shown below.
1 In the Canvas Size panel, add canvas to the top of the image.
2 Create a rectangular selection across the sky.
3 Follow steps 5 and 6, above.
2: simple projects
3 From the Layer menu, choose New > Layer via Copy. A new layer
2: simple projects
can blur it: Click in the empty spot where its eyeball icon should be.
Select the Background layer: Single-click on its name.
6 Blur the Background copy: From the Filter menu, choose Blur >
Gaussian Blur.
In the Gaussian Blur dialog, drag the Radius slider to the right
until youre satisfied with the blur effect. Click ok.
a small-sized brush.
In the Options bar, set the Strength to 100%.
Brush along the edges of the subject to soften those edges.
If some unwanted artifacts become visible on the top layer when
you make the blurred Background layer visible, select the top
layer in the Layers panel, then use the Eraser tool to erase the
2: simple projects
Draw a path around the subject you want removed, as shown below.
If a seam is visible on the edge of the fill area, use the Spot Healing
Brush tool to fix it, as explained on page 15. See pages 5557 for
another technique for removing something from a photo and
page 58 for using the Clone Stamp tool, if appropriate for the photo.
2: simple projects
Transform distorts
the image slightly,
but would you notice?
To crop the excess
white space from the
sides of the image, select
the image with the
Rectangular Marquee
tool, then go to the Image
menu and choose Crop.
2: simple projects
When you like the result, hit the Enter key to commit it.
5 Youll probably want to crop the image when youre done:
select the image with the Rectangular Marquee tool, then go to the
Image menu and choose Crop (also see pages 8285).
2: simple projects
image, first paint it with the Freeze Mask tool (see the callout
below). When you drag the Liquify brush near a red frozen area,
the pixels under the red mask are protected, as shown below.
This exaggerated
brush stroke shows
the Liquify effect.
2: simple projects
Liquify text
The Liquify filter shown on the previous page is not just for images. Try it
on text. (There is lots more about text in Chapter 6.)
1 Open a new, blank document.
2 Select the Type tool in the Tools panel. Click on the bottom-left side
4 Make sure the text layer is selected in the Layers panel. Then from
Choose tools
Modify brush
settings here.
2: simple projects
4 To apply multiple filters, click the new effect layer icon in the bottom-
right corner.
To hide or show the effects, click the eyeball in the Effect Layer list
(bottom-right corner).
Click to create a
new effect layer.
2: simple projects
window; click on the lower left side so you have room to set the type.
2 Use the Character panel (as shown on page 42) to choose the font
and size. Type some large text, as below. After you type the text,
choose the Rectangular Marquee tool so you dont accidentally
make more text layers every time you click.
Every time you click
with the Text tool,
Photoshop creates a
new layer, a text layer.
3 Open an image that you want to place inside the text. The two
layer in the Layers panel, as shown below. If not, drag the image
layer above the text layer so it appears as shown below.
2: simple projects
7 To reposition the image inside the text, select the Move tool from
the Tools panel (its the tool at the very top). Make sure the image
layer is selected, then drag the image to reposition it within the text.
The text is actually still editable. See Chapter 6 for details on
working with text.
8 To create a dramatic black background for the type, create a new layer:
From the Layer menu, choose New > Layer. Click ok.
Drag that layer to the bottom of the Layers panel, as shown below.
Fill that layer with black: First, select the layer. Then, to make sure
the Foreground color is black, tap the D key. From the Edit menu,
choose Fill > Foreground Color. Ta da!
2: simple projects
2: simple projects
3 As you can see in the image and in the Layers panel, below, we added
a drop shadow, an inner glow, bevel and emboss, and a color stroke.
Alt key) and drag the fx icon from the layer its on and drop
it on the other layer.
To turn all styles off on a layer, click the eyeball icon next to Effects.
To turn off just certain styles, click the eyeball icon next to a specific
style name.
To hide/show the list of layer styles, click the small, black disclosure
2: simple projects
your Desktop right into the document window, or open a second file,
separate the two tabs, and drag the image layer from one file into
the other. The new element is automatically placed on a new layer.
Drag an image file icon from your computer into a Photoshop window
to create a new layer containing that image file.
2: simple projects
Drag the
corners to
distort the
4 When the new image looks the same size and shape as the original,
2: simple projects
Colorize a photo
Youll often want to adjust the color of an image, either for color accuracy
or for effect. Here are some simple and easy techniques for several different
types of colorization. (Also see page 66 for hand-tinting a photograph.)
Open an image that you want to experiment on by colorizing.
It can be anything from vegetables to old family photos to the
moon. Then follow the steps for one of the three techniques
on the following pages.
2: simple projects
2: simple projects
the Foreground color swatch in the Tools panel (in the illustration
on the left, its yellow; yours might be black or some other color).
Select the color from the color picker that opens. We chose a yellow
gold for the zucchini. Click ok.
3 Select the Color Replacement tool in the Tools panel. It resides under
the regular Brush tool, so either press on the Brush tool or rightclick on it to reveal the other brushes in a pop-out menu.
4 In the Options bar, settings for color replacement appear. Set the
Sampling options.
2: simple projects
2: simple projects
2: simple projects
to choose a brush Size; set the Hardness to 100% so it has a hard edge.
In the Options bar, set the Opacity and the Flow both to 100%.
4 Paint the subjects you plan to keep in the photo. Remember, you can
tap the right and left bracket keys to change the brush size. The red
color is the default mask color.
To paint strands of hair, enlarge the image (Command +) ( PC:
Control +) and use a very small brush size (a pressure-sensitive
tablet makes a world of difference when doing this sort of thing).
Tip: occasionally its helpful to temporarily rotate the canvas as you paint.
To do so, tap the r key to activate the rotate tool; drag on the image with the
rotate tool. switch back to the Brush tool (B) to continue painting.
To straighten the image, tap r, then drag to straighten it. hold down the shift
key to force the image to snap to 90 increments. Tap B to get the brush back.
2: simple projects
5 Click the Quick Mask Mode icon again to turn off the red color
Then from the Layer menu, choose New > Layer via Copy.
A new layer is created that contains the subjects on a
transparent background.
2: simple projects
8 We plan to fill this layer with a gradient that will simulate the
Linear Gradient.
10 Position the Gradient tool in the new, empty layer and drag horizon-
tally from far left to far right, across the background. The layer is
filled with the gradient, magically behind your subject/s. Wow.
11 To add a bit of realism, try adding some film grain or noise to the
background blend:
From the Filter menu, choose Artistic > Film Grain,
or choose Noise > Add Noise and play with the options.
2: simple projects
Layer menu, choose New > Layer. Or click the Create a new layer
icon at the bottom of the Layers panel.
2 Select the Clone Stamp tool in the Tools panel.
3 In the Options bar, click the Brush Preset picker to set a brush size
and hardness (choose a brush toward the soft end). Set the opacity
to 100%. Click Aligned Sample to paint in relation to the source.
Brush preset picker.
4 Set a clone source, which is an area that you want to load into
paint a clone (a clone of grass in this example), then drag the brush
on the object you want to remove/replace.
Clone source
2: simple projects
The Red Eye tool is also available in the Camera Raw panel, but behaves a
little differently. In Camera Raw you have a couple of adjustment sliders
you can adjust, and you have to drag a rectangle around the subjects eye
area. See Chapter 13 for information about Camera Raw.
2: simple projects
2: simple projects
3 Choose the Quick Selection tool in the Tools panel. This tool detects
edges and selects up to them. With that tool, drag in the sky area to
make an automatic selection. If the entire sky is not selected, drag
in the unselected area to add it to the selection.
If you need to deselect something, hold down the Option key
(PC: Alt key) and drag over the unwanted part of the selection.
Use the right and left bracket keys to change your brush size as
4 From the Image menu, choose Adjustments > Shadows/Highlights.
(If you only see two sliders in this panel, check the box to Show
More Options.)
Set the Highlights Amount slider to 75% (or whatever looks best for
your particular image).
To get rid of the glow that might appear around the selection edge,
drag the Highlights Radius slider to 0 pixels. Click ok.
2: simple projects
Cropped and brightened a bit, some cloning in the corners, and ready
for framing.
2: simple projects
4 Use the Sponge tool to paint areas where you want the color to be
stronger. If you have the Flow set too strong, or if you paint over
the same area too many times, the effect can look unrealistic.
To desaturate areas of the image, set the Mode pop-up menu to
Desaturate, and set the Flow amount to a rate at which you want
to apply desaturation.
Original image.
2: simple projects
Click ok.
4 Change the Blending Mode of the new layer to Multiply (below).
5 Click the Foreground color box in the Tools panel to select a color.
Click ok.
6 Fill the new layer with the color: Make sure the new layer is
2: simple projects
Step 3 on the opposite page, or click the Create a new layer icon at
the bottom of the Layers panel).
3 Select that layer and change its Blending Mode to Screen.
4 Choose the Brush tool from the Tools panel.
2: simple projects
Hand-tint a photo
Hand-tinted photos have an appealing quality, especially when the technique
is applied to vintage photos. The example shown here starts with a scan
of an old sepia-colored print. You can work on top of the original color
or first convert the image to grayscale (from the Image menu, choose
Adjustments > Desaturate).
1 Open an image to hand tint.
2 Create a new blank layer: From the
to Multiply.
note: After painting (Step 5), you
may decide to experiment and
change the Blending Mode to
something else, such as Soft Light,
Overlay, or Hue. Depending on the color you use and the part of
the image its on, some Blending Modes work better than others.
4 Set the new layers opacity to a low percentage for now, such as 30%.
5 Select the Brush tool.
Technical Stuff
WTRGB! What The Red Green Blue is this chapter
talking about? We know youre anxious to get to the fun
stuff, so weve condensed our technical Photoshop information into a painless four pages. Take a few minutes
to read about the geeky stuff and youll have a better
understanding of everything you do in Photoshop.
Bitmap images
Bitmap images, also referred to as raster images, are made of a specific
number of pixels in a grid. All photographs are raster images. When you
use many of Photoshops painting tools, such as a brush, airbrush, blur
tool, etc., youre creating pixels in a grid. Due to the inflexible nature of a
fixed grid of pixels, bitmapped images lose quality if enlarged beyond the
original sizeif your image prints as bitmappy or pixelated, that means
the resolution is too low for the size of the graphic. The image resolution
of your file, such as 72 pixels per inch for web graphics, or 300 pixels per
inch for high-quality color printing, affects not only how large the file is,
but also the image quality at different sizes.
If your Photoshop project is going to be viewed only on a screen, such as
on a web site, photos attached to email, a digital presentation, etc., a low
resolution of 72 ppi (pixels per inch) is adequate, as well as easier to edit since
low-resolution images require less processing power than high-res images.
However, one issue you will discover when working in low resolution is that
filter effects act differently on low-res and high-res images. A filter that looks
great on a high-res image can look clunky and heavy-handed on the same
image in a low-res version.
For most projects, its better to work at actual size, in a resolution thats
appropriate for the images final destination (printed or onscreen).
