How To Secure Steel Coils
How To Secure Steel Coils
How To Secure Steel Coils
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How to secure steel coils.doc
Hapag-Lloyd AG
to the outward position, close to the container side walls. Additional beddings below the
middle of the coils are not a requirement from the container owner, but can be added.
Example1: coil weight: 7650kg, c=65cm Result: a=160cm, b= (160-65cm)/2=48cm
square .timber 160x10x10cm possible.
Example2: coil weight: 9960kg, c=75cm Result: a=208cm, b= (208-75cm)/2=67cm
square .timber 210x15x15cm possible.
3. Blocking
Task of the blocking is to prevent sliding of coils in length and athwart direction. It needs
to be taken in account, that the door can not take any force and the container walls are
very soft. Thus the blocking is to be spread over a large surface and in the lowest
possible height.
Blocking to the side: Timber
(a) already there from the
cradle, see chapter 2. Then
two pieces (b) to be placed
between (c) and (a), with a
distance in between as wide
as possible. To keep all
pieces (b) and (c) in the
same height, min. 4 pieces
supports (d) to be placed
below and nailed together. It
is important that (b) do not
touch the containers side
Side view:
Blocking in length direction to be placed against athwart timber (e) on which the coil rest.
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How to secure steel coils.doc
Hapag-Lloyd AG
Both pieces (f) need to be placed between (e) and (g), all in the same height. Best to lay
pieces (f) on the bedding and put the timber (g) on top of supports (h) with the same
height as the bedding. Square timber (g) to be set with its ends into the corrugated side
walls of the container.
Blocking between 2 coils simple to be done with two pieces (f) between (e) of each coil.
Blocking to end wall of the container can be done with (g) fixed into the corrugated side
walls or touching the end wall over the full width, same pattern as blocking to the side (c).
There are special requirements for rail shipment. A stronger blocking in length direction
is required by the rail companies. To place a timber (g) in between the corrugated
sidewalls is not accepted. Therefore the blocking is to be set against the corner posts
and end wall of the container and into the recess of the corner post at the door side.
Top view at container door:
Container wall
Strong timber
Thin timber fits into the
Recess at corner post
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How to secure steel coils.doc
Hapag-Lloyd AG
4. Lashing
Aim of the lashing is to secure against tipping. The height on which the lashing is fixed to
the coil is usually below the middle. Therefore it is only workable when the coils are
blocked in floor height as well. The lashing of each coil needs to be done by 4 lashings.
Each starts and ends on the same point. As lashing material can be used best steel
straps, but also nylon belts with edge protections or steel wires.
Top view
Front view
As the lashing eyes of a container can take only 1-2t, the strength of lashing material
need not more than 2t.
5. Example
Here you can see one
picture of good securing a
steel coil with eye to the
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How to secure steel coils.doc
Hapag-Lloyd AG
Finally the coil is to be secured by 4 nylon belts, each from each corner, like a closed
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How to secure steel coils.doc