Syllabus Nccer Welding I
Syllabus Nccer Welding I
Syllabus Nccer Welding I
All Students will take a comprehensive written safety test and pass it with 100% accuracy, before
any lab work can take place. This test will be given within the first two weeks of school.
All school system drug and substance abuse policies will be enforced to their fullest extent.
1. All students will wear safety glasses while in the lab area.
2. Earplugs will be used when necessary, this means if a student has to talk above his or her normal voice
when grinding or using hammers, earplugs are required.
3. Face shields will be required for all grinding tasks. No exceptions.
4. At a minimum, students are required to have 100% cotton long-sleeved shirts if welding or burning.
5. Work gloves will be used while the student is in the lab. Please keep in mind, gloves are not required
while using a drill or other rotating hand tools or equipment.
6. Horseplay and harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.
7. Sturdy leather work shoes/boots are required while in the lab. Steel-toe shoes/boots are preferred.
Lab Rules
1. All students will meet in the classroom each day for roll call, once roll has been taken, the students may
be dismissed to the lab.
2. Students should only take 5-8 minutes to dress out and be in their work area.
3. Students may be assigned a work area in the lab, and a desk in the classroom. Students will only use his
or her assigned area or classroom desk.
4. Any student, who arrives after the tardy bell, will be required to have a late arrival slip before entering
5. No student will be allowed to leave class before the bell rings, nor linger outside the shop doors.
6. No student will be allowed outside the shop unless he or she has permission from the instructor.
7. Students will have 5-8 minutes at the end of each block/period to clean up and dress-out before the bell
8. Each student will be responsible for the cleaning and upkeep of his or her work area.
9. Horseplay of any kind will not be tolerated!
Classroom Rules
1. Students must raise their hand to be recognized.
2. Students requesting to go to the restroom, need only raise their hand to be excused.
3. Students will stay in their assigned seat until class is over.
4. No student will be allowed to sleep in class.
5. No student will toss or throw items in the classroom or lab.
6. No student will sit on top of any desk.
7. Students will not write on the dry erase board without permission from the instructor.
8. Students will not write in their assigned books.
9. Students will not write on any written test, unless the instructor gives prior permission. All tests must be
turned returned to the instructor. No tests will leave the classroom. Answer sheets will be distributed for
students use and record keeping.
10. No student will put his or her feet on a desk or walls for any reason.
11. All student information required on the answer sheet must be filled out properly.
12. Any student filling out paper work will be required to print the information legibly, if not, 10 points will
be taken off the students test.
13. Female students will be allowed to use main building restrooms.
14. Students will not leave throwaway items at his or her desk, i.e., paper, drink bottles, paper wrappers, etc.
15. No head phones or other electronic devices will be allowed in the classroom or lab.
Parents: In the rare case a student receives a minor burn in the lab, will it be okay to apply
BURNJELPLUS ointment to the burn. If there are any questions about this please feel free to call me
at 931-703-6302.
I have read and understand the expectations and rules pertaining to my participation in this elective.
Student Name: _______________________________________
Student Signature: ____________________________________
Date: ____________________
Date: ____________________
Daytime Phone # ________________________
E-mail _________________________________