Vector graphics
Vector graphics are shapes that exist as mathematical descriptions, even
though they look like ordinary images on the screen. Some of Photoshops
drawing tools create vector objects. Since vector objects are mathematical
descriptions, they can be enlarged to any size without any degradation of
quality. When you open an Illustrator file and place it in Photoshop, its
brought in as a vector file. Text also is a vector file that can be resized up
and down many times without affecting its quality. Youll notice that some
operations in Photoshop will present you with a message saying that the
command you requested requires rasterizing the object or layerthis means
Photoshop must convert the mathematical description into pixels in a grid.
such as on web pages and presentations. Many home and office printers
also print files that use the rgb color space. Some Photoshop filters work
only in rgb mode.
cmyk (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) is the color mode for documents printed
Bit depth
Bit depth is how much color information can potentially be stored in each
pixel of an image. Higher bit depth values mean more color information and
more accurate color. An 8-bpc (bits per channel) rgb file is called a 24-bit
file because rgb files have three color channels, and if each channel is 8-bpc,
that equals 24 bits of color information data for each pixel.
Photoshop can work with 8, 16, and 32-bpc images. A 32-bpc image is referred
to as High Dynamic Range (hdr). Unless youre a professional photographer,
you probably are working mostly with 8-bpc images.
Many, but not all, Photoshop features and filters work on 16-bpc images. If
you encounter a situation in which you need to apply a problematical filter
to a 16-bit image, convert the file to an 8-bpc (go to Image > Mode > 8 Bits/
Channel), apply the filter, then save as a copy, to preserve the original 16-bpc file.
Image resolution
To set the image resolution, from the Image menu, choose Image Size.
In the Image Size dialog that opens (below, left), enter a value in the
Resolution field. For high quality printing, set the resolution to 300 ppi
(pixels per inch); for onscreen images, set it to 72 ppi (see the example in
the bottom area of the page).
If the resolution is cut in half, to 150 pixels, the Width and Height pixel
values shown at the top of the dialog are also cut by half (above right). But
the Document Size dimensions are still the same, 8 inches by 5 inches.
This means that the document stays the same measurable size, but there are
half as many pixels to render the image.
To size this image for the web, set the resolution to 72 ppi (as shown above).
The pixel dimensions of the image are now very small, compared to the 300
ppi version or the 150 ppi versions at the top of the page. This low resolution
works great for viewing on a computer screen. A higher resolution would
mean a much larger file (larger as in more megabytes), without better quality
on the screen.
Select &
In Photoshop, youll find yourself doing two things over
and over again. The first is selecting elements to modify
them. Photoshop provides many different ways to select
images or parts of images, and how you select an item
can determine what you can do with it. The second is
transforming elements. The transform commands in
Photoshopscale, rotate, skew, distort, perspective,
warp, and flipenable you to modify images in almost
unlimited ways.
Experiment with selecting and cropping in this chapter.
Photoshop can only undo that very last thing you did, so
work on a photo you dont care about. If you dont save
your changes to the image, you can always Revert to
the original image from the File menu. Or, to preserve
the original, you can also make a copy of the file you
want to work on (and in Chapter 7 youll learn how the
History panel provides the equivalent of multiple undos).
What light er
t h ro u g h y o p
Photosho s?
w i n d o w b re
ou s Q uo te
A lm os t Fa m
fr om N on -D
Selection tools
Shown below are the four main selection tools (and their variants) in the
Tools panel: the Marquee tools, the Lasso tools, and the Quick Selection
tools. To display the pop-up menus of the hidden tools, press (dont click) or
right-click on tool icons that have a small triangle in the bottom-right corner.
Command d (PC: Control d), or go to the select menu and choose deselect.
Tip: To make a selection outward from the center of any marquee tool,
hold down the option key (PC: Alt key) as you drag.
Tip: To constrain the shape to a perfect square or circle, hold down the
shift key.
Selection with
stroke and fill
Selection with
two strokes
clicks. Every time you click, another straight line connects that
point to the previous point.
4 To close the path and make the selection, click on the original first-
To make a feathered selection, choose your selection tool, then set an amount
Click here
to see the list
of viewing
Click anywhere
else on the
dialog to hide
that list so you
can adjust the
This is a Marching
Ants preview, where
the selection boundary
looks like ants marching
around the page.
To see an actual
preview of the soft
edge, choose the
Overlay preview mode.
A New selection. This option is chosen by default.
the mouse and drag again in an unselected area (by default, the
Add to selection option stays selected after the first brush stroke).
4 To subtract from the selection, select the Subtract from selection icon
Brush variations:
New selection,
Add to selection, and
Subtract from selection.
Brush Preset
selection close to the first color on which you click; set a higher
number to grab more colors outside that original range.
Check Anti-alias for a smoother edge.
To select all similar colors in the image with one click, uncheck
3 With the new path layer selected, select the Pen tool in the
4 Click the Load path as a selection button (bottom of the Paths panel).
Background selected.
Background deleted.
7 To add drop shadows, double-click the stones layer and select the
Drop Shadow option in the Layer Style dialog (see pages 102103).
Using the Pen tool and the
Paths palette, I separated the
image of the woman
from the background.
InDesign is able to
wrap text around the
path that I created
in Photoshop.
Too amazing.
the element you want to keep (make sure there is no feather on the
selection; see page 76).
2 From the Image menu, choose Crop. Ta da.
For more specific cropping, the Crop tool provides much more control. You
can set the specific dimensions and resolution of the cropped area, and you
can see a preview of the results.
1 Choose the Crop tool from the Tools panel.
2 In the Options bar, set the Width and Height that you want the
4 Drag a rectangle around the area you want to crop, as shown below.
If you have set a width and height, your rectangle will be limited to
proportions matching that shape.
Press in the middle
to move the crop
area to another part
of the image.
Resize it by
dragging a corner
handle; hold down
the Shift key to keep
the same proportion.
5 Once the crop area is drawn, the Options bar changes, as shown.
If you are on a regular layer, not a Background layer, you can choose
to Delete or Hide. The Hide option allows you to later reposition the
image within the cropped area: just move the image with the Move
tool. (To convert a Background layer to a regular layer before you
crop, double-click Background in the Layers panel, then click ok.)
6 Set the Crop Guide Overlay pop-up menu to None, Rule of Thirds,
deleted or hidden, as you can see above. Set a shield Color (default
black works best), and set the Opacity of the shield to your taste.
8 To commit the current crop operation, hit the Enter key (or click
the checkmark icon you see farther to the right in the Options bar).
To cancel, hit the Esc key (or click the Cancel icon next to the
checkmark, as mentioned above).
To make the selection marquee disappear, click anywhere.
as you want.
2 Single-click the Front Image button in the Options bar.
3 Open another image, then drag the Crop tool, which is now
After cropping.
solomon Catt
Pickering Catt
Lydia Alice
Beeson Catt
Crop in perspective
The Perspective checkbox used with the Crop tool not only allows you to
crop the image, but make lens corrections at the same time. This is useful,
for instance, when an image is distorted in the camera or because it was
shot at an extreme angle. We often ignore lens distortion, especially when
it occurs in personal photos, but occasionally you may want to fix it. If
you dont adjust the lens distortion as you crop the image, you can adjust
it later using one of the Transform tools, Distort or Perspective (see page
89). The Transform tools are a better choice for some images, because the
Perspective Crop tool may crop away more of the image than you want (as
shown below-right).
1 Open an image in which there is lens distortion.
2 Select the Crop tool.
3 Drag a rectangle around the image.
4 Check the Perspective box in the Options bar.
Drag the corners of the cropping area to align with the image
perspective, as shown below-left.
5 To commit the crop operation, click the Commit button (the
Transform commands
As you can see in the Edit menu, there are two main Transform items, Free
Transform, which applies to a selected layer, and Transform with a submenu
of options, all of which apply to individually selected items.
Before you can transform a layer or part of an image, you must make a
selection with one of the selection tools. To select a layer, single-click on it
in the Layers panel (details on working with layers are in Chapter 5).
Transform commands in the Edit menu.
To commit the transformation, hit the Enter key,
Free Transform
Free Transform lets you do basic transforms, such as resize (scale) and rotate.
Also see page 3435 for another technique using this command.
1 Select a portion or all of the image. If you select it all, open the
The Transform bounding box appears around the edges of the image.
If you cant see the corner handles, make the window a little larger.
hold down the Shift key as you drag a corner handle (shown above).
To resize in any way, just drag any handle. Side handles resize in just
Skew a selection
Skewing an image slants it vertically or horizontally. You just never know
when this might come in handy.
1 Select a portion or all of the image. If you select it all, open the
Distort a selection
Distorting an image lets you drag each corner to any position, useful when
you need to paste a photo into a shape in another image.
1 Select a portion or all of the image. If you select it all, open the
Warp a selection
The Warp option overlays a mesh on the image that you can manipulate.
(For an advanced version, see Puppet Warp in Chapter 14.)
1 Select a portion or all of the image. If you select it all, open the
or control handle to
distort the mesh that
overlays the image
(see pages 161163
about working with
control handles).
Layers might be the most useful and powerful feature in
Photoshops extensive list of awesome features. Layers are like
sheets of transparent plastic stacked on top of each other, and
because layers are transparent (except where youve placed image
elements or text), many layers can combine visually to create one
seamless image.
You can send elements behind or in front of other elements and
still change your mind later. You can hide parts of an image
without harming the original, or retouch elements on a separate
layer from the original, making those elements easy to delete or
modify later. You can hide individual layers so they dont appear in
the final piece, yet they are still in the document so you have them
if necessary. You can create many versions of a single document
and switch between versions effortlessly.
For example, the original Photshop file for the cover
of this book puts every element on its own layer,
which enables the overlapping and placement of
elements such as the floating photos. Other layers in
the document have their visibility turned off because
they contain images that we decided not to use,
including other experimental background colors.
There are what Robin calls magic layers (Photoshop
calls them Adjustment Layers) that actually have
nothing on them that you can see, but they impact
the look of the layer beneath without changing the
pixels of the underneath layer.
While the list of layer features and techniques is longer than
we can completely cover here, this chapter will give you a basic
understanding of what layers can do and how to work with them.
5: all-powerful layers
An image might have just one layer, or it can have many layers, as shown
below. It depends on how you want to work. Browse through the following
layer goodies for an overview of how you might use them in your projects.
When you experiment with techniques in other chapters that reference
layers, come back to this chapter for the details.
Layers panel
Layer Group,
Layer effect.
One of many
Hide/show Layer
effects (Layer Styles).
Layer Group,
Layer thumbnail.
Visibility icon/
eyeball icon; hide
or show the layer.
Background layer;
see page 94.
Shortcut buttons; see opposite page.
5: all-powerful layers
Link layers.
Add a Layer Style.
5: all-powerful layers
5: all-powerful layers
5: all-powerful layers
Duplicate a layer
This operation is similar to creating a copy of an entire layer (not a selection)
as described above, but adds a significant option. You can name the layer, but
more importantly, you can save the duplicate layer in the existing document,
in any document that you have open on the screen, or in a new document
that you name here.
1 Select a layer in the Layers panel.
2 From the Layer menu, choose Duplicate Layer.
3 In the Destination pane, the Document menu lists all open
documents, plus New. Choose the document into which you
want to add this layer, or choose New and name a new document.
