This is a station where you should ask the examiner first if the patient is stable (she is)
Mona noticed pv bleeding about 2 days ago, not very heavy, using 3-4 pads in last 24 hours, no
clots, mild, dull supra pubic pains. Similar to her periods which have been always irregular between
every 4 and 6 weeks for 4-5 days,. No pain. Her last period was 8 weeks ago. She is sexually active,
has been in a stable relationship for 3 years, they use condoms as contraception and she does not
think she could be pregnant but is not sure. No nausea and vomiting.
O+G Hx: menarche at age 13, always irregular periods between 4 and 6 weeks, normal bleeding,
no pains. No pregnancies. Has had regular pap smear tests, last one 6 months ago (normal).
No previous PID.
PHx.: unremarkable, especially no bleeding disorder, no symptoms of PCOS (acne, facial hair etc.).
FHx.: unremarkable
SHx.: social worker in a steady relationship, non smoker, non drinker, NKA, no
Examination: Well looking woman, normal vital signs. Abdominal examination normal,
Genital area on inspection normal, pv speculum normal cervix with os closed, slight
bleeding. Bimanual examination reveals slight cervical tenderness, the uterus is slightly
enlarged consistent with 6 weeks pregnancy, the adnexae appear normal.
Investigations (no results available yet):
Beta HCG pregnancy test (positive!)
Blood group and Rh typing
Transvaginal ultrasound
Coag profile
Diagnosis and differentials: vaginal bleeding after 8 weeks amenorrhoea:
1. ?normal delayed period
2. ? pregnancy, if beta HCG positive
Normal pregnancy (?will I lose my baby? - would she like to have a
Ectopic (u/s)
Threatened or complete miscarriage
4. Unlikely PID
Management (depending on investigation results:
1. If normal but very delayed period referral to a specialist for regularisation of her
periods might be worthwhile
2. If beta HCG positive:
Normal pregnancy: if she wants to keep the baby, the pregnancy could
Ectopic: medical (methotrexate) or laparoscipic surgical treatment
Threatened or complete miscarriage (U/S!): reassurance
However, in Monas situation she should be referred to hospital for possible admission!