Aliner Kits
Aliner Kits
Aliner Kits
Review our kit offerings and accessories described below. I can usually send them out within one
business day. Periodically check our website for updated RV information
Select what you want to buy (see info below the red dotted line). Then submit your payment:
A) If we are home (not camping) were able to accept checks, otherwise, while camping, we
accept payment only via PayPal*. We prefer to not receive cash. *You may open a PayPal
account or use your credit card via PayPal. If you want to pay by check, call first
B) Go to and enter our email address: and make
payment as if transferring money to a friend, not placing an order with a business. The rest is
self-explanatory. Be sure to enter your exact mailing address including zip code. Be sure
to also indicate on the PayPal page all items you are ordering. Its important that you
send duplicate order info to my email address (see underlined above) as a back-up in case
there's a discrepancy from PayPal data. It just ensures that the order gets to you in a timely
manner.Please also include your phone # so I can call if theres a question about your order.
C) Check out our new Thrifty-Combo discounts. When you buy multiple products you can save
$$ on shipping costs. See specific details in the Thrifty-Combo section of this document.
If you have questions about products, pricing, payment, shipping, etc. feel free to phone me at
352-572-8421 (cell) Mon-Sat 9am-9pm, Sun 2-9pm. If I am out of cell phone range leave a message
with a return phone number, the best time of day to call, and indicate your time zone.
Im looking forward to your order.
Chris Mendola
Our products are arranged in categories that determine extra savings you can gain by combining kits & products
together in the same order thereby saving on shipping. (Thrifty-Combo is explained again later in this document.)
Category A kits & products include: High Wind kit, Long-Body High Wind kit, Fridge Vent Door
kit, and A-Wall Pole kit.
Category B kits & products include: Water Heater Door Latch kit, Thin-Skin pop rivets, and
stainless steel battery post wing nuts.
The LONG-BODY HIGH WIND KIT is the same basic kit except it contains several more parts
necessary for Aliners late-model long Expedition and long Ranger models. To determine if you
need this kit look carefully at the two latches (one per side) that hold the roof panels down during
transport. If the roof latch on the left side of the roof extrusion is very close to the rear edge of the
front (upper) roof panel, and the latch on the right roof panel is farther forward than the left latch, then
you need the Long-Body High Wind Kit. If the roof latches are located at the same distance front-torear, you need the regular High Wind kit. Both kits provide the same level of high wind protection but
are custom-matched to the different latch location. The Long-Body High Wind Kit containing the
necessary extra parts & different directions is $16 plus the same $6 S&H in the USA).
latches are at
distances from
front of trailer
latches are
from front
of trailer
A-Frame Folding Trailer Accessories Our FRIDGE VENT DOOR KIT provides secure latching
of your exterior refrigerator vent doors, eliminates the loss of
your exterior vent doors due to weak, broken plastic clips,
and also makes removal and replacement easy for your
hands. If your Dometic 3-way refrigerator has two plastic
doors that require removal for you to flip switches to change
from 120-volt AC electric current (plug-in) to 12-volt DC
electric current (battery) or LP power, then you must open &
close these vent covers each time you change the power
settings. Again, stainless steel, nickel-plated and treated
steel parts mean the highest quality coupled with easy-tofollow directions (no drilling needed, just screw together).
This kit sells for $13, plus $6 S&H in the USA.
they easily pull out and various glues succumb to the elements. Then I discovered these special
pop rivets that work great on both interior & exterior surfaces of trailers
made of laminated metal/fiberglass+foam board+interior paneling. These
thin-skin rivets have three legs that spread out almost like those popular
wall anchors. You cant find these pop rivets in hardware stores as theyre a
special-order item and you usually have to buy 200-300 of them. Several
fellow campers said they wanted me to offer them for sale, so Thin Skin
Pop Rivets work with any pop rivet gun capable of handling a 3/16 diameter
pop rivet. They can hold items weighing up to 2 pounds on the exterior of
your camper. Typical items youd fasten are: latches to hold cargo doors in
place, patch plates over holes made during accidents, and other uses where
the hung item wont weigh more than 2 pounds. Adding more pop rivets will
raise the weight potential. Thin Skin Pop Rivets are 50 each or 10 for $5
(S&H $6 up to 40 rivets). And if you include them at the same time with any
Category A order we wont charge additional shipping (up to 30 rivets)!
Ordering procedure
1. Determine the quantities of each product(s) you plan to buy.
2. How do you want to pay? By personal check or via PayPal? (You can use your regular credit card
and pay via PayPal. Go to for instructions. PayPal is a secure site and makes
orders go much faster.) Follow the procedure to pay an individual, not pay a company. Enter our
email address
3. If you are buying just one single item:
a. Calculate the price & S&H charges.
b. Send payment via PayPal using your PayPal account or your credit card via Or
send payment via a personal check to: Chris Mendola, 4404 SE 47th Place, Ocala, FL 34480,
and make your check payable to: Chris Mendola
4. If you are buying more than a single item we recommend our Thrifty-Combos to save $$. (All
Thrifty Combo items must be on the same order at the same time.)
a. Determine the categories & quantities for each of the products you wish to purchase.
b. If you buy any 1 item from Category A you pay the sale price for that item plus $5 S&H (total
S&H) plus (optional) you may buy up to one item from Category B and get free shipping for that
Category B item.
c. If you buy any 2 items from Category A you pay the sale price for each item plus $5 S&H
(total S&H), saving you $5 on S&H for the second item, plus (optional) you may buy up to two
items from Category B and get free shipping for those two Category B items.
d. If you buy any 3 items from Category A you pay the sale price for each item plus $8 S&H (you
save $7 on S&H) plus (optional) you may buy up to three items from Category B and get free
shipping for those Category B items.
e. If you buy any 4 items from Category A you pay the sale price for each item plus $10 S&H
(you save $15 on S&H) plus (optional) you may buy up to four items from Category B and get
free shipping for those Category B items.
f. If you buy any 5 items from Category A youll pay the sale price for each item plus $12 S&H
(you save $13 on S&H) plus (optional) you may buy up to five items from Category B and get
free shipping for those Category B items.
Note: Additional charges are required for shipping to Canada and other foreign countries.
Category A items include: High Wind kit, Long-Body High Wind kit, Fridge Vent Door kit,
A-Wall Pole kit.
How to get Category B items with free shipping
5. If you order one or more Category A items with Thrifty-Combo S&H, you can also include
Category B items with free shipping for those Category B items. Check details above (#4).
Category B items include: Water Heater Door Latch kit,
and stainless steel battery post wing nuts.