Or click the Auto-Select item in the Options bar (circled below). Now
anywhere you click will choose the layer that contains the pixels you clicked.
Dont forget to deselect this option while youre working or youll find
yourself unintentionally selecting other layers constantly.
5: all-powerful layers
Link layers
Placing each visual element on its own layer makes it easy to make changes
to those individual pieces, but when those multiple layers combine to create
one visual element, you want it to be just as easy to make changes to the
combined visual elements (such as repositioning multiple layers at once, or
changing the tranparency of multiple layers together). When you link layers
together, in many ways they act as one layer.
In the example below, each line of handwriting is on a separate layer. To
transform (move, scale, distort, or rotate) any combination of the handwritten
lines as one element, first select, then link the layers.
1 Click a layer in the Layers panel to select it.
Shift-click other layers to add them to the selection.
This temporarily links the layers, until you select another layer.
2 To keep the layers linked, click the Link layers icon in the bottom-left
corner of the Layers panel (circled below).
To unlink the layers, select any one of them, then click the Link layers icon
again at the bottom of the Layers panel. Unlinking doesnt affect any changes
you made while layers were linked.
5: all-powerful layers
5: all-powerful layers
Merge Visible
You can turn off the visibility of certain layers, and then combine all of the
visible layers into one layer. Use the Merge Visible command.
1 Make sure all the layers you want to merge are visible (the eyeball
icon appears on the left side of the layer) and the layers you do not
want to include are not visible.
2 From the Layers panel menu, choose Merge Visible.
Merge Down
You can merge two adjacent layers into one.
1 Make sure the layers you want to merge are visible (the eyeball icon
appears on the left side of the layer) and that they are next to each
other in the panel.
2 Select the top layer of the two.
3 From the Layers panel menu, choose Merge Down. This will merge
the selected layer with the layer immediately beneath.
5: all-powerful layers
Stamp Visible
This command is similar to Merge Visible explained on the previous page,
but with a critical difference. It combines all visible layers into a single new
layer, yet leaves all those original layers unchanged and still available as
individual layers. Youll love this feature when you want to apply a filter to
a collection of multiple layers, or perhaps save the collection of layers as a
new file, while keeping the original layers unchanged and intact.
1 Make sure the layers you want to stamp together are visible,
and all others are not visible.
2 Press Command Option Shift E (PC: Control Alt Shift E).
All visible layers are combined into one new layer.
The new layer is placed just above the currently selected layer.
The original layers remain unchanged.
5: all-powerful layers
The Blending Mode for Groups is automatically set to Pass Through. This
means the group has no blending properties of its own. Layers inside a group
that have Adjustment Layers or Blending Modes applied still affect layers
below them. However, if you change the Blending Mode for the group, all
layers inside the group are treated as a single image and are blended with the
rest of the image using the chosen Group Blending Mode. To summarize,
most of the time youll be happy with Pass Through.
5: all-powerful layers
Layer Styles
You can make changes to whole layer at once using a Layer Style, which gets
applied to everything on that layertext, shapes, brush strokes, etc. If you
add something to the layer later, such as a brush stroke or more text, the
new element will display the same style effects. Because youre applying the
changes to the layer and not the actual pixels, the changes are non-destructive;
that is, you can modify or hide these changes at any time without affecting
the original image.
1 Double-click the layer to which you want to apply a Layer Style
(dont double-click on the name of the layer because that just lets
you edit the name).
2 In the Layer Style dialog that opens, click on the name of a style in
the Styles list to show the settings for that style. Click the checkbox
next to a style name to turn the style on or off.
3 Layer Styles can include multiple settingsexperiment with them!
When satisfied with the results, click ok. An fx symbol appears
on the layer to indicate that Layer Styles have been applied to the
5: all-powerful layers
A different set of
Layer Styles applied to
the text layer.
Tip: To position a drop shadow, you dont have to use the Angle and
Distance controls in the Layer style dialog, which can be tedious. instead,
place your cursor over the image in the canvas window and drag the drop
shadow to any position you want.
See the following pages for more details about Layer Styles.
5: all-powerful layers
5: all-powerful layers
5: all-powerful layers
Adjustment Layers
An Adjustment Layer is a special layer in the Layers panel that applies a
filter or effect to the layers below it (the layer itself looks like it has nothing
on it, which is how Robin knows it is a magic layer).
Adjustment Layers use the same filters that you can apply using menu
commands, but with one very important difference: they leave the original
image layer untouched, and you can go back at any time to change the
adjustment settings.
1 Open an image to adjust.
2 Open the Adjustments panel: From the Window menu,
choose Adjustments.
3 In the Adjustments panel (below, left), hover over an icon and its
function will appear at the top of the panel.
Click a disclosure
triangle to show
preset options.
5: all-powerful layers
5: all-powerful layers
To hide (mask) some of the top layer content (the text) and allow the layer
below to show through where text is currently hiding it, youre going to
paint black on the mask (but it wont really look black).
3 Single-click on the text thumbnail and lower its Opacity so you can
see both the text and the ornament where they overlap.
5: all-powerful layers
Set the Foreground color to black, if it isnt already (you can use
the shortcut D).
Use a small, hard-edged Brush tool to paint on the mask layer
with black, as shown at the bottom of the opposite page. You will
see the Brush tool appear to erase the text, and the black paint will
appear in the Layer Mask thumbnail, as shown above.
If your brush stroke accidentally masks more of the layer content
than you intended, change the foreground color to white, make
sure the Layer Mask thumbnail is selected (as above), then paint
over the accidental brush strokes. The white paint restores the
visibility of the layer content.
5 When you think youve got it, restore the Opacity of the text layer
to 100 percent. Et voil.
If you think you did a crummy job, you can delete the Layer Mask
(drag its thumbnail to the Trash icon) and start over. Your text is
still all there and editable.
5: all-powerful layers
3 Click the Create new layer comp icon on the panel (circled, above) to
open the New Layer Comp dialog (below). Name the comp, then
choose the options you want to capture: layer visibility, layer position,
and appearance (Layer Styles and Blending Mode). Click ok.
5: all-powerful layers
Smart Objects
Smart Objects provide another way to edit a layer without harming the
original, which is call non-destructive editing. When you transform a Smart
Object, the original image data and quality is invisibly preserved somewhere
deep in Photoshop, even after you scale, rotate, skew, distort, transform the
perspective, or warp the layer.
Ordinarily, performing a transformation affects the image pixels and the
quality cant be recovered. For instance, if you scale down a regular layer,
then decide to scale it back up, the quality is degraded because the image
has already been processed for the scaled-down version. However, if you
scale down a Smart Object, the original image data is untouched; the scaleddown version references the original. So when you scale the Smart Object
back up, the original full quality image data is used to create a full-quality,
enlarged version again.
Smart Objects dont let you alter pixel data, such as using Brush tools on
them, unless you first convert them to regular layers, and then theyre not
Smart anymore.
Choose to use Smart Objects when you dont want the original image on a
layer to be altered. When you apply filters to Smart Objects, they become
Smart Filters that do not affect the original image. This non-destructive
editing approach lets you experiment with effects as much as necessary
without ever losing the ability to return to the original at any time.
5: all-powerful layers
All Smart Objects land on the page with an X through them. While this X, or
crosshair, is showing, you cant do anything except use the Transform options.
So hit the Enter key to commit to the Smart Object and then carry on.
Photoshop has some very specific directions about editing the files.
Before you edit, you will see notes on the screen; just follow the
5: all-powerful layers
Show or hide
filter effect.
5: all-powerful layers
Flatten layers
When you create a file with many layers, it increases the digital size of the
file. When you deliver a file to someone, they may want you to flatten the
file first so itll be faster to download and will take less storage space on their
computer. Flattening a Photoshop file takes all your layers and combines
them into one background layer. Layers that are not currently visible are
thrown away. If you do this, be sure to save a copy of the layered file so you
can use it for possible future changes.
If your file includes overlapped elements on separate layers, the flattened
version of your file will eliminate any part of the image that was hidden by
overlapping elements on layers above.
To flatten the layers in a file, open the Layers panel menu (click the tiny
menu icon in the upper-right corner of the panel), choose Flatten Image.
The Layers panel menu is shown on page 103.
No thumbnails.
6: photoshop type
Set type
There are three ways to create type in Photoshop: 1) start at a point (below),
2) create a paragraph (opposite page), and 3) set along a path (see page 124).
Point type
When you have just a few words to set, this is the best way to do it. This
method is called point type because the text starts at that point and
continues along a horizontal path until you hit Return or Enter.
When working with point type, there is no bounding box (see the opposite
page) to contain the type, so it will go right off the page! If that happens
to you, either move the type (see below) or just click in the text before the
point at which it went off the edge, then hit Return or Enter.
1 Select the Horizontal Type tool from the Tools panel.
2 In the Options bar, choose a font and size.
3 Single-click in the canvas window. Photoshop automatically creates
To move the text, simply position the cursor outside the area of the
in the text. (If the text has been rasterized, you cannot edit it.)
Tip: Be careful with the Type tool! every time you click with the Type tool,
Photoshop makes another layer (guess how we know that). if youre not careful,
youll end up with a dozen empty type layers. so as soon as you type your text,
choose another tool, a benign one, such as the rectangular Marquee tool (M).
While youve got the Type tool, you cant use the keyboard shortcut to select
another toolyou must actually go to the Tools panel and click on it.
6: photoshop type
Paragraph type
Setting paragraph type is best for larger amounts of text, such as a paragraph
or more. It will be contained within a flexible bounding box. Dont worry
about the limitations of the bounding boxyou can always resize it later.
1 Select the Horizontal Type tool from the Tools panel.
2 Dont clickpress-and-drag the cursor in the document window
Return or Enter at the ends of the linesjust let them bump into
the bounding box edge and the text will continue on the next line.
Text boundary line.
If overflow text doesnt
fit within the boundary,
a small plus symbol (+)
appears in the corner.
The text cursor changes as you move it around a selected text box. The
example below shows the different cursors and explains what each does.
To move the type, simply move your cursor away from the text, and
handle. When it turns into a double-headed arrow, drag the text box
to resize it.
To tilt the type, position
6: photoshop type
Font size and leading value (leading is the amount of space between lines of text).
Kerning and tracking. Kerning adjusts the space between a selected pair of characters.
Tracking adjusts the space between all characters in a selected range of text.
Adjust the vertical or horizontal scale of the type. This distorts the letterforms.
Adjust the baseline shift and type color. Baseline shift refers to how far above or below
the baseline (the invisible line upon which type sits) the selected text will set.
Apply type styles to selected text: Faux (fake) Bold, Faux (fake) Italic, All Caps, Small
Caps, Superscript, Subscript, Underline, Strikethrough. (It is always best to choose the
family bold or italic style rather than the faux version.)
Tip: instead of typing numbers in the value fields, position the cursor
over the symbol next to the field. When the cursor changes to a hand
symbol, drag left or right to change the value in the field.
6: photoshop type
Font family.
Font style.
Set anti-aliasing
Font size.
warped text.
