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AJC Tutorial

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Anderson Junior College

2009 JC1 H1 Physics Tutorial


If I am anything, which I highly doubt, I have made

myself so by hard work.
Isaac Newton


Self-attempt questions
Please attend online MCQ in IVLE within two weeks after the last lecture.
Tutorial Questions
1. The force constant k of a spring is the constant of proportionality in the Hookes law relation T = ke
between tension T and extension e.

A spring A of force constant 6 N m-1 is connected in series with a spring B of force constant 3 Nm-1,
as shown in the figure. One end of the combination is securely anchored and a force of 0.6 N is
applied to the other end.
(a) By how much does each spring extend?
(b) What is the total extension of the combination?
(c) What is the force constant of the combination?
2. A spring is extended by 30 mm when a force of 1.5 N is applied to it.
(a) If the spring is unstretched initially, calculate the energy stored in the spring when it is hanging
vertically and supporting a mass of 0.2 kg.
(b) Calculate the loss in gravitational potential energy of the mass.
(c) Explain why these two values differ.

A rod of length 1 m has non-uniform compositions, so that the centre of gravity is not at its
geometrical centre. The rod is laid on supports across two top-pan balances and it is horizontal as
shown in the diagram. The balances (previously set at zero) give readings of 360 g and 240 g.
Where is the centre of gravity of the rod relative to its geometrical centre?

360 grams


240 grams

Calculate the force F applied horizontally at the axle of the wheel in order to just raise the wheel
over an obstacle of height 1 cm. The radius and weight of the wheel are 5 cm and 20 N respectively.

5. A cable car travels along a fixed support cable and is pulled along this cable by a moving
draw cable.
1 cm

For the situation shown, where the cable car can be considered as stationary and the draw cable
exerts negligible force on it, the weight, W, of the cable car and passengers is 8.0 104 N.
(a) Sketch a vector triangle to show the weight, W, of the cable car and the passengers and T1 and
T2, the two forces which the support cable exerts on the cable car.
(b) Either from scaled diagram, or by calculation, find the magnitude of T1 and T2.
6. The foot of a uniform ladder is on a rough horizontal ground, and the top rests against a smooth
vertical wall. The weight of the ladder is 400 N, and a man weighing 800 N stands on the ladder
one-quarter of its length from the bottom. If the inclination of the ladder to the horizontal is 30 o,
calculate the contact force (a) at the wall and (b) at the ground.
7. (a)

A rectangular block of wood of cross sectional area of A and thickness t floats horizontally in
a liquid. The block floats when its lower face is at a depth d in the liquid of density . The
block experiences a force F on its lower surface as a result of immersion in the liquid.
(i) State the direction of the force F.
(ii) Show that the force F is related to the volume V of liquid displaced by the expression
F = Vg.


A fishermans buoy is held submerged in sea water by a rope anchored to the sea bed as
shown in the figure below. The buoy has volume 6.5 10-2 m3 and mass 6.0 kg. The mass of the
rope may be neglected.

Sea bed

(i) The expression in (a)(ii) can be used to calculate the force F, known as the upthrust, on the
submerged buoy. The density of sea water is 1.03 103 kg m-3. Calculate the value of F.
(ii) Show that the tension in the rope is 600 N.
Thinking Questions

Can a person really lie down on a bed of nails? Why?


Is it easier or harder to move an object up and down on Moon compared to Earth? What about
moving an object sideways on Moon compared to Earth?


A man comes up to a bridge that can just support his weight and one of the four balls he is
carrying. He decides to juggle as he crosses so that only one ball will be in his hands at any one
time. What do you think of his solution?

T* Questions

When an object of mass 2.3 kg falls in air, the air resistance F is given by the equation F kv 2 ,
where v is the velocity of the object and k has the value of 0.042 Ns2m-2.
(a) Explain why the object eventually falls with a uniform velocity.
(b) Calculate the terminal velocity of the object.


The figure below shows part of the force diagram for the spine of a person bending over, with
the back horizontal.

The spine is considered as a rod pivoted at its base. The various muscles of the back are
equivalent to a single muscle producing a force T as shown. W is the force that the upper part of
the body exerts on the spine.
(a) Explain why, for equilibrium, the value of T is large (typically several times of W).
(b) For equilibrium, a force P at the pivot is necessary. Draw a triangle of forces to show the
equilibrium of the spine under the action of forces T, W and P. Comment on the size of P
relative to W.


(a) Define density and pressure.

(b) Use the definitions in (a) to derive p gh for the pressure p at a depth h in a fluid of
density .
(c) Se the answer in (b) and the figure below to explain why any object submerged in water is
easier to lift than when not submerged.

Challenging Question

Four identical uniform bricks, each of length L, are put on top of one another in such a way that
part of each extends beyond the one beneath. Find, in terms of L, the maximum values of a, b, c
and d, such that the stack is in equilibrium.

1. (a) State and explain which box requires a smaller force to lift it? (b) Which box requires less work
to raise 1 metre where Work = Force Distance moved in direction of Force?

1. 0.1 m, 0.2 m, 0.3 m, 2 N m-1 2. 3.8 10-2 J; 7.7 10-2 J 3. 0.1 m to the left of geometrical center 4. 15 N 5.
1.36 kN, 80 kN 6. 693 N perpendicular to the wall, 1390 N 30 to true vertical 7. 660 N 8. 5.1 cm 9*. 23.2 ms-1
Challenging Qn: L/2, L/4, L/6, L/8

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