Properly spaced review of information can keep recall constantly high over time. A graph shows how recall remains high when reviews of information are spaced out over time rather than crammed right before a test. The text on the opposite page likely provides more details and explanation regarding the graph and concept of spaced review keeping recall high.
Properly spaced review of information can keep recall constantly high over time. A graph shows how recall remains high when reviews of information are spaced out over time rather than crammed right before a test. The text on the opposite page likely provides more details and explanation regarding the graph and concept of spaced review keeping recall high.
Properly spaced review of information can keep recall constantly high over time. A graph shows how recall remains high when reviews of information are spaced out over time rather than crammed right before a test. The text on the opposite page likely provides more details and explanation regarding the graph and concept of spaced review keeping recall high.
Properly spaced review of information can keep recall constantly high over time. A graph shows how recall remains high when reviews of information are spaced out over time rather than crammed right before a test. The text on the opposite page likely provides more details and explanation regarding the graph and concept of spaced review keeping recall high.