Commit and
Toggle Character
and Paragraph
To select a paragraph for formatting, all you need to do is single-
click in it with the Text tool, since the options will apply to the
whole paragraph whether you like it or not.
To select more than one paragraph for formatting, press-and-drag to
6: photoshop type
Vertical text
Youve probably noticed there is a Vertical Type tool as well as the horizontal
one. This tool stacks your text in a vertical line. Try it. All the formatting
features that apply to horizontal text also apply to vertical text.
from the Select Text Color dialog that opens. The text updates
immediately with the new selected color.
To change the color of a specific selection of text:
Select the Text tool in the Tools panel and drag to select the specific range
of text that you want to color. Then do one of the following:
From the Window menu, open the Swatches panel or the
6: photoshop type
Click ok.
Please do not use typographers quotation marks if you are specifying feet and
inches. Weve seen plenty of bridges with warning signs that say something
like Max. Height 12 6. Thats just silly.
6: photoshop type
Warp text
1 Create or select a text layer.
2 Select the Text tool.
3 In the Options bar, single-click the Create warped text button.
4 From the Style pop-up menu, choose one of the warp options.
Warped text.
Click ok.
Once you rasterize the text, you will not be able to remove the warp!
6: photoshop type
from the submenu that appears. This opens the Layer Style dialog.
Or double-click in the blue area of a text layer (not on the name
of the layer) to open the Layer Style dialog.
3 Select from the many styles in the Styles list.
6: photoshop type
alignment before you type. You can always change options settings
after youve typed the text (to change the font, font size, or font
color of existing text, first use the Text tool to select the text, then
change the settings).
Font color.
Font style.
Font size.
4 If you chose a left text alignment, click near the left side of the path
with the Text tool, then type. If you chose a centered text alignment,
click near the center of the path with the Text tool, then type.
5 In the Options bar, click the checkmark icon to commit the text
6: photoshop type
outside of the shape, or inside the path to set the type inside the shape.
4 Enter the text you want inside (or outside) the shape.
5 To adjust any of the settings in the Character panel and have it apply
to the entire text layer, make sure the Move tool is selected in the
Tools panel, open the Character panel, and make adjustments.
To adjust a specific range of text, select the text with the Text tool, then
make adjustments in the Character panel.
If necessary, open the Paragraph panel to adjust the paragraph settings.
6 To hide the path, select any other layer. To edit the text later, select the
text layer, then select the Text tool and click the text. Drag one of
the shapes handles to modify the shape.
Shape handle.
Work path.
6: photoshop type
Baseline Shift field (left). Lower the Baseline Shift number until the
text moves down, across the path, and is aligned with the inside of
the shape (below, middle and right). If necessary, in the Character
panel, adjust the tracking (the space between letters).
bottom of the circle, until the text appears upright (below right).
with a History
Photoshop is infamous for having one level of Undo.
That sounds very limiting (and it is) until you realize the
amazing flexibility and forgiveness of the History panel.
The History panel keeps track of every operation you do
so you can wander back and forth through your recent
Photoshop actions, just like going back in timeand
forward again if necessary.
You also have access to the History Brush, which paints
on an image using a former image state instead of color.
Its kind of freaky.
And, of course, the standard Undo, Redo, and Revert
commands, though limited, are very useful in any project.
Go back in time . . .
History panel
History Brush source
(see the next page).
document state.
Snapshot thumbnails.
To specify how many states to show in the History panel, open the History
panel menu and choose History Options. Select any of these options.
Automatically Create First Snapshot
2 From the Window menu, choose History to open the History panel
7 Drag the History Brush across the image where you want to paint
The History Brush is also useful for restoring parts of an image that contain
unwanted modifications caused by certain filters or retouching. For example,
the image below was distorted using the Liquify filter. The area surrounding
the Liquified effect shows unwanted distortion. The History Brush enables
you to select a document state before the Liquify filter was used, then paint
with that state to restore the area around the distorted element.
Undo. The menu gives you a hint as to what you are going
to Undo, such as Undo Typing.
If you decide that was a mistake, you can undo the Undo
As you know, Photoshop can do amazing things. And
chances are, even if youre a Photoshop user, there are
some features that you havent used yet, because you
havent stumbled across them and dont realize how
powerful, easy, and convenient they are.
Youll find Adjustment Layers to be invaluable when you
want to modify the tonal ranges and color balance of an
image (or just part of an image). Youll love how these
special layers allow you to make adjustments to an image
in a flexible (editable) and non-destructive way; that is,
any adjustments you make can be modified or disabled at
any time, and they do not affect the original image file.
Get in the habit of using an Adjustment Layer to make
changes rather than making them to the image itself
youll find it comes in handy much more often than you
think it might!
8: adjustment layers
Adjustments panel
To open the Adjustments panel:
1 Select the layer to which you want to apply adjustments.
in fact, the Adjustment Layer applies to all the layers beneath it. if you want the
adjustments to apply to only the layer immediately below, click the Clip to layer button,
located at the bottom of the specific control panel (opposite page, bottom-right).
8: adjustment layers
When you click one of the adjustment icons (below, left), the
settings for that adjustment appear (below, right). To go back to the
Adjustments main panel, click the arrow in the bottom-left corner.
Adjustment list and presets.
Return to
adjustment list
(on the left).
Clip to layer.
Open an Expanded view.
8: adjustment layers
Adjustment Layer.
Adjustment thumbnail.
Target layer.
Mask thumbnail;
see page 148.
Once you create the layer (as explained on the previous two pages) and
make the adjustments you like (as explained on the following pages), you
can always go back and readjust the settings.
To modify the existing settings in an Adjustment Layer, click the
select it in the Layers panel, then click the Trash can icon.
Or drag the layer to the Trash.
To hide the effects of the adjustments, single-click the eyeball icon
to hide the layer and hence its affect on the layer(s) below.
To attach (or clip) the adjustments to only the layer immediately
8: adjustment layers
Choose a Levels
preset from this
pop-up menu.
The Histogram.
Select the black eyedropper tool and click on the darkest area
of the image. This is called setting the black point.
Select the white eyedropper tool and click on the lightest part
of the image (called setting the white point).
This should automatically set the midtone values, but you can
manually adjust the midtones if necessary: select the gray eyedropper
and click a midtone area of the image.
8: adjustment layers
8: adjustment layers
8: adjustment layers
Saturation adjusted.
The Hue/Saturation
Adjustment Layer
desaturates the image
below it. The black
paint on the image
layer mask hides the
desaturation in the
lamp area.
To change the hue or saturation of a specific color range within the image:
Select a preset color range from the pop-up menu that is usually set
to Master (shown at the top of the page), then drag the Hue and
Saturation sliders.
8: adjustment layers
current image:
1 Select the Targeted Adjustment tool icon in the Hue/Saturation panel
Reset adjustment.
8: adjustment layers
You can also use the Eyedropper tools (shown below) in the Hue/Saturation
panel to select a color range to adjust.
1 To activate the Eyedropper tools, choose any color from the pop-up
8: adjustment layers
8: adjustment layers
the Color button and click the well to choose a custom color.
Adjust the Density slider to adjust the strength of the color.
Select Preserve Luminosity to prevent the effect from darkening
the image.
8: adjustment layers
8: adjustment layers
color banding.
Select the Reverse option if you want to reverse the effect
of the gradient.
8: adjustment layers
Auto Adjustments
Even though non-destructive
techniques such as Adjustment
Layers are a good practice, you dont
have to use them. If its okay with
you that the original image is altered
forever, go to the Image menu,
choose Adjustments, then from
the submenu (right) choose the type
of adjustment you want to make. Or
choose one of the Auto adjustments
in the Image menu: Auto Tone,
Auto Contrast, or Auto Color. These
automatic adjustments dont provide
any controls, but often they are all
you need to improve an image.
8: adjustment layers
Adjustment masks
When you create an Adjustment Layer, the layer contains a thumbnail icon
that represents the type of adjustment you chose, and also a Layer Mask
thumbnail filled with white. When the mask is filled with white, any layer
adjustments you make are fully visible on the layer below. In most cases,
you will probably ignore the mask altogether, but it can be very useful if
you want to hide (mask) the effects of the adjustment in different parts of
the image. In the example below, weve added a lot of contrast to the image
by darkening it (using a Levels Adjustment Layer), then masking/hiding
the dark effect in selected parts of the image.
1 Open an image that appears flat and needs more contrast.
2 Add a Levels Adjustment Layer: From the Window menu, choose
(white): press D.
4 Click the mask thumbnail in the Adjustment Layer to select it.
5 Select the Brush tool from the Tools panel.
6 In the Options bar, click the Brush Preset picker to choose a large
brush size and low hardness setting. Paint on the main image
(not in the tiny thumbnail) in areas where you want to hide the
darkened adjustment effect. Where you paint with black, the
lightness of the original image shows; these black strokes are visible
in the mask thumbnail, but not on the image! Shades of gray in the
mask thumbnail indicate a partially masked area, as seen in the soft
transition from light to dark, created by a soft brush edge.
You can also adjust
the opacity of the
Adjustment Layer.
adjustment icon.
Working with
All layers, except Background layers, are transparent.
Even if a layer is filled with pixels, such as an image, a
fill color, or both, the layer itself retains transparency
capabilities, allowing other layers below it to show
through when pixels on the top layer are erased or
You can give any layer a degree of transparency
by adjusting its opacity. Whenever necessary, the
Background layer can be converted from a nontransparent layer to a regular transparent layer.
Transparent layers are what provide the remarkable
flexibility and creative potential of Photoshop its
important to understand how theyre working for you!
What is transparency?
With the exception of Background layers (which are not transparent),
image layers consist of opaque pixels against a transparent background. The
transparent areas of a layer are represented by a gray and white checkerboard
pattern. In the example below, the layer of Jimmy and Scarlett is above a
layer that contains an image of flower blooms. Where the background of
the top layer is erased (where you see the checkerboard), the flower bloom
layer can show through. In addition, layer opacity can be adjusted to any
degree of transparency, which opens up all sorts of visual effects possibilities.
A layers background
erased to reveal the
layer below it.
Transparency preferences
Photoshops preferences allow you to decide how you want to be reminded
that a layer is transparent, via a checkerboard grid (or not).
1 From the Photoshop menu, choose Preferences > Transparency &
the Layers panel. Or from the Layer menu, choose New > Layer.
2 Select the Brush tool and paint a word on the layer, as shown below.
Lock transparent
When a layer is partially locked (when just one or two of the Lock items
are selected), a white lock icon is shown on the layer (below-left).
When a layer is fully locked (when the Lock All icon is selected), a black
lock icon is shown on the layer (below-right).
You can unlock the transparent pixels of a selected layer at any time in
order to work in the transparent areas of the layer.
With the layer fill set to 0%, everything on the layer is transparent
except the layer style, a drop shadow.
Draw &
Photoshop is not just an image editing application
its also an image creation tool. With the draw and
paint tools, you can create just about anything
you can imagine.
Learn how to create vector shapes (mathematically
based), or rasterized shapes (pixel based), depending on
the mode you choose. Photoshop provides customizable
libraries of individual shapes to play with and a large
variety of customizable brushes to paint with.
Use a pressure-sensitive digital tablet, if possible.
Photoshop brushes can react to pen pressure, angle, and
rotation as you draw with them.
The versatile drawing and painting tools presented in this
chapter will provide new solutions and creative opportunities for your projects.
To fill the shape with the Foreground color, press Option Delete
To fill the shape with the Background color, press Command Delete
Marquee tool.
2 Single-click where you want the line to appear, and drag the mouse
Option bar (shown at the bottom of page 158). See pages 164169 about vector
shapes. You can also use the Pen tool to create a path; see pages 160163.
The Shape tools are in the pop-out menu along with the
Rectangle tool, as shown below, left.
The Pen tools (the regular Pen tool and the Freeform Pen tool)
are grouped together, as shown below, right.
Shape tools
2 When you select a tool, the Options bar displays new options, as
Drawing modes.
Line tool.
Create new
Shape layer.
Custom shapes
Apply style.
the options in the Options bar before you draw (because you
cant change these after youve drawn the shapes, as you can with
vectors). The options change depending on which tool you choose:
Shape: If you choose the Custom Shape tool, you can click here
can draw multiple shapes on the same layer, but remember that
once they overlap each other, changes are difficult and sometimes
impossible. (Youll have more flexibility if you draw each shape on
a separate layer.)
These three speech balloons (from the Shape
library using the Custom Shape tool; see pages
164165) are drawn on the same layer. I chose the
color, opacity, and mode before drawing each one.
Because they are pixel-based, I cannot change the
shapes at all, and changing the colors will be tricky.
I can, however, erase pixels or paint over them or
select pieces and move them. Anything you can do
to a photograph, you can do to these drawn pixels.
Photoshop created a new Shape layer in the Layers panel for you
that includes Color Fill and Vector Mask thumbnails (see page 164).
To change the fill color, double-click the Color Fill thumbnail in the
Layers panel. This opens a color picker; choose a color. Click ok.
To stroke (border) this shape, you have to rasterize the layer first
use the Freeform Pen tool. draw on the screen as if its a regular
pen; points and control handles are created automatically. Ultimately,
however, the regular Pen tool provides more precise control.
Once you learn to control the Pen tool and its points and handles, youll
find it extremely useful.
To make a curved path using a smooth point:
1 Curved lines come out of smooth points (although the tiny squares
look the same whether they are smooth points or corner points).
Dont click with the Pen tool, but press-and-drag. Youll see a control
handle pull out of the point where you started. The length and
direction of these control handles determine the paths curve.
curves by how far and in which direction you stretch the control
handles before you let go.
(As you draw a curved path with smooth points, you can switch
to creating a corner point: Single-click the next point instead of
dragging a handle out of it.)
3 To complete the path, single-click the first point in the path.
I used smooth
points to create
the path on the
left side of the star.
As mentioned on the previous page, you can switch back and forth
from creating corner points to smooth points as you draw.
You can also change the type of point you just created. For example, if
you dragged a handle out of a point to create a curve, but now you
want the path to change directions abruptly from that smooth point
to the next point, do this:
Hold down the Option key (PC: Alt key) and single-click the existing
point that has handles coming from it (circled below).
This changes the identity of the point from a smooth point to a hybrid
point. The path still curves gracefully into that point, but the
control handle exiting out of the point to control the next segment
is gone. The next point you click makes the path come straight out
of that point, instead of curving out. This means you can adjust
the control handles on the curved segment without affecting the
line coming out from that point. (That sounds confusing, but
experiment with it and youll get used to it.)
Press-and-drag to create
smooth points, then
Option-click (PC: Alt-click)
the last-drawn point to
change it to a corner point.
A good exercise:
To move or modify points in a path after the path is completed, use the path
Selection tools. Use the white arrow, the Direct Selection tool, to select and
manipulate individual points and lines. Use the Path Selection tool, the black
arrow, to select, manipulate, move, and delete the entire group of points as
an object. Experiment with paths and points until you feel comfortable.
Hold down the Shift key after selecting the first point, then click on
additional points, or press-and-drag around the line to select points.
To deselect a point, hold down the Shift key and single-click on it
(the black arrow). This lets you move the entire path as an object,
apply transformations, delete the entire path all at once, etc.
To change a point from a corner point to a smooth point, get the
Convert Point tool (its under the Pen tool). Press-and-drag a point.
To toggle between the Path Selection tool (black arrow) and the
Direct Selection tool (white arrow), hold down the Command key
(PC: Control key). Let go to keep the current tool.
To fill a shape with color and add a stroke (outline), see page 160.
You can change the fill (inside) color, or you can fill the shape with a gradient
or a pattern, edit the shapes vector mask to modify the shape, or apply layer
styles to the layer. You can come back next year and make all these changes
because it is a vector object (as opposed to a raster object).
To experiment, use the Custom Shape tool to create a Shape layer.
1 Select the Custom Shape tool from the Tools panel. As soon as
you select the tool, the Options bar displays the Shape options,
as shown below.
2 In the Options bar, single-click the Shape layers drawing mode.
3 In the Options bar, single-click the Create new shape layer icon.
4 Single-click the Custom shapes icon to open its panel (next page).
Shape layers.
5 Choose a custom shape to draw with. If you dont see a shape you
want, click the small triangle in the top-right corner of the panel
to append (add) other Shape libraries to the panel.
6 From the Options bar, choose a style (if you want one) and color.
Custom shapes.
Click to choose other
Shape libraries and append
them to this panel.
Shape layer.
A new Shape layer is created for every shape you draw unless you
choose one of the other options to the right of the Create new shape
layer icon. These include Add to shape area, Subtract from shape area,
Intersect shape areas, and Exclude overlapping shape areas. Experiment
with how they interact as you create shapes on top of each other.
the layer (see the callout above) to select it. Now click the Color
swatch in the Options bar and select a color. You can also change
the style. To deselect the vector mask, click its thumbnail again.
To reshape the object, select the vector mask. Choose the Direct
Selection tool (the white arrow). Click on the object to make the
points and handles appear, then drag them (see pages 161163).
To move all shapes on the layer, select the Move tool (V) and drag.
To move individual shapes, choose the Path Selection tool (the black
the Color Fill
thumbnail to open
the Color Picker
Or make sure the vector mask thumbnail is selected (as shown on page 164),
then choose a style from the Options bar (also on page 164). Click the
tiny triangle in the Styles panel to add even more options.
from the Tools panel to make changes to the shapes vector path:
To display the points and curve handles,
point (or vice versa), click the point with the Convert Point tool.
Shape layer.
2 Open the Paths panel. Click the Load path as a selection button (below,
left). The path in the main window turns into a marching ants selection
(as shown below, right).
Load path as
a selection.
3 Still in the Paths panel, click the Make work path from selection button
4 Back in the Layers panel, create a new layer below the selected Shape
Make sure the Work Path layer is selected in the Paths panel.
8 At the bottom of the Paths panel, click the Stroke path with brush
Painting mode.
Airbrush mode.
From the Brush Preset picker (shown below), adjust the size of the
brush and its hardness (a soft edge is feathery; a hard edge is solid).
Check out the other brush tips you can choose from this panel. You
can paint grass, leaves, patterns, and much more. If you dont see extra
brush tips, click the triangle in the upper-right corner and add more.
Append more brush tips or replace the existing ones.
Size and Hardness sliders.
a color from the Color Picker, or select a color from the Swatches
panel. (See Chapter 11 for details about color.)
3 In the Options bar, click the Brush Preset picker to choose a brush
Resize brushes
Because so many tasks in Photoshop require frequent adjustments of the
brush tools, its helpful to know several different ways to change the brush
size or hardness/feather on the fly.
To reduce the brush size, tap the left bracket [ on the keyboard.
To enlarge the brush size, tap the right bracket ].
To give the brush a softer edge, press Shift [ . This softens the brush
the Brush panel button in the Options bar, or the panels Dock,
or from the Window menu, choose Brush.
2 In the Brush panel (below, left), choose a Brush Tip Shape;
a preview appears in the pane at the bottom of the panel (below, left).
3 To load other preset brush shapes, click the Brush Presets button
Brush settings.
Be sure to click
the name
(not just the
checkbox) so the
settings for that
tip are displayed.
texture controls on the right side of the panel. (Dont just check the
boxmake sure you click on its name to display the options.)
4 Click the texture/pattern swatch to reveal a pop-up panel of textures
or patterns. Click one of the swatches to select it, or click the small
triangle button to select from a list of other textures and patterns.
As you experiment with various settings, the preview updates to show
the results of your brush modifications.
Secrets of a Monastery
a brush tip selected, click Dual Brush, then select a second brush tip
from the presets that appear on the right side of the panel.
Color Dynamics adjusts color variations of a stroke, based on current
For instance, the Fade control looks at the paint opacity setting in
the Options bar and fades it from there down to 0.
Noise adds noise (speckles) to soft brush tips that contain gray values.
Wet Edges simulates paint build-up along brush
stroke edges.
Airbrush simulates soft, sprayed airbrush brush strokes.
Smoothing creates smoother brush strokes.
Protect Texture applies the same pattern and scale to all brush presets
panel when Brush Tip Shape is selected at the top of the left
column. Increase the Spacing value to add space
between the basic elements of a brush tip and
create spacey brush strokes.
Load brush
after each stroke.
Load or clean your brush: The Load brush after each stroke button
loads the color that was under the brush tip at the end of the
previous stroke. The Clean brush after each stroke button loads the
color that is under the brush tip at the start of the next brush stroke.
Current brush load: Click the triangle next to the color swatch and
choose Load Brush to load the foreground color. If you want to keep
the foreground color loaded, click the Load brush after each stroke.
Or choose Clean Brush to clear the brush of color.
Mixer Brush presets menu: Dry, Moist, Wet, Very Wet, etc. To
modify the chosen preset, use the controls to the right of that menu:
Wet determines how much paint the Mixer Brush picks up from
lower number makes the brush stroke run out of paint more quickly.
Mix determines how much foreground color is mixed in with the
options and settings. In most cases, click Clean the brush after each
stroke button to keep from contaminating colors too much.
4 Drag the Mixer Brush in an image to paint.
A photo customized
with the Mixer Brush.
If you choose to paint on an image, duplicate the image layer and work
on the duplicate to preserve the original. You can paint on the duplicate
and easily make new duplicates from the original as you experiment with
various brush settings.
For video.
Overlay is a preview
of the clone source.
Set the clone opacity.
either rgb or cmyk). Separate them so they are not in the single tab
(drag the title bar of one photo away from the tab until it separates).
Select Aligned to make the Clone tool remember the brush tip position at the end of your
last stroke, and continue from there when you start the next brush stroke. When Aligned
is deselected, each brush stroke starts at the original position of the selected clone source.
6 Set a clone source: Position the Clone Stamp brush tool over a part
To set additional clone sources, first select one of the other clone
Tip: For some projects, you might want to make a selection of the area in which
Ending point.
Photoshops color creation and selection tools are enough
to make design survivors from the pre-digital world
weep with joy. When we first saw the Eyedropper tool in
Photoshop 1.0, we said, Even if thats all it does, I gotta
have it. Now we can work with color in a variety of fun
and powerful ways.
Photoshops color tools enable you to select from color
swatches, create custom colors, select color from an
image, select a color library from an impressive list of
libraries, create your own custom color library, match
colors between images, and exchange color libraries with
InDesign and Illustrator. Theres even a special Kuler TM
panel for downloading color libraries from the Internet
(see page 190).
In this chapter we cover the basic tools and operations
you should know to create, select, and apply color in
your documents.
The HUD color picker is just one of the color selection tools you
can use. On the left is the Hue Strip version of the color picker; on
the right is the Hue Strip version (seep page 188).
Pick a color
Whether you want to fill a shape or layer, change the color of type, or fill a
brush with a specific hue, use one of these methods to pick a color.
the Tools panel. Often it is critical that you recognize which box is
chosen, so look carefully at the illustrations below.
choices with other tools! if you ever use a keyboard shortcut expecting, say, the
Foreground color box in the Tools panel to change color, but it changes the
Background color box instead, thats because the Background color box in this
Colors panel is selected. its really annoying. get in the habit of tapping the d
key to make sure the Foreground color box in the Color panel is selected.
To create cmyk colors or rgb colors, open the panel menu (shown
below) and choose the color sliders you need.
To ensure that you dont create colors out of the proper gamut,
make sure the spectrum matches the slider mode, as shown below.
its variations in the large preview pane on the left. Then click in
the preview pane to choose a shade or tint of the hue; your chosen
color appears in the new preview box.
3 Click Add to Swatches to add that particular color to the Swatches
Hue Wheel
Hue Strip
and hold down the cursor in the center of the image area.
The hud Color Picker appears. Let go of the modifier keys,
but continue to press down.
2 Still pressing down, drag the circular selection shape to the outer
ring of the Hue Wheel or to the vertical bar in the Hue Strip;
drag around or up and down to select a color hue.
3 Still pressing down, drag the selection shape back to the square
and select a shade or tint of the color hue. The top-right corner
represents pure color.
4 Release the cursor. The Hue Wheel or Strip disappears and the
appears. Inside the ring, the top half-ring of color is the current
color selection in the pixel sampled by the Eyedropper; as you move
the Eyedropper around the image, that color changes. The bottom
half-ring is the previous color selection.
When the top half displays a color you want, click and that color is
loaded into the foreground or background (whichever you chose).
Sampling Ring.
Tip: You can invoke the eyedropper sampling ring on the fly while youre painting
with a brush: Make sure the Foreground color swatch is selected in the Color
panel (not the Tool panel), and make sure show sampling ring is chosen as in
step 2, above. While painting, option-click (PC: Alt-click) on the image to get
the eyedropper sampling ring. Let go, and your brush is loaded with the new color.
When you open the Kuler panel, it connects via the Internet to collections
of color themes created by an online community of designers and artists.
If youre not confident in your color sensibilities or in choosing color
combinations that go well together, youll find lots of different color themes
that professional designers have created for you.
1 Open the Kuler panel: From the Window menu,
Match color
You sometimes have to work with photos that have different color casts. If
the photos are supposed to look similar, the different casts can be distracting
or look amateurish.
Instead of experimenting with settings for Hue/Saturation and Color Balance,
try Photoshops Match Color feature.
1 Open both images in Photoshop, then choose the target image,
Source image.
Target image.
In multilayered files, you can choose the layer you want to adjust.
To base the color adjustment on specific color areas in the source
Filters &
Filters can alter an images appearance in many ways.
Using filters, you can transform your images with
textures, special effects, artistic effects, distortion, blurs
of various kinds, sharpness, lens corrections, lighting
effects, and much more. The possibilities are dizzying,
especially when you consider that most filters provide
many adjustment options.
Before you apply a filter to a layer, you can first convert
the layer into a Smart Object layer. When you apply a
filter to a Smart Object layer, the filter becomes a Smart
Filter, a non-destructive editing layer that preserves the
original image. When you use Smart Filters, you can
modify filter settings (or disable the filter) at any time
after youve applied them. Its a very smart and efficient
way to work.
1 2 : f i lt e r s & e f f e c t s
Filter Gallery
Some filters can only be applied to rgb files, so if the filter you want to use
wont work because your image is in cmyk mode, go to the Image menu and
choose Mode > rgb Color. Also, keep in mind that an images resolution
can affect the appearance of some filters resultsa higher resolution usually
produces a more refined result. We often increase an images resolution before
we apply certain filters, then reduce the resolution (see page 70).
To use the filters and effects from the Filter Gallery:
1 Select a layer in the Layers panel to which you want to apply a filter
shown below, with the selected layer content in the preview pane.
Thumbnails pane.
filters here,
or from the
Effects layers.
right side of the dialog. The filter is added to the effects layers list
in the bottom-right corner. Each filter you choose will replace the
existing one in the list until you click the New effect layer button,
then it gets added and the effects affect each other.
Add as many effects as you want.
Click the eyeball icon to turn the effect on or off.
The stacking order of effects layers can affect the image results, so
1 2 : f i lt e r s & e f f e c t s
Glowing Edges.
Poster Edges.
Grain Vertical.
Torn Edges.
Artistic filters
The Artistic filters create painterly effects.
Some effects that may not immediately
appeal to you with their default settings
can look very different when you experiment with the adjustment sliders. The
Watercolor filter is shown on the left.
Blur filters
There are several different types of blur filters. The most commonly used
is the Gaussian Blur to slightly soften the image. Another favorite is
Surface Blur, which attempts to keep edges sharp while blurring between
edges; use it to improve a low-resolution image that has lots of noise and
graininess, as shown below.
Original image.
1 2 : f i lt e r s & e f f e c t s
Noise filters
Noise is random or orderly color or
Pixelate filters
The Pixelate filters can simulate halftone patterns or translate images into
blocks of color or different kinds of dot patterns, such as the Mezzotint
filter, shown below-left, and the Mosaic filter, below-right. (There is a
completely different Mosaic Tiles filter under Texture.)
1 2 : f i lt e r s & e f f e c t s
Render filters
The Render filters create cloud patterns and simulated light reflections.
They are also useful with 3d techniques, which we dont cover in this book.
This Lens Flare filter simulates the flares
that different types of camera lenses create.
Sharpen filters
Unsharp Mask and Smart Sharpen are
the most effective filters in this category.
Unsharp Mask (left) adjusts the contrast
of edge detail. Smart Sharpen provides
more control, letting you set the amount
of sharpening separately for shadows and
Sketch filters
The Sketch filters add texture and create
a fine art or hand-drawn look. Many of
the filters, such as the Stamp filter shown
here, use the current foreground and
background colors.
1 2 : f i lt e r s & e f f e c t s
Remember, however, that a filter applied to low-res image might have a more
intense result than the same filter applied to a high-res image.
1 2 : f i lt e r s & e f f e c t s
(the filter name, not the layer name), then choose Delete
Smart Filter.
Or drag the individual Smart Filter layer to the Trash icon at the
(the filter name, not the layer name), then choose Disable
Smart Filter.
Or in the Layers panel, click the Eyeball icon next to the Filter
Mask thumbnail (which will delete all the Smart Filters in that
collection) or next to an individual Smart Filter name.
1 2 : f i lt e r s & e f f e c t s
Tip: The first item in the Filter menu shows the most recent filter applied.
If you choose the recent filter that appears as the first item in the Filter
menu, it applies the same filter settings as the last time it was used.
As a shortcut to open the filter dialog, Option-click (PC: Alt-click)
the recent filter name at the top of the Filter menu (which is the last
filter you used). This opens the filter dialog so you can modify the
settings, instead of applying the filter with the previous settings.
Lens Correction
Two types of lens distortion are common with cameras: Barrel distortion
(straight lines bow out toward the edges, like a barrel) and Pincushion distortion
(straight lines bend inward toward the center). The Lens Correction filter
corrects both types, and more.
1 Open an image that needs correction (usually something with straight
Remove barrel
or pincushion
vertical or
1 2 : f i lt e r s & e f f e c t s
2 In the Auto Correction pane, you can choose the camera model
and lens type that you used to shoot the photo, and let the default
settings take care of correcting the image.
3 If you dont know the camera information, click the Custom tab.
1 2 : f i lt e r s & e f f e c t s
image that you dont want to change. This is only necessary if your
brush size overlaps areas that you dont want to affect.
To erase the Freeze Mask when youre done, use the Thaw Mask tool.
4 Choose one of the liquify tools from the panel on the left side, then
drag in the preview pane to distort the image. I used the Forward
Warp tool in the example below.
5 Use the Reconstruct tool from the Tool panel to paint the changes
brush (lower number) does not impact the image as much as a hard edge.
Brush Pressure sets the impact of distortion when you drag a tool in the
tool stationary in the preview area. Drag just a wee bit, then hold the tool still.
See page 41 for another example of how to use this filter for retouching.
Experiment with
the various tools
and settings.
To make the brush
larger, press ].
To make the brush
smaller, press [.
1 2 : f i lt e r s & e f f e c t s
Vanishing Point
Vanishing Point lets you create a perspective plane mesh on top of an image.
When you retouch or clone on top of the perspective plane, the edits are
scaled and oriented to the plane in perspective. For instance, you might
want to extend a brick patio into the background of a photo, or cover the
side of a house with wood planks. Vanishing Point enables you do that, in
perspective. To keep the perspective plane information in a document (to
use later), save the document in psd, tiff, or jpeg format.
The example shown below just barely scratches the surface of what can be
done in Vanishing Point, but it demonstrates how this feature can overcome
certain complex retouching challenges.
(selected by default) to click in the preview area and set the four
corners of a rectangle that
will define the perspective
plane surface. The opacity
of the image below is
lightened so you can see
the perspective plane
clearly (right).
To add a plane, select the
1 2 : f i lt e r s & e f f e c t s
5 To protect other parts of the image from being altered, select the
Many of todays cameras can be set to shoot photos in
what is called Camera Raw. Raw is not a format itself, but
refers to a myriad of camera-specific formats that capture
uncompressed image data, retaining much more color and
luminance information than other formats, such as tiff
or jpeg. With raw photos you can manipulate and adjust
images in ways not possible with compressed formats.
While some adjustments in Camera Raw, such as
noise reduction and lens correction, are also available
in Photoshops Filter menu, the Camera Raw method
provides more control, preserves the original, and allows
you to store the adjustments separately.
Many of the Camera Raw adjustments in Photoshop
work not only with raw photos, but also with jpeg
and tiff formats. Some of the original data in jpegs
and tiffs, however, is deleted in the camera during
the compression process, so some adustments have
There are several different raw formats; in the unlikely
event that you need to work with images in a format
that is not supported by Photoshop, visit the Adobe web
site and search for dng Converter. The dng (Digital
Negative) Converter converts other raw formats to the
dng format, which is compatible with Photoshop and
other Adobe applications.
Bridge icon
to open the Bridge application.
Select a photo, then click the Open in Camera Raw icon
in the Options bar. It opens in the Camera Raw interface.
Double-click a raw image anywhere on your computer. Raw
Choose an
Camera Raw
Save changes,
select a file format.
Apply changes,
close the Camera
Raw dialog.
(shown below) that are located below the Histogram (shown on the previous
page). Hover the cursor over an icon to show a tool tip description of the
item; click an icon to display its controls. Some specific examples and
exercises are on the following pages, but spend some time experimenting.
The toolbox
The toolbox provides a collection of tools for editing the image in the preview.
Zoom tool: Enlarge or reduce the preview.
Hand tool: Drag in the preview area to reposition an enlarged image.
White Balance tool: Click on a tonal value in the preview to adjust
menu, then choose the type of adjustment you want to make. Click
on the preview to sample a range of pixels, then drag horizontally
to modify the pixels that fall within the sampled range. See page 210
for an example.
Crop tool: Crop the image.
Straighten tool: Press and drag to align the drawn line with a feature
slider (if necessary), then drag a rectangle that covers the entire eye
and part of the face. The tool will only remove the red color.
Adjustment Brush tool: Paint effects on the image that can be
adjusted after you apply them. See page 211 for an example.
Graduated Filter: Place one or more gradations over an image to affect
Noise Reduction
Unless a camera is set to shoot in a raw (uncompressed) format, a photo
will have some degree of compression applied to it in the camera, which
creates noise. Noise appears as unwanted texture, artifacts, and odd-colored
pixels in the image. The example below shows an image that was originally
scanned at a low resolution and saved as a jpeg. We can fix that.
1 Open an image in Camera Raw (see page 206).
2 In the Camera Raw dialog, single-click the Detail icon.
3 In the Noise Reduction section, give Luminance a high setting,
and give Luminance Detail a low setting. See the example below.
4 In the Noise Reduction section, drag the Color slider to the right
to remove color noise. Drag the Color Detail slider to the right to
recover edge detail, if necessary.
5 Drag the Luminance Contrast slider right to enhance edge contrast.
Lens Correction
Use Camera Raws Lens Correction tools to fix common lens distortions such
as barrel and pincushion distortion. Also use these tools to fix the even more
common vertical or horizontal distortion, as shown in the example below.
1 Open an image in Camera Raw (see page 206).
2 In the Camera Raw dialog, click the Lens Corrections icon.
3 In the Lens Corrections panel that opens,
tool menu (shown below-right); select the type of settings you want
to adjust.
Hue: Adjust the colors.
Parametric Curve: Adjust highlights,
Adjustment tool left or right in the preview to adjust the hue of the
sampled pixels. Youll see the sliders on the right adjust as you drag.
4 Save the file as described in Step 6 on page 208.
Press and drag the tool left or right in the preview to modify
the selected settings (the Hue, in this example).
the brush effect confined to specific areas. If the effect spills over
into an unwanted area, select Erase and paint out the spill-over.
4 Adjust the sliders to settings you want to paint with. Dont worry
Brush effects
Brush settings.
Adjustment Pin.
Feathered brush.
Delete effects.
the File menu, choose Place. Select a raw image file, then click Place.
See pages 111113 about working with Smart Objects.
Overexposure warning
When adjusting exposure or brightness in Camera Raw, you can enable a
highlight clipping warning that will highlight overexposed areas as red. A
shadow clipping warning will highlight shadows that are too dense for a
printer to duplicate as blue. You can see the warning effects, below-left.
To turn the warnings on or off, click the triangles at the top left and right
Puppet Warp is a distortion tool that provides an
amazing amount of control in manipulating an image.
You can literally treat images or objects on a layer (not a
Background layer) like a puppet and bend them to suit
your needs. You can protect areas from being affected by
the warp, and you can even overlap parts of an image on
top of another part of the same image, as in the example
shown below (on the right).
Puppet Warp is useful not only for radical warping, as
shown below, but also for all sorts of retouching projects,
such as shaping the folds of a blouse, modifying a hair
style, trimming a few inches from a waistline, etc. Use
this warping technique to fix camera distortions, create
unusual effects, or enhance a smile.
Elements on a transparent layer, such as the sock puppet
below, are especially easy to manipulate since they have
no background distortion to deal with.
This border
is the mesh
Selected pin.
5 Select a pin (press on it) and drag it to warp the mesh, as shown
below, left. If parts of the image move that shouldnt, Undo (choose
Edit > Undo), then add pins to the area that you need to anchor.
You might want to edit the original image in a non-warp way, yet have those
changes appear in your Puppet Warp. To edit the original Smart Object
image after youve applied Puppet Warp:
1 Commit the Puppet Warp adjustment: Press Enter or Return.
2 Double-click the Smart Object layer thumbnail. The original,
Unharmed original.
The photo above-left is not distorted, its just a house with lots of character.
Puppet Warp, above-right, makes it look more stable for online buyers.
Camera Raw
what is it? 205
add depth to whites, 21
Adjustment brush to adjust individual areas, 211
Adjustments panels in, 207
alter colors, saturation, luminance, grayscale, 2425
interface in which photos open, 206
noise reduction, 208
open any file in Camera Raw, 206
open a raw image as a Smart Object, 212
overexposure warning in, 212
Red Eye tool in, 59
tools in, explained, 207
cancel an operation, 84, 86
Canvas Size, change it, 34
Catt family, 84
chain link icon in Layers panel, 97
Channels, example of using, 33
Character panel, 118
Charcoal filter example, 194
checkerboard grid (transparency), 149, 150
Ciatti, Ces and Shannon, 36
create a perfect circle shape, 73
make one and fill it with color, 156
clip adjustment to a layer, 106107
Clipping Mask, put an image inside of text, 45
Clone Stamp tool
how to use it, 179181
clean up a photo with, 58
clone in perspective, 203204
Clone Source panel, 179180
remove or add an element with, 58
set complex clone source options, 179
set its brush options, 170173
cloud patterns, how to create, 197
cmyk color mode,
use cmyk for print projects, 69
change mode in Color panel, 187
Color Balance panel in Adjustment Layer, 139
Color Fill thumbnail, 164165
Color panel, 186187
warning in Color panel, out of gamut, 187
Color Replacement tool, 52
alter colors
adjust areas separately in Camera Raw, 211
Hue/Saturation Adjustment layer, 5051
hue, saturation, luminance, grayscale, 2425
Background color box, 2, 8
fill it with the Color Replacement eyedropper, 53
fill it with the Eyedropper tool, 189
change color mode, 69, 187
what is cmyk? 69
change Color panel mode in Color panel, 187
change document color mode, 69
proper color mode for print graphics, 187
Color Balance panel in Adjustment Layer, 139
color channels and bit depth, 69
color combinations, use the Kuler panel, 190
colorize line art, 6465
colorize photographs, 5054
hand-tint a photo, 66
color pickers
Adobe Color Picker, 187
Color panel, 186187
Eyedropper tool, 189
hud color picker, 188
Kuler panel, 190
desaturate the color
in a selection, 73
in spots with the Sponge tool, 63
on the whole layer, 5051
dull colors, juice them up, 3031, 63
Eyedropper tool to choose colors, 189
falloff adjustment, 51
Foreground color box, 2, 8, 52
fill it with the Eyedropper tool, 189
gamut, 187
grayscale color mode, 69
Hue/Saturation adjustments
change colors in a photo, 2223
create a fake duotone, 54
modify color in a photo, 5051
keyboard shortcuts for color arent working, 53
Kuler panel for color combinations, 190
match colors in different images, 192
modes, change them, 187
replace all similar colors in an image
replace the color of all text on a certain layer, 120
with Color Fill of a vector shape, 166
with Color Replacement tool, 5253
with Target Adjustment tool in Camera Raw,
2425, 210
with the Paint Bucket, 157
with the Selective Color panel, 147
what is rgb? 69
change color mode in Color panel, 187
deselect a selection
falloff, re color, 51
faux bold or italic fonts, 118
add feather after a selection is drawn, 76
change the brush feather (softness) on the fly
or with a keyboard shortcut, 172
example of a feathered brush tip, 172
feather the edge of a selection, 76
preview the soft edge, 77
feet and inches, dont use quotation marks, 121
fields, tips for entering values in, 9
file formats to save as, 69
file size
change it by changing resolution, 70
check document information field, 2
decrease the file size by flattening layers, 114
fill a shape
Content-Aware fill, 27
Fill pixels mode, 159
fill single row/column lines, 74
special effects with fill settings, 153
transparent background
fill shape with the Background color, 153
fill shape with the Foreground color, 153
with the Background color, 156
with the Foreground color, 156
Fill pixels mode of drawing, 159
Filter Gallery
how to use it, 194
quick experiment with, 43
examples of filters in, 195197
examples of filters in use, 195197
Filter Gallery, how to use it, 194
resolution affects the filter effect, 68
Smart Filters for Smart Objects, 113, 198199
finger grips, 6
flatten layers, 114
Flow of any brush tool, 171
Foreground color box
color pickers and, 186189
choose color with Eyedropper tool, 189
in Tools panel, 2, 8
make sure its selected (tap D), 53, 186
text types in this color, 120
Freeform Pen tool, 159162
freehand shapes
with Freeform Pen tool to select or draw, 161
with Lasso tool to select, 74
Free Transform
applies to a layer, 8687
extend a photo, 3435
lose some weight, 39
rotate or resize a layer, 87
Freeze Mask tool with the Liquify filter, 41, 202
frog with red eyes, 59
full screen, make image display in, 7
fx symbol on a layer, 102103
Hamlet, 117
hand-tint a photo, 66
Hand tool to enlarge the image, 12
hang the punctuation, 121
hdr, High Dynamic Range, 69
highlights, adjust them, 31
how to use a histogram, 31
Levels adjustment, 16, 137
History panel for multiple Undos, 127132
revert state in, 132
Holbein woodcut, 64
hover to display tool tips, 9
hud color picker, 188
Hue/Saturation adjustments, 2223, 5051
create a fake duotone, 54
add a file from Illustrator to Photoshop, 4647
share color swatches with Photoshop, 191
vector files, 68
paths in Photoshop carry over to InDesign, 81
share color swatches with Photoshop, 191
jpeg files
Lasso tools
where are they? 72
Lasso tool for freehand selections, 74
Magnetic Lasso tool snaps to edge, 75
Polygonal Lasso tool for complex paths, 75
Layer Comps, 110
Layer Masks, 108109.
See also mask areas to protect them
layers and the Layers panel, 92114
overview of, 9293
Adjustment Layers
how to use them, 106107, 133148
what are they? why use them? 136137
Adjustment panel and settings, 134135
Brightness/Contrast panel, 138
Levels panel, 137
target layer in, 134, 136
Auto-Select a layer, 96
Background layer, 94
change it to a regular layer, 81, 94
is not transparent, 149150
opacity of, 154
Blending Modes
what are they? 98
where is its menu? 93
changing layers changes the mode, 101
colorize an image, 64
cycle through the options, 98
group of layers has its own Blending Mode, 101
hand-tint a photo, 66
clip layers together, 106107, 135136
color code your layers, 102
comps, create them from layers, 110
copy the current layer, 96
delete a layer, 94
drop an image into a Photoshop document, 95
drop shadows, how to create, 102103, 105
duplicate a layer in another document, 96
fields, tips for entering values in, 9
flatten layers, 114
fx symbol on a layer, 102103
group layers into Group folders, 101
hide individual layers, 99
icon for Layers panel, 3, 92
icons in layers
chain link icon on layer, 97
downward-pointing bent arrow in layer, 107
eyeball icon next to layer, 99
fx symbol, 103104
icon in bottom-right thumbnail on a layer,
Smart Object, 95, 111
icons at bottom of panel, 93
lock icons, 94, 151152
triangle on right end of layer, 103
Layer Comps, 110
Layer Masks, how to use them, 108109
layer styles
Layer Styles
how to use them, 102105
quick overview, 4647
add Layer Styles to text, 123
convert to an image layer, 105
delete a Layer Style, 103
special effects with Fills, 153
Styles panel, use with Layer Styles, 104
link layers together, 97
menu of options, 93
merge certain layers, 99
Stamp Visible, 100
new layers, how to create them, 95
new layer from other layers, 100
non-destructive editing of layers
use Adjustment Layers, 106107, 133148
use Layer Styles, 102105
use Smart Filters, 198199
use Smart Objects, 111113
Opacity slider
where is it? 93
use the scrubby slider to change the Opacity, 9
organize layers
into Groups, 101
link layers together, 97
with color coding, 102
reorder the layers, 95
select a layer; shortcut, 96
Shape layers, 165
show or hide individual layers, 99
Smart Filters for Smart Objects, 113, 198199
Smart Objects
how to use them, 111113, 198199
drop an image onto a canvas, 95
Stamp Visible, 100
delete a thumbnail, 109
regular layer thumbnail, 92
view thumbnails larger or smaller, 114
Adjustment Layer thumbnails, 107, 136137
Color Fill thumbnail, 164165
Layer Mask thumbnail, 109, 136, 148
Smart Filter mask thumbnail, 113, 198199
Smart Object thumbnail, 95
Vector Mask thumbnail, 164165, 168169
transparency on layers, 149154
type is always on its own layer, 115, 116
unlink linked layers, 97
visibility of layers, turn it on or off, 99
lens corrections
crop in perspective, 85
in Camera Raw, 209
with Lens Correction filter, 200201
Lens Flare filter, 197
of Brush Presets, 173
of color, 191
of Layer Styles, 104
of patterns, 184
of Shapes, 164165
Lighting Effects filter, 197
draw lines with Shape tools, 164165
single row/column with strokes and fills, 74
Liquify filter
how to use it, 202
lose some weight with, 41
restore distorted areas to their previous states, 131
use it on text, 42
lock icon in a layer, 94, 151152
lose some weight 3941
low-resolution images
reduce noise and artifacts in, 195, 208
work in low-res as Smart Object,
replace with high-res, 198
what is it? 196
add or reduce noise with a filter, 196
noise reduction in Camera Raw, 208
Noise filters, 196
non-destructive editing
with Adjustment Layers, 106107, 133148
with Layer Styles, 102104
with Smart Filters, 198199
with Smart Objects, 111113, 198199
on-screen viewing
color mode to use, 69
file format for, 69
resolution for, 68
how to change it, 70
what is it? 93, 171
how to change the value of, 9, 93, 109
use the scrubby slider to change the Opacity, 9
Option key
change Cancel button to Reset, 25, 209
change point on a path, 162
clip Adjustment Layers together, 107
copy Layer Style, 47, 104
create a shape from the center, 73
subtract from a selection, 61, 78
Options bar
where is it? 2
importance of, 13
anti-aliasing, what is it? 79, 119
Auto-Select, 96
Cancel button, 83, 84
clear all settings, 82
Commit button, check mark, 83, 84
Content-Aware, 15
Contiguous checkbox, 79
drawing options, 158
eyedropper icons in, 5253
fields, tips for entering values in, 9
Mixer brush options, 176
Refine Edge of selections, 77
selection options (add to, subtract from, etc.), 74
Shape layers icon in, 160
Tolerance settings, 52, 79
type options in, 119, 124
Width and Height fields, 82
orangutan, 14
original image, preserve it, 177
Othello, xii
oval, make one and fill it with color, 156
painting in Photoshop
brush tools and settings, 170175. See also brushes
Mixer Brush for painterly effect, 176177
Paint Bucket tool, 157
painterly effects with filters, 194197
paint with the Clone Stamp tool, 179181
paint with a gradient, 182183
paint with a pattern, 184
paint without affecting the background area, 151
finger grips, 6
hide or show all panels, 4
individual panels
Adjustments panel, 106107, 134
Black & White panel, 145
Brightness/Contrast panel, 138
Brush panel, 173
Brush Presets panel, 173
Camera Raw Adjustments panel, 207
Channel Mixer panel, 143
Character panel, 118, 126
Clone Source panel, 179
Color Balance panel, 139
Color panel, 186
Custom Shapes panel, 164165
Exposure panel, 138
Gradient Map panel, 146
History panel, 128132
Hue/Saturation panel, 140142
Invert panel, 145, 146
Kuler panel, 190
Layer Comps panel, 110
Layers panel, 9295
Lens Corrections panel, 209
Levels Adjustment panel, 135
Paragraph panel, 119, 121122
Paths panel, 8081, 125, 168169
Photo Filter panel, 144
Posterize panel, 144
Selective Color panel, 147
Styles panel, 104105
Swatches panel, 190191
Tools panel, 8, 72
Vibrance panel, 139
manage panels
(group, dock, collapse, stack, etc.), 36
panel menu, 4
panorama photo, 62
Paragraph panel, 119
whats a path? 160
close the path, 75
make a selection from a path, 80
Paths panel, 80
set text along a path, 124125
stroke a path, 168
raster images
what are they? 68
raster stroke on a vector shape, 168169
raster vs. vector, 68, 122, 159, 164
when to rasterize the type, 123
Rectangular Marquee tool
where is it? 9
how to use it, 73
make a shape and fill it with color, 156
red eye, get rid of it
in Camera Raw interface, 207
in Photoshop, 59
Redo command, 132
reduce or magnify the view, 1112
Refine Edges of a selection, 77
remove unwanted stuff from an image
reduce noise and artifacts from a low-res image,
195, 208
with Pen tool selections, 2829
with the Clone Stamp tool, 58
Render filters, 197
reset all settings in a dialog box, 25
resize a photo without cropping, 3233
resize a selected element, 87, 88
resize brushes of any sort, 37
resize the canvas, 34, 70
change the resolution of the document, 70
difference in filters applied to low/high res images,
print resolution
300 ppi, 68
300 ppi example, 67, 70
raster vs. vector, 68
resize resolution when cropping, 82
screen resolution
72 ppi, 68
72 ppi example, 67, 70
work on low-res Smart Objects, replace with
high res, 198
reset settings, 25
to the last time you saved the file, 132
smart quotes
rgb color mode
what is rgb? 69
sampling pixels
what does sample mean? 58
eyedropper icons in Options bar, 5253
sampling ring with the Eyedropper tool, 189
Saturation adjustments
what is saturation? 139
Hue/Saturation Adjustment layer, 2223, 5051, 54
saturate in spots, 63
Vibrance and Saturation sliders, 31, 139
scale (resize)
Content-Aware Scale (resize without cropping), 32
scale a selected element, 87, 88
scratches and dust
remove with Clone Stamp tool, 58
remove with Spot Healing Brush, 15
screen images
resolution for, 68, 82
Screen Modes, 7
scrubby slider, 9, 118
add feather after a selection is drawn, 76
close the path, 75
deselect a selection, 72, 86
freehand shapes, use Lasso tool, 74
invert the selection, 56
marching ants indicate selected area, 77, 156
modify a drawn selection, add to or delete from,
rounded corners indicate a feather applied, 76
select similar colors in the image, 79
select the inverse of the selection area, 81
tools for making selections, 72
tabbed windows, 2
separate the windows, 2, 44
Targeted Adjustment tool
in Camera Raw, 2526, 207, 210
in the Hue/Saturation Adjustment layer, 2223
text. See type
Thaw Mask tool, 202
Thornton, Elizabeth, 98, 113
tiff files
flattened tiff holds perspective information,
save files in tiff format for print, 69
save with transparency, 154
tint an image or photo, 63, 143
Tolerance settings for Color Replacement tool, 52
Tollett family
Booda, 21
James Tollett, 16
John Tollett, 16
Lois McAtee Tollett, 15
Tool Preset picker, 169
Tools panel
where is it? 2
find hidden tools, 8
key to select a tool, 9
overview of, 89
triangles in corners, 2, 8
tool tips, 9
Torn Edges filter example, 195
transform elements
change the perspective illusion, 89
distort a selection, 89
drop shadow adjustment, 105
extend a photo, 3435
link layers together to transform a combination
of elements, 97
lose some weight, 39
skew a selection, 88
Transform commands in Edit menu, 8690, 167
transform vector shapes, 167
warp a selection, 90
what is it? 150151
hide the checkerboard, 150
save tiffs with transparency, 154
transparent pixels
lock them, 151152
unlock them, 94
brush icon shows up on my canvas when I paint, 173
controls dont work when I choose a tool in a panel, 174
crosshairs in image, cant do anything, 95
cursor for my tool is too big/small, 171
filter wont apply, 194
guides wont go exactly where I want them
(turn off Smart Guides), 11
I have a dozen empty type layers, 116
image is bitmappy, pixelated, 68, 195, 208
keyboard shortcuts for color arent working, 53
menu bars disappeared (change screen mode), 7
photo is too wide, but I dont want to crop it, 3233
ruler uses wrong measurement units, 10
text typed right off the page, 116
what font did I use? 115
X through my image and I cant do anything, 95
how to set type in Photoshop, 116117
alignment (flush left, center, etc.), 119
anti-aliasing, 119
apply effects and styles to text, 122123
baseline, what is it? 116
bounding box, how to control it, 117
Character panel and how to use it, 118
color, choose or change it, 118119, 120
curly quotes, 121
curved line, set text along it, 124
Undo, 132
use the History panel for multiple Undos, 128
Unsharp Mask filter, 197
warning symbol
in Adobe Color Picker, 187
in Color panel, 187
warp a selection, 90
Watercolor filter, 195
web safe color warning, 187
white arrow tool (Direct Selection tool), 163, 165
white color, make detail show up in, 21
white point, set it in the Levels pane, 137
Williams family
Pauline Williams, 13, 66
Ryan Williams, 5557, 107, 177, 178
Jimmy Thomas, 55, 150
Scarlett Williams, 5557, 107, 150
Shannon Williams Ciatti, 3637
Ces Ciatti, 36
Lydia Alice Beeson Catt, 84
Riley Adkins Catt, 84
Serena Pickering Catt, 84
Solomon Catt, 84
Pumpkin, 192, 209
Rosetta, 120, 179, 181, 192, 209
windows in Photoshop (canvases)
separate the windows, 2, 44
window tabs, 2
woodcut images, colorize, 6465
workspace switcher
where is it? 3
create, delete, and reset a workspace, 7
Essentials panel collection, 5
wrinkles, remove them, 19, 